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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8089852 No.8089852 [Reply] [Original]

You ever notice how much better this board gets when there's a Classic Amiga thread on page 1? Do your part in keeping /vr/ high quality, reply to this thread with what you're playing on your Amiga. Right now.

>> No.8089862 [DELETED] 

fuck you

>> No.8089863 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.8089864 [DELETED] 


>> No.8089890
File: 40 KB, 1010x909, morton tee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread!! Wanna post in my Morton thread? >>8088769

>> No.8089905 [DELETED] 

Amiga threads don't serve any point except to trigger an Amerifat vs Yuropoor shitfest.

>> No.8089914

I liek soccer kid

>> No.8089919 [DELETED] 

That’s what the Amiga deserves.

>> No.8089994

Nice hardware, they should have never sold it to the Eurotards and let them shit it up with Speccy game design philosophy. Except Northern Europe they made good demos.

>> No.8090006

I tried playing Mr. Nutz on it the other day but the physics felt really off. Are the console ports any better?

>> No.8090024

>platformers like Mr. Nutz and James Pond which regularly make Amiga top 10 game lists
>yfw the console ports of them are considered low tier shovelware

>> No.8090105


>> No.8090167

Hoy, how would you fancy a Europlatformer with floaty physics, terrible controls, nonsensical maze levels, and ugly color gradient skies with lengthy load times between sections?

>> No.8090171

Amiga owners had incredibly low standards.

>> No.8090325

Absolute rubbish, m8.

>> No.8090435
File: 90 KB, 640x739, ambermoon-f4a186c0-72ba-4140-817c-e730e3cbb0a-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best computer RPGs of all time is only on the amiga.

>> No.8090448
File: 37 KB, 600x450, i sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computer RPGs

>> No.8090454


I remember this troll.

>> No.8090456

Much better than linear JRPGs with zero depth or difficulty, focused on storytelling while having childish writing.

>> No.8090463

>any RPG
Not unless you count staying awake as part of the challenge.

>> No.8090479 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 800x1015, 11284-realms-of-arkania-star-trail-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't played many RPGs then, especially of the German and Slav variety.

>> No.8090480 [DELETED] 

>You ever notice how much better this board gets when there's a Classic Amiga thread on page 1?
it's fantastic. it makes the bloated american child molester absolutely seethe, and that's because americans are garbage at software development, also:
> a piracy scene that died in the 1990s when most groups were arrested, broken up and put into jail
> a non-existent demo scene, because nobody was interested in watching NTSC demos, or had any interest in supporting NTSC machines or gave a fuck about PC demos running on a 386.
> a computing culture based around worshiping AIDS infected faggots like steve jobs, while sucking on the mutilated jew cock of bill gates
the amiga will forever make these life's ultimate losers rage. makes my cock hard.

>> No.8090482
File: 171 KB, 800x1015, 11284-realms-of-arkania-star-trail-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't played many RPGs then, especially of the German and Slav variety.

>> No.8090483 [DELETED] 

Why are Amiga fans like this?

>> No.8090485 [DELETED] 

kill yourself, thanks. this is an amiga thread.

>> No.8090484

>the chupa chups logo was designed in 1969 by the surrealist artist salvador dalí
more dadaistic retrokinos like this?

>> No.8090487 [DELETED] 

No really, they always come across as unhinged and perpetually butthurt.

>> No.8090575 [DELETED] 

If I had to guess, it’s mostly butthurt about nobody outside of Europe giving a shit about the Amiga.

>> No.8090596

I've always been curious about this game, but been too lazy to into Amiga Emulation. So is the exploration real time in blobber format, but the combat becomes more tactical with party placement and turn taking?

>> No.8090602

>InterActive Gaming
i miss 80s/90s-ass pun brand names like this

>> No.8090615

Finally watched gameplay. It still looks good, but the first person free movement looks atrocious. That kind of thing is bearable in Ultima Underworld where you use the mouse to control movement, but having to click on buttons to move is clunky. Is there any other movement scheme?

