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8119645 No.8119645[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Hellslave is supposed to push the system to its limits
>looks primative compared to PS1 and N64 first person shooters


All this does is highlight how weak the hardware was, especially for the price.

>> No.8119656

>using WIP homebrew to start a thinly veiled console war thread

You're one biaised retard and you know it.

Slavedriver engine was doing Quake style FPS on Saturn while Quake was still in development, and you'd get better framerate on it compared to how most computers could handle Quake at that time

>> No.8119671

All it's doing is make me appreciate the competitors more. That's not even getting to the N64, which is a beast and had way better first person games.

Quake Saturn:


While that's hella impressive for the Saturn, compare it to Quake 2 PS1. If you squint, it's almost like the PC port in HD with mouse support.

>512x240 resolution and at 30 frames per second
>4 player multiplayer
>mouse support


>> No.8119703

looks extremely impressive to me, just really unpolished. You strike me as a bit of an idiot, op.

>> No.8119750

>compare it to Quake 2 PS1. If you squint, it's almost like the PC port in HD with mouse support.
You have to squint very hard for that to be true.
Either way, while both PS1 and N64 can do impressive stuff, all three consoles got different bottlenecks and can't really be compared with PC stuff or what arcades could do.
Also, this. Big areas, all this lightning, reflections, transparency and all the other effects at this framerate? If it had proper art it would look great.

>> No.8119756

I wish graphicsfags would fuck off from console gaming forever and stick to PC shit. They suck the joy out of everything.

>> No.8119824

Quake Saturn:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI0Q0VWOp3E [Embed]
While that's hella impressive for the Saturn,
compare it to Quake 2 PS1. If you squint, it's almost like the PC port in HD with mouse support.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik9OAjovetg&t=45s [Embed]

Links to emulated PS1 footage running at 1440p with texture filtering, PGXP and widescreen hacks

Nice comparison faggot

>> No.8119829

>push the system to its limits
tired marketing

>> No.8119832

At least it's not as weak as the N64. Doesn't matter how much RnD you put in or your SGI partnership if you willingly choose to bottleneck it in every other aspect in order to save money and penny pinch on your own end
>Cartridge slot
>Unified memory
>No sound chip meaning it's on the cpu
>Not enough memory

Was it really necessary for nintendo to be so stingy when they had the wild success of the NES and SNES in their coffers?

>> No.8119840

Quake on the Saturn is actually significantly more accurate to the PC original than the N64 version.

The N64 version had to have the levels simplified and the number of textures cut down so bad that the levels were completely butchered. They were less detailed than Doom levels. Couple that with the N64's incredibly low amount of texture memory meant that the few textures that were left were super blurry. The entire game is a mess.

The Saturn port has framerate issues all over the place, but it's actually Quake.

>> No.8119847

And that's a bad thing. The n64 one is transformative and improves on Quake. It becomes much more atmospheric and interesting to play

>> No.8119862
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> Being shittier is a good thing

The absolute state of Nintentards

>> No.8119864

I've never even owned a nintendo console

>> No.8119871
File: 347 KB, 1405x1317, 1621033858814[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake on the N64 is a complete hackjob, the console wasn't powerful enough to push as many polys so they had to "simplify" the levels to the extreme.

Quake on the Saturn is running on the Slavedriver engine, which also powers Duke Nukem 3D (which also runs best on the Saturn) and Powerslave (same). It was a truly excellent engine for its time.

>> No.8119883
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, Copium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The n64 one is transformative and improves on Quake. It becomes much more atmospheric and interesting to play

Overly bright
Cartoony coloured lighting
Blurred low resolution textures
No Trent Reznor soundtrack

>more atmospheric

>> No.8119887

i used to just assume saturn was a shade better hardware-wise because people always said it and no one was really bothering to refute it, then i booted up symphony of the night and tokimeki memorial right after playing the ps1 versions and it's like, barely better than the atari jaguar, no exaggeration

>> No.8119893

I don't know shit about any tikimeki memorial, but the reason Symphony of the Night runs like shit on the Saturn because it was a rushed port that Konami pawned off on a B team that had no idea what they were doing. Konami did the bare minimum to port the game and released it at a budget price and only in Japan.

It's still worth checking out for the new areas and abilities, as well as the exclusive playable version of Maria though.

