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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8073632 No.8073632 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8073640

Never even heard of this game.

>> No.8073645

Incredibly wholesome. I never actually played the MR games, I didn't have a PS1 — are they any good? I know about the putting in music CDs to generate monsters, which I always thought seemed cool.

>> No.8073646

Monster Hunter 2 is leaps and bound Bette than the 1st and not even close. I guess the first game is more simple and has the cuter farm assistant.

>> No.8073651
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>> No.8073652

how are they going to replicate the disc swap for monsters? Im sure they will have an alternative method, but would be neat as fuck if they let you somehow use PS4 discs/Switch cards to somehow let you get monsters.

>> No.8073657 [DELETED] 

Which Pixie was the best?

>> No.8073659

> The Monster Rancher series originally launched with a unique feature that allowed players to use physical CDs to generate monsters in the game, with each CD having a unique ID that would spawn a different monster. This feature has been re-worked in Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX, allowing players to search a database to find their desired CD and generate a monster from its data. Enjoy searching a vast database of songs from around the world and generating monsters based off of some of your favourite music

>> No.8073664
File: 550 KB, 850x680, EA96F9A4-C787-4C20-9B2A-BAB16E3E2D18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Pixie was the best?

>> No.8073678

That works. Pretty cool implementation, tbqh.

>> No.8073683

Wow, glad I didn't buy the earlier releases. Do we know if Japan is getting a physical cartridge? Don't feel like watching an hour long video.

>> No.8073684

is this an in-game database, or do you need to connect online to access it?

>> No.8073840

/mon/ bros I kneel

>> No.8074051

Purebreed, accept no substitutes.

>> No.8074091

>tfw the Spawn soundtrack gets a sudden boost in popularity

>> No.8074117

What's the point? It's main gimmick can't be even used.

>> No.8074128

How did you even post here without eyes

>> No.8074135
File: 709 KB, 217x143, genius.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty damn good.

>> No.8074228

>can talk about games for Switch (not a /vr/etro-platform)
>can't talk about Persona 4 for PS (is a /vr/etro-platform)

>> No.8075239
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They actually gave a shit? Nice!

>> No.8075253

I'm happy about this. I was replaying MR1 earlier this year and it is still a lot of fun. I tend to not like remakes, but I'll make an exception here since they're at least glomming on some functionality to help replace the main gimmick.
I hope people can come to recognize it's a pretty solid raising sim. I've seen folks comparing it to Pokemon a lot, and I hope people give it a chance and see it's kind of it's own thing.

>> No.8075265
File: 81 KB, 337x252, Magic_Book_MR1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I really, really hope that they don't censor out Magics.

>> No.8075289
File: 41 KB, 291x352, A5DAB215-E5A1-4DC8-A97B-16B8FDAC6746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to get angry at this fucker again?

>> No.8075291

someone without eyes would be using a screenreader and wouldn't ask that question either

>> No.8075305

I used to reenlist my S-Rank monsters in the D tournaments just to oh-ko him. I accepted the fame drop. It was important.

>> No.8075438

Why? What’s the deal with this monster?

>> No.8075446

He’s in the first tournament in the game. He has a MASSIVE HP pool so you could hit him 10 times and his HP% would drop to like 80%. If he hit you once it dropped you down to under 50%. So if time ran out he’s win more often than not. You HAD to KO him basically.

>> No.8076345

Zilla is my OG, can't wait for this in a few months. Apparently the errantry only monsters are playable, how are you supposed to unock those?

>> No.8076346



>> No.8076367

play it on steam then

>> No.8076404

It's coming to PC too.

>> No.8076759

Can someone be honest here? Are these games really as good as people say.

>> No.8076764

it kinda sucks if its tied to an actual online database and not in the game though, literally makes the gimmick unusable if they shut it down