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/vr/ - Retro Games

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797242 No.797242 [Reply] [Original]

Post your unpopular retro opinions here. I'll start:

I have zero issues with Slippy Toad from Star Fox 64. His voice doesn't bother me, his constant chiming in doesn't bother me, his getting-into-trouble doesn't bother me. Now I'm not saying this as something I'm parroting from the 90s. Back then, I never had to even make these statements. I never once was playing SF64 with friends and have even one start bashing Slippy with this nonsense. I think Slippy bashing is just a faddish thing these days. People say it because it's a pop culture thing to say. Knee-jerk reactions. That whole "not like Slippy, AM I RIGHT GUYS (nudge nudge)?" I think it's BS and unjustified. I have no issues with Slippy at all.

>> No.797264

The Water Temple is slightly annoying, true enough, but not that ZOMG FUCK WATER TEMPLE SO FRUSTRATING AMIRITE FUCKING TRASH HORRIBLE like people have made it out to be. It's tedious, yes. But not super, horribly tedious.

>> No.797280

The only people worse than the "wudder tempel too hardd" crowd are the "wudder tempel sooper eesee u fgts just sukkk" crowd.

>> No.797278

I never understood Chrono Trigger's appeal and popularity.

>> No.797285

While I understand why most people would feel Slippy is an annoying fag, I can say he's my favorite character on SF. He's cute, young, smart and kind, what else could you ask for in terms of a good team member for air battle?
Slippy often fucks up, but so does Falco (who is the "cool cat" kind of character).
And really, I was never bothered with Slippy's voice. Then again, back when I was a kid I didn't know Slippy was a boy, and I just thought it was a cute chubby toadgirl

>> No.797292

Legend of the Dragoon is a sub-par RPG. I quit near the end of the 4th disc.

>> No.797290

>I thought it was a cute chubby toadgirl
That would have made the game a whole lot better for me if I thought that as a child.

>> No.797305


I think the Water Temple was just right if you had a walkthrough telling you which room to do next.

Mine: the SNES only has like 8 games that I'd actually like to own.

>> No.797307

i don't like fighting games or side-scrolling beat em' ups. not a big fan of zelda, either, but i vaugely remember enjoying minish cap.

>> No.797309

I don't like the SNES as much as many other gamers because I dislike JRPGs.

But it has Super Metroid so it's still fucking awesome.

>> No.797314


Minish Cap is kawaii as fuck.

>> No.797317
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Beautiful 2-D sprites are a lost art.

>> No.797318

Navi wasn't annoying for me at all in OoT.

Pokemon RB were good for their time but they are so god damn glitchy that I couldn't fathom why anyone would want to play them over FR/LG for any reason besides nostalgia.

Final Fantasy didn't get good until V.

>> No.797319

Collecting is a disease and most people on this forum need help.

>> No.797320


It was pretty fucking frustrating, even finding stumped me for a while

biggoron quest was much worse however

>> No.797325


>> No.797326

Biggoron quest was fun. I always enjoy trading sequences.

>> No.797328

Sonic 3 was pretty bad, S&K was last good Sonic

>> No.797327
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my nigg!!

>> No.797336

Similar to you, but I thought III was very good, IV a step-down, then V even better than III.

>> No.797339


I never noticed bugs beside Missingno

>> No.797353


mah niggah

>> No.797363

I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I think Banjo-Kazooie blows Rayman 2 and SM64 out of the water. I haven't played Rayman 2 in a good while though.

Paper Mario(or any of the IS Mario RPG's) is the height of RPG's.

This thread will be a lot better if we have positive opinions (IE X Game is better than Y Game) instead of negative ones (X Game is a pile of trash and I don't know why it's popular)

>> No.797368

Duck Tales 2 > Duck Tales 1

>> No.797372

educate yourself anon

>> No.797373

I liked Superman 64

I hate Mischief Makers, and Neverhood's art style is shit.

>> No.797385


Do you drink out of public toilets and sit in your closed garage with your car idling too?

>> No.797416

E.T. is nowhere near being the worst game of all time.

Adventure of Link > Legend of Zelda
Megaman 3 > Megaman 2

Super Mario Bros. 3 is inferior to almost every other 2D Mario game with the exception of the original and maybe NSMB on DS.

>> No.797424

I love Secret of Evermore, and Secret of Mana is in my eyes the inferiour title. Though I do not resent SoM in any way, and had fun with both. I just liked the setting, music, and characters more in SoE.

I have no issues with modern gaming other than the DLC-madness and shit like Origin or U-Play. I love me some AAA-shootan titles from time to time, as linear and short they may be, especially if compared to retro-FPS.

I don't get Ocarina of Time. Sure, it's an outstanding video game, but it's not that big Zelda adventure it is made out to be. ALttP was way better.

FFIX is a great title and the last good FF.

>> No.797428

Gunstar Heroes is overrated. Very good, but massively flawed. Looks and sounds great, really fun boss design. Incredibly boring levels and mechanically broken beyond belief.

>> No.797432

A shader chain that includes xBR makes games look better

>> No.797451

Let's hope they fucking stay lost. That way the non sprite art can go in 2D games instead.

>> No.797449
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>> No.797472
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I think a lot of old Commodore 64 & Amiga games are overrated, god awful and inferior to Japan's efforts on the MSX and X68000 machines. SID can also suck my nuts. AY-3-8910 sounds better.

Working Designs localizations are horrifically bad, unfunny, and just don't deserve the near endless fellating they receive. I personally wish those games we're retranslated from the ground up.

Virgin's Aladdin is an highly overrated mediocre platformer. The only thing it has going for it are the graphics and presentation. Snes version plays better.

>> No.797476

I wouldn't put it like that, but I also don't understand collectors.
I've met several collectors and all but one didn't even really play the super-expensive games they bought, they just put them in their shelves to look at them. They'd maybe play a game once in a while, but I can guarantee that they haven't spent more than 30 minutes with 80% of their purchases.

The worst thing is that those people scoffed at me when I told them I emulate all the retro games I play. When asked why they responded with typical stuff like "It's not the same experience, real hardware is the way games are supposed to be played, the visuals and audio on a CRT TV are much better than on a plasma screen yadda yadda".
It's still the same fucking game, but those people don't really enjoy games anymore, they want to replicate the fascination for videogames they had as a child and they're obsessed with creating the perfect and exact environment for that because they're too vain to actually enjoy a videogame as a videogame and not as a retro childhood revival experience.

I'm sure that not all collectors are like that. I'm completely fine with collectors who play their games, I'm even fine with collectors who hoard their games without ever touching them, I just hate vain assholes with a superiority complex.

Sorry for that long post, I didn't mean to write that much, I just wanted to exactly describe what I mean to not step on anyone's toes.

Oh yeah, and I also dislike the original Legend of Zelda.

>> No.797493

>Megaman 3 > Megaman 2
I think everyone who knows what they're talking about agrees.

>> No.797491

Any framerate lower than 60fps is unacceptable. This means most 5th gen games are unacceptable. 60fps is only barely acceptable.

Scanlines are ugly. Line doubling is a much better solution, especially as it avoids the annoying 15KHz CRT buzzing noise.

D-pads are uncomfortable shit. Japanese arcade sticks > keyboard > d-pads.

>> No.797508


>Collector spiel

Mah nigg-

>dislike original LOZ


>> No.797507

Megaman games are shit.

>> No.797523


>Any framerate lower than 60fps is unacceptable.

enjoy playing no games ever

>> No.797535

>I couldn't fathom why anyone would want to play them over FR/LG for any reason besides nostalgia.
I kinda want to play it again soon to get a feel for how much has changed.
Sort of like playing D&D 1st edition when you could play 3.5? That may not be the perfect metaphor.

>> No.797545

I dunno if it's an opinion, but I have never understood how anyone managed to break an N64 joystick. My brother and I put some serious hours into the thing and none of our 6-ish controllers has anything wrong with it, and the idiot even used to throw controllers when he got mad/lost to me in games.

I just cannot understand how people did it. My only guess has been that many people didn't understand how to take care of their things (or had unlucky throws to punish their childishness).

>> No.797542

Other than the vast majority of 3rd and 4th gen. games and most modern PC games.

>> No.797572


>LoZ 2 > 1

pretty much all N64 games are over rated with no defence other than "buh buh mah childhood"

Also Symphony of the Night is terrible IMO

>> No.797605

There are 3rd and 4th gen games that top 60 FPS?

>> No.797609

the dog from duckhunt doesn't bother me at all

>> No.797641

Who's talking about that? I said "lower than 60fps". And technically the NES and SNES run very slightly faster than 60fps, although I emulate them at almost exactly 60fps.

>> No.797643

do you say 'pretty much all' as an excuse to shit on the whole system and get away with it, or because you just want a soft blanket phrase for 'most'? You might as well say your piece instead of hiding behind niceties

And I agree on SotN, outdone by multiple other games in the series. Some nice music in there though.

>> No.797659


You said 60 was 'barely acceptable', I usually take 'barely acceptable' as meaning 'only on Christmas and if I'm feeling damn jolly'. Going by what you say, it sounds like the truly 'acceptable' game set is pretty small, but maybe my understanding of your words differs from your own.

>> No.797671


I just think the system is greatly over rated, it's games aren't that good, it aged like shit.

I can still play NES/SNES-era games and still enjoy them thouroughly enjoy them, but god, I can't stand N64, and I grew up with it
god that controller still gives me nightmares

>> No.797696

you know you can say that you think the system is bad, that the games are all shit, and that it's a horrible controller. No need for 'overrated' or 'aged' or goofy terms like that, just say what you think. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean you don't have the right to state your opinion firmly. Cheers mate.

>> No.797724

There are genres I enjoy (platformers, shmups) where there's not a lot of choice for higher framerates. I'll tolerate 60fps instead of abandoning those genres.

>> No.797757

On a board where the only replies are irrational and subjective arguments, every opinion is unpopular.

>> No.797761

Thus, every opinion is equally valid.

>> No.797765


Once again out of curiosity, what kind of games are designed for above 60FPS? Is it simulators, or RPGs, or something else?

>> No.797774
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Night Warriors is better than Vampire Savior. (Granted, this isn't exactly an unpopular opinion among people who actually played the series back when it was released, but all the people who are only just getting into Darkstalkers now only seem to care about Vampire Savior).

>> No.797808
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Damn straight!

>> No.797828

Not to mention the creepiness of the suicidal guy

>> No.797827

You never played Mario Party.

>> No.797829

Refresh rate is not the same as frame rate, dvach. It's a shame you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.797831

There are none, because NTSC can't handle signals above 60 or 30 frames

I have no idea what this guy is talking about.

>> No.797848

>green-haired Tina

>> No.797853

sonic 2 was best sonic, fuck 3&K

>> No.797857

i never liked mario 3 as much as world, I don't get why it's a given that it's the better game

>> No.797860

This. With the exception of X series.

