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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8104168 No.8104168 [Reply] [Original]

Why did it sell worse than the NES?

>> No.8104179

It's ugly as fuck

>> No.8104180
File: 22 KB, 160x112, smug_knuckles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Sega Chad Drive made it look like the piece of shit that it was.

>> No.8104196
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Because it had real competition

>> No.8104197

The NES had zero competition and the Geneshit had a 3 year head start.

>> No.8104198

Name one reason to own anything other than a super nintendo and a ps2

>> No.8104201 [DELETED] 

>inb4 muh retro

>> No.8104205


Sega Chads rise up

>> No.8104208

As someone who was actually alive at the time there was a similar branding problem as the WiiU. "Why does my child need another Nintendo he already has one?"
The era of actual baby boomer parents calling all vidya "a Nintendo".

>> No.8104217

No thanks dude. I'm done with that company

>> No.8104225

Modded PSTriple so you can play the entirety of the MGS series.

>> No.8104228

Virgin bootlicker to Sony

>> No.8104243 [DELETED] 


>> No.8104260

Wouldn't that be Nintendies since they're both normalfags? Think you replied to the wrong post.

>> No.8104264

Are you the /ck/ guy? Not enough bites over there?

>> No.8104271


>> No.8104276


>> No.8104287

holy BASED

>> No.8104296

>snes ended up having more games in the end
I'm curious, was the advertising war between SEGA and Nintendo just good fun while kids took it seriously, or were they genuinely ready to stick a knife in each other's throats at the first chance like a Chicago gang fight?

>> No.8104301

I not wrong.

>> No.8104308

Play GameCube on Wii U

>> No.8104318
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>those sweet vfx at 1 minute in

>> No.8104319

Sega had a 2 year head start

Mega Drive / Genesis launch dates
Japan: October 1988
USA: August 1989
Europe: September 1990

Super Nintendo launch dates
Japan: November 1990
USA: August 1991
Europe: June 1992

>> No.8104321

ok grug
you not wrong

>> No.8104327

Not as aggressive as the marketing made it seem, but more or less real, yes. Sega had nothing to lose by going all out, and had a rush in maintaining market dominance and sticking it to Nintendo. Nintendo didn't like their monopoly being challenged and had to struggle to get control back. More or less real, just dramatized.

>> No.8104328

Can you mod a wii u to accept gamecube ports like the rvl101 wii or no?

>> No.8104330 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8104332

Most autism in history...stupid people won’t mind TG-16 or Gen?

>> No.8104334

It was about as tribal as it is now with the PS5 and Xbox. Just replace things like RDNA and Velocity Architecture with Blast Processing and Mode 7 and whatnot.
And just like the current war a lot of it stems from this shit being super expensive for the 90s (as are the current consoles) and people wanting to justify their expense.

>> No.8104336

How did it sell worse? The SNES had almost 350 more games than the NES.

>> No.8104337

That's done with a cheap video switcher, does not qualify as vfx. Even very bad for 1990.

>> No.8104345

Yes, thank you, Captain Autism. I was pointing out how cheesy it was even for its time.

>> No.8104360
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>> No.8104376
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No idea about that. I worked 24 years in broadcast and visual effects production. It just tickles something.

>> No.8104437

Damn, that's bullshit that /ck/ bullied you for that, you were like the one bit of culture that board had, wondered why those stopped.

Well, in my experience, the janitors in /vr/ have gotten insanely intense recently, so I don't know how long you'll survive here either, but we'll see. Remember to not eat the tacos at Burger King.

>> No.8104578

In a lot of pal places master system outsold megadrive for a long time.

>> No.8104594

Sega was still doing a shit job againsg Nintendo until Sonic 1 launched. Luckily I got Sonic 2 as my first game and missed out on all that bullshit.

>> No.8104601


>> No.8104862


>> No.8104870

NES was a massive hit all over the world and was a massive next generation in gaming in a way that the SNES was not (it was just the NES with better graphics and more memory).
The NES had no real competition. The SNES had the PC Engine and the Genesis as real competition, and even lost regions to Sega.

