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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 70 KB, 1280x704, crazy-taxi-998862-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8138651 No.8138651 [Reply] [Original]

Crazy Taxi is perhaps the pinnacle of Arcade driving produced by maybe the best 3D Arcade developer ever. This is a bold claim for sure but I think there are a few aspects of Crazy Taxi's design that really innovate the arcade driving game.

>Fare system impact on gameplay
This is the system that I feel like really separates it from Sega's other driving games, which are mostly racers, and other driving games in general which tend to be racing based or combat focused. Crazy Taxi falls into an under represented third genre which could be described as "Technical Driving". Games like Driver or Smugglers Run would fit this category, games where it's not racing but also not also nessecarily combat that is being tested, but rather technical control of the vehicle. However both of those games are home console experiences, and are very mission focused with ebbs and flows in urgency. Crazy Taxi is relentless from the word go.
>The Fare System produces a constant technical, strategic, and speed based test of player skills
What's so genius about the Fare system, which rewards the player in two dimensions, is how it keeps the intensity level of the game at a high pace that you might expect of the most intense racing games. This is accomplished in part due to the fact that fares reward you in two ways, from a score perspective and (potentially a time perspective). This keeps the player in a constant balancing act of playing in a technical manner to improve their score multiplier while also playing in a relatively quick manner to keep earning better time bonuses. Furthermore there is an element of strategy introduced into what fares the player chooses, but the importance of this aspect doesn't even fully reveal itself until high level game play.

>> No.8138663

>High level vs Low Level play in Crazy Taxi
Spend Thirty minutes playing crazy Taxi and you'll think you'll have a sense of what a run of the game would look like. Then when you look online you would see that Crazy Taxi runs don't last a mere ten minutes, often times depending on the settings even relatively average players can achieve play sessions pushing well over an hour. One thing that radically changes, and is again an impact of taxi fares as the gameplay core, is that it's possible to completely empty segments of the map. The Arcade (Original but not called original in console releases) map of Crazy Taxi is in a loop, and generally players have to strategize how to continue going forward in the loop based on educated guesses of picking which fare to take. Choosing poorly here can result in long stretches of driving passenger less, which severely punishes the player by wasting precious seconds without building towards any reward.

>> No.8138701

Sega flounders forever and then puts out some of the greatest games in their genres seemingly on accident
History of sega

>> No.8138718
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, f (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP have you ever played the Project Gotham games? The kudos system reminds me a lot of CT's fares.

>> No.8138754


>> No.8138776

I had the first for Xbox when it was new, but I didn't get invested in it. What really spurred me to write any of this was thinking of how Sega patented the arrow/objective gameplay, and just what makes that aspect so unique. I think Sega nailed driving physics better than anyone else. I had never played Virtua Racing before and I just picked it up this year and with my background in Sega driving games it felt instantly natural. I know Sega fucked up a lot, and they aren't the same company, but arcade Sega was pure Soul.
But to return to Project Gotham racing I would be curious as to how it could really compare as to me the way the Fare system is an improvement on racing as the focus of a driving game is that often times there isn't a whole lot of different options you're deciding between on the fly, and it's possible in some racing games to get so far ahead or behind that the gameplay no longer has any urgency.

>> No.8139768
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>when the clone is superior to the original

>> No.8139774

Playstation 2 just keeps winning . Why even bother with anything else

>> No.8139906

Never saw the appeal
>Booted it up in pcsx2
>It's just a taxi game where you drive around and pick people up
>Time keeps ending and game says I suck even though I don't see how I could go any faster
>Just a port of a shallow arcade game
I don't see the appeal of sega. I never got into sonic and everything else just seems shallow over what the ps2 had to offer. Sega really should have started moving to games with more depth like Mgs2 and FF but instead they never learned even from 5th and 4th gen console mistakes

>> No.8140216

>I don’t know how to play the game and never bothered to learn so it sucks

>> No.8140275

I'm retarded or something cus I literally can't do any of the moves.

Crazy dash, crazy drift, crazy stop, crazy reverse, crazy limiter.

>> No.8140370

>Sega really should have started moving to games with more depth like Mgs2 and FF
good bait

>> No.8140391

It absolutely is not, this game feels like dogshit to play and the collision detection is busted all over the place.

>> No.8140472

>Sega really should have started moving to games with more depth like Mgs2 and FF
The difference between a good shitposter and a shitty one is that a bad one always takes it a bit too far and tips their hand. Modern /v/ and /tv/ have lowered the bar for shitposting so much that people don't even understand the basics anymore.

>> No.8140485

You know what I mean though. You can't deny that these experiences sold consoles. Jrpgs move units. The home market for stuff like crazy taxi was drying up in 5th gen and Sega stubbornly pushed it on Dreamcast and even after.
I mean there's a reason everyone raves about chrono trigger, ff7,mgs,silent hill,resident evil, Ocarina. But nobody gives a fuck about nights. The most memorable thing Sega did was sonic adventure and even that was a failed too little too late attempt at delivering a home console experience that playstation and nintendo had already nailed.
These are real problems in sega and it's what killed em. They had a Nintendo tier holier than thou attitude but weren't delivering experiences for the home consoles which fundamentally must be built differently than arcade games

>> No.8140864

Bro ...

>> No.8141364

Bro... The feels! It was my favorite one.

>> No.8141383

I really like just putting on the 10 minute timer, ignoring all passengers, and just exploring that awesome, awesome San Francisco map from the DC version.

>> No.8142089


>> No.8142149

>But nobody gives a fuck about nights.
Yeah, and it's a travesty. Anyone who truly doesn't like Nights is a brainlet.

>> No.8142194

anyone who wants to tell you about how good nights also wants to tell you how the saturn was better than the PlayStation and the dreamcast put together

>> No.8142203 [DELETED] 

Nobody plays Nights for score because the game design blows dick. There's a reason why nobody has ever attempted to make another "flight-based platformer" besides Nights.

>> No.8142207

Nights is total dogshit and the only reason to praise it is because you have some sega saturn worship for god knows what reason

>> No.8142296

Everyone who likes nights just do so because of "dude dream like aesthetic lmao" "i just like flying around haha". Never heard anyone say they like nights because of the actual gameplay. But yeah since its that one console exclusive in Saturns library its the best game evar!

>> No.8142306

I like Nights for the actual gameplay, assuming this isn't just one guy posting the same message 4 times in a row. I haven't posted in this thread before this by the way. Also have no bias towards Saturn, so. Good luck with your new world view, I guess.

>> No.8142328


>> No.8142345
File: 19 KB, 210x240, CT Gus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread, I've been playing it a ton lately after hooking up my DC again. Back in the day this has to have been my most played DC game, just never got tired of it.
I'm working on high scores again now and seem to max out around $16K, hoping i can get a Crazy license again. I'm sure I did back in the day, but I don't think I still have my old saves!
I've also been trying to memorise the good fares for good routes, but I think some of the passengers actually change at times?
Also, what are your thoughts on CT2?