>> No.797889

>Paper Mario(or any of the IS Mario RPG's) is the height of RPG's

Fuck yes

>> No.797925

Lots of PC games are variable framerate and allow framerates higher than 60fps (with a monitor that supports it).

>> No.797951

Water temple was easy as shit. Took me less than a day.

but that was the 3DS version so

>> No.797952

>implying that's an unpopular opinion

These days you get crucified if you tell /v/ or /vr/ you hated the Water Temple.

And it's a strawman anyway. People have never complained that the water temple is "hard" in the sense of enemy or puzzle difficulty (except perhaps Dark Link). What I do hear complaints about is that it's tedious, needlessly time-wasting, and a confusing mess.

Personally I still liked it. Amazing music and overall feel.

>I think Slippy bashing is just a faddish thing these days. People say it because it's a pop culture thing to say

No, fuck you, you reactionary hipster twat. I played that game for the first time with my cousin when I was 10. We both hated the fuck out of Slippy. All of my friends who played it hated the fuck out of Slippy. Just because you personally don't agree with the prevailing opinion doesn't mean it's a "knee-jerk fad" and it's insulting to suggest otherwise. These things become fads in the first place *for a reason*. I can strawman the opposing side too. Watch:

>hurrr i dun agree with popular thing am i cool yet guise? yea im so cool and edgy for going against the mainstream

That's what you sound like.

>> No.797983

The Water Temple doesn't deserve all the bashing it gets. The blame should go to the menu system with the Iron Boots. Go play OoT3D and tell me the same thing about the Water Temple.

I don't get the mass appeal behind Earthbound. Most people haven't even heard about it until SSB.

>> No.797990

That's not an unpopular opinion, that's a shit taste in vidya.

Care to explain why you think that with arguments?

>> No.798005
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i love this game.

>> No.798012

I've got one OP. It related to a post some faggot just made that got deleted before I could reply. It relates to this idea that "casual" game players are somehow responsible for the ENTIRE modern game market turning to feces.

>"Casuals" have never been the problem; it's always been the merging of small studios into corporations, corporations merging to form larger, publicly traded, more disconnected from their consumer-base major corporations, and then THOSE corps getting swallowed by mega-corps that only look to their shareholders interests, caring only for their consumers as a component of the cash-flow diagram.

>You can go all the way back to the '70s and find games(and players!) of all kinds of varying competencies and preferences...just like today. The only thing that's changed over time is the nature of the business.

>Anything else is simply making excuses for the businesses people choose to give their money to.

>> No.798090

The SNES controller is ass.

>the dpad is now a mushy piece of shit

>> No.798097
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>easy as shit
>took me less than a day

>> No.798113

Navi wasn't that bad.

>> No.798118

newer games of nearly every genre are inherently better and the only reason to play retro games is for the nostalgia

>> No.798120

I see no reason why there should be another Zelda character in Super Smash Bros other than Skull Kid. It's not particularly an unpopular opinion but it means I don't give a fuck about Midna, Tingle or anyone else. I want Toad too, that's kind of unpopular.

My real unpopular opinion is the same as OP. Even as a kid I didn't mind Slippy. I just thought he was funny. It's not a "hipster" thing, I just don't get mad at a video game character who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.

>> No.798126

I tend to agree, however if you're going to do a 2D platformer, in my opinion, 16 bit looks best.

>> No.798127


But you're right, anon.

>> No.798129


In some cases that's true, in some not so much.

Depends on the genre and era.


Good god. Off to find more.

>> No.798138

>3DS version
oh how smart you are!
just ignore the fact that they added big glowing markings pointing to where you're supposed to go, you did it on your own! I'm sure you would have beaten it so quickly in the original as well. good work!

>> No.798135

Earthbound is boring as shit.

Link to the Past is better than Link's Awakening.

>> No.798145

Don't you like Shiek?

>Good god. Off to find more.

I hope you like dicks.

>> No.798142

Now this is something that even people back then disagreed with.

>Powerpuff girls has the mayor of townsville killing navi

>> No.798147

No they didn't.

>> No.798149


I used to like Zelda/Shiek when I was younger, but now I don't give a shit about them. Captain Falcon is my main. Though to be honest, I hardly play the console ones now. I play fan-made ones because they have Geno.

>> No.798151

Even in OoT's prime I didn't feel she was that bad, nowadays I guess I'm used to it.

>> No.798159

I didn't really like Super Metroid as much as I liked any of the other 2D Metroids, I think all the games that came after it built on what it had and did everything it did but better. I don't think it's necessarily a bad game, but there wasn't much that blew me away when I got round to playing it.

>> No.798162
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An example though? Like something you play often or like to play or anything at all really. I've never known any games that supported super-high FPS, everything I've seen shot for 60 or 30 if they were desperate.

Also, what do you think of 5th gen games that do hit 60FPS?

>> No.798172
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>> No.798179

Tell me which one is which, and then I'll tell you why you're wrong.

>> No.798184

It just looks like there's squiggles on the wall.

>> No.798185

those are both from the 3ds version

you can tell by the big glowing markings on the wall telling you where to go

>> No.798193

OpenArena (and all the Quakes, although depending on server configuration they wouldn't always be perfectly smooth). Most FPSs except console ports.

And those rare 60fps 5th gen. games are usually good.

>> No.798197


I think the problem there is "got round to playing it". I'm similar with Mario games, they feel to me like very competent platformers that don't put a foot wrong, but I don't feel any magic from them. I just assume that they became part of gaming canon, so it's like reading Shakespeare or watching Seinfeld, pretty much everything in Western literature/goofy sitcoms cribbed everything from them, so it looks played out, even though they were the original player.
Probably doesn't help that I had a Mega Drive as a kid. Even though I had a PAL one and had the 50 Hz bullshit playing Sonic, playing Mario today is like wrestling in treacle to me.

>> No.798203

Nigga, there are two separate doorways that are lit in that top picture. If it's supposed to be telling you which way to go, then it's doing a damn good job of making the temple even MORE confusing.

>> No.798196

Also the Bubble A

>> No.798206


>calling Terra Tina

>> No.798216

if we're talking about the water temple in ALttP then i got through it just fine. I never played Majora's mask because i thought it was a stupid premise.

>> No.798219

It's ALWAYS colored red, at least when the water is high.

>> No.798212

Why do you think only one door is colored red...

>> No.798226

i managed to finished Legend of Dragoon, and yeah it was subpar RPG. the damn combat system was a piece of shit.

>> No.798223

yes I'm sure the added shots where the camera pans over to every door you've unlocked when the water raises makes it more confusing as well

>> No.798232

in my opinion Banjo-Kazooie just blows in general

>> No.798235


I congratulate you on making it that far I couldn't handle more than 2 discs

>> No.798229


follow the color relevant to the puzzle you are presently solving you stupid nigger

>> No.798236

Honestly I liked the combat and I stayed for it, but everything else was rather meh to me. Also I kept thinking I missed a game before it with all the references from nowhere.

>> No.798247

>FFIX is the best PS1 RPG
>Mother series is great fun, but not the best games ever.
>Majora's Mask>>>>OoT
>Working Designs is a piece of shit, and sadly the only reason why I pay attention to them is because stuff got a translation at all.
I fap to Flea.

>> No.798252

this is an UNpopular opinions thread, dude

>> No.798257


>> No.798261

I wouldn't say that they're all horrible, but once you take out the mainstream brands you're not really looking at much to play. N64 honestly had a pitiful library for how popular it was.

>> No.798273

I think Earthbound is the weakest game in the series from a narrative point of view. It has the problem of not being able to decide if it wants to be a sequel to the original Mother or a remake. It takes a lot of elements from the first game and even brings back its villain. Giygas in Mother was a surprisingly original take on an alien invader, a refreshing sight (especially for its time) in which an alien was neither unrelatably superior or 100% evil, but had surprisingly (for lack of better term) human motives and reactions. So when he comes back in Earthbound he’s suddenly FUCKING CRAZY to the point that he’s lost his physical form and became a gibbering mass of energy. If Earthbound is to be believed it’s because he became so evil that now he’s the most evilest evil who ever eviled. I feel that Mother 1 and 3 told a better story.

>> No.798291

I thought Metroid Prime was boring

>> No.798294

The NES Mario games are faster paced than any Sonic game. The "speed sections" in Sonic games are actually the slowest parts, because you're not making any decisions and only watching.

>> No.798293

This is a good thing. The Water Temple was badly designed.

>> No.798359

I think MediEvil is shit

>> No.798378

>Final Fantasy didn't get good until V.

Until IV* you mean.

>> No.798403

I also think that Spyro and Crash Bandicoot aren't that great

>> No.798446
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Filters make games look better

>> No.798450

some do, but 3 or 4x scaling, like you are using there doesn't
0/10 for your troll attempt tho

>> No.798451
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The Legend of Zelda cartoon wasn't that bad. It was corny at times, sure, but it still had its fair share of genuinely enjoyable episodes

>> No.798453

Oh, it's you.

>> No.798460

I think Millon's Secret Castle is an awesome game.
I also think that ET isn't the worst atari 2600 game, and yes, I've played it, I have even beat it

>> No.798461


How is that actually possible to like Superman 64? Its so fundamentally broken and buggy.

You sound like you're trying too hard to be unique with that one, but I agree that Mischief Makers is overrated crap and Neverhood was boring shit.

>> No.798463


Yeah, it's me.

Also, here's some more works of art, courtesy Squarepusher


>> No.798474
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>Good god. Off to find more.

Anons face when he finds more

>> No.798473
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>but I agree that Mischief Makers is overrated crap

Why would anyone say that? It's one of the best games in the N64 library, especially by today's standards.

Please don't let this thread devolve into a discussion about scanlines and filters and shit, we have a really good thing going here.

Oh, I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion, but I think that the Pinocchio game for the SNES is a really good platformer and probably better than Aladdin. I just see noone ever mention Pinocchio.

>> No.798476

Anything by Mythicon is 10x worse than E.T.

>> No.798478

I think mario 64 is the worst game ever made, not just the worst mario game ever made but the worst game ever made. I'm not trolling, I've tried playing through this game about a hundred times but I just can't bring myself to do it.

>> No.798484

Funny story, I've been browsing her blog today (yeah, I know) and she wrote this:
>I like how the comic has mini bios of each android, it kind of reminds me of when I used to look at the stats of video game characters where they explain their special techniques and bios

Thought I'd post it since it's mildy /vr/ related. What game do you think she's talking about? I'd say Street Fighter, but [insert every JRPG ever] is also a possibility.

>> No.798487


It's not particularly involving of a platformer, and whilst it may have been good by N64 standards (dGoemon was still better) it's easily one of the worst Treasure games, and mediocre compared to the greats of the 16-bit era

>> No.798530

I like Rayman 3 better than Rayman 2 in pretty much every aspect.
I think Banjo-Kazooie is super boring and doesn't stand up to DK64 or SM64.
I think Lost Levels is a good sequel that wasn't "too hard".
I don't like Megaman at all.
I don't like the Genesis at all.
I think the N64 controller is well-designed.
I think DKC1 is the best DKC.

