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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 55 KB, 800x560, snes-console-super-mario-world-IMG_4794-800x560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8167123 No.8167123 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single fast game on this? Jesus.

>> No.8167129

Sonic 2

>> No.8167130


>> No.8167149

Cool photo. What are all the games? I see super metroid, goof troop, don kikon, kirby superstar, yoshi island, street fighter?

>> No.8167173

sunset riders

>> No.8167243

Super Smash TV
Donkey Kong Country 1-3
Bio Metal
Super Metroid
Speedy Gonzales

>> No.8167249

Super Metroid isn't fast.

>> No.8167253
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This is, dare I say, quite fast

>> No.8167287

SNES action games all feel like dashing into a wall of thick cushions. The cheap ricoh CPU was a mistake.

>> No.8167320


it is when running and dashing with the speed booster

>> No.8167397
File: 90 KB, 411x758, image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this thread was made just to bitch about the Super Nintendo, but we can turn it into something useful.

Picrel is Choujikuu Yousai Macross, japanese exclusive, but it's all in english (or, rather, engrish).

>> No.8167405

It actually wasn't, if we can find the fast games I'll be happy.

>> No.8167509

I'll take your good faith. But, for a parameter, tell us some fast games you like from other consoles, so we can see if there's something similar that we know of.

>> No.8167531

Australia-kun, do you have a fucking job?

>> No.8167536

The Megaman X series is far faster paced than going through scripted loop-de-loops as a ball and having the a normal walking acceleration of a boat.

>> No.8167571

Most "people" on 4chan don't have jobs.

>> No.8167586


This dude can't Shine Spark, lmao.

>> No.8167605

I like both, and no, it isn't.

>> No.8167612

Man, to be so easily amused that you get excited virtual roller coasters with no interactivity. I'm almost jealous.

>> No.8167618

Thanks, qt :*

>> No.8167627

Auster is old as fuck, he's probably living off social security.

>> No.8167638

The snes couldn't handle fast paced games. Anything fast or with multiple enemies of screen with brick the console. It's why it couldn't handle thunder force 4 or many others.

Mario is a slow shitty game for a reason

>> No.8167684


>> No.8167687

Press B.

>> No.8167698

The game was rushed heavily, and was a first for the console.
Not defending it, I'm just saying it's not the fault of the SNES that it's a shit game.

>> No.8167841

>still has slowdown and loading
Holy kek

>> No.8167867

The rings are impressive, usually Sonic 1 slows down on the Genesis in the event that this occurs.

>> No.8167957

>don kikon 3

>> No.8167968

Why are you faggots so obsessed with speed anyway? Do you all have ADHD?

>> No.8168014

It’s kind of funny how the SNES was better technically in every single factor compared to the Genesis but it just can’t make Sonic 1 look good on its hardware. The colours, the music, it all falls wrong compared to the twangy OG

>> No.8168023

Mojack whatever

>> No.8168035


Genesis apparently couldn't handle Thunder Force IV either, according to the slowdown-ridden gameplay I just saw on YouTube. It also clearly couldn't display enough colors simultaneously, or play enough sounds that differ strongly from chainsaw noise, to prevent the game from being quite ugly.

It's still probably quite fun to play. I assume it's more fun than, say, Rendering Ranger: R2. Speaking of which, check out stage 7 here, starting at 47:00: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl7D25I6yDc
It starts off slow. Keep watching. Ask yourself which aspects of this stage the Genesis could handle.

Anyway, I'd still rather try Thunder Force IV, or play the even more slowdown-ridden Gradius III for SNES. Slowdown isn't good but it's better than the tedium of a generally bland game. These old consoles both relied on some terrible, crappy hardware, and they both supported excellent games and bad games and in-between games.

>> No.8168040

Holy fucking cope

Are nintendo fags seriously this retarded?

>> No.8168061

You can thank China for that for unleashing their bioweapon on the world and shutting down the country's economy.

