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File: 273 KB, 512x512, Sector7-ffvii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8106275 No.8106275 [Reply] [Original]

No one lives in the slums because they want to.

>> No.8106285

No shit, that's what a slum is.

>> No.8106303

Fun fact : it's Barett who shot the TV screen on the upper left because he was fed up with the Shinra propaganda.

>> No.8106307

Texas is the fictitious mega city in the popular game First Mundanity VII, available for Shinra GameReactor.

>> No.8106321

How do you know that?

Also slums are comfy as a fuck. Aside from criminality it seems like a pretty cool place to live in.

>> No.8106325

FF7 slums would be fun in a weird way. Before Shinra's Midgar it was just a small town much like Kalm. For those old enough to remember their world ended as soon as the plates were put up, so it's a kind of amalgamation of post-apoc/dystopia/cyberpunk vibe down there.

>> No.8106334

Move out of mommy’s basement, ledditard

>> No.8106335
File: 338 KB, 640x480, literally-kalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they simply get the fuck of of Midgar, kill a couple low level monsters for gil and a potion or two and establish themselves in a comfy small town?

>> No.8106345

Refugees aren't welcome.

>> No.8106356

Wish real life was like that

>> No.8106541

‘Cus they love their land, no matter how polluted it gets.

>> No.8106547

>lso slums are comfy as a fuck. Aside from criminality it seems like a pretty cool place to live in.
Not even FF7 glamorized the slums. What's wrong with you?

>> No.8106550

Shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.8106553

Starring Gust Peace

>> No.8106556
File: 36 KB, 778x578, 78465132564132536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no comfy cave to snooze in
>hardly ever get bothered
>all the chocobo eggs you can eat
>chill music https://youtu.be/UK9I48dH-KY

>> No.8106558

Crumbling utilities, violence, infestations, mmm yeah sounds based as fuck.

>> No.8106651

Slums aren’t “comfy”, especially the ones here in the Northeastern US.

>> No.8106695

Holt shit, it's a fucking videogame, calm your tits. I like the slums because it's the most interesting and fun town-portion of the game. It never feels boring and there's always something to do. Sure, it's not the fucking perfect place to live in but it's never portrayed as absolute dogshit when you're going on your adventure outside Shin-Ra giving zero fucks about the population (who end up helping each other to thrive in that dystopia). I suppose if you like boring-shit you'd hate it but if you self-insert as any crew, it actually looks like a place where you'd have no problem living in.

>> No.8106705


>> No.8106857

Does Shinra have a game developing branch?

>> No.8106862

Tifa does.
A woman that looks like her with her level of intelligence and fighting skills could easily have become one of the Turks if she wanted to.

>> No.8106868

You could ask people living in Honk Kong and Guangzhou the same question.

>> No.8106871

she didn't want to be a casting couch whore like Elena

>> No.8106878

She’s not going to join the people that fucked her over. That’s just stupid

>> No.8106889

But that is still her choice.

>> No.8106896

The Remake actually seems to. They're weirdly happier and even have sunlight compared to the original.

>> No.8106910
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>> No.8106912

It's true I knew a couple wealthier people that did this on purpose but I still think it's going slightly overboard

>> No.8106915

Didn't know, just worked for

>> No.8106930

Elena has a better chance as a Honeybee girl anyway.

>> No.8106987 [DELETED] 


>> No.8107368
File: 201 KB, 320x720, wallmarket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the Shinra have any control over the various stores and shops in Midgar?

>> No.8107379

Eh. It's not particularly good. It's cheap usually, though you pay a crime tax so it can be more expensive than rent would lead you to believe.

>> No.8107436

Nothing stops Shinra from going in and enforcing a regime of zoning regulations if they want, but it probably isn't worth the expense/effort. Shinra doesn't need to care about these people either way.

>> No.8107706

I’m willing to wager that Corneo has to bribe them for his more sketchy deeds, though

>> No.8107850

I'm talking about Final Fantasy VII's slums anon. Sorry to hear if you actually live in a poor area.

>> No.8107862
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>Cloud: Then why doesn't everyone move onto the Plate?

>Barret: Dunno. Probably 'cuz they ain't got no money. Or, maybe... 'Cuz they love their land, no matter how polluted it gets.

>> No.8108751

We never get even the slightest indication that Shinra guards actually police crime between civvies, let alone below the plate. There's a gun turret over a vending machine and pretty fortified store counters. Seems pretty fend-for-yourself.

>> No.8108836

Yeah public safety is really just protecting Shinra's property or its interests. Like the train security makes good business sense because you want your employees to actually make it to work and back home safely so they can do their jobs. But that's mostly where it ends. Its subtle but the game makes it a point to show you that Aeris has had to learn to be streetwise since its not a safe place. That said, the slums come off more depressed than dangerous. Its mostly a bunch of defeated people just getting by and using the Wall Market as a sad escape. At least in the original. The remake has an entirely different tone that telegraphs the big twist.

>> No.8108990
File: 1.98 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20210906-090048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think again.

>> No.8108991

Yeah it's sony

>> No.8109239

Based. The slums are comfy.