>> No.8104880

>next generation
The Mega Drive was next generation, the NES was outdated 8-bit early 80s nonsense of a comparable tech level to an 8-bit home computer.

>> No.8104893

yeah i hate the NES.stupid derivative piece of shit
thank god the megadrive saved us
THANK GOD MORE for the Playstation for putting nintendo in the fucking dirt

>> No.8104910


1. Eras:

>Famicom: 1983-1994
>Super Famicom: 1990- 2000

The Famicom was still selling games into the 90's and was considered a cheap console everyone had in Japan.

2. Competition. The PC-Engine in Japan and then the Mega Drive abroad resulted in competition with the Super-Fami. In contrast the Famicom was king from 1983 to 1987 while the super-fami had competition the entire time.

>> No.8104927

>the NES was outdated 8-bit early 80s nonsense of a comparable tech level to an 8-bit home computer
>implying a ZX Spectrum could do Mega Man 4 or Sunsoft Batman

>> No.8105058

Batman doesn't appear to do anything a Spectrum can't do, albeit with less colorful graphics and a lower framerate. The NES is really a very limited machine and can't touch any of the 16-bit consoles.

>> No.8105060

there were other 8 bit computers you dumbass

>> No.8105064

>Batman doesn't appear to do anything a Spectrum can't do, albeit with less colorful graphics and a lower framerate
Have you ever seen a Spectrum game?

>> No.8105084


Batman is a pretty simple game, it never has more than a couple of objects moving at once. There are lots of NES games that push the hardware much more than this does.

>> No.8105095

C64 was the only other 8-bit computer of a comparable spec level to the NES, and it would be actually harder to pull off a game like Batman on it because of the limitations of its custom chips and generally you'd have to think about things a little more, it's not like the Spectrum's simple frame buffer that imposes no limitations on things like sprite size or placement.

>> No.8105106

but the NES had more bootlegs, which may have sold more consoles.

>> No.8105117

LOZ would be one such example because that has a lot of screens with numerous small sprites in particular the Patra and the ring of small Patras flying around him. that is some crazy shit.

>> No.8105313

The Japanese branch however hated the marketing made by the US and Europe branches of SEGA, they made Kalinske a villain in a Dreamcast game with all of SEGA's characters living their lives in videoland or some shit.

>> No.8105346

What? Nobody cares about ps5 vs xbox now. If they do it's a much smaller amount than back then. Nobody does console war stuff

>> No.8105359


>> No.8105362

Seems like the dude was genuinely enjoying F-Zero.

>> No.8105364

Idk what that guy's smoking, but the villains in Segagaga are quite obviously SONY.

>> No.8105383

>competing with established sega
>"you already have a nintendo"
>lots of games, shit supply chain

>> No.8105417

I don't see how modding a console would make shit games worth playing.

>> No.8105445

Anyone who says competition is wrong. This was before the idea of console cycles was really known to parents and most parents couldn't justify a price increase for the hardware.

>> No.8105627

as the obnoxious sega fanboys stated, competition

>> No.8105630

Show us in the thread these boogeymen

>> No.8105637


>> No.8105887

Yes, the humble speccy could, with some optimizations and tweaking.

C64 is a lot more capable than the NES. C64 has a vastly better sprites hardware, and the NES can't even do bitmap graphics and CHR graphics.

>> No.8106102

>C64 has a vastly better sprites hardware

Debatable. It's better at games with a few large sprites while NES is better at lots of small sprites. This would be a real bitch to pull off on a C64 and require you to write a god level sprite multiplexer.


>> No.8106103

It had good competition, and the NES didn't.

>> No.8106108

details? sounds interesting

>> No.8106112

yeah Batman doesn't have much animation, that would be pretty trivial for C64 or Spectrum to pull off. LOZ however would be much bigger headache since it's got many small sprites.

>> No.8106124

The Yugoslav Wars.

>> No.8106131
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>as the obnoxious sega fanboys stated, competition


>> No.8106191

Combined sales of 4th gen consoles are higher than NES sales. So it seems a quite reasonable argument.