>> No.8142775

You're speaking my language man, Crazy taxi is my favorite driving game of all time. bought 1 and 2 for my dreamcast a while back after playing the steam port.

>> No.8142778

This game was terrible.

>> No.8144086


>> No.8144283
File: 16 KB, 348x540, 1631700852696m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

license trash of a pozzed show

>> No.8144416

Great series, weirdly the original (MSR) was on the Dreamcast alongside Crazy Taxi. It literally started out as a Sega exclusive series.

>> No.8144420

I heart MSR.

>> No.8144435

I fucking love this game

>> No.8144474


>> No.8144695

I get the point you think you're making, but Crazy Taxi was literally the second highest-selling Dreamcast game behind Sonic Adventure. You need to remember 1999 is the same year Tony Hawk's Pro Skater came out, which sold EXTREMELY well for a game released at the tail end of the Playstation's life cycle. There absolutely was a market for these kinds of games on home consoles in 1999.

>> No.8145241
File: 385 KB, 850x1104, 1631836361112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you for making this thread. This game needs more love. One of the few games I can pick up and play at any point in life and have an absolute BLAST. This shits in my top ten. Sad that cabinets are super rare to find anymore. I recently came across someone selling the small cab of jambo safari for cheap. I wanna buy it because jambo is also based as fuck, but also be able to put taxi in it. Shame I don't have space.

>> No.8145247

Crazy taxi I mean. Super GT is just the pic, another game I rarely got to play and doesn't fucking exist anymore

>> No.8145298

I found a Crazy Taxi cabinet in Las Vegas once, but it was broken, the accelerator didn't seem to work properly. Was very disappointed. If I lived there or had more time I probably would have told the operators in the hope they'd fix it.

>> No.8145868

Super interesting you say that. Last cab I played and saw was in Las Vegas. Huh. Actually there were two. One at the hotel I was at, another in the basement arcade of the excelsior or whatever the castle themed casino was. Vegas ha surprisingly good arcades ngl

>> No.8145876

It's almost as if arcade games are for retarded degenerate gamblers and we should be glad coin-ops are dead.

>> No.8145881
File: 160 KB, 501x625, 1631848649262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8145980

I believe it was the one in the castle themed basement arcade! It was working when you were there? This was in 2019 when I played it.

>> No.8145985

Holy fuck that's wild lol. Yep summer of 19 and UHHH honestly I can't remember, I want to say yes it was working but I could be talking out my ass

>> No.8146004

this game is superior to the Simpsons hit and run in every way, such a pleb filter.
One of the best couch games of all time.

>> No.8146162

lmao I was there for Evo actually, and a friend and I were just wandering around and found it. Ahh I do hope that they ended up getting it repaired though!
To keep on topic, how many have played on the arcade version? It seems like doing the boosts etc would be really hard vs doing it on a control pad.

>> No.8146195

the local laser tag used to have the sit down cab
honestly i can't enjoy it on controller. there's something hilarious and awesome about cranking the gear shifter back and forth like you're piloting a gundam

>> No.8147025

Joker's Wild also had one last time I was there. Its arcade was so tiny it's easy to miss.

>> No.8147037

My local arcade has crazy taxi and jambo safari still in great condition. It's fantastic
I hope they never lose but if they do I hope to snag the machine

>> No.8147043

Is the Steam port decent if I mod in the original audio?

>> No.8147047

Huh I'll have to keep an eye out if I ever go back!

>> No.8147050

>can't enjoy anything because of /pol/ brainworms
Many such cases!

>> No.8147056

Ohh okay gotcha, how was that? And yeah me too. As to answer your question since cabs seem to be so rare I'm much more used to the controller. When I got to use the stick I genuinely couldn't pull off any moves for like the first 30 mins

>> No.8147127

Crazy Taxi was one of the most common arcade games of its time, so it's still pretty easy to find. Check around your local bowling alleys and movie theaters. You've probably got at least one tucked away somewhere if you live in a reasonably-sized town.

>> No.8147274

I don't unfortunately and I have. I'm autistic about arcades and their games so I've showered and unfortunately there's none in my area. All of the arcades in my area are just chain ones anyway which don't have anything old so where I'm at I'm SOL

>> No.8147279

Cool was talking about showers and I typed it out. SCOURED

>> No.8149016

Apologies, I was on a vacation for fun posting. The fares do change for many of the customers, and there is definitely factors that go into it but I haven't determined those yet. But there are also static fares that are there every run and always go to the same place.

Also my opinion on CT 2 is that it adds too much to the formula, I'm not really a fan of the jumping or the map. The Arcade map of Crazy Taxi is in my opinion hands down the best course to play the game on, but it is also incredibly different in what it's trying to do than the Original Map which is much more open in the pathing options.

>> No.8149042

Holy correct

>> No.8149056

Should've instead had 'The Simps'.

>> No.8149159

I don't know, man. A lot of people rave about Shenmue, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Phantasy Star Online, Skies of Arcadia, SoulCalibur... It seems like you're selecting stuff to go with your theory.

>> No.8149194

Anti-Sega fags are honestly worse than Segafags. Which, apart from Sonic, I don't even see hardly ever. They had some good properties.

>> No.8149664

You're retarded and have a poor understanding of what happened to the industry. Nintendo and Sega are both much different companies than Sony and later on Microsoft are, in the sense that Nintendo and Sega are almost entirely strictly video games while Sony and Microsoft are vast empires. The real shock isn't that Sega isn't around in the hardware space, it's that Nintendo still is. Sega's exit wasn't due to poor video game experiences, it was numerous factors from the decline of the arcades to Sega's massive hardware stumbles from the Genesis add-ons go the Saturn. They also didn't have the benefit of having nearly as many widely known IP's as their Nintendo Counterparts. The Sega Saturn had some great games, but the way Sega marketed it in the West crippled the company to the point that it didn't matter what the Dreamcast did, they were going to exit the hardware space. And the Saturn's poor marketing and release strategy was in large manner due to Sega basically fighting itself between Sega of Japan and Sega of America.

So no retard, it wasn't the type of games that Sega was making.

>> No.8150103

are the other crazy taxi games good?
I can't justify moving in from the first one because it's what's in all the arcades and also I can't get above an S license. I have no idea how people play the game for hours. I don't know what to do.
What are some other games in the technical driving genre? I've realize I don't really like racers.

