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8148808 No.8148808 [Reply] [Original]

>Sony CEO Ken Kutaragi inviting SEGA to become 3rd party after Saturn bombs:
>“To launch a new console, you really need 50-60 billion yen at the least. You have to sell those first million units. If your costs are 30,000 yen per unit, then that comes to 30 billion yen for 1 million units. And you have to design the hardware and create the electronics, make the molds and do the tooling, and this will soon use about 10 billion yen. And then you have to create the games and do advertising. You need about 500-600 people. Without all this, you can’t launch a home console. You can’t do it little by little. You really have to go all in.

>Sony had annual sales of 3 trillion yen. They made their own CD-ROM drives. They had their own semiconductor factories. Once when I was talking with Ken Kutaragi [the creator of the PlayStation], he said “Hideki-chan”—he refers to me using the “chan” diminutive—“Hideki-chan, there’s no way you can beat me. Where are you buying your processors? From Hitachi. From Yamaha. What about your CD-ROM drives? You’re buying everything. By buying from Hitachi, Hitachi is profiting. You can’t make anything yourselves. We can make everything ourselves, including custom parts. We have our own factories.” Near Nakashinden, they had a huge factory where they made audio equipment that they were using for the PlayStation. Their cost structure was completely different.

>“That’s the way it is, Hideki-chan,” Kutaragi told me. “So quit the hardware business. Why not just do software? We’ll give you favorable treatment.” He wanted us to go third party. We had been going for so long in the hardware business, for better or worse, and to go third party now? We had been half-heartedly successful in America once, and this made it impossible to quit the hardware business. Maybe if the Mega Drive, the Genesis, had been a failure, things would have been different. But we had a strange taste of success.

>> No.8148809

>At that time, Sega’s brand image was incredible. When you powered on a Sega console, ‘SEGA’ would always appear first. Even if it was a third party game from Namco (or anybody else), Sega’s name always appeared first, followed by Namco’s. So anybody that had a Sega console, it didn’t matter what game they played, they would see Sega’s name. This helped plant the Sega brand in peoples’ minds. This was incredibly effective. To go from that to a Sony third party… Well, we had already started so it was too late.

>I would have a polite dinner with Kutaragi about once every three months. He’d tell me that because we released a console last time, they would be the ones to do so this time. We are the same age, although he’s two or three months older. I would call him the polite “Kutaragi-san,” although sometimes I’d call him “Ken-chan.” Because I was two or three months younger, he’d say “Hideki-chan, please give up!”

>So we released the Saturn, and in the end, it came down to software. It’s obvious, but what do consumers look forward to? They want fun games. And that’s where we failed.”

>> No.8148837

Sega x lord....a known fat guy who's been inaccurate countless times, spread misinformation and looks as if he loves the smell of his own farts

>> No.8148860

Sega fans are stubborn. They think having a console is the be-all, end-all position, even though there is no good reason to think that. Sega are doing very well right now, actually.

>> No.8148861

It's just a thumbnail my guy, didn't feel like making my own Saturn image, and I've never even watched his videos

>> No.8148862

Nintendo survived all that, didn't they?

>> No.8148863

>Sega are doing very well right now, actually.
Facts? Evidence? Support? Dilate?

>> No.8148867

Guess who had more money

>> No.8148869

guess who had more stable, viable game franchises

>> No.8148873

Sega had the more interesting properties, but Nintendo had the more stable ones

>> No.8148897 [DELETED] 

And if it's a ZX Spectrum you just need to buy some crap out of an electronics catalog, staple it to some rubber calculator keys, and pay a couple of teenagers paper route money to make some games for it over their summer break. (^:

>> No.8148901

Oi me Speccy

>> No.8148907

Yet he stated why the Saturn actually failed, instead of repeating the same unsourced wiki tier nonsense you hear everywhere.
The Saturn launch with absolutely garbage games for 100 dollars more than the Playstation. All there is to it.

>> No.8148928
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>Hideki-chan, there’s no way you can beat me.

>> No.8148934

The only interesting IPs SEGA had were Ecco and Nights. Everything else was made as a response to an already successful franchise ( Sonic - Mario, SoR - Final Fight, Phantasy Star - Dragon Quest).