>> No.8168081


OP didn't say "fast movement". SimCity is a naturally slow-paced game that bogs down the SNES' weak CPU horribly once your city grows large, but it's still able to produce enjoyment at a fast pace. That is the kind of "fast" that matters.

Fast movement is often boring anyway. It works in F-Zero where you can see what's coming, and it works in Uniracers where you can remember what's coming (because it's a mostly lap-based racing game with that encourages retrying courses) and where there aren't a lot of monsters or death pits ready to stop your fun every time you make a mistake. It's fine as an occasionally used gimmick in games like Battletoads and Gradius. It's not really good in games like Sonic or Bubsy.

I like shooting out bullets fast in Alien Soldier or masturbating to orgasm fast while my Street Fighter game is paused during that one animation frame of Chun-Li's briefly exposed buttocks. Fast movement is not especially exciting, in general.

>> No.8168089


I take back everything I said, and I apologize. I made a terrible mistake trying to argue against your side in this important argument. Your side is just and correct and superior. Please allow me to write you into my will. Please allow me to serve you for the remainder of my life.

>> No.8168098

What the fuck, I came here to post that infamous Speedy Gonzales Sonic bootleg hack I used to own at the time to find actual Sonic on the SNES.
BTFO Processing.

>> No.8168108

Zool is pretty fast for a 2D platformer

>> No.8168112

TF4 also has a lot of stuff going on though, way more than the average Snezz shmup's "action" which are good for putting you to sleep.

>> No.8168120

Holy shit dude a Macross game I can play??????

>> No.8169240

Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel

Captcha: MARY0

>> No.8169589

why do people post their captchas

>> No.8169729

A pity this ability was never implemented well outside of when you acquire it.

>> No.8169752

You can get some interesting and relevant gets. I've gotten ONIONS and PS4.

>> No.8169928

With a 5 character captcha that doesn't use I or O?

>> No.8169932


>> No.8169961

If only there were other letters or numbers that could replicate those...

>> No.8170290

There's not enough characters to have it plural, and you don't get Is, lowercase Ls, or 1s
You could potentially get 0NE0N, but that's really reaching. It's easier to say he wasn't telling the truth.

>> No.8170302

wtf, at 55s when he gets it it's faster than the Genesis

>> No.8170315

Besides what >>8169752 said, there is always that paranoid guy who wants to prove he isn't a bot and solves the captcha himself.

>> No.8170321

Unfortunately, OP didn't provide a parameter, even when asked for it. We still don't know what is a "fast game" he's looking for. Is it scrolling speed? Gameplay speed? Reaction time speed?

>> No.8170434

OP, haven't you heard? The SNES only runs at 1/3rd the speed compared to ALL it's competitors.
The Mega Drive is 3 TIMES faster.
The PC Engine is 3 TIMES faster.
The Amiga? You guessed it, 3 TIMES faster.
It was simply too slow to handle games with the same sense of action and depth of gameplay as the other far superior hardware available at the time.

>> No.8170452

Rendering Ranger R2 is pretty fast at some points. It's quite the technical marvel.

>> No.8171616
File: 46 KB, 553x212, SmartSelect_20210923-185252_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It filters the word s.0y to onions

>> No.8171618

I can't tell if this is a troll, but I believe it

>> No.8171808


I remember playing this at my friend's place, genuinely thinking he might be an alien for having this. Fun though.

>> No.8172072

The saddest part about this experiment is that Uniracers was a GOOD game. Because it basically proved that the SNES has to strip away pretty much everything to have a game as fast as Sonic, it got funded excitedly in the attempt to make the claim, and then quickly swept under the rug when it looked embarrassing for the hardware in the end. But IT WAS ACTUALLY GOOD GODDAMN IT.

>> No.8172158

You do know the reason it got swept under the rug was because of a "copyright infringement" made by Pixar, right? Right? Please, don't delude.