>> No.8150115

My opinion on the other games is they progressively lose the spirit of the first game, though the second is much closer in quality than the third is. It's actually a bit humorous because the home console release is sort of a sequel in that it introduces the "Original" Map. However that map as I've mentioned is very different in how you play it, and for me it loses a ton of appeal. I've possibly set a world record in the past on the arcade map, and I think I've played the original map probably less than two hours and the same with CT 2-3. CT 2 certainly isn't a bad game, and Original Map does as I've mentioned has it's own unique qualities, but honestly the Arcade map with it's looping structure and the way you're driven to try to pick up fares to send you forward just was never matched and any time I've played anything else I've always just thought "Geez I wish I was playing Arcade"

>> No.8150125

Is it just me or does it feel like Gina is faster? I always chose her because of that, and it would make sense, since she's lighter.

>> No.8150132

She's a stacy do she gets better cares and People are more willing to sit for her terse sentences.

>> No.8150332

I feel like I had a stroke reading that.

>> No.8150343

Honestly I can't imagine playing as anyone but Gus.

>> No.8150371
File: 41 KB, 557x364, 1631981094272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of technical arcade drivers there's Jambo Safari, theoretically OutRun 2 and it's other entries, especially if it's heart attack mode. To a lesser extent there's smashing drive, there's also Tokyo cop by the same devs. I mean if we want to get super literal, rally is theoretically more technical driving than racing so there's the Sega rallys too. Uhh that's everything off the top of my head but there's tons more I'm sure

>> No.8150373

She is, they all actually have their own strengths

>> No.8150379


Don't know if anyone's been here. It's been around for years, and probably existed way longer before I found it too. It's got a lot of useful info. God speed to the dude that made this, would love to meet him. Also I'd say I wish it was still updated but I think it pretty much covers everything if I remember correctly?

>> No.8150412

OP here. If you ever want to start learning Crazy Taxi that's an incredible site to start.

Typically players will rank Gena or Gus as the best characters. For my money Gena is more dramatically different in driving than any of the other characters based solely on how she takes turns.

I do a lot of wall sticking because I play the short timed modes, and honestly to me Axel plays the best there.

>> No.8150420

Axel is slowly starting to become my favorite as well, wasn't expecting that. I know the question I'm about to ask is always met with mixed answers but for YOU, is there a way you get yourself unstuck from the wall or do you just pray it flops you out naturally?

>> No.8150421

I've always felt like B.D. Joe is the fastest and also the lightest. Gena is also fast but heavier. Axel is normal balanced and Gus is heaviest and slowest. I rarely play as him and almost never as Axel. In fact, maybe I picked Axel just once or twice over all these years.

>> No.8150492

Yeah, Joe was my second option because I thought he was cool with the chill attitude.

>> No.8150530

Typically if you want to end a stick the best way is to just drive to the end of that wall, either forward or backwards, and it will pop your car off instantly. Probably the most notorious example of why people think wall sticks are bad is probably cable car bottom, maybe the only stretch on Arcade where it's feasible to get wall stuck without trying and without many options to nudge a corner on a wall to exit. So for Cable Bottom if you got stuck there and didn't want the wall sticks, I would say to try letting go of the accelerator to reduce the amount of wall time.
I don't think you could be more wrong in a post. Gena is the lightest, BD Joe is the slowest. The only thing you got right was Gus being the heaviest.

>> No.8150967

Gotcha makes sense, thank you I'll have to give her a go next time I boot it up!

>> No.8151224
File: 211 KB, 754x424, 5b38e6b9-d206-484b-b705-0882698bbdd1_Thumbnail (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically I guess according to the Crazy Taxi site someone linked BD Joe has the fastest floored speed but since that isn't fasted limiter cutting speed it's not important. I just know from personal experience for sure that Gena was not the heaviest

>> No.8151695

I agree, gus is by far the heaviest. He's the traffic clearer

>> No.8151745

If you guys really ever want to see some shit, pay attention to what the AI taxis do. They have some kind of pathing that is designed to copy what the player is doing somewhat. I haven't read this anywhere, but I'm almost entirely positive it's true. If you try to run your car into the walls on Cable Car Top you'll see AI taxis taking crazy fucking turns like they are attempting to emulate the player inputs.

Also don't even get me started on the shit I have seen on the hill from Cable Car Top to Cable Car Bottom. You start going fast enough and you see the busses like all fucked up coming up the hill.

>> No.8151776


>> No.8151805

Shoot that's nothing, I'm not even good at running the whole Arcade mode on Arcade map. I always end up stuck with usually the city or the KFC/Church area emptied out of fares and it just kills time.

My real actual talent is in playing the timed modes, especially three minute where I possibly held a world record before. I've gotten Crazy on Ten Minute, and I am positive I could do it on Five, but I really want to see if it's possible at all on 3 minutes which I question.

Of course this is without using the Backdrift glitch where you just go backwards in circles forever because of a bug. I mean I know wall sticking is called a glitch but I bet they knew that was in the game when they released it, I really doubt they knew the Backdrift thing which just isn't an interesting way to play for me. But also remember I'm an autist about this game.

>> No.8151819
File: 26 KB, 640x651, 1628900220500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... how do i go fast...? ive read the official websites and watched all the speedruns but I just cant get it to work... help.....

>> No.8151827

Literally just let go off the gas, shift to reverse, shift back, wait a second or so (you'll get it eventually) and accelerate again to do a crazy dash. Every single technique in the game revolves around shifting back and forth.

>> No.8151832

What kind of controller are you using and what's your set up for playing the game?

>> No.8151859

I find that I shift back and fourth a lot, I try to spam the tech as much as possible, but it just sorta... doesn't work? I mean I get boosts but I see the videos and my boosts look limp and I can only get ~5min games

the gamecube release on original hardware

>> No.8151867

stopping is just as important as going fast, considering you're a taxi driver
also just keep playing, you need a sense of how to navigate the map. again, you get paid for dropping bitches off, not just for going fast

>> No.8151892

I'm not a big fan of the GameCube controller for CT, I really like long pull down triggers like the Dreamcast or Xbox consoles have. That said if it helps think of limiter breaking and crazy dashing as sort of like a rhythm game. I've actually often thought of CT as a side ways rhythm game. What you want to do is get your finger that hits the trigger and thumb trained to muscle memory, but essentially it's pull off completely on the accelerator, hit reverse, hit drive right back and pretty much as soon as your clicking in drive your trigger finger is jamming down then too.

Another pro tip if you're struggling is it's often easier to pick up red and orange fares early on, as you can easily use those fares to get a lot of five second bonuses early on, and also the timing windows are much easier than they will be later on. When you get good, the further the fare the more your skill in being able to constantly hit crazy dashes will allow you to get the five second boosts on those green and yellow fares, but the orange and red ones can be really tight later on.

Also some fares no matter when you get them in a run are fucking brutal. Anything on the church grass that sends you back fucking sucks, the cock suckers who want to go back to policies station from the Osmous Hotel part of down town suck, but the biggest fucking cock suckers are the ones at the tennis courts, I sometimes almost just go ahead and complete the loop at that point without a passenger, because so many of those fucks up there will send you back to light house instead of the University.