>> No.8109335

This is bad

>> No.8109518

some NPC in the area talks about it but I cant remember if it was actually in the game or was one of the cut lines that the people who did the new French translation found

>> No.8109589
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>> No.8109734

I'd resist arrest.

>> No.8109746

Well, the way Sony acts nowadays, they certainly are worthy of Shinra.

>> No.8109765

The trick is having plenty of money but also being an expert martial artist so you inevitably run into situations where you have to fight someone. After you kick enough people's asses and pay the rent for enough little old ladies, you're the king.

>> No.8109772
File: 141 KB, 1280x1024, 356079-deus-ex-windows-screenshot-outside-of-the-hil-ton-hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just living it up in NYC with my bro.

>> No.8109790

Common People but it's about an Upper Plate resident cosplaying as poor and slumming in Tifa's bar

>> No.8109827

It's like a train. It can only go where the tracks take it and it don't make no stops.

>> No.8109836

FFVII has this sort of fire and brimstone, Old Testament quality to it, especially with the whole Promised Land thing.

>> No.8109854

The remake completely fucked with the tone of the game. Yes, having the gameplay involve some level of action is an improvement over hitting a button to attack and fighting the urge to fall sleep, but they are completely undermining the story and lore. Plot ghosts? Alternate universe traveling Sephiroth? Such a let down. I got the game for free and I couldn't even bother to continue playing it. It's made me realize that Final Fantasy was never really good, we just didn't have much better back in those days.

>> No.8109951

I've spent significant time living in San Francisco and the Bronx.

These "slums" don't actually seem all that bad, DESU. There aren't tent cities or dozens of homeless people shooting up heroin and screaming at you as you walk by.

>> No.8109956

American slums aren’t shanty towns like the kind you’d see in Brazil or Chile.

>> No.8109965

>but they are completely undermining the story and lore.
Well to be fair, that's literally the game's purpose. It's Mortal Kombat 9.

>> No.8109976

Once you leave Midgar the rest of the game is a less funny Cannonball Run.

>> No.8110196

I think the doomsday aura picks back up once Ultimate Weapon breaks loose.

>> No.8110251

Those "low-level monsters" are more dangerous than trained soldiers armed with machine guns.

>> No.8110261

I always found it funny how weak ShinRa grunts are. No wonder Cloud made it in there

>> No.8110597
File: 244 KB, 512x512, Train_graveyard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8110929

Try living in a third world shithole without access to clean water, electricity or a decent house

>> No.8110932
File: 43 KB, 512x512, Sector5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gil seems to have little value, it's no wonder most of Midgar lives in squalor.

>> No.8112661
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>> No.8112665

god this game is fucking SOUL

>> No.8112672
File: 74 KB, 250x239, Holzoff_cabin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Holzoff's cabin. Such a comfy relief after wandering around the ice fields for ages.

>> No.8112852
File: 170 KB, 640x640, truespurgu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>> No.8113419
File: 132 KB, 506x460, 7thHeaven-ffvii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty cozy for a dive.

>> No.8113894
File: 427 KB, 320x791, mtcorel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to enjoy trekking through the Corel mountains for no reason other than the soothing music and scenery

>> No.8113927

Thats the dumbest parable Ive ever heard

>> No.8116570
File: 142 KB, 320x592, shinrabuilding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8116695

The remake ruined the entire tone, what a pointless and unnecessary game. Granted, they weren't going for accuracy to be fair, and I don't think even if they did the result would have been any better. It was for the best they just pulled the rug out from under and made it its own thing. But I hate its false claims to legitimacy. The game was only made because of constant fan demand. Anyone reasonable would so much rather that copious amount of time, resources and funding be devoted to something actually new and original rather than a game that's part re-hash and part bastardization of a game that already exists that everyone is familiar with.

>> No.8116953
File: 39 KB, 582x600, ea9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8116967
File: 1.16 MB, 800x600, 1609045053210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is a new and original game. REMAKE is a sequel.

>> No.8117001
File: 118 KB, 850x1202, tifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short-hair Tifa.

>> No.8119362

I don't get why people seem confused by this. The game used the remake angle as misdirection (like the double meaning "Remake" has in the title) and the tonal shift was built into the plot twist, right down to more people surviving the plate drop. I get that people may not like that it was a stealth sequel instead of a straight remake but given that it was a stealth sequel, saying that it shouldn't have changed the tone when the new tone is the entire point of the game makes it seem like they didn't follow what was happening. Remake uses a lot of foreshadowing and the happier atmosphere is deliberately part of that. It's fine if people wanted a pure remake with no twist and would be miffed at Remake but knowing what Remake actually is it's silly to go line by line and be like "well this is a bastardization and that is a bastardization..." as if that's not what it's supposed to be.

>> No.8119780

Enemies dropping Gil seems to be a gameplay thing and has no impact on the story. Otherwise everyone would become rich just smacking little furry creatures.

>> No.8119786
File: 671 KB, 1000x700, 1000[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes mountain climbing 30 years ago and doesn't come back
>built an amazing shack
>seemingly has no source of food or water or fuel but never seems to be lacking anything
>is a short jaunt back to Icicle Inn but never bothers going back to his wife

Remarkable man.