>> No.8090654

>9 fucking disks
jfc there's really no CD version or way I can install it to a virtual hard drive with no swapping? Shit sucks.

>> No.8090683

I just swapped like 8 goddamn times during the character creation please tell me there's a better way.

>> No.8090762
File: 3 KB, 320x256, simulcra_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play Simulcra. Kind of Starglider meets funass 3d tank shmup, where you unlock more of the level by destroying these energy cubes that power energy walls, so you can progress further until you take them all out and destroy the level. You can use a fun swoopy glider mode to hop over gaps. Doesn't run too terribly unless you're literally surrounded by turrets and shit. Map the keyboard shit to a pad, lemonamiga has the manual detailing them.

There's a lot of interesting 3d shit on the Amiga, like Interphase (flight shooting where you keep an eye on your buddy in the real world infiltrating a base and hack doors and security for them in 3d cyberspace), Trex Warrior (Cyber Sled before Cyber Sled, basically) and the Zeewolf games.

>> No.8090778

To anyone who wants to play this in English with the least amount of swapping, Amiga emulation/function research possible. The slave file can also be loaded into P-UAE in Retroarch

>> No.8090818

You can move using the numpad

>> No.8090841

what a piece of shit system, fuck amiga.

>> No.8090895

>retroshart to emulate a personal computer
There isn't really a brainlet-proof way to emulate Amiga, I think WinUAE would be less trouble.
It is brainlet friendly machine though, thanks to europoors only being able to afford the A500 with no hard drive. So everybody is booting games off floppies with no installs or OS to worry about, 99% PAL format and the controls are for 1 button joysticks because euro devs are retarded.

>> No.8090924

So many terrible arcade ports, so little time...

>> No.8090975
File: 212 KB, 768x1032, pixelate_bush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board went to shit when all the "tee hee ps2/xbox/gcn is now officially retro guise tee hee tee hee hee :::tons of useless slide threads TEE HEE"

They should have kept it "32 bit era" and earlier. IMO they should have never even allowed 32 bit era shit but I get it...

>> No.8090990

You can go all the way to Xbox era and you still make threads about SMB3, World, Banjo Kazooie and everything Nintendo fed you with in your childhood. Week after week.
Don't lie to yourself, this board would never get any good.

>> No.8091340

>RA seething
Oh cool it, I have FS-UAE too and know how to use an Amiga emulator. I just appreciate RA's relatively low latency and shaders. P-UAE also works fine for me. The core has gotten a ton better over the years. The link also has an FS-UAE executable good to go.
>Amiga emulation is brainlet friendly
Heh, okay, let's see the average uninitiated normie navigate floppy swapping, knowing which model to use (because some need the 500 or 1200 in particular, or they'll crash or have other unforeseen issues), BIOS files, and finding the turbo button so they don't lose their mind during the load times. I don't believe it's hard but it's a bit more demanding than loading pokemon.gbc.

>> No.8091598


>> No.8091679

>Non-retro good because muh Nintendo boogeyman
Are all zoomers axewounded like this?

>> No.8091686

Why do britfags hate the amiga so much? Because it's American?

>> No.8091998

I just took the plunge and bought an A500 (1MB ECS) and I plan to eventually grab an ACA500Plus. I'd never even been in the same room as an Amiga before getting this machine but the game library seems to be full of exactly the kind of stuff I like. Is it worth still getting floppy disks for it? The drive works just fine but I'm a little concerned about games having protection like manual lookup or code wheels, I'd rather get loose disks than have to hunt down CIB copies.

>> No.8092008

Haven't played Zool in a long time. Is it as difficult as I remember? Got it on MD somewhere

>> No.8092019

>You ever notice how much better this board gets when there's a Classic Amiga thread on page 1?
yeah that's the point of containment threads

>> No.8092308

don't bother with that. just get an HxC in place of the floppy.

>> No.8092541

Even with a modern storage solution like the ACA500Plus I still don't wanna take the floppy drive out, I'd prefer to leave the machine as stock as possible and not remove any working components from it.