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File: 4 KB, 248x192, images (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8075343 No.8075343 [Reply] [Original]

Dragons trap even had better sci fi elements than Super Metroid.

>> No.8075350
File: 3 KB, 496x384, images (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better design than ridley

>> No.8075353

Graphics lookin a little rough. I can't even tell what that is in the center.

>> No.8075356

The sphinx or the pig with the S&M outfit?

>> No.8075358

The pig.

>> No.8075418

Is this the same as that Steam game?

>> No.8075441

Yeah. It's a good Metroidvania unlike Sotn and Super Metroid.

I would recommend the original over remake as the new music and graphics weren't my thing.

>> No.8075454

You can switch between old and new music and graphics at any time with LT/RT, it's pretty impressive.

>> No.8075551

Sweet thumbnail

>> No.8075575

Then it would be almost no different from playing a rom.

>> No.8075609

Native Sega Master System resolution.

>> No.8075630

bro that's Gigan

>> No.8075647
File: 90 KB, 598x462, 85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is an NPC

>> No.8075668
File: 260 KB, 800x450, aggelos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this literal who game is unironically the best Metroidvania I've played in years.
short, sweet, good world design, cool dungeons, nice secrets, great sense of progression, fun bosses.
it's the whole package

>> No.8075680

Whoops I forgot I was on /vr/ not /v/.
still, a good game. it was directly inspired by wonder boy I think

>> No.8076218


>> No.8076225

so which of the games in this series are worth playing

>> No.8076231

2 and Dragons Trap. Original Wonderboy is also good but its a straight forward platforner.

>> No.8076234

will check them out

>> No.8076258

Yeah but its 8 bit which means it sucks. Never have played a good 8 bit game

>> No.8076274
File: 126 KB, 631x713, EBivklFXYAAj9yA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid doesn't have sexy Nurses. Wonderboy 3 does.

>> No.8076282

Wonder Boy in Monster Land
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (the remake is good, and allows you to switch between the new graphics/music and the original)
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Monster World 4 (haven't played the remake yet, cause it's brand new)
Monster Boy & the Cursed Kingdom (spiritual successor, but pretty much the closest thing to a modern sequel. Some of the original devs helped with it and gave it their blessing)
Yeah, Aggelos is pretty great. They should make a follow up to it.

>> No.8076283

Oh, the list was in response to >>8076225

>> No.8076286

Kys auster

>> No.8076291

Monster boy and the cursed kingdom is awful compared to 2 and Dragons trap.

>> No.8076310

Dragons Trap was one of the first games I ever played on my older brothers SMS and will always be one of my alltime favourites. Love the music. WE5T ONE 0000 000

>> No.8076479

It's unironically the best 8-bit game. I agree that most 8-bit games are shovelware (which is quite true), but Wonder Boy III would've easily been a top Megadrive/Genesis game. I wouldn't call it as good as Super Metroid, but it is still a masterpiece.

>> No.8076503

How is it a good metroidvania, if its RPG elements are minimal as compared to post SotN Castlevania?

>> No.8076506

Oh shit I was looking for that password. Had it memorized as a kid

>> No.8076507
File: 58 KB, 471x651, images (61).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most 8bit games are shovelware
I would take NES and master systems libraries over Super Nintendo's. Mario 3, Battletoads, Classic Megaman all play better.

>> No.8076509
File: 476 KB, 498x507, tumblr_nextblLvpd1qd4q8ao1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroidvanias are bloated messes half the time. Dragons Trap got everything right.
>I wouldn't call it as good as Suoer Metroid
Searching for 250+ missles then another bunch of Super Missles/bombs does not make for a more enjoyable game.

>> No.8076510 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 920x444, fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't Twitter, you knuckle dragging groid. Quit talking like that. Also, no, your game doesn't have shit on Metroid, let alone Super. You know this. I hate you. I really just hate the way you talk more than anything. I want that stupid meme wiped from the earth.