>> No.8120451
File: 62 KB, 540x800, amanosepho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8120528


you need a key to escape from Midgar.

>> No.8120747

I'd live in a dumpster behind a Phoenix Arizona mattress store if it meant I got to fuck Tifa or Jessie all night every night.

>> No.8120789

Ba Doot doot doo du du
Bu doo doo dooo
Ba doot doot doo doot du du
Bu doo doo doo

Baaah baam baah bah baaaahm baah baah...

Baaah baaam baah baaaaaaah bah ba baaah baaaaaaaah

Baaah baaaah baaah baaah baaaaah baaaahm bweeeeeeeeeEEEeeeeEeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW *ears bleed*

>> No.8120892

See, lipstick is fine for Kuja and Kefka because they’re supposed to be flamboyant, but why give Sephiroth it too?

>> No.8121594
File: 841 KB, 1536x2048, ETFWsmTX0AUMWaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Amano gives anyone lipstick. It's just his specific way of drawing lips. He even kinda does it for Wolverine.

>> No.8121679
File: 168 KB, 681x1000, Cecil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you're right. Although I have seen Cecil with lipstick outside of the Amano art

>> No.8121781

>yells at you that's it's too dangerous to climb the crater with the barrier in place
>once the barrier is gone, just stops pretending that he's anything more than an arbitrary road block

>> No.8121786

corel is the part of the game i always find me asking myself what the fuck am i doing? it's too much of a lull area

>> No.8122096
File: 1.41 MB, 1550x1600, FFVII-CloudChocobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud doesn't smile much.

>> No.8122641

It's very annoying that Cloud's personality has been warped thanks to a kind of Mandela Effect stemming from people intermixing FFVII and FFVIII in their minds. Remake actually fixed a lot of it much to my surprise.

>> No.8122645

I never noticed Dark Knight Cecil's duck face before.

>> No.8122661

The only part of the original where Cloud's character stood out was the section where he had a psychic schism and remembered back to how he was a lonely nerdy kid who everyone hated.

>> No.8123072

FFVII is one of my favourite games of all time, probably top 3. I've never watched Advent Children. I've never played Before Crisis, I've never played Dirge of Cerberus. I played Crisis Core but I gave up after 10 hours because I thought it was shit. I've never played the remake but it looks good from what I've seen. Is this unusual? Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.8123092

No, this seems normal. But I have to ask. You do realize that the remake part 1 covers like the first 20% of the original game and is padded to nearly 40 hours of playtime, right? Watching some people play it made me realize how much I actually wanted an FF7 remake. And wish they had actually made a FF7 remake.

>> No.8123096

No one plays a shitty storyshit pseudo-game with laughable "gameplay" because they want to.
Holy fuck, you were all brainwashed into playing shit games as kids, weren't you? Thank fuck I grew up before gaming went to absolute shit in the mid-90s.

>> No.8123203

Yeah I've watched a bit of it on YouTube, they really stretched out Midgar but I suppose they sort of needed to as you see so little of it in the original, just makes me think the rest of game could feel rushed and underdeveloped. I'd still like to play it one day, I haven't bought a console since the ps2 maybe when the final chapter comes out in 10 years I'll finally upgrade.

>> No.8123242

Go shitpost somewhere else.

>> No.8123425
File: 55 KB, 600x900, sayswho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squall was just as much of a dweeb as Cloud.

>> No.8123704
File: 622 KB, 640x480, loveless.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123835

favelados are honestly a huge step up from the zombies you find in, say, philly

>> No.8124215

The difference is that Cloud was the dweeb who pretended to be cool so everyone would like him. Squall was the dweeb who talked down to everyone at any opportunity no matter how nice they were trying to be.

>> No.8124229

the remake is just a different multiverse. zack is alive half of the ones on the plate are alive. yuffie even meets Nero. the remake isnt ffvii

>> No.8124257

aeris theme?

>> No.8124412
File: 424 KB, 750x732, carryingaerith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still gets me, even to this day.

>> No.8124413

>It's made me realize that Final Fantasy was never really good, we just didn't have much better back in those days.
but base ff7 didn't have retarded fan self-insert ghosts trying to ship cloud and aeris or pointless gay time loops
if anything you should appreciate it more after the remake

>> No.8124424

squall's complete lack of social skills is explained better than cloud's
he was an orphan, then the woman who raised him in the orphanage left him, then the orphanage shut down and he was conscripted into a military academy
it's a fairly realistic "i've been burned too many times" approach to relationships

>> No.8124652

That's a completely ass backwards understanding of what the ghosts were doing. Did you play the game? Its not that complicated.

>> No.8124664

I think Squall's problem is that he doesn't actually grow. He just kind of changes magically, and only at the tail end of the game. So you don't really feel the character arc. Cloud at least has a lot of foreshadowing that he ain't quite right.

>> No.8124708
File: 7 KB, 276x182, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's supposed to be teen romance wish fulfillment where his love for rinoa makes him a better person. she works extremely hard to get him out of his shell
it is poorly written and barely explained though, like everything else in ff8

>> No.8125175

Not related but I do pretty well for myself these days but I'm nowhere near as happy as when I was growing up poor. I have everything I every wanted and all I feel is emptiness.

