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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8093876 No.8093876 [Reply] [Original]

What was it like
>Be me child
>Dad buys a dol 101 gamecube on sale for under $100 and a copy of resident evil because he thought the girl was hot in the movie
> He starts the game and is turned off from it
>Tosses it to me because I'm annoying
>I beat resident evil over and over and over as it's our only game.
>Read the manual at school and always had it as a lucky charm
>Dad snaps off top of gamecube while drunk because he 'wanted to see if he could'
>A year later of no games get a tip from gamefaqs that I can still play without a top
>Can't get gamecube apart because I don't have the screw driver
>Use my dad's power drill and dremel to get in
>Tape the button sensor down
>Resident evil works again
>dad eventually got me a gameboy player and resident evil gaiden as a reward for fixing it

>> No.8093881

Super Mario World. Sad for you that your first experience was a mediocre game on a terrible console.

>> No.8093913

God damn crackhead dads

>> No.8093916

Lol daddy sounds like a degenerate.

>> No.8093927

you shoulda broke something of his.

>> No.8093948

Like a year or two after that He threw it out onto the street by the handle because he got a call from my school and the gamecube was so mangled at that point it was completely obliterated.
Next console was a PlayStation 1 that reeked of cigarettes he got from one of his work friends and a copy of Gex, Chrono Cross, and Soul Reaver as a reward for straight A's

>> No.8094003

Your dad might be the same age as the oldfag boomers here. So while we were shitposting about Halo 3 or raiding Habbo, this retard was getting drunk and tossing his kid's gamecube in the street.

>> No.8094040

Based dad trying to save his kid from becoming a faggot cubie

>> No.8094157

looks like you have something in common

>> No.8094509

Why are you console warring

>> No.8094561

the first video game i ever played was either super mario bros or duck hunt.

i remember at daycare there was an nes and when it was my turn i always played mario 3 while other kids played megaman 2 or 5. they made fun of me for playing mario. one day it was my turn and they were like "you playing mario again, anon?" i was like "no, i'm playing megaman". they were like "oooOOOOooooo"

>> No.8094601

I fucking hate people. They're always trying to fuck with you and make you feel like shit for no reason. Shit like this is why I live in the middle of nowhere and became a hermit.
Whenever a painful memory like that pops in my head I go
>Thank God I never have to see or interact with people ever again

>> No.8094884
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Based schizo

>> No.8094901

People = shit

>> No.8094910

I barely remember. I was like 4 and it was some Atari. I remember it was a scrolling space shooter and from research my best guess is Zaxxon (I don't quite remember it being isometric, but everything else fits). That game and console were long gone by the time I was forming a continuity of memory.

>> No.8095508

You ever go back and play atari?

>> No.8095719


>> No.8095786

What's your old man like these days?

>> No.8095805

Kek. What happened next? Did he chuck Gex in the steet too? I wanna see where this story goes.

>> No.8095829

Phoenix, arcade

>> No.8095831
File: 7 KB, 196x196, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Moon Patrol on an arcade machine in the local ice rink, also Galaga. This was on a school trip, 2nd grade or something.
We played Moon Patrol as a two man team, one driving one shooting.
Not being able to steer the motorcycle on super hang on because I was too light to tilt the bike thing. This was in an amusement park when I was like 5 or 6.
Playing Space invaders on a coffee table machine at a hotel lobby in Italy.
Buying a used Gameboy with a collection of sports games.
Mom gave me pic related and I treasure it until today.

>> No.8095837

I remember playing SMB1 with my dad on the NES. If you're earliest memory was a 3D game then you're too young to be here.

>> No.8095949

this. It's hilarious to think of all the anons who were just asking what's some good wholesome retro to play with their kid. their off playing goof troop together while this shit is going on

>> No.8096013

You got your widdle feewings hurt so badly you had to flee society entirely lmao

>> No.8096084

Night, cold.

>> No.8096214 [DELETED] 

>Spend a lot of time with my father following divorce around 5 or 6 years old
>works as a computer repair guy
>get to play a lot of neat PC games like Wacky Wheels, Doom, Jazz Jackrabbit, Al Unser Jr Arcade Racing, Duke Nukem II, Sam & Max Hit The Road, Chex Quest, and Toonstruck

Shame that he kind of lost interest in being a part of my life once me and my mom moved to another state. He did send me PS1 games here and there after he bought the system for me in 99

>> No.8096215

>Spend a lot of time with my father following divorce around 5 or 6 years old
>works as a computer repair guy
>get to play a lot of neat PC games like Wacky Wheels, Doom, Jazz Jackrabbit, Al Unser Jr Arcade Racing, Duke Nukem II, Sam & Max Hit The Road, H.U.R.L./Slob World 3D, Chex Quest, and Toonstruck

Shame that he kind of lost interest in being a part of my life once me and my mom moved to another state. He did send me PS1 games here and there after he bought the system for me in 99

>> No.8096254

Started out on a SNES that my dad handed down to me that he'd sometimes play with me on. I enjoyed the Donkey Kong Country trilogy, Yoshi's Island, and Super Mario World the most. Also had fun with some of the lesser known stuff like Bonkers, Mickey Mania, and Stunt Race FX.

>> No.8096373
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Playing Super Mario Kart at the hospital.
I had a slight overdose on some meds and was taken in for an evaluation. The waiting room had a small area with kids toys and a Snes hooked up to a tv. 2 kids, maybe around 7 or 8, possibly brother and sister, were playing SMK. I was pretty shy and just watched until the girl asked if I wanted to play. Granted I sucked since I was maybe 5 - 6 at the time, but they were very patient with me and we had fun.

