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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 62 KB, 800x676, d2_coverus-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8171918 No.8171918 [Reply] [Original]

what is / vr / 's opinion on this?

>> No.8171932
File: 25 KB, 293x298, 784kmm597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I love me small jap devs but hate Wave. I wouldn't give them the time of day, money, or lip service. Stupid devs stupid games.

debate, me I don't care

>> No.8171937

there's literally no other small japanese devs
>inb4 he thinks enix games are hidden gems

>> No.8171956

>there's literally no other small japanese devs

>> No.8171968

Yeah dude you're a real hipster for liking atelier

>> No.8171969

I want to give Laura the D.

>> No.8171976
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>> No.8172063
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Interesting game, even if it could fit on one disc instead of 4 given how small the world actually is. Some characters were pretty good, but it felt rushed and the ending is an absolute let-down.

I still think about the real D2 that's lost forever yet looked so nice :(

>> No.8172324
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That's a fallacy

>> No.8172460
File: 111 KB, 480x604, B049D8B2-7999-4AB7-81C6-67C6BDA18AD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite Dreamcast games. The snow mountain location is so comfy. It’s fun to go around hunting animals. The plot gets a little cheesy but the game is weird enough to over that for me. Been thinking of replaying it recently.

>> No.8172470
File: 135 KB, 477x597, B012F651-B3C5-4F7B-8664-D9ACD96E1D7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8172525

RIP Kenji Eno.

>> No.8174346

Waaay too weird for me.

>> No.8175040

>I want to give Laura the D.

Interesting thing about Laura and all of the other characters in D2. kenji Eno was doing a conceptual thing amongst all of his games where he would have 'digital actors' Like Laura is a digital actress playing different characters in D, EO and D2. Also, other character models in D2 appear in games like Enemy Zero as well, but they play as different characters.

>> No.8175053
File: 15 KB, 480x360, ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he was ahead of his time with that. I remember Square tried to kick that off years later with the shite Final Fantasy film. It never went anywhere. I could see it making a resurgence as a concept soon though. China debuted an AI generated news anchor a couple of years ago. Still looked uncanny valley as fuck but it won't be long until we start seeing digital celebrities. Something like pic related.

>> No.8175102


>> No.8175194
File: 445 KB, 1132x329, d2eo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's an example between Enemy Zero and D2. Laura is a digital actress, and she is playing different characters in each game (who are both named Laura). The black girl 'model' is another virtual actress. Playing a different character in each game. I guess the idea would be that WARP would have a stock of re-usable character models that would be like "actors" that could be repurposed in different games.

>> No.8175210

Yeah I remember them making a fairly big deal out of it at the time.

>> No.8175213

This seems like the most elaborate made up lie to cover up the fact they just want to reuse assets, but honestly they put so much work into the idea I'll give them a pass.

>> No.8175224

Not an argument.

>> No.8175478

This isn't college. You won't get good-goy points for umbrella terms

>> No.8175721

why do you have to be such a tranny about it

>> No.8175997

Eno is an overrated hack who never made a good game. That said, I love the atmosphere in D2.

>> No.8178493

>This seems like the most elaborate made up lie to cover up the fact they just want to reuse assets, but honestly they put so much work into the idea I'll give them a pass.

It's an interesting concept. But yeah, not a bad idea to reuse assets. I use to be confused with these games. Was Laura the same character in D, E0 and D2? I did also read about the 'virtual actor' thing later.

>> No.8178506
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also. Kenji Eno said somewhere that the original D's Dinner for the 3DO was rendered entirely with an Amiga... or multiple Amigas.

>> No.8178564

I have to give Eno credit for releasing his first game on a console that like 4 people owned in japan

>> No.8178568

Again, not an argument.

>> No.8178623

>I have to give Eno credit for releasing his first game on a console that like 4 people owned in japan

The first time I have played D was on the PC. Same with Enemy Zero. I think both of those are on GOG and Steam still? I have never touched the 3DO version. I have played Enemy Zero through Saturn emulation. I had D2 for the Dreamcast. But lost it. Never completed it. Can't get it to work on emulation, because of a disc swapping issue? I couldn't get past the first disc. The survival aspect is interesting, and the game seems like a 3rd person 3D, with a weird 'on-rails' element when in interiors. It plays like E0. I wanted to play it to the end.