If you want to see 2D games where the Saturn absolutely curbstomps the PS1 the first thing you'll want to do is check out pretty much any of Capcom's 2D fighters on the system.

>> No.8119897

Symphony was designed for the PlayStation hardware, not the Saturn, so they would have to rebuild the game in a new engine rather than port it. They did a sloppy rushjob port and it shows. It dosen't take advantage fo the saturn hardware at all.

A proper 2D Castlevania title for the saturn built from the groudn up would be mindblowingly good and put symphony to shame.

>> No.8119902

Kinda weird and sad that there were only two Castlevania games ever released on a Sega console, and one of them was a quick and dirty port.

>> No.8119903

The SotN port was worse than it could have been, but it was always a difficult game to port. It relies heavily on transparency and lots of layers, which the PlayStation excels at compared to Saturn.

A lot of the most impressive 2D Saturn games also rely on RAM carts.

>> No.8119906

History will not be kind to 5th gen

>> No.8119907
File: 56 KB, 320x224, 205652-keio-flying-squadron-2-sega-saturn-screenshot-chinese-lion[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of the most impressive 2D Saturn games also rely on RAM carts.


>> No.8119910

Shame they never made Dracula X Saturn into a new game that used Symphony and Rondo sprites. That would have been baller.

>> No.8119912

>Some games did = all games did
>Also ignoring that anon had mentioned capcom 2D fighters, which constantly used ram carts

>> No.8119921

The Saturn had a lot of problems, and it's main one was the focus on sprites.
The Saturn "can't do 3D" because its 3D engine is specifically just a hastily rewired sprite chip after the reveal of the PS1.

>> No.8119924

Considering the system was delayed by 4 or so years, yes.

>> No.8119925

Conveniently ignoring that it had better 3d than n64...

>> No.8119926

The Saturn's polygon rasteriser is indeed a badly repurposed sprite rasteriser, but it always was one, and the PS1 didn't have anything to do with it.

>> No.8119929

The Saturn is super powerful, don't get me wrong, it's just not easy to develop for and led to bad games as a result.
What I'm saying is the fact it's entirely sprite rasterizer makes it fucking hard to do anything of worth with. I love the Saturn, I just wish Sega wasn't a fucking idiot at times.

I swear I had a source that said otherwise, but because I can't find it, I'm just going to let you win immediately. No point in endlessly arguing over something that I can't point a source towards, especially when it just could be bad memory.

>> No.8119931
File: 386 KB, 1280x1440, sotn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest problem with Symphony of the Night on the Saturn is that all the art was stretched horizontally from 256 to 320 pixels because the Saturn didn't support the lower resolution used on the Playstation.

>> No.8119941

After checking my sources again, I think the truth is actually somewhere in the middle.

>The Saturn actually had just one CPU at the beginning. Then Sony appeared with its polygon-based PlayStation. When I was first designing the Saturn architecture, I was focused on sprite graphics, which had been the primary graphics up to that point.
>So I decided to go with polygons (due to the PlayStation). ... he expertise of all of the developers we had was in sprite graphics, so there seemed no choice but to go with sprites. Nevertheless, I knew we needed polygons. Using various tricks, adding a geometry engine and so on, I changed everything. In the end, just like the PlayStation, we had pseudo-polygons built on a sprite base. I felt no choice but to design a sprite-based architecture. Having said that, after some significant progress, pseudo-polygons did represent a “jump” in graphics in a certain way.
>It seemed like we were finally nearing completion. Then, the final PlayStation was revealed. It supported 300,000 polygons. Well, that was ultimately a bunch of lies, but… When you compared the Saturn with the PlayStation, we were completely missing something. The response that I chose was to add another SH processor, so we ended up with two SH-2s.

In other words - the Saturn was pure sprites until the Playstation was announced. That's when the Saturn's sprite engine was repurposed into a polygon engine. Later, when more of the Playstation's specs were revealed, the second CPU was added to the Saturn to make it more competitive.

>> No.8119946

>because its 3D engine is specifically just a hastily rewired sprite chip after the reveal of the PS1.
Huh? You mean they never planned to make arcade ports of their 3D games before that?

>> No.8119948

They could have simply pillarboxed the game. Stretching it out makes the art looks like shit and also aggravates the fill problem. Disappointing.