>> No.8151903

I actually don't agree with this advice. I think it's good for players to learn how to go fast an unironically easier and more beneficial to do so than it is to learn how to stop. Many of the games fare locations have walls you can crash into if you really need to, and it's good to get trained at playing the game at a high speed. Going fast might cost you two seconds on a stop at first but you'll learn how to do it eventually and in the meantime you're saving four seconds on those same fares by going fast.

>> No.8151953

is there a certain way to tell that youve gotten limit break? I think my biggest issue is not knowing if any given attempt works or not. And when I should be doing limit break or just the usual boosting? my assumption was every time possible. also thanks for the tips on pickup priority, i never thought about that stuff.

>> No.8151980

If you want a good way to tell is by the rumble feature. If you want to test your timing, while the 3-2-1 countdown starts before it gives you control of the taxi you can try to hit the crazy boost from just a stand still. You'll feel a rumble when you get it right. Actually you can do this same thing when picking up fares, and if you do the timing right you'll have a quick start that's a tad faster than just a normal acceleration from a stop.

But beyond that it's what I said about the rhythm. Don't even worry as much about anything else until you get that rhythm down, and it will become muscle memory.

>> No.8151984

oh i think it's a good idea to learn how to go fast. i'm just saying that you can't just follow the arrow and try to boost constantly like it's a racing game
there's a crazy stop too anyway

>> No.8152006

gotcha, thankyou!

>> No.8152038

Really? Huh... I ain't gonna put it past you. All of the ai seems to be aware of where the player is and will slow or speed up to purposefully get you into an accident, and I also don't see that mentioned too. I'm gonna have to take notice

>> No.8152046

Are there any videos of back-drifting or wall sticking? This is the first I've heard of those.
I searched on YouTube, but the results are all attempts made with 'No wall sticking, no back-drifting'

>> No.8152083


Walk Sticking

Back Drift

>> No.8152119

I didn't even know you can earn a rank above S.

>> No.8152829

Oh, so I DID know what wall-sticking was then. I had no idea that was done as a strategy though, is it worth it playing by arcade rules? I would have thought the upside in money is offset by losing so much time? Although if you can get 10K from one fare it's worth it I guess.

>> No.8152831

I remember when I first got the game and all my friends were like 'We need to try and get an A-Rank!'. We thought we'd effectively mastered it and then I found out about AWESOME at 10K and CRAZY at 20K, it was like a whole new game revealed itself.

>> No.8153213

>Is it worth using it in Arcade rules
Probably not although I haven't tested it too much. I hit 70 k with Axel and I think doing the wall sticks a little, but not to where you see there and for the most part it was just trying to walk stick tactically over the course of the game where it made sense, like near Heliport. But you can't maximize your score that way because too much time is burned.

>> No.8153225

it's been ported for vita right now, dope

>> No.8153663

Actually I've always wondered about the difference between boost and cut. The one is clearly superior, is there any reason to just use the normal boost because over my 20ish years of playing this I rarely see a scenario in which it would help

>> No.8153695

Well as I said in a earlier post yeah for whatever reason the cab feels harder to pull of moves, specifically limiter cut vs a controller. I can get it like 90 to 95 percent accuracy on the controller but every fucking time I do it on a cab the car goes into the crazy drift instead. Just got to play a cab last night for the first time in two years and I just don't get it lol

>> No.8153778

It could be a dead cab

>> No.8153787

Maybe? I can't remember playing a cab past 2019 and I had the experience then too.

>> No.8153860

PS2 version is awful. Play the superior Dreamcast port, which is also the only one with the original voices, the licensed soundtrack and Tower Records and the other real bussiness places.

>> No.8154171

God bless the Cast

>> No.8154471

Apparently in the arcade cabinet there is a possible issue of wear and tear on the accelerator, where it gets to where the machine won't read the pedal being completely pressed in. If that happens you can't do the crazy dash

>> No.8154783

Is there a distinct sound for the Limiter Cut? I'm pretty sure I've got it down, but is there a way to be 100% sure you've hit it?

>> No.8154839

Uhh I think there is the sound of like an Engine straining, but honestly I wouldn't worry about Limiter cutting as a separate skill from the crazy dash. If you get your Crazy Dash timing right you'll naturally be limiter cutting just from trying to constantly do the crazy dash.

>> No.8154987

Huh... Maybe that's the issue... I mean it's not impossible but it has like a 15 to 20 percent success rate it'd awful.

>> No.8156573

Yeah I have never played on an Arcade cabinet of CT (yes I am over 30) so I wouldn't be able to tell you is it would be a gradual thing like you're thinking of just an all or nothing sort of machine defect.

>> No.8156578

Fair. They're super hard to find anymore. There is this cool website I can dig up with arcade cab locations all over the US at least

>> No.8156586

Here it is for anyone that cares. This website is primarily for rhythm games but they got this neat little section. This is all user generated so it's never going to be the most updated thing as it relies on others, but it's better than nothing theoretically. There might be other services like this out there but idk of them or their quality

>> No.8156593

I'm an idiot. Here it actually is https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/arcades.php

>> No.8156598

The issue with Zenius is just that: It's a rhythm game site primarily, so a lot of times people just don't bother to add arcade locations that don't have rhythm games. Or they'll only add the rhythm games and nothing else. So if you're using it to look for a fairly common game like Crazy Taxi, only around a tiny fraction of the machines will be displayed. I know of at least five Crazy Taxi machines in Las Vegas, but NONE of them are on that map.

>> No.8156603

Yeah I noticed that too. I agree and like I said yeah it ain't super accurate but I can't think of or remember any of the others ones and idk if they're any better. I'm sure a little big of Google surfing can solve this. I'll take a gander when I get the chance

>> No.8156613

Aurcade used to be more accurate, but Galloping Ghost bought it and ran in into the fucking ground. If I'm looking for a specific game, I'll usually use Aurcade first. If I find it at an arcade that hasn't been updated in like 8 years, I'll use Google images to verify if the game is still there.

>> No.8156639

Damn wtf, that's a lot more work that needs to be done but... Not like anyone else is gonna come around and make a proper site. Arcade autistis are too niche. Alright I'll check that one out too

>> No.8156663

That's a big reason I started my hobby of photographing arcades. When I was younger, I wanted to make a proper arcade map. Unfortunately, I found out that I utterly despise most arcade fans, so I'm the last person who should be doing it. I don't believe it's too niche, especially given what the pinball maps look like, but most people just consider Zenius to be "good enough" and don't bother to make something better.

>> No.8156786

I haven't met too many other like minded autists like myself irl so what's so insufferable about them? Hey I give you props it's a very admirable thing to do. I've always wanted to travel the country or world lol in search of different at arcades. Id also love to document but that seems like a pipe dream and it is now apparent to me that there is more than a niche, there's just no interest.