>> No.8106194
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Because Genesis had sports games on it

>> No.8106212

Ah yes because I called you out, I must be a Nintendo fanboy
I bet you don’t even have a MEGA CD, a Saturn or a DreamCast do you

>> No.8106218

the SNES had more sports games in total but the Genesis had more proportionate to its total library. also most Genesis sports games were Western ones and it had like 10 total in Japan.

>> No.8106231
File: 1.60 MB, 3166x4096, 04B9FD7E-7C36-43FD-80A2-F1D620D474D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dealt with a now unheard of issue of parents thinking a new generation of consoles was a scam. It rebuilt the market so it had to deal with 100% if markets related problems’. There’s a reason Disney decided not to break ground on sequels when given the chance, they let others take the risk of normalizing the practice. A lot of parents thought about buying a new console the way they thought about replacing their car or microwave.

>> No.8106254

there were also lots of parent butthurt that SNES could not play NES game and thought it was rip off

>> No.8106276

They were right
That was sourced from the same mindset, they felt cheated that they couldn’t sell their NES and trade up.
There are some recorded complaints that the SNES should have produced better graphics and music out of NES games, because, like a 4 year old, they thought all the graphics were .raw format and being scaled down by the console (true nowadays, but now people complain of .2TB game sizes).

>> No.8106295

You think someone might have noticed that


is not


and that the SNES could, y'know, do more sophisticated stuff?

>> No.8106476

The Spectrum would be unsuited for LOZ anyway because of its tape storage which means you're pretty much forced to make linear games like a platformer or beat-em-up. Anything where you backtrack like an RPG doesn't really work.

>> No.8106505

on average you can get as much stuff moving around on screen as the typical NES game, perhaps at a lower framerate since the CPU has to do all the pushing. the skill of the programmer matters a bit more here, it's easy to get smooth animation on a NES but on Spectrum requires a high level of skill at Z80 asm. Ghouls and Ghosts is very smooth but most coders weren't as good as the Follins brothers. even then it never has huge amounts of sprites moving around, and even on the NES you would get slowdown in a hurry if you try moving too many sprites at once.

>> No.8106510

because the NES was still popular and people hadn't yet adopted the "yearly upgrade" mentality

>> No.8106621

the NES would suffer horrible sprite dropout trying to do many of these games

>> No.8107031

I think they meant to have more than 8 sprites per line but Ricoh fucked something up when cutting the die for the PPU.

>> No.8108809

What's that in those jars on the right?

>> No.8108851

I dunno how true it is, but I read somewhere people at NoA hated how fierce Sega was coming at them and were happy to start their "Play It Loud" campaign as a way to combat Sega's 'tude.

>> No.8108862


>> No.8108906

Look at the post-it note on the rodent's cage.
Pretty sure that's what.

>> No.8110271

There's a lot of bitching about the overseas branch president being evil in that game.

>> No.8110901

Do you have a source? If anything, the japs should be thankful to Tom Kalinske for helping Sega to have their only successful console and the only one to actually beat Nintendo.

>> No.8110995
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It only sold less if you don't count the Japanese sales.

>> No.8111620

God, I read it here on /vr/ like last year during a thread of the game, it was really fascinating.

>> No.8111625

heard the japanese bosses yelled at them constantly for being outdone by the american branch

>> No.8111636

There is 0 reason. Having the SNES and PS2 is having everything you ever need for vidya.

>> No.8111647

It really is not at all.

>> No.8111661

For one thing you didn't mention the ZX Spectrum.

>> No.8111684

I know, he's not mentally disturbed.

>> No.8111931

What do you think of mega drive

>> No.8112138

I like it very much. In fact, I like it better than the SNES, also I have a big boner for the old SEGA franchises rather than Nintendo's.

>> No.8112142 [DELETED] 

Big boner?

>> No.8112149 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I like SEGA's franchises

>> No.8112152 [DELETED] 

Show me

>> No.8112183

The NES was revolutionary and also a fad. Its lifecycle dipped into the SNES with the quality of the games consistently improving. Some parents didn't feel the need to buy "another Nintendo" and thought they were basically the same thing. I went straight from NES to N64 as a kid.