>> No.8076536

>Mario 3, Battletoads, Classic Megaman
All the games you listed are average at best compared to what is on the SNES library. Mario 3's levels are far too short and easy. Battletoads is a challenging game, but its combat isn't that fun. Also, I've personally never enjoyed a single MM game, even though I have beaten 2 and X.

I do enjoy the SMS small but high-quality library (WBIII, Golvellius, Golden Axe Warrior and ect), but even then, the SNES is objectively a much better system. A library with games like Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts, Super Metroid, DKC2, UN Squadron, CV4, Rondo and Terranigma can't be beaten.

>> No.8076541

>Searching for 250+ missles then another bunch of Super Missles/bombs does not make for a more enjoyable game.
But you aren't required to search for 250+ missiles.

>> No.8076561

>Mario 3
Err okay. Also Battletoads is the superior Rare game when compared with dkc2. Turbo tunnel > Mine karts.

>> No.8076597

One of very few games that gives me a genuine feeling of adventure, amazing for its time. I still replay it on my GBA occasionally

>> No.8077804

Metroid > Dragon's Trap TG16 > Super Metroid > Dragon's Trap SMS

>> No.8078920

Truly the greatest Willyvania of all time.

>Dragon's Trap TG16 > Dragon's Trap SMS
FM synth music sounds better than the PCE's.

>> No.8078925

>play 2 for a while
>back to title screen
consider me filtered

>> No.8078958

You should start with 3 since it is a lot easier. You will get stuck but its not an unforgiving arcade game like 2.

You need to find secret coins in 2 and secret doors which are revealed to you by engrish clues.

>> No.8078974

hmm okay
which version of 3 would you recommend

>> No.8078987

Master system.

>> No.8078995

either master system or the pc remake (which is so faithful that your passwords will work in either version)

>> No.8079748

Based, but Land of Illusion is the GOAT 8-bit Disney scotformer.

>> No.8079897

You only need like around a 100 or so depending on your amount of super missiles

>> No.8079918

2 is great, but it was originally an arcade game, so it's going to be balanced around the usual arcade system of "each game over = 1 credit" and murder you brutally until you spend enough credits to get good. Being an arcade game it takes like 20 minutes to beat, so the console port can't make things too lenient either.

>> No.8080145

TG16/PC-Engine version is a lot better. The SMS game runs at an atrocious frame rate, and I don't mean slowdown. It's just a consistently low frame rate

>> No.8080478

>whining about 30fps
If you think that's atrocious, go try playing some Nintendo 64 games, kek.

>> No.8081620

My point is you play Dragons trap and its design and gameplay are better even if its got slippery controls.

>> No.8081645
File: 3.26 MB, 1920x1080, Wonder-Boy-Special-Room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep us updated on your opinion and progress of dragons trap anon. Surely it can't completely filter you. Once you become Mouse Man it really opens up the game.

>> No.8082243
File: 40 KB, 922x568, 50065fda3c[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I killed Gigan and he turned me into a scalie
The movement in this game feels a bit weird but I don't think it will take long to get used to it - feeling optimistic

>> No.8082265

Samus is my nurse.

>> No.8082268

Those remake graphics look fucking horrendous. Did they just sell a full-priced flash game?

>> No.8082330

If you don’t like the graphics in this you’re just grouchy. I say this as someone who hates shit like the la remake

>> No.8082337

You should hear the new tunes. Equally as bad. Luckily you can switch to original settings.

>> No.8082346

I like the sketch-styled blocks and the background but the vector-ish stuff looks kinda bad

>> No.8082371
File: 75 KB, 925x570, 0fafe85c76[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost getting the hang of things by now
Also I'm very glad that this game has wall/ceiling-walking controls that aren't awkward and terrible, like in certain other games I've played

>> No.8082962

Get a load of this retard

>> No.8082965

Monster Land isn't even that hard until the final stage (which is a real nightmare to beat), you really did get filtered. Did you even play retro games?