>> No.8157190

Was going to say what second anon said, that I barely even know of other arcade fans, so what do they do? The few arcade fans I know of are awesome.

>> No.8157201
File: 8 KB, 210x210, blaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is also the only one with the original voices, the licensed soundtrack and Tower Records and the other real bussiness places.
Or you can just play the PC version with superior draw distance and which can be modded to have all that.

>> No.8157205

Not retro

>> No.8157215
File: 28 KB, 459x298, hitlerona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dreamcast is not retro either, sorry bub.

>> No.8157230

I'm not retro

>> No.8157253

Why does the frame rate suck asshole even on up to date hardware?

>> No.8157536

What's the best version of Crazy Taxi?

>> No.8157767

Terms of sequels or versions of a specific entry?

>> No.8157867

Like, the original game.
I want to get into it and am curious where to start.
Are there any major differences between platforms?
I like the Dreamcast and original Xbox controller, so I was considering picking it up for one of them.

>> No.8157989

Everyone freaks out if the version of the port you're playing doesn't have the music or licensed stops like fila and pizza hut, and I mean I get it but it's always dumb screeching levels of anger. So, If you don't care about the original voices music and stops, I very very lightly recommend you to play the 360, PS3, and or PC ports. The PS3 port for me at least ran beautifully, idk about the 360, and the pc is capped at 60 (even though it says it goes up more) and dios very frequently on modern hardware. However you can download a patch that restores the stops, music, and maybe the voices? Idk I haven't done it. The frame drops aren't too bad for me I can put up with it so as of late it's been my go to instead of the PS3 because mine is in limbo. However when I want to boot up how God intended it to be played definitely get a Dreamcast copy. It's got everything out of the box and copies usually are super affordable if I remember. I personally think the stick is super high on the DC so I always end up using the dpad UNLESS, and I do recommend one, I'm using the STRIKER DC controller or whatever it's called. Feels a lot better for driving games IMO. Again if you can put up with the lack of some of the original content being missing (it's not a game breaker but I do recommend having all the pieces of the puzzle) the ports are okay to good. Some people get super bad performance drops on them, mine aren't awful. If you want all the pieces absolutely buy it for the DC, you shan't regret it. Hopefully my Ted talk here made sense and helps

>> No.8157990

Forgot to mention one other port, the psp one. From what I remember it runs pretty well and it comes bundled with the first and second game. It also had multiplayer buuut I never did that, idk how that'd work.

>> No.8158000

No real reason to not play the PC port with the improved draw distance when very recently it got mods to put in back the real world locations, along with the original music and voices.

>> No.8158002

I didn't say they were insufferable (although pinball players and "Advantage Players" absolutely are). I said I despised them. When your hobby is very specifically "visiting arcades", you tend to have a lot of conflicts of interest with people who are interested in other aspects of the hobbies (ESPECIALLY collectors). Plus, I have some personal hangups I admit are completely petty, like hating it whenever the local rhythm game players talk the manager into converting a rarer version of DDR into a Stepmania cab.

>> No.8158015

What's an advantage player? And okay fair enough. That list thing though bruh wtf? I've never seen that at my arcades with ddr, that would probably rub me the wrong way too.

>> No.8158040

is there a good guide on how to get good at this game? i can only get from d to b class licenses and that's with me going at like normal levels of effort to paying strong attention levels

>> No.8158047

An "advantage player" is someone games ticket games at arcades, mainly Dave and Busters, to try to min-max their money-to-ticket ratio. If you've ever dealt with scalpers in other hobbies, they've got a very similar mentality. They'll come in on Wednesdays when the store opens, then just sit on whichever machine happens to be most exploitable for easy tickets at the moment for an hour or two until its been bled dry. They exploit bugs, hog machines, will lurk around the coin pushers to buy off cards from people, and are just awful in general. The worst part is that most of them just do it for the entertainment of seeing if they can break even by buying up things like game consoles and flipping them. They're such a problem that the arcade techs have to constantly keep an eye on them whenever they're around.

>> No.8158050

Gotcha. Used to see a lot of those when I was super young. I would imagine they'd be a pain to deal with.

>> No.8158051

http://crazytaxi.net/ has literally everything you need to know. Start by practicing with the crazy dash and limit cut. Crazy Box missions are tough but they should hammer some of the fundamentals in you.

>> No.8158053

Thank you guys!
Already have that retrofighters controller, it is pretty comfortable.
I actually think I have a copy on PC from an old humble bundle or something, I'll mod it and see which version I like better

>> No.8158058

Also don't forget to get the analog control fix patch.

>> No.8158061

I play on the 360 version on my Xbox Series. However I also opened it up for emulation, and Flycast the Dreamcast emulator runs pretty damn good. For that I do the wide screen hack option and bump the resolution. The funniest thing is the fucking rumble in the Dreamcast version kicks the shit out of the rumble in the Xbox 360 version, and this is on an Xbox with an Xbox controller. When I fired up the Dreamcast version there is a light rumble of the motor at times that isn't there in the 360 version.

>> No.8158075

i have this on gc, what's the difference between arcade and original cause the maps seem the same to me

>> No.8158156 [DELETED] 

For one, they completely replaced every voice in the game for some reason.

>> No.8158169

Speaking of Rumble there is infinite Rumble when some xbox360 gaemz freezes.

>> No.8158170
File: 1007 KB, 1068x612, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For starters, there's a huge fork in the road near the start of the map if you drive forward a bit, while in the arcade map the road is extremely linear until you get past the long bridge. The Original map plays like a huge, extended version of the area with the hotel and hostpial, with no set path you have to follow. So you can ignore the arrow and take shortcuts and stuff (by the same merit, the arrow also tends to get confused and point you in weird directions).

>> No.8158197

Well, i'm going to offer a different opinion on the game. I think Crazy Taxi is awful. The aesthetic is nasty, and the game itself is worse. To me, it was the start of a very negative trend, and one of those games that dragged gaming, particularly arcade gaming, downward to the state we have today where open world shit like burnout paradise and the GTA games just blend into a seamless porridge, and arcades are full of nothing but flashing lights and redemption machines. Or even worse, Raw Thrills or Crusn' driving games.

The OP saying arcade driving games
>tend to be racing based or combat focused. Crazy Taxi falls into an under represented third genre which could be described as "Technical Driving"
is just utterly mindboggling to me. Crazy Taxi was for pre-teens with no brain to goggle at, and imgaine they were clever for "deciphering" and it clearly worked.
>zOMG muh depth, muh pathing!
Sure, but you can only cash-in once, and the rest of us are still paying for it. I realise you ppl all love the game, but sheesh, you make me uncomfortable.

