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File: 2.17 MB, 956x1280, nintendo power mew giveaway 1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8130515 No.8130515 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you actually got a legit event Mew during the Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow days?

>> No.8130570

all that just for a HM slave

>> No.8130662

i think mew is the only one i never got legit during the entire time i played pokemon.

>> No.8130950

I played it a lot back then and desu I simply don't remember anymore...

>> No.8131043

I got it when I slashed the truck's tires and pushed it.

>> No.8131079

No, I even went to the Nintendo Store in NY when I was a kid and put my cartridge in the gift machine. It gave me a fucking Venasaur. I was so disappointed.

>> No.8131118

Nah, never had a chance since there was no way to get it since the pokemon tour never got close to us. Id clearly remember my brother reading nintendo power so i doubt he even knew of this lottery.

>> No.8131129

my copy of pokemon fell in a lump of dog shit

>> No.8131304
File: 857 KB, 2016x1512, mew certificate of authenticity .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, went to the mall tour and everything when I was 8 years old. I remember them cleaning my Red cart with a swab and it not reading on the machine, which made me damn near have. a panic attack since I had made my mom wait 3 hours in line and the attendants were getting frustrated I was holding up the line. I also had a copy of Pokemon Yellow so I was able to put it in that instead. I ended up using it as an HM slave for cut.

Unfortunately my sister later stole and sold off the cart a year or two later.

>> No.8131335

I won it from Official Nintendo magazine.

My best friend fell out with me from jealousy and wouldn't speak to me for weeks unless I cloned it with him. Eventually I gave in and tried and it fucked up and got wiped. We both ended up with a fucking Caterpie. Unbelievable. He still gets apologizes once a year when he's drunk about it lol

>> No.8131340

>Remember, send us only an entry card. DO NOT send your Game Pak--we'll contact you if you're a winner.
I wonder how many retards sent their cartridges in with their entries.

>> No.8131384

Why would someone even enter the contest if they don't have the game?

I wonder where your Mew is now and what kinds of adventures its gotten into.

>> No.8131401

I feel that cringe. Should have waited to dupe it with Gold/Silver. I did even dumber shit than this, hence how I understand your pain (eg, in 2nd grade, traded a rare Pidgeotto card that belonged to me AND my older brother for a common Bulbasaur card because we didn't have the latter yet; never got another Pidgeotto until I finally bought one last month to replace it).

>> No.8131679

Why would you use mew as a hm slave? Are you retarded?

>> No.8132384

Almost got one.
Dad took us down into the city for a day and there was a Toys R Us running the event nearby. I didn't bring my Game Boy because "it's a family day" and I was kinda sour about it. We spent the day on some touristy river cruise and visited an aquarium after.
Looking back, I'm glad we did that instead. I got more out of it than a Mew would have given me.

>> No.8132698

Glad it worked out :)

>> No.8132716
File: 1.24 MB, 1968x3000, 1631523228483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except Quebec

Haha, fuck those Frenchies

>> No.8133335

>I wonder where your Mew is now and what kinds of adventures its gotten into.

Same, anon. I just hope whomever brought that cart at least checked what was in the game and recognized that as an authentic one. If you use methods you could even transfer it to Gen 3 and up. Since there's probably an upload online for it I suppose I could do that too with the basic distribution one, but it wouldn't be *my" Mew.

>> No.8133341

Me and my best friend got authentic ones from toys r us. Some lady in the trailer park where we lived had a bunch of vouchers for it and her kid didn't have a gameboy or play pokemon. She didn't even understand what it was and that it wasn't a physical item until we explained it to her and she realized they were worthless to her. We already had GameSharked mews and of course proceeded to feed our legit mews enough rare candies to reach level 100 then battled them via link cable because that was our idea of a fun time.

>> No.8133356

so did you take the vouchers or did she throw them in the bin?

>> No.8133362

We got two vouchers from her after a lot of convincing. I don't know how she wound up with them in the first place. I also remember that I had to explain how to trade to the toys r us employee after they dug out the gameboy pocket and link cable that was set aside for it.