>> No.8148936

>if it's not original, it doesn't count
there goes zelda

>> No.8148973

Zelda is shit so yeah I agree

>> No.8148992
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>“Hideki-chan”—he refers to me using the “chan” diminutive—“Hideki-chan, there’s no way you can beat me.

>> No.8149548

>he said “Hideki-chan”—he refers to me using the “chan” diminutive—

>> No.8149813

What a cool and original opinion

>> No.8150091



>> No.8150097

>known fat guy
I lold

>> No.8150359

Lol, no one loves this garbage.

>> No.8150362

Holy fuck why didn't they port burning rangers to the dreamcast

>> No.8150383

>We had been half-heartedly successful in America once, and this made it impossible to quit the hardware business. Maybe if the Mega Drive, the Genesis, had been a failure, things would have been different. But we had a strange taste of success.

>> No.8150391

All they had to do was target poor people in 5th gen. The technology wasn't there to deliver anything arcade like but they should worked something out to....
They should have tensed with snk or something
They should have made the saturn weaker but much cheaper and ride that out until dreamcast

>> No.8150403

Let's be honest, Sega always was for poor people.
To get a console which is capable enough at 3D and also cost effective the console needed a total overhaul, but this is already known.

>> No.8150414

as someone else said in here Sega didn't have viable first party franchises or games. they didn't have a SMB3 or a LTTP. without that they couldn't provide a really compelling reason to own their consoles.

>> No.8150423

why couldn't they go with a single hitachi sh2 and one VDP? No expandable ram.

>> No.8150428

Would have been BTFO by the Playstation badly. Imagine every Saturn game looks like the original release of Daytona - that's almost literally what a game with one SH-2 and without VDP2 looks like.

>> No.8150434

Yeah but it would at least keep them in business. They could keep up with aggressive sony pricing without digging into a massive hole
Releasing a weak 5th gen console is better than releasing knew that costs way too much to sell.
Also I think they shouldn't have even bothered with any drm either. Playstation piracy is probably what moved so many units lol

>> No.8150438

I think the easier development and lower cost would be worth the performance hit.

>> No.8150446

It depends completely on whether that Saturn can undercut the Playstation's price. I have no idea what the bill of materials looks like so I can't say. It would also be useless for 2D games. Even 3D games like Virtua Fighter and Panzer Dragoon would suffer tremendously. The SCU DSP and VDP1 are still simply bad chips.

>> No.8150467

so what would need to happen instead? In an optimal world where the 32x didn't happen. What architecture does the saturn need?

>> No.8150468
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>Once when I was talking with Ken Kutaragi [the creator of the PlayStation], he said “Hideki-chan”—he refers to me using the “chan” diminutive—“Hideki-chan, there’s no way you can beat me
This is amazing. I honestly have no idea who this Hideaki guy is, but fuck em. If he wants to take his professional discussions like the little bitch he is, then by all means, burn it all down, Sony. Burn it down.

>> No.8150475 [DELETED] 
File: 562 KB, 1500x1000, sega_hardware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. Sega consoles are 100x more soulful than anything Sony's ever shat out.

>> No.8150480

It surely didn't help that SOJ were so bitter about the baka gaijin having more success with the Master System and Mega Drive than they did at home.

>> No.8150546

so Hidekichan existed way before 4chan, interesting.

>> No.8150553

He designed the Saturn.https://www.sega-16.com/forum/showthread.php?33506-Hideki-Sato-on-the-Sega-Saturn-(incredible-new-interview)

>> No.8150602

In an optimal world you'd have to back to the drawing board and design something that honestly looks a lot more like the Playstation. The Playstation knew what the right kind of processor for transforming polygons was, and the right kind of GPU for drawing them.
If you can't do that, well, honestly just launch the Saturn the way it is and don't piss off the retailers. Make sure there's software at launch. Make the SDK much more developer friendly - it was worse than it needed to be, hardware aside.

>> No.8150627

What if it had three motorola 6800s an off the shelf cd drive, a yamaha ym2612 and 4mb of ram. No cartridge shit. Made from cheap transparent brittle plastics. Removal of reset button. Four controller ports. No leds or access lights. No coin battery

>> No.8150641

Sega should have swooped in when Nintendo screwed Sony, and partnered with them, who already had a new system ready and all the resources and supply chain, and released the Sega Playstation with all the games Sony lined up plus all the Sega games. It would have been over for any competition.