>> No.8158201

It's an amazing game

>> No.8158203

Driving game with a gimmick, might be what i'm trying to say.

>> No.8158214

Do you actually like games?

>> No.8158223

>the start of a very negative trend
>Crusn' driving games
I'd 100% agree if you cited Cruis'n USA as a terrible event in arcade driving games, but you missed the mark by about 5 years on that.

>> No.8158234

I personally don't see what you're talking about, but glad it's not an echo chamber here

>> No.8158235

Who's screeching? Never seen this. Not going to act like it's a travesty, but it's not exactly trivial to the experience either.

>> No.8158237

>I'd 100% agree if you cited Cruis'n USA as a terrible event in arcade driving games
The fuck are you talking about

>> No.8158239

I'm not following. Would it help if i said i'm not solely blaming Crazy Taxi, or even saying it was the first step down that path? It was nevertheless part of the problem.

Of course. I'd hardly say I'm happy with the state of the industry as a whole, but i enjoy lots of games. How about you?

>> No.8158243

I know this is /vr/, but just from the sound of your post you seem to have stopped liking anything that was released after 1998.

>> No.8158247

Not here, but everyone I hear always IMMEDIATELY says fuck you to the other ports because of that stuff

>> No.8158251

The PS3 and Xbox360 have a built-in functionality that lets you play music in the background while you play. So you can literally just set the in-game music to zero and have the console's music player play the original OST if you want. So nobody considers it a big deal. You need to calm down.

>> No.8158254

why go out of my way to play a worse version ?

>> No.8158260

Just sharing my experiences pal

>> No.8158264

Well, while these days I normally float a few years behind the curve (thanks EA, for turning the Battlefield franchise into a toilet!) I keep my ears open, and normally find a couple of titles i enjoy each year.

>> No.8158268

In 1994, there was an arcade game called Cruis'n USA. It was terrible from a mechanical standpoint and sold itself almost entirely on presentation, but Midway was a US-based producer so they were able to get it into nearly ever arcade in the US. So here in the States, a LOT of people have adamant nostalgia for it (a lot of its fans also hate Fast and the Furious arcade, even though it's made by the same guys and plays nearly identically, because it doesn't have the nostalgia angle). Historically, it really was one of the absolute worst things to happen to the genre, because it greatly lowered the bar on what was expected from a racing game.

Out in Europe, they didn't have the same issue with Midway flooding arcades with it (although it did find its way out there), so they had a lot more Sega racers.

>> No.8158275

I vaguely remember playing one of the Cruis'n games in an arcade in Portugal when I would have been about 8. I ran over a load of cows on it.

>> No.8158285

When you say mechanically you talking game mechanics or machine mechanics?

>> No.8158298

yep. I feel kinda that way about CT too, however.

>> No.8158315

Did you miss the part where in one map you can get raped if you go through the wrong lane on the tiny street near the mall that's filled with cars?

>> No.8158321

An actual pseud going full autismo over an arcade game, incredible.

>> No.8158334

What response are fishing for there, bru? Happy to help you out.

>> No.8158342

One that matches the intense feeling of nerd rage you have against a video game, hopefully.

>> No.8158374

Game mechanics. They're very shallow, so the game tries to compensate by using traffic to make the game more chaotic. But the car AI is so bad that the cars you're racing against will often drive into cars on the road for no reason, which can create huge pileups that block your path in narrow entances and you can't do much about. To make up for the bad AI, enemy cars will sometimes come out of fucking nowhere in the final stretch moving at impossible speeds and steal first place away from you. I've ONLY seen them do this if the machine is set to coin mode and "free race for first place" is enabled, but this is a thing that happened in every game in the series, even after the branding changed to Fast and the Furious (it's a lot more obvious there because of the nitro boosts, so you just have to watch for a car with infinite boost suddenly appearing right before the finish line and outspeeding even your own boosts).

>> No.8158378

thanks for being part of the discussion!

>> No.8158404

OP here, you’re a fucking moron who can’t even levy a coherent criticism against the game in your entire shitpost. I want to say it’s a fantastic bait, but it doesn’t even deserve a (you)
>the aesthetic is nasty and the game itself is worse
It’s always very clear where you’re meant to go and the visuals don’t hinder the ability to play the game. Beyond that aesthetics is very subjective, and you can’t even explain why it looks bad to you/
>It was the start of a very negative trend… (dumb bullshit I don’t care to copy)
You spiel like a tard but you don’t even explain how Crazy Taxi somehow contributed to this
>Open world shit, redemption machines, flashing lights
What does any of that have to do with the original Arcade release of Crazy Taxi, which had exactly 0 of those things.
>wahh OP made a salient point and I can’t refute it
That’s essentially what I take from your first green text quoting me.
>Second green text is literally indecipherable
It is amazing to me is you decided to try to attack my analysis of the game, but at no point did you ever talk about the game itself at all.

>> No.8158419

You're actually not wrong. I'm ngl the crusin series is one I hold near and dear and can scrape a lot of fun out of BUT yeah I'm not gonna deny those things. It's the perfect example of an arcade game designed to suck your quarters for the sole purpose of greed

>> No.8158614

Never got the quarter eater feel from it and I've played a lot of arcade games. Not denying the flaws, but the end result is fun, and if it can accomplish that, everything starts feeling nitpicky by comparison. If those flaws interfere with the fun, fair enough, but I've never not had fun unless it's the N64 versions.

>> No.8158616

This thread really fell apart because a couple posters only want to talk about the negatives of whatever's being discussed, which is now barely Taxi related at this point. Why are half of you even in this thread? We're trying to make some CUH-RAYZEE money.

>> No.8158745

I'm not disagreeing, but it does give me that feeling unfortunately. Won't stop be from enjoying it though I love them, except the new one. Feels like asphalt for the phone rather than crusin

>> No.8158812

Alright then what's your highest score and or play session?

>> No.8158992
File: 58 KB, 720x560, E9L9KjMVUAAHxWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw friend in college would tell me about his Crazy Taxi high score of ~68500 with default settings on Gamecube.
>Probably his most proud high score
>Wanted to beat it one day
>Spent a lot of free time in a semester studying customer placements, practicing in at least 3 runs a day
>Couldn't beat his score.
>One day after Christmas break he comes to by dorm room, and wants to play some Crazy Taxi runs with me
>I hadn't practiced for a month, so thought this would suck
>Almost every 5 minutes did something stupid saying "runs over"
>But it wasn't over
>Final score of 75k on default settings on Gamecube.
>Friend couldn't believe it happened, and he was there to see it
>Friend entered a depressive state soon after for the rest of college, and as far as I know is still in poor mental health
>Can't even find my picture of the happening.
Fuck my life dude.

>> No.8159016
File: 322 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_20170108_150237_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEVER MIND I FINALLY FOUND IT ON AN OLD BACKUP DRIVE. Can't believe I didn't look there before.
75K, with Rickshaw Gus, HAHA!

