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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 91 KB, 1400x788, ocarina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8101873 No.8101873 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't people just admit it's the best game ever made of all time?

>> No.8101904

It's the best the same way how Chrono Trigger is the best JRPG. It's well rounded, very good in every area, iconic, and accessible. Yes the lack of difficulty makes it greater.
I don't quite see how that makes it the best game. More like the most well received, well regarded, but I then again maybe that's what being the best is.
I always thought Link to the Past is at least as good as a game, but I guess OoT is elevated by the 3D and the cinematic storytelling.

>> No.8101908 [DELETED] 

It's literally the only thing that plays like it does though. It's stands in a genre of it's own the 3D zelda's. Everything else teeters too far. Either too much action or too much rpg or too linear. Not even the other zeldas can maintain the balance
I'd love a less accessible harder zelda game. But there are no other games doing what zelda does

>> No.8101917

Wind Waker is the best Zelda

Chrono Trigger best jrpg? It's good, but certainly not the best.

>> No.8101930
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>Yes the lack of difficulty makes it greater.

>> No.8101931

>Chrono Trigger best jrpg? It's good, but certainly not the best.
Well, it was considered at some point. It has a lot more games to compete with since then, unlike OoT which as anon said there isn't anything else quite like it other than later Zeldas.

>> No.8101935

Not in my personal taste. I'm saying that's part of the reason why so many people played it and loved it.

>> No.8101936

not even in the top 5 games released that year

>> No.8101937

I'll give you a pass this time.

>> No.8101943

LttP is more fun to play.

>> No.8101947

Not even top 25, if that.

>> No.8101951

which 25 are better?

>> No.8101952

We're entering contrarian levels that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.8101956

There wouldn't be half as much hate for Oot if balding manchildren in their 30s didn't fellate it and put it on a pedestal. It's funny, Dark Souls is the modern equivalent of that, it's such a fine series but the worship zoomers have for it does sour things somewhat.

>> No.8101957

Not who you're replying to, but I could definitely find 25 games to rank above OoT. Just take me a couple hours and I ain't tryna think

>> No.8101959

i mean 25 from 1998 alone. i don't think i've played that many from a single year but maybe i'm just a pleb

>> No.8101961

>25 from 1998
yeah that's not happening. even top 5 would be a shitshow if you didn't put zelda in there

>> No.8101964

top 5 is easy: metal gear solid, baldur's gate, half-life, fallout 2, starcraft. all way better than zelda

>> No.8101969

That is some trash tier taste right there.

>> No.8101972

what are your top for 1998 other than ocarina of time?

>> No.8101974

Not with that framerate
The best game of all time should be technically good as well instead of just having some decent concepts
If you really want to discuss what the best of game of all time is, disregarding the actual technical execution, then Tetris is the only acceptable answer

>> No.8101980

Radiant Silvergun
F-Zero X
Resident Evil 2
Rockman & Forte

>> No.8101984

Wind Waker isn't even the best Zelda game released on the Nintendo Gamecube.

>> No.8101987

- Descent: Freespace
- Fallout 2
- Half-Life
- Elder Scrolls Adventure: Redguard
- Carmageddon II
- Caesar III
- Fallen Haven II: Liberation Day
- Heretic II
- Railroad Tycoon II
- Rage of Mages
- The Settlers III
- People's General
- Sanitarium
- Urban Assault
- Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate
- Warhammer: Dark Omen
- Creatures II
- Starcraft
- Star Wars Rebellion
- Battlezone
- Mech Commander
- Myth II: Soulblighter
- Quest for Glory V
- Vangers
- Unreal
- Turok 2
- Metal Gear Solid
- Vigilante 8
- Radiant Silvergun
- Star Trek TNG: Klingon Honor Guard
- Jazz Jackrabbit II
- Magic & Mayhem
- Hardwar
- Grim Fandango
- Oddworld: Abe's Exodus
- Starsiege: Tribes

Honestly, I could keep going. 1998 was incredibly stacked, especially for PC gamers. OOT is overrated by nintenfags because they had five games to play total.