>> No.8096659


>> No.8096685
File: 22 KB, 418x211, 8EA9D6ED-3016-4BD6-AB51-4102FAC8F749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like your tits.

>> No.8096715

your mom dude

>> No.8098067


>> No.8098076

No, the only games I've really gone back and played earlier than NES are some pretty advanced Amiga/DOS ones. I might be interested in some of the more complex Atari from an archeological point like Indiana Jones and ::cough:: ET ::cough::, but for most Atari games it feels like unless I'm decompiling Assembly or something else tedious, there's barely enough to go back and look at.

>> No.8098116

>dol 101 gamecube
Who says this

>> No.8098441


>> No.8098497

Was your father 18 when he had you?

>> No.8098708

played atari 2600...
in 1994....
didnt get a new console until nintendo 64

>> No.8098712

Virgin neckbeards

>> No.8098714

kek based white trash childhood anon

>> No.8098727

my dad left a sega master system when my parents split up, couple years later when i was 4 my mom dug it out of a closet. i had wonder boy, alex kidd in high tech would, and the hang on/safari double cart. pretty comfy. played a shit load of wonder boy and alex kidd, but was too young to get very far.

>> No.8098736

Played Atari 2600 at cousins' house; would later inherit it along with many games and play it further

Also Moon Patrol at the place we went to swim

>> No.8098813

You swam?

>> No.8100039

There are pictures of me playing duck hunt but the earliest game I actually remember playing is some tank game on the NES. I think it was Battle Tank. I remember wanting to play another game so I went and jammed a different game into the console and broke it.

>> No.8100257

How young do you have to be for 6th gen to be your first console?

>> No.8100259

you sound like a fucking pussy, your ancestors should feel ashamed

>> No.8100260 [DELETED] 

College kids have mid-late 7th gen revision consoles as their first

>> No.8100270 [DELETED] 


>> No.8100312

Wave race 64 and donkey kong 64, they’re also the only two games I can always get genuine enjoyment from no matter how shitty I feel

>> No.8100530

One of the first memories I had was of me playing super mario, star fox, and a game with dinosaurs and corridors that was in the first person

>> No.8100531


>> No.8101030

Your dad sounds like an ape.

>> No.8101064

What would that be?

>> No.8101097


>> No.8101513
File: 1.13 MB, 2016x1512, ipickedsquirtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, 5 years old
>Barely conscious of the world, but obsessed with Pokemon TV show
>Ask for a Gameboy with Pokemon for birthday coming up because of the bus commercial but am poorfag
>Birthday comes along but I don't get a Gameboy. Instead it's a Pokemon VHS tape or something. A little bummed but grateful
>Few days later Dad comes home with a surprise
>Atomic Purple with Blue cart in it
>Turns out he bought it off some black dude for $15 while he was working in Oakland
>Years later parents eventually gave the Gameboy away but I kept the cartridge.
>Notice the ToysRUs label on the back of the Gameboy color
Thanks random black man for my first gaming memory.

>> No.8101518
File: 34 KB, 275x400, 1578265554171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek, you're a fucking loser in every sense of the word

>> No.8101539

Tough guys want to pretend to be alpha male on a retro video game hobbyist forum
I don't give a shit I'll take all you mother fuckers on.

>> No.8101562

take on a bottle of bleach instead

>> No.8101565

father buys me snes with super mario world. mom plays it and cousin plays it. cousin acts like it belongs to him. 5-6+ years later cousin gets kicked out of house for being a worthless nigger without a job. play super mario every day. good friend from school's parents buy me super mario rpg. play it all the time, fall in love with rpg's, buy ps1 and play FF7, cry when FF7 gets remade on ps4 cos it sucks ass.

>> No.8101578

nothing that interesting really happened. by the time i got the playstation i also had a tv in my own room of the trailer. the gamecube was just in the main living room
he did get drunk and stepped on the playstation once but that didnt really do much damage just cracked it a bit
he told me chrono cross looked faggy
dad was like 17 when he got a girl pregnant with me

>> No.8101659

>i also had a tv in my own room of the trailer.
A setup like that must be expensive. Was your dad the park supervisor?

>> No.8101814

probably sitting with my grandfather and pressing shoot for him in the original Duke Nukem ( the side scrolling one with god awful PC speaker sounds), would have been like 3 or 4. Pop was a gamer right up into his 70s, miss the hell outta that guy

>> No.8101816

Nice job proving his point, asswipes.
>top kek
Go back to /v/

>> No.8101834

nice try, samefag.

>> No.8103393

>Whenever a painful memory like that pops in my head I go
>Thank God I never have to see or interact with people ever again

this is literally you, and yet you're trying to turn it around and call us tough guys. No, we're just functional people who can recognize a beta cuck for what he is. You're pathetic, and you trying to earn sympathy points for being weak is sad.

>> No.8104007


Yes, does someone care for some reason? My parents would take me and my sister to a local pool club of some sort, like a YMCA maybe, I dunno exactly. This was just for recreation, not any kind of serious athletic pursuit. The place had a few arcade games. I think I played Crystal Castles there? And some kung fu game that I barely remember. Certainly Moon Patrol.

>> No.8104031

Bullshit you swam how old were you

>> No.8104048

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.8104087

How. Old.

>> No.8106036