>> No.8112878

just noticed my SNES powersupply is heating up despite not being turned on. anyone know whats up? is this normal, should i be concerned? are there aftermarket replacements or do i have to hope to get lucky on ebay?

>> No.8112902

from the news story I watched of the time it seems it took longer than it should to arrive in american shelves and some people moved to the genesis in this meantime.

>> No.8113227

Sega had Sonic and Sonic is the peak of video games.

>> No.8113248

Because it wasn't backwards compatible with the NES. Video games were seen similarly to VHS tapes back then and that the console was just a player. Most of the older generation didn't understand why a new console was needed to play new games and couldn't play the ones they already had, they saw it as a marketing trick by Nintendo.


>> No.8113251
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I don't need them either

>> No.8113256

I remember my mom being upset over this and my dad who had an electronics degree was trying to explain to her that not all computers have the same computing power.

>> No.8113263

stronger competition

>> No.8113273

Was backwards compatibility ever on the cards for the SNES? I remember hearing that they used a similar CPU.

>> No.8113286


>> No.8113289

Could also refer to Bernie

>> No.8113298

The NES was a pop culture sensation, tons of people bought it just to play 1 or 2 games even.
It was the Wii of the era.

>> No.8114405
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>I bet you don’t even COOMSUME as much as me do you
SAD cope anon.

>> No.8116074

The Master System and its games were getting fairly cheap so it was a great option for younger kids.

>> No.8116553

Not as many sports games. Anyone who tells you otherwise wasn't there.

Only reason Genesis sold was because of Sonic and EA. Literally that's it.

>> No.8116556

>Nintendo didn't like their monopoly being challenged

Nintendo never HAD a "monopoly".

>> No.8116559

Only by retards. Normal people just played video games. Nobody went to a friend's house and went HOLY SHIT YOU OWN A SEGA HOW COULD YOUR PARENTS WE CAN'T BE FRIENDS ANYMORE. They went HOLY SHIT VIDEO GAMES LET'S PLAY SOME ROAD RASH AND MUTANT LEAGUE

>> No.8116572

Super Mario Bros revolutionized the platformer genre. Not to mention what Zelda, Metroid, Mega Man, and a dozen more did for home gaming. Quit talking out your asshole you tryhard contrarian.

>> No.8116602

Yes and homebrew devs have actually made NES games run on the SNES.

>> No.8116667

i remember i still had a lot of nes games i was playing. massive library to go through. i had a snes, but i think i only had super mario rpg and super Metroid. i played ff, ninja gaiden, kirby, several mega mans, guerilla war, aliens 3, zelda 1&2, RoboCop, and probably a lot more I don't remember.

>> No.8116717

It did in the third generation. In the United States, what was the competition for the NES? Not the Sega Master System, Turbografx-16 or computer gaming. Certainly not the Atari 7800.

Of course the situation was different abroad, the Sega Master System was popular in Europe and the Turbografx (PC Engine) sold well at launch which was well before the Super Famicom was released in Japan. But in the U.S. Nintendo did have a monopoly for that generation.

Also, the Gameboy had a monopoly over the Game Gear and Atari Lynx and it wasn't even close. Even in Japan where the Wonderswan was popular the Gameboy was the best-selling by far. This monopoly on the portable gaming market would endure into the Gameboy Advance, which the PSP never managed to outsell despite doing well.

Nintendo 3DS also outsold the PSVita far and away, though both were dwarfed by phone gaming.

>> No.8117309


>> No.8117313

>dude, revolutionized!

>> No.8118453

Because outside that one weird kid in your school, nobody had a master system, and NEC took too long to bring the PC engine over

>> No.8118467
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>nobody had a master system
This is what yanks actually believe.

>> No.8118469

what the fuck how did he got inside the videogame

>> No.8118519

>In a lot of pal places
Brazil isn't a lot of places.

>> No.8118525

Console gems seemed to overlap more back then because a lot of devs wanted the market of "kids whose parents couldn't afford a new console yet" so they kept releasing games for it, nowadays they simply make cross-gen titles.

>> No.8118735

That's because in the US nobody had a master system. The movie stores didn't have the games for rent.

