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8064505 No.8064505 [Reply] [Original]

Considering buying one of these to use but wondering if it’s worth going for a boxed version that comes with everything minus instruction manual or if it’s worth just buying one completely loose /no box. Or even just avoiding.

>> No.8064520

Avoid the whole thing, retard.

>> No.8064523

what the fuck bro

>> No.8064541

??? What is wrong with thinking of buying a 32x. It’s the only way to play the role through a mega drive rom cart

>> No.8064546

Roms not role

>> No.8064551

Nay. There's some cool games for it. But not enough to justify buying it imho. Plus, I've heard that they can damage your Genesis. So yeah, hard pass on it for sure. You're better off downloading and installing a good emulator and playing 32X games that way...

>> No.8064553

It really isnt worth it at all anon.
For starters is it compatible with your model mega drive? You dont simply slide this into the cartridge slot like what you did with the master system converter.

These things came with horrible metal plates you had to slide into the cartridge slot first, then the 32x into it. These didn't always work correctly and there were reports that they dont work with all model mega drives.

You then have the issue that it's like a ps5.... literally no games!
You have mortal kombat 2 which is good, then primal rage......that's kinda it....everything else just isnt worth it. Theres less than like 30 games for it.

>> No.8064557

TURDytwoX sucks ass man

>> No.8064564 [DELETED] 

Is it true it boosts the color palette of Genesis games when played through the 32X?

>> No.8064573

is the metal plate really mandatory? ive been trying to play a 32x on my model 2 genesis and i cant get anything out of it. whats weird is that when i switch off my genesis it stays on. i have to take out the 32x for my genesis to turn off

>> No.8064590

I've had a 32x since 95, if it breaks a genesis, it never broke mine.

>> No.8064593

no, it was added to keep the FCC from crawling up Sega's ass, but it isn't needed.

>> No.8064596

ignore them anon, as long as you're using a flash cart and not buying carts it's worth it. if you don't like it you can just sell it
enjoy :)

>> No.8064603

It literally has like 10 good games. Not worth it.

>> No.8064612

You do need the metal plates. The 32x wont work correctly otherwise.

You'll need to fuck around EVERY time with them and the 32x when u want to play on it. I wouldn't advise putting it in ur mega drive and then just leaving it there.

These things just arnt worth it anon. Look for a mega drive 3 or a nomad or something. Dont waste money on this crap segaUSA rushed out the door

>> No.8064615

dude i need to test if the 32x works

>> No.8064645
File: 328 KB, 1600x1067, neptune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting a Neptune replica instead
i don't even

>> No.8064657

There are no flash cart that can play 32x though without requiring the hardware. As a collector too, I don’t mind hardware and I have a good amount of sega shit and have the opportunity to complete the genesis, 32x,sega CD monster. It’s not super uncommon to find but 32x is trickier and due to the scarcity and rarity a working complete system is desirable to me.

It will probably not be touched often or even for years from now, but I want to score the hardware while it’s available, in my area and even though it’s a bit of a splurge - I guess it will satisfy whatever mania or mental illness is having it’s run of course through me right now. I can’t help but feel compelled to get one at this time, I only wonder whether to go with an eBay buy of loose components for cheaper or go for the boxed set which has everything except instructions

>> No.8064669

How much do you like Virtua Fighter 1, Virtua Racing, Space Harrier, and After Burner? These are by and far the best games on the machine.
Virtua Racing is better on Switch (but the 32X version is the second best; Saturn and PS2 versions are kinda shit apart from graphics).
After Burner and Space Harrier are both better on Saturn (framerate).
Virtua Fighter 1 is good on 32X, and seems better made than the Saturn release despite the lower polygon count, but Virtua Fighter 2 completely obsoletes it.

Oh, and Shadow Squadron is pretty cool.

as for other shit
>Mortal Kombat 2 looks a decent bit nicer
>Primal Rage barely looks different on 32X
>not a fan of T-MEK
>Metal Head fucking sucks, and I've played a lot of it
>Chaotix is a 60-70% finished game lmao
>Kolibri is okay, I guess, and probably the best looking 2D game
>Doom is actually decent as far as console ports go, but like, why bother? Also, you'll want to mute the music
>Star Wars Arcade looks okay, but it isn't great
>not a fan of that Pitfall game myself, but it also only runs at 30fps on 32X (visibly better colors than on Genesis at least)

in fact, the 32X has to mix its own video signal on top of the Genesis signal because there isn't any way to increase the amount of colors coming from the Genesis itself

>> No.8064680

Sounds like a bad idea OP.
There's barely any games for it.
I'd rather go for a Mega CD if you don't already have one.

Unless you're trying to build a Mega Drive with all add-ons, of course.

>> No.8064717

Envious, but bro, if I am having trouble locating a 32x working unit for a reasonable price - try and find me a dealer with one of these bad boys!! I love it and ebayd for it but couldn’t find anything. I’ll take any 32x hardware revision if there’s others.

>> No.8064729

It's spelled YEA or nay not "yay" or nay, you illiterate jerk.

