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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8111345 No.8111345 [Reply] [Original]

>in your path

>> No.8111416
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Do I still have this game?
*wheels over to the shelf*

Can't say I ever liked any of these, can't get in to them, no friend ever heard of it. I played the first one at future world at disney in 1997 or something. Got the second one in 2000 something, eh.

>> No.8111563

this game was mad ill outta nowhere

>> No.8111775

wtf does that mean?

>> No.8111784

Now that the dust has settled

>> No.8111789

Does anyone else? In your path?

>> No.8113496
File: 1.47 MB, 1950x1404, Thinkin'_of_the_day_when_you_went_away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be missing you.

>> No.8113523

>emulates at 10fps on my handhelds in your path

>> No.8113530

I an entire Ontario Golden graham

>> No.8113692

Does anyone else think the controls to this game are a bit confusing?

>> No.8114006
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It's cus the arcade cabinet used two sticks

>> No.8114919

It all makes sense now.

>> No.8115440

You can map it to play like MML, that's what I did.

>> No.8115448

Dreamcast games are not in my path
Dreamcast is such a soulless console. It feels like it's trying too hard in every aspect. From Fred durst to sonic adventure to jsr
I guess people like that cringeworthy 'attitude' shit even if it's completely hollow and cynical in a 'how do you do fellow kids' way

>> No.8115464

>It feels like it's trying too hard in every aspect.
Just like this post.

Captcha: HOTGO

>> No.8115469

why can't I say this and actually have someone engage with me
Like I'm not trolling. I want to like the dreamcast. But that's always something that bothered me in the back of my head.
The console has a tone. And it's a tone I've always found cynical in nature

>> No.8115497
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I will engage you, this was before your time. In the late 90s and early 00s everything was extreme. X-games, No Doubt, Limp Bizkit, Offspring, GNR. This was a console that basically ported Arcade games. If you don't want to play extreme Arcade games, it's not for you. It's not trying to hard at all, that was the time, that was the console.

>> No.8115507

Based truthposter.

>> No.8115508

But it wasn't before my time and that stuff was always really lame it was so bad that I was convinced I just didn't like music or movies for the longest time.

None of the nintendo consoles have that attitude. The saturn doesn't. Pc engine doesn't. And even the ones that do like genesis and playstation don't come off as totally phony and try hard as dreamcast

>> No.8115519
File: 1.41 MB, 2871x1881, F-Zero-X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo doesn't do it
>Saturn doesn't have it
What is this.

>Get N or Get Out

>> No.8115581

VOOT is great.
The controls on pad are weird, but like, even though playing on twinstick feels better and is way more intuitive, you can simply input your movements way faster on a controller.

god, all I want is a port of VOOT 5.66 on PC with good netcode
the DC version is 5.45 and 5.66 changes a bunch of shit for the better

>> No.8115771

>None of the nintendo consoles have that attitude
Because they'd kid-friendly and mom-approved? You supposed to grow out of Nintendo by middle school.

>The saturn doesn't
And it's an embarrassing piece of hardware.

>Pc engine doesn't
See above.

>> No.8115779

Ok. Not interested in continuing this. This isn't something I believe in anymore.