>> No.8101989

Lol, how the hell could I forget Baldur's Gate? Just goes to show...

>> No.8101990

>Elder Scrolls Adventure: Redguard
This post was made by Todd Howard.

>> No.8101994

>shmup, racing game, platformer
if you think those are better than the ones i listed then you sound boring as hell

>> No.8101998

Baldur's Gate is a WRPG read em up game and MGS is a straight up movie game. Those are way more boring than any of the actual games I listed.

>> No.8102007

and yet they offer a much more complete experience than games that are just dodging projectiles or driving a vehicle around a racetrack

>> No.8102009

Were you the one who listed a bunch of point click and fps pc games? Racers like Daytona USA and platformers like Genesis Sonic and Mario 3 shit over your list.

I looked at 98 releases, I would rank Marvel Vs Capcom, Re2, Re directors cut, SF Alpha 3, house of the dead and a bunch of others over OoT. Even Sonic Adventure is on par with OoT.

>> No.8102015

It's a good 3D adventure. Lack of handholding and TES setting put it above Zelda.

>> No.8102018

Why do people think Ocarina of Time is better than Super Mario 64?

>> No.8102020

>all these shitty genre pc games
1998 has good releases. Not sure why you zoomer anons keep bringing this shit up.

>> No.8102028

>why do people like this one average game over another average game?
Because they don't know themselves what's good.

>> No.8102029

We get it, you have bad taste.

>> No.8102035

I refer to them as console pleb filters

>> No.8102036

>Better story
>Better atmosphere
>Better level design
>Better music
>Better characters
>Better missions/side quests/temples/levels/etc.
>More triumphant
>Has sub-text galore

Only flaw I'd accurately say it has is Hyrule field at times being a chore to traverse, specifically before Epona/Ocarina warp. So before Link is an Adult. Which isn't too bad anyway.

>> No.8102039

Not even in the top 200, noob.

>> No.8102040

Zelda 2 and Mario 3 are both better than your 3d abominations. And when you look at Zelda 2 that's not even that good compared to Wonderboy in Monster land.

>> No.8102043

Blatant hipster.

>> No.8102047

We get it. You have boring /vr/ opinions and have never had an original opinion on a video game in your life. You like all the games and genres that /vr/ likes and hate the ones that /vr/ hates. Jesus christ

>> No.8102052

Owned those games and beat most of them on launch. By the time Dreamcast launched N64 games were badly exposed. You anons should stick to talking about switch games.

>> No.8102054

Dreamcast was discontinued before the N64.

>> No.8102080

No doubt Nintendo as a company had its shit together unlike Sega. Its a real pity coming up with original and fun games doesn't sell a console, instead make way for endless pokemon and Smash bros games.

>> No.8102091

Pokemon and Smash Bros were original and fun in 1999.

>> No.8102145

There are way better rpgs on the snes that stayed in Japan only.

You're cute.

>> No.8102152

Because it's not the best game of all time

>> No.8102172

Because "best" is an entirely subjective concept that boils down to personal taste

>> No.8102486

it wasn't even a top 3 Zelda game when it came out.

>> No.8102546

It might be the best game of its genre, but there is no best game of all time.

>> No.8102649

- hyrule field is an empty circle
- combat is limited to block then attack
- game is very linear despite being open world
- every townperson is forgettable

>> No.8102717
File: 1.39 MB, 1918x936, Sir Fagalot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8102751

That's true, Zelda 2 got a rerelease on Gamecube

>> No.8102820

>Worse gameplay

>> No.8102821

This anon gets it.

>> No.8102876

Zelda died when it went 3D
Change my mind
You can't

>> No.8102881

There’s no point in arguing with fools.