>> No.798554

donkey kong country 2 is shite

3 and 1 are superior

>> No.798562


Quite common in instruction manuals generally. The Sonic manuals used to have a little description for every single badnik in the games.

>> No.798716

I like the music from the PC version of S3&K more than the Genesis version.

>> No.798724

pic unrelated?

>> No.798737

I think Ultima is a profoundly overrated series as far as RPGs go. They are all pretty samey and easily get boring after a couple of hours. The only good games in the Ultima franchise are the spinoffs, but even then, Ultima Underworld 1 and 2 were marred by absolutely horrible controls and game-breaking, unwinnable-situation-causing bugs that were hard to notice happening until you realize you lost that obscure tiny item you need for advancing to a glitch several hours ago.

>> No.798845

Zelda:OoT is the most overrated video game in history.

It is commonly "number 1" on many-a-gamer's Top Xs lists.

- bad sprite pop-up
- "open world" - empty space with a whole two wandering creatures- both annoying
- night/day switch-off far too quick
- mindless item fetching
- main town was shit

>> No.798869

The definition of tello

>> No.799228

I think the NES and SNES looked like shit compared to the Famicom deigns.

>> No.799250

I play OoT every few years and I always get stuck at this one step during the water temple.
>Following a walkthrough
Man, you should just watch a Let's Play.

>> No.799269

Video games are not fun.

>> No.799273

The Playstation's three letter abbreviation is PSX

There are approximately 35x as many good games for PSX as there are for N64

>> No.799278

>There are approximately 35x as many good games for PSX as there are for N64

That's not an unpopular opinion. That's an occasionally unacknowledged fact.

>> No.799312

>Megaman V is best Megaman
>Classic Megaman is miles better than X
>Ghosts n Goblins is not that hard
>Turn based JRPGS are terrible and drawn out and uninteresting

>> No.799385

>Megaman V is best Megaman
Oh yeah.

>> No.799387

Metroid 1 is the worst game in the series. It's amateur as fuck.

>> No.799405


>> No.799437

>I got bored with Diablo II. I enjoyed everything about Torchlight II.

>> No.799484

duck hunt is a pretty cool guy eh laughs at you and doesnt afraid of anything.

really though I dont mind the dog because he never laughs at me because I never miss 2edgy4u

>> No.799513

hahaha thats the first time thats been apropriate

>> No.799582

>Ghosts n Goblins is not that hard
This is just fundamentally wrong.

>> No.799590



>> No.799627

the first pokemon games were the most boring and shallow games i've ever invested 10+ hours in and to this day the popularity of the series mystifies me

>> No.799631

I fucking love sonic the hedgehog.
The old cartoons, all the games. Everything.

I'm not one of those faggot furries, either. They don't even ruin the character for me. I just like how he's just this rad blue dude thats radical.

I look at him in the same light as the ninja turtles.

>> No.799629

you glitch the fuck out of them yet?

>> No.799670

>FFIX is a great title and the last good FF.


>> No.799674


So was your eating habit. Fatty.

>> No.799676

luigi's mansion is fucking horrible

>> No.799894
File: 296 KB, 1101x1500, super_mario_bros_xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really like Mario games (at least not the 2d ones), but I love the Super Mario Bros Movie. It's probably my favorite thing to come out of the franchise

>> No.799905

>having these opinions
that's it I'm outta here.
it's time to speed keed
I'm up, over, and gone

>> No.799971

I love it when people quote the old Sonic cartoon.

>> No.799991

I'm really unfond of how old school length-increasing difficulty has been deemed, retraoctively, somehow more "satisfying." Because there's a word for what Ninja Gaiden III: ASoD put me through, and satisfying ain't fucking it.

>> No.800094

that's why I use retroarch: its rewind feature.
gives every game SoT/braid levels of forgiveness

>> No.800375


I'd rather have that than plow through your average game in 30 minutes in one try.

Carts were pretty limited in what they could hold.

>> No.800382

30 minutes is the ideal length for a game. If 30 minutes seems too short then the game is too easy.

>> No.800410

>Battletoads and Double Dragon is superior to Battletoads
>Sonic CD is pretty cool game, doesn't afraid to be on CD
>FFVI is the best of the classic FFs
>FFIV is generic and boring as fuck
>There were no really good Genesis exclusives, other than the Sonics which were okay at best

>> No.800449
File: 42 KB, 960x768, 1859_screen18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret of Monkey Island is better than Le'Chuck's Revenge

>> No.800456

I think the N64 is the best console ever.

>> No.800458

lives in Mario games are fucking stupid
I fucking HATE replaying levels in a platformer

>> No.800462

replace Slippy with Navi and you have my whole opinion on the matter too.

>> No.800463

If you don't know how to hold an N64 controller then you're probably not intelligent enough to be playing video games more complex than Pac-Man.

>Left hand on the middle part, where the joystick(!) and start button(!) are
>Right hand on the right part, where everything else that matters is
>You can still reach the d-pad with your left thumb if you really need to
>Fuck the L button

>> No.800471

Battletoads is as overrated as it is because MUH ULTRAHARD DIFFICULTY has become a fad.

>> No.800503

Wait, there are people that don't do that?

>> No.800515

You're a retard, not all games use the analog stick :|

>> No.800534

if kirby 64 and mischief makers gave you that much trouble to figure out, you may very well be mentally retarded

>> No.800545

>Pokemon RB were good for their time but they are so god damn glitchy that I couldn't fathom why anyone would want to play them over FR/LG for any reason besides nostalgia.

The musics and the Graphics. But the first i played was yellow, so I'd play yellow again, instead of RB.

>> No.800549

Definitive Game Overs are bullshit.

>> No.800552

The only game in which I don't hold the controller like that is when I play Doom 64. I hold it sideways so the index and ring finger on my right hand are pressing L and R for sidestepping. My right thumb is pressing A and B for alternating weapons. Then for my left hand it's holding the middle part with the thumb on the joystick and left index pressing Z. Anyone else hold the controller different for various games?

Anyway for my unpopular opinion. At least here on /vr/ it seems that many people here don't like DK64. I think it's one of the best games on the console.

>> No.800561

>30 minutes is the ideal length for a game.
That's why Suikoden was such a piece of shit.

>> No.800559

There are idiots who try to stretch their thumb to the analog stick while holing the left prong as if the D-Pad will be needed EVER

>> No.800564

giygas is in a normal physicalform throughout the whole game, I'm pretty sure he was manipulated by pokey to eventually just lose his shit

>> No.800616

>Unpopular Opinion
I prefer emulation to real consoles.

>> No.800623

Zelda ALttP is a boring game. I've started it many times in my life and have never been able to finish it out of sheer boredom. Granted I didn't play it during the SNES era when it was new so that probably has something to do with it. Still, I can appreciate other retro games playing them for the first time long after their prime but not Zelda ALttP. Boring fucking game.

I feel the same way about Zelda Majora's Mask. Have tried playing through it three or four times, each time just being too bored and uninterested to continue. I loved OoT and Link's Awakening, the latter being one of my all time favourite games.


>> No.800624

shit taste, that's all that can be said for you, really

>> No.800632

autistic butthurt, that's all I can say for you really

>> No.800630

Me, too, and I was born in '86, so I've played all the consoles I emulate. Emulation is superior (when it works properly of course) as you get the same shit but with superior resolution, filters that can improve the graphics (yes, they IMPROVE the SNES graphics you autist fucks) and better controllers. N64 analog was shitty for instance. Playing with a PS3 or 360 controller makes N64 games a million times better.

>> No.800634

>Lost Levels
the lost levels had the difficulty toned down a bit, when people talk about Japanese Super Mario 2 being too hard they are talking about the original NES version, not Lost Levels.

>> No.800636

why so casual?

>> No.800640

Agreed. Never had so much fun as I did when I was 12 and playing 4 player in-house multiplayer with the bros. It really had some special games, too.

>> No.800643
File: 42 KB, 400x721, starfox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to look the company up to see what they made, got a small giggle out of this

>> No.800650

he's just a typical kids, some of them can't appreciate anything that isn't 3D

>autistic butthurt

>> No.800662

omg, wut is going on?
dear lord that noise
why are there houses and fishing boats over the space field? it's like they used another game's engine but were too lazy to get rid of the elements of the other game, dear lord

>> No.800675 [DELETED] 

I don't think the Dreamcast is retro

>> No.800680

I don't think the Dreamcast is retro

>> No.800689

I hate Zelda games, never found them interesting. The only bearable one I think was Oracle of Seasons and only because Gameboy had no games worth playing that wasn't called Pokemon. I can see why some people might call them good games but I hardly think it's the greatest game series ever unlike 60 percent of everybody who plays games (or pretends to)

>> No.800697
File: 130 KB, 500x563, 1368829706428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy Megaman 8. I like the aesthetic, I actually enjoy the voices, I like the sound effects, I like the music, like the semi-story cutscenes with anime: just all-around I enjoy Megaman 8. I personally pick 8 over 7, also.

>> No.800714
File: 33 KB, 292x292, 1370387148688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only because Gameboy had no games worth playing that wasn't called Pokemon

Shit nigga, the GB(C) had tons of good games. DQM, Mario Land 2, Wario Land, Donkey Kong, Link's Awakening and Harvest Moon are just some I can think of on the top of my head. Every iteration of the Gameboy has a great library.

>> No.800713

Same here, anon. I tell people like this:

Mega Man 8 = changes I adopted very well

Mega Man X7 = changes I did NOT like at all

>> No.800716
File: 62 KB, 600x819, bobby back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget CCE/Bit Corporation
Bit Corp was a chinese company that made quite a few dreadful games for the atari 2600 (most well known are probably Bobby is Going Home and Dancing Plate), before moving onto the NES/Famicom and making "Pirate Originals", most notoriously, this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCqqViJPRMs

>> No.800728
File: 63 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.800731

Dragon Age 2 isn't so bad.

>> No.800732

wait... there was a harvest moon game boy game?
Also, if he's only experience the gameboy through emulation or collecting, I can see where he is coming from, the gamboy/gameboy color is kind of nintendo's Atari 2600 in that many of the games seemed great at the time but haven't really stood the test of time.

>> No.800730

>he's just a typical kids, some of them can't appreciate anything that isn't 3D
Did you actually read my post? I said I love Link's Awakening. What a dumb fuck you are indeed.

>> No.800736

It's not even that hard. There's some weird variety to it, but it's always fair.
But you probably never got past the bike race. Because god forbid a game ask you to have reflexes and memorization of a simple pattern. You just want to mash buttons.

