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8084102 No.8084102 [Reply] [Original]

>think about replaying a game
>remember that one part

>> No.8084107
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>> No.8084116

This isn't even hard, it's just badly designed and fucks you over unless you know what to do in advance. Which you DO know on a replay.

>> No.8084117
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>filtered by Boobeam Trap
This is your average MM2 detractor.

>> No.8084118
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I don't know why I think about playing the game, but you can't choose what you have nostalgia for.

>> No.8084127

I think about replaying several jrpg’s I loved as a kid, then I remember I don’t have patience for random encounters as an adult.

>> No.8084130

Just run away. Most JRPGs are balanced pretty leniently.

>> No.8084135

I got hard filtered by the second level as a kid and haven't touched it since. Is it worth revisiting?

>> No.8084137

I have nostalgia for the Jungle Book in the sense that it was one of the early SNES games I got and the graphics and music were good. But I don't think I've even one had the urge to replay it.

>> No.8084138


>> No.8084141

It's charming, but bullshit. It's not one or two bullshit things, the game is thoroughly bullshit from the start to the end.

>> No.8084151


>> No.8084157


>> No.8084260

You need to change the temperature of the key card twice. Both times involve a bit of backtracking to get to a hot/cold area and then just fucking off for a few minutes for the card to change shape. Then you had to run all the way back before the card changed back to room temp.

>> No.8084274

I forgot to mention there is a long ass elevator ride included.

>> No.8084371
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>you made it to the end
>now do it again in reverse

>> No.8084390

It's funner to use the level select cheat then play through the whole thing front to back. I used it so much it's still burned into my brain- go to options and press BARRY.

>> No.8084410
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I don't think I could get over how badly written even the best jrpg is compared to any of the better media I've seen or read as an adult.

>> No.8084509

FF is not the best JRPG, just the best example.

>> No.8084691

The older Makaimura / Ghosts 'n' games, where you have to beat them twice in one sitting, to get the real end. You can work around it using a Level Select cheat code on the NES game. No idea about the others.

>> No.8084725

I never bothered to learn it properly and just purposefully lose a life after destroying all brick walls, because I just hate this shit.
It's geniunely awful. I've beaten MM2 multiple times, but would've beaten it a lot more if I didn't know that I'll have to go through this room again.
I prefer a fair challenge, like Yellow Devil (no bug abuse).

>> No.8084729

It's not even skill based or anything and you can beat it in like 30 seconds. Don't be a fucking pussy. You can even do the ol' pause buffer to avoid their attacks with some luck, which is far from necessary anyway.

>> No.8084751

As I said, it's not hard. Just annoying as fuck.

>> No.8084758

Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts let you warp to the final boss, but that is a cruel joke since you don't have the only weapon that damages him. You could skip to the level right before him, though. Then you only have to play through a little bit of the game twice.

>> No.8084760

Literally impossible to do without either the pause glitch or wasting at least 2 E tanks. Any run you've ever seen of someone successfully dodging the bullets was a machine-assisted run and fuck anyone who tries to say otherwise.

>> No.8084779
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>2 E tanks
How fucking bad are you? You can comfortably do it with a single full health bar without pausing. Hell, I even liked to use Item 1 over the gap inbetween the two Boobeams on the left which probably was slower than simply blasting the top wall and I still managed just fine.

>> No.8084839

I never had a problem with it (on pal)

>> No.8084979

If you remembered that part it wouldn't give you any trouble.

>> No.8084993

>I never bothered to learn it properly and just purposefully lose a life after destroying all brick walls, because I just hate this shit.
Nigga there's nothing to learn beyond "you can only break two walls, so make it the two walls directly blocking a cannon".

>> No.8085016
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>> No.8085023

I was a little worried about the desert section in BoF3, but I guess I was just a stupid impatient shit kid who couldn't follow simple directions.

>> No.8085334
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>> No.8085342

>curl up with my snes everdrive + playstation ode to enjoy some good old jrpgs after getting a lot of freetime because of the virus
>start cringing at a lot of the limited terse yet overdramatic and inhuman dialogue
>feel bored by the predictable story
>random encounter rates are absolutely terrible

And that was how I became an arcade gamer instead.
Unironically 'if i wanted a story, i'd read a book' turned out to be the correct philosophy in the end

>> No.8085369

Such is life for an EOP.
Enjoy only being able to play games with no words and just

>> No.8085372

Yes, with savestates the game is actually fun

>> No.8085518

It's not really any better in japanese. The target demographic for these kinds of games is children, whether you like it or not. Consequentially, you will always get limited vocab, shallow stories, and exaggerated behavior/speech, regardless of the language.

>> No.8085531

Honestly, I went into that boss knowing what was in store, having watched plenty of speedruns previously. It was still pretty annoying. The hallways are narrow and you're using your slow, awkward navigational tool resources in addition to your weapon resources while not having a good sense of timing of when you need to be in a free spot vs when you need to be killing shit. The speedrunners always do it so fluently I didn't realize it was actually kind of annoying waiting for the free times to move. If I spent in the first box learning the intervals they shoot at I'm sure it would be easy, but who wants to prepare for bad design?

Wouldn't prevent me from replaying, but this boss does suck a big one.

>> No.8085548

learning japanese doesnt fix whats actually wrong though. the games are simplistic by nature, with most not really changing much from DQ style gameplay except worse because they get easier as time went on. not enough strategy or tactics to be interesting

>> No.8085552

so then play strategy rpgs? why would you go to arcade games if this is the problem?

>> No.8085948

Are you perhaps confusing the boombeam trap with one of the yellow devils or...?

>> No.8085957

Surely I’m not the only one who endures through nerve wracking parts of a game, right? I can’t stand the thought of not being able to finish a game.

>> No.8085962

you can't see the forest for the trees

>> No.8086971

>remember a game as being generally good
>think about it in more detail
>realize almost the entire game is 'that one part'

>> No.8086987

mega man teleports away and disappears for a few frames when you pause
you can use that to dodge attacks

>> No.8087137

>watching speedrun before you play the game
Found the problem.

>> No.8087146

I always forget about Yellow Devil fights each time I play a Mega Man game.

>> No.8087147

I didn't watch it explicitly to learn how to play the game, numbness. I watch speedruns in general and in particular this room was commented on in a relay race so I already knew the gimmick going in.

>> No.8087224
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>I watch speedruns in general

>> No.8087235

>watching speedruns of games you've never played

>> No.8087246

The timing of trap's attack combined with places where you actually can avoid it and when to use the Items. It's a slog and it's sucks.
>inb4 just tank a few hits or abuse the glitch
It doesn't make the room any better.

>> No.8088323
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>> No.8089186

thank you, I will!