>> No.8103174

That's not a pic of Link to the Past

>> No.8103178

OoT convinced everyone that walking back and forth through an empty field 1000 times is good gameplay, so by cultural impact it might be the worst game of all time

>> No.8103275

Because it's not even the best zelda game.
Seasons is.

>> No.8103312

Nintendrones truly astound me

>> No.8103316

>- hyrule field is an empty circle
valid complaint
>- combat is limited to block then attack
there is nothing wrong with this, unless you are a zoomer who wants link to move 1000 km/s and do retarded devil may cry garbage
>- game is very linear despite being open world
it is linear, but it's not open world (and that's a good thing)
>- every townperson is forgettable

>> No.8103317


>> No.8103319

>You can't


>> No.8103376

there are other methods of travel besides the field

>> No.8103528

What’s better?
>inb4 some absolute SMT/Persona faggotry

>> No.8103532

Getting across Hyrule field takes less time than your average Playstation game's load times. It is also comfy.

>> No.8103539

Name one of these Japan-only RPGs of which you speak so I can mock you. The only 16-bit JRPG better than Chrono Trigger is on SMD/Genesis.

>> No.8103541

Let it go. Of course he can't, because the best RPGs on the SNES were localized.

>> No.8103542


>> No.8103547

I didn't really like this game that much when it came out because it was 3d. But replaying both this and Link to the Past, OoT is more interesting. LttP is kind of boring; honestly.

>> No.8103548

It’s shit. I hate that fucking game.

>> No.8103551

It’s the blandest 2D Zelda.

>> No.8103554

I will argue with an absolute retard.
>he doesn’t know Zelda II: The Adventure of Motherfucking Link is the best Smellda game.

>> No.8103569

>he's still in his hipster phase
Grow up.

>> No.8103614

Trying to call OoT the greatest game is like trying to say FF7 is the greatest.
People are automatically gonna think you're an asshole and that your praise comes from inexperience or nostalgia rather than actual critical evaluation
Nobody wants to hear
>Actually that game normies like is genuinely really good

>> No.8103661

Nobody cares about obscure shit.

>> No.8103852

pokemon isn't original, it's just a jarpig with a fuckton of characters like suikoden but with a way simpler battle system

>> No.8103860

people seem to exclusively care about obscure shit because they define themselves by the media they consume and live in fear of being seen as 'basic'

>> No.8103862

Hardly anything that gets discussed on this board is "obscure".

>> No.8103878

lots of popular games are good, oot is not one of them

>> No.8103881

neither is final fantasy 7 btw

>> No.8103897

Wind Waker the worst Zelda game until BOTW. Kill yourself.

>> No.8103904

botw is the only good one actually

>> No.8103905

because its not lol

>> No.8104440
File: 106 KB, 922x1024, advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>- Elder Scrolls Adventure: Redguard
>- Carmageddon II
>- Caesar III

>- Railroad Tycoon II

>- The Settlers III
>- People's General
>- Sanitarium

>- Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate
>- Warhammer: Dark Omen

>- Starcraft

>- Battlezone

>- Vangers

>- Turok 2

>- Star Trek TNG: Klingon Honor Guard
>- Jazz Jackrabbit II

>- Hardwar
>- Grim Fandango

>Honestly, I could keep going.

dude im not saying OoT was the best game ever but your a fucking moron if jazz jackrabbit 2 is even in the running comparatively .
fucking redguard? the worst of all elder scrolls games?
dude where did you copy this list even from like europc gamers number 1 sales minus fun?

your gay and have bad ideas

>> No.8104543

>Actually that game normies like is genuinely really good
9 out of 10 times this is true and the shit we like is the same as the popular game but more technical or longer or harder or more obscure

>starocean is better than ff6
it is and i agree from graphics to story to sound ect.
but it crashes here and there its hella to long and no one in hell are your average players redoing it to take a different branching path.
but ff6 is fucking golden my man its easy enough its good graphics its amazing music its a sweeping play through that even non nerds could get sucked in by.

your a 4chan user dude you are either autistic or cant stop saying kike and nigger long enough to post on the civilized net....our views are skewed

>> No.8104551

trash ideas and no understanding of plot or character development if you actually believe this.

