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File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, 776a9cc401a744679654ddc4edce4a20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8066640 No.8066640 [Reply] [Original]

It's fur. The design is obviously inspired by the Wampa from Star Wars.

>> No.8066662

>Star Wars
Shamblers existed 40 years before Star Wars was released.

>> No.8066667
File: 49 KB, 379x400, Tintin_Yeti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fur. There's a slipgate in the Himalayas.

>> No.8066674

yeti =/= shambler

>> No.8066769

>star wars
opinion discarded

>> No.8066773

What do they eat?

>> No.8066797

I always saw Shamblers and Niggur as being fleshy. Like the worm-things from OoT.

>> No.8066838

>It's fur
I never though different. Even for low res this wouldn't be a good depiction of leather or skin.

>> No.8066857

Dimensional shamblers aren't the same creatures as shamblers. The former have eyes and chitin.

>> No.8066858
File: 41 KB, 720x247, NotFur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8066864
File: 96 KB, 586x670, OldNoFur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8066868
File: 124 KB, 450x571, ShittyShambler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8066871

Sandy Petersen shits on both of them and laughs

>> No.8066889

This is the image that inspired the Shambler.
I believe in Quake it's supposed to be skin that's extremely stretched on the body, like a shirt that's a couple sizes too small. Makes a lot more sense when you see the texture map.

>> No.8066893
File: 1.25 MB, 1006x1638, Dimensional Shambler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug, forgot image

>> No.8066926

Was the original also a lighting bolt throwing cunt?

>> No.8067286

No, they just tear holes through time and space and kidnap people who accidentally arouse their attention. No matter where you are, or how long it takes.... they will find you, and appear when you least expect it.

>> No.8067290

You mean those things in Jabu Jabu’s Belly?

>> No.8068217

Honestly I think it's the blood that makes it look like fur. It looks like it's soaked in and matted/stained it.

>> No.8068646

This doesn't look like taut skin at all though, it's a completely wrong depiction of it even accounting for technology. After a certain point you have to just say "you may have intended to draw a pig but you factually drew a bear" to someone about their art. Shambler is past that line.

>> No.8068880

I don't get how you couldn't see it as fur. Just look at it. That's pixelated fur.

>> No.8068930
File: 241 KB, 455x348, Fiend_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, considering that nobody's asking if the fiend has fur but also is covered in blood.

Whoever decided the shamblers were albinos deserves the blame for people assuming they were covered in polar bear fur. That's just not a skin tone you'd assume wasn't fur.

>> No.8068940

Man, Quake’s enemies are fucking freaky.

>> No.8069049

It's not just the blood, look at how much better a depiction of skin pulled taut this is.

>> No.8069119

No, it's not fur.

>> No.8069183

>Feathers on the shoulders and nowhere else
These scribblescrapers suck kek

>> No.8069250

It doesn't have to be taut, it can be wrinkled and icky and mottled. There are several ways to imagine a weird pattern of skin.

>> No.8069576
File: 35 KB, 360x610, shambler-coverall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8069747
File: 81 KB, 900x600, 1629420786023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always saw them as having a thick wrinkly hide like an elephant or rhino.

>> No.8069759

Adrian Carmack is the monsters guy, he is the ultimate authority on what he intended the monsters of his own creation to be.

>> No.8069771

Adrian said it has no fur.
Romero said it has fur.
Romero later said it has no fur.
The official 90's action figure has no fur.
The QC Shambler hat has fur.

>> No.8069850
File: 110 KB, 800x800, Dimensional_Shambler_(Borja_Pindado).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go look it up. They are dimensional shamblers.

This discussion was over after the first post you idiots. End this retarded nonsense.


>> No.8069858


those are skin folds

>> No.8069914

Fuck, I wish that was released.

>> No.8069973

your hopes and dreams

>> No.8070031

Only logical answer is that there is more than one type

>> No.8070090

I think of it either as bare pale skin, ot something like walrus's coat of fur, thin, but dense, probably.also really gross.

>> No.8070101

Sandy drew a lot on monster concepts from his old pen and paper games, but Adrian interpreted them in his own way.
Given how fractured and messy Quake's development was, I'd be willing to say that there's a subjective element to it all, and it can be looked at in different ways.

>> No.8070105

Look at his grin, that's great!

>> No.8071979
File: 29 KB, 340x330, IMG_9028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go look it up.

Ok, here's what showed up.

>> No.8072015

Considering those green spots all over show indentations and rotted skin
I doubt it’s fur

>> No.8072019

Sandy Petersen shits on both of them and laughs

>> No.8072031
File: 1.04 MB, 4500x3600, 182564B0-B008-4FA1-9F06-7A580EC2CC15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its skin always looked like this to me

>> No.8072171

Sandy Petersen can't even get Lovecraft's lore correct and it was literally his job for like a decade.

>> No.8072186
File: 237 KB, 200x235, 1590000307071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many books and games have you published you literal nobody?

>> No.8073175


>Shuffling toward him in the darkness was the gigantic, blasphemous form of a thing not wholly ape and not wholly insect. Its hide hung loosely upon its frame, and its rugose, dead-eyed rudiment of a head swayed drunkenly from side to side.

It has eyes and looks like an ape-bug. You're wrong, per HP fucking Lovecraft himself.

>> No.8073302

>tu quoque

>> No.8073339
File: 97 KB, 1061x597, IMG_20210826_143349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they eat babies

>> No.8073345


He obviously means the Like Likes you fucking idiot retard

>> No.8073346
File: 10 KB, 303x166, esl-posters-leave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8073464

"Well what about you" is generally considered a weak argument. So weak that it falls into logical fallacy territory.

>> No.8073469

I don't care. I'm always right.

>> No.8073550

Get BTFO retard lol.

>> No.8074874

it is just a sasquatch or an angry bigfoot mixed with the thing from John carpenter.

>> No.8074906

No shit. It even makes a bear noise when it appears. It's just a weird polar bear

>> No.8075945

That'd be a hilarious Halloween costume. Just print out the teeth on some paper and tape it to your face.

>> No.8077392

>draw fur
>claim otherwise after the fact
>claim your inspiration isn't fur, your inspiration was bare skin, even though your drawing clearly does not look like that

Too bad? I'm sorry dude, if you draw what you intended so incorrectly that the pixels are perfectly arranged to depict something else instead, that something else is what you drew. Tough luck buddy. You don't get to claim your giraffe is a horse whose head you drew way too long, gave bumps and spotted in a savannah pattern. That's a fuckin giraffe dude.

>> No.8077946

why would a being that lives in a ecosystem where lava is common have fur?

>> No.8077951

Why would a being that lives in an ecosystem where lava produces a lot of light not have eyes?

>> No.8078023

it neither has ears or a nose. they sense the presence of the ranger by other hidden means, thus eyes aren't neccessary.

>> No.8078072

It can sense bioelectrical fields, but it absolutely can detect audio. If you fire a weapon in a room with a dormant shambler, it will wake up and attack.

>> No.8078084

If it could do that it'd see you from behind the wall before you walked into the room.

>> No.8078264

I think the Shamblers are supposed to live in dark and wet caves, and are just kind of pulled into places as necessary by Shub N-Word

>> No.8078658

Hey, someone who actually paid attention to the plot of Quake.