>> No.8119949

>Huh? You mean they never planned to make arcade ports of their 3D games before that?
No, although I suspect Afterburner II was gonna get a port regardless. See >>8119941(thanks Anon), he does a pretty good job boiling the situation down.

By the ways, thanks anon for clearing up my memory.

>> No.8119952
File: 501 KB, 616x476, radiant-04-616x476[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of the most impressive 2D Saturn games also rely on RAM carts.

>> No.8119958
File: 59 KB, 320x240, megaman-x3-saturn[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pillarboxed Megaman X3 and it took up a shitload of space.

The PS1 ran at such a lower resolution than the Saturn that the bars would have been huge.

>> No.8119960

It looks way better than all ps1 shooters and falls slightly short of golden eye but still looks better than most n64 shooters. Alien trilogy has shockingly short view distance but hellslave has better textures and effect than n64 games.

>> No.8119964

Megaman X3 (and nearly all SNES games) also use 256 pixel wide displays. The pillarboxing would be the same.

>> No.8119971

There was a way easier option which was to just let the space be filled up by more objects. At least that's if you didn't hardcode your entire game around that frame of mind.

>> No.8119972

>look at how poorly this system designed for 2D does 3D compared to a 3D system and a hybrid one

>> No.8119975

Expanding the playfield usually means changing enemy spawns and AIs. It would have been a fairly good solution but it would have taken some effort. It also wouldn't have helped the Saturn with its bandwidth problem.

>> No.8119979

>its bandwidth problem.
Never got why it was really that much of a problem, but that's fair. I guess when you don't design your game around that system, when you try porting to it later, the weird hurdles really hinder everything.

>> No.8119980

Saturn was designed for 3D, they just designed it badly.

>> No.8119982

It was a retooled sprite rasterizer after the announcement of the PS1(if I understand >>8119941 correctly. I'm going to fucking keep mentioning this one, sorry anon.)

>> No.8119984

Alien Trilogy has a better draw distance on the Saturn than it does on the PS1. It also runs slightly better, which is weird because its rumored to only use one SH2.

I actually beat it for the first time a couple weeks ago, I blazed through the entire game until I got to the second to the last level, which kicked my ass consistently until I finally (barely) beat it. The last level was a cakewalk. Weirdly inconsistent difficulty.

The only downside to the Saturn version is that it uses mesh transparencies, so steam and glass looks shitty if you're playing on S-Video or cleaner.

>> No.8119996

No, it was designed for 2D, would you say doom is 3D?

>> No.8120000

I guess you could say it was designed for 3D, but not designed from scratch for it.
The retooling shows that doing 3D was part of the plan early in development, but by not building it from the start for the retrofitted implementation is inefficient and inflexible.

>> No.8120002

Doom has nothing to do with how the Saturn does 3D. What's your point?

>> No.8120004

It does render a 3D space and the game logic accounts for all 3 axises, yes.

>> No.8120005

Amusingly enough, the reason that Sony was so hard on for 3D was because they saw the popularity of Virtua Fighter in the arcades, especially in Japan.

Japs went apeshit for Virtua Fighter, when the Saturn launched the attach rate was literally 1:1.

>> No.8120157

I thought the Saturn's sprite based architecture really interesting. Instead of building polygons out of triangles, the most base graphics primitive on the Saturn is the quad -- basically a rectangular sprite that can be distorted and rotated by the hardware.
Think of the way Super Scalar games like OutRun, Afterburner and Space Harrier build up the image using sprites with a few frames of rotation, it's a little like that.
It requires rewriting the game engine completely when porting an existing game, and redesigning all the assets as well.
Which 3D engine is considered the best on Saturn? Is it Powerslave?

>> No.8120164

>Which 3D engine is considered the best on Saturn? Is it Powerslave
Burning Rangers probably pushed it the hardest
But I wish more games took on the mixed 3D/2D like Bulk Slash

>> No.8120169

Distorted sprites are much more flexible than scaled/rotated sprites. It's not really similar.

>> No.8120192

>Quake on the Saturn is actually significantly more accurate to the PC original than the N64 version.
lowest IQ thing I've read all day. Saturn Quake doesn't even run on the Quake engine (64 does), the graphics are abysmal, it runs at 8fps and the weapon models are fucking sprites. N64 version is nearly 1:1 with the PC version. you are fucking retarded.