>> No.800737

/b/ plz go

>> No.800739


>sprite pop-up
no there wasnt
>open world
it was never described as open world
>night/day too quick
you could control it
>mindless item fetching
one side quest
>main town shit
youre there for about 5 minutes

>> No.800745


This, the control was fine. My only problem is that as an adult I find the shitty cheap plastic design too light and flimsy.

What games even used both analog stick and d-pad? i dont imagine any did

>> No.800749

>one side quest
I don't agree with the guy you are responding to, but what are you talking about? There were a bunch of side quests in OoT, most of them didn't involve item fetching though and I found the golden skeltula one to be the most annoying to be honest.

>> No.800753


Thts what i meant, theres only one real item fetch art of the game, th biggoron sword.

>> No.800754

>wait... there was a harvest moon game boy game?

Yeah. It's pretty much a castrated version of the SNES game, so I'd just recommend to play the SNES version instead. There's a much bigger emphasis on the farming aspect, there aren't any waifus or a town to explore.
I used to play it with a friend, we spent almost a whole vacation in our bedroom playing Harvest Moon. Shit was cash.

>Also, if he's only experience the gameboy through emulation or collecting, I can see where he is coming from, the gamboy/gameboy color is kind of nintendo's Atari 2600 in that many of the games seemed great at the time but haven't really stood the test of time.

I can't agree with that, this statement is as true for the Gameboy as it is for any other retro console. Games like Donkey Kong, Dragon Quest Monsters and Wario Land have aged very well. I'd argue that they're exactly as good now as they were back when they were released. They've got tight mechanics and the graphics are still pretty.
The only nintendo console that has aged really horribly is the N64.

>> No.800760

I don't think inventing and assuming negative things about one's opponent and basing an argument on them is a good strategy for a discussion.

>> No.800763

>shitty cheap plastic design too light and flimsy.
what?... just... what? did you use only 3rd party controllers or something?
>What games even used both analog stick and d-pad?
I remember quite a lot using both
are you confusing the N64 for the Dreamcast or something?

>> No.800764

one side quest involving item fetching

reading comprehension you stupid fucking bitch

>> No.800765

I hated Arcanum and I only went through it because peer pressure on 4chan made me try too hard to believe it's a decent game

>> No.800771


They just feel so light after years of heavy controllers

And what games require use of both analog AND d-pad? I had a good deal of N64 games in my time, and I dont remember that once

>> No.800776
File: 51 KB, 490x769, OhBoyHereWeGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name some other games for the gameboy that have aged well other than the small amount you keep repeating please, also before you come back with some stupid comment about me being some underaged kid, I'm 33

>The only nintendo console that has aged really horribly is the N64.
pic related

>> No.800783

>I remember quite a lot using both

name them

>> No.800784

>name some other games for the gameboy that have aged well other than the small amount you keep repeating
Not the guy you're asking, but Gameboy Kirby is still pretty good and hasn't been mentioned yet.

>> No.800786


Its true that most Gameboy was never that amazing, but there are plenty of gems out there like Kid Dracula, or Survival Kids.

>> No.800791

I'd rather not discuss with someone that goes into aggressive mode just because someone disagrees with him, I'm not here to get mad at people on the internet.

Now please reply with "I knew it, you don't know any other games!"

>> No.800797

For some who is 33 you sure are fucking dumb

>> No.800802

to be honest, I think it's just the early N64 games that tried hard to use both
but that being said, how many PS2 games use both the d-pad and analog sticks? let alone both analog sticks. The second analog stick on the PS2 is virtually unused... you can't go around saying that the N64 controller is inferior to modern controllers because of that when more modern systems have pretty much the same issue

>> No.800804


Name one

>> No.800805


Also thats not what I said, I said the controller was fine, but too light and plasticy for my man hands

>> No.800810

first off, I'm not in aggressive mode, I was partially trying to prove my point, and also actually interested in what games people might post.
second off, you went into aggressive mode before you percieved that I did

>> No.800808

hmmm... still can't name one

>> No.800817

>person doesn't agree with me
>I'll call them dumb rather than present a valid argument proving them wrong, that will show them

>> No.800820

>first off, I'm not in aggressive mode
>other than the small amount you keep repeating please, also before you come back with some stupid comment about me being some underaged kid, I'm 33
>pic related

>you went into aggressive mode
Please tell me how I'm aggressive in >>800754 and >>800714.

>> No.800823

to be honest I could never get into the Survival Kids games, I just found them boring
I need to play Kid Dracula at some point though.

>> No.800824

N64 games gave you a choice, like Shadows of the Empire, to use the Dpad OR the stick, but I can't think of a single game that used both for different functions so you needed to switch between Dpad and stick

>> No.800825


Even still just because you personally dont enjoy these games doesnt mean the library itself is bad, it just means you dont enjoy them.

in other words, grow up

>> No.800831


I scroll on by on the main page and see this series of posts? Please never embarrass yourself or this board like this again.

>> No.800834

>in other words, grow up
And stop playing video games, right?

>> No.800836

>>other than the small amount you keep repeating please
I don't quite see how that is aggressive

>also before you come back with some stupid comment about me being some underaged kid
that's more defensive than agressive, it's a common retort here and it was likely the responding post might use it, so I was responding to it ahead of time.

>pic related
that was in response to your obvious "N64 sucks" troll comment, and not to the rest of your post.

I don't see why you can't just list some games rather than try to attack me anyhow.

>> No.800837


Whats your problem with asking someone to name N64 games that use all three prongs of the controller?

I'm genuinely interested in why this anon thinks there were 'plenty' yet hasnt been able to name any

>> No.800843

I enjoyed many game boy games in it's time, but I believe that a lot of them just don't hold up today, which is also an opinion, that I personally hold. You could try to change my opinion by posting examples of games that might sway me rather than insult me, but then again rational arguments is not what this board is about anymore.

>> No.800854

if you didn't notice, I realized I was wrong and revised my post, and said that it was mostly only the earliest N64 games used all three, why don't you read next time?

>> No.800870


I read your post, but its still wrong and youre still asserting the notion. Did Mario 64 require all 3 prongs? Did Shadows? Did Turok?

What are these 'earliest games' youre talking about?

>> No.800875

require, no, but you could still use them
also stop calling them "prongs", it sounds stupid

>> No.800878

>mostly only the earliest N64 games used all three




>> No.800881

why are you so angry?

>> No.800882

>that's more defensive than agressive, it's a common retort here and it was likely the responding post might use it, so I was responding to it ahead of time.

It's passive-aggressive and you imply that I'm an idiot that's going to attack your age while we were having a perfectly civil discussion.

>that was in response to your obvious "N64 sucks" troll comment, and not to the rest of your post.

It's not a "troll comment", it's my honest opinion. N64 was an experimental phase for 3D console games and a lot of games that I previously considered very good feel and look very sloppy nowadays, while I can still enjoy Gameboy classics as much as I did when I first played them. This is another thing that I'd consider aggressive, that you dismiss my honest opinion instantly as a troll comment just because it's a fairly popular opinion many people are tired of.

>I don't see why you can't just list some games rather than try to attack me anyhow.

I would've liked to do that if you kept it civil.
I come here to have a pleasant time and talk about things I like, not to get into a heated argument with strangers and prove the superiority of my opinions to myself.

I'm going to have dinner now, when I come back I'll post a list of games I consider to be good.

>> No.800883


What would you call them? It's a trident shape, and a trident has prongs.

And hooray finally you admit the d-pad was optional. Was it that hard to admit to making a stupid comment?

>> No.800890

So now you take issue with the word "prong"? The fuck is your problem?

>> No.800898

it wasn't a stupid comment, as the person I was responding to stated that either the analog stick or the d-pad was used and the other would be unused, not that it was optional

also I don't think game design choices on what movement device to use in a game is a valid reason to say the controller was shit.

>> No.800896

Yoshi's Story
Pokemon Stadium games
Doom 64

>> No.800902

>What games even used both analog stick and d-pad?

I set up any FPS to handle movement with the dpad (left hand on far left grip) and use the middle grip with my right hand to use the analog stick for looking/aiming and the z button for firing. It's much closer to standard modern PC/console FPS setups.

It works pretty well for Turok/Goldeneye (Solitaire layout)/Perfect Dark.

>> No.800909

the funny thing, is that I'm the one that has been civil all this time, all you do is attack, I have remained calm.

>> No.800910


You're in some fantasy land dude, youre responding to things nobody said, and youre claiming you didnt say what you did.

>> No.800913


Are you a left-hander?

I did the same, but with the c-buttons.

>> No.800919


Nope, I'm just used to fine aiming with my right thumb/hand.

>> No.800923

yoshi's story wasn't early,didn't require all three prongs at once
re2 wasn't early, didn't require all 3
pokemon stadium only used the analog in the mini games, dpad in normal menus
doom64, not an early title, had control schemes supporting multiple layouts, never required all 3

>> No.800924

I have never once clamed to not say things I said, and I see no where in that post where I did so, in fact I was backing up something I said, also
>youre responding to things nobody said
>What games even used both analog stick and d-pad?
read next time please

>> No.800932

duke nukes 3D jet pack explosive shotgun shell pirate ship Picasso multiplayer masterpiece

>> No.800934


your comment about people hating the controller

>> No.800937

>you imply that I'm an idiot that's going to attack your age while we were having a perfectly civil discussion.
No, I implied that you could be because it's a common thing here

>It's not a "troll comment", it's my honest opinion.
if that is the truth, than I made an honest mistake, it's often used simply to get people angry around here.

>I would've liked to do that if you kept it civil.
then why didn't you rather than read into my post way too much?

>> No.800938

Both yoshi's story and Doom 64 are 1997 games, and RE2 and Pokemon Stadium are 1998 games. You didn't ask for required, you asked for games that used all buttons, required or not.

>> No.800940

Really? Fucking really?

>> No.800943

Mario characters are dumb and Mario games are boring, the only good one is SMB3, that still today is far superior even to the new ones.

NES is technically a piece of crap, even for its times.

>> No.800958

oh... and
>not to get into a heated argument with strangers and prove the superiority of my opinions to myself.
yes instead you wanted to get into a heated argument with a stranger and prove the superiority of your conduct to yourself.
all I did was ask for a list because I was genuinely interested, as I said before, you are reading way too much into my post

>> No.800962

I liked Rayman 2 in a lot of ways, but it just lacked a certain... oomph that SM64 and Banjo-Kazooie had, IMO. I think it would have been a MUCH more satisfying game to play if it had better music and sound engineering.

>> No.800965

I have trouble viewing post 16-bit consoles (N64, PS1 etc) as 'retro'

Not because they're not necessarily old school and can be considered as such, but my idea of a retro game is anything pre-95, as games went 3D around that time, and aside from improvements in the graphic quality and depth, haven't really changed all that much since

Your average mid-late 90s N64 game to me is pretty much the same as any game made in the last 5 years in terms of gameplay and objectives

>come at me bro

Also, I didn't play much vidya after the mid 90s until I got my PS2 (aside from my GBC)

>> No.800989

the required part was implied, the person was complaining about using all 3 prongs at once

>> No.801020

that's not an umpopular opinion, I've seen a lot as an argument as to why mods were idiots for allowing 5th gen consoles.