>> No.8172396

>Ctrl+F sparkster
>No results
C'mon guys

>> No.8172794

>Thunder Force IV
You mean that slowdown mess?, there are way smoother shmups on the snes

>> No.8172798

cringe sneshate tranny

>> No.8172830

Sparkster is a great example, but I didn't mention it because OP never specified what he wanted for a fast game. See, Sparkster has its moments of slowdown, and I didn't want to cause any whining like "nooooo it's not like muh favorite console with 300+ fps". For that matter, I'd suggest something like Space Megaforce (Super Aleste) or the aforementioned Rendering Ranger.

>> No.8173268

Everyone of these wannabe revisionist SNES threads by a lonely Australian reek of desperation. It was fantastic, plenty of good games, it was popular, and the hype surrounding it is real. You are not going to convince anybody here that the childhood consoles they like, and thus their memories, are incorrect. Go get drunk and work this out of your system. It's old, and so are you. FFS.

>> No.8173270

Sounds like you're scared he might.

>> No.8173272

dude none of us here are old enough for the snes to be childhood

>> No.8173287

Sure, snowflake.

>> No.8173291


Get a load of this coomer.

>> No.8173296


>> No.8173303 [DELETED] 


>> No.8173305


Then you're delusionally retarded and underage. Get out.

>> No.8173317 [DELETED] 

You're closer to 40s than to 18.

>> No.8173323


Yes, and?

>> No.8173327 [DELETED] 

I mean oof

>> No.8173339


What kind of range did you expect to find in this board?

>> No.8173435

You do realize 4chan has been around for nearly 20 years now, right? I've been here since I was 15, that's more than half my life. I have seen many people post here who were 50+ years old, and that goes back to 2005. If you think this is someplace that's just for teenagers and early twenty somethings then you need to lurk the fuck moar.

inb4 someone tells me to take my meds

>> No.8173454

>I'd suggest something like Space Megaforce (Super Aleste) or the aforementioned Rendering Ranger.
came here to mention Space Megaforce too, it runs fast as fuck and no slowdown iirc....

>> No.8174090

Hey, don't be ableist. It's not the Snezz's fault Nintendo gimped its design.

>> No.8174117

>he thinks he won't be here when he's older


>> No.8174140

I played Intellivision when i was a kid.

>> No.8174195

I think at this point 4chan is skewing older. I can't imagine a lot of teens would see the appeal when their internet has always been made up of discord servers and twitch streams.

>> No.8174616
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>don kikon

>> No.8174757
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Never forget.

>> No.8174787
File: 17 KB, 228x228, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me chuckle

>> No.8174793

>It’s kind of funny how [console] was technically better than the competition
It's almost as if it's not what you got, but what you do with it.

>> No.8176315


>> No.8178641

People make fun of older posters here but I think you're a much bigger loser if you're young and choose this site. At least I can remember when it was good.

>> No.8178671

We're all here forever so we're all losers in the end, and that's the beauty of 4channel.

>> No.8178990

>At least I can remember when it was good
You really gonna make me say it?

>> No.8179763
File: 58 KB, 465x498, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casualised dogshit. Go play the superiour arcade version instead.

>> No.8179776

Great version and harder than the arcade.

>> No.8179829

It's just consolewars kiddies, arcadechads know all consoles pale compared to arcades, but still had some decent exclusives.

>> No.8179834

THE SUPERIOUR GUY! how are you?

>> No.8179836

Your new friend is right though. Arcade ports on snes all suck balls.

>> No.8179878
File: 701 KB, 1069x370, 1632730311508_1632730308459_1632730305417_sunset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except geneshitters got cucked with arcade ports all the time LOL

>> No.8179884
File: 309 KB, 800x1128, better than arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not always.
>Snezz Sunset Riders
Enjoy your censorship, both console versions of that game are shit compared to the Arcade.

