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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 42 KB, 584x314, imgsega-master-system4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
811523 No.811523 [Reply] [Original]

>Had better graphical capabilities than the NES
>Games sounded better than the NES
>Despite this the NES had more games of higher quality than the SMS
Why is the SMS library of games so lackluster compared to the NES?

>> No.811529

Only in America

>> No.811525

NES marketing>SMS marketing.

>> No.811536

Nintendo's shady practices when it came to 3rd party devs would be part of it.

>> No.811546
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>>Had better graphical capabilities than the NES
>>Games sounded better than the NES

C64 looks and sounds better than the SMS.

>> No.811553

Nintendo's shady monopoly practices, that's why.

>> No.811558

C64 wasn't a console

>> No.811560

Heard it did good in Euroland.

>> No.811561

>Why is the SMS library of games so lackluster compared to the NES?
Because it's the third hardware rehash of a system that came out years before. Sega couldn't decide what the fuck they wanted to do with it. It's essentially a glorified Colecovision.

>> No.811569


Big N's practices included forcing devs to make limited numbers of games in a year (2) and even considering going to other consoles meant kissing that Nintendo Official Seal of Quality goodbye.

Thankfully they got successfully sued for anti-trust bullshit

>> No.811570

Except it's an older machine.

>> No.811572

The C64 GS was and the regular C64 could be used as one.

>> No.811574


>> No.811575

Well, who would want to develop for a machine being managed by Tonka?

>> No.811580 [DELETED] 


>> No.811583

Because Sega didn't require devs to give them good games

>> No.811584 [DELETED] 

>The joke
>Your head

>> No.811592 [DELETED] 


>> No.811594

Thankfully? Limiting their game count meant they had to put in effort rather than shit out a thousand subpar efforts a year.

>> No.811602 [DELETED] 
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>> No.811613 [DELETED] 
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>> No.811618 [DELETED] 
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>> No.811625 [DELETED] 
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>Hitler had autism

>> No.811630 [DELETED] 

Now this is just getting ridiculous

>> No.811632 [DELETED] 

>into research

>> No.811660

The limitation was a good thing. I guess you weren't around, so you don't remember the culture of shovelware.
Every game was shovelware, except arcade games, really.
A game didn't have to be good, it just had to APPEAR good, in order to get somebody to pay for it. If you bought it and it sucked, the dev still made a profit.
The limit did a lot to help this. The worst games on the NES were often better than many of the mid-range ones on the Atari 2600.

>> No.811665

>games sounded better than the NES

not if you weren't japanese, fuck that PSG chip.

>> No.811678

They still exist, they weren't sued hard enough.

>> No.811683
File: 38 KB, 400x310, Wonder-Boy-III-The-Dragons-Trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to pick up Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap today, pic related. Though it's a lot more difficult than I remember (those ninjas in the underwater shipwreck are hard as fuck) it's still a damn good game in my book.

I also love Golden Axe Warrior, a great LoZ clone that I prefer to the original LoZ itself.

>> No.811687

Let's be fair, the mid-range games on the NES were better than the best ones on the Atari 2600.

>> No.812503

Phantasy Star is better than any NES Final Fantasy

>> No.812531
File: 767 KB, 726x1028, Monica no Castelo do Dragao f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here in hueland the master system was the only videogame most people had for a long time...nintendo only really smashed with the snes

>> No.812754

Although generally true, with its higher resolution and colour palette, couldn't the NES/Famicom actually handle more sprites on screen?

>> No.812784

Phantasy Star was the mother load back then. To this day, no other game has captivated me as much as it did. I played that sucker nearly nonstop for 3 days, and I beat the final dungeon without making a map. That impressed the fuck out of my nerdy friend who I borrowed the game from.

>> No.813101

>Had better graphical capabilities than the NES
>Assuming could do post 89 NES games like VICE project of Doom, Mr Gimmick and Kickmaster, or Recca or even Gargoyle's Quest 2.

>> No.813117


You wouldn't be able to see them with all of the flickering.

>> No.813157
File: 22 KB, 400x400, dilma_meme[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw brchan been dead since april

>> No.813185
File: 75 KB, 450x338, HamsterArcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had alot of third party support in Europe.

Amerifags have no idea just how many great games were on the SMS, because most of the best games never got released in the US. We Europeans got them exclusively. Brit programmers especially loved the SMS because it used the Z80 chip.

The difference between the Master System and NES is you can make the SMS do fucking insane shit if you know how to use it. Check out Road Rash on the SMS,

>> No.813198

Master System managed Road Rash (almost identical to the Megadrive version).

The Master System version of Populous is ten times bigger than the Amiga and ST versions, eat that PC master race.

>> No.813225

>almost identical to the Megadrive version
That's a bit of a stretch but it was a decent version of RRash.
Outside of murica the humble SMS did well. Here is Aus I only ever had one friend who owned a NES whilst the SMS was quite prevalent, I can never actually recall ever seeing any NES games in video rental places as a child..

>> No.813261

>Sounded better
Holy crap, are you deaf? A stock Master System had horrendous sound, even more talented composers couldn't really juice much quality out of it due to the lack of sound channels.

>> No.813274

Different with FM Sound chip, though.

Wonderboy 3, Kenseiden, Phantasy Star all had god tier soundtracks.

>> No.813283

Hence why I said stock. I'll not argue that the fm-synth chips weren't godly. I really wish those would have come stock. There was no excuse to exclude them stateside, especially with all the goddamn revisions they made.

>> No.813291

Dat scrolling, that paralax...

>> No.813304
File: 100 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega did the same shit with the second version of the Megadrive (as in serial no. version 2, not the redesign).

Best version of Choplifter.

>> No.813308

Rambo III is pretty fun on the Genesis

>> No.813315

>wears pants made of FAST
>damaging enemies and obstacles every twenty fucking feet
>shitty europlatformer level design

God damn, killed by fucking traffic cones.

>> No.813320

The NES certainly one upped the SMS in the sound dept. But I never thought the Master System sounded "horrendous".
Perfunctory at worst.

>> No.813323
File: 718 KB, 1589x1028, Asterix [EUR].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In many cases, the SMS versions of games were the best, or amongst the best versions:
Wonderboy III The Dragons Trap
California Games
Impossible Mission
Penguin Land

The Master System's software library is rather excellent, unless of course you live in the US, in which case you missed most of its best games; Europe produced a very large chunk of the best SMS games.

>> No.813328
File: 5 KB, 256x192, 49575-golden-axe-sega-master-system-screenshot-title-screens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.813339
File: 23 KB, 260x226, Wonder-Boy 3 - The Dragon's Trap (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The feels...


>> No.813387
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x1024, 1362949053507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check dis out:

Witness Sega Japan starting to ruin everything.