>> No.8120336 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1024x725, Wikipedia_SNES_PAL_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pal version had kino looks

>> No.8120339
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the pal version had kino looks

>> No.8120354

Because its library is shit in comparison.

>> No.8120356


>> No.8120357

nes was unironically weaker than a c64

>> No.8120363

is practically the Japanese version so less merit. and the cartiges are awful. also the cases didn't let you read the labels from top or pile various games because they are rounded.

I like the wide labels. but pal system did put a damn frame in them. even on the 64.

also american snes. look less of a toy than the pal snes.

>> No.8120542

>the american toy looks less of a toy than the pal toy

>> No.8120573

Play Gamecube, Wii, PS2, Xbox, every game for every console ever made before, and Xbox 360 on the Xbox Series S/X.

>> No.8120701

Not entirely. It was faster and 2A01 had certain advantages in sound over SID namely independent volume contols and PCM.

>> No.8121323


>> No.8121340


>> No.8121372

Pretty much, these two cover everything, at least one great game in every single genre, I would miss Road Rash though

>> No.8122471

Wrong as hell, friend

>> No.8122758

The PPU was also probably a fair bit better than the C64's graphics chip, but had the NES never come into existence, the C64 would've replaced the NES' role in the gaming world, at least in the westmost countries.

>> No.8122771

This, it was always fun to have friends with different consoles than you had

>> No.8122779

>The PPU was also probably a fair bit better than the C64's graphics chip
It has some advantages like more colors and not as blocky graphics but in other ways it's much more limiting and annoying to use than the VIC-II.

>> No.8122787 [DELETED] 

And the snes ppu dials constantly anyway

>> No.8122803

Yeah the snes ppu always fails and can't be fixed

>> No.8122825

to be fair the ANTIC and VIC-II's scanline IRQs are something even many arcade games didn't have

>> No.8122834

We were talking NES PPU.

>> No.8122840

The nes doesn't have a ppu I checked

>> No.8122857

So is the NES a girl?

>> No.8122859

>doesn't have a ppu
>i checked
You mean the 2C02? The Nintendo Entertainment System's very own Picture Processing Unit? The literal third thing that any homebrew NES developer has to learn about in order to get anything done, followed by ROM formats and 6502 assembly?


>> No.8122870

dude open a nes right now . there's no ppu it's fake

>> No.8122875

He's high as balls, dude.

>> No.8122878

Not him but I am too

>> No.8122886
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>> No.8122914

That's not a ppu. Literally.marked red herring. Jesus christ
I made a new nes game with only 6502. Nothing else to interact with because there is nothing else

>> No.8122926

Anon, Redherring32 is the guy who made that board. This is the OpenTendo board because that was the closest I could get to an actual NES circuitboard.
Also, did you interact with memory addresses $2006 or $2007?

>> No.8122927

Open up your nes and take a picture. I can't trust you now

>> No.8122936
File: 1.00 MB, 4000x2666, OpenTendo black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own an NES man, I only own an NAOC for my development needs.
By the ways, here's additional proof that it says Redherring32, and not just Redherring.

Answer my memory question damn it.

>> No.8122940
File: 1.37 MB, 1143x833, NES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an actual NES board I found online, though, with the exact same chip on it.

>> No.8122942

>SMB All Stars + World, SMW2, DKC trilogy, Kirby series, Ghosts n Goblins, Demons Crest
>super Gameboy: SML trilogy, DKL trilogy, WL 2, kirby, trip world, icarus, kid dracula

Is this literally the best platformer console of all time

>> No.8122951

all of those platformers except SGnG are boring toddler shit, and SGnG has a better version on the Sega Saturn.

>> No.8122958

have you ever considered that you don't like platformers and only like action games

>> No.8123016

You don't see ads directly attacking the competition nowadays. Is it illegal or what changed?

>> No.8123024

>No Sega systems to advertise
>No magazines to advertise in

Anon where exactly would these ads to shit on the competition come from?

>> No.8123027

Microsoft, or Sony, and on TV/Youtube?

>> No.8123029

Are you sure?