>> No.801043

>to me is pretty much the same as any game made in the last 5 years in terms of gameplay and objectives
have you even played a game in the last few years, 80% the game is spent hand holding
>message comes up on the screen
>"press the x button to do something you have done a million times before"

>> No.801056

I know MGS 3 used both D-pad and analog sticks.

>> No.801074

Nobody's hand is big enough to use everything at the same time.

>> No.801085
File: 36 KB, 375x347, 968375-n64_controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you call them? It's a trident shape, and a trident has prongs.

>> No.801120

Guys, Guys.. Let's all stop arguing about the N64 and get back to the point of this thread - arguing about scan lines.

>> No.801336

This. I honestly never found it that irritating. To me the Fire Temple was far more tedious after several playthroughs.
>I don't get how Chrono Trigger and the FF Series in general are popular, but then again I'm not a JRPG guy.
>The n64 was massively underrated
>I love the SNES but I'm ok with just having ROMS/Emulator for it, there are only a half dozen games I really care for on it.
>Other than Link's Awakening, there has never been a good portable Zelda.

>> No.801358

I know your feels bro. I collect (though mostly collectED at this point) NES and I'm working on collecting n64 but I've played every game I have at least once. Even the rare ones that I could just as well get graded, sealed in a case, and...look at them?
I emulate NES and SNES mostly because it's convinent. Piss on CRT shit, games look just fine HDMI on my monitor. I use a 360 gamepad and it's not the same but it works. I would say that there is nothing better than playing on original hardware but I wax nostalgic just as much emulatin'.
Sounds llike the dudes you know are just purisits. Also agree, original Zelda was groundbreaking as all hell, but in retrospect the game kind of sucks.

>> No.801364

This lol. I played n64 a lot and I even put too much pressure on control sticks and the controls I had all weathered it pretty well.

>> No.801725
File: 21 KB, 278x298, 1331923490138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have that in box good lord is it bad. firefly by them is worse though

>> No.802027

No, I had a gameboy color.

The only impressionable game I played on it was Wario Land 3.

>> No.802038


>Virgin's Aladdin is an highly overrated mediocre platformer. The only thing it has going for it are the graphics and presentation. Snes version plays better.

They're both pretty overrated. SNES version has a terrible difficulty curve(the second area of the game is the hardest) and some questionable level design, but i think that it captures the feel of aladdin better than the genesis version.

Genesis version has momentum and a smoother difficulty curve(except Escaping the cave), but it definitely does not feel like aladdin. It feels like a hack and slash game, but it's a damn good one.

>> No.802041

>second analog is virtually unused
>has not played timesplitters
>or any game that allows you to move the camera around

>> No.802057

Diablo 2 is not that good, original is much better

>> No.802071

I don't give a shit about the N64 or its controller.

>> No.802105

>Every iteration of the Gameboy has a great library.
No, no.

Both the Gameboy and the Gameboy Color had tons of shitty shovelware and just all around bad games. There were only a few very rare instances of third party games actually being good like Shantae, but otherwise generally had bad games, not that Nintendo could be blamed of course, people were still getting used to the idea of handheld gaming so most of the games on the system were attempts to get full blown console games on the thing instead of an experience that's designed around being a portable game. I can understand that the GB(C) had good games and maybe you played them more than the other games so you might come to that conclusion, but the GB(C) is very very very far from having a great library, not even an acceptable library really.

>> No.802163

James Rolfe is unfunny and makes me dislike video games.

>> No.802229
File: 12 KB, 216x216, im_shovel_ready_round_sticker-r8e93a973a90249bcb64cd8afd059ed19_v9waf_8byvr_216[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shovelware itself isn't good by definition, but a platform and license structure that results in shovelware being produced IS a good thing because it allows small companies to make riskier games.

We need more shovelware, not less.

>> No.802474

Most of the Atari 2600 & 7800) best games won't be on retro collections because most them are either third party or released late in their console's lifespan.

>> No.802476

Everything Pre-NES is horrendous.

>> No.802482

All the Final Fantasy games after 6 were shit.

>> No.802680

I like Earthworm Jim 3D more than the 2D ones.

/runs far away

>> No.802707


My africannorthamerican

>> No.802735
File: 124 KB, 262x288, 1348246808001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> TFW you will never play 4-players Smash Bros again

>> No.802745

Final Fantasy 8 > Final Fantasy 7 > Final Fantasy 9

>> No.802750
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Megaman X6 is my favorite X game.

>> No.802760

It's almost my favorite X game (I prefer X3 and X4)

I really like the boss fights. Especially Sigma.

>> No.802761

My nigga. I wonder why that took so long to come up though.

>> No.802767

The original LoZ isn't that fun. It's more tedious than anything. I appreciate that it kicked off a good franchise, and LoZ:LTTP is a fantastic game, but I can't force myself to bother finishing the first one because it's just not fun.

>> No.802778

Everything except the right trigger, you can.

>> No.802779

I'm genuinely curious if any anons here beat the original Zelda completely by themselves, with no help from Nintendo Power, the internet, etc. just looking at some of the secrets that you needed to discover to progress makes me feel like a casual, cause I know I'd never beat it without looking at a guide at least once.

>> No.802790

I absolutely love Megaman 7. I also like Megaman and Bass, 2 and 3. I don't like the others.

And yes, 7 was my first one.

>> No.802794

That may be why I can't get into it. I always play without looking shit up unless I'm stuck for more than an hour. And even then if I'm really into the game I tend to just dick around till I get it...

Unpopular positive opinion... Hmm... I like Doom 2 better than Doom. I love both, but Doom 2 wins just by having twice the number of monsters. (or so)

>> No.802795

I tried hard to enjoy this game, but ended up hating it as much as ever

>> No.802806

The Dreamcast controller is more comfortable than any other I've used. The only thing I dislike is the d-pad.

>> No.802810

I guess that's not retro though being 6th gen. But I did use it for emulation I guess.

>> No.802851

Mario 3 doesn't even compare to World IMO.

>> No.802865

With Mario, I just know that pretty much every game in the main series is considered to be the second coming of jesus, and so my general reaction to most mario's is "mmmmeh, another good mario game, another nickle."

>> No.802873

i fucking hate N64.
sega saturn is my favorite system.
never owned a playstation.
new games on new consoles (cod, 1st or 3rd person "insert gametype here") suck ass.
these are my opinions, there are many like them but these ones are mine

>> No.802880

fite me irl

>> No.802886

The Donkey Kong Country games were incredibly mediocre platformers that were only popular due to their graphics.

I hate Yoshi's Island.

>> No.802913

>The Donkey Kong Country games were incredibly mediocre platformers that were only popular due to their graphics.

Yeah, we all kno-
>I hate Yoshi's Island.

Fucking monster.

>> No.802958

I hate Zelda 2 due to the fact that I can;t fucking figure out what the fuck I'm supposed to do and I'm stuck at the beginning of the game wondering where the fuck I'm supposed to go ughhhhhh

>> No.802961

I though this was /vr/
2/10 for making me respond

>> No.802982

You would be gripping the left PRONG if you wanted to use the Dpad and holding the middle PRONG for the stick.

>> No.802985

I hated it too. You'll be the recipient of many spergings but I was not charmed, amused or otherwise entertained by Yosji's Island

>> No.802990

The original game boy had a fucking ton of great games lots of shovelware too but lots of classics imo. Most of the first party titles are pretty good of course. A lot of the NES ports, sequels/prequels are really good too, ninja gaiden shadow, operation c, castlevania adventure 2, gargoyles quest, bionic commando. The GBC on the other hand had way too much shit on it sure the graphics tightened up but the games went to shit trying to be ports of the new games at the time and new IPs. Just so much fucking garbage on the GBC,

>> No.803017

I wasn't part of this discussion before the n64 controller is shit, its a stupid design and the hori mini shows how it should have been done. The joystick is shit and gets way too lose after a while but is easily replaceable. Anyone who doesn't think they get loose has not played mario party enough. Honestly its been said before but its true that game is the bane of controllers. The only people who think its a good controller are nintendo 64 kid and everyone like him, its shit just accept that. I dont care though because its easy to fix of course. I also agree with the people who think the console has aged horribly, its low res textures work great for bright color platformers like mario and banjo. Then take a game like body harvest and why would you play it now when you have grand theft auto? The low res textures are all shit there arent many vehicles and arent too many enemies around.

that being said I still think its a great system and lots of fun. Even though I think body harvest has aged horribly as well its still a fun game to me

>> No.803030

god I fucking hate it too, it was such a step down from super mario world. There is no challenge to it and 100% completion is far easier than it was in other mario games

>> No.803048

E.T. is a decent game at best.

>> No.803065


You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect it, but you are a faggot.

>> No.803068

I wasn't even aware there was a Pinocchio game for SNES. I have to look that up now.

>> No.803093

Having had CRT TVs until only 3 years ago, I hate them to death.
Modern TVs don't catch glare and the upscaling is better than the blurry image and curved screen.
The only thing I missed was being able to put things on top of the TV and knock on the screen to hear that "poing" sound.

>> No.803105

I bought MM because of all the wank it gets here and I couldn't last but a few levels in. Totally not all /vr/ makes it seem like it would be. It seems like a prototype of what might be a good game someday

>> No.803109

>Rayman 3 better than 2
>Liking DK64
>Not liking Genesis

There's unpopular, and there's fucking crazy.

>> No.803116

That sign is totally unreadable!

>> No.803143
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> that horn thing on Celes

I don't remember that part of FF3 at all.

>> No.803149

Out of all the 16-bit and previous era Fantasies, I found V to be rather enigmatic, in that it simultaneously had the best gameplay out of them all, and yet the worst plot line. There hasn't been a final fantasy before it (or since it) beautifully balanced yet varied in potential playstyles.

>> No.803157

super mario rpg is square's worst game on super nintendo and the worst mario rpg .

Chrono trigger isn't that good.

Sonic was never good and i don't understand how anyone could argue sonic games were ever in mario's league.

This thread is gamefaqs tier as well as the rest of this board.

>> No.803162

I would have enjoyed that game, if it wasn't for the fact the stomach flu was going around in my family at the time I was playing it.

That part in one of the BGM's where some lady intermittenly goes "WOOP" "WOOP" didn't help my nausea for some reason.

>> No.803184
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When Pokemon was new I watched the Anime and was instantly hooked. Had an Ash costume custom made for myself and everything.

I got Red, Blue, Yellow, and a special edition Game Boy color for Christmas one year. I realized quickly that the games were total shit and never played Pokemon again until Soul Silver.

Now Pokemon is something I do every day, it's a huge part of my life. I LOVE Pokemon, man. The Gen 1 games were just plain awful, though. I can't go back from the DS, everything before it was just mediocre. Gen V is my favorite(though IV is nice).