>> No.8178764
File: 169 KB, 778x949, Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think both of those are on GOG and Steam still?
I have to correct myself. Enemy Zero is not on GOG or Steam. Only D is. Enemy Zero was released on PC, and I forgot that it was published by Sega.. The ISO can still be found on the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/enemyzeropc.. As for D2, it is a Dreamcast exclusive game.

>> No.8178781

>sony fucked me, I'm only releasing my games on Sega consoles from now on!


>> No.8178985

I am so pissed that I finished the first disc and the game froze on the second's intro.

Not only do you have a boss fight, you have loads of unskippable cutscenes and no between disc saves. I was so upset I stopped playing.

And of course there's no trying to buy a replacement disc these days, so I got a deadweight DC game in my collection.

>> No.8179039

>A question is not an argument

>> No.8179079

The blonde bitch is quite fuckable

>> No.8179149

I have this and Illbleed on my Halloween game list this year, never played them before

>> No.8179790

what are my best options for trying to play this on an emulator? I remember playing this on real hardware, back in the day, and visually. The game was pretty good looking for a Dreamcast game. The characters have pretty good lip syncing, models don't look bad for a game of its type, and I do like the Canadian Rocky environments (I was born in BC). Some of the indoor environments look good. The gameplay is an interesting mix of open-sand box, with random monster encounters, which lead to some weird gameplay combat. It almost plays like a light gun game. There is a hunting element, where you shoot animals with a hunting riffle and cook food. Walking around indoor environments almost play like a FMV style adventure game. Or like D or EO. Story is like The Thing, with these mutant tentacle plant creatures. It's an interesting take on survival horror.

>> No.8179826
File: 48 KB, 839x497, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember beating this game and seeing this and I felt like I no longer understood what this game was about.

>> No.8179886
File: 2.86 MB, 950x702, test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8179904
File: 2.99 MB, 950x702, d23.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8179917
File: 2.37 MB, 950x702, d224.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8179919

Are you sure your disc is fucked up?
Why don't you just burn an iso?

>> No.8179931

It works well with DEmul.

Please be patient with Illbleed, the first level is very unforgiving but it's the hardest one.

>> No.8180007

that monster design is absolute trash

>> No.8181019

>that monster design is absolute trash

They seem kind of randomised. But yeah, weird mix of people people zombified by plants.

>> No.8181071

You guys realize enemies in D2 have a weak point you should aim for, right?

>> No.8181356
File: 2.78 MB, 950x702, d2b1e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys realize enemies in D2 have a weak point you should aim for, right?

The enemy encounter sequence really does play like a light gun game. I don;t think D2 supports the light gun? Light a light gun game, you have to aim for weak points. The game was released in late 1999 in japan, and 2000 in NA. It was a pretty impressive looking Dreamcast game. The real time cinematics still look pretty good, and nicely animated. Silent Hill for the PS1 was released in the same year.

>> No.8181418
File: 1.55 MB, 950x702, d2cab.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8181459

what is the context?

>> No.8181889
File: 2.93 MB, 950x702, d2shv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the context?

I'm just recording some random footage of my playthrough using ReDream.

>> No.8181901

>I don;t think D2 supports the light gun?
Of course not.
>real time cinematics
You mean cutscenes.

>> No.8182242
File: 2.42 MB, 1270x722, d2elev.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8182801

How can you even play d2
It cost over $100.

>> No.8182816

No, the context of that scene. I've seen it posted to /v/ for years and years but never explained what. I looked through a playthrough and there was a lot of scenes in the cabin with thsoe two but couldn't find that exact scene. Is she a monster?

>> No.8182907

>No, the context of that scene. I've seen it posted to /v/ for years and years but never explained what. I looked through a playthrough and there was a lot of scenes in the cabin with thsoe two but couldn't find that exact scene. Is she a monster?

