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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8177769 No.8177769 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite retro science fiction games?

Pic related, and also Oni.

>> No.8177774

Halo :^)

>> No.8178179

Oni is a fucking awful game and I say that as someone who used to casually speedrun it back in 2006

>> No.8178295

Raf World

>> No.8178297
File: 878 KB, 2301x1156, Anachronox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the few JRPGs that I like, and it isn't even Japanese.
Oni is a completely different experience with mods. Brutal AI gives enemies access to the player's full moveset, which makes the game far more difficult and exhilarating.

>> No.8178307 [DELETED] 

Ok tranny go dilate

>> No.8178325

I'm not a tranny, this was way back when regular autistic people did speedruns and I never ran another game since then

>> No.8179103
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ive been meaning to check out the other games ion storm made outside of deus ex, this has been on my list but i guess i didnt even realize it was jrpg inspired. jrpgs arent my favorite but if theres something unique or catches me about it i can get down. im curious what other jrpgs/ sci fi games you would recommend then?

mainly responding for recs and to bump the thread. ghost in the shell for psx can get pretty hard but its really fun and the soundtrack is a banger. ill also throw in parasite eve as another retro sci fi game off the top of my head.

>> No.8179138
File: 26 KB, 256x324, Alpha_Centauri_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best sci-fi game.

>> No.8179228


You should try Anachronox yes, but not because it's a good game. It's only okay as a game and is clearly unpolished and unfinished. But it's genuinely funny, its characters are fun, and it has a lot of love and effort put into it. Play it for that.

If you're bothered by slowness and waiting in JRPGs, make sure you get a bugfixed version that has a speedup button like emulators often provide, and use said function whenever necessary. That's what I played, anyway. I don't know what form the game is in if you buy it on GOG or wherever; I installed from an original disc.

>> No.8179231

I don't really understand this thread. Science fiction is a very very large category. Do you really want us to compare StarCraft, Unreal Tournament, and Contra?

>> No.8179906
File: 2.74 MB, 1914x712, Septerra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling Anarchronox a JRPG is honestly a bit reductionist. It's more of a 3D adventure game. You spend most of the time running around, interacting with the environment and NPCs, looking for secrets, solving puzzles, and playing the occasional minigame. The JRPG combat is the weakest aspect, but the western take on JRPG tropes is quite refreshing
Another cult classic western science-fiction JRPG is Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator. Strangely it was developed by Monolith Productions.