>> No.8179890
File: 52 KB, 558x294, Side-by-Side-TMNT-Beat-Em-Ups-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-both are shit anyway!!
>b-but muh data east jank!!
cope geneshitter with broken family lol

>> No.8179954

You are mentally ill

>> No.8179965

doubt so, i'm not a geneshitter with divorced parents and a ruined life LOL

>> No.8180267
File: 3 KB, 102x95, megaman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8181401

Nope, has slowdowns. They even did SA1 hack cope for it:


>> No.8181480

What's funny is, the 2 years older and much cheaper Mega Drive hardware has no problem running this game without crippling slowdowns: https://youtu.be/pa4G9_xuOns?t=140
Capcom chose the wrong platform, a shame as this game would have truly shone bright on the 3 TIMES faster Mega Drive.

>> No.8181502

>homebrew shit
>shit colors
>26 years later
nobody gives a shit retard, anyone can fix old games today as proven with super ghouls 'n ghosts restoration hack.

>> No.8181556

>homebrew shit
Jealous because you don't have any? Nobody wants to program for a console that only runs at 1/3 the speed of ALL it's competitors, so whilst we enjoy an influx of new, amazing homebrew games for the Mega Drive, PC Engine, Amiga, and other performant platforms, your console of choice will languish and only grow increasingly irrelevant.

>> No.8181570

The only MD homebrew worth a shit is Xeno Crisis , everthing else is just pathetic snes coping and tech demo trash because MD fags have eternal inferiority complex LOL

>> No.8181619
File: 133 KB, 1023x997, curlybrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cave Story is on the Sega Genesis. Where's your SNES version? Oh right, there isn't one, lmao.

>> No.8181639

Why would I play an inferior version of a game I played back in the mid 2000s?, sounds like something only a segafag coping with divorced parents would do lol

>> No.8181945
File: 81 KB, 894x894, 63a2e78cc17a1d8f3f3f37be44cc14ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snes didn't have blast processing (tm)

>> No.8182734

>Why would I play an inferior version of a game I played back in the mid 2000s?,
Sounds like cope. I will go enjoy the game on my (true) retro system whilst you cannot.

>> No.8182742

>muh fake retro cred
Why is the average broken family segafag like this?

>> No.8182959

Not sure what you mean. I just like breathing new life into consoles that I own and enjoy playing on. You can't relate because the homebrew scene for Snezz blows.

>> No.8183034 [DELETED] 

Console wars posers like you don't even play games to begin with

>> No.8183060

Console wars posers like you don't even play games to begin with, the library is big enough to bother with mediocre homebrew shit.

>> No.8183069

>he hasn't played every game on his favourite retro systems by now in almost 2022


>> No.8183074

watching the intro isn't playing the game, poser.

>> No.8183078

reminder that tony's poop smells good

>> No.8183080

Keep coping and projecting if you want, but it's not gonna help you finish that backlog you procastinate on.

>> No.8183082

I'm not in a hurry to play and enjoy games, unlike certain retard coping with mediocre homebrew shit.

>> No.8183085

>I don't actually play retro games. I'm just here to shitpost all day every day.

We know, lad, we know. Also, you're the only one who thinks Cave Story is shit.

>> No.8183093

>not doing both
inferior segafag genes
>Cave story
Game is alright, but again why would I play an inferior version of a game I played almost 2 decades ago? how is this "breathing new life"? sounds like just MDfag cope to overvalue the homebrew scene

>> No.8183097

Would have loved to seen Megaman X get some Genesis ports but problem is it shipped at first with that three button controller which is unfortunate in retrospect because most games had to be designed with three buttons in mind rather than 6 like Snes. I actually sometimes listen to genesis remixes of X songs.


I grew to like that Genesis sound so much more than Snes.

>> No.8183149

It seems fine to me mostly. From 35:50 there is a lot of slowdown but this game would have probably been nothing but slow on SNES. I remember Super R Type having a ton of it to the point it was the game.


>> No.8183169

Mario runs faster than Sonic does.

>> No.8183193

Every time you use something that's not the basic weapon the game slowdowns lol, even worse on bosses/midbosses

>> No.8183512

Super Mary

>> No.8183761

very useful for speedrunning

>> No.8184368

Man, I remember starting a new high school year and telling one of my friend the funny shit I saw on /b/ during the summer. Y'know, when /b/ was worth browsing

>> No.8185025

Snezz only wishes it had as many good scotformers as the Sega Genesis.

