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File: 69 KB, 900x573, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8050104 No.8050104 [Reply] [Original]

CRT bros, why don't scanlines make the sprites look better on Atari games? They still look like blocks and vague shapes no matter how blurry the picture is.

>> No.8050129

scanlines are a myth, consumer TVs in the 70s and 80s didn't have them.

>> No.8050148
File: 236 KB, 1512x720, Screenshot_20210819-223319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf bros I thought we were not supposed to see pixels

>> No.8050248

You’re brain is a myth.

>> No.8050278
File: 2.93 MB, 3824x2852, 20190220_234147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shadowmasks and improper alignment blurred them, but, they are a reality. you really don't notice them from more than a foot away on most models. zoomers think every TV looked like a Trinitron with an RGB modded console thanks to retrot00bers.

>> No.8050287

As someone who grew up with CRTs I always liked the emulated super crisp pixels even more as I'd have been blown away by any screen so sharp and clear back then, instead of the fuzzy TVs we had.

>> No.8050293
File: 9 KB, 261x250, zophar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, it always freaked me out honestly. i remember using bilinear filtering on ZSNES to make it "look right"

>> No.8050362


>> No.8050405

I think for me it's because I associated quality with sharper pixels back then too. Getting a proper monitor instead of a TV was a step up and over time better monitors that were ever more sharp. I remember always being impressed by that better CRT screen that had better sharpness, less blur and so on. When good LCDs were the thing I was in heaven. I still enjoy looking at HD screens and sometime stop for a second to just admire the quality they can put out. Reading text is so much nicer on a sharper screen than cheap old CRTs. Especially as in the past CRTs were pretty small if it was a second one for the kids to play on. Blurry text on a tiny screen. Not nostalgic for that part.

>> No.8050479

There's an interesting counter to that. Watch S1E6 of the simpsons that aired in 1990, and note how video games are portrayed.

>> No.8052416

Where can I get a VHS tape of that episode so I can watch on a CRT?

>> No.8052441

Here you go. https://www.ebay.com/itm/224503455200

>> No.8052467

>2 episodes per tape
Boy I really do not miss this format in the slightest.

>> No.8052481

You should have seen the nightmarish scale of trying to collect a whole season and all the seasons of a show. It's why in the past it often just came down to them releasing "best of" and that was as good as you'd get unless you taped it yourself from the broadcast.

>> No.8052493

Even DVDs were pretty brutal. The Wire DVD box set is 24 DVDs for 5 seasons.

>> No.8052496

Definitely had my fair share of recrded broadcasts but they were usually just days where I randomly felt like recording what was on. Wish I still had some of those tapes, it was peak Nickelodeon years when Stick Stickley was the mascot and there was no Spongebob yet.
Never really seen anybody trying to collect TV box sets, probably for that exact reason. Biggest thing we had was like a season of Xena Warrior Princess or something of that nature.

>> No.8053205

Dunning–Kruger strikes again.

>> No.8053243

The blocks are too big and solid colored for any smearing to make much of a difference.

But I think the ovals in your image will look more like circles on a CRT.

>> No.8053258

Jesus christ look at that overly bright blurry image, how did we ever play like that back in the day? And why do retards clamor for it today?

>> No.8053270

ew boomer. anyways I grew up with scanlines. Had Sony Wega 36 inch growing up with PS1.

>> No.8053278

The photo is over-exposed. Stop making shitposts.

>> No.8053282

Bright. blurry and you could radically shift the colors by changing the saturation dials and stuff. It was a free for all.

>> No.8054905

It's just a bad photo. CRTs are notoriously difficult to get clean shots of. One shot could be blown out, and the other too dark.