>> No.8120207

The N64 handled 3D way better than every other console at the time, don’t know why people keep up this myth

>> No.8120209

in general, it's bias and stupidity. in this particular instance, we're dealing with a severely mentally ill freak who has been trying to convince people on this board that Saturn Quake isn't a piece of shit for 5 years now. I can't even wrap my head around how retarded you need to be to look at Quake 64 and think Saturn Quake looks better, plays better or is more representative of the original game. bias is a hell of a drug.

>> No.8120229
File: 56 KB, 585x682, spurdo monitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The n64 one is transformative and improves on Quake

>> No.8120239

At least the first one is an excellent game in its own right, rather than a sloppy port.

>> No.8120240

as retarded as that sounds, he isnt totally wrong. they included that N64 mode in the new Quake remaster for a reason.

>> No.8120249

Look at clean and not-stretched the graphics are though.

>> No.8120252
File: 67 KB, 438x482, quake 2 rail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the music and menu theme too and a blue railgun looks better, but come on man.
I do applaud actual new levels being made but it still played like garbage.

(quake 2 n64 was hugely influential on me as a kid still. I became a pc quakefag many years later and haven't looked back since.)

This is still the defacto "quake theme" for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZF1S4WL3Uw

>> No.8120257

He's talking about Quake 1 on the N64, which is quite a lot worse.

>> No.8120260

oh fuck i thought i was in the quake 2 thread LEL

>> No.8120261

For nostalgia's sake. Also that port needs some fixing still.

>> No.8120280
File: 2.11 MB, 1470x1075, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xl2 just figured out a trick to get uv mapping (and clipping) in hardware. expect the next version to have some reflective objects

>> No.8120284

I wonder how he did it

>> No.8120323

using the pallete of a palleted sprite as a uv map sounds like

>> No.8120369

God bless people who tinker with old hardware and software just for the sheer love of it.

>> No.8120473

>N64 version is nearly 1:1 with the PC version. you are fucking retarded.

Holy shit you are gay and retarded and wrong. Literally look at >>8119871

N64 Quake is nothing like real Quake. The levels might as well be hallways.

>> No.8120608
File: 9 KB, 120x140, sonic_hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too complicated to work with. lots of timing specific dependencies between chips. the architecture is a maze of insanity that would drive one mad: that's why accurate emulation is near impossible to get right.

>> No.8120621

Saturn Quake had to condense levels and add walls in many places because it couldn't render levels at full draw distance. It doesn't run on the Quake engine. It doesn't even have 3D models for weapons. Walls warp and distort when you walk past them because there's no perspective correction. There's no multiplayer. The enemy models are entirely different and all look like retarded little green gremlins because the Saturn couldn't render the actual enemies. There is, literally, nothing in Saturn Quake that is even remotely related to Quake other than the name, textures and music. You're upset because the N64 version removed a few fucking pillars and added colored lighting? At least it runs on the Quake engine, looks like GL Quake, has multiplayer, has real 3D graphics and din't need to make levels smaller. You are legitimately retarded if you think a game running on the Slavedriver engine, using 2D sprites for weapons is somehow a better representation of Quake tham a game which actually runs on the Quake engine and uses original assets. Kill yourself.

>> No.8120649

>the N64 version removed a few fucking pillars

We are hitting levels of nintendocopium that should not be possible.

It's not just "some pillars", and it gets significantly worse as the game goes on. I just showed comparisons from a couple of youtube
You're just a retard who never played Quake on the Saturn or on the PC.

The N64 Quake II port also had to have the levels butchered, but it was so bad that they decided to rebuild the game from scratch with entirely new, linear, tiny levels instead. After getting two sub par ports, Nintendo wouldn't get a single Quake game all the way until 2021, where it got Quake on the Switch, which runs like complete dogshit in handheld mode because for some reason Nintendo thinks it's ok to charge basedboys like you $300 for a console that is so weak and underpowered it literally can't even hit a steady framerate in a port of a 25 year old FPS.

>> No.8120834

Ehhh, Radiant Silvergun is more of a 3D game and notice its 2D elements aren't particular huge or well animated, or animated at all. It's usually a collection of small sprites or simple 3D models rotated and manipulated in concert. That said, I don't think Princess Crown was a RAM expansion game. That would have been the better example.