>> No.8104636

not a single one of these games even comes close to oot

>> No.8104658 [DELETED] 

I stand by all of them, normie.JJR2 multiplayer is a blast, and Redguard is definitely not the worst Elder Scrolls. That's either Arena or Battlespire. I doubt you have played any of these games.

>> No.8104667

I stand by all of them, normie.
JJR2 multiplayer is a blast, and Redguard is definitely not the worst Elder Scrolls. That's either Arena or Battlespire.

>> No.8104668

I think Link to the Past is better, and I played OoT first

>> No.8104670

I doubt that you have played most of the games that I listed. I'd also bet that you played OOT when you were an impressionable little kid.

>> No.8104679

That's a blast from the past.

>> No.8104705

that was the point of my reply i left in the ones that were just retarded arguments
and he backs it up
so did you type out your retards only list of did you copy and paste it from somewhere?

Battlezone, come on its such a treasured and beloved game and grim fandango is talked aobut all the time and rehashed and replayed on so many systems and ports and people are constantly pirating it.....no they aint cuase its a blip of nothingness

where did you copy the shitty list from?

>> No.8104717

I don't know if I'd say it's the BEST, but at the end of the day I still really like the game and it's one of my favorites, so whatever.

>> No.8104723

I'll concede to the first four but are you sure about Rockman & Forte? Of all games?

>> No.8104757

I've actually played those games. Why cant you normies just accept that not everyone holds Zelda in high regard? It's a very casual and safe franchise.

>> No.8104764

>casual and safe
Its literally in a league of its own genre wise. Literallywhat else plays like it

>> No.8104768

Whatever you say, normal.

>> No.8104791

What else plays like it though

>> No.8104794

>5 FPS

>> No.8104797

Okami, and a few Harry Potter games

>> No.8104804

Classic video, hard to believe this was towards the end of a creative burnout for the series.

>> No.8104805

Damn so ive already played the entire genre

>> No.8104814

>Why cant you normies just accept
god your pathetic.
you honestly bought the whole your better and elite shit that NEET culture jokes about? do you watch you tube videos on how to be more SIGMA too?
zelda any of them might not be the best in the world, or ever type deal but to say this list of remakes and bullshit is better is just autism with noreal world around it.
what the fuck even is Vangers? and railroad tycoon 2? is it better than 3 or 4? was it ground breaking compared to 1
what the fuck are you even on about in your list? is copied from some where but has nothing about it other than year it came out.
n one said 00t was the best game of 98 and or it was all that was good that came out. your so stupid you just googled games that sold well same year as oot and posted it like it was well thought out and important.
you are what is wrong with young people and the world

>> No.8104843

lmao take your pills spastic

>> No.8104849

nice fucking come back.
go ask your moms boy friend how to stand up for yourself again.

>> No.8104851

I don't even like 5th gen 3d graphics yet I think OoT looks great. It sounds great, obviously, and has good dungeon design.
I feel like N64 HAS to be played on a CRT though. The graphics do not work outside of their intended resolution.

>> No.8104852

>nice fucking come back.
Nice fucking come back

>> No.8104863

>huh he talks like a normie
seethe faggot
>he probably has a wife and kids and friends I gotta find a wojack or something to represent him......reeeee

>> No.8104867

I don't take this discussion or you seriously enough to come up with a better one. Don't be so emotionally invested in a game made for little children.

>> No.8104946

so where was the list from ?

>> No.8105149

From my own head, but you still don't believe me.

>> No.8105194

Fuck off. YWNBAW, OoT will never be a good game.

>> No.8105197

I don’t wanna hear about how it’s nof a Zelda game. It’s the only playable game in the series.