>> No.8064739

Yeah I have a segacd and mega drive already - it’s not necessary to have/build the tower but then again, it is necess to have the 32x to have the 32x roms work on a flash cart. The segacd is more of an accessory given it’s not needed to play it’s roms on a flash cart.

>> No.8064742
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Doesn’t matter, using broken language anyways. And that’s MAAMT

>> No.8064794

Avoid, just emulate the 32X. It's not worth it.

>> No.8064846
File: 35 KB, 480x359, DSCN2939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately they're not common because combining those two units together into one working console AND fitting it all within one console shell (be it the original Genesis 2 shell or a 3D printed Neptune mockup shell) is a laborious process that most hardware models would attempt once and then never again.

>> No.8064854


>> No.8064908

Sega should have canned the 32X shortly after announcing it, and then ported some of its games to the Saturn, like Knuckle's Chaotix, Star Wars Arcade, and Virtua Racing Deluxe.

>> No.8064993 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 507x700, doom32x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get one for the superior Sega-AM2, Midway, and Doom ports compared to what the Saturn got, along with its own Sonic spin-off, Zaxxon sequel, and the best version of Blackthorne. Also Tempo, Cosmic Carnage, and Kolibri.

The 32X should've been allowed to live a few more years so that Sega could iron out the problems with their 5th gen console, they would've avoided tanking so hard.

Saturn should've never been released in the state it was with its shit tier video chip, made it look like a joke compared to PS1 and N64 when it came to 3D games. 32X is at least justified by being an affordable add-on that beat the SNES and its overpriced SuperFX games at 3D.

>> No.8065052 [DELETED] 

>Sega should have canned the 32X shortly after announcing it, and then ported some of its games to the Saturn
32X should've never been a thing. It was a mess. Same goes for the Saturn really. Sega's best bet was to ride out the Genesis until they could release a more powerful system than the competition such as the 3dfx-based Black Belt sometime around '97 to btfo the competition, effectively skipping both 32X and Saturn.

>> No.8065063

If you're doing it for yourself the time isn't much of a factor. It's another story if you have to charge people for your time.

>> No.8065094

Sega should have canned the Saturn shortly after announcing it, and then ported some of its games to the 32x, like Virtua Cop, Daytona USA, and Panzer Dragoon.

>> No.8065108
File: 52 KB, 570x518, 1610855020306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, ya pathetic copycat.

>> No.8065117

32x Mortal Kombat runs better than Saturn and Playstation versions.
Great input to this thread anon. Everyone is happy you posted that.

>> No.8065474

>32x Mortal Kombat runs better than Saturn and Playstation versions.
huh. There's slow down when text appears on the screen.

>> No.8065503

>32x Mortal Kombat runs better than Saturn and Playstation versions.
Does it? Don't all sprite-based (maybe all) 32X games run at half the refresh rate of regular consoles, including Saturn/Playstaion, because of its shit architecture?

>> No.8065523

Every Shang Tsung transformation loads on Saturn/PSX.

>> No.8065558

In that case you'd be better off playing MK Trilogy on N64.

>> No.8065560

Different game.

>> No.8065561

The 32x is basically worthless. It does have the best version of virtua racing and virtua fighter 1 but why play vf1 when 2 exists? Even the sonic game on it sucks dick

>> No.8065568

Maybe you prefer vf1. Space Harrier was also a good 32x port.

>> No.8065570

I guess but that’s 2 or 3 games. That’s pretty awful. The jaguar may have more good games than this

>> No.8065576 [DELETED] 

>The 32x is basically worthless.
Has more worth than the Sega Shiturn. Only delusional weebcucks would disagree.

>> No.8065579

The 32x was an American creation by segaUSA. Sega japan had and wanted nothing to do with it. They said the Saturn was Segas future, not the 32x.
Rumours have been going around for years that it was sega japan telling 3rd party companies to NOT make games for the 32x because they said it would effect the success of the saturn.

The 32x was rumoured to be getting arcade ports of captain commando, avp and other games but all were cancelled because sega wanted the focus on the saturn and not the shitty 32x that sega america had made.

Sega are a retarded company. segaUSA hates SegaJapan and SegaJapan hates segaUSA. Just look up the history of what happened with sor2 and sor3 for proof

>> No.8065605


>> No.8065612

Sega went from being capable of being top dog even to this day to sabotaging their success into a death spiral. Incredible.

>> No.8065615

Similar things happened with the Amiga. Regional rivalry and retarded bosses not understanding the market and squandering things, etc.

>> No.8065639

To stay on topic now though, the question really is - if you are going to buy one today - is it worth it to spend the extra for the box version or get a loose version? For eventual resale value the box is Better. But is there any resale value really bc is the thing junk or going to die ? I am seeing there are mods online to quiet the noise??! It’s a loud attachment? Also are capacitors prone to breaking like with the game gear

>> No.8065708

Its junk.
You could get one and find it's not compatible with ur md, then there's the shitty clip issue.