>> No.8133391

I am still fucking mad that I never got a legitimate Mew

>> No.8133862

An anon told me apparently it had copy protection so even if we did the clone trick right it would have not worked anyway

>> No.8133892

Even if Mew has 100 base for every stat, by generation 1 standards it was an above average Pokémon. While it could learn any TM move, it didn't learn any decent moves via level up, it may have learned amnesia but even so Mewtwo was bigger, faster, and stronger, too, so there was little Mew could do that Mewtwo didn't do better. Based Giovanni making a supermon out of a glorified shitmon.

>> No.8133906

IIRC for gen 1 and 2, Mew and Mewtwo has similar stats in that Mewtwo has more attacks, but less defense, while Mew will have less attack than Mewtwo, but equally more defense by the amount of attack it has less

>> No.8133912
File: 107 KB, 620x426, TheMaskIIWinner-Contest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe is a scam the same way as The Mask 2 Contest on Nintendo Power.

>> No.8134027


>> No.8134138

That movie never got made. No idea what the winner ever received in that case.

>> No.8134289
File: 590 KB, 1663x1440, 13092021155256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder where your Mew is now and what kinds of adventures its gotten into.
More than likely in one of these 4 scenarios, older Pokemon games tend to be display bait

>> No.8134335

Here is my personal verdict, the possible situation is this:
1) you get it in the event whit a link cable they give you legit mew
2) possible fake contest. because the same magazine did this >>8133912

I believe only in these two paths because I have read that the ONLY way to get mew in B/R/Y is whit the Mew Glitch or trade from gold/silver and beyond.

>> No.8134354

what would they do to the gamepak exactly?

>> No.8134365

Fucking spending money on the 3 oldest Pokémon games AND 3 color matching Gameboys just so you can put them in a frame to never touch again. Even had to take a picture of it because he wanted to fish for compliments online. Fucking coomlectors.

>> No.8134381

This is so cringe, it hurts. If i ever went over to pals house and saw this i would beat the piss out of them.

>> No.8134392

I got one and some of the gym badges during the '99 mall tour, shit was cash.
Unfortunately, liking vidya back in those days still made you half a fag.
Zoomers don't remember what it was like before even Pokemon was for normies.

>> No.8134420

this is the fucking dumbest and worst thing I have heard all day. sorry you had to experience all of that.

>> No.8134606

>the anthropomorphic basedbean in the case reflection
holy shit lol

>> No.8134634
File: 196 KB, 1080x1003, Screenshot_20210912-233522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8134751

>based giovanni making a supermon out of a glorified shitmon
Baka anon, that didn't happen in games canon

>> No.8134762

I got Cellabi legit, but no mew. My first game was yellow and I don’t know if they had those events after that point.

Or maybe they did and I just never saw or forgot

>> No.8134937

>framing your games
>framing your Game Boys too
just what the fuck

>> No.8134983

It's not even a good picture either, the dumbfuck couldn't help but get his reflection in the picture and it has bad lighting over all. Why even go through the effort if you can't be assed to do it right? I swear

>> No.8135238

>I wonder where your Mew is now and what kinds of adventures its gotten into.
Probably just died when the save battery ran out.
I remember reading they gave him some cash and a meet up with Peach's voice actress.

>> No.8135454

Wow, I wouldn't even go to that meet up. Take the cash and run, who cares about some no name VA?

>> No.8135486
File: 55 KB, 278x274, mew machine .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't speak for the NP contest but the mall tour was definitely real. My mom still jokes about driving down an hour and waiting a few more just for that Mew(and some merch like comics and stickers)
If it was like the one at the tour it'd be stuck in a machine like this which I guess was a modified Super Gameboy. I remember the actual process being behind a counter and a bigger screen than this displayed that showed Mew getting transferred in(though I might be misrememebering)
The Gen 1 games still might be alive, their battery didn't get drained as fast because they didn't have a day night cycle sapping it up like Gen II I remember GS games dying as early as 2002

>> No.8135515

Nope, that's not true.

>> No.8135530

You don't recall correctly. Mewtwo has 90 Defense, but 106 HP, 110 Attack, 130 Spped and fuckin' 154 Special. Mew is totally outclassed.