>> No.8120843

Yes. We know. It still has good games, though.

As far as 3D capabilities go: N64 > PS1 > Saturn is the objective, inarguable truth. Anyone saying the N64 wasn't by far the most advanced 3D console of the era is a blind, ignorant retard. Despite the RAM and storage limitations, it was doing hardware acceleration in a way not far removed from how we're doing it now. Saturn and PS1 were practically banging rocks together.

>> No.8120847 [DELETED] 

get punched, nazi

you have to be COMPLETELY fucked up to care this much and try this hard. look around you and see the problems affecting folks in the real world

>> No.8120856

I like how slightly simplifying level geometry so the game can work on a $200 console is somehow a cardinal sin to you, but the Saturn version being unable to use the real Quake engine, being unable to hit double digit framerate and having 2D sprites for weapons is somehow acceptable. Listen man, I get it, you're biased and you aren't particularly bright, but you'e gotta stop this. Anyone eho's actually played both versions is going to immediately call out your bullshit. Saturn Quake is literally not Quake in anything but name. It doesn't look like it, it doesn't play like it, it doesn't feel like it. It's a shitty approximation with the same textures and music. If you like it in spite of that, okay, that's fine. But it isn't Quake. Quake 64 runs on the Quake engine. It has the same physics, the same sense of weight, impact, control and audio/visual feedback. It is a better representation of what playing Quake on a PC feels like. You can disagree, it's ok
okay, you're wrong -- but you need to stop. We've been at this for years and it's become tiring.

>> No.8120858

Yeah and the Saturn version is like teens fps constantly as a result.

>> No.8120867

what am I supposed to be seeing in this image? the N64 version clearly looks better. look at that sky, really nice.

>> No.8120868

>Saturn can't handle the original Quake engine
>this is a good thing

>> No.8120869

I also have 0, not a single doubt, that the PS1 could have done RSG in its sleep. It's not particularly a texture/animation powerhouse, and it's just flinging a bunch of simple objects and sprites around. That's PS1's bread and butter. It probably could have done it with 2x the detail.

>> No.8120874

Eh, RSG likes to flex VDP2 a lot. The backgrounds would have to be cut down significantly. Otherwise I think it's a doable port.

>> No.8120906

sure it could be rejiggered into more PS1 friendly backgrounds. Maybe it would have less wacky, wavy, water/heat hazy stuff but I think the game was relatively low on that.

>> No.8120938

kinda crazy how much more powerful the saturn is vs the n64 here.

>> No.8120947

If they did the same hacky, corner cutting stuff (not to mention not using the Quake engine) the N64 could have handled that geometry and then some. Instead it was a C-grade GLQuake port from the 90s.

>> No.8120951

n64 couldn't process polygons fast enough, so no that's a lie.

>> No.8120958

Geometry was not the N64's weakness in the slightest.

>> No.8120959

Bull fucking shit. Rare and Factor 5's games not only pushed more polygons, they had more alpha transparencies, more diverse textures, more enhanced lighting, AND often ran better than Saturn Quake. Your Saturn is more powerful meme is laughable. Fucking retardedly, obviously false.. *I'M* retarded for even arguable with you about it.

>> No.8120962

*arguing. See? Look, it's actively making me retarded.

>> No.8120992

Comparing quake, looks like it was the n64s weakness

>> No.8121014

N64 quake isn't the one that replaced all the weapon models with sprites because it couldn't do enough polygons.

>> No.8121049

keep coping is still superior to the ps1 and that game doesn't show the power what shows the power is the game deep fear an exclusive game for saturn.
that game shows more of the limitations in skills of american coders.

>> No.8121064

It's less of not being able to handle and more of not being practical to rewrite it to use advantage of Saturn hardware instead of porting the game logic to a Saturn optimized engine.

>> No.8121065


No, lol, Saturn is and always was a 3d system. It's not a 2d machine faking 3d

>> No.8121095

Sure buddy you keep believing that. (You). (You) (You) (You)

>> No.8121096

I wouldn't use the word "fake", but the Saturn's 3D primitives are modified 2D primitives and they're less flexible and efficient as a consequence.