Oh. this scene happens really early in the game, right after you go to the stone cabin and return to the wood one. It's just a really neat camera angle from behind the glass.

>> No.8182963

So she's a monster or is she a good monster?

>> No.8183195

I use to think that until I realized it goes with the trippy aesthetic the game is trying have. The final boss is basically an acid trip and the monsters reflect that. Also the multiple eyes are there for obvious weak points to shoot.

>> No.8183210

She's not a monster. Yet. .

>> No.8183290

>You mean cutscenes.

Yes, of course. D2 is a large game, it has 4 GD-ROM discs. But the majority of cut scenes are rendered in the game engine. Which was quite impressive for a 1999 release. Shenmue also was released in the same month too. The real time cutscenes were really impressive for D2. The character lip sync animation was done really well. One of the best looking console games of 1999. I think it looks better than Code Veronica in some ways.

>> No.8183476

D2 is just paying homage to John Carpenter's The Thing with its setting and creature design, in the same way that Enemy Zero did the same with Alien, and D, in turn, with Gothic horror and the attendant Dracula mythos. All three of Laura's games take as their point of departure these sorts of intertextual citations. Laura herself is likely modeled on Twin Peaks' Laura Palmer, which had a popular following in Japan as well.

>> No.8183668

Bought it for 50 dollars 9 years ago.

>> No.8183675

Wish more people played this instead of the first one, it's underrated as fuck.

>> No.8184138

>Wish more people played this instead of the first one,

Not many people will ever play D2, to be honest. It was only ever released on the Dreamcast. never ported to PC. It can be emulated, but the disc swapping is an issue. I can't switch to the second disc using Redream. The original D (or D's Dinner? I dunno, I heard both names) was released on the 3DO, ported to the Saturn, PS1 and Windows PC? You can buy it on GOG and Steam. It is an easy game to get. Enemy Zero, was released only on the Saturn and Windows 9X PC. The PC port was never re-released. The Saturn game can be emulated pretty easily. The PC game can be found as "wares" on archive.org or whatever. D2 has a really limited audience. I'm sure the disc loading works fine on other emulators.

>> No.8184180

>I use to think that until I realized it goes with the trippy aesthetic the game is trying have.

D2 has one of the strangest battle systems I have ever seen. The 3D world does spawn random invisible enemies like a turn based RPG. The game pulls you into a battle sequence, but it plays like a light gun rail shooter. You get experience points for killing them. And then there is this secondary mechanic of using a hunting riffle to kill wildlife and cook their meat for health. I swear this game was meant to have light gun support. When you enter buildings, the game is "on rails". which is reminiscent of D2 and EO's pre-rendered environments. But D2 still is a survival horror game. It's a weird one. The Dreamcast has a few weird survival horror games.

>> No.8184193

Both are good.

>light gun rail shooter
>you can only turn around
Please stop with that wrong opinion of yours, it's like saying Enemy Zero was made with a mouse peripheral in mind because you have to input digicodes.

>> No.8184229
File: 3.19 MB, 3072x3112, DClightgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>light gun rail shooter
>>you can only turn around

It would have worked using the D-pad/ hat controls on the back of the official DC lightguns. I'm playing the game via emulation, and using a retrobit SN30 pro. This is the type of game that actually would work well with a Wii controller. Or just having a lightgun as a secondary device for the enemy encounters. Some of the boss battles seem like they could have come out of The House of the Dead series.

>> No.8184330 [DELETED] 

>Can't get it to work on emulation, because of a disc swapping issue?
There's an easy way to emulate change discs on a Dreamcast emulator on PC. It's clear you didn't really try, did you even look up a solution? (assuming you used NullDC.)

>> No.8184375

>Can't get it to work on emulation, because of a disc swapping issue?
There's an easy way to emulate change discs on a Dreamcast emulator on PC. It's clear you didn't really try, did you even look up a solution? (assuming you used NullDC.)

>> No.8184464

>(assuming you used NullDC.)

No, I am using ReDream. And ReDream doesn't seem to have any option for disc swapping. I just switched over to flycast on Retroarch. Which seems to work.