>> No.8150656

most likely. As Hideki noted however the success of the Mega Drive in the West had given them the illusory hope that they could remain a viable console manufacturer.

>> No.8150659

They could have been if they hadn't botched the hardware and the launch. Saturn's failure was Sega's failure, not a matter of larger external forces.

>> No.8150740 [DELETED] 

>delay Saturn 1 year, giving Sega more time to improve the VDP1's polygon power and 3D capabilities so that the Saturn wouldn't have had to be killed off so quick to be replaced by a system that could do 3D well (the Dreamcast)
>actually give the 32X a chance since it wasn't bombing like youtubers have you believe and had good demand, they could port or remake the good 32X games later to Saturn anyway since they share the same CPU arch
>release a cartridge slot add-on for the Saturn that gives it the ability to play Genesis games
>don't kill the Genesis in 1996 since it was still selling well; doing so would be like if Nintendo had killed the NES in 1990 when it was still highly popular
>release a successor to the Game Gear that uses a single SH-2 in 1999 to dab on the Gameboy Color and Wonderswan
>release Dreamcast in 2001 with a faster SH-4 CPU, DVD drive, and controller with 2 sticks

That's all Sega had to do to prevent failing.

>> No.8150742

Would the 32x actually be the poor man's entry into next gen? Could it handle downscaled panzer dragoon or resident evil?

>> No.8150745

>>actually give the 32X a chance
never had one
>>release a cartridge slot add-on for the Saturn that gives it the ability to play Genesis games
would have to pretty much be a whole genesis on a board, no point

>> No.8150749

No, not even close.

>> No.8150750

Why not? It has all the power to do so. Did you see the tech demos?

>> No.8150752

Did you see any retail 32x game?

>> No.8150753

I cannot believe it took people this long to realize how rotten Sony is.

>> No.8150758

Literally low effort launch games majority ports. You really don't understand game dev

>> No.8150764

You mean like Panzer Dragoon?

>> No.8150772 [DELETED] 

>never had one
prove it.
>would have to pretty much be a whole genesis on a board, no point
saturn already has a 68k in it, wouldn't need that much more to play genesis games.

>> No.8150775

You can't seriously think that. You must be a nintendrone

>> No.8150776

in its sound system, with no access to the cartridge bus, with no z80 or YM2612 or vdp either...

>> No.8150782

>noooo only the rushed launch games I don't like count!

>> No.8150789

You seriously think panzer dragoon is low effort shovel ware. My god man

>> No.8150798

I think it's a rushed game that certainly does not show off the potential of the hardware. Zwei blows it out of the water technically.

>> No.8150825

God why can't we just enjoy good games. Jesus man you must be real fun at parties

>> No.8150826

Never said it was a bad game, but this discussion is supposed to be about technical capabilities.

>> No.8150849 [DELETED] 

I'll be real, I hate most 3D saturn games. You're either stuck on rails or stuck in isometric space, or you're a racecar, that's about all the Saturn offers. The closest thing it has to Mario is Croc which is bugged in the NA release to boot, and it has shitty tank controls. Also they prioritized shit genres like rail shooters with Panzer Dragoon. Nobody cares about that stuff anymore and barely anybody did then either. They should have made more action-adventure, platformer, and RPG games.

>> No.8150975

>why couldn't Sega a company that didn't even have 1/8th of the assets and income of the Sony Corporation beat them
You seriously can't be this much of a brainlet.

>> No.8150979

I genuinely think this is the best console ever made. Imagine what the games would be

>> No.8151024

Based on OP's conversation, it would've been the Sony Playstation ft. Sega. Why would Sony want to be equal partners when Sega had never had a successful console in Japan and only barely managed to hold their own against Nintendo in the west?

>> No.8151027

Holy shit, this is literally one of the worst commercials I've ever seen in my life. I'm not kidding. Is this real?

Absolutely nothing is said about WHY the Genesis is superior, other than "Sonic is fast" and it's cheaper. The salesman portrays the SNES as the hot, new, popular console compared to the Genesis (which it was). The lower price-point of the Genesis makes it seem like a bargain-bin competitor. Frankly, the gameplay of the SNES even looks better in the commercial. I don't know why the first-person narrator is gravitating towards the Genesis. They could have also used a much better clip of Sonic in that commercial -- who the fuck is playing that? They could have picked a much better segment to show off the speed. Sonic gets a LITTLE speed, but the player then runs into a ceiling. The player doesn't even effectively collect the rings, which frustrates me as a viewer. Wowwwww.