I would say look for a sega Neptune but I've never even seen one myself. On ebay or sadly in real life.

I mean fuck I only found out today about the unreleased dreamcast add on which gave u a huge hdd and used zip files

>> No.8065835

Not worth it; there are two games at best worth playing, maybe even just 1

>> No.8065893

But for the autist collector? I just don’t know.. I guess it’s better to sit on it for now, all in all it would cost me 600$ USD bc it has to come with a sega CD and genesis. Package deal. They all come with boxes though and are tested working. So to have the doubles of my mega drive and CD, and guarantee the trinity would work and have complete cables - I’m finding it very tricky to just pass on. Feel like it’s begging for my retarded ability to part with money. But honestly would feel better having the option then going year by year and not. How do you shake this mental condition?

>> No.8066010

>The 32x was rumoured to be getting arcade ports of captain commando, avp and other games
the 32X wasn't going to get shit because none of these games benefit from the 32X and its lack of sprite hardware

also, AFAIK, the US side designed the 32X... but they also realized it was stupid and the Japanese side still went through with it
it's not like Sega of America had any real power, they could have just been told to fuck off

No. The 32X isn't quite that bad.
However, writing to the framebuffer is incredibly slow, and a lot of games run at 30 or less FPS because you will just spill over into the next vblank if you draw too much.
You want to draw as much of the screen on the Genesis, and then fill in over top on the 32X, often just drawing sprites. If you're doing any special effects or 3D drawing, you want large areas of flat color, because you can fast-fill spans of RAM quickly.
Game logic isn't going to be entirely fucked -- there are literally two CPUs and there is a natural separation of graphics on one and gameplay on the other, but the machine was made to run games like Virtua Fighter and Virtua Racing anyway, which were never ever ever going to hit 60fps.

all that being said, Kolibri is a 32X game that scrolls a large foreground layer and draws sprites, all in high color on the 32X, at 60fps
at any given point in Kolibri, most of the screen can be drawn by the 32X

>> No.8067332

>You do need the metal plates. The 32x wont work correctly otherwise.
How so?
I heard the Japanese release didn't even come with them since there was no regulations requiring it.

>> No.8067338

if you get one cheap, go for it. I use it with a flashcard.

>> No.8067643

Unfortunately not cheap, package deal includes megacd and mega drive tho. In box so at least it’s a gain… but it’s also a lot

>> No.8067920
File: 496 KB, 1128x635, 1414787675551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the 32X would have had the same growing pains as any other console: early on architecture is seen as a weakness but as the tech matures capable programmers would be able to wring more out of the machine and deliver experiences that were once thought impossible on the system. Had the 32X lived long enough to see that it probably would be more fondly remembered as a capable system.

>> No.8067997

What about Tempo?

>> No.8068715

There's only about 30 games for it and none of them are worth playing. Knuckles Chaotix is the only notable one and it's not even good.

>> No.8069408

the 32X really is dead simple
there are two major things you'd be able to do to get better results
>faster drawing routines (like, you could even just do some garbage where you only update part of the screen even when the whole display is going to change and accept that it'll tear like mad, just as long as the most important parts of the screen move at full framerate)
>better use of the two CPUs (a fair few games even just run much of the game logic on the 68000, which is dumb, they'll just call a few SH-2 routines to draw some high color or scaled graphics)

>> No.8069443

as someone who had two 32x's, fuck no its not worth paying for boxed unless your entire collection is pristine boxes.
the 32x itself has also drastically jumped in price to the point that its not worth owning loose as a novelty either.
also keep in mind you'll 100% have to repair it.

>> No.8069621

Shit. At least you are trying to speak the truth and warn me big. I’m not super afraid of the repair but the question of loose or with a dinged up box is good question for thought although mentioning how much it jumped in price, doesn’t this mean it’s 100% worth it as it’s only been going up in value?

>> No.8069997

Best post, fuck you discouraging niggers

>> No.8070063


>have a 32x
>wasnt working
>take it apart clean it all really well all cartridge connections in the line as thoroughly as i can
>remove and clean all the ribbon cables
>fix the av IN to not overload the 32x power
>put it all back together
>now with all games from genesis to 32x carts I get
>'produced by or under license from sega enterprises ltd' to appear
>and then a black screen no response

God fucking damn it man.

>> No.8071620

What model Genesis do you have though?

>> No.8071693

I am happy he posted that. If you're willing to learn, that anon taught you something today.

>> No.8071717

that's what your mother said to your father when you were born

>> No.8071856

I bought one almost 20 years ago, along with a genesis and sega cd. The entire thing hummed like a power plant, and none of the 32x games were worth playing. Blackthorne was OK, Kolibri was colorful, Knuckles Chaotix was also colorful, but I don't think its worth it now. Although I do wish I had kept the entire setup. I got it for like $50 from some small second hand video game store. God, I miss the sega cd so much bros you have no idea

>> No.8073779

I have been influenced. I think I’ll hesitate for the moment on this deal for all the issues seemingly coming along with it.

>> No.8073787

Door into Summer is a great tune though