Revenge of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer (better than Arcade)
Shinobi III
E-SWAT (better than Arcade)
Castle of Illusion
World of Illusion
Sonic 2
Sonic 3&K
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
Mystic Defender
Jewel Master
Rocket Knight Adventures
Sparkster (better than SNES)
Tiny Toons (better than SNES)
Animaniacs (better than SNES)
Castlevania Bloodlines
Contra Hardcore
Sunset Riders (more worth playing than SNES since it has new level design, with SNES might as well just play the arcade game)
Gunstar Heroes
Alien Soldier
McDonald's Treasureland Adventure
Dynamite Headdy
Magical Taruruuto-kun
Decap Attack
El Viento
Ranger X
Alisia Dragoon
Devil Hunter Yohko
High Seas Havoc
Atomic Runner Chelnov (better than Arcade)
Marvel Land (better than Arcade)
Rolling Thunder 3
Toki - Going Apespit (better than Arcade)
Wardner (better than Arcade)
Kid Chameleon
Vectorman 2
Tim Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire
Spiderman vs. the Kingpin (best 4th gen Spidey game)
Adventures of Batman & Robin (better than SNES)
X-Men 2: Clone Wars
Maui Mallard (better than SNES)
Earthworm Jim (better than SNES)
Earthworm Jim 2 (better than SNES - use hack that adds weapon changing)
Cool Spot (better than SNES)
Aladdin (better than SNES)
Mickey Mania (better than SNES)
Chuck Rock 2
Mega Turrican
Wiz 'n Liz
Bubble 'n Squeak

>> No.8185347

All shit compared to Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, and the list goes on...

>> No.8187176


>> No.8187180


>> No.8187296

>all this cope with mediocre shit

>> No.8187459

Jelly of my superiour library, Nintendildo?

>> No.8187463

Not him but I don't get the appeal of action games or musou games

>> No.8187471

What do you consider fun? Moving a cursor from a menu and selecting Attack over and over?

>> No.8187486

The DKC series can be played at a pretty high speed if you're pro
Also F-Zero had one of the best speed sensations from any racing games back then

>> No.8187495

If by superiour you mean shit?

>> No.8187518

>use hack
Your whole post is hack

>> No.8187576

>Sparkster (better than SNES)
>Tiny Toons (better than SNES)
>Animaniacs (better than SNES)
>Sunset Riders (more worth playing than SNES
lol fucking no
>SNES might as well just play the arcade game
it's harder than the arcade.
>Atomic Runner Chelnov (better than Arcade)
least i expect from a 5 years later port
>Marvel Land (better than Arcade)
>Toki - Going Apespit (better than Arcade)
>Wardner (better than Arcade)
>Adventures of Batman & Robin
no, it's just shitty gunstar heroes clone and gunstar heroes is already mediocre.
>Maui Mallard (better than SNES)
>Earthworm Jim (better than SNES)
>Earthworm Jim 2 (better than SNES - use hack that adds weapon changing)
no and lol hack cope
>Cool Spot (better than SNES)
>Aladdin (better than SNES)
no, the capcom game plays way better
>Mickey Mania (better than SNES)
australia being schizo once again

>> No.8187652

>no and lol hack cope
At least it's not as big of a cope as having to add another CPU to keep your games from running like absolute shit.

>> No.8188027
File: 37 KB, 539x389, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seeing SNES vs Genesis shit-flinging get this intense in current fucking year

>> No.8188045

Price for games was about the same so what's the problem? biggest cope is segafags overclocking their shit system to play Thunder Cope IV lol

>> No.8188842

Would have liked to seen a good port of Actraiser on Genesis.

>> No.8191373
File: 14 KB, 212x212, karnov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>b-but muh data east jank!!
Imagine not liking the best arcade dev.