>> No.803261

how dare she be portrayed as she actually appears in the game

>> No.803293

I can't get past Earthbound/Mother3's awful combat system. I hear about the story and how good it is but god, the fights.

M3's rhythm based combos didn't translate well to emulator at all and the scrolling damage is just dumb.

>> No.803296

Genius post.

>> No.803298

>Sonic was never good and i don't understand how anyone could argue sonic games were ever in mario's league.

Are you implying that the stages, music, level design wasn't done better in the Sonic games?

>> No.803310
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My nigger. Been with pokemon since the beginning. Can't wait for X/Y either.

>> No.803313

the new pokemon games are garbage and the new mechanics are stupid

>> No.803317

I'm a fan of both, and even I say that Sonic would only truly win in music.

>> No.803337

I think X/Y could go either way, honestly, but I am anticipating it and quite hopeful!

>> No.803349
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>Gen 1 was awful

>> No.803356
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This game was one of the best superhero games of the 16-bit era.

>> No.803365
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Not him. I still like them, but they were flawed and buggy as fuck. Did not age too well IMHO.

>> No.803370

I always enjoy to play this game. I really don't mind for some battle flaws, the world and characters and all are great.

>> No.803387

What you said. Slippy never gave me any gorram problems. In fact, I disliked Falco a bit more.

Navi didn't bother me anywhere as much as it did others.

Goldeneye 007 sucked - The World is Not Enough had a much better story, much better graphics and framerate, more weapons, better multiplayer, and more complex levels.

>> No.803417

something I think NONE of the Pokemon games do well is the overworld. No matter how cool or pretty they get, foggy areas, deserts, and FUCKING CAVES are the worst. They're enough to make me stop playing for days at a time if I can't fly past them.

>> No.803430

I don't think X3, or X4 are good games compared to the rest of the SNES/PS1 era X games.

Most of Chrono Trigger is a chore to play through, and FF6 outshines it.

I never understood 2d sonic game's appeal. I've played through all of them, clunky platformers, with boss battles, and a cool character? I also think Sonic Adventure 1&2 was a great direction for the sonic series, and believed sega should of continued with them instead of releasing heroes/shadow/sonic06

>> No.803437

zelda in general kinda blows

>> No.803443


It's not a series for everyone.

>> No.803514

Nothing is for everyone.

>> No.803569
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>> No.803758

>level design

>> No.803761

>hurr durr
Everyone stopped reading right there.

>> No.803782

>he has a valid point about why Sonic's level design is shitty, but I can't make a good comeback so I'm going to safely remark on one unimportant part of his message because I can't counter the point itself

>> No.803798

No, I simply stopped reading right there.

>> No.803834

Change "he" by "I" , since you're obviously >>803758
being butthurt.

>> No.803845

Rayman 3 has better graphics, controls, atmosphere, music, storytelling, and combat on top of actually feeling like a Rayman game because it isn't some bizarre grimdark deviation from the rest of the franchise.
And I don't see anything particularly wrong with DK64, and the Genesis is sort of like the Gamecube in that all the good games are either first-party or ports, and there's like 6 total.

>> No.804123 [SPOILER] 
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This is the best JRPG ever made

>> No.804141


How is that an unpopular opinion?

>> No.804160

I dislike the metroid and zelda games because every time I play them I keep getting lost and eventually i give up.

>> No.804162

>Secret of Evermore is better than Secret of Mana
Maybe not strictly unpopular - I'm certainly not the only one who thinks so -, but, lets say, controversial.
>Ocarina of Time wasn't revolutionary. It was a bogstandard 3D game. Competently executed, but that's it
Mario 64 was revolutionary. Ocarina of Time not so much.
>Rayman 2 > Mario 64 > Banjo Kazooie
It may be staggeringly linear, but it's also awesome.
>LttP is a soulless, boring dungeon crawler
Deal with it, faggots

>> No.804167

Oh, and I forgot:
>Super Mario 64's camera isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Stop complaining about a first gen 3D game having some minor camera issues, ffs

>> No.804395

I think you have Genesis confused with N64

>> No.804672


>Pokemon r/b sucks because not autistic enough

Why is the Pokemon fandom so annoying

>> No.804680


Interesting thing with Mario 64 camera is that Sony had tried to copyright a free movement' with intent of suing Nintendo for using it in Mario 64, which was why they used Lakitu

of course this is one of those anecdotes i couldnt substantiate today

>> No.804798

Not him, but to be fair, a lot of those glitches made playing competitively in Gen 1 really awful, especially the Wrap and Psychic bits.

But yeah, a lot of that shit is just nitpicking that really doesn't matter in R/B/Y. And this is coming from someone who prefers FR/LG,

>> No.804827

Both the original and 2 are meh. Metroid I had better exploration than both NES Zelda's.

>> No.805315

Wow, this thread took off eh?

>> No.805393

I love the owl from the zelda series, he's so wise. I don't know how can people get so mad at it just because they were too impatient and retarded to pay atention to the "Did you understand?" question. Once it happens to you, you learn forever that the owl will always put the NO option as default.

>> No.805409
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Can someone make a gif of him rotating his head infinitely?

>> No.805571

no thats whats annoying about the fandom its the tourneyfag mentality. There are far too many variables to make it truly competitive, real competitive pokemon should be everyone gets fresh carts of same version and they get 5 hours to work on a party, and anything goes. R/B/Y would be still relevent because it would be people trying to glitch the best party in 5 hours and it would truly show who the pokemon masters are. Not the gay autistic bullshit they call competitive pokemon they got going on now

>> No.805832

It's not something that just affected tourneyfags, though. Stadium 1 is boring to play through because of those bugs.

Anyway, your post doesn't really seem to make sense. You claim that Pokemon can't be competitive because there are too many variables. I agree. But your conception of real Pokemon has even more variables. What?

>> No.805837

The entire Zelda franchise blows giant donkey dick. Every game is like watching paint dry.

>> No.805838

not like Slippy, AM I RIGHT GUYS?

>> No.805863

Minish Cap was a steaming pile of shit.

I liked the ending to SMB2 USA.

F-Zero is easier than Super Mario Kart, by far(granted, both are easy).

The original LoZ wasn't very good.

Not sure if the last two opinions are unpopular...

>> No.805917

No 5 hours with the same version anything goes that isnt a cheating device. That gives everyone 5 hours to start on red and make a party or whatever they can in that time to get ready for the actual match after times up. 5 hours is also an arbitrary number I'm sure it would take less time for good players to do what they need. But people who dont know how to exploit the games arent going to win because they dont know how to play those gens properly. The variables like versions played, possible trades, time put in to that save file are all eliminated in this case which is what current competitive pokemon is and its dumb as fuck. I think the only rule would have to be is if one of your pokemon causes the battle to crash you are disqualified. I think my idea evens the playing field for everyone, also same models of gameboys must be used because I think the color and original have slightly different random number generators

>> No.806056

I don't think using savestates is a big deal (unless you abuse them) people complain that is not legit experience, but if you are playing it on an emulator you aren't playing legitimately to begin with.

>> No.806140

I never really liked the older final fantasy type of rpg games. I have only liked zelda and pokemon when it comes to that gameplay type.

>> No.806167

I agree entirely with this

>> No.806261

>that gameplay type.

what gameplay type is that you mongoloid? the 3 are NOTHING alike at all. you're too fucking stupid to be on the internet. please burn your PC and kill yourself

>> No.806274

I meant a top down rpg type you silly

>> No.806295

Your opinion about Working Design is not unpopular. There are many other people who also hate how they fucked up some great games like Silhouette Mirage. For me the only great thing they did is the dub at Lunar series (expecially the songs which ironically I prefer over the japanese ones).

Speaking for Working Design, even though Popful Mail is so much praised even today I can't properly enjoy it because Working Design fucked up the AI by making it a cheap, annoying game. Therefore I stopped playing it.

>> No.806301

>Secret of Evermore is better than Secret of Mana
I haven't played yet SoE but I can believe that, considering how repetitive and tiring is SoM. Heck, I was even surprised when I saw on a thread about hated games how many people hate SoM. Even thought I can't say I hate it, I can't say I love it either despite its charming points and I think it's kinda overrated.

>> No.806327

My unpopular opinion: Paper Mario and Mario&Luigi series are much better than Super Mario RPG and its inferior battle system.

>> No.806448

I found all N64 era Rare platformers to be over-designed, bloated pieces of shit, its like they started making a game and didn't know when to stop. Its made worse by the fact you need EVERYTHING to get the good ending.

I think Chrono Cross is garbage, I attempted to play it in many different ways, from disconnecting my feelings related to CT, to simply playing it as its own game and it didn't help, it was a mess, a bloated useless cast and a horrible story, a story so bad they drop mountains of exposition on you just before the final boss, exposition you can miss if you don't talk to the 3 kids near the final portal I might add.

My fave FF is 8.

Bionic Commando on the gameboy is better than the NES version, the modern remake is also miles better than the NES version.

Shatterhand is the best NES game ever.

>> No.806525

> I hear about the story and how good it is

Don't worry, it's really not. The game's big reveal is given in an unsatisfying texty infodump, and the final battle and game's ending are both nowhere near as good as Earthbound/Mother 2.

>> No.806564

I think the DKC games have boring gameplay
I actually like the N64 controller a lot, might even possibly be my favorite
I enjoyed FF8 and don't get the hate
I think that the Mega Drive has better platformers than the SNES does

>> No.806568

Ocarina of Time is kind of boring so far.

>> No.806571

All zelda games are boring

>> No.806589

The only game worth playing on PS is Metal Gear Solid, and that's still love-it-or-hate-it.

FFVII is where the Final Fantasy started going down hill, but IV is worse just because of how fucking mindlessly generic it is, both in Final Fantasy terms (Oh no! Crystals!) and the elements it takes from Western fantasy (dwarves, elves, bards and paladins are babby's first D&D party, not compelling plot elements).

>> No.806617


That sounds like a super hyper turn-based edition DOTA clone honestly.

>> No.806762

I'm no fan of competitive Pokemon but that sounds dumb as hell.

>> No.807184

Zelda LttP is mediocre at best (>>804162). The first very good Zelda is LA.

Super Mario 64 is not a very good Mario game.

Super Mario Land 2 was also quite disappointing.

While Wario Land was great, Wario Land 2 and 3 were shit.

Celes > Tifa.

Secret of Mana is overrated.

Her name is Princess Toadstool, and she has nothing to do with fruit.

>> No.808178

Kid Icarus sucks
Rad Racer is fucking boring

>> No.808229

Strider for the Genesis is absolute shit, but Strider 2 for the PlayStation is one of the best 2D platformers of all time.

>> No.808250

>Her name is Princess Toadstool, and she has nothing to do with fruit.
you do know what toadstool is right?

>> No.808263

I've always thought Slippy is cool. Navi on the 3DS version is another story, though...