>> No.8125271

To be fair, they are just teenagers and after defeating the sorceress Squall is lifted off the huge responsibility he had (his very first mission as a SeeD) so its understandable he tries to focus on Rinoa when he realizes her annoying ass is in a coma and unlikely to snap back unless he does something about it.

I wouldn't say it's well written on something like that but the love-angle in pretty much any Final Fantasy is always ackwardly tackled on and when it involves some actual character development to ride along it, it's just done in a way that its clear none of the writters ever had bumpy romance in their life whatsoever.

>> No.8125401

Whats so weird about FFVIII is that it actually does tell an awesome love story. Its just Laguna and Raine, not Squall and Rinoa. Laguna's story arc, that your life won't turn out exactly how you plan but that's not a bad thing and people are allowed to grow and change, resonates with me more the older I get.

>> No.8126041

That’s Underneath the Rotting Pizza.

>> No.8126087
File: 102 KB, 308x295, WallMarket-ffvii-diner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its
Bom bom bom, bom bom dom
Bom ba dom dom dom dom bom

>> No.8126139
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>> No.8126182
File: 19 KB, 320x224, Sector7_destruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word to the wise: Remember the Sector 7 plate drop!

>> No.8126201

FFVII is packed full of biblical references and jewish mysticism. Ancients are quite literally jews, the promised land is heaven, sephiroth is the anti-christ, jenova is the devil, the "virus" that jenova infected the ancients with is sin.

>> No.8126579
File: 73 KB, 365x561, zack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8126580

FF turned to garbage when it stopped using Chibi style.

>> No.8126584

Nah, because FF9 is still bad too.

>> No.8126594

I’ll never understand why they abandoned that and anime-style characters in favor of the “realistic” style.

>> No.8126603 [DELETED] 

Because everything has to be mature, gritty and realistic now.

>> No.8126608

Because everything has to be mature, gritty and realistic now...at least on paper. Practically it never turns out to be any of the aforementioned.

>> No.8126618

Yeah. That teenager love boom involving a roller-coast of emotions pumping through your blood 24/7 is what's lacking in Final Fantasy VIII because it's something you only experience at an young age due to all the hormonal imbalance. The more traditional and mature love story is much well-written because it echos something that the writters were familiar, as opposed to the teenage love drama, which while somewhat reasonable and believable is not that interesting to digest. I thought Rinoa's character development was the most interesting aspect of it as she goes from being an annoying spoiled brat who needs to have everything her way to someone who acknowledges the responsability she is burdened with when Ultimecia passes on the sorcess powers to her (coming off age short of thing).

Final Fantasy VIII is the kind of game that is riddled with a lot of interesting themes that has you dig deeper and deeper and learn to appreciate them but it's execution is so far off and all over the place I can understand people not caring for it or even not getting a glimpse of it the very first time they play.

>> No.8126796

What was Sephiroth like before he went apeshit and burned down Nibelheim anyway?

>> No.8126942

I think it would have been better had Squall just been standoffish instead of openly hostile. Characters treat him like he's awesome throughout the game but he's a straight up asshole to them most of the time and isn't shown to be all that good at his job, certainly not to the point of being put in charge of an entire military campaign.

>> No.8126945

It seems like he was a bit aloof but fairly friendly.

>> No.8127136

it tool me a long time to realize that the sector 6 plate isn't complete, in addition to the sector 7 plate being destoyed

>> No.8127139

Square switched from trend setting to trend chasing.

>> No.8127185

I wonder why Cloud thought of Zack as cocky rather than the friendly goober he actually was.

>> No.8127296

Sector 6 collapsed sometime prior to the start of the game. That's why you pass through the ruined highway on the path to Wall Market.

>> No.8127567

Fucking COSIGNED. I'm 36 now and I realize that the Laguna/Raine love story is far more true to real life. Oh, you had all these dreams about traveling the world and having adventures and fighting the evil empire? LMAO fuck off you're going to be stuck in this podunk town with this average girl, and you'll end up loving every moment of it because that's how it is.

>> No.8127582

Which is weird because he was certainly the most qualified, even if not by much. That actually shows you how weird of an idea Garden was and why it's not a good idea to buy orphans and raise them as militant soldiers. You get what you pay for.
Very much. He wasn't an asshole, per se, but he definitely kept to himself and was just outwardly friendly enough to not seem weird. Very child-prodigy-esque.

Both of these stories are far more well told than this thread is letting on.

>> No.8127696

FFVIII suffers from structural problems more than anything. A lot of plot critical details are relegated to easily missed flavor text, character motivations and aspects of the story can feel weird and undercooked, and there's glaring pacing issues. Like the way Laguna's sequences are integrated into the plot feels hamfisted, as if the designers just couldn't think of how else to work them in. It feels like a first draft of a good game.

