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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8143076 No.8143076 [Reply] [Original]

Are you prepared for the yearly Silent Hill trilogy playthrough in October?

>> No.8143083

I could never commit to that. It just gets repetitive after 3-4 years. I will play through some RE and most likely SH titles though.

>> No.8143085

>are you prepared for your annual false rumors?
With every cell in my body.

>> No.8143094

Nah, I’ll only play the good one.

>> No.8143101
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2-4 you know it baby

>> No.8143107

The duality of man.

>> No.8143109

I'm a castlevania bloodlines or super metroid on halloween night man myself.

>> No.8143142

Yeah, reminder of how limited your time enjoying certain games will be. I did a play through for the first time since I was a 20 3 or so years ago and it was great, tried again this year and it was too familiar. By the time I'm in the mood to enjoy it again I'll be a middle aged man.

>> No.8143174
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Mmm, I can afford only to play the first game. Even then I didn't finish it to this day, might be a good chance to get the job done

>> No.8143185

Silent Hill is a Christmas game

>> No.8143210

Nah they were pretty shit games that overstay their welcome for even one playthrough

>> No.8143341 [DELETED] 

No, Halloween is American cultural imperialism and not part of traditional European culture.

>> No.8143343 [DELETED] 


>> No.8143349 [DELETED] 

If you're American, there's a 50/50 you're a nigger.

>> No.8143367 [DELETED] 

imagine not having halloween
imagine being proud of not having halloween

>> No.8143370 [DELETED] 

That's what Hollywood would want you to believe. In reality it's a bit below 15%

>> No.8143375

I can't bring myself to play a game

>> No.8143462

While I know it's not a horror game I always replay ff12 around Halloween since it came out in Halloween on the ps2 and I have strong memories around it

>> No.8144028

>Silent Hill trilogy
yes every year i played SH1, 3 and 4 the best horror trilogy of all time
Reddit Hill 2 is worth a play tho

>> No.8144068

I've overplayed the entire franchise over my life, so probably not this year. Looking for another set of games to play this year- Thinking of Fatal Frame or maybe cherry picking a few Clocktower games.

>> No.8144140

No offense to SHbros but I'll be playing Fatal Frame instead

>> No.8144167

DreadOut is good.

>> No.8144236 [SPOILER] 
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>Looking for another set of games to play this year

>> No.8145042

I replayed 1-4 last year. It ended up feeling more depressing than scary because of how many characters were victims of abuse with tragic endings.

>> No.8145381

These games aren't deep enough to merit being replayed that repeatedly, mechanically or narratively. The tragedy is that no more of these kind of games got made but it's not healthy to play the same 3 games over and over as compensation.

>> No.8145396

am I the only person that finds 1-3 weirdly relaxing? It's sort of theraputic to get through a gauntlet of horror and then have a breather where you're walking around a bookstore or a classroom working through a puzzle.

>> No.8145419
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That and my Dead Space playthrough.

>> No.8145428

They're fun. I replayed Silent Hill 2 like three times when I first got it because it was fun.

>> No.8145432

I'm gonna play Silent Hill 2 Enhanced PC for the first time

>> No.8145436

>These games aren't deep enough to merit being replayed that repeatedly, mechanically
I've replayed them multiple times but feel like 1 has held up the most because you at least get the biggest variety in how enemies work so the game doesn't feel stale as quickly as the others can.

Felt like 1 had a really different feel upon replaying though, like going through the school and hospital again already knowing what happened to Alessa in those places. I liked that. 2 I enjoyed replaying since the atmosphere/cutscenes/music are what it actually does really well sometimes and when replaying the game you don't get distracted by the not so great gameplay as much so that can be appreciated more.

3 is just kind of eh to me though. It almost feels like if you took the first Devil May Cry and tried to make it more survival horror, but then it just doesn't do anything particularly well. Seems like they wanted melee to be more of a focus in 3 but it's a simply system and the block -> hit -> block routine actually takes some of the scare away from the monsters as it makes them seem like braindead pushovers.

>> No.8145437
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Have fun Anon

>> No.8145449

Nah, but I'll play 2 since it's been a while.

>> No.8145459

1 is the best and the scariest

Other than the main 4, Shattered Memories can be interesting, shame there's too much filler and no combat outside the chase sequences. And Homecoming would be good if it weren't so glitchy, it's scary as fuck and the story is intriguing.

I'm very much of a coward though

>> No.8145523

Yeah, nothing gets my ass clenched like doing action-game knife combos on dudes with hazmat suits.

