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File: 89 KB, 1200x922, final-fantasy-ru-rinoa-equals-ultimecia-theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8154756 No.8154756 [Reply] [Original]

if this actually was true, FF8 would be a much more celebrated game than it is today.....it would be a tragic love story with all of its characters locked in an endless time loop of fate....

>> No.8154771

I don't remember anything about the big-bad slash why there were any stakes plotline in FF8. I remember that the moon shat monsters all over the world, but I don't remember why. All I remember is that the breakfast club plus a horny teacher were on an adventure and there was an insecure sniper and the Laguna story was the only interesting part and the school was secretly a fat alien and it turns out they were all in an orphanage together but forgot. And then Zell ate hotdogs.

>> No.8154821

R=U shits on the game's themes. Stop pushing this.

>> No.8154848

themes? kek isnt this retarded shit based on the wizard of oz?

>> No.8154851

Q=U actually makes more sense

>> No.8154914

There are hints of some kind of a connection... but it also isn't true at all. So this leads me to believe this is something that was proposed in early drafts but never made it into the final game, but those hints are still there.

>> No.8155089


Irvine is a fag for not pulling the trigger.

>> No.8155306

But he did shoot.

>> No.8155317

I think it is, it makes a lot of sense. Unless the writers says otherwise.

>> No.8155324

The U=Gay theory has been proven true without a shadow of a doubt so please stop the headcanon about anything else.
Rinoa and Ultimecia are supposed to have parallels, not be the same person.

>> No.8155337

Ultimecia is rinoa in the future

>> No.8155398

>should've just impaled her when you had the chance
the whole point is that the sorceress conflict is stupid and they could resolve everything by just talking it over, but it's been going on so long no one wants to try that

>> No.8155591

bros... did you know Squall was dead after the first disc and everything after him being impaled by the ice spike was just his psyche coming to terms with him dying??? It blew my mind when I learned this

>> No.8155596

If this was true people would be shitting on it as much as the orphanage twist. You only think it's not stupid because it didnt happen.

The orphanage twist was actually good by the way, aand this is shit.

It should happen in Kingdom Hearts though

>> No.8155607

I will never dRaW mAgIc autistically over and over from an enemy again and Im OK with that

>> No.8155643

>The orphanage twist was actually good by the way
>jrpg hero with amnesia
>jrpg party* with amnesia
>jrpg party with magic amnesia
>jrpg party with selective magic amnesia
it is not good. you could write all of the relationships the same without everyone having summon-induced brain damage. people who were friends as age 7 usually aren't still close at 17.
the only saving grace is *not everyone in the party has stupid fucking amnesia. but this is also ruined because irvine out of nowhere just explains the orphanage thing when it's time to have a stupid twist, WAY later than it logically should have happened.

>> No.8155757

No you really couldn't because Squall would have realized Edea was his mother figure so early if would ruin that part of the story.

>> No.8155775

why doesn't irvine bring it up at that point

>> No.8155795

The writers have said otherwise, so they basically admit they're dumb fucking idiots.

>> No.8155994

Cause he wants to kill Edea to stop her from taking over the world or whatever the fuck but he couldn't bring himself to do it. >>8155795

>> No.8156092

I just like Ultimecia’s design, it’s killer.

>> No.8156208

it's fucking weird really

>> No.8156215

>The writers have said otherwise
They haven't.

>> No.8156219
File: 238 KB, 800x560, wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Squall a male tsundere?

>> No.8157373

Yeah, it was definitely a last minute cut

>> No.8157410

he doesn't actually like quistis. for good reason, she's an incompetent dipshit
only reason he considers fucking rinoa is to get back at seifer. squall is the original sigma male.

>> No.8157790

You guys are so vulgar and impulsive in your posting.

>> No.8157810

Ultimecia started the whole thing when she projected herself into the past, it's like a reversal of the Garland/Chaos story.
Edea got her power from Ultimecia in the past, then Rinoa inherits Edea's power; Ultimecia are mirror images. The theme is "Succession of witches" and "Love", which is the story about Julia/Lagoona being reunited through their children Rinoa/Squall. It's like poetry, it rhymes.

>> No.8157889

Nothing about FFVIII’s story makes sense. And you know what? I’m perfectly fine with that.

