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File: 86 KB, 640x1016, 6619_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8098230 No.8098230 [Reply] [Original]

What went right?

Also, what's the best way to play these days?

>> No.8098237

>best way to play these days?

>> No.8098238
File: 58 KB, 483x350, If+you+dont+want+to+see+it+next+time+then+_4fac7692b7245f4f8fc3614c2b14f0ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the live action elements in a cheesy B-movie way, which is what they were obviously going for given their budget.

>> No.8098240

True Director's cut. It's prepatched on, yknow, sites. You can get it looking real nice with downsampling.

>> No.8098271

I still play through it on my PS2 occasionally and enjoy it every time. Love the atmosphere

>> No.8098272 [DELETED] 

I've got a PSOne can it get any mods at all?
Is it worse than a PS1 for games

>> No.8098326
File: 3.98 MB, 268x270, Birth of Biohazard (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What went right?
Everything. resource management, combat, exploration, challenging monsters, lots of branching paths, atmosphere, mysterious plot, intriguing files, charming characters, good music... Just a confluence of so many things going right.

My personal favorite way to play is the PC version. But for a first playthrough I think the american PSX version is best.

Just for fun, here's what remains of the cut Japanese voice acting:

>> No.8098350
File: 1011 KB, 2880x2025, RE1 Official Sega Saturn Magazine - september UK #23 (1997) - Page 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just recently finished for the first time ever, loved the game and can see why it launched such a successful franchise.
I played Jill on PS1 via emulator, and then played Chris on my Saturn. Definitely a jump in difficulty for Chris, but once you know most of the map and how to deal with enemies it's not a crazy challenge. Missing the grenade launcher and less inventory space definitely adds to the challenge though.
Overall I think the PS1 definitely looked better with the transparencies, but Saturn still looked good, had slightly different character models and some minor changes. The 'new enemy' I found out was just reskinned Hunters which was a bit disappointing, but the second Tyrant fight was cool.
I was a bit disappointed we didn't see more of the Chimeras. Seems a shame they were solely used in the power generator room when they're a scary and cool enemy. I guess that's part of the appeal too, though.

>> No.8098394

>best way to play
Take REbirth pill.
>What went right?
Tight gameplay and ability to go as fast as you can without slowdowns. Unlockables. Satisfying shotgun.

>> No.8098401

I honestly don't even think it had anything to do with budget, Mikami and Kamiya do this every chance they get even with big budgets. They love that Sam Raimi style intentional cheesiness.

>> No.8098403

How did devs of that era get everything so right on their first time ever doing games that way or with that technology?

>> No.8098435
File: 185 KB, 797x1157, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the resident evil comic books

>> No.8098492

This is just my take but I think RE1 was the single greatest concentration of talent out of the entire series.
Mikami, Iwao, Fujiwara, Kamiya, Kazuhiro Aoyama, Hiroki Kato. All these guys went on to direct beloved games either in RE or elsewhere. In Fujiwara's case he was at the tail end of his career but he already had a lot of acclaimed games under his belt like Ghosts n Goblins and Sweet Home.

>> No.8098502

why are modern games so bad

>> No.8098508
File: 32 KB, 1080x621, 1629530341919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story is the absolute worst part of RE games, it goes triple when they try to make it all connected between the games.
Why would anyone spend time reading this shit instead of playing games?

>> No.8098542

low IQ retard

>> No.8098557
File: 3.51 MB, 640x360, sweet-home.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What went right?
Literally copying a successful and revolutionary existing game as a template

>> No.8098590


Good story but the gameplay was lacking. Still play it anyway but the later ones were more fun

>> No.8098805

The DS port added a couple more chimera's in Rebirth mode, assuming you can put up with its gimmicks.

>> No.8098847

The story in RE1 is great, and it's decent enough in the og trilogy. it's after that that everything went to hell and kept getting worse.

The only thing that sucks in the trilogy is RE2's police station
>it's a police station but it's really a mansion I mean a library I mean we don't really know
>but we have all those files to explain that to convince you that it's okay !

For me this plot point is the tip of the iceberg showing the identity crisis RE2 went through. RE2 wants to do all these new things and being more grounded in reality and at the same time doesn't want to stray too far away from the formula of RE1.

>> No.8098862

RE gameplay did not get good until 4. RE1 might be the worst one of the classics

>> No.8098883

I mean the stories of 1 and 2 are passable, but still the worst part of those games. Premise of 3 is fucking stupid, but again, whatever.
It's more about overarching plot.
RE movies (not about Alice) offer only plot and "expansion of lore" and those fucking suck because there is no gameplay to back that retarded shit up.
Chris being a complete retard in 5 is fine with me because I can pull up a shotgun and blast zombies, Chris being a complete retard in Vendetta is not fine because that's all there is to it.

>> No.8098984
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>Take REbirth pill.

>> No.8098996
File: 115 KB, 544x640, 1625968532055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, RE1's story is a great 90s X Files homage. It's pretty damn creative too. I'm not sure if it was the first example of zombies as sick people infected with a virus instead of reanimated corpses but it definitely helped to popularized the concept.

>> No.8099002

>I'm not sure if it was the first example of zombies as sick people infected with a virus instead of reanimated corpses but it definitely helped to popularized the concept.

This went down the drain in the sequels as well especially with zombies coming out of the ground in a graveyard etc

There is also absolutely nothing in RE1 that says the virus can be spread via zombie bites.

>> No.8099054
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The first game had kind of a Terminator 2 situation, where the big twist of the story was completely spoiled by the marketing. From what I understand you were supposed to assume that the dogs and zombies were supernatural monsters at first, only for it to be revealed that they were the result of lab experiments gone wrong as the game progressed. But then every single advertisement and even the box itself flat out say that an accident happened at a biotech lab and completely spoiled that angle.

>> No.8099379
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I saved this from another thread awhile back. It's a pretty good breakdown of the original 90s releases.

>> No.8099902

Good point, same with Chrono Trigger or FFVII having so many minds involved yet being able to work together and not create a 'too many cooks in the kitchen makin' ya tendies' situation.
Also, I love good stories but I can't be the only one who doesn't give a single fuk about the story or lore in games like RE.

>> No.8099906

>best way to play
North American long box version

>> No.8099919

1. Everything

2. GameCube

>> No.8099928

wait, the Saturn version has the longbox difficulty? well shit I guess ill try it out

>> No.8099963

unplayable malarkey

>> No.8099989

The industry grew too big for its own good. They stopped taking creative chances to appease the stakeholders whilst prioritizing profits above all. Then again, we have games marketed towards people that won't even play the game (newest saints row fiasco), so there is also some incompetence thrown into the mix. Sad state of affairs, but eh, it's the darkest before dawn... hopefully

>> No.8100049
File: 2.10 MB, 640x480, tick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also has the based Ticks. They aren't just a simple Hunter reskin, someone went through the effort to give them a unique kill animation.

>> No.8100495
File: 39 KB, 640x480, Enjmb8OWEAIRQhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The police station is literally the most iconic and memorable set piece across the series. Even more iconic than 1's haunted mansion.

>it's a police station but it's really a mansion I mean a library I mean we don't really know
It's explained that it's a former art museum. That's not really far fetched, especially in the mid-west.

>re2 had an identity crisis

>> No.8100686

Oh shit, I never knew this. By the time I got here in the Saturn version I already knew what to expect (and I'm terrified of Hunters/Ticks) so made sure to take them out fast.
I enjoyed Saturn version, played it with Chris and it was tough, but not too tough if you know what you're doing by finishing with Jill first in either PS1 or Saturn. I liked the additional Battle Mode as well.

>> No.8100695

Holy crap i had forgotten about those.
Thanks Anon.

>> No.8100704

that police station is not functional in any way

>> No.8100708

No idea why people would want to play violent crap like this when you have Harvest Moon

>> No.8100778
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1614234846881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is also absolutely nothing in RE1 that says the virus can be spread via zombie bites
There's a lot of cool little details in RE1 that got tossed aside or just forgotten about.
Like how Umbrella was explicitly developing bioweapons for the US government/military in some capacity.
Or the weird religious undertones to their research with the bible verses on the passcodes and the painting of the Garden of Eden in the lab.
I think at some point in development, STARS was an outside agency instead of RPD officers and bits and pieces of that are still in the final game too. From what I remember reading in ancient character bios in magazines, Chris was supposed to be from the NYC STARS unit. That's why local girl Rebecca has to fill him in on Umbrella and why some of his ending screens show him in front of the Brooklyn Bridge.

>> No.8101159

The idea was good, with just the right amount of cheese, they really nailed the execution and then topped it off by bringing the whole thing to the best console of the 90's, which made it very accessible. The mid-late 90's was the perfect time for this type of edgy experience.

Emulation support is very good these days, but if you have a PS2 or PS3 and a physical disc, it's all good.

>> No.8103052
File: 239 KB, 1200x1058, scenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what this is from but it'd be nice to find the rest. Probably some Japanese guidebook. I never realized Kenneth's chewed up head was a callback to the farmhouse corpse in Night of the Living Dead.

>> No.8103060

But anon that's not Capcom's seminal horror classic Sweet Home, RE's chief and only inspiration

>> No.8103594

Just started as Jill on PS1, played through it as Chris a few years ago. Did all scenarios in RE2 a couple months ago. Wish me luck! Love the weird atmosphere of the mansion

>> No.8103935

That problem can be averted by refusing to play any game considered AAA. Back when I reviewed games I actually applied a score penalty to AAA games because I run on a very simple logic when it comes to media: "My expectations grow in proportion to your budget."

