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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 663 KB, 1200x801, 4TMmHp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8044551 No.8044551 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8044565
File: 54 KB, 595x619, 572615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw sweet, another NROM homebrew because we can't be bothered to use mappers.

>> No.8044645

I don't care about how they coded it. I just know that it does look and play like a game that could have been released back then.

>> No.8044664

Generally yes, maybe not the music which is more reminiscent of a later period NES game than an early title from 1985.

>> No.8044775

Yes. It does look pretty bad.

>> No.8044786

Can we get gameplay footage instead of this gay ass unboxing shit?

>> No.8044808

You can play the demo ROM https://firstpressgames.itch.io/blazing-rangers/

>> No.8045002


It's a bit more polished than most of the early NROM titles would be especially some of the graphics tricks like the pseudo-parallax but generally not a bad effort, the sprites also look like how NES sprites are supposed to look unlike some bullshit like What Remains.

If I had to make one change, I'd probably get rid of the music and just have bloopy Bomberman-style sound for that authentic early NES experience. Might also save some ROM space which in an NROM game is extremely precious.

>> No.8046278

Is this made by Yuropoors? It had better not be.

>> No.8046363

>modern homebrews made by Westerners all try to imitate weebshit/Japanese game styles
>commercial games made by Americans and Europe back in the day had their own style and looked distinct from Japanese games
I can't help but notice...

>> No.8046397

For this game I'm not sure 32k PRG ROM was even necessary, it seems like it would fit in 16k. It doesn't scroll and has mostly black backgrounds.

>> No.8046420

Lurk more play more games.

>> No.8046625


>> No.8046738
File: 160 KB, 1633x923, blazing_rangers_crack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops..... >>8046725

>> No.8046779
File: 149 KB, 1600x900, game_genie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome.

>> No.8046827

People are still dumb enough to include the whole game in demos?

>> No.8046880

Look neat, kinda reminds me of Kickle Cubicle

>> No.8046937

It’s not the first time.

>> No.8046995
File: 134 KB, 761x665, 1623284502329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it works. you absolute legend.
>People are still dumb enough to include the whole game in demos?

>> No.8047136

it's pretty good. i quite enjoy it. downside is the music is repetitive as fuck.
here's some more (including the level selector):
$55 = level select
$59 = level timer
$61 = hose length
$65 = continue(?)
with unlimited hose length, the game becomes a bit more tolerable, same with time. tried to find lives and invincibilty but im a bit too tired to stare at a hex editor after not sleeping for over 24hrs. should be easy to patch the game to full version.

>> No.8047172
File: 64 KB, 300x276, mario_isScrewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was testing the crack, freezing $4AA to 0 just instantly beats every level, because the game thinks you have to rescue 0 people. pretty hilarious

>> No.8047179
File: 71 KB, 1004x612, 1621654775735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when i was testing the crack, freezing $4AA to 0 just instantly beats every level, because the game thinks you have to rescue 0 people. pretty hilarious
LMAO. fucking hell, yeah, that's working fine here. in later levels it appears that some sprites are missing pointers or they're using placeholders.

>> No.8047191
File: 246 KB, 1920x1079, smb_disasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was surprisingly easy to crack. once i found the level number at $55, i just set a read listener for that address, ignored a few cases where it reads while you're in the level, and found a CMP #$04 after the level is beaten. Bingo. Changed it to 0.
I don't know for sure if the entire game works honestly, i played until like level 20 or so.
Also, if you haven't tried Mesen, the debugger is wonderful. I don't bother much with FCEUX anymore.

>> No.8047201
File: 100 KB, 937x745, 1606398043054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it was surprisingly easy to crack. once i found the level number at $55, i just set a read listener for that address, ignored a few cases where it reads while you're in the level, and found a CMP #$04 after the level is beaten. Bingo. Changed it to 0.
very nice.
> I don't know for sure if the entire game works honestly, i played until like level 20 or so.
it sort of works but falls apart. game gets a bit funky later on. level 69 displayed this screen in pic related for some reason, 89 displays similar screen, when it loops back level 1 it isn't the same level 1. it appears to be just random.. or something.
>Also, if you haven't tried Mesen
i haven't. i've been using fceux like a stooge for ages. going to swap. that disassembler looks great.

>> No.8047216

What the hose do? I can't tell, it looks like he extends it out a ways, and then it gets dropped.

>> No.8047218
File: 2.84 MB, 853x480, kibbi_tower_rotate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it sort of works but falls apart. game gets a bit funky later on.
Hmm, i wonder if they sabotaged the demo just in case, but, i think more likely this was an incomplete version of the game before they finished and tested it all the way. Or maybe the real one falls apart too, who knows, heh.
Mesen is a godsend. I still haven't been through all the debugger features yet. The Lua scripting is superior too.

>> No.8047221

it gives you infinite water power, but you can also drop it, if you do, you have a limited water meter. once you pick it up, your water meter refills to full though. it's a cool mechanic.
in later levels, your forced to proceed without it, so it gets interesting.