>> No.8121174

they're less efficient because they're quadrilateral and forward mapped. no04DY4thing to do with 2D

>> No.8121181


>> No.8121263

It isn't. The N64 is running at 30 fps versus ~20.

>> No.8121376

Yeah and they're forward mapped because forward texture mapping is a relatively simple and relatively cheap extension of a 2D sprite engine. There aren't many reasons to do that otherwise.

>> No.8121384

Sonic R's I feel is the most unique. It's probably not the most interesting, but it has a software renderer for environment mapping and it had fadeout for objects, which was considered impossible for the longest time.

>> No.8121402

It's like if they ran of time making Quake's engine, and they didn't implement polygons so they just made a heavily modified Doom engine that used sprites.
It's 3D, for sure, but a sprite is a sprite, no matter how much you mangle it with math.

>> No.8121420

Oh hey the quake 64 hater is here.

I own Quake 64 on cart and a bootleg Saturn Quake. I never play Saturn Quake. I play quake 64 a lot.

>> No.8121925
File: 57 KB, 800x450, Screenshot-2018-12-03-at-12.20.43-800x450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unfiltered truth is PS1 games ran better than N64 and Saturn overall. Granted N64 had nice textures and draw distance but the framerate is atrocious in a lot of games.

This is a very early ps1 fps - note the speed of the gameplay:

Later game with 3d models but still runs fast:

Compared with Goldenye on N64 which looks fantastic but slows to a crawl in heavy scenes:

One could argue the n64 controller alone makes it superior for fps games but in terms of overall performance PS1 is superior imo.

>> No.8121968

Unironically thanks for explaining this without using console warrior tranny swipes and buzzwords, anon. It's cool to be informed and actually compare all the hardware and games without trying to white knight "muh favorite corporation when I was kid".

>> No.8121970

Can you fuck off already you obsessed and mentally deranged clown. Jesus Fucking Christ, every day the same shit thread.

>> No.8121973

> looks like GL Quake
that's a not a good thing

>> No.8121978


>> No.8122008

>Another N64 vs Saturn Quake thread
OPs right about hellslave looking weak. Aiming up and down looks painful. This engine would be better suited with a slow paced RPG like Phantasy Star.

>> No.8122013

10 less frames for 5 times the detail. Small potatoes.

>> No.8122053
File: 137 KB, 1000x1000, 1621691041024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this segautist cope

>> No.8122083
File: 3.00 MB, 852x480, 1612569148064.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never really understood why people continue console wars so long after the fact. The 5th gen all brought something different to the table and its impossible to objectively say which is the best. Saturn did amazing 2d, arcade ports, quirky japan only games. Playstation was great all round with gameplay that still holds up. N64 has your classic Nintendo and great multiplayer etc. To say one is best is missing the point.

In the UK at least I don't think there ever was much of a console war between owners of different systems. The companies were competing in sales but the gamers just bought (or received) whatever and got on with it. Can't recall any banter about ps1 vs n64 when I was in school and nobody even had a saturn.

>> No.8122095
File: 1.36 MB, 480x360, average vr poster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this. I just want the constant schizo posters to fuck off. It has overstayed its welcome.

>> No.8122127

What aspect doesn't look good? You have lighting, reflections, transparencies, 4 player split screen, up to 8 bots, etc. all running at a decent frame rate.

> Aiming up and down looks painful.
That just boils down to fine tuning the controls. It has nothing to do with capabilities or how fast the engine can go.

For what it's worth, it also supports mouse controls.

>> No.8122136
File: 13 KB, 371x353, 2wq45j6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people always post anti-console shit. Console warring is a bannable offense. Go die please.

>> No.8122140

With Anti-Saturn threads it seems to always be the N64 fanboys.

>> No.8122143 [DELETED] 

you will never be an anime girl

>> No.8122146

Who fucking cares if I am or not, why the hell did you make that post. The thread will be gone soon, hopefully. These threads are fucking pointless.

Holy shit you're insufferable and stupid

>> No.8122151 [DELETED] 

N64 fanboys really don't like that more people are starting to appreciate the Saturn. They seem to see it as a threat to the N64's position as the 2nd place console of the 5th Generation.

>> No.8122153

I didn't even look at the thread desu, I just saw the avatar you post all the time which is also a bannable offense. Stop posting smug anime girls already.