>> No.8151029 [DELETED] 

Not about beating Sony, but just remaining a first party developer like Nintendo and not becoming Sammy's bitch to milk Yakuza games forever.

>> No.8151034

Because Sega branding would be more powerful than Sony

>> No.8151040
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>the sequel uses the hardware better than the original

>> No.8151042

No it wouldn't. Sony was already a household brand worldwide, much moreso than Sega. They were seen as a big dog getting involved in what at the time was a small but growing industry.

>> No.8151045

I hate Yakuza!!! It's boring!! I don't get it!!

>> No.8151047

Sega branding would be more powerful than Sony
It can be Sega Playstation in west and Sony in Japan :D
sega can design the exterior too!!! Kawaii

>> No.8151050

Was PD a rushed launch game or not?

>> No.8151051

Sony Genesis II and Sony Mega Drive II
Sony Ultra Drive

>> No.8151054

History tells us a different story. Sony had no problem beating both Nintendo and Sega for multiple generations even without their branding.

>> No.8151059

we get it dude you looove sony

>> No.8151060

Sega of America's biggest mistakes was rushing the game out to market months earlier than expected, after Sony announced at E3 that the PS1 would be $100.00 cheaper. The 32x was actually doing quite well before this, but apparently lack of units at launch caused Sega to be selective in which chains received shipments at launch. This was a cause for retailers to drop Sega all-together and use that shelve space for Playstation hardware. After E3 1995, there was a lot more positive reception for Sony's hardware than there was for Sega's.

>> No.8151061

Sony filled Sega's branding niche far better than Sega ever did. Sony was cool, grown up, and consistently pushed the envelope of technology. The beat Sega at their own game.

>> No.8151062

>the game

system. odd mistake.

>> No.8151067

No, I was actually a Sega fanboy when I was growing up. I'm just looking at the facts and point out that Sony doesn't stand to gain anything by partnering with Sega. Branding would've been pointless because gamers in 1994 welcomed Sony with open arms even without the Sega name.

>> No.8151074
File: 849 KB, 2000x2630, egjan1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 2 years separate pic related from the pic I will post below.

>> No.8151081
File: 417 KB, 530x1683, sonysega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel?

>> No.8151084

I think people who blame Bernie for the Saturn's failure and Sega's death are fucking delusional and have no clue what the climate for games was back then.
First of all Bernie had absolutely nothing to do with the saturn until it was already dead
Second of all he genuinely did a fantastic job with the Dreamcast. His finger was accurately on the pulse of gaming. sega just had already made too.many mistakes to see it through

>> No.8151095

>Branding would've been pointless because gamers in 1994 welcomed Sony with open arms even without the Sega name.

Eh? 1994 would have been a bit too early for any Sony Playstation hype. There would have been some scepticism early on with the PS1 being around 3DO dud. But gaming magazines (mainly the ones who covered Japanese software) were pretty hyped pre-launch, given hat was available in Japan. But I think by E3 1995, Sony had retailers convinced that the Ps1 was going to be a hit. E3 1995 Had Sega with the Saturn, 32x, Genesis , Sega CD, GameGear. Nintendo showed the Virtual Boy, and their SNES and GameBoy line-ups. They teased the N64, but didn't show the N64 off until E3 1996. Atari was at E3 1995 with the Jaguar and Jaguar VR headset. 3DO was also there with the 3DO and teased the M2 console. Out of that showing there was more buzz for the PS1 than any of the other systems. It was the first time Sony showed off the PS1 at a trade event in the US (I think).

>> No.8151213 [DELETED] 

>Second of all he genuinely did a fantastic job with the Dreamcast.
Pricing it at $200 when Sega had already lost so much money on the Saturn's failure was pretty retarded, though.

>> No.8151268

Sega should've released 32X as a full console with a CD drive, that's it. The price should've been around $100 less than that of the PS1, just like atari jaguar. The first SH2 would be used as the main processor and the second SH2 would be used as a geometry calculation co-processor, but without support for shading and fog effects or stuff that made the PS1 so expensive. And to cut cost, it would probably still have to use Z80 controlled PSG.