>> No.808270

I absolutely love all 2D metroid games, and I'm following the development of Another Metroid 2 Remake, a fan remake (clearly) of Metroid 2 (also clearly), which has a demo until the first beta metroid. It is actually fucking amazingly well done, and you should definitely check it out. The engine resembles the one used in Zero Mission, with some tweaks (and not exactly the same of course).

However, I must say that I don't understand why you dislike Super Metroid, as much as you like the other 2D games. It has so much more content, and so many different ways to explore places. Only thing that I hated was that some containers (missile tanks) didn't have a dot on the mini-map, even though they were there. Fucking bullshit is what that is.

>> No.808280

N64>Dreamcast>SNES>NES>Genesis>PSX>Saturn>everything else

>> No.808297

I think older FPS games with their labyrinth levels are worse than newer linear ones, e.g. Serious Sam. While I admire the top-notch level design in Duke 3D, I feel that linear levels add much more to the action, which I play FPS for.

>> No.808315


Mushroom isnt a fruit, anon

>> No.808368


I didn't own either until after 2000

>> No.808371

>Your opinion about Working Design is not unpopular. There are many other people who also hate how they fucked up some great games

Really? Anytime they're brought up I've seen very few people say anything negative about them. It seemed like I was in a small minority.

>> No.808374

You probably hear the haters the most on 4chan.

>> No.808431

I completely agree. The only really flawless game for SNES is Super Mario World.

>> No.808434

My nignog

>> No.808440

I have no desire to play any game that trips me up.
Get stuck on a game? Shut it off.
I actually really like that games these days handhold so much.
Handholding > Playing through the same section 10 times

>> No.808462

>I found all N64 era Rare platformers to be over-designed, bloated pieces of shit, its like they started making a game and didn't know when to stop. Its made worse by the fact you need EVERYTHING to get the good ending.
Rare's N64 platformers aren't platformers. They're adventure games.

To be a platformer, they'd have to involve actual platforming as the main gameplay element, and ideally, precise platforming mechanics as well. As it is, they involve collecting things and character interaction as the main gameplay elements, and the controls are shoddy.

>> No.808473

>I think the DKC games have boring gameplay
I wouldn't call it boring. It's rather limited, though, in the same way that SMB was.
>I actually like the N64 controller a lot, might even possibly be my favorite
Quite agreed there. People get strangely hung up over it.

>> No.808485
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>> No.808815

Goldeneye was a piece of shit

>> No.808826


compared to other things out at the time?

or is it a piece of shit now? i mean what do you hate about it, because this may just be the worst fucking opinion ever

its not even thought out

>> No.808834

Quake was out before Goldeneye.

>> No.808879

FF6, Chrono Trigger and Earthbound are far from the best jrpgs on the SNES. They`re not even that good, just okay.

>> No.808906

Link to the Past > Ocarina of Time.

Ocarina of Time had clunky controls and mechanics that made it a chore to play and while LttP was a shining example quality 16 bit graphics, OoT had shitty rudimentary 3d

>> No.808910

not that guy but bro it was a piece of shit by the time it was out PCs were already so far ahead. That being said I still had fun with it and played it lots but it is pretty shitty. Its great though because it shows you could make a somewhat competent FPS on the console

>> No.808940

oh right let the child who has time to grind the game for 10 hours a day win every time. Throw strategy and skill out the window for classic grinding. Sorry you didnt have time to max out your well chosen party while you get destroyed by some kid who taught his pokemon stupid moves but has the stat advantage on you. If everyone has the same amount of time, same game/system its going to show who is really the best.

>> No.808970


Especially compared to other things out at the time. Goldeneye had extremely clunky and slow controls, ridiculously bad AI, a framerate of like 15 in normal play and 1 if an explosion happens, dull level design, and overall wasn't fun. The main thing people talk about is the multiplayer, but the game's multiplayer was terrible, you couldn't even aim properly. The aiming was so fucked that playing as the slightly shorter Oddjob (who even had less health than everyone else) was seen as a dickass thing to do because it's too much of a pain in the ass to try to aim your gun a centimeter lower

Goldeneye had some cool ideas, but the game itself was a piece of shit, and nowadays I can't even get my friends who didn't grow up with it to play it with me, though I did get them to play and enjoy Duke Nukem and Quake

>> No.809029

If I played MvC against some kid who could practice ten hours a day I would expect to lose. What makes you think you're special?

>> No.809031

Ouch, careful with all those edges

>> No.809042

Not him but the difference with pokemon is that someone who has no idea what they're doing but has higher level pokemon will win regardless of you're abilities if your pokemon are lower level or are breed with poor stats. Also say you need a wish Blissey to complete your perfect team: there's no way you're going to get one without cheating.

>> No.809046
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The temple of trials wasn't even difficult. I was 12 years old when I first played it, and full grown adults are acting like it's impossible.

>> No.809056

bad taste. sorry.

>> No.809059

>what is japanese competitive scene

>> No.809068

Japan at least still has a small but active competitive scene for Night Warriors/Hunter. But no one outside of Japan seems interested in it at all.

>> No.809098

>Mario Party
That's how. Seriously, if not for that game my sticks would be in perfect condition. Also for some reason, it's only broken when moving it up. So Link, Mario and Banjo walk when I push the stick up.

>> No.809107

F-Zero X is the BEST GAME. And that opinion isn't just unpopular with everyone, it's unpopular with Nintendo. ;-;

>> No.809130

you got it all wrong see >>809042
raping the A button is not practise, how is grinding better stats out increasing your skill and understanding of game mechanics?

>> No.809131

Jesus christ, fuck that game.

>> No.809139

I don't have a clue how anyone could like the Dreamcast.
I've yet to hear of a good game on Dreamcast.

>> No.809157

They're both investing the time to improve your game. I agree that competitive fighting games are much better than competitive Pokemon if that's what you're saying. I WISH I could just pay some Mexican $1 an hour to put in the time and improve my Street Fighter game the way you could be paying him to level your pokemen for you instead of bitching about it.

>> No.809164

That's just ignorant although the person you're replying too is an idiot also. The n64 is the worst system ever that didn't break the company.

>> No.809165

>also, I dislike the original Legend of Zelda

Nigga, that's not something you just tack onto a post.

>> No.809173 [DELETED] 
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I have never played a Dragon Quest game and nothing anybody's said has interested me enough to make me want to. No matter how people rant and rave about it, they all look exactly as boring and generic as they always have.

[spoiiler]MAME[/spoiler] > SNES > N64 > PS > NES

If you can't figure out how to use an N64 controller, you should leave modern society because you suffer mental deficiencies and pose a danger to yourself and others. Pic related is not that fucking hard to figure out.

Turbo controllers are for cheating pussies.

>> No.809176
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I have never played a Dragon Quest game and nothing anybody's said has interested me enough to make me want to. No matter how people rant and rave about it, they all look exactly as boring and generic as they always have.

MAME > SNES > N64 > PS > NES

If you can't figure out how to use an N64 controller, you should leave modern society because you suffer mental deficiencies and pose a danger to yourself and others. Pic related is not that fucking hard to figure out.

Turbo controllers are for cheating pussies.

>> No.809191


I like TMNT for the NES, probably more than any other TMNT game I've played

it's weird and loose and sloppy, but it has character, whereas the rest are relatively ordinary Final Fight variants

>> No.809195


it's got very nice music, if nothing else

>> No.809197

>Old and reliable vs new and different
>Nintendo vs Sony
>Mario vs Sonic
>Coke vs Pepsi
>DQ vs FF
Its not hard to understand but I agree, I don't like DQ very much.

>> No.809219

NES TMNT is the reason that Roger Ebert hated videogames:

>> No.809262

I agree with NES>SNES but I never really could get into SMW, I just found it so boring for some reason.

>> No.809265

I dislike every one of the 9 Zelda games I tried except for Windwaker which was still forgettable

>> No.809267

I would say that most of 3D Zelda games are boring, specially the 3D ones. But Legend of Zelda and Link's Awakening are good.

>> No.809270

Most of Zelda games*


>> No.809276


>competetive scene

Fighting games are not serious competitive games

>> No.809278


Any game or sport in which players compete for cash prizes in a broadcasted tournament can be considered "serious"

>> No.809281

I hate Pokemon, I watched the TV series as a kid and beat Pokemon Red but I think the games are shit and repetitive, the series is boring as fuck and I couldn't care less about the universe.

>> No.809292


It's all relative. Compared to other genres like RTS and FPS, I can't take fighting games seriously. They can be fun, but people who get all worked up over tournaments and stuff are idiots

>> No.809343

I really enjoy the 3D Sonic games. Adventure, DX, even Shadow the Hedgehog and the 360 Sonic. I was really surprised when I grew up and found that almost everyone else hated them

>> No.809641

FPS isn't even a genre anymore

>> No.809678


It's making a comeback soon. Quake Live is the current champion, but here's to hoping Reborn can dethrone Quake. That Rise of the Triad remake will probably suck ass though

>> No.810449

What games do you like then?

>> No.810567

>I just hate vain assholes with a superiority complex.
So, half of all 4chan?

>> No.810607

Pinocchio for the SNES was a pretty good game, a bit short but good overall

>> No.811662

I have zero issues with gamers using save states.

I have zero issues with what filters (if any) a gamer uses.

I prefer my 50' HDTV over my old 28' CRT.

>> No.811725
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The first two Zelda games were the best along with Link's Awakening.

WarCraft III is shit.

Pokemon is uninteresting.

3D platformers are garbage.

Perfect Dark and the Timesplitters games especially did Goldeneye way better than Goldeneye itself.

I don't give a shit about filters, using save states, or what kind of display you're playing on.

Polygonal graphics are ugly.

The fifth generation was when video games as a medium started to downhill.

>> No.812791

>3D platformers are garbage.


>> No.812802

Because he thinks '3D platformers are interesting' is a popular opinion.

>> No.812813

Story that goes beyond "this shit happened, so you gotta do this shit to save the day" should be limited to 5% of video games or less. It shouldn't be the norm, pure gameplay should. When I think of today's technology and how it's wasted on trying to emulate Hollywood movies in video game form instead of giving us the ridiculously satisfying gameplay I know it could, I shed a tear

>> No.812834
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>that pic
god dammit Pac Man 2 had the best animations
That game cracks me up

>> No.812849

The Legend of Zelda is better than almost any game in the series since.

Super Mario Bros was the best in the franchise until Yoshi's Island, but that's no insult to its sequels.

Metroid is better than Zero Mission.

Doom II was the height of commercially-produced first person shooters.

Star Fox 64 is better than the still-great Star Fox.

Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever made.

>> No.812872

There was a /v/ topic a long time ago where you were given four elements of game design (gameplay, graphics, music, story), each with four slots, and you were given nine total resource slots to fill them in with. It was interesting, but I only respect people with some variation of. . .