FFVII has the simple matter of Sephiroth's motivations retaining elements of a cut detail that never made the final game but wasn't changed to account for that, leaving him in a bit of a characterization limbo to the point that even the developers themselves seem unsure of what he even wants. Originally Sephiroth was supposed to be Aeris's brother. They retain similar hair styles but everything else related to that was cut. But that would have made his motivations a lot more clear. "I'm an Ancient, therefore the world is mine by birthright." But instead you're left with him just plain being wrong and misunderstanding what Jenova was.

>> No.8127762

Honestly agreed that VIII has its flaws. I have grown to enjoy it over time, and I think most of the criticism comes from people comparing it to VII, when they are nothing alike. Laguna stuff might be hamfisted - but he's an outstanding video game character. Definitely think some stuff was cut that ties it all together.
As far as VII, I think Sephiroth's misunderstand about Jenova makes the story even better. He thought she was his mother and an ancient, but he was wrong about that. Literally the *biggest* theme of the game was about misunderstanding elements of your past and coming to terms with that. Cloud - the Zack thing. Tifa - her memories of Cloud. Barrett - his past with Dyne and whether or not his decision to originally side with Shinra was the right one, and then later whether his decision to become a terrorist was the right one (top notch character growth), Red XIII and his father being a coward but secretly a warrior, Cid and his girl being right about the rocket...literally every character except for Sephiroth confronted their past misunderstandings and came out stronger as a result. He's the villain because he didn't - fucking pottery just like VI.

>> No.8127840
File: 122 KB, 500x320, CloseJenovaHead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jenova, calamity from the sky...

>> No.8128832
File: 892 KB, 1916x1062, 2021-09-12-010903_1916x1062_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been playing a lower level game and my Lv8 Cloud (he's only been alive at the end of the first battle of the game and rufus) just managed to overcome the second-tier battle arena during as part of entertaining Dio for the keystone.

his equipment was
weapon: Murasame (added effect)=(odin) (long range)=(counter attack) (enemy skill)
armor: Edincoat (restore) (hp plus) (hp plus) (hp plus) (mp plus) (mp plus) (mp plus)
accessory: Jem Ring

i put him in sadness and in the back row to reduce damage as much as possible. also, i had a healthy supply of turbo ethers, status curing items, and a few elixers and hi-potions.

the key strategy is to maintain a wall, be in haste, have death force, maintain initiative by using death sentence (so you can have your ATB maxed out at the start of the next battle), and casting cure when necessary. it is also imperative to manipulate the slots by rapidly pressing square to get the least crippling handicaps. finally, for battles 7 and 8, you also need to have max HP and MP. battle 7 is has particularly nasty formations, but with initiative and full MP you can drop an Odin with this setup to wipe enemies.

battle 8 is pretty crazy. i managed to beat it with a dragon (zuu, ying/yang, and ghirofelgo are also possible). dragons are susceptible to L4 suicide. i cast that, but the dragon bit me first, and even walled i went down to about 205 HP. the suicide connected and then i used Cross-Slash to finish it off, but not before it used Flame Thrower to knock me down to 13 HP. it took a number of tries, but it's at least possible. i got the goods from Dio without having to level cloud.

>> No.8128839


>> No.8128840

oh, i forgot to point out that the added-effect with odin gives the weapon the ability to inflict instant death 20% of the time, which can be useful to clear out enemies, but with counter attack can make the flow of combat unpredictable, which make you lose initiative. when i won, i disabled support materia half way through the fights with the slots

>> No.8129525
File: 80 KB, 850x366, fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's our monster now.

>> No.8129579

Pretty sweet, it really amazed me years later when I figured out all the shit you could do with the materia and status effects and all that shit. As a kid I just used whatever I thought was cool.

>> No.8129924
File: 179 KB, 842x699, Vincent_Early_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He went from the Grim Reaper to a vampire. Interesting.

>> No.8130137

So where do I find a Good Chocobo?

>> No.8130193

Don’t need one. Just get two greats and save before mating. Mate, if you don’t get what you want, reset and fight a few battles then try again. Easier than screwing around with finding a good.

>> No.8130420

south east of the corel desert

>> No.8130730

What’s the most powerful Summons Materia?

>> No.8130754

Nice post, never thought about it like that, but I will say in the end Sephiroth has some good points and it's hard in today's world to disagree with some of the villians in these games. Cloud and co. were strong enough to overcome the government and shit but in real life it's not like that and even if you overcome your own demons and the evil around you, you and your descendants might be fucked anyways.

>> No.8130758

FFVIII was cut down due to time and money. Your interpretation of Sephiroth I personally disagree with, his views and goals are much more fleshed out than simply misunderstanding or thinking the world is his.

>> No.8130763

The world switched from accepting new and great things to only accepting what was already approved by artificial consensus as what is 'cool'.

>> No.8130775

The masses no longer accept imagination and stylization, everything is material and cosmetic now.

>> No.8130783

Same, but I'm still chasing my dream, even if it does feel hopeless most of the time.