>> No.8082980

Wow you set a low bar for impressive.

>> No.8083535

I really did not feel like playing the entire game again every time I die
That's not my idea of a fun time

>> No.8083821

Some of the platforming sections were complete ass in this otherwise great game.

>> No.8084205

Monster land looks like a flash game and has rezo difficulty as you respawn as if it were a first person shooter. The shoot em up section was god awful.

>> No.8084214

>thats not my idea of a fun time
I always enjoyed platforners I would slowly get further and further in each time I picked it up. Wonder boy 2 final maze was a bit frustrating and I regret not using a notepad for it.

>> No.8084231

>Monster land looks like a flash game
I agree, although the art style is still good (even though I prefer the one in MWIV)
>and has rezo difficulty as you respawn as if it were a first person shooter
Yes, it is easier than the previous games, but that doesn't mean it's bad
>The shoot em up section was god awful
It was a great homage to Wonder Boy III, you pleb
Cursed Kingdom has the best dungeon design in the series, while also containing a lot of excellent homages to previous titles
It is easy and not much of a metroidvania (there's very little backtracking), but it's still an amazing game and the best in its series since the other games have serious flaws (e.g. MWIV's overworld and final dungeon are shit and the dragon's trap has the awful charm system)

>> No.8084298

Wonderboy 3 the non dragons trap should be forgotten.

You sound like you worked on Monster boy and are desperately trying to defend it.

>> No.8084568
File: 73 KB, 924x568, a5d4fd6a64[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fish time
I do not understand how shops in this game work; specifically why they only let me see and buy things sometimes

>> No.8084630
File: 47 KB, 500x436, images (70).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8084942

It depends on the number of charm stones you have (those small red stone items you can pick up). Certain characters also have more charm points than others. Read the manual.

>> No.8085329
File: 49 KB, 923x568, 56cd22ff21[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see
The sunken ship dungeon was a bit of a pain

>> No.8085393

I skipped the sunken ship on my first playthrough and cleared the Japanese dungeon as mouse man.

>> No.8085597
File: 63 KB, 925x572, b08502298b[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably missed something because I needed to hit the boss over 100 times to beat it (I just got him caught in a loop of not being able to attack by throwing boomerangs)
Oh well

>> No.8085636
File: 29 KB, 927x572, 1c8ca7d2a5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I fixed my sword problem

>> No.8086367
File: 187 KB, 440x480, Priscilla[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Megadrive/Genesis versions of Wonder Boy in Monster World and Monster World IV the definitive ones? Also, are these the best games in the series?

P.S. Don't recommend the Unity remake of MWIV, it looks like trash.

>> No.8086407

You didn't elaborate at all on why you think it's bad other than "too easy, looks like a flash game" as if there's no other quality factors that matter to you besides graphics and difficulty.

I actually found the exploration in Monster Boy to be harder than the older MW games if you're going for 100% completion. The respawning mechanic didn't matter much because I hardly ever die in the other MW games anyway, it's all about the dungeon+puzzle crawling.

>> No.8086429

The Dynastic Hero is better than Wonder Boy in Monster World.

>> No.8086451

Anon, it's a 20 minute long game.

>> No.8086471

I love this game. Gonna restart it later, its been a few years. This is one of the greatest pieces of video game music ever made

>> No.8086630

I played that and damn does it feel "bootleg". The music is nice but rather unfitting

>> No.8086820

Reminder again, that the Master System Castle of Illusion is better than the Genesis version

>> No.8087506 [DELETED] 

and if you die at the end you have to play for 20 minutes more

>> No.8087518

That doesn't change the fact that I don't find that system of dying and restarting fun

>> No.8088091

Well it didn't feel like a wonder boy game. It felt more like some cheap bloated knock off. Good for you enjoying this flash game turned wonderboy but no one who grew up on Wonder boy 1-3 is going to think this is an improvement.