>> No.8105230

hyrule field sucked back in 1998 and sucks more today
this "masterpiece soundtrack" has a few good songs, but in general isn't half as good as the most mediocre final fantasy score
the controls are fucky, the context-sensitive bullshit doesn't work half the time and the deadzones for moving link suck cock even on a real n64 controller. Actually worse than Sonic 06's controls
Also, the combat takes too long. I wanna kill some niggas, let me fuckin slash the cunt in the face already

It's a solid game and I recommend trying it. But it won't change your life

>> No.8105247

>the best game ever made of all time?
I can agree that its a decent game, but come on.

>> No.8105250

Dark Souls if you do sword/shield.

>> No.8105274

no zelda game has plot or character development.

>> No.8105332

Banjo Kazooie, Sonic Adventure, Crash 3, Resident Evil 2, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, and Spyro too

>> No.8105705
File: 10 KB, 200x219, getaload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost all of those games suck of ocarina of time is better than any of them, deal with it

>> No.8105708

>suck of ocarina
>suck and ocarina*
please disregard my typo

>> No.8105719

>why don't people share the same opinion as me?!?!

>> No.8105747

There's also Darksiders, but that's not /vr/
There's not a LOT of this kind of game but there's a decent handful if you know where to look.

>> No.8105753

Megaman Legends

>> No.8105762
File: 23 KB, 512x500, cat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck did i forget megaman legends

>> No.8105768
File: 240 KB, 900x1240, Zone of The Enders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is nothing wrong with this, unless you are a zoomer who wants link to move 1000 km/s and do retarded devil may cry garbage

I can do without the devil may cry combos but the game would definitely be better if Link could move at 1000 km/s.

>> No.8105770
File: 59 KB, 767x864, Baudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The term "Best of All Times" is a type of social construct that reflects the consensus of the majority of one particular time.
It ignores cultural/technological changes, places the art object in a vacuum, and enforces a subjective opinion as an objective fact.

>> No.8105771

I would have liked Wind Waker and Skyward Sword a lot more if the sailboat and loftwing went at ludicrous speed, not gonna lie

>> No.8105792

because its not even the best zelda game.

>> No.8105801

Ops post is sarcastic. He literally made this thread because I said in another thread somewhere that I PERSONALLY really like OoT and think it's on of my favorite games. I said nothing about trying to force my opinion as fact.

>> No.8106259
File: 109 KB, 1384x1080, smug miho2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nintendo fans only think nintendo games are good because they never got any third party titles on any of their consoles

>> No.8106287
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>> No.8106364
File: 1011 KB, 2048x3072, 38f280fb172b020659253901a400f7fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wind Waker is the best Zelda
>islands with only one problem to solve then they're rendered pointless
>vast ocean with nothing to do but get rupees
>lowest amount of Dungeons of any 3D Zelda barring BOTW



>> No.8106520

Didnt want to make a thread so figured Id post in a Zelda one. Which Zelda game should I get for my nephew skyward sword or breath of the wild? He is 7

>> No.8106561

Breath, better pick up and play game. Neither one is great for a 7-year-old though, get him something railroaded with more fun colors

>> No.8106570

>>lowest amount of Dungeons of any 3D Zelda barring BOTW
wouldn't that be majora's mask?

>> No.8106609

You're right I remember the start up time in skyward sword being a pain. I've just never actually played breath.
I was worried about the reading thing but I got oot about the same age and did fine. He basically plays horror movies on his iPad

>> No.8106759


>> No.8106809

Check those "people" complaining about Terry fucking Bogard and mother fucking Kazuya Mishima not being iconic to be in smash, not to mention the same "people" complaining about the games they came from having hard inputs for the moves.
It was amazing seeing so many retards getting filtered by two of most level entry fighting games franchise out there.

>> No.8107274

you"re a King< don"t let ANYONE tell you otherwise

>> No.8108261

Because I don't possess that opinion.