>> No.8159223

That's a really nice score man. And if it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't mind having a friend become depressed if it meant I could boost my high score by 20k

>> No.8159731

Damn dude lol, I hope he's doing alright. Wonderful score though, never really thought about using the bike before. Kinda forget it exists

>> No.8160209

True Taxi take

>> No.8160578

If a video game is enough to put someone into a depressive state, they were mentally weak to begin with.

>> No.8160583

to be desu

>> No.8160590

edgy. Bet you're real fun at parties

>> No.8160607

It's not edgy, you just shouldn't be having mental breakdowns from a game

>> No.8160613

>look at me I'm so Cool and above it all I don't even care about games really

Cool. Why are you on /vr/? You don't belong here

>> No.8160618

Here's your (You), you addict.

>> No.8161062
File: 106 KB, 966x487, DD_cXMkWsAAEG2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that the series really fucked up later on was the art work. The original illustrations are so good, and now they use this shit.

>> No.8161064

jesus that looks shit

>> No.8161068

The original art is unsurpassed.

>> No.8161125
File: 52 KB, 392x696, 217148-crazy-taxi-gazillionaire-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gus also got completely butchered artistically. I fucking love Sega but God damn do they know how to hurt the people who love them.

>> No.8161134

>the original art in the background

>> No.8161148


>> No.8161161

> pic
How do you even last that long to get that amount of money in CT...
I always thought the game is made for short bursts and quick fun, there are not many places you can deliver passengers to. This makes me feel like shit player which I am.

>> No.8161165
File: 100 KB, 763x402, 1632265305549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that Capcom gacha game with beautiful art? Now do you remember Sega Heroes? I wish I didn't.

>> No.8161191

It's not that hard honestly, or I don't think it is. I only picked the game up in 2020 (before shit went crazy actually) and at first I was like you. If I got to B rank I felt accomplished, and I would look at the idea of getting Crazy as fucking impossible. Some tips I can give
>Use the crazy dash almost always. At first you'll get way more benefit from going fast than trying to weave traffic
>Consider picking up red and orange customers at first to build time with a lot of 5 second bonuses before the game cranks the difficulty up
>For higher scores the people who post high scores tend to turn the time settings to easiest/start with the highest initial time
>The arcade map is a simple loop, and the general principle of the loop is you want to take fares that send you forward generally. Learn which ones do this especially in the downtown area.
>Learn the static fares. Woman to police station on an awning off the parking garage, Punk to Fire station on a Roof in Downtown, and Yuppie to Tennis Court in an Alley in Downtown
Also be prepared. If you're going for a score like that it is literally a two hour slog fest that you're constantly paying attention and making decisions. It's fun but honestly I play the timed modes now and only on rare occasion play Arcade mode because it is a bit taxing mentally

>> No.8161247

I recognize everyone except bottom right and maybe bottom left.

>> No.8161249

It's Alis dude

>> No.8161253

tyris flare

>> No.8161337

Literally who

>> No.8161731

Sorry pal, I only gamble when I have a chance to win. Seriously though, whenever anyone wants to talk about how much better Japanese gamers are u can't help but think of their addiction to gacha shit. Literally fucking soulless.

>> No.8161743

wypipo spend more on this shit than the japanese do

>> No.8161831

You either stick to late 90s west coast aesthetic or you get someone who REALLY knows their shit to give them extreme modern overhauls that capture the tone of the original (and the second one can easily backfire horribly). This is not the way to do it.

>> No.8161898

Sorry weeb, as a proportion of their gaming interest and time, the Japanese are way more Gacha oriented than Westerners

>> No.8162715

It's probably some dumb whore from Phantasy Star

>> No.8162957

Pretty much all this sums it up. Do you mean the limiter cut over the crazy dash or is there some hidden benefit of using the lesser one (actually asking)

>> No.8162963
File: 77 KB, 960x544, crazy_taxi_ps_vita_character[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to chime in that the PS VITA just received a port of the Android version of Crazy Taxi. Runs at a smooth 60 FPS.


>> No.8162971

Oh really? That's sick didn't know. I always felt like the cars handled slightly different in the android version, trying it on actual sticks would be a good way to see if I'm dumb

>> No.8163359

Fuck Sega for not including an option to map controls for the game, makes it fucking unplayable on Android.

>> No.8163690

I didn't know that either damn wtf. That's super gay.

>> No.8163740

Pretty sure that port wasn't done by a 3rd party developer

>> No.8163763

Some dude played this for 15 hours straight to get 1,000,000 points, the most incredibly autistic thing i have ever seen

>> No.8163805

Just opened up 4chan while listening to All I Want and this is the first thread I see. I fucking love Crazy Taxi.

>> No.8163828

Oh wow. Whoever called that piece of shit superior to Crazy Taxi needs to be shot.

>> No.8163853

>infinite route exploit
>do it for 15 hours
Why? That's just bonkers.

>> No.8163860

There's a level with an area where a passenger and their destination are separated by a 5 second long alley, why the fuck didn't he use it?

>> No.8163884
File: 1.33 MB, 1440x890, total retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The description at the very start sums it up.

>> No.8164123

Welcome. You play any of the sequels?

>> No.8164224

CT sequels? Yeah, but only second. Road Rage didn't have a sequel which I mean from the looks of it was no great loss

>> No.8164260

>Crazy Taxi is perhaps the pinnacle of Arcade
Nah that's OutRun 2

>> No.8164273

If I remember rightly, Hit & Run was developed from a scrapped Road Rage sequel.

>> No.8164784

Gameplay is beyond the scope of a Crazy Taxi sort of game
It's at least a Sega game, but I am curious why you think it's the pinnacle.

>> No.8164791

>Gameplay is beyond the scope of a Crazy Taxi sort of game
Hence why I said scrapped. I'm sure I remembering reading said sequel was in very early stages of development but they binned it altogether.

Ah, my mistake:
>The developer, Radical Entertainment, received the rights to create games for The Simpsons franchise when they demonstrated a playable prototype. Radical released its first The Simpsons game in 2001, called The Simpsons: Road Rage. After Road Rage was released, the development team for Hit & Run decided not to create a direct sequel to Road Rage; instead, Radical wanted to steer the franchise's video game series in a different direction by giving the game engine a complete overhaul. The developers felt that everything else needed a new approach, while only the driving portion of Road Rage was worth keeping; in Hit & Run, enhanced traffic artificial intelligence is introduced, which makes computer-controlled vehicles react better to the player's driving. The internal development name for "The Simpsons: Hit & Run" was simply "Simpsons", as referenced by the executable file of the game. They also decided to add an exploration element to the game to make players get out of the car and navigate the area on foot, so that the game offered a better experience of Springfield.