>> No.8088132
File: 465 KB, 1920x1080, 20210831005155_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played the remake today. Almost beat it, it's really short.

Wish the platforming/momentum was less slippery but otherwise it's a fine game.

>> No.8088291
File: 62 KB, 927x572, 6a00365ea2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final area, maybe, probably
I have no idea why the previously-empty chests contained health upgrades when I re-checked them later

>> No.8088328

Why do all these kick starter remakes have the most god awful art? 2% of it looks good where the other 98% makes you wish for old 8bit graphics.

>> No.8088331

I'll never understand why some chests will respawn money.

>> No.8088383

I wouldn't really call that "god awful"

>> No.8088398

trying too hard to fit in

>> No.8088419

I bought the game and find it easier to play and more plesent on the eyes sticking to retro graphics. New music is also a downgrade.

Compare >>8088132 with >>8076274 the Nurse herself is fine. You don't need all that extra shit.

>> No.8088434

I think that you just lack nuance
There's a difference in severity between "this is a downgrade" and "this is the most god awful garbage imaginable"
mind your /v/ behaviours on this board

>> No.8088437
File: 52 KB, 560x547, images (76).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOR4, Monster Boy, Dragons trap remakes all look worse than what came before them. It would be like defending Korean kids animations vs classic hand drawn cartoons.

>> No.8088441

Amazing how you completely missed the point of my post
Actually incredible
Please re-read the second line of that post and try to figure out what I'm saying there

>> No.8088443

I understand you backed these stupid kick starters. Realise you wasted your money and your name being mentioned wasn't worth it.

>> No.8088445
File: 37 KB, 924x530, 4c69e32841[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good game, but the lizardman form was severely under-utilized

>> No.8088448

you actually are from /v/ aren't you
here's a gigantic, flashing hint sign for you: I did not say that the remake graphics look good

>> No.8088459
File: 21 KB, 920x537, 1bb7a8df28[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot fathom which enemy was supposed to be "wondering born"

>> No.8088463

Glad you liked it anon. How would you rate it against Super Metroid? Find any secret areas?

>> No.8088471

>nu-graphics are god awful

>> No.8088473

Uh, no
This is more like Zelda 2

>> No.8088476

Not all of Samus's attacks are long range.

>> No.8088518

I'll remind you that smash is in fact not a metroid game

>> No.8088538

In Metroid her bombs, running at high speed and her grapple beam all kill enemies. Wonder boy also shoots projectiles and as Lizard man spits ranged fire.

>> No.8088542

mate, wonder boy is not like metroid full stop

>> No.8088549

Try playing both games. Were it not for Dragons trap Super Metroid wouldn't exist.

>> No.8088585

>Were it not for Dragons trap Super Metroid wouldn't exist
ah, you're one of those shitposters, makes sense now

>> No.8088587

I was always more of a Castlevania guy and I never was into Metroid
I did find the secret area with a bunch of treasure chests in the sphinx

>> No.8088590

>in this series
anon you don't know what you're dealing with here

>> No.8088668
File: 5 KB, 320x240, sotn_bloodlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were it not for Dragons trap Super Metroid wouldn't exist.
Nor Symphony of the Shite, which even ripped off Wonder Boy 3's "you start at the climax of the previous installment" gimmick.

>> No.8088882

All the monster world games and the ones with master Higgins

>> No.8089068

Fuck off retard, this is one of the best remakes made by people who truly love the game not some random corporate slaves

>> No.8090193

Why are there two Wonder Boy III games (Monster Lair and Dragon's Trap)?

>> No.8090359

Because Dragon's Trap was called Monster World 2 in nipland.

>> No.8091157

Maze of Galious would like to have a word with you.

>> No.8091862

Think they messed up the credits, and that it was supposed to say "Wandering Bone", which according to the manual was the skeletons with no heads

>> No.8092031

Almost certainly. ワンダリングボーン could be interpreted as both wandering and wondering, and bone and born