>> No.8123054

It's definitely a thing younger gamers or ghetto nigs too poor to afford both consoles. Look it up. They literally console war over PS5 and Xbox despite them having very similar game libraries.

>> No.8123064

they did that one time when ps4 showed a person handing another person a disc to play their games because the xbox one didnt have physical discs to share or something like that. An actual stab at xbox for wanting to go digital only

>> No.8123071

Ads with trash talking basically died with Sega and 90's "attitude" died with the end of the decade.

>> No.8123090

It's funny because it's going to bite them when they inevitably go digital only

>> No.8123364
File: 261 KB, 320x224, shinobi04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>SMB All Stars + World, SMW2, DKC trilogy, Kirby series, Ghosts n Goblins, Demons Crest
Sonic 1,2,3,&k
Dynamite Headdy
Shinobi series
Ghouls n Ghost
Castle/world of Illusion
Toki :^)

>> No.8123378

>action games instead of platformers
Really hate when people just call these the same genre, unless you want to say Shinobi is the same game as Mario

>> No.8123421
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The anon I was replaying to mentioned Ghost 'n' Goblins so I figured adding action/platformers was fair game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.8123438

The PAL version looks like an ugly door wedge, though.

>> No.8123504

Because it's a slow, underpowered, piece of shit JRPG machine

>> No.8123804

>slow, underpowered, piece of shit
Hey hey hey! Cool it with the anti-Nintendoism anon. My uncle works there so I take it personally.

>> No.8124039

>Batman doesn't have much animation, that would be pretty trivial for C64 or Spectrum to pull off.
This is all ignoring the fact nobody did, at the time, make a C64 port of Sunsoft Batman. When people say the NES had no competition, that's because it didn't, at least not in the biggest and most relevant markets. Nobody in the US wanted to be playing shitty ports of arcade games like RoboCop or Operation Wolf when they could be playing Super Mario Brothers 2, Mega Man 2, Contra, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ninja Gaiden, and other games designed specifically to be fun to play on a home console.

>> No.8124074

yeah I thought the same thing, like his on-air persona was acting all stilted and formal like someone who had no clue about these "video" "games" but afterwards would be like hey I want to play some more of that racing one.

>> No.8124084

>Nobody in the US wanted to be playing shitty ports of arcade games like RoboCop or Operation Wolf when


>> No.8124202

RoboCop and Operation Wolf were best-selling games in the UK. In the US they were low-tier games nobody cared about.

>> No.8124224

Also both of those games show the same pattern you see time and time again where the home computer versions have graphics that are more likely appeal to autists who don't care about anything other than how the game looks in still screenshots or how the technology is working under the hood, while the NES versions are fast and dynamic with good art direction in spite of the graphical limitations.

>> No.8124252

Lyl no the NES Robocop was crap, it was ported by a shovelware developer SAS Sakata.

>> No.8124268

curious why that was and why Brits found them so cool?

>> No.8124284


IDK the Spectrum port of OW is quite fast and doesn't have the crippling limitations of the NES's tiny 8x8 sprites where you can only put 8 of them on a line.

>> No.8124316

Operation Wolf is ok if you like military sim games, I don't.

>> No.8124478

then again would you want to play shitty NES ports of Ultima and Wizardry meant for a computer

>> No.8124512

They had Ocean's Batman game though, which was the Christmas hit of '89 and is not on the NES at all.

>> No.8124536

It was basically a case of prideful Japanese execs being rectally devastated at an uppity gaijin being smarter than them. SHAMEFUR DISPRAY and all that.

>> No.8124548

They weren't happy that they didn't beat Nintendo in the Japanese home market which was what they really cared about.

>> No.8124557

Everything is about heckin' wholesomeness now. You see Xbox and Playstation patting each other on the back and wishing each other well on Twitter these days.

>> No.8124560


I think that guy is trolling that there is no ppu. But in case he isn't, he may be confused because the ppu is made just for pushing tiles around, so you only end up writing code to tell the 6502 to interact with the ppu via specific registers like you said earlier, so he may literally that NJ there is no ppu

>> No.8125446

They didn't have cooler shit on the machines they were playing them on.