>> No.8164934

Whatever you wrote there is immaterial, they couldn't release a direct sequel to Road Rage because Road Rage infringed on Sega's patents namely the Arrow in Crazy Taxi.

>> No.8165023

PSA: if you have a vita, there's now a wrapper available for the Android version, so you can play that version.

Apparently the game physics have gone to shit over time, and aren't quite the same as on DC.

>> No.8165031

Idk what the other dude is talking about with the game physics, I play them back to back and it feels the same to me, idk unless I'm missing something. Just play the music through however you play music, download the Dreamcast patch and analog steering and the pc version is very good

>> No.8165667

Don't see how it's immaterial, I was clarifying my error.

>> No.8165982

It's immaterial in the sense that there is this bullshit explanation (from the developers, I'm not blaming you mind you) for the change in gameplay but the real reason is that they couldn't deliver a direct gameplay sequel to Road Rage due to the legal reasons.

>> No.8166039

Ah, I get you now. Yeah, it's fairly clear the obvious legal issues meant they couldn't do any sort of Road Rage follow-up given the shit that went down with the first one.

>> No.8166215
File: 218 KB, 1920x1080, crzy taxi end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad I think if Dreamcast was successful gaming would in the direction of the types of games like Crazy taxi and Monkey ball but people chose wrong and we end up with 10 years of mmorpgs and emo grim games.

I didn't know you could go past awesome at around $10,000.

I play a fair bit but I would wonder it would it be possible to complete laps as in being able to end up where you start, I never have enough time for that.

I had a feeling it could be possible, pretty cool

Something I find impressive is that if you look in the replay after you win the game you can notice that the cars have 4 wheel steering. What would bring them to do such ridiculous attention to detail that almost no one would notice.

I used to think the graphics were the perfect balance of detail and frame rate so when later ps2 games came out like gta 3 I would be annoyed that they didn't just make the cars and city on the same level of detail as ct to get 60 fps.

>> No.8166227
File: 54 KB, 1175x226, 1631226682373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recycled post from an older CT thread that died:
What difficulty settings do you guys use
>max starting time, min traffic, min time difficulty
>all max
>all min
>something else
I usually use either default or default but with minimal traffic difficulty. I've tried the max starting time and min everything else once but it kept the game going for way too long imo.

>> No.8166337

I typically use the easiest settings because generally when I play I'm usually trying to beat records and that's typically the settings used (except most other top players tend to set traffic to 3 but I only really do 3 minute runs when it comes to record contention.)

>> No.8167060

I just use whatever the game default allocates, I'm trying to eventually find a working cab and have enough time to set the highest score on it so no need to change it

>> No.8167915

I want to do this as well, but I'm sure as fuck not driving an hour into God forsaken Pittsburgh just to realize that Dave and Busters and Loews don't actually have a CT machine.

>> No.8167923

So why don't we make a Crazy Taxi map?

>> No.8167932

Of locations? I'd probably be bad for that since I live in Appalachia decently tucked away from any Godless urban center.

>> No.8168187

I was the one earlier in the thread talking about an arcade map. I mean I'm totally fucking down but we'd need dedication and knowledge and I lack in the second dept because idk how the fuck one would even make something like that. The ones that already exist no one updates enough, or they only just update a specific title or genre.
There ain't any CT readily available around me too but even if you traveled and spotted one in the wild and actually took the time to update it (CT or not) you'd be doing everyone a solid. But... We need a proper platform, or just actually start trying with the existing ones

>> No.8168193

Forgot to address this, but yeah I feel you. That would be an utter disappointment

>> No.8168215
File: 53 KB, 640x480, F1Y9QqEXbpq5y9s_RlEn7UiKF7aBc29dg-4GifEDzUo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't seperate skill from luck because I never try to improve
We know

>> No.8168232
File: 14 KB, 300x224, the_devils_hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futurama and Crazy Taxi both began in 99
>Arcade release of High Roller and last Futurama episodes air in 2003
>CT is a classic from the dying days of the arcade and Futurama is a classic from the dying days of scripted network television
Pottery. BTW I don't know what your image says.

>> No.8168395

Dave and Busters sure as fuck won't have Crazy Taxi. This arcade does, though:

>> No.8168416

Yeah, victorypointe always seemed pozzed as shit though. Guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet though.

>> No.8168418

If you get something going and find someone with the proper technical skills, I'll help out. I'm the one from earlier in the thread who photographs arcades on the side, so I'm pretty good at combing out obscure machines.

>> No.8168420

What does that even mean

>> No.8168449

Bite the bullet is a colloquial phrase that means you're going to do something unpleasant, usually something that has been avoided up to said point.

>> No.8168470

A mall being "pozzed" and why it matters

>> No.8168485

It means that hipsters who moved into Pittsburgh over the last twenty years are fucking cancer, and you're stupid enough to think there is a fucking mall on the South Side.

>> No.8168502 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 526x526, 1632441791984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Pozzed" generally means it's run, staffed, and frequented by (usually hardcore leftist) hipsters. And given that pic related was posted on their Facebook page earlier this year, his assessment is probably correct.

Hard mode: don't derail the thread because of this image

>> No.8168528

Again, why does that matter? Do you just go in and start foaming at the mouth or shit? Do they swarm you like zombies? So they radiate cooties? Why can't you just go to the game you want to play. This is like being too self-conscious to swim without a shirt.

>> No.8168532

Ahhh yes photo bro. Well if for whatever reason I can I'll happily post in this thread or make another in the future

>> No.8168543
File: 38 KB, 806x365, yinzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love my Taxi
>Cheer my Steelies
>Hate jagoff hipsters

Simple as

>> No.8168557

But how does that stop you from playing the game. I don't like most people but I don't go "fuck, I can't do thing now, PEOPLE are there." If they don't get in my face, I won't get in theirs, and that's pretty much how 99% of interactions go.

>> No.8168905

The Dreamcast was doomed, and honestly the fate of gaming was pretty much cast as soon as Sony got into the console market but it for sure was destined to go that way when Microsoft got in. The Dreamcast was a gaming console designed to be a gaming console and nothing else. For as all the fucked up things Nintendo does I can still appreciate that they follow that ethos for the most part.

>> No.8171426

Well I also hate going into Pittsburgh because if I've learned anything over the past year it's to avoid the places that have minorities.

>> No.8171852

Epic 4chan moment

>> No.8171863

nice one

>> No.8174203


>> No.8176370

Bumping simply because it is a good post on Crazy Taxi

>> No.8176390

>The Dreamcast was a gaming console designed to be a gaming console and nothing else
Did this fucker forget that the Dreamcast had DLC, including on disc locked exclusives (which Floigan Bros actually suffered from as they couldn't unlock it officially until fucking 2017)? If it actually went on for a couple more years I bet we'd see proto-day one patches and the like.