>> No.8122157

>Slavedriver engine was doing Quake style FPS on Saturn
Powerslave runs at a higher res and framerate on the psx dude.

>> No.8122162

Different engine, worse lightning, gimped and smaller stages.

>> No.8122163

Never even had heard of a Saturn in my country back in the day despite N64 and PS1 being incredibly commonplace (first worlder)

>> No.8122174

Double the framerate and faster movemen tho.

>> No.8122184

Yes, PSX is faster than the Saturn at 3D. That doesn't mean the Saturn is bad at 3D and can't do it very well. In many cases if games are made with the Saturn in mind they can usually match PSX in performance, or in some very unique cases exceed it.

Saturn in general can definitely hold it's own in the 5th Gen, it just really didn't get the chance to prove so to most people.

>> No.8122192

Except the framerate is less consistent and the movement doesn't matter without grenade jumps.
Look, they could make the game faster on Saturn and give it higher res with the same trade-offs too. It would be a worse game though, just like it is on PS1.

>> No.8122291

N64 absolutely shits on the Saturn. Quake om the shiturn is a steaming turd and hellslave just proves that faking 3d with sprites only gets you so far before the pile of shit collapses

>> No.8122305
File: 10 KB, 351x329, 63u47j7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bloo bloo bloo suck jannie dick

>> No.8122306

>N64 absolutely shits on the Saturn.
Not in the sound department. And that's not even talking about CD Audio.

>> No.8122308

>fine tune controls
No, it's choppy. Game is too ambitious and should scale down if you want quick fast paced multiplayer.

>> No.8122316

It's no more choppy than most N64 multiplayer shooters. When was the last time you played Perfect Dark or Goldeneye on a real N64?

>> No.8122327

Cringe worthy post.

>> No.8122334 [DELETED] 

> B-b-but is uses a different engine!

So does Duke Nukem 3D, but I don't hear people yelling that Saturn Duke isn't "real" Duke. Stop and take a moment to realize how stupid you are being right now.

Quake 64 is not real Quake. It's a cut down, "streamlined" version of the game that only gets defended on vr by tryhard Nintendo fans who got it as their first FPS and who never actually grew up so they will ignorantly defend it forever.

>> No.8122349 [DELETED] 

N64fags are beta males in their late 30s who are still colossally butthurt over getting made fun of on the playground by Segachads and Sonybros 25 years ago kek

>> No.8122360

the problem is that the 256 pixels on the PS1 are still on a 4:3 aspect ratio screen. Pillarboxing for 320 pixels would be like watching a 16:9 movie in 4:3, everything would tall and thin.

>> No.8122436 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 600x800, 1630473272908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average saturn fan

>> No.8122439

But I played quake 64 for the first time this year

>> No.8122440

Glorious nippon console Saturn is thrice as fast as n64

>> No.8122447

A long time ago. They would have also benefited from scaling down. Once I played dc Quake 3 there was no going back to those unplayable messes.

>> No.8122450 [DELETED] 

> But I lie on an anonymous Moldovian Foot Fetish CompuServe Bulletin Board

>> No.8122456

>When was the last time you played Perfect Dark or Goldeneye on a real N64?
Nintenyearolds play these games on re-releases or emulators and forget that both games, but especially Perfect Dark, would literally drop from frames per second to seconds per frame in a heated firefight.

>> No.8122532

>Compared with Goldenye on N64 which looks fantastic but slows to a crawl in heavy scenes:

Because it's a much more complex game, with more complex worlds, with more complex effects, with full 4 player. Medal of Honor is a tiny game in comparison.

>> No.8122549

nah you can't even go prone in golden nugget.

>> No.8122782 [DELETED] 
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>average nintendo fan

>> No.8122785

Why is auster like this?

>> No.8123165
File: 31 KB, 474x367, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic. Sony saw Virtua Fighter and realized the future was 3D. This is why the PlayStation shocked everyone by being such a 3D beast. How the hell did Sega, the guys who made the game not realize this and let Sony get so ahead of them?

>> No.8123167 [DELETED] 
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>average playstation fan

>> No.8123172

Fuck off autisimo

>> No.8123207

shitskin chink?
checks out

>> No.8123208 [DELETED] 
File: 324 KB, 2048x1536, 1556324413943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average nintendo fangirls

>> No.8123220

Sony always wins baby!