>> No.8108270

Did the person who made this image actually read the bible
Jesus's whole thing was to redeem the sinners and cure the sick

>> No.8108350

it's not possible to get into this as an adult.
>12 frames per second
>continual, intrusive annoying sounds from some fairy thing
>place you start off just looks like mud within mud
only people who just aren't looking at what's there, because too much familiarity means they look through it, can play past this

>> No.8109071

Half Life
Banjo Kazooie
Crash Warped
Pokemon Yellow
Sonic Adventure
Fallout 2
Resident Evil 2
Grim Fandango
LSD Dream Emulator
Baldurs Gate
Mario Party
F Zero X
Metal Slug 2
Pokemon TCG game
Parasite Eve
Oddworld Abes Exodus
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Suikoden 2
Marvel vs Capcom
Need for Speed 3
Wario Land 2
South Park n64
Tomb Raider 3
House of the Dead 2
King of Fighters 98
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
1080 Snowboarding
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Radiant Silvergun
WCW/NWO Revenge
Freddi Fish 3
Dangun Feveron
Tetris DX
NHL 99
Redneck Rampage Rides Again
Mizzurna Falls
Spice World

>> No.8109074

I can't believe you're bumping this actual troll thread. You're the worst. Everyone who posts after me is dumb and smells.

>> No.8109291

maybe nothing else plays like it because it sucks and no one wants to make games like that

>> No.8109294

dark souls is more like metroidvania

>> No.8109296

youve played a lot of games

>> No.8109297

*posts after u*

>> No.8109308

Congrats on revealing that you haven't even played it, you fucking autist

>> No.8109312

Found the retard zoomerfag

>> No.8109325

one of the best games of all time ever made in the 90's

>> No.8109326
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Ocarina has serious issues fundamentally as a game. The combat is not that challenging or engaging, the overworld is practically empty, and the dungeons are just OK with more annoying gimmicks than depth. Contemporary games like Banjo-Kazooie did better with the N64's limited graphics, and while some locations in Ocarina nailed the aesthetics, most of the time the environments are not very convincing or immersive. The music is pretty chintzy most of the time, too. Even the best songs are butchered by the cheap midi instruments.

>> No.8109390

everything you said is objectively wrong and you have a low IQ

>> No.8109762

very well put, I am playing it for the first time and agree with what you have said.

I was looking forward to playing such a highly regarded game, but have since been unfortunately disappointed.

>> No.8109795

>replying to yourself

>> No.8109860

I feel bad for zoomers. They missed the most creatively fertile, exciting years for video games, growing up with everything in decline and they can't even see it, since all they've known is a post-smartphone, post-9/11, post-social media meme world.

>> No.8109974

zoomers grew up with crt tv's
facebook wasnt the only website in the world back in the day, and we lived through that
nobody gave a shit about social media until 2012/13

>> No.8109989
File: 79 KB, 901x500, 1613003618794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wind Waker is the first relatively bad Zelda

>> No.8110005

you will never be an anime girl

>> No.8110008

Literally who thinks otherwise?

>> No.8110015

>nobody gave a shit about social media until 2012/13

Yeah because MySpace wasn't a cultural phenomenon. And neither was AIM.

>> No.8110027

myspace was for emo fags

>> No.8110053

100% retarded.

>> No.8110060

>Radiant Silvergun
post you're scoares

>> No.8110073

Did you even read the bible?
Jesus accomplished zero messianic prophesies and could not have been the messiah if he was born of a virgin. There is no trinity. The trinitarian passages were inserted by a monk paid to do so for one of the first gospel compilations. Christianity is idol worship and evolved out of a mixture of antisemitism and paganism. The Greek testament was heavily edited over many years with insertions and revisions and is not the word of God.

>> No.8110128

The real retards are the ones insisting this game is perfect. Anyone who plays it knows it's not.