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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 215 KB, 800x805, 34867-dino-crisis-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8175074 No.8175074 [Reply] [Original]

I miss when great games just casually released.

>> No.8175120

Anon, that's only the demo disk of a great game.

>> No.8175414

First post and someone filtered already showed up. Truly one of the best PS1 games.

>> No.8175470

I'm a tranny with that same haircut also nobody played this game lol

>> No.8175753

Yeah anon, I miss when Capcom weren't pozzed either.

>> No.8175774

Post pic or I won't believe you.

>> No.8176004

The 80's and 90's were truly a magical time to be alive. Everything just kept getting better. Comics left the campy "for readers under 8" shit behind and moved onto plotlines that are still iconic today, cartoons finally broke out of their Hanna Barbera and Filmation induced cut&paste rut to quality animation by Disney and WB, movies went away from the party/teen flicks designed to appeal to hippies to sci-fi and action films, Don Bluth finally forced Disney to put effort into their animated movies again, and every single year brought in all kinds of new amazing games for consoles, PCs, and the new handheld consoles. Everything kept getting better and better. And your collection of the awesome things kept growing. Every year that shelf had more stuff you loved on it, and you knew without a doubt there was gonna be more next year.

Then in the early 2000's, suddenly everything shifted. Games that didn't sell millions were now failures, cartoons went ultra-simplified or anime, comics gave up on trying and just started rebooting or rehashing everything that was once successful, all movies have the same dialogue writers, and pretty much all animation is now CGI. Since games that didn't sell millions were considered failures, suddenly no dev wants to experiment around anymore, and now everyone plays follow the leader and just tries to make a copy of the most popular game currently being played. Hell of a world. I'm just glad there's still retro games I haven't even seen yet, otherwise I wouldn't have anything to look forward to.

>> No.8176548

Dino crisis is the only classic survival horror game that doesn't give you enough ammo to kill everything.

>> No.8176596

OP here, shit, wrong pic, meant to post something from my Speccy collection.
Second post and somebody already seething over an obvious troll post and talking about

>> No.8176794


>> No.8176798
File: 2.81 MB, 640x480, Dino Crisis Poison Darts_full.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dino crisis is the only classic survival horror game that doesn't give you enough ammo to kill everything.

The US version does

>> No.8176808

Besides, I dare you to try and kill everything in RE3 without resorting to the knife. Nemesis counts as parts of everything.

>> No.8176810

Most people run from nemesis ans end up with a ton of ammo

>> No.8177156

So, bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
And them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin', "This'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die"

>> No.8177159


>> No.8177237

70s cinema > 80s flicks

>> No.8177240

how is dino crisis 2 compared to 1?

>> No.8177268
File: 23 KB, 316x316, Dino_Crisis_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much more fun

>> No.8177982


>> No.8178131
File: 1.59 MB, 300x254, capture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's hilarious

>> No.8178312

calm down redditor

>> No.8178404

It's amazing

The single worst opinion ever expressed on this board

>> No.8178631

>that half assed Therizinosaurus design

>> No.8178679

>hardware rendering

>> No.8178692

You make the 80s and 90s sound like shit, faggot.
Fuck off with that garbage.

>> No.8180046

>The single worst opinion ever expressed on this board
not that anon but maybe he said that cause DN2 is a totally different game of what DN1 presented.

>> No.8180116

No, it's just a really boring game where you just pew pew dinosaurs that walk towards you.

>> No.8180995
File: 58 KB, 456x340, a4ec15bc-1af4-4599-8f26-5f6a1189c80e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That DN2 was made to kill dinos i get it but that the game is boring? why? this game has new locations, a variety of dinos, a full armory at your service, etc...

>> No.8181016

It's not fun to play a shooter where all the enemies are just targets.

>> No.8181584

It still hurts, feel like I was rugpulled by the entire media industry

>> No.8181628

You wouldn't know how many people actually played this game because you're a fucking zoomer tranny.

>> No.8182457

Played games at a friend's apartment with like ten or fifteen other people some nights in the mid to late 90s on the weekends. Sometimes we played D&D too. Had some amazing and hilarious moments I will never forget. Everything built up to the Matrix movie, we all went to see it multiple times. Then everyone moved away, got married, etc. I traveled across the US and to several different countries. Came back home about 5 years ago from South Korea/Japan. Ran into an old friend (the guy who lived in that apartment, he was an artist and musician who had drawn comics and Graphic Art, I have a degree in history) at a coffee shop one day. He had a daughter who was ten years old. He had married and divorced. We said hi and hugged and sat down. Next thing I said to him was: "So, how does it feel to have been young and lived through the greatest period of human entertainment there ever was and ever will be?" He started laughing hysterically. Turns out it was the best laugh he'd had since his divorce and his daughter had never seen him laugh so hard. It was like we'd picked up where we left off. We had years of stuff to pick apart while we were catching up. It was fun.

>> No.8182478

>Lion King and Aladdin are garbage
imagine being a misanthropic contrarian

>> No.8182501

RE2 > RE3 > RE1 >>> Dino Crisis

Haven't played DC2 yet.

>> No.8182614


We are at the end of history

>> No.8182661

This is the only nostalgic whining post I've seen on this board that doesn't devolve into /pol/ shit. Props for that. But your portrayal of pre-80s movies is wrong.

>> No.8182669

Ok, moved away from disaster and crime movies to sci fi and action films. Happy?

>> No.8182913
File: 105 KB, 512x512, maui_mallard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lion King is trash but Virgin's (fuck Crapcom's) Aladdin is good. Also don't forget based Maui Mallard.

>> No.8183351

Lets just say dino crisis 2 isnt better than any classic RE.

>> No.8183703

That's the point. Go ahead and kill Nemesis and see how far off you get in All Clear run. Nemesis is insane at eating through your resources if you're not used to fighting it.

>> No.8183705

That guy sucks at comboing.