>> No.8130932

Well the misunderstanding was technically Hojo's, true, and Sephiroth's primary beef was that his entire genesis was to be a tool. But it still hinges on the fact that Jenova was really just The Thing that happened to crash land on Earth ages ago and was beaten by the Cetra, who effectively went extinct because of it, but none of this was understood by either Hojo or Sephiroth. FFVII was really two different stories that happen to intersect. Most of the game is really one big chase, with three separate factions each trying to beat the other two to the goal. But it's a chase that's only happening because nobody really understands what it is they're fighting over. Jenova, meanwhile, is more than happy to let this happen because so long as nobody knows that it's just some random alien monster they'll keep doing the things that inadvertently help it along.

The Remake is actually shockingly clever about how it addresses this. Sephiroth straight up weaponizes the misunderstanding to trick Cloud and co. to do exactly what he wants them to do: fight the plot ghosts and give him a second bite at the apple because without the plot ghosts interfering he can actually win this time. Anon above was right that the whole game was about dealing with past fuck ups and the people who were willing to face them come out better than the ones who refuse to.

>> No.8131092


You know it was literally the part of the game chosen as demo? It was so confusing to play the full game after spending hours in Corel mountains -also my first FF game ever.

>> No.8131168 [SPOILER] 
File: 816 KB, 1000x950, 1631482731051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think that the appearances of FFVII's characters in Kingdom Hearts wasn't so blasphemous as I thought.

>> No.8131535

Why did they give him Vincent's clothes?

>> No.8131585

To emphasize the DARKNESS that has corrupted him.

>> No.8131684

Kingdom Hearts' designs were top. Blows away Nomura's other attempts at reimagining those characters in any other follow-up for the past 20 years.

>> No.8131975

they always looked super lame to me, especially when compared to the originals

>> No.8132260

It's more due Advent Children turning him into a brood lord. Then KH1, KH2, and Dissidia mostly all ran with it. Crisis Core and his 10 second cameo in Dirge of Cerberus were the only appearances where he was close to the original.

>> No.8132262
File: 903 KB, 1904x933, Kh2-sephiroth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can b ur angle or ur devil

>> No.8132705

>he was an orphan, then the woman who raised him in the orphanage left him, then the orphanage shut down and he was conscripted into a military academy
Yeah it's too bad Squall doesn't remember any of that because of GF's LOL. Since everyone at his fancy school is always sucking his balls he has no reason to be such a cunt

>> No.8132929
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>> No.8133318

Zack was confident and young kids often can't tell the difference between confidence and cockiness

>> No.8133363

>and he was conscripted into a military academy
The game doesn't seem to treat this as a bad thing though. FFVIII is obviously a terrible dystopia if you really analyze it (possibly worse than even FFVII) but it goes out of its way to paint the world of the gardens as generally happy. Its like the game is half inspired by Evangelion but without all the angst. Even when you find out Balamb is secretly run by a corrupt blob monster its presented as a problem easily resolved. Any angst is entirely personal: Squall's issues and other characters' generic teenage bullshit like Quistis being super dooper upset at making Rinoa upset. The mid 90s slice of life anime vibe seems to cannibalize the tone of the game even when other factors should have a stronger presence. Laguna's story doesn't suffer from this because his role as a soldier is the driving plot device as the thing he's trying to escape from.

>> No.8133384

To be fair to Cloud, the only person who really drew out the cockiness was Barret. And that's because Barret was pulling rank and being generally belligerent. So Cloud was matching what he was getting. The only other time was transparent as hell, when he was trying to play the badass for Aeris, talking about how hard it is to get into Soldier. But Aeris sees through it immediately. People seem to mistake Aeris's request for a bodyguard as genuine but its really like a big sister asking her kid brother to protect her when he's playing superhero.

>> No.8133412

I live in a shit neighborhood — but a small, small part of me agrees with you. I hear shit outside like you wouldn't believe, and homeless sleep up and down this street wherever they want, and the cops barely come around. At the same time though, playing Animal Crossing on Gamecube here is very much 10/10 comfy.

>> No.8133525

I’ve always found Aerith’s outfit to be more erotic than Tifa’s or Yuffie’s.

>> No.8133557
File: 179 KB, 1024x689, Aerith.Gainsborough.full.884759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably the environment. A "good girl" in a seedy slum selling flowers makes you think she's putting on a front. Which she actually kind of IS, just probably to not the extent one's imagination can go.

>> No.8133631

yeah the gardens are some harry potter bullshit. what if your high school didn't have math and history, it had GUNBLADE 101 and MONSTER SLAYING!!! the child soldier angle is minimal
to squall though, it meant he never had a chance at getting a family. he could have played a clique-y high schooler like the rest, but he hyperfocused on work so he could avoid people.
everything in ff8 centers around relationships, and specifically how past relationships colour our judgement of present ones

>> No.8134096

There's just too much otaku wish fulfillment going on. "I get to be the cool guy at a fancy high school with no actual academics, get a cool weapon nobody else is good enough to use, every girl is on my dick, and the adults even put me in charge!" This would be a fine starting point if the game had some self-awareness about it and addressed it in some way but it just never does.

>> No.8134286

I always figured it was just an excuse to flirt.

>> No.8134565

it's painful to get through nowadays but i can't blame an RPG from the 90s for being wish fulfillment bullshit.
part of me wants an ff8 remake that can explore the same themes with hindsight. ff7r exists though so maybe that's a bad idea.