Rules as written it meant that no AAA game could get a perfect score unless it got the elusive 3/2 on a handful of its scores, and 3/2 was reserved for "This is the standard by which I will measure this aspect of gaming". Of course it meant if something got the 3/2 the next thing to get 3/2 would have to exceed the former champion. If I still reviewed games, TLOU2 would've sledgehammered the accessibility part of the review score with it's colossal amount of options to where subsequent games would've been in 1/2 hell for a very long time. (Still would've been average though, game sucked)

>> No.8103945

I always preferred RE2 since that was my first entry into the series. I fucked up so badly buying a N64 over PSX.

>> No.8103960

>so few of the Japanse guidebooks have been scanned in high quality

Le sigh.

>> No.8105375

You're right, I just finished playing Claire in RE2 after recently playing RE1, and it definitely felt a lot more eery in RE1. I didn't think much of it at the time because I was so immersed, but the stuff like the bible verses and the Adam and Eve pictures really did feel a lot more unsettling than most of 2.
2 had a bit of that with the Chief Irons sections, but 1 had a feel all of it's own.
I also think you're right about the idea that the bioweapon aspect was meant to be secret, especially as you find the slides in the lab and they reveal that all the creatures you've come across were named projects (Hunter, Cerberus, Neptune etc). That scene in itself was just great too, especially the reveal of the antagonist.XHM8T

>> No.8105379

check out the capcom books archive on archive.org

>> No.8105381

Kill yourself

>> No.8106250 [DELETED] 

What's more frightening is that as the storyline advances suddently you realize that you were deliberately lead to a death trap by your team leader who set up a battle field in the middle of fucking nowhere as a test ground for all these bio-weapons that Umbrella had been developing and you need to fight through to survive the whole ordeal.

I really like how Resident Evil 1 was written and designed. I think the whole title further down the line that could remotely be compared to it was Resident Evil 3 (for other different reasons, of course) and it saddens me we never got something like the classics past PSX generation.

>> No.8106256
File: 230 KB, 640x720, 1596074002056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the sequel we should have got, going from a decrepitated mansion to a modern police station in the middle of town would have been such an interesting tonal shift, instead the RPD ended up being turned into Spencer Mansion 2.0 because Mikami was a faggot.

Going from the bright and well-lit mansion to a dark and gloomy precinct... typewriters, storage boxes and herbs being replaced with modern equivalent to fit the urban setting... brand new weapon types like melee weapons and frag grenades... even if it had turned out to be a disappointing sequel, it would have been a truly unique experience unlike the RE2 we ended up with.


>> No.8106257

What's more frightening is that as the storyline advances suddently you realize that you were deliberately lead to a death trap by your team leader who set up a battle field in the middle of fucking nowhere as a test ground for all these bio-weapons that Umbrella had been developing and you need to fight through to survive the whole ordeal.

I really like how Resident Evil 1 was written and designed. I think the only title further down the line that could remotely be compared to it was Resident Evil 3 (for other different reasons, of course) and it saddens me we never got something like the classics past PSX generation.

>> No.8106292

Shame that Biohazard 2 Prototype 80% Build that Kim's contact at Capcom had never leaked. And by the looks of it we never get to see the reconstruction/rebuild that IGAS was working on after they got their hands on the beta build.

>> No.8106379


Holy shit what a braindead post

>> No.8106534

I thought I was being super safe with save ribbons but ran out very quickly. There was a large section where I had to go from the mansion to the lab with no ribbons and died several times losing an hour of progress each time.

>> No.8106540
File: 3.83 MB, 2186x1648, Inside_of_BIO-HAZARD_-_pages_40-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a good scan of the Inside of Biohazard book available. There's a few really nice scans of a few pages on one of the fan wiki pages but that's all I've been able to find, even archive.org comes up empty.
It has some really cool background info based on the original writer's notes. Like how there were plans for a St. Bernard-based Cerberus and the bit about Chimeras being born from live women.
It also goes more in-depth with the T-Virus and explains that it's extremely contagious through the air at first, then gradually mutates into less infectious forms over time until it's basically inert by the time STARS arrives. It's pretty neat and shows that the writer put way more thought into it than just "lol virus makes zombies".

>> No.8106693

>it saddens me we never got something like the classics past PSX generation
think indies will be able to pick up the torch?

>> No.8106702

If nothing else, I wish they would have kept some of the story beats from that version. Especially Umbrella being shut down and under investigation after the mansion outbreak. I like the more grounded characterization too. I think Ada was still a spy, but she wasn't some femme fatale superspy running around in a slinky dress and heels. Irons was a good guy slowly dying from his injuries in 1.5 too, but you could still have him in cahoots with Umbrella without turning him into a cartoon villain with a torture chamber hidden in the RPD.

>> No.8106706

No. I don't think modern games will ever pick up the torch of classic. They should probably stop trying and just do something new. Because current efforts are totally embarrassing

>> No.8107160

And there are hundreds of games outside of this group that recreate old horror games. It's just you don't bother looking so you haven't heard of them

>> No.8107164

>alone in the dark, but for consoles
>less puzzles
>less horror
>the action factor pumped up
thats what happened to RE.

>> No.8107169

And here's this guy coming out of the woodwork who wants to shill for that psx inspired horror discord group
Right on queue. It's always you

>> No.8107374

It lacked toilets, forensic labs and a shooting range, other than being quite small (room space wise) there wasn't much wrong with it

>> No.8107438

A concentrated amount of talented people passionate about what they're doing, that's what creates the elusive SOUL people love and hate to mention. I feel like gaming nowadays is becoming too rigid and expensive for any SOUL to manifest itself aside from rare examples... also the modern game design well all western devs (and a good portion of reluctant japanese ones) drink from makes everything too uniform and unremarkable.
I could go on and on but everyone has already made their mind about vidya so there's no point to it, but I really appreciate this and most posts of this thread. RE1 is lightning in a bottle, everything comes together almost perfectly. I don't even like RE2 as much, even though rationally I know it's supposed to be superior.
The problem with the cutscenes is that they lost their impact when they were censored in most releases, having the shots with the cadaver's half eaten face and the ones with blood pouring out of the dog removed really neutered it. It still doesn't touch actual good zombie b-movies in quality, but it makes it much better than the OG PS1 intro FMVs. Regardless of your platform of choice, you should try get a modded version with the PC cutscenes inserted into it, if possible.

>> No.8107726
File: 50 KB, 580x693, ELZRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like RE2 as it is, but there is something that i enjoy more about the metropolitan looking P.D.

>> No.8107753

Resident Evil is in no way, shape or form and homage to The X-Files. What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8107765
File: 861 KB, 709x694, 4d8360f7-77a2-441c-977c-c1b975f083fe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>alone in the dark, but for consoles

It came out for the 3D0 in 1994, and I suspect this is the version Mikami came across. I can't see him installing or playing DOS games. And the timeline works out perfectly, as he was unaware of the game until after development started in RE.


>> No.8107771

Alone in the Dark is clunky eurocrap. Resident Evil took inspiration from it and then improved literally everything.

>> No.8107780

>I think at some point in development, STARS was an outside agency instead of RPD officers and bits and pieces of that are still in the final game too. From what I remember reading in ancient character bios in magazines, Chris was supposed to be from the NYC STARS unit. That's why local girl Rebecca has to fill him in on Umbrella and why some of his ending screens show him in front of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Yeah, that's how it plays out in RE1. This is sad because it means that STARS could have been a recurring element rather than just one off.

>> No.8107781

Japanese love 3do. It was probably his porn machine

>> No.8107793

When did Resident Evil jump the shark? Code Veronica?

>> No.8107803

>It's explained that it's a former art museum
In the original I don't think it's mentioned anywhere that it was a former art museum, it just mentions that Chief Irons had an art collection
>Secretary's Diary A
>I heard that all the art pieces from the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousand of dollars. I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds those tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them.

Searching around it looks like it was first mentioned on Outbreak File#2 and re-used in Umbrella Chronicles.
>Marvin's Memo
>This police station was originally used as an art museum. It closed in the late '80s and was purchased cheaply by the RPD for use as a station because of its central location and ample parking.

>> No.8107820

Didn't the first one have that shark room?

>> No.8107838

The good parts of the storyline that were kept were from scenario A Claire B Leon which strangely is the only logical scenario that makes a shred of sense. Biohazard 2 Prototype's original storyline was much better with Annette being a deranged bitch forcing the characters to string along her if they wanted to survive.

>> No.8107842

>And by the looks of it we never get to see the reconstruction/rebuild that IGAS was working on after they got their hands on the beta build.

Yeah, whatever happened to that project? The-horror.com-forums seem to be completely down and wiped out, and that Gemini dude hasn't been doing anything Prototype 1.5-related in a long while. Did Capcom C&D him or something?

>> No.8107915
File: 153 KB, 962x598, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoarder faggots that were forced out of hiding by multiple leaks and would not release anything otherwise will not be able to finish their harebrained plan of remaking RE1.5 with their custom engine, or the previous plan of fixing and finishing the untouched build
oh no... how sad :(

>> No.8107947

Does the 3D0 version emulate well?

>> No.8107971

I have no idea. I did some research a few months ago to try and figure out what was the status on the project or if the community had migrated somewhere but the whole thing seems completely dead.

In retrospective, what Collin and Mandel did was a godsend. Imagine if everyone was still holding on the release of the project so they could play the beta prototype or see the 80% build screenshots in full glory. Such insufferable faggots in that community.

>> No.8107998

Code veronica x specifically.
Super powered wesker was the start of it

>> No.8108032
File: 109 KB, 1906x1080, Biohazard_1.5_MZD_Patch_25-12-2020_By_MartinBiohazard-210327-215102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most recent thing I've seen about 1.5

>> No.8108041

Had the saturn version on release and liked it so much I ended up trading my system in for a psx when I heard they cancelled the saturn RE2

>> No.8108051
File: 544 KB, 1024x768, researcher's room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the concept art for RE1 done in colored pencils. It's a god damn crime it was never properly collected into an artbook and is now scattered across dozens of dead or retarded fansites, wikis, and tumblr pages.