>> No.8151269

So what would it use as a GPU

>> No.8151275

dreamcast was dead in water otherwise. A lot of people didn't even know the saturn existed. They became playstation players because sega had zero presence at a local retailer

>> No.8151279 [DELETED] 

A 3dfx Voodoo1.

>> No.8151290


>> No.8151293

>Ken Kutaragi inviting SEGA to become 3rd party after Saturn bombs
>entire exchange occurred BEFORE the Saturn launched
Who's responsible for this faggotry?
Does he still narrate his videos like a middle schooler reading a hastily written book report?

>> No.8151297

Oh and I forgot to add. 1X mini CD drive instead of a 2X CD drive, to cut cost without sacrificing load time.

Maybe a second Z80 controlling a 2D image generator, like the Master System, at 320x200 resolution. Or a 68000 with 64K of RAM like the genesis. Anything they could get their hands on, the GPU could be anything and there would be no problem as long as the geometry transformation works fine.

>> No.8151312

>Motorola had the MC68020, the successor to the MC68000. It was a strong-selling 32-bit CISC microprocessor. Sega of America, who were developing their own 16-bit Genesis games, wanted to use the MC68020 in the Saturn. That would have allowed for essentially updated versions of the current types of game software, and the development libraries could easily be done. They wanted to go for forward compatibility.
How would this have played out, you think?

>> No.8151315 [DELETED] 
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Bless you anon.

Shiturn will always be shit

>> No.8151330

It really wouldn't. For acceptable results you need a GPU that can draw flat polygons, and you probably want it to be capable of interpolated shading too (the Jag was good at this).
You can't hardware accelerate that on a 2D GPU.

>> No.8151334 [DELETED] 


And make the saturn take mini cd.

>> No.8151338

It would've been a very cost competitive sega saturn, but the 68020 wasn't very suited for 3D operation. They would need to install a geometry co-processor there or it would be barely usable for 3D games. It would still make a nice 2D console though, as they said it would flawlessly play updated versions of genesis games and more. It just wouldn't run 3D games well without a co-processor.

>> No.8151361

The Jag didn't really have a 2D or 3D GPU. It had a blitter, it could basically draw anything you want it to draw. Atari and Commodore were pretty much the only game companies with the experience of using blitter tech though, and it was so CPU intensive that Jaguar's dual 28Mhz CPU couldn't match PS1's single 33Mhz CPU.

>> No.8151378

It had an object processor which pretty much is just a 2D GPU. The blitter was flexible overall but was especially good at gouraud shading (this was a conscious design decision as Atari rightly realised that if it was going to ever have good 3D graphics it would have to rely on this).
The Jag had so many bottlenecks and bugs though, so the throughput of its actually pretty well thought out design was sadly squandered.

>> No.8151385

A geometry co-processor would definitely have been there. The Saturn has a DSP which was supposed to be used for geometry transformation, but it was shit because it was had too little RAM of its own and had to fight the CPU for the shared RAM. So they added a second SH-2 to do it in software.
A 68020 has no chance of keeping up with an SH-2 for geometry in software. The 68020 has support for CPU-coupled coprocessors that can be directly issued operations. No need for private memory or fighting over shared memory. No troublesome parallelism or bizarre new instruction sets to learn. The Playstation did the exact same thing and was brilliant at it.
I would steer heavily into

>> No.8151391

*steer heavily into Genesis backward compatibility if going the 68020 route though.

>> No.8151412


I 100% agree with this. Zwei is like a totally different game and does a better job taking advantage of the 3D capabilities of the hardware.

>> No.8153701

bump. I wrote a response but I guess it didn't take. That ever happen to anyone else here?

>> No.8153721

This is a condensed version of what my first reply was, but it didn't post, strangely.

Is the 68k code compatible with the '020? If so, it would make sense to redesign the Saturn as an upward evolution of the Genesis that retained backwards compatibility, more-so for customers in NA and Europe. It could retain the same three bus design, but with the benefits of larger pools of RAM, wider bus-widths, and higher clock speeds. The sound system's YM2612 and Z80 shouldn't take up too much silicon space by the mid '90s so it could hopefully be attached to a PCM based sound ASIC. The GPU likewise could retain compatibility, but with a larger CRAM and with a polygon set-up engine with bitmap capabilities. The 68020 with a DSP co-processor possesses a powerful instruction set and is well known to programmers and is C-friendly, as well.