>> No.8145556

>Reddit Hill 2
Here we go again.
Was the game too tough for you, or were the adult themes just too much? Did you get the disc stuck on your wiener and got laughed at at the hospital?

>> No.8145662

I sure am. Reading House of Leaves and Call of the Crocodile made me want to replay them. I remember the first 3 being the best.

>> No.8145862
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playing 2 again in a pitch black room again is gonna be so fucking fun. probably gonna go through 4 again too.

>> No.8145869

i will attempt to finish 3 after i dropped it twice earlier this year. i was kinda burnt out doing 1-2 back to back.

>> No.8145913 [DELETED] 

Consooming le spooky media on halloween is the most reddit shit in ecistance

>> No.8145916 [DELETED] 

you're an asshole

>> No.8145917 [DELETED] 

>bet you're fun at parties ecks dee
ok lil reddito

>> No.8145919 [DELETED] 

what does it mean to be reddit?

>> No.8145942 [DELETED] 

lurk more newfag

>> No.8146147 [DELETED] 

Nobody thinks you're cool

>> No.8146271

redpill me on Call of the Crocodile breh, House of Leaves is one of my favorites

>> No.8146274 [DELETED] 

hah imagine being this new

>> No.8146298 [DELETED] 

Reddit Hill 2 is the worst Team Silent game and it has the worst deluded and toxic fanbase ever and you are a testament to this, faggot

>> No.8146302 [DELETED] 

haha wow ur so different you must be so cool irl

>> No.8146305 [DELETED] 

>meme opinion
>lack of self-awareness

>> No.8146306 [DELETED] 

yes i develop my own opinion about the games i play unlike the blind sheep such as you following whatever opinion jornos and e-celebs spit and in this case it's the ''SH2 good SH4 bad!!!''

>> No.8146309 [DELETED] 

2 is great game but i found it to be weakest Japanese Silent Hill
now go ahead and call me a shitposter you insufferable faggot

>> No.8146319 [DELETED] 

why are you so venomous about this?

>> No.8146418 [DELETED] 

your opinions are so original your first impulse at criticism is to call the thing you dislike reddit to fit in the 4chan echo chamber you desperately want to feel a part of.

>> No.8147285

Fuck off F. Gardner, nobody wants to read your shitty ass book

>> No.8147403

I wish there was a stream threads on /vr/, it could be comfy.
I don't like Silent Hill games, they're too slow paced and back-forth for me, but I'd be nice to look at some /vr/ autist play it from time to time.

>> No.8148489

I'll play REmake and RE 2 yearly and trade off characters each year if I remember to to keep it from getting to stale. I like the overall tone and presentation of SH a lot but RE just feels funner to play to me. I keep meaning to set up Joy2Key so I can play the Alone in the Dark trilogy I got on sale forever ago to play more like the games I am familiar with but by the time I sit down I just play what's familiar. Probably just nostalgia but I guess I'm at least self aware enough to call myself on it.

>> No.8148568

Man I've tried to play AitD a couple times but I just can't deal with how clunky it is. I have the GOG version though, maybe it just sucks.

>> No.8148712

i've now played all of them except 4 and downpour.
maybe i'll get around to 4 this year. only played homecoming a few months ago though

>> No.8149269

It’s a book that’s a meme on /lit./ worth reading cause of the trippy twist in it.

>> No.8149278

The general atmosphere is also alot like Silent Hill which is part of what made me want to replay the games

>> No.8149920

I never played 3 and I threat 4 as a legitimate part of the original series despite knowing it wasn't even a SH game at first.

>> No.8150050

I still need to finish 3, but I've been in a real Resident Evil mood lately, so I might do that instead. Possibly the Silent Hills if I have time.

>> No.8150058

I think I finally should finish SH4 this October

>> No.8150108

Silent Hill wouldn't be a great game some random autist to stream.

>> No.8150220

imagine being this insistent on being wrong

>> No.8151247

No, but i do have a pile of horror themed DooM wads set aside for Spooktober starting with BlooM (a Blood/DooM crossover wad).

>> No.8152483
File: 1.80 MB, 2016x1512, Heather_or_Eileen_I_cannot_decide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This October, I think I will work on Siren. My local used bookstore had Homecoming featured, I was seriously considering it, but I think they marked it up significantly knowing October is coming soon.

>> No.8152713

Man I wish I had a Silent Hill 2 box...

>> No.8153271

/doom/ is making a levelset which is due for October 31st, it's gonna be spooky.