>> No.8108062

A lot of period videogame concept art from the '80s and '90s is unfortunately now lost. There's a little disclaimer in the Breath of Fire artbook saying that the reason for the lack of stuff for the first two games in particular is because it just couldn't be located/

>> No.8108065
File: 7 KB, 489x347, Elza_Walker-Honda-Deviantart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biohazard 1.5 has to be one of the unluckiest video game projects in existence. First the official Capcom build gets shitcanned in favor of the final version RE2 that we got. It then disappears for years while faggots fight over it. When it's finally leaked after over a decade and a half, and somebody makes an honest effort to restore it to a playable state, of course the community of faggots find a way to fuck that up as well, killing the game a second time. Most likely for good now. Poor Elza, she just can't catch a break.

>> No.8108070

Why did they never use based Elza in any of the sequals

>> No.8108094

I think the blonde waitress in one of the Outbreak-games kinda looks like her. Maybe they did recycle her design after all. Other than that, the closest we got to an official release was the Elza Walker bonus costume in RE2Make. And that wasn't really Elza, but just Claire wearing Elza's riding suit.

>> No.8108136

I like to think her and Claire are riding buddies and the letter she has at the beginning of RE2R is from Elza.

>> No.8108242

>I like to think her and Claire are riding buddies and the letter she has at the beginning of RE2R is from Elza.

This is now canon.

>> No.8108308

Which emulator you're using? Does PS1 games plays well on Retroarch?

>> No.8108436

Oh yeah that's a good point too, I always forget about this aspect for some reason.
It was cool that I'd forgotten it so when I read about it in my last playthrough it was that 'Oh shit' moment again. It's also kind of sad to see what happens to the brave STARS members through the games like Enrico and Richard.

>> No.8108460
File: 10 KB, 474x198, RE1 Hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember getting quite low at points, but I managed to find a few spares in the non-save room areas to top me up. I think I always had at least one or two up my sleeve, probably getting down to my last or second last in the catacombs with the giant spider.
I guess the best bet would be to ensure that before getting to the guard house try to stretch each play as far as possible because you'll probably need more regular saves later when you come across Hunters and dogs that are harder to doge/kill than the zombies in early game.
I still find Hunters to be the most panic inducing enemies in RE, they fucking give me anxiety. Their speed, huge long range jump attacks and attacking in groups makes them such a threat.
In RE1 Saturn especially they're a nightmare because of no auto aim and they'll often circle you or just be a pain.
Actually wait, SWEEPERS are even worse because of all the reasons above plus poison.

>> No.8108527

I couldn't figure out what was wrong with Code Veronica, besides that game only played 2-4

>> No.8108536

Oh man, once the 2016 HD version came out people were creaming for it and declaring it the best. Now that it's 5 years later, we have some time to analyze things a bit more. People are digging into the game a bit, and finding that ReMake toned down the difficulty, and removed some encounters, so people are starting to prefer the original harder game more. I like it. RE feels very pure to me.

>> No.8108546

I've posted this before, but this seems like a good thread to re-post it in for those who may be interested in it.
At this timestamp, Kamiya talks a bit about the very early days of RE1's development:

>> No.8108567
File: 19 KB, 498x376, 7b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about any of you but the tank controls doesn't bother me much since I really loved the level design, both RE1 and 2 reminds me going through a giant Zelda dungeon with limited resources I was kinda disappointed how linear RE4 was and how much of an action game it is

>> No.8108571

I've actually prefer it without autoaim. Even for a new player the difficulty ramps up nicely, because zombies are easy to hit and dogs teach you how to deal with fast moving targets that still aren't too dangerous. Even so, Hunters are fucking terrifying when you can't just instantly whip around and lock onto them when they jump over you. The shotgun becomes much more valuable for fighting them because it's really lenient with aiming and if you miss with the magnum or grenade launcher they can decapitate you before you have a chance to get off a second shot.

>> No.8108590

Reading your post gave me nostalgic goosebumps, I've just very vividly recalled rotating Chris in the corridor that leads outside the mansion, aiming his blocky shotgun desperately, the noises a hunter makes when he attacks, the shotgun shot sound effect, the hunter going down screaming... as if I was playing this again in the 90's. That despite playing it many times over the years, as if I dug a very specific part of my memory right now.
I'm going to start playing this without auto-aim in the original PS1 version from now on. Talk about ludo, thanks anon.

>> No.8108598

>door opening simulator
>shit dialog and omg 90% fucking story shut the goddamn fuck up
>garbage controls and gameplay
Nothing went right. RE has always been shit. Just like pretty much everything else released in that time period, the beginning of style over substance "gaming".

>> No.8108636

Their Japanese is lacking a bit and they mistranslate some things he says, so some info is inaccurate in English.

>> No.8108645

I had high hopes for Daymare 1998, but that seemed to be quite flawed from what I read. Still will try one day.
The recent game Tormented Souls looks promising.
The closest feeling I've had to classic RE games though is probably RE2 Remake, which is a testament to Capcom.

>> No.8108695
File: 884 KB, 1249x1920, rebecca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG Hunters also take 2 magnum rounds and 2 or 3 grenade launcher rounds to put down. I don't remember for sure, I barely ever play as Jill. They also LOVE to get up and immediately launch into their instakill attack, so don't stand to close to them when you knock them down.
Also here is a rare Becca concept missing part of her leg. I assume it was in a guide or manual with a screenshot over that part.

>> No.8108778

Remake removes a lot of hunters with the idea likely that the mansion is going to be overrun with crimson heads.

>Also here is a rare Becca concept missing part of her leg.

This shit is only rare because almost no one has scanned Japanese manuals and guides. There's even a GameFan American guide that includes a lot of art that no one has ever scanned.

>> No.8108859

that's what i choose to believe too.
RE2 Remake came out fine i guess, but it really feel like a missed opportunity
every time i play it, i can't help but feel like they wanted to do a lot more, and in my dreams they would have done better than ghost survivors and had actual small character stories.
maybe even have elza doing something far away from leon and claire.

>> No.8109049

The Remake 2 is a fine game until you try to do the game the other way around, no real change between playthroughs. Made me appreciate the whole Claire/Leon A/B thing of the original

>> No.8109061

I had an RE guide as a kid that had a cover using this eye art. It had a bunch of art from RE1 in it, including art of Chris smoking which I'm pretty sure the cigarette got photoshopped out of in other books, unless I'm Mandala Effect-ing this shit. Anyone remember which guide book this was? I don't know if I even have it anymore, I think I lost it in a move.

>> No.8109080

Honestly the name change in the West did a lot for the game. The bioweapon part of RE1 was hidden, you were simply presented with this eerily deserted mansion swarming with undead. It could've been anything. Demons, a virus, some kind of cthonic ritual gone wrong, government experiments, who knows. It was part of the mystery. The JPN version hints way too much at whats going on just by the name, it's too straightforward.

The mansion was oddly clean, things were left out like shit went bad in a hurry. Theres all these secrets doors and weird stuff all over. The REmake kind of lost sight of all this, and turned the mansion into a fucking generic spooky horror house.

>> No.8109087

that's one of the other things that kind of solidifies the feeling i mentioned, you just feel that things got cut down.
then you get to 3 and you feel it even more.
it just feels weird that Capcom decided to do the games this in a way that kind of hampered the games.

>> No.8109238

That looks really cool, and I had no idea it existed. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.8109243

I used PCSX ReArmed, which is one of the emulators available through RetroArch.
I also used RetroArch to get the CRT Royale Filter, which I liked but admit is a bit overdone maybe? Have a search for which works best for you, but I thought the emulation of PS1 games I played was great.

>> No.8109257

>The mansion was oddly clean, things were left out like shit went bad in a hurry. Theres all these secrets doors and weird stuff all over. The REmake kind of lost sight of all this, and turned the mansion into a fucking generic spooky horror house.

It's not maintained for weeks/months yet all the candles are lit? Come on.

>> No.8109278
File: 68 KB, 900x675, RE1 Jill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't actually played REmake yet, I ignored people who told me to 'skip the original' as I generally like playing the original game where possible unless it's deeply flawed in some way.
Glad I did, as I thought it was fantastic, as you said, it definitely feels very pure and focused.
On a similar note, I didn't get the hate for tank controls, and especially don't get the hate now. The game uses set camera angles, it feels like the best way of doing it. I never found it particularly hard to control either, maybe just how people's brains are wired differently.

Not having auto-aim definitely adds to the fear factor, and it really made me plan and think about my battles a lot more carefully than later entries.
When fighting Hunters for example I would wait until I could 'surprise' them from around a corner, or at least get them all in front of me, since getting surrounded was basically death.
It also becomes apparent that sometimes your best option is to just run and not fight. The mansion also allows you to avoid certain hallways too, so I'd try to 'skip' some Hunters and only fight when I absolutely needed to.

On a semi related note, I know Chris has more health than Jill, but was he faster as well? I read he was but don't recall if I noticed the difference straight away.

>> No.8109281

Hmm, I loved RE2 Remake, but I'm replaying the original now (or Dreamcast port rather) and noticing just how much more significantly different the scenarios are vs the Remake. It really is quite cool in hindsight.

>> No.8109293
File: 250 KB, 555x717, 01e31fcd74aa243c4339f8fe278b016a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that generally Jill is considered easy mode, but when I played through the game both ways a few years back on the PS1, I actually had a much easier time with Chris, besides being tankier, not getting the grenade launcher meant way more ammo for the shotgun, about halfway through the game I just started using it as my primary weapon and had a bunch of ammo for it the entire rest of the game

>> No.8109303

wtf is that thing in the top right

>> No.8109313
File: 264 KB, 2048x1638, E-Q4wPAWUAQayEo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, I have no idea why Noboru Sugimura gets so much praise when the story he ended up giving us was cheesy Saturday morning cartoon crap, it's so detatched from reality that all feelings of suspense are gone.

