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/vr/ - Retro Games

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808662 No.808662 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about this game /vr/


>> No.808675

Wasn't Shadow Warrior the last game to come out in the 3DRealms/Monolith build engine trilogy? Why does it control like such dick compared to Duke and Blood?

>> No.808678
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You wanna...

watch Wang wash wang?

>> No.808689
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inb4 we all start bitching about the reboot

>> No.810071
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>> No.810080

have you been under a rock?

>> No.810082


>> No.810090

More or less.


>> No.810132

Deadly Kiss add-on, where?

>> No.810281

Zilla stole it

>> No.810329
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Say what you will, but Lo-wang might be just as, if not, funnier than Duke.

>> No.810363
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>> No.810372

You got that wrong.

fucking top lel

>> No.810376



>> No.810387

gameplay looks good. how refreshing that there's not a two weapon limit.

>> No.810428

I always thought he blares "Eat the special dick"

>> No.810451

No hentai girls no buy.

>> No.810503


It's looking pretty fucking awesome so far. If the levels aren't super linear then it'll be perfect.

Nice references to the original.

>> No.810526
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I actually made a thread about the reboot on /v/ but I found this:

"A reboot of Shadow Warrior in development by Flying Wild Hog was announced on May 10, 2013,[22] and a teaser trailer was revealed on May 20, 2013.[23] This version, however, will eliminate the multi-player aspect of the game, as well as reinvent Lo Wang and "avoid racial stereotyping and misogyny and things like that", making a more politically correct version of the game"

>> No.810551
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Altho I don't mind the removat of the mysogyny jokes(They WILL be missed, but wasn't the sole reason I played the game), I don't like the way they made Lo-wang younger.
I liked the old badass look of Lo-wang. Look at this motherfucker. I bet his entire life he did only 2 things: Train his martial arts skills and get his dick wet. He's fearless, and shirtless.
The new Lo-wang is meh. He has the same smartass attitude but he just doesn't look as cool.
They could have made him more like the good'ol Lo-wang and still make him "non racist". Like, just remove the fu-manchu mustache and give him a diferent voice actor. There, now gooks can't get offended.

But I have to admit, the gameplay looks good so far, and the way they made the katana even more useful makes me cream myself.

>> No.810554

>"avoid racial stereotyping and misogyny and things like that", making a more politically correct version of the game"
thats a damn shame

>> No.810830

I didn't play Shadow Warrior for the off-color jokes. I played it because slicing uzi-wielding demon ninjas in half with a katana is very fucking fun.

>> No.811079

I played it for both! Cool huh?? :D

>> No.811127


This. No one cares about them removing any of that dumb stuff as long as players can plant shurikens in enemy skulls.

>> No.811210


Yeah, but the main reason you played it was for the awesome gameplay right? Nobody plays a video game JUST so they can hear some goofy jokes. That's just extra.

>> No.811397

Sam and Max

>> No.811652


>> No.813810

>Yeah, but the main reason you played it was for the awesome gameplay right?
Well of course. If the gameplay was bad I obviously wouldn't be playing, regardless of what Wang spouted. However his one liners make the game that much more enjoyable and are like the icing on the cake.

>> No.813813


>> No.813817

I'm going through Blood right now. Finished the main game + plasma pak, now going through Cryptic Passage.

Once cryptic passage is over, I'm gonna start on shadow warrior.

Don't worry I'll have the definitive opinion on which one is the superior game for you soon. Just sit tight, it's coming.

>> No.813891
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>As usual i like to search for a secrets in old FPS games.
>Find shadow warrior
>"Wow it's a fun game"
>By miracle i found secret room in the first level behind windows with TV turned on which making strange noises.
>TV shows 2 frame animation where some naked dude get spanked and he screams.

Best game ever.

>> No.813908



>> No.814315
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Is this game like insanely hard to navigate your way through levels for anyone else? It's as bad as Redneck Rampage. I can navigate through Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein, and the Dooms fairly well, but not this game. Am I missing something or just completely failing?