Gameplay 4/4
Graphics 2/4
Music 2/4
Story 1/4

I think there is a place in this world for games that play around with those last three slots, but never putting four points in to story.

>> No.812880

I strongly dislike all Final Fantasy games.

>> No.812898

It's a perfect example of a game that isn't challenging because it practically plays itself. Mostly due to the fact that your weapons can scan through the entire screen in a split second. Taken to the next level with the homing/electric weapon.

Everything else is tight as shit, from the music, to the sound design, to the graphics. But ultimately just a bore to play unless you don't require a challenge to get engaged in something. Which is totally understandable.

>> No.812910

I generally prefer a challenge, but at times I just want to blow through shit.

I'm a believer that every good game needs an effortless overpowered segment. Preferably not to end the game, though.

>> No.812924

I think SMB is still the best in the franchise(especially in terms of overall replayablilty). every sequel after it has tried to add new things to the formula , but this comes at the expense of the simplicity that made the original a complete masterpiece.

>> No.812952

I think a fresh, non-lubed N64 analog stick feels fucking fantastic, better than any modern analog stick that uses some kind of lubrication.

Too bad it wears out after a month.

>> No.813256

Megaman 1-10 are all great games. Yes, even 7.

X1>X3>X2 in terms of music. The music in X2 was mostly crap.

SMB3>World. I just love the art, the noises, the control, the power ups, I just love it a lot more than world. Same reason why LTTP is my favorite Zelda.

Shining Force 2>Shining Force 1. Sure 2 had a basic storyline, but it improved on 1 game play wise and added open exploration.

Sonic should have never gone any further than 2.5D

The Saturn model 2 controller isn't all that great. Those X,Y,Z buttons hurt my thumbs when I actually have to use them.

The D-pad on the playstation controller sucks and the two analog sticks on the dual shock are too awkwardly placed.

>> No.813285

>Sonic should have never gone any further than 2.5D

Not an unpopular opinion in the least.

For me, as a diehard Sega fanboy, I think the Sonic games are a sloppy mess compared to Mario. For a "fast" series, Sonic has RE-tier tanky controls that make precise jumping a chore, while most Mario games actually have way more speed platforming, i.e., the kind of speed that is actually fun and challenging in a 2D platformer.

>> No.813475

>Megaman 1-10 are all great games. Yes, even 7.
>X1>X3>X2 in terms of music. The music in X2 was mostly crap.
>SMB3>World. I just love the art, the noises, the control, the power ups, I just love it a lot more than world. Same reason why LTTP is my favorite Zelda.
>Shining Force 2>Shining Force 1. Sure 2 had a basic storyline, but it improved on 1 game play wise and added open exploration.
>Sonic should have never gone any further than 2.5D

none of those are really unpopular

>> No.813504

Starcraft is the shittiest mainstream RTS of the 90s and doesn't deserve its popularity

>> No.813514
File: 142 KB, 600x400, star-wars-episode-1-racer-n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best N64 racing game (even though the sound/music is a joke)

>> No.813517

Glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks this. I thought I was just weird or something

>> No.813548

While I prefer retro games, the games you loved as a child weren't as good as you remembered.

You had more human growth hormone (studies show people with more HGH enjoy live more) and rose-tinted glasses view of your carefree days.

Yoshi's Island was the best Mario game.

Zelda games had the best ambiance in LOZ and Link's Adventure, especially the latter, I love the idea that Hyrule had a distinctive Italian/Greek flare.

Link's Awakening was fun, but was so wacky it almost didn't feel like a Zelda game.

While MM was superior to OoT, every Zelda game after OoT has been pretty crappy.

I enjoyed Zelda 2 difficulty partially because it made me terrified of the enemies... it was brutal but never unfair.

Sega Genesis was waaaaaaay overrated, other than Sonic it didn't have any exclusive titles worth wasting time with.

The Gamecube controller is the best controller ever designed, the N64 controller was fine and you have to be an idiot to not understand how it works.

As nostalgia marches on, we are a couple of years away or less, of the internet swooning indescribably for the PS2.

>> No.813551

The dreamcast was a piece of shit and its only games were arcade ports

>> No.813556

>Link's Awakening was fun, but was so wacky it almost didn't feel like a Zelda game.
All the handheld Zeldas have been pretty out there with the humor, I think that's a big part of what sets them apart

The Bird Marin ending is pretty hard to top though

>> No.813554

The Playstation had more great games than the Nintendo 64. I also feel that the GBA and GC had a small library of good exclusives.
I don't like the atmosphere of Fallout 1, and due to that I can't stomach how the game has aged. I haven't tried 2 yet, and I like 3 and New Vegas.
Sonic 1 is more memorable than Sonic 2.
Something about Super Mario Bros 3 turns me off for some reason. I don't know why. I like pretty much every other Mario game.
Tomb Raider 1 had interesting levels and atmosphere and the sequels dropped that while still being fun.
Final Fantasy IV is awful.
Zelda 1 tried so hard to be big and have many secrets that it forgot to be fun.
I am scared to play Final Fantasy I on the NES because it's glitchy as fuck, but I have no problem playing Pokemon Gen 1.
Mother series is okay but I don't see why it has so many fanatics.
The only ROM hacks I think are worth playing are the ones that are polished like a retail game (and it bugs me that Final Fantasy VI has tons of minor improvement patches released but not one cohesive one that fixes everything in one go while staying balanced).

>> No.813560

>Sega Genesis was waaaaaaay overrated, other than Sonic it didn't have any exclusive titles worth wasting time with

Have you looked more into the console? it has tons of good exclusives, arguably more than the SNES did.

>> No.813573

I enjoyed Shining Force 1 and 2 as a kid. Playing them now, I can tell that it was only because it was my first strategy RPG. They are clearly piss poor as a strategy RPG.

>> No.813830

Final Fantasy Tactics sucks.

N64 is weirdly remembered too well on the internet, PSX had like ten times more memorable games.

>> No.814124

>Metroid is better than Zero Mission.
A game with shitty controls and copy and pasted maps is better?

>> No.814145
File: 16 KB, 896x253, ss (2013-06-17 at 10.18.26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not care for Orcarina of time at all, and I enjoy Majoras mask way more

>> No.814240

-I liked Sonic 2 the least out of the main 2D games. This includes CD. That being said, I still like it.

-I don't mind Amy Rose. I mean, I can kind of see why people say she's annoying but sometimes I see it as an overreaction.

Not that one.

I wouldn't say most games.
But, on a few, yes.

>> No.814260

>PSX had like ten times more memorable games.

I wouldn't necessarly agree considering how much recognition the whole nintendo line up gets

>> No.814305

>shitty controls
works fine for me

>> No.814328

>The Legend of Zelda is better than almost any >game in the series since.
>I strongly dislike all Final Fantasy games.

srsly n64 zelda control sucks ass.

>> No.814381

He's not saying the games are ten times as recognizable, he's saying that for every classic N64 game you could name he could name ten classic Playstation games, a bold claim but one I think could probably be backed up.

>> No.814446

I totally agree. I was slowly turning into a collector with expensive titles I don't play. I recently started selling all of the titles I don't play or intend to play and from that money buy games that I am actually going to play. Got allot of room on the shelves now.

feels good man

>> No.814447

Castlevania 2 > Castlevania 1 (and 3, but only by a slim margin)

Zelda 2 > Zelda 1 + LttP

SMB 2 (US) > SMB

I guess I'm a sucker for the oddball sequels of the NES era. Was it the success of sequels like Megaman 2 that changed all that, or all the backlash against the sequels being different games rather than rote regurgitation?

>> No.814452

Either way I'm sure it's a diagnosable paraphilia

>> No.814480
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>Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever made.

>> No.814502

When I was a very small child, not even yet in school, my older brother and I had a rivalry. So when he went to school one day, I took a shit inside his NES.

When he came home, he found out what I had done and threw me from the second story window of our house. I broke my arm and my parents had to take me to the hospital.

To make up for my trauma, my parents bought me my own gameboy, which my brother was not allowed to play.

True story.

>> No.814506

>N64 is weirdly remembered too well on the internet, PSX had like ten times more memorable games.
If this was true, you'd think the PSX would be better remembered, don't you think?

The PSX had a much bigger library than the N64, and many more decent games, too. But when it comes to outstanding games that are - rightly or wrongly - remembered across generations, the PSX has... FF7, RE2, MGS, done.

The N64 has SM64, OoT, GE.

Pretty equal there.

Intentionally left out things like Spyro, Dino Crisis, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo.Kazooie, Lylat Wars, Perfect Dark since they, while great, aren't anywhere near as iconic.

>> No.814530

That's because the Playstation had much more games produce though, and the N64 comparatively less. There'd still be more great/classic games for playstation if the quality ratio was exactly the same for both consoles, or even if it was slightly in N64's favour. It's also why games like Superman stand out.

>> No.814578

I agree with both of these.

>> No.814579

I was never fond of Goldeneye 64, even when it was released.

>> No.814585 [DELETED] 



I don't know who I hate more

>> No.814586

Conker's Bad Fur Day is terrible. His voice is annoying. The shitty slippery platforming is grating and the unskippable talking makes me want to rip my ears off.

>> No.814590


I don't know which post I hate more.

>> No.814625


At least the "FF3 guy" has benefit of doubt because IIRC FF6 is FF3 in USA

>> No.814645

Agreed. I'm tempted to sell my cart in case the price bubble bursts, because I have zero sentimental value attached to it.

>> No.814647

I really dislike banjo-kazooie, and all the other Rare collectathons

>> No.814659

I know that. I was mad because it's now common knowledge that FF3 is actually FF6.

>> No.814661
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The sense of perspective is disorienting without really adding anything of substance to the games themselves.
My African-American comrade!

>> No.814689

I really hate Secret of Mana. The game sucks ass.

I also don't like any mario except SMB3, Land and Yoshi's Island.

>> No.814694

>star fox 64
>banjo kazooie
>not as iconic

>> No.814836
File: 77 KB, 900x808, winter_in_click_clock_woods_by_animefuzz-dnpaz7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Evil 2 is the best Resident Evil
Final Fantasy XIII is a great game.
Mario 64 is overrated, and is miles worse than both Banjo Kazooie and Rayman 2.
Final Fantasy II is the best Final Fantasy.

>> No.814865

>The sense of perspective is disorienting without really adding anything of substance to the games themselves.

Anon can't into spatial skills.

>> No.814881
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>Final Fantasy 2

Please be talking about the original (i.e., not IV)

I love that game. Thought I was the only one.

>> No.814884

yes I was talking about the original

>> No.814931


I think Night Warriors and the first Darkstalkers game had better music than Vampire Savior.

>> No.815364

I agree. That's why I've always said that even though shovelware sucks, it's a sign of a great platform.

>> No.816906

LttP >> Ocarina Of Time

>> No.817527

Quake is better than UT You are now very angry

>> No.817784

Cremia>Adult Malon