>> No.8109323
File: 63 KB, 600x502, b625ee9d-7dca-46de-8b6f-e3614952bda9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inside of one of my fav games
>it's all in jap


>yet all the candles are lit?
yeh bro, wesker set all just for the team arrival. Cool dude

you don't have an idea of how much i hate when a "horror game" has in the description something like "similar/like/a tribute to the old survival horror Resident Evil, Silent Hill etc". Jesuschrist fuck that cheap clickbait marketing

vivesoy detected

tank controls is a board meme

>> No.8109327
File: 97 KB, 677x800, 359e5d34e594fc8632d0fa2ea776b14a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE2 was supposed to express the feeling of "Hell on Earth" and that's quickly forgotten about as soon as you enter the RPD and never have to go outside again. I can't believe they had us visiting an Umbrella factory after surfacing from the sewers, fighting monsters on the conveyer belts and then just scrapped the whole thing.

>> No.8109372

the gamecube version :) unironically better than the ps1 version, dont even try to fight me

>> No.8109393
File: 699 KB, 1005x565, Code.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking it here since there isn't a general Resident Evil thread.
Was there ever any hint in Code Veronica that the security code for the self-destruct safety lock system just before the final boss fight is "VERONICA"?
Like, I know it's so fucking obvious, "Please enter the security code." But was there any point in the game where Chris was supposed to learn that?

>> No.8109575

REmake and RE1 are very different games.

>> No.8109581

IIRC there is a document you pick up at some point near the end that mentions Veronica.

>> No.8109585

>It was supposed to be something that I thought, other than what the devs intended, even though the devs do this every game they can where they switch the locations to give variety to the game and not let things grow old, but keep them short and sweet
Resident Evil, or any other of their games were never about the story or lore or any of that, which is all just a bonus on top of a game. It's why people love their games, you actuallt get to play them and not have to sift through hours of dialogue or care about some backstory. The amount of fans for that shit is the minority by a long shot. Not saying you're 'wrong' for possibly wanting that, just that you're expecting it out of the wrong place, they intentionally make their games pulp and cheesy.

>> No.8109709

The only person I could think of still mucking around with 1.5 would be Martin Biohazard. Last video he released was from 8 months ago for that magic door hack someone else mentioned here, it also includes a forum link:

>> No.8109953
File: 387 KB, 350x480, amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that face
>I didn't get the hate for tank controls
the more I see people posting about them (not on /vr/) the more I'm convinced it really is a matter of not being able to understand relative positioning and movement, especially with the weird praise the REmake got on PS3 for the analog stick movement which is in relation to the camera's position.
I can't fault people that were born in the post RE4 era for not liking something that goes against what 99.9% of games do nowadays, but for people back then it's inexcusable imo.

>> No.8110070

one of the only things i like about RE6 is that first part of leon's campaign where things are going to shit.
i really wish the whole campaign could have carried that feeling the whole way through.

>> No.8110071
File: 2.04 MB, 2500x3558, 151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's even a GameFan American guide that includes a lot of art that no one has ever scanned.
Is it the Gamefan Director's Cut guide? I have some nice scans of a few pages from it I found on tumblr or pintrest (of all places) I can upload to an imgur gallery.

>> No.8110108

Bruh your going to make a grown man coom

>> No.8110124
File: 112 KB, 865x919, elza and claire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a lot of ways Elza is just Claire in all but name (and hair color) as far as character design goes. The jump from 1.5 Elza to RE2 Claire is no bigger a revision than what many characters go through during the course of their development before their debut game is done.
That said, I've always liked the idea that in-universe Elza is a separate character and maybe even was elsewhere in Raccoon City those fateful nights.

>> No.8110148
File: 195 KB, 730x900, Elza_Walker_-_brunette_version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the foundation is there.
they could easily make her into her own character.
just start her off at raccoon university and have her find a way out.

>> No.8110221
File: 2.18 MB, 2500x3368, RE_DirCut_SurvivalGuideCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I have. I'd love to find the flowchart the cover mentions because it probably shows how to get all the different events and interactions with each character.

>> No.8110536
File: 43 KB, 634x950, b26eb13c-8bce-477c-ade0-d2d36af8ce7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'kay niggas, what have to be the first thing on archive.org that i must read. i know there's a ton of stuff, but no idea if there's some order needed to follow or what.

>> No.8110561
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 03dc14c4-5502-4c76-af64-c17e6334a5c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet baby jesus. Many thanks dude, take this with you as a thank you

>> No.8110581
File: 352 KB, 1000x1500, 054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'kay niggas, what have to be the first thing on archive.org that i must read.
The official manga "Jill Valentine" by Human High-Light Film so you get the full backstory on STARS investigating Umbrella.

>> No.8111323

I've heard people say the same, although I personally found the grenade launcher to be really useful for bosses and occasional bigger enemies like the spiders (when playing with Chris I would just avoid the spider and not fight them).
The biggest challenge for me was actually Chris' lower inventory space. Having only 6 slots AND having no lockpick (having to carry small keys sometimes) made it a lot more taxing IMO.

>> No.8111347

I thought Jill's campaign was harder in advanced mode on the Director's Cut since her lower health means she can get decap'd so easily by hunters and there's SO MANY of them on that difficulty. Also Rebecca's heals let you make more mistakes in the early game as Chris and not use very many herbs.

>> No.8111350

I just find it strange that there's still a notion that tank controls are 'bad' or were done because developers didn't know how to make a 3D game yet.
Most recently I was reading an interview with Tim Schafer and he mentioned the tank controls in Grim Fandango
>All of those games used tank controls because navigating through 3D space with a character was new to us, and then Super Mario 64 came out and it was, "Oh, you push in the direction that you want to go? Oh, yeah!"

That just seems like such a strange notion from someone who's been making games as long as him. Besides, Super Mario 64 came out in 1996 and Grim Fandango came out in 1998. I'm going to chalk it up to Tim Schafer being a dipstick, but it's annoying that even someone like him is pushing the narrative of 'lol tank controls were just because everyone was retarded back then'.

>> No.8111357

Thanks for posting this, seriously cool stuff!
The halos over deceased characters is cute.

>> No.8111467

I'm surprised Martin is still going at it after all these years. The guy is so fucking devoted despite not having a background when he started this stuff and just doing it because he loves the project so much. I wish, at a certain point of development, all the different teams had just stopped with the rivarly bullshit among them and organized themselves to get out the rebuild/reconstruction project. As much as I enjoy seeing different ideas being thrown around, ultimately, without any short of cooperation and/or profissional help, it's the kind of project that will never ever get completed (or be half-assed if it gets near that stage).

>> No.8111487

This man speaks the truth.

>> No.8111498
File: 1.54 MB, 1800x1892, 1591427_sleepyttea_elza-walker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the best resident evil girl. Shame they never gave her a chance to shine.

>> No.8111545

I was so hoping that the Elza-suit in RE2Make would've been a full character model replacement, with Elza's own face, the blonde hair and everything. Instead, they just gave her leather bike overalls to Claire. Another missed opportunity.

>> No.8111871

the return of the living dead
Gas outbreak
Virus outbreak same thing

>> No.8111961

Textbook gamer entitlement. They made an alternate costume referencing something as obscure as an early character prototype from over 20 years ago and you are mad they didn’t do more.

>> No.8112116

How is she the best girl when she has absolutely no distinguishing character traits, since she, like, never had a game? The only substantive difference between her and Claire is hair color.

>> No.8112162

your methods are pretty textbook as well.
eventually everyone is going to catch on, and i wonder if you'll be smart enough to find new ways on your own.

>> No.8112192

Schizophrenia is real.

>> No.8112197

indeed, and you must have it to do what you do.

>> No.8112202

so is there like a flowchart of responses or what?

>> No.8113205

I know, waifuguys are nuts

>> No.8113208
File: 296 KB, 756x1200, 1568700307470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sawao is a bit of an acquired taste
I did actually have a lot of fun using the grenade launcher, I personally love grenade launchers, but I just didn't find it as reliable as the shotgun, plus I was playing the longbox version. But the first time through for me as Jill I had alot of trouble as soon as the hunters started showing up, that health boost that Chris has is really helpful, IIRC he actually has 150% of her health, I also didn't find the 6 inventory slots and no lockpick to be as much as a problem as I probably would have going in fresh, since I played as Chris almost immediately after beating the game as Jill

>> No.8114129

I like that RE1 is set in the middle of summer. It's a pretty unique choice for a horror story.

>> No.8114145

I can't deny the Hunters vs Jill is a huge pain, especially in a corridor where they can really fuck you up. IIRC the acid rounds killed Hunters really quick though? Either way, I get your point.
I also played the longbox with Jill and then played Saturn version with Chris immediately after. Having the game and layout fresh in my mind made a big difference, and probably the way it was meant to be played. I did try many years ago to play Chris as my first playthrough and bounced off the game by the time I got to the catacombs.

>> No.8114156

holy hell that game looked amazing for the time.

>> No.8114267

Summer is traditionally the season associated with telling ghost stories in Japan, likely due to the proximity to the O-Bon festival. Whether the choice of summer for RE1 is entirely accidental, however, I can't say, but it wouldn't be out of the question for the choice to have been a wink and nod on the part of the developers.

>> No.8114556

Well, I mean, since you're gonna be referencing something that is well known to the die hard fans, WHY NOT go all the way? It wouldn't have been that much more additional work.