>> No.8047227

Not retro

>> No.8047281
File: 21 KB, 384x768, 1600345104799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hmm, i wonder if they sabotaged the demo just in case, but, i think more likely this was an incomplete version of the game before they finished and tested it all the way.
I think both is more than likely. the weird sprites i saw made sense after i looked into ppu ram
>demo demo demo

>> No.8047369

you are aware some salaryman is going to seppuku over this because shamefur disupurei?

>> No.8047384

the demo was released over four month ago after all, I doubt the game was 100% finished back then.

>> No.8047392
File: 102 KB, 228x271, goldeneye_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i didn't even bother looking at CHR data LUL yeah that's a pretty clear answer isn't it.

>> No.8047397

yeah. true. oh well, it doesn't matter. it's always nice to hack around in someone else's code to see how things work.

>> No.8047794

I'd have at least made it a CNROM game so there could be more variation in graphics.

>> No.8047880

>I'd have at least made it a CNROM game

First thing is you'd have to learn to actually code and not just recite NES programming wikis, kiddo.

>> No.8048415

see >>8047880

>> No.8048421

meant for >>8047397

>> No.8048585

hack the planet

>> No.8048702

The game is made by a Japanese person.

>> No.8048720

yeah it can't be made by Euros or it would have arpeggio bullshit music

>> No.8048765
File: 3 KB, 103x97, megaman6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who composed it is known for mega man romhack music. you can clearly tell.

>> No.8048790
File: 35 KB, 2400x1800, What_Remains_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I meant is this. No commercial NES game would have used sprites like these because it would be illegible on the typical consumer TV of that time.

>> No.8048821

Funny, I just watched a brief video of it and immediately thought it sounded like MM music.

>> No.8048829
File: 30 KB, 480x360, a_boy_and_his_blob_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not wrong, but there were plenty of crappy sprites on retail NES games. outlining does wonders. most devs seemed to figure this out by the late 80s.

>> No.8048839 [DELETED] 

that game was also made by an Amerifat dev, so of course it was going to be trash

>> No.8048862

Imagineering did this one. You can tell it's an American game because of the rotoscoped sprites which is something American game devs were in love with back then for some reason. It also reminds you a lot of Impossible Mission.

>> No.8048876

busy guys, they made a total of 20 NES games

>> No.8050505

This game is shit.

>> No.8050517

Yeah A Boy and His Blob isn't that good.

>> No.8050816

>civilians can be burn and die..

that's traumatizing.....i dont even think tthey made it possible to save the victims without that happening or them burning.

>> No.8050872

the music is way too repetitive and annoying. i think it spoils what is a pretty nice game.

>> No.8050883

I'm aware you can't have much variation of music in an NROM game, but even so...

>> No.8051015

>I'm aware you can't have much variation of music in an NROM game, but even so...
yeah, all depends on the musician and music driver.

>> No.8052097

Should hack this and replace it with different music, maybe one of those triangle channel bass lines commonly seen in early NES games. luckily this is just NROM so there's no banking or anything to make it hard to figure out where the sound data is.

>> No.8052105

It's a Jspanese game.
But anyway, anime is the "default style" for 2D games.

>> No.8052117 [DELETED] 

>But anyway, anime is the "default style" for 2D games.

I think his point was more like well you didn't see that in Western games back in the day, if you look at >>8048829 it has its own distinct look. I'm not saying it's good or back just that you can't help but notice how modern homebrews all try to look Japanese when commercial games in the 80s-90s didn't.

>> No.8052125

>But anyway, anime is the "default style" for 2D games.

I think his point was more like well you didn't see that in Western games back in the day, if you look at >>8048829 it has its own distinct look. I'm not saying it's good or bad just that you can't help but notice how modern homebrews all try to look Japanese when commercial games in the 80s-90s didn't.

>> No.8052167

most modern homebrew guy are weeb fanboy but still I can tell an American game apart from a Euro one, the industry may be more globalized now but there's still obvious differences in game design philosophy.

>> No.8052227

>You can tell it's an American game because of the rotoscoped sprites which is something American game devs were in love with back then for some reason.
Because drawing and animating is hard and something western developers can't into.

>> No.8054897


>> No.8056721


>> No.8058167

>i know wrong things
You'll fin it in here just fine

>> No.8058181

what's the point of the fire hose if you can still shoot water after disconnecting?

>> No.8058887

see >>8047221

>> No.8058980

Does it use proper 5 volt chips or does it use 3.3 volt chips that can kill real hardware?

>> No.8059007

not sure, but with no mapper there's alot less to worry about.

>> No.8059013

I only bring up the wattage because of this.

>> No.8059695

>doesn't know the difference between volts and watts
>links to a youtube of a similarly ignorant fucktard

>> No.8059702

3.3V chips can't kill the console, though the chips in the cartridge can have their lifespan shortened by being fed 5V. A properly made cartridge has a level translator to down-step the 5V power line from the console.