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File: 148 KB, 768x669, Castlevania 3 stage 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
814692 No.814692 [Reply] [Original]


Holy shit.

These don't work even on the region-free NES-101? If so, I need to get me a Famicom.

>> No.814718

I'm assuming even the toploader won't have those two pins for the external audio channels, so JAP games with the Konami VCR won't sound right. Is there a region free version of Famicom?

>> No.814772

Yeah, a Famicom with a 72-to-60 pin converter.

Or do you mean a Famicom that will play NES games with Famicom sound? Because that doesn't exist. Only Famicom on Famicom will produce the 'true' music.

>> No.814782

No, I meant a console that will play Famicom games right, and also play PAL/US games. I'm not demanding it conjure sound chips to NES games that don't have them

>> No.814784

I think if you do the audio mod on a standard NES you will be able to get the famicom sound. Of course you need Akumajou Densetsu.

But besides that, this soundtrack really isn't that good. It has a few excellent songs, but it has a lot of mediocre tracks as well. People just get all flustered because it's a castlevania game.

>> No.814820

Would that work the same on a toploader?

>> No.814838

There's no expansion port on a top loader, so no.

>> No.814843

I personally don't think the Famicom VRC6 version of Castlevania 3's music is much better than the NES version. They really didn't seem to be using the chip to it's full potential.

>> No.814867

I prefer the NES version, for the same reason I prefer Genesis to SNES music. VRC6 is a failed attempt at imitating real instruments.

>> No.814885

>VRC6 is a failed attempt at imitating real instruments
Ah, no. That's not even close to what it's trying to do. The VRC6 just adds two more square wave channels and a sawtooth wave channel. And the SPC700 does a remarkable job at imitating real instruments for it's time. Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger are proof of that. Not that the YM7101 isn't good at doing certain kinds of music like in Thunder Force 4.

>> No.814890

Honestly I would like the Famicom tracks more if they didn't have that crackly bass and MUH REVERB

Listen to Beginning and tell me it doesn't sound like someone playing it through a cellphone speaker in a cave.

>> No.814903

>that whole post
9/10 your stupidity gave me a headache

>> No.814924

>Honestly I would like the Famicom tracks more if they didn't have that crackly bass and MUH REVERB
I can understand not using the triangle wave fore bass since it's subjective as to which timbre you prefer, but wow:
>on a Famicom game
Does the VRC6 also have a $1000+ digital effects processor built into it?

Oh, wait...

It doesn't actually have reverb; you just don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.814935
File: 74 KB, 634x640, Falsion_FDS_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of expanded sound for the Famicom, I find most Famicom Disk System soundtracks to be pretty bad for the most part. Castlevania 2's FDS soundtrack sounds horrible.


The only FDS game that I found to have an amazing soundtrack is Falsion.


>> No.814954

Nigger please:

>> No.814972

I actually prefer a lot of Genesis music to SNES even though it's more lo-fi... I don't know what it exactly is, but Genesis is more funky, it's got that dirty bass, making it really good for hip hop, rock, funk and "electronic" music that never tries to sound like an orchestra.

Actually, Ghouls n Ghosts had "orchestral" music, but strangely it sounded better than the Super GnG on SNES


>> No.814993
File: 157 KB, 620x876, fc00030_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the issue lies more with the sound hardware itself. The FM synth applied to the FDS is rather primitive and very few developers used it to it's potential. Konami was one of the very few developers who made good use of that chip. Everyone else mostly had only like one tune using the FM (usually the title screen) while every other song just used the standard PSG. Hell the FM was just used for sound effects most of the time.

>> No.814992

Some SNES games just don't use good sound samples. I'll point at Super Castlevania 4 as having that problem, even though the composition is great for that soundtrack.

Speaking of Ghosts 'n Goblins theme, I think the Mega Man 7 rendition of it is much better than the Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts version.


>> No.815256

I like both, but the NES version just sounds like NES... The Famicom version has a distinctly gothic sound to it that's really cool. Too bad the FC version is also easy as fuck.

>> No.815302
File: 62 KB, 640x480, DSCF3348_640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there.

>> No.815954

Namco 163 for best Famicom sound chip.


master race

>> No.815978

Please tell me someone wasn't serious with that shit.

>> No.816113

Whats all this then?

>> No.816128

I think it's from a tutorial where a guy sticks the japanese game into an NES cartridge with a converter, and routes the pins from the original pinout that have audio on them to that RCA passthrough so they get mixed in.

>> No.816137
File: 63 KB, 368x289, 1368131114919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sweet T 1564-2795-8989

Is that really your number, mate?

>> No.816161

Akumajou Densetsu sounds pretty good, but didn't utilize the VRC6 chip the way Madara and Esper Dream 2 did.


A lot of people compare this chip to the Genesis soundchip, but I think it's more like the Turbografx-16 one.

>> No.816169


>but I think it's more like the Turbografx-16 one.

Not to post the same shit again, but >>815954.
Aside from no noise capabilities, the N163 is pretty much exactly the same, but with 2 more channels and customizable waveform length.

Plus a whole buncha other shit that I don't want to get into right now. But for basic TG-16 sound on a Famicom, this shit is the way to go.

>> No.816202

Hah whoops, no it a Friend Code. Left it on from the AC thread by mistake

>> No.818390


VRC6 Riddle is better than NES Riddle by lightyears, mostly because it loops twice instead of once.

>> No.818408

>Too bad the FC version is also easy as fuck.

It's not. It's easier than the NES version but is by no mean easy.

>> No.818580


your "dirty" is my "fartlike"

it depends on the game though, some Genesis games sound good and some sound lame

>> No.818605


that's a nice tune and all but to me this sounds like somebody trying to play good music on an NES while somebody else is going "fffffff" "bzzzzz" "vvvvvv" into a microphone nearby, it's just a crappier version of what the NES could do

it's like with the switch from 2D to 3D--all these instrument sets are capable of presenting melodies and rhythms effectively, but with the augmented chip sets or whatever the developers were tempted to sound more like "real" music by adding a lot of trivial (but superficially cool-sounding) instrument detail and accompaniment tracks that don't really add to the composition and often merely clutter it

then later they got 3D graphics and orgasmed all over themselves because they could finally give up dirty old game development and become beautiful perfect moviemakers

and of course CD-quality audio contributed to this too

usually, the "better" the technology gets, the crappier the games get... unless that technology is used to make better UI, better AI, more interesting simulations, etc.