>> No.8114586

It looks even more polished on PC. I swear they used higher quality versions of the pre-rendered backgrounds there.

>> No.8114793

But it's not as though Elza even has a face -- unless you're comparing whatever textures may have been ripped from the 1.5 beta to what was used for Claire in RE2. Concept art is meaningless in this case, since all of that late nineties Capcom concept art for RE is an exercise in sameface, and there's certainly nothing to distinguish Elza's concept art from Claire's. I don't think she ever had a CG model, either, and if she did, what are the odds it would have been very difference from Claire's?

Claire, on the other hand, has at least eight faces (OG texture, OG CG model, Veronica texture, Veronica CG model, the face used in all those terrible CG movies, the model used in the Wii shooter games, Revelations 2 model, and REmake2 facial scan), so no coherence or consistency there. So it seems a bit much to expect Capcom to hire another actress for facial scanning and then devote whatever time to fine-tuning the model's facial animations, just to distinguish her from Claire when they have never been differentiated other than by their hair color.

That said, yes, they could have given her a dye-job for that bonus costume, sure. That would have been reasonable.

>> No.8115370
File: 55 KB, 960x581, dfd31d64daf7d493331f4a1e2c58660166b8e90d_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you talking about, man? Claire's not just a re-skin of Elza. Elza clearly had her own, unique look, which definitely makes her her own, separate entity from Claire. Just look at this, they were clearly meant to look different from each other. And while the models are 1990's crude, that's enough to go by that any competent artist could've given a hypothetical RE2Make Elza her own, distinct appearance. That her full motion video model has been lost, or was never created in the first place means nothing here. Pic related is enough evidence.

>> No.8115373
File: 64 KB, 1024x441, f8b1eed9466452f2931eb9bca294ea0fcc19e149_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8115536

Well, thank you for this -- I had never seen any extracted textures or models from 1.5. Yes, I can now see that the texture and facial geometry are distinct for Elza's model -- which is certainly news to me, since one certainly could never tell from any footage or screen shots taken from 1.5 running on native hardware. Are any of the other characters reworked in this way?

>> No.8115545

>One has bigger boobs, the other has bigger butt
Something for everyone!

>> No.8115671

Elza > Claire

>> No.8115678

Crapcom sucks.

>> No.8116417
File: 330 KB, 2048x2048, 1631093564231[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bunch of re is taken from judge dredd.

>> No.8116454 [DELETED] 

wow, anymore examples?

>> No.8116457

thats cool! anymore examples?

>> No.8116496

>Also, what's the best way to play these days?
You posted it as the OP, shitter

>> No.8116563
File: 211 KB, 2000x1501, https---fansided.com-wp-content-uploads-getty-images-2018-08-1187715400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their only frame of reference for what America looks like is stuff they've seen in American movies, so RE is basically a weird amalgamation of American pop culture which is why you see references to Queen on Chris and Claire's jackets, the DeLorean randomly parked on the streets of Raccoon City, and other stuff like that

>> No.8116569
File: 75 KB, 820x250, a2script555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flamethrower is modeled after the one in Aliens and the elevator looks just like the one in the laboratory

>> No.8116574
File: 388 KB, 1014x550, texaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taxago is obviously taken from Texaco which they probably saw in Back to the Future

>> No.8116580
File: 146 KB, 1920x816, keanu-reeves-as-officer-jack-traven-in-speed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending of RE2 with Leon or Claire climbing on top of the train is from Speed

>> No.8118127

Which CRT Royale Filter visually looks better with the game?

>> No.8118139

Val really would have been perfect as wesker. Instead we have twitter praising sond bald talentless nigger as wesker.
If you criticize it your branded racist.

>> No.8118153

They KNOW it's fantasy, they just include it because they, like us, think it's cool and want to use cool things they've seen from media. They were just like us and had a passion for sci-fi-fantasy-horror. A lot of these new devs didn't have much passion for anything and are just drone hires.

>> No.8118159
File: 2.96 MB, 282x212, f6d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrarians man I swear.

>> No.8118224
File: 22 KB, 286x360, ifs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tight gameplay
>Satisfying shotgun

>> No.8118243

the game is called BIO HAZARD

>> No.8118284

I used the default and quite liked it, but there's really no 'best' IMO. See which one you like the most is my only advice. I'm also quite new to RA and the filters so probably some other anons here can help more?

>> No.8118286

There's a black Wesker now? I have only seen the first film with Jovovich and have forgotten all of it.

>> No.8118306


>> No.8118457
File: 123 KB, 720x960, 1546126511330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black Wesker now
Soon, I think the Netflix abortion featuring him is coming out in October IIRC. The alleged story is a mess and would have made vastly more sense and caused less asshurt if he was just some new OC high-level Umbrella science goon, but no, gotta get that sweet reference cred.

>> No.8118485

Yes we have Netflix pushing a woke agenda resident evil tv series.

Wesker is some bald nigger. He has 5 woman (all ugly) who cant be attractive because lesbians and feminists would complain.

It's going to ge pushing the gay/woke agenda coz its Netflix....because of course that's what's most important in a zombie apocalypse....faggots and lefty ideals....

Why didn't they just make the last of us 2 the tv series? They could have had it filled with fag flags and dykes then act shocked when it bombs

>> No.8118507

I don't know why but I love the original RE but I just can't get into REmake. For some reason the game just feels bloated and slow, I always have a blast replaying the original but I could never get into REmake.

>> No.8118583

From what I've seen, Leon is Indian and Jill is a mulatto or something, I cant really tell
That being said it doesnt really matter, it's some shitty netlifx series that nobody will watch and will be completely forgotten in literal weeks
As bad as the old RE movies were, they are still memorable for how ridiculous they are which is pretty funny

>> No.8118587

Despite peoples insistence of it being a "remake done right", it's a very different game from the original. People are just used to a remake totally flipping an old game into something unrecognizable, so when the game keeps the same general gameplay, they say it's perfect despite changing everything else

>> No.8118616

Weird, I was expecting Netflix to have everyone be a minority EXCEPT the big baddie who is a white male. They must be slipping.

I've finished 1 & 2 and will move onto 3 next, but really want to try Remake as well. I'm glad that the notion of 'Skip the original' is starting to disappear though, because while I'm sure that the remake is good, the original is still amazing having played it just last month.

>> No.8118624
File: 498 KB, 1536x2174, resident2342qw34r6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the consensus on REmake 1?
Straight upgrade? Besides graphics ofc.

>> No.8118625
File: 475 KB, 1067x839, EeMl9F5XoAAxTrY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are any of the other characters reworked in this way?

Yeah, Leon's appearance got revised as well. Proto-Leon looks way dorkier. Also, Sherry Birkin's clothes were of different color.

>> No.8118635

Great game, great resident evil game, not a replacement for the original
In my mind, they're too seperate games that arent very comparable outside of the gameplay and general story beats
Tone is way different

>> No.8118658

REmake is more of a weird evolution on the Director's Cut Arrange Mode than a remake of the original game. That mode had pseudo-Crimson Head fast zombies, handgun crits, the Forest jumpscare, and the overall progression with the changed item locations feels much closer to the Remake to me.

>> No.8118701

On the topic of Arrange mode- I just beat RE2 on original on Dreamcast, is it worth going back and trying Arrange Mode? Is it significantly different, or just rearranged items?

>> No.8118715
File: 327 KB, 774x970, 1630976516684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>different tones
Is the original not that scary even for its time then?
REmake 1 is the only game that has truly scared me so far.

>> No.8118743

IIRC Arrange mode in RE2 only changes the game to the US difficulty where I believe the only major differences are no auto-aim and that there additional health and ammo pickups but they are hidden from view.

>> No.8118752

It takes away a lot of little things and some of the additions are dumb like Lisa. Lisa feels half-baked and something out of a Silent Hill game. Like how did this bitch remain undetected for seemingly years in this lab and mansion that was operational until 2 months ago? Also the mansion is just way too weird and spooky for something that was functional and there is way too little color. RE2-3 got the right balance of realism and color, and you could say 1 is a bit garish because it was their first try.

Gameplay wise I feel it's easier with many fewer Hunter encounters and hunters nerfed. The reduced hunters is likely the assumption there will be many crimson heads but you can avoid both ending up with empty rooms upon coming back. The hunters in the original are a real challenge and instill real dread.

>> No.8118773
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrange in PlayStation RE2 is US difficulty. Dreamcast and PC has Arrange mode which is unique and then Nightmare mode which is a unique gameplay mode. It does things like make it harder and zombies require random bullets to kill. You need to beat expert mode first to unlock.

I don't consider it that much harder and I just rely more on special weapons.

>> No.8118774

I love it for all the deleted content and unused ideas it restored. Especially the part where you have to burn the dead zombie's corpses with gasoline and a lighter to stop them from mutating into Crimson Heads. It added a new, very cool tactical element to the gameplay, and it's one that, I believe, they already were planning on adding to the original game in the 90's. The cigarette lighter exists in the original game too, and if you use Gameshark codes to modify the player's inventory, there's also an oil can item that has no use, and cannot be found anywhere in the game without hacks. But most likely it was supposed to contain the gasoline that you could use to burn the zombie's bodies.

The Spencer's letters were another cool thing that they brought back that I also liked seeing after years of only rumors. The REmake is a very cool window into what could've been, and eventually came to be with its release.

>> No.8118887

Fun Resident Evil fact for everyone
In Japan (until RE6) the games were English voice over only, no japanese dub
The subtitles were always hard matter of fact lines so the Japanese usually missed out on cool or funny lines that we understood in the west. For example, the bingo line in RE4 isnt in the Japanese subtitles despite Leon saying it in English, which is the language spoken in the Japanese version
I havent found any information on why the voice over is so different from the japanese text though

>> No.8118902
File: 2.66 MB, 1518x1019, egm 156 interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crimson Heads were something they came up with very late during the remake's development. I've never seen anything that indicates burning bodies was planned for RE1. There's a developer interview that mentions they wanted to have a lantern and decided against it, so the oil might have been planned for that.