I bought this from GoG like 2 weeks ago and can't even beat 3 levels.

>> No.814337

The shareware mini-episode is pretty confusing in general, to be honest. The last level in particular. The main game I found a lot easier to find your way in.

>> No.814373

I think the reason why people have so much trouble with SW and Blood is because of hitscan enemies.

They're fine to me because I rocked at Duke3D before playing SW and Blood. Duke3D didn't have as many hitscan enemies and they weren't as tough as in SW and blood. SW, Blood and Redneck Rampage were clearly designed after Duke3D, for people who already knew Duke3D.

>> No.814385

Heh. I remember that whole shiz. What a loser.

>> No.814408

I've been having trouble with the aiming. I noticed that it's clearly not originally meant to be played with a mouse; however, I installed BMOUSE and the aiming feels MUCH better now.
But the problem is, I can't shoot from right-click anymore. I briefly launched the shadow warrior setup and couldn't fix it.
I didn't delve into it further because I was afraid of fucking more things up.
Anyways, is anyone familiar with my issue?

>> No.814434

Are you playing it vanilla or via SWP? Didn't the BMOUSE fuck up your control settings somehow? I don't remember vanilla SW even supporting the right mouse button, to be honest.

>> No.814439

Sorry, meant to say left click.
Anyways, I'm using DOSBox, perhaps that might be the problem?

Also, I am playing the GOG version.

>> No.814461

Maybe you could try SWP. Just don't get the latest version because it has some bullshit save deleting bug under Win 7. Get version 4.20

>> No.814462

*whoops, 4.30

>> No.814468

I'll give that a try. Thanks

>> No.814802

I've been using SWP 4.30 and everything seems to work great except for the lack of music. I have the gog version and I can't figure out how to get the music working in SWP. From what I looked up it seems like SWP isn't even compatible with the .ogg files from the gog version. Does anybody have a solution for this?

>> No.814862

I thought it plays midi files then, no? Aren't there midi files?

>> No.814934

The gog version only has .ogg files in the music folder. If I download the steam version might I get the .midi files?

>> No.815009

No idea. If not, try downloading some abandonware floppy disk version of SW.

>> No.817264


What makes the hitscan enemies in Blood difficult is that they have a reaction time of fucking zero. They immediately fire at you as soon as they're "activated" and they're damn good shots too. As soon as you turn a corner with some cultists, no matter how fast you are you're going to get hurt, really bad. Getting good with predicting where the enemies are and mastering dynamite throwing around corners is a must.

>> No.817646

So I downloaded the game of Steam and 21 hour of playtime later I finished the game and both expansions.

Who the hell was that giant cyborg at the end of Twin Dragon? It looked really similar to Lo Wang.

Why were the expansion packs never released? Was it because the game and the engine were already outdated when the OC came out?

Wanton Destruction only changed skins of two enemies next to introducing new levels, but the website I downloaded the expansion from said it contains new enemies and weapons, did I screw up the installation somehow?

Were there any secret levels in the expansion packs because I couldn't find any and I have quite a completionist OCD.

>> No.817706

That doesn't look bad apart from Lo Wang being a Neo wannabe.
Dat ancient chinese magic.

>> No.817749

The giant cyborg was Lo wang's evil twin brother, Hung Lo. it's explained in the mod's text file. In Deadly Kiss, the unreleased mod, you were supposed to play as No Wang, his sister. There's art for her, but no voice acting (and of course the add-on was unfinished before it was canned, a shame since it was clearly the most ambitious of the expansions)

That's more than likely the reason why, although on the other hand Blood's add-on pack was still released despite BUILD's age at the time.

The website is wrong, there are no new weapons in any of the official add-on packs (Mostly because the weapons are unchangable, unlike Duke where you could at least edit the shrinker and freezer's projectile effects)

Yeah, IIRC there's secret levels in Twin Dragon. You can skip levels with the SWTREK** cheat (replace the ** with the level number)