>> No.8134664

Maybe. But we eventually find out that Aeris isn't actually romantically interested in Cloud. She recognizes that he's a goober trying to play it cool and since she's a tease she finds it fun to fluster him by being flirty. Again, like an older sister. She doesn't actually need his protection since she demonstrates that she's actually more savvy about the slums and Wall Market than Cloud is. When Cloud is supposed to sneak out of her house in the middle of the night Aeris outplays him like Batman.

>> No.8134816

Will breeding two Great Chocobos give me a Mountain/River Chocobo?

>> No.8134830


>> No.8135000
File: 1.12 MB, 1680x1200, Sephiroth-FFVIIArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something intimidating about this picture.

>> No.8135817

Violating the laws of physics can be pretty scary.

>> No.8136513

>play ethnic jazz to parade your snazz on your five grand stereo
>bragging that you know how the niggers feel cold and the slum's got so much soul
You are what the term "white privilege" was originally invented for

>> No.8136524

She was a hoe.

>> No.8136559

It's Aeris, stupid nigger.

>> No.8136703
File: 219 KB, 850x1327, yuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a saint compared to Yuffie. She walks around with her shorts unbuttoned!

>> No.8137163
File: 957 KB, 358x251, sephirothflames.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just frightening in general. How do women like this guy?

>> No.8137164

I think you're mistaken. As someone who really admired the never-presented lore of Sephiroth within the ranks of Shinra, Final Fantasy VIII's protagonist seemed a genuine attempt at allowing you to play that from the very beginning of his steps. A child-prodigy soldier that slowly ascends to this legendary image that people around the world would have.

>> No.8137180

>This would be a fine starting point if the game had some self-awareness about it and addressed it in some way but it just never does.

Ah yes the otaku wish fulfillment of crying as a small child because your family is dead and your sister figure leaves you alone. They totally weren't self aware. Especially not with Seifer who became a gunblade knight because he idolized Laguna in a fantasy movie then keeps getting BTFO for trying to be chuuni and ends up a fisherman.

>> No.8137487

the hip to waist ratio on the original artwork and models is unreal

>> No.8137636

That actually is part of the otaku fantasy. Family and roots need to be shed to justify going on a grand adventure. Teenage otakus don't fantasize about their loving parents by their side, even if they should.

>> No.8137973
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>> No.8138679
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What number am I?

>> No.8138690

Numbuh T

>> No.8139352

So was Cloud really a failed Sephiroth clone or was that something Hojo lied about?

>> No.8139357

"sephiroth clone" meaning "injected with jenova cells and exposed to mako", then yes. hojo thought that cloud lost his mind because of the procedure, though, and rejected him a failure

>> No.8139802

Anybody ever go back to Midgar on Disc 2? Shinra’s taken over the Honeybee Inn.

>> No.8140195

How is it that the Jenova cells don't fuck Cloud up more? Like all the other numbers? Been a long time since I played it.

>> No.8140213

Through the power of protag hair and being delusional.

>> No.8140360
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>> No.8140375
File: 21 KB, 187x291, caveman cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooga booga, Tifa has big honkers.

>> No.8141280


>> No.8141545
File: 114 KB, 512x432, Shinra_mansion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8141564

>That 3d

>> No.8141830

How do I beat that green faggot Emerald Weapon?

>> No.8141862

Knights of Round + HP Absorb
Mime + Underwater
whatever other 4 materias you want to use

>> No.8141880

emerald has a pretty simple AI. if you fuck up its eyes fast enough it will choose to revive them rather than using materia storm, which happens fairly deep into it's pattern. as long as you stay away from that you should be mostly fine. (final-attack)=(phoenix) helps

>> No.8143147

Jenova itself escaped from Shinra HQ…But how?

>> No.8143218
File: 238 KB, 1346x910, 1628147178957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this is bait, it's like when pic related was posted.

>> No.8143265
File: 606 KB, 1280x800, mother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Times have changed and times are strange
Here I come, but I ain't the same
Mama I'm coming home...

>> No.8143283

Huh? Redpill me on mime+underwater materia?
Did Sephiroth not storm in, cut open the tank, take it, kill the president, leave the sword in him, and leave?

>> No.8143337

You know, if he wants a mommy so much, he could always hook up with Ultimecia.

>> No.8143628
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>> No.8143638
File: 14 KB, 142x239, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Holzoff so tanned?

>> No.8143649


>> No.8143674

Next to a desert. It's probably hot as balls.

>> No.8143738
File: 337 KB, 1218x1075, sephiroth skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8143759

Chris chan

>> No.8143773

Skin turns like that from frostbite. Light also reflects off of snow alot so your exposed portions will be darkened.

>> No.8143847

Jenova’s cells may have given him some birth defects.

>> No.8143926

sephiroth was able to exert some control over the pieces of jenova causing them to take his form and do his bidding
thats why anytime you corner sephiroth through the game a piece of jenova shows up to fight you

>> No.8144080

I still don’t understand how betting on the Chocobo races works.