>> No.8118921

Japanese is such a radically different language, many of the finer points in english simply won't translate. But anyway, this is not completely true. A japanese language dub of the RE1 intro does exist, but got scrapped and was never used:


After this, the games were always english only.

>> No.8118928

Tim Schafer is an insufferable faggot.

>> No.8118965

Hmm, I see then. But it could've been cool already back then. Also, I didn't know they were planning on adding those invisible enemies to the main campaign from the beginning. Now THAT would've been sadistic as fuck. The invisible enemies-mode is my most hated aspect of REmake. I've never finished it.

>> No.8118967

He's a dipswitch if you will.

>> No.8119101

I know about it and dont count it because it didnt actually come out other than on an extras disc or whatever

>> No.8119131

Steve was based for this

>> No.8119137

I was a child when the first one came out and I was scared shitless of it

>> No.8119647

I hate it so much when every single youtuber I find talk about how "RESIDENT EVIL IS THE SPIRITUAL SUCCESOR TO SWEET HOME AND WAS MADE AS A SEQUEL" or some shit like that, when the gameplay was made that way because of Sir Frédérick Raynal's Alone In the Dark.
God bless that man.

>> No.8119658

They're copying Capcom's official stance. They don't want to admit their hit game was ripped off another one, so they start with the correct information that the project started as a spiritual successor to Sweet Home. That is correct, but the project didn't have direction and went through the snes to playstation, and ideas floating around like ghosts or first person. It was only after Mikami played Alone in the Dark (likely the 3D0 version) that he got a firm vision of what the game should look like. With a bigger budget and more to polish they made a bigger more impressive Alone in the Dark.

And the live action scenes were genius. Their 3D animation wasn't good enough to do humans, so a simple 1 day shooting session was enough to do all the humans and look really cinematic and impressive.

>> No.8120395 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8120753
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More or less complete freedom

They made games they wanted to play as opposed to what marketers thought people wanted to play

>> No.8121845

On the topic of RE2, I noticed by playing them back to back that RE2 has MUCH more ammo than RE1. I never felt like I was running low, or even that I needed to avoid zombies. In RE1 I was constantly thinking 'Do I need to come back to this room? Or can I leave them alive and just run away?'
It's not a 'bad' thing, but just an interesting change. Made it feel a bit less scary though.

>> No.8121956

Yeah, they tried to make it more action and easier. I also think there's next to no actual puzzles in RE2. Like there's something with clues that requires solving. I know RE1 didn't have many tough ones, but they still had puzzles. RE2 is mostly about finding the right gem or plug to bring somewhere.

For RE1 I never beat the game "legit". I always played arrange mode with the double ammo cheat on preceively for this reason. I have sine learned you can grab 30 rounds from Kenneth early game as a reward for checking his body rather than running away which completely changes the layout about early game ammo in teh game. I can now envision myself actually playing it legit.

>> No.8121957

It was done deliberately to appeal to a wider audience. Kamiya has said before that he personally felt the game was too easy but he made it that way so it would be more beginner-friendly and have a better chance of being a huge success.

>> No.8121958

Lickers are also pale comparison compared to Hunters. Hunters come at you fast and you have to deal with them. Lickers are blind and only react to sound, so you can be safe as you enter a place by not moving. They also are way less aggressive and less dangerous. I swear I've only seen their Tongue-lance attack maybe twice in the entire playthroughs. It's their lounge or swipe most of the time.

>> No.8121986

I wish n64 got RE1 instead

>> No.8122001

Sega stopped creating consoles.

>> No.8122006

Huh interesting, I was curious to know if it was deliberate, but figured it would be.
I definitely think that finding the 30 bullets on Kenneth helps a lot. I always make sure to check all the bodies in RE games since I've found useful stuff on them before. It seems common to find at least handgun bullets on most human corpses.

Definitely. I had very little fear of Lickers in RE2 vs Hunters. In part beacause they're slower to attack, but also much less durable. It took like 4 shotgun blasts to kill a hunter, but only 2 to kill a licker.
Hunters also had that thing where they'd get blown away and then roll to the left, so they'd separate and make it a bit harder to stay trained on them, Lickers go straight back/down so it's easier.

>> No.8122116
File: 693 KB, 1658x540, kenneth head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty neat. I made a better comparison since that one is really hard to see. You can definitely see the inspiration.

>> No.8122323

>Probably some Japanese guidebook.

It's very sad but very few RE Japanese books have been scanned. They include really fascinating tidbits of information like that. Some nerds have scanned a few pages and put relevant info on the fan wiki so it's at least something.

>> No.8122430

Not to mention that there's only a handful of Lickers in the entire game, compared to Hunters in RE1.

>> No.8122435

And also all consoles became x86 based

>> No.8122464

Yeah man, that mansion gets infested with Hunters and replace every single zombie. There's what 6 lickers in A and maybe 10 in B?

>> No.8122695

Just started this game fàms should I take Rebecca with me or not?

>> No.8122704

Choose your own path friend, part of RE1's appeal as a newcomer is not knowing what effect your decisions will have. It also makes it fun to make different decisions on repeated playthroughs.

>> No.8122756

I tried playing as Chris and had the exact same problem. I also didn't know that you could easily knife the plant boss so even though I had Rebecca make V-JOLT I still used up almost all of my ammo on it, meaning I then had to make my way back to the mansion and dodge a bunch of Hunters and go into the second snake bossfight with nothing more than a handful of handgun bullets. I decided I had a dead game at that point and would restart sometime in the future.

I've beaten the game with Chris and Jill on the easier PS1 version at least.

I don't know, maybe I'm just not as good as videogames as I was when I was a kid.

>> No.8122773

Lickers also go down a lot easier than Hunters do. If I remember right you can kill the first one with only two shots from the bowgun with Claire and avoid most of the others.

>> No.8122810

Spooky, unnerving, and violent, yet very soulful, charming, and endearing at the same time. It's a very unique atmosphere.

>> No.8122941

>There's what 6 lickers in A and maybe 10 in B?

There's 5 in Leon A, 7 in Claire A and 8 in both B scenarios. That's just regular Lickers though, not the enhanced ones.

>> No.8123706
File: 1.31 MB, 2320x2002, Resident Evil guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this the other day. this different version fuckery is the worst. was it a marketing strategy?

>> No.8123887

Different teams working on different ports with no unifying vision. Tidbit: Keiji Inafune was producer for RE: Director's Cut, promotions producer for RE2, producer for Resident Evil 4 PS2 version. Inafune had the job in the 90's of handling the weird little ports and re-releases for RE for some reason.

>> No.8125781


>> No.8125819

Is there any way to get the original trilogy PC ports with the Rebirth mods going on Linux?

>> No.8125830

>Re2 nightmare mode
Is that one any fun

>> No.8125853

Yes, most 3DO games do. Doctor Hauzer can perform better than it does on real hardware. (less slowdown)

You're better off playing the PC version for Alone in the Dark though, obviously.

>> No.8125892

Yeah, it's definitely worth a playthrough if you wanna give yourself a really tough survival challenge. Claire's campaign in particular I thought was really challenging since she doesn't have the shotgun or magnum.

>> No.8126086

Grenade laucnher's flame and explosive rounds will one hit zombies.

>> No.8126628

A lot. Enemies become bullet sponges so you need to decide which sections you're gonna be wasting your ammo instead of just blasting the whole game through it and you take a lot more damage (almost on par with Extreme Battle Lv3) meaning you can't afford to make many mistakes against bosses or large hordes of enemies. Lickers are particularly lethal in Nightmare Mode, even less so if you're not using their sonar detection to your advantage. It's also known as Hard Mode in SourceNext. It's definitely worth a shot, give it a try.

>> No.8126661
File: 228 KB, 604x597, 1515953957359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoever made that should know that Dreamcast RE2 does not have 60fps. It has a 60hz setting on the PAL version so European players don't have to put up with borders and slower gameplay, but it still runs at 30fps.

>> No.8126697


>> No.8126728

Just watched 95 dredd. Kino. metal gear solid twin snakes defenly took inspiration from as well

>> No.8128141

I just finished RE2 on Dreamcast with Claire A (A Rank) and Leon B (B Rank) and didn't get 4th Survivor Mode.
Do I need to have A-Rank with both or something?
I used the Bazooka for Leon to speed through it, but I didn't read anywhere that it will invalidate the playthrough?

>> No.8128419

>I used the Bazooka for Leon to speed through it, but I didn't read anywhere that it will invalidate the playthrough?

Your score is heavily penalized for using special bonus weapons.

>> No.8128430

RE2's "nightmare mode" is interseting, but at the same time not really even that hard.

>handgun can tkae up to 30 bullets to down a zombie with the actual number being random
>bowgun can be ignored or used as zombie killing dump
>has the lightning gun for more ammo against zombies
>grenade laucnher for bosses and top tier enemies
>explosive and flame rounds for one shotting zombies

>Shotgun headshots insta kill zombies
>magnum insta kill zombies
>handgun can be just a zombie killing dump

Both characters:
>luring zombies into biting your leg results in an instakill for small life trade
>both can pick up the sidepack and uzi
>health is still quite plentiful

>> No.8128558
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always forget Leon gets the Flamethrower. That's more than enough for all the plant enemies, and you can burn the rest on zombies. Really, both Claire and Leon have way more than enough ammo for every enemy in the game even if you ignore the Uzi. Nightmare Mode A+B with no Uzi and no side-pack would be a decent challe

For Claire it's a tiny bit trickier, but more than do-able. The Cattle-prod is designed for G creatures, so it's ideal for taking out Birken which means you can save on Grenade rounds. I know it does bonus damage to him but I can't remember if it does bonus to Mr. X. The 6-shooter is normally a waste but since it shoots fast it's actually advantageous since damage doesn't matter and it's a random amount of rounds to kill enemies.