>> No.8153734

*bitmap capabilities = framebuffer solution
In a sense I would liken it to something like the Jaguar's GPU with a 2D sprite engine and a framebuffers based 3D engine, but with a hardware polygon drawer.

>> No.8153740

>Does he still narrate his videos like a Dreamcast guy does his "reviews"?

Yes, be to a lesser extent. It's not as bad as I remember Dreamcastguy being. Also I don't know if Dreamcast guy still does the reviews. I just felt like he was so condensing in his tone I could never take him seriously.

>> No.8153775

>Is the 68k code compatible with the '020?
It was designed to be but you never know.

>> No.8153892


>> No.8154023

>That's all Sega had to do to prevent failing.
Wow, almost like everything is so much easier in retrospect.

>> No.8154040
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>only barely managed to hold their own against Nintendo in the west?
They went from almost zero market share in NA to 50%. That's hardly barely "holding their own".

>> No.8154086

Talking for just myself, if SEGA were still making consoles, they would likely be the only consoles I'd buy with the occasional Nintendo pickup.

>> No.8154090

If sega made a console now I'd buy it even if it were weaker than a switch

>> No.8154101

And they lost it all just as fast. Sega's popularity as a console manufacturer was a flash in the pan.

>> No.8154110

I wonder if coupling an '020 with a Motorola 56k would have been performant enough for 3D math processing to feed matrix data to the GPU or if Sega would have gone with their own SCU-like DSP implementation (a Hitachi design) instead. I believe I've read that Sega's DSP was difficult to program so Motorola's chip might have been easier for third parties. It's an interesting what-if scenario, anyway.

>> No.8154113

If you say so

>> No.8154137

It can be literally Xbox 360 level visuals (mid-high tier) and that's all the power they'd need from me. You don't know how fast I'd run out to buy one.

>> No.8154160

You're making me sad now because it'll never happen

>> No.8154169
File: 1.79 MB, 2552x3507, february1997sales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't kill the Genesis in 1996 since it was still selling well
Speaking truf (check American top 10 here)

>> No.8154178

That's fucking impressive. Not to mention Virtual Cop, Virtua Fighter, Fighting Vipers, Daytona USA CCE, and Touring Car.

>> No.8154212

It probably won't, but the good news is they went out on a high note. To this day I still believe if the Dreamcast lived long enough it would have been my favorite console of the 6th gen it honestly already is considering how much I played it even after it died, but Dreamcast doesn't count as gen 6 for some people. Imagine SSX Tricky or SSX3 on the Dreamcast.

>> No.8154773

>Saturn was rush on ego because Sony leader was bullying Sega leader
That's a funny story.

>> No.8154782

>Sega are doing very well right now, actually.
Are you fucking kidding me? They haven't been making good software.
The way Sega operates is that they don't give a shit unless they have something financially big that's able to fail. A console is a pretty fucking good thing for that.
They need accountability, all we Sega fans want is something big enough to fail catastrophically if not dealt with carefully to give them that accountability.

>> No.8154830 [DELETED] 

They weathered the Trump Virus relatively unscathed.

>> No.8154842 [DELETED] 

"Trump virus"
. . . You mean the CCP coronavirus?
To give it a name like "Trump" suggests Trump was infected first, or that he was solely responsible for its spread in other countries, or that it was discovered on his homstead first. All of these are false. It was found in China, it was the CCP's fault it spread like it did, and it was first found in the Wuhan virology lab.
Let's not get political here.

>> No.8154862 [DELETED] 

It would have been a footnote if it wasnt for him. Anyway back to /vr/ and Sega, as I said they weathered the Trump Virus even though they are an entertainment company. Sega Sammy Holdings really didn't take much damage.

>> No.8154875 [DELETED] 

>would've been a footnote if it wasn't for Trump
I'm sorry, I'm going to ditch the whole "let's not be political thing" for a moment, what? How so? Would Britain not shut down? How about Australia? Would China not have welded metal bars to prevent unconfirmed infection status people in their houses to prevent them from potentially spreading it? Would Sweden have not been okay?
Trump tried his damnedest, but it was a bit difficult when both major political platforms run on the idea of doing the opposite of eachother.