>> No.8144240

Huh? Redpill me on mime+underwater materia?
Mime is just to re-summon KOR indefinitely. Underwater so you can last those 20 minutes since Emerald's HP is too big and KOR animation too long. Nothing special about the + it's just to explain you only need 4 materia slots (but can add other 4 if you find some use for them).

>> No.8144249

Ah, okay, I thought the combo had some special effect, thanks for clearing that up

>> No.8144509


Not him, but I paired Mime with Counter and the results are hilarious and usually pretty beneficial. As a bonus if youre creative with enemy skills and elixirs you can body emerald without having to solely rely on KOR spam. (There was still a bit of KOR tho)

>> No.8144532


Youre betting on the two top racers, both chocobos have to win in 1st and 2nd position to win the bet. You can choose up to 5 pairs of racers.

So if I think that racers 1, 2 or 4 could win, Id put bets on 1-2, 1-4, 2-4...

>> No.8144946

Raising Chocobos really does leave a dent in your wallet.

>> No.8145272

>literally the theme of Achilles in the Trojan War
>hurr durr, it's otaku shit

>> No.8145418
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>> No.8145573

>thats why anytime you corner sephiroth through the game a piece of jenova shows up to fight you
Because the game graphics were so rudimentary it took me a long time to realize that Sephiroth's body was transforming into the Jenova bosses. The way the game presents it, Sephiroth shows up, says some things, then flies off before the boss fight and I always just assumed they were generic "end of dungeon" bosses that just happened to be there.

>> No.8145798

What was the promised land?

>> No.8145873

The crater from where Jenova crash landed on Earth. The Ancients fought Jenova and Shinra misunderstood its origins.

>> No.8146391

No. Replay the game.
The Promised Land is the planet itself for the Ancients. They "return to planet after their death" and that's their "Promised Land". Game is obvious about this you don't even have to interpret this.

>> No.8146393

Sell a couple of ALL materias (the easiest ones to level up in the game) and you'll be set for life

>> No.8146668

Could a FFVII anime series work?

>> No.8146685

Could also be interpreted as going back and becoming one with Jenova / Sephiroth again, same as those three dudes wanted in Advent Children.
Depends on the style, if they try to look like the modern characters the animation style will get in the way of good animation and be one of thimose modern boring anime, in my opinion.

>> No.8147009

Let’s say it looks like a 90’s anime, like Tenchi Muyo.

>> No.8147082

If it was made in the 90's? It could be pretty sweet, like that or Escaflowne style. Now I think most studios don't have money but Square can afford it so they can do an anime like that if they can find animators who can do the style. So the only factor left fmI can think of is if fans would appreciate the style or complain about it (you never know nowadays).

>> No.8147509

Oh my

>> No.8147776
File: 16 KB, 300x233, underwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget.

>> No.8148580
File: 1.35 MB, 405x256, squats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot get enough of Cloud's squats animation, it's incredibly amusing.

>> No.8149819
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>> No.8149871

Yeah, it's their afterlife.

>> No.8149882

it's like they frontloaded all the best content
Midgar is the best segment of the game

>> No.8149961

Midgar is great, but there's other great spots. The second after Kalm to Junon feels like a breather, then Junon itself is super cool. Then another breather at Costa del Sol. Next section I liked was Nibelheim and Rocket town. I guess I just like Shinra shenanigans? But it's interesting how varied the game is.

>> No.8150028

Do you have a link to an archive of that post?

>> No.8150048

Short but sweet, leave them wanting more philosophy that Sakaguchi and henceforth Nomura had. They did the same with being a student in Garden, being a thief in FFIX, being in lively Zanarkand, island life in KH, etc...

>> No.8150170
File: 148 KB, 850x684, gondolaride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed the Golden Saucer a lot.

>> No.8150183

I bet you’re one of those Russiaboos who only play S.T.A.L.K.E.R all day and wish they lived in Soviet-era ghetto apartment block.

>> No.8150410

Why did they made Sephiroth more homoerotic in later FFVII media? To pander to fujos or to make him more like Griffith?

>> No.8150725

The ghost of Aeris haunts the church in Sector 5.

>> No.8150759
File: 1.21 MB, 1283x707, darknesswithindarkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To pander to fujos or to make him more like Griffith?
short answer is both
long answer is the later ff7 "compilation" bullshit is fan fiction and it reeks of that overenthusiastic reductionist character writing
actually ff7r was the first ff7 thing in a while that remembered how to write the ff7 characters, but we're not supposed to talk about that

>> No.8152031
File: 859 KB, 1284x1715, contempo slums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No one lives in the slums because they want to.

>> No.8152884

Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn TEA!

>> No.8152940

why did she need it?

>> No.8153001

I cant believe people think KH2 was better than KH1...

>> No.8153083

Giant tits causing back pain

>> No.8153112
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Caves aren't. Why do you think proto-civilizations carved dwellings into the sides of cliffs?

>> No.8153130

Well, I finally got a golden Chocobo. I also managed to get my hands on the Knights of Round Materia, too.

>> No.8153375
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>> No.8153765

Nothing more satisfying than seeing Rufus blown to smithereens by Diamond Weapon.