So really the only major differnce is that it massively nerfs the handguns but everything else is just as strong.


>> No.8128581

I still got a B rank though, and my understanding was that you only needed A Rank for one of the two.

>> No.8128583

I also forgot you get an Uzi or an Uzi mag in the BF Culture room in B scenario. It takes a bit of work to unlock and easy to miss, but it's there. The weapon is so late and there's hardly any enemies in the lab (they really missed out jamming the place with zombies and plants in my opinion) that it hardly has any impact. But it's another weapon. RE2 is so jam packed with ammo and weapons that even something like potentially 40 shots to down a zombie barely has any impact.

>> No.8128587

That means you qualified for A rank but you got dropped to B by using a special item.

>> No.8128619

Oh no, I totally get that part. I'm saying my understanding was you only needed to get A Rank in one of the two scenarios to unlock 4th Survivor. I think every guide says that.
I'm not sure why it didn't work for me, not sure if it's a Dreamcast specific thing where the qualifications change?

>> No.8128734
File: 151 KB, 1410x1080, title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for artbook scans on archive.org and found something pretty neat, a new pre-release of RE1 I haven't seen before. It's dated 2/08 on the title screen, when the latest I've seen previously was 1/31 and it's actually localized instead of a Japanese release. There's someone who posts in these threads a lot who maintains the TCRF page about RE prototypes who probably went through more thoroughly but I played around with it for about half an hour and found a few things.
>Autoaim is enabled
>Enemies have green blood
>Item boxes are linked
>Item locations are different like in other prototype versions
>1 ink ribbon per pickup and ribbons and ammo still don't stack
>All files use the V Jolt report text, maybe as a placeholder since they weren't translated yet? Some have different names, like Diary of a Breeder instead of Keeper's Diary.
>I used the debug menu to warp around, and Dumdum rounds are still in this version.
It's pretty neat and I always thought it was interesting that they were tweaking the game and making pretty major changes almost right up til the last possible minute.

>> No.8129406

Oh, something I meant to ask.
Do we ever find out the significance of the tombstone underneath the room where you fight Yawn the second time?
It thought there was going to be some reveal about it, but it kind of seems to just serve as a secret passage.
It's such a weird out of place creepy thing to find as well, I love it.

>> No.8129803

It was Trevor's grave.

>> No.8130047

The remake revealed it was a troll trap for Trevor.

>> No.8130305

>/vr/ guide
count on this board to overthink playing games everytime

>> No.8130327

Where I do find blue herbs before the snek bossfight since it keeps poisoning me?

>> No.8130456

its objective information, you are free to not look at it or discard as non-relevant for your taste

>> No.8130509

The Remake version of Trevor's notes are really abbreviated. You can read the full original version here:
They're interesting, but I can also see why they were cut from the game because they really don't add much to the core story. At least that site got archived too, who knows how much stuff like that has been lost to dead sites over the years.
Blue herbs don't show up until you reach the Courtyard area. It's no big deal if you get poisoned in that fight, there's a few different outcomes that resolve it. Or you can do the pro move Get the Serum, let Richard die, then use it on yourself if you get bit.

>> No.8130637

Yes you need A on both,i found different info on the internet on how to unlock it but thats how i got it,both A rank on a and b scenario.

>> No.8131436
File: 3.28 MB, 1134x1559, CVG Jan '98 RE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that ever explained in game? I don't even recall ever seeing the name Trevor during my play throughs.
Was this something that was cut for the original and brought back for the Remake?

Thanks bro, I'm working on doing it now. I just did Leon A with an A Rank. I also got his alternate costume with the 'sideways gun' stance, pretty cool little bonus they put in.
Next I get Claire with a revolver.
It's crazy how fast RE2 can be run through when you know what to do.
I'm really loving playing the originals again. I remember so much excitement around them when they first came out, they play differently to each other, but both are great.

>> No.8131656

Project Umbrella is still up, I think. They just changed the layout. Their tweets show that the former administration is still running the site. They have been publishing magazine scans and translations. Interestingly, Resident Evil 1.5 was seemingly 30% completed somewhere in September/October.

>> No.8131661

>Is that ever explained in game? I don't even recall ever seeing the name Trevor during my play throughs.
I recall that Trevor's storyline was meant to be integrated in the original Resident Evil 1 but Mikami had to ditch it for some reason. The conceptual work he had for the character included diaries which addressed the tomb beneath the room you fight Yawn for the second time. I think this was uncovered by Biohazard France around the time that site was still up but my memory might be playing tricks on me.

>> No.8132195
File: 65 KB, 1615x532, BEES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading about it in magazines back around the time the Director's Cut came out, in the context of "It's a director's cut, but it doesn't include Trevor's files or other cut content." I think people knew the grave was supposed to be his, but didn't really know about the rest of the story which led to some wild speculation.
I'm actually curious about this now, so I've been digging around on usenet archives, and it's always a good time.
Found an ancient fansite somehow still up 25 fucking years later (https://www.angelfire.com/il/selectevil/index.html)) and fun stuff like pic related.

>> No.8132239
File: 140 KB, 1440x1080, Sun Sep 12 23-07-44 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok what the fuck, that guy wasn't making shit up. I was bored and tried it with the infinite machine gun on the PC version. I killed a shitload of bees and then a giant one actually did come out.
I'm honestly floored.

>> No.8132248
File: 134 KB, 1440x1080, Sun Sep 12 23-11-01 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just like he said, a bunch more come out. I don't think they kill you in one sting, but they took me from fine to dead very, very quickly.

>> No.8132258

I tried that once too and found out about it. Everyone just runs in, grabs the key then leaves so they never see it.

>> No.8132637
File: 1.28 MB, 2448x3264, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few Japanese guide books if anyone interested. I own a scanner and if given some time, I wouldn't mind putting in some work and scanning some pages. Sadly, I don't speak Japanese and I am not sure what would be the most interesting parts in the guides. It does have a lot of cool art and developer interviews. I am betting some of these guides have been uploaded to the internet sometime or another.

>> No.8132664

yes scan those books. No one has ever scanned any Jap guides. I see famitsu Biohazard 3 guide, and two V-Jump books guide.

>> No.8132697

pls scan. dunno where to put em tho, on a MEGA i suppose. also the e-hentai site suprisingly has plenty of high quality game art books.

>> No.8132708

Any /adv/ on how to scan the guides? I don't want to destroy the blinding or rip out the pages. They are pretty small compared to US guides

>> No.8132712

sorry no. def get some advice tho, dont wanna hurt the books.

>> No.8132742

>Is that ever explained in game? Only in the ReMake.
Trevor was the architect of the Spencer mansion and the arctic base from C:V. They knew Trevor would look for his family (they told him both visited his ill aunt in the hospital) after he return to the mansion. He didn't just know that a lab was underground.
Tevor was included to justify the crazy architecture and the similarities of the RE1 mansion and the C:V arctic base. Lisa Trevor was included to explain the Progenitor virus without RE:0.

>> No.8132758
File: 1.15 MB, 682x1063, 015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that ever explained in game?
It isn't ever stated in game. However, Japanese Saturn players would have known since the JP Saturn game came with a booklet called The True Story Behind Biohazard which included a version of the Trevor's Notes which explain that the grave is indeed Trevor's.
It should be noted that these Trevor's Notes are different from the original unreleased Trevor's Notes detailed in the link in >>8130509

Pic related is the relevant page from The True Story Behind Biohazard.

>> No.8132890

Interesting stuff! Thanks guys.
I always thought that the mysterious grave below the mansion was weird, in some ways not knowing the story behind it adds to the horror as well.

>> No.8132901


Was just reading these, what do you suppose this was in the mansion;

>I screwed up. How did Spencer know?
>The large thing looms...
>It was supposed to be a secret mechanism only I knew about.

I don't think it was the fountain, since he mentions that just afterwards. I can't remember what passage or mechanic this might refer to.

>> No.8133101

Unbelievably based and segapilled

>> No.8133685

I don't think I've ever even seen that top left book. If nothing else, it'd be cool to snap pics of some of the pages and throw them in an imgur gallery or something.
There's another one where he's in the basement with spiders and figures out a door lock mechanism that seems like it might refer to a cut puzzle.

>I leapt back. Involuntarily trampling a few spiders. The moment I did, countless spiders attacked me.
>I ran to the door, but it was locked.
>The spiders came crawling toward me.
>I remembered the structure to the door and managed to get out.

>Since then, I've been wandering this mansion's basement to this day. There were many unusually shaped insects and animals. But, with their movements slow and simple, I was able to survive.

>> No.8134502

>Mikami had to ditch it for some reason.
Crimson head has an interview with Yasuyuki Saga, the man who wrote the Trevor's notes where he explains why they were removed among: https://www.crimson-head.com/interviews/yasuyuki-saga

Here's the relevant portion:
>After much difficulty, we received Mikami’s approval to add ‘Trevor’s Notes’ into the game. However, in the completed version, the gameplay conflicted with the world view presented in those game-files, and this caused inconsistencies.

>So I advised Mikami-san to remove the ‘Trevor’s Notes’ files. At first, he did not agree, but the translator in charge of making the English version at the same time as the Japanese, also agreed with their removal, and so it was decided to remove them from the game.

From what I can gather from the interview, the reason the Trevor's notes were written was to provide hints to the player about the puzzles and how to progress through the mansion. But by the time the game was done, the mansion had changed so much that the hints in Trevor's notes wouldn't have been useful, so it was decideh4mt8d to remove them.