>> No.8157895
File: 860 KB, 1364x922, Sorceress_B_uses_Meteor_from_FFVIII_Remastered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ultimecia started the whole thing when she projected herself into the past, it's like a reversal of the Garland/Chaos story.
are you assuming she goes back and possesses every other sorceress during the time compression section? there's plenty of sorceresses who don't seem to have any connection to ultimecia, adel being the main one.

>> No.8157961

I'm talking about the witch hunts after SeeD was formed. SeeD literally exists because of Ultimecia.

>> No.8157975

Formerly FeeD

>> No.8158518

The game's main theme is love you fucking retard. The devs have said as much a billion fucking times since long before the game was even out.

>> No.8158523

They've said otherwise. It really shows the typical Jap lack of vision and how they spend so much time trying to hone the aesthetics they don't really know how to fully leverage the actual story to its full potential.

>> No.8159247

>main theme is love
>Rinoa goes from "WTF I love love now" to "WTF I hate love now" according to R=U

>> No.8159485

the rinoa half of the face looks eviler

>> No.8159504

wow you're right anon, that would be crazy and bad writing for a character to change over time

>> No.8159507

More like a Ligma male

>> No.8159549

>And then Aragorn turned evil over time, despite saying he was going to be a good ruler for everyone
Are you Rian Johnson by any chance?

>> No.8159580

It's pretty simple. The bad guy needs to time travel to create a big bang kind of thing.

Before I replayed FFVIII, I also remembered the moon event as being important, especially because almost the same thing happened in The Spirits Within. In truth, the moon event isn't really crucial to the plot, it's more like a weather event that the characters were caught in that was used as the stipulation for some more events.

>> No.8159627
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_pjtxsfXBXr1tnj5jm_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's weird is they keep dropping hints of a connection but then say it's not true.

FF8 was rushed and the script suffered for it. They were constantly making changes and going back on things which is why the story is all over the place and so many things are brought up and dropped.

>> No.8159658

Is Ultimecia = Quistis any less absurd than Ultimecia = Rinoa?

>> No.8159681

>Is Ultimecia = Quistis any less absurd than Ultimecia = Rinoa?
Is Ultimecia = Squall any less absurd than Ultimecia = Rinoa?

>> No.8159709 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x2000, QUltimecia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8159712
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x2000, Qultimecia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8159730

More like U R GY also Squall is dead

>> No.8159737

Good. You’re not supposed to draw 100 when you first get access to a spell. Immediately disregard any criticism that says drawing is tedious. If it’s tedious it’s because YOU made it so.

>> No.8159742

Source: your ass

>> No.8159757

>instead just play cards autistically for 15 hours

>> No.8160162
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.8160194

well yes but sorceresses were still fucking shit up way before that
the reason the kids are orphans in the first place is because of adel causing The Sorceress War
ultimecia has nothing to do with that; it's just a function of the way their world works. if you really wanted to give the writers credit, you'd say the more powerful faction in any landmass always attracts dissenters who think they could rule better. but the taliban or whatever aren't witches so

>> No.8160197

having a character do a complete personality 180 OFF SCREEN is bad writing, yes

>> No.8160264

Forgive me for linking Kotaku, but you are retarded and wrong:


>> No.8160361

Kitase is not the writer. He did force a ton of cuts to the story though.

>> No.8160364

What's sad is you're probably most DEFINITELY in your 30's (earliest) and you're THIS fucking retarded/poorly socialized.

>> No.8160369


>> No.8160372

Yeah, I'm sure you're not the poorly socialized, the one taking headcanons as gospel

>> No.8160438

he should've cut more, there's a million plotlines and none of them closely connect

>> No.8160543


>> No.8160556

Irvine is Ultimecia's deadname.
It's true, it's true.

>> No.8160568

No, you don’t need to do that either. Just don’t over draw

>> No.8161959

Ultimecia = Tranny Sephiroth

>> No.8162225

I cannot believe how many clicks have been baited by this asinine fucking theory.
This story makes no sense. Oh he was dead all along. K now it makes sense. Any weird stuff in the game is explained by squall being dead. Weird stuff happens when people die, you know?
I remember years ago there was a long discussion on iichan led by a huge FF8 nerd who basically went down his own theory about the plot and motifs of the game. I can’t remember it though because I want to read all that shit at the time.

>> No.8162229

Do you like pudding?