>> No.8154883 [DELETED] 

>I'm sorry, I'm going to ditch the whole "let's not be political thing"
I'm not him, but shut the fuck up

>> No.8154886 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, but pinning a GLOBAL PANDEMIC on one person is fucking retarded.

>> No.8154897 [DELETED] 

Dude what? Trump is the guy who wanted to shut down borders ASAP but people called him racist

>> No.8154912 [DELETED] 

I don't care what anybody said, maybe you should all shut up, whether he started it or not

you shut up too. Happy now?

>> No.8154917 [DELETED] 

Eh, at least you're dishing it out equally.

>> No.8155229

This. They've been shit for years, and it's very sad.
>all these awesome franchises and nothing but Yakuza and shitty Sonic

>> No.8155390

Very well put, anon.

>> No.8155584

>who's been inaccurate countless times, spread misinformation
Such as?

>> No.8155689

S O N I C, all the Saturn needed was a real Sonic game

>> No.8155767

It didn't though

>> No.8156515

I hate Yakuza

>> No.8156535

Backwards compatibility is a terrible idea. Its the reason why the genesis only had 64 colors, rather than 128. You only have a limited silicon budget, making the Saturn backwards compatible with the genesis would have eaten into the budget either inflating the price, or crippling the machine. There is not much that can be shared between the genesis and Saturn so you would basically just be adding an entire genesis. Even the 68020 would cause problems, the instruction timings are very different which would cause compatibility issues.

>> No.8156742

sonic is in shambles, yakuza man got chink'd, and all their arcades are flopping. In what fantasy is sega doing better today

>> No.8156785

>His finger was accurately on the pulse of gaming.
He redlit a lot of games from genres that would explode. Imagine if he was still at Sony, FF7 would never have been localized.

>> No.8157383

>actually give the 32X a chance
never had one
>since it wasn't bombing like youtubers have you believe
yes,?it was way worse
>and had good demand
in the first month

>> No.8157398

>Sega branding would be more powerful than Sony
lol, no

>> No.8157404

>The 32x was actually doing quite well before this
it wasn’t

>> No.8157413

The 32x would have crushed saturn sales if it where given a fair chance

>> No.8157420

>Speaking truf (check American top 10 here)
1 game, lol

>> No.8157434 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 350x360, stoleour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing more satisfying than watching Segatards cry about their bankrupt surrogate father. Your real daddy split because you stunk.

>> No.8158049

>it wasn’t

The system launched in late 1994 and was discontinued by 1996. Claims are that it sold 800K worldwide at that time. I've heard that the initial sales were good, but things went bad after Sega announced the Saturn's early launch.

>> No.8158621

Are you getting turned on by that? Just curious

>> No.8158627

A game making best-selling out of every platform on one that's 8 years old/last gen.

>> No.8158670

Sounds like Ur saying the mega drive was a happy accident. Why do U reckon Sega was doomed to fail?

>> No.8158673

They sloppily collect the rings so that you want to buy the game and do a better job

>> No.8158675

I had to do the Not interested->I don't like this video thing repeatedly when youtube kept recommending me this cringelord's videos. As a lifelong Sega fan I hate this fuck with a passion. I don't want to hear anything about why x failed from this blithering autist.

>> No.8158689

800k shipped to retailers but customers didn't give a shit, very quickly they were in clearance for peanuts

>> No.8158702

>I had to do the Not interested->I don't like this video thing repeatedly
Click "Don't recommend channel" next time, which is the one-done option. Note that this only works on YouTube's desktop version, so switch to that fo do this.

>> No.8158704

How did Google fuck up YouTube so bad

>> No.8158705


>> No.8158708

Google has been a CIA op from the beginning, supposedly, and that org has been sloppy for a long time (no pun attended for all the flamboyant gays they've been hiring and recently at least recently).

>> No.8158710

*and training at least recently

>> No.8159952


>> No.8160217



>> No.8160260
File: 228 KB, 2048x1536, shamrei by WildFlower_Wonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Sega console was for arcade enthusiasts. Nintendo's strength was on easy to consume experiences. You can't expect a console that caters to a hardcore audience to outdo a console that can easily appeal to a multitude of demographics. It's not that Sega failed to know their market, Nintendo was just more marketable.

>> No.8160370

You're fucking insane