>> No.8135256
File: 67 KB, 900x900, 1627336556812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh heh wut a mess

>> No.8135269
File: 328 KB, 1920x1080, 20210913131216_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out it works in REmake too.

>> No.8135436
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>riding buddies

>> No.8135450

My Name . Dook Nookam. Only fight for hookar

>> No.8136303
File: 561 KB, 4096x1152, E-5C2ZXWUAAfWgC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found these infographics that claim to chart out all the different ways that RE1 can play out. Do they look exhaustive?

>> No.8136305
File: 1.13 MB, 3840x2160, E-5C2ADXEAklN8s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8136324
File: 1.45 MB, 2448x3264, RE3 Guide Jill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will, still trying to figure it out

I'll snap pics if it becomes too much trouble to scan the guides. All of the books have great art, some that I have never seen online before. It's the main reason why I bought them. I found them for pretty cheap form a Japanese seller on ebay. I think I paid 10 - 20 bucks for each of guides. RE3 has some really interesting Jill dev fan art (I think?) that I have never seen before. I believe there was a break down on one of RE wiki's, but without reference pictures

>> No.8136801

that looks great, is there a similar for the other main characters?

>> No.8136837

I never got barry knocking out wesker. For me it was always Barry walking away, Jill calling his name, then Wesker being killed by Tyrant. Also there's another death where Wesker escapes but is killed by a bug creature that's easy to miss. I never got that one too.

>> No.8136872

>nobody thought to check exhentai for the japanese artbooks

>> No.8137040

why are people using exhentai instead of e-hentai? only thing ive heard that theres loli on ex but what degenerate views that shit? what are the benefits? also just link it if you want to help.

>> No.8137137

There's no biohaard 1-2 Japanese material. Closest is RE4. And, most of it is done by a Russian biohazard fan site. They're not the best scanners, but it's better than nothing. someone should back up their scans.


>> No.8137317

Looks right to me, nothing sticks out as missing in my mind. That being said, if you're looking into this to exaust all the RE1 content you can, make note that there's a modest amount of dialogue for scenes/encounters that never happen in the game floating around on the disc, particularly the PC version. I spent far too much time as a kid trying to figure out where some of them came from only to find it was dummied content many years later.

>> No.8137346

Sadly no, that is the most unique art out of all the books I think

>> No.8137574
File: 596 KB, 1024x768, heli1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I distinctly remember seeing this image of the flaming helicopter in a magazine back when RE1 released. It spanned 2 pages as a background for an article I think. I wonder if Capcom supplied magazines with high res artwork like that as part of a press kit or something? There could be a slim chance some of that is still floating around out there.

>> No.8137607 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 1480x720, ExCCiYNW8AACnJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the image you're thinking of. It comes from the Japanese Biohazard 1 PSX manual, here's a link:

>> No.8137615
File: 220 KB, 1480x720, ExCCiYNW8AACnJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the image you're thinking of. It comes from the Japanese Biohazard 1 PSX manual, here's a link:

>> No.8137940

I was going to make something like this but it quickly got out of hand with how many variations there are. It looks like they streamlined it a little bit.

>> No.8138247

Heh. You should look into REmake. It has a lot of unexplained stuff. But If you See this way there wasn't even a single trace of a corpse like bones by the grave.

>> No.8138467

top right cover looks amazing

>> No.8138809
File: 1.04 MB, 2419x3226, RE3 Kouta Hirano Jill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really cool, I had no idea there were so many variations! I managed to get both Barry and Rebecca to live on my playthroughs, really cool there's so many alternates in between.

Nice! Thanks for taking photos. I hope you can at least even get some more snaps if you don't scan.
I thought that particular pic looked like it was Kouta Hirano, and I think it was. Looks like someone has taken some snaps of that before as well (searched Kouta Hirano Jill)

>> No.8138813

Definitely, I'm trying to play through a bunch of the series in release order. Currently trying to do 4th Survivor on RE2, then will play 3.
Getting a whole new appreciation for classic RE.

>> No.8138853

Why does RE have such enduring appeal among casual and hardcore types alike?

>> No.8138896
File: 30 KB, 640x1136, RE Umbrella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combination of good gameplay with lots of replay value for speed/ranking improvements and unlockables, coupled with very rich lore and atmosphere (and cute waifus) for more casual players?

>> No.8138910
File: 56 KB, 622x523, ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took the B-movie acting and fucking owned it
>Chris, don't go anywhere
>he's fucking locked in a jail cell

>> No.8139193
File: 760 KB, 1440x1440, biohazard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are people using exhentai?
>what are the benefits?
Exhentai has a region filter that excludes content based on IP. Japanese IPs are blocked from accessing certain content and so unbeknownst to most it has become an import artbook dump.

>> No.8139316

>What went right?

>camera angles for atmosphere
>tank controls for feeling vulnerable
>pre-rendered backgrounds for gud grafix
>live action b-movie intro for flair
>unintentionally funny dialog to lighten the mood a bit
>unprecedented amounts of blood and gore
>iconic character designs and cute grils

It's best RE experience all around, the series lost itself afterwards when it got less westaboo and more anime influenced.

>> No.8139320

Censorship isn't a problem with the cutscenes, it's a problem with your fucking government. Please assign blame where it belongs you clueless asswipe.

>> No.8139518

You don't have to beat anything, you can regedit the hard mode to be unlocked from the get go on PC. And it's called hard mode. Nightmare mode was the label on dreamcast release.

>> No.8139823
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ty. i dont care for any of the censored stuff anyway. pic related is the same search query in e-hentai

>> No.8140051

Emulation, or failing that a PS3 + original disc.
I nly just found out about the uncensored cut of the original resident evil a few weeks ago.
I literally spent my entire life playing the censored euro version and didn't know about all the extra footage of them shooting the dogs in the opening movie or anything.

>> No.8140054

if you think the comics are bad then the perry books will blow your mind.

>> No.8140330
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Who cares?

>> No.8140832

if you don't have the disk you still can get the games on the ps store on ps3 for a pretty good price. 10 bucks at most per game for 1-3

>> No.8141651
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I think the major factor is it's retro and relevant at the same time. Most people our age (I am 35) grew up with it and it was one of the first major video game franchises. It was also the second major video game film

I'll try to take some pics later this week. Something huge came up in my life, so I don't have a huge amount of free time at the moment

>> No.8141693
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>someone is an evil mole
>one of the guys on your team, Wesker, wears a dark colored uniform and wears sunglasses indoors
>the "big reveal" with a picture of the Umbrella R&D team has Wesker in a lab coat alongside the scientists... wearing sunglasses
REmake keeping his sunglasses on the slide picture is the most soulful thing in the series

>> No.8142597

The film reel is one of my favorite moments in the game. It just feels so tense going through the images like you're uncovering some dark secret you were not meant to see.

In the game files there's unused dialogue of Chris/Jill commenting on it like "AH-HA! Now I understand!" or something like that and it sounds so unintentionally comedic lol. Boy am I glad they cut that out, it would have totally ruined the vibe of the moment.

>> No.8142698

Definitely agree, the eerie silence and 'click' as you go through each slide that reveals these were all bio-weapons to be sold for profit is so good. Definitely benefits from stone cold silence through the whole thing.
Hell, even I knew the story before getting here and it still felt very dramatic.

>> No.8142906

I always found it funny that the other four random dudes they found to put on lab coats and take this picture look fine, but then they apparently didn't think to knock this out while they had Wesker's actor from the opening available, so they had to crudely photoshop a jank cgi composite instead.

>> No.8143564
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It would be cool to see something in-between re1 and re2, the time where the stars are confronting the chief etc. The tension because you know what's coming. Would be neat to have multiple outcomes like the canon but also what-if stuff like maybe successfully ousting the chief, thwarting umbrella, or other crazy stuff. Maybe a level like hunting down rogue bows in the forest? The calm before the storm setting would be sweet, a lot you could do.

>> No.8143741

I always wanted a What If scenario that spins off from the bad endings in RE1 where the mansion is still intact and the Tyrant is loose in the forest. Just say that Chris and Jill were the only survivors, it's not like Barry and Rebecca did much after the first game anyway.

>> No.8144254

Unused dialogue probably had something to do with reaching out your partner in the cell first or watching the slide show first. If you pay attention to the script, you'll understand some scenarios are actually senseless based on the information you as the player have.

>> No.8144434

>and it was one of the first major video game franchises
No, not by a long shot. Franchises existed since Super Mario Bros. FF was on it's 6th game and working on a 7th by the time RE was even a twinkling in Capcom's eye. Megaman had 7 games and a few offshoots. Etc.

>> No.8144635

Isn't there an unused conversation with Chris and Rebecca by the self destruct system? That would explain how she knows to go set it off to destroy the lab.

>> No.8144735
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I have always wished that there was some sort of media set during that part of the timeline. Maybe like a Katana Zero type game where you play as Chris/Jill investigating around Raccoon City trying to expose Umbrella all the while the city is slowly falling apart as the infection spreads. As the game progresses the missions get more difficult with things like infected areas that are quarantined off, curfews, martial law, riots, Umbrella hitmen, and Chief Irons' cronies among other things getting in the way.
It wouldn't have to be a heavily action-oriented game, perhaps more of a stealth game in the early sections, but eventually the player would have to do things like investigate monster sightings or venture into the infected areas to obtain evidence or other things like that which would provide opportunities to fight monsters.

>> No.8145253

Is that roughly the timeline that was meant to be used for Umbrella Corps?
I really wish they'd try that again and make it not-shit. A pure horror based squad shooter sounds like it could be a lot of fun. And everyone loves Umbrella SS.

>> No.8145262

Oh wait, I realise now I meant 'Operation Racoon City'.