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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 130 KB, 307x427, On the Seven Captcha Portals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8041463 No.8041463 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>8033674

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Half-Life WON version
Doom Shovelware
Fileplanet archives
Doom RPG series
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.8041465
File: 935 KB, 1024x1024, vr info small +.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard Fast Faggot Maps
Version 3.0 >>8038989

Project Mega folder: https://mega.nz/folder/LVlWVK5D#H5iqeD61bSItMIVeGqymTQ
Latest update: >>8025812

VRSKINS 3.9 (delayed)
Submissions closed

=== NEWS ===
[8-16] Two new powerslave maps released

[8-14] Age of Hell Demo released

[8-12] Quake Enhanced Edition TBA

[8-12] DOOM Retro updated to 4.2

[8-11] Anon releases a map, BigDill.wad

[8-10] Crispy Doom updated to 5.10.2

[8-10] Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl Reloaded released

[8-09] Xaser posted an MBF21 showcase mod

[8-09] DSDA-Doom has reached v0.20.0 which adds beta support for Hexen.

[8-09] Skulltiverse is now on idgames

[8-06] .md2 importing tool for Blender

[8-04] Summer Fun Anon releases a demo

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.8041472

It's only like 42 images, you'd be surprised just how few and far inbetween such a topic is. If anybody could supply more (preferably wholesome) images of the subject matter I'd be happy.

>> No.8041476
File: 428 KB, 760x900, 3897cbd85d025bf0f2b77a722c13f3b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent way to start the thread. Thanks anon.

>> No.8041485

lel good op pic

>> No.8041489

Imagine if the captcha actually had something like Doom in it you had to beat. Just a small snippet of a level or something with random goals.
>punch out the pinkies
>defeat the cyberdemon on a recreation of E2M8
>find the red key and exit through the red door

>> No.8041490

Hey, any of you folks here familiar with the gingerbread-esque doll seen in the 1st and 2nd Thief games?

>> No.8041501
File: 2.90 MB, 308x200, 2021-08-17 23-00-24.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set up basic layout for my new map. Proper light calibrations and light sources pending.

>> No.8041502
File: 400 KB, 494x529, DOOMCHART+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8041506

lookin' good anon, can't wait to play it

>> No.8041514
File: 457 KB, 1024x1024, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8041535
File: 39 KB, 316x343, 1444683670361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hexen puzzle captcha

>> No.8041536

What a fucking dumb picture.

>> No.8041539

bros is DSDA Doom good? i didn't know it was made for speed running. I'm not a speedrunner
but is it limit removing, boom compatible and vanilla????

>> No.8041543

i think brutal doom actually makes doom easier imo. even with "new behavior".

>> No.8041545

Should be. Like normal PrBoom it forked from.

>> No.8041549

thats all i needed to hear desu. i'm gonna try it. didn't even know those speed runners made their own source port.
I just thought it had a funny name lmao

>> No.8041551

>dumb evil code

>> No.8041556

It's also the only port that handles UMAPINFO right now, it seems. Not that anyone cares.

But obviously speedrunners will want full compatibility.

>> No.8041576

what is umapinfo? idk if thats a noob question or not.
Is that stats for levels???
not to go off on a tangent real fast. but is this involved with monster counts??
i noticed in zdoom derivatives it'll count every last monster including lost souls generated by a pain elemental

but on eternity it only counts like a specific number of enemies and sometimes i'll end up with like 103 percent kills cause there was ten normal not lost souls enemies at the exit that were not counted.

>> No.8041579

Yeah. I really like it. You should try my fork anon.


>> No.8041581
File: 709 KB, 217x143, genius.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Megawad that everyone recommends.
>Grab key.
>Monster closet full of boners and a archvile.
>Every fucking time.

>> No.8041584

>the only port that handles UMAPINFO right now
What, not even Woof handles it?

>> No.8041587

umapinfo is just a way for mappers to create custom episodes and secret exits. the u is short for universal because its being added to more ports than just gzdoom

>> No.8041589

>what is umapinfo? idk if thats a noob question or not.
It's a more advanced tool to give levels certain settings, like splitting them into episodes or make dead simple tags elsewhere, that can work between bigger variety of ports.
But right now it works a little inconsistently. DSDA seems like it works the best.

>> No.8041591

Don't you know? If you spam those monsters, map = good.

>> No.8041593

Didn't think to try Woof, so I don't know.

>> No.8041603

Based and vanilla-pilled.

>> No.8041606

i'll check it out why not. add it the zdl list.

oh okay that makes sense. it gives wad/ map creators more freedom to play around with doom.
Is this like editing levels? Like back to saturn X still has a thing from "dead simple" with that lone mancubus in the closest?
Like they still had to put that one trigger in but now have the freedom to modify it?

>> No.8041612

Brutalfag spotted

>> No.8041613

Why is "Unity Port" in UV+? Is it actually fairly accurate (assuming that's what the ice berg is supposed to be about)?

>> No.8041615

They aren't maps, more like lists of settings.
Normally dead simple tags only work on 7th map. Or equivalent on E1M8 E4M6 and E4M8 for bosses. UMAPINFO can replicate this on any level, for example. Also define where exits would let etc.

>> No.8041620

oh okay i understand now. that makes sense

>> No.8041621

It's pretty accurate yeah. It's in Unity, but it's mostly a wrapper over the old code.

>> No.8041625

It's the new generation of PrBoom+ pretty much. It has some built in features for speedrunning, but you can just ignore those if you want. Optionally, instead of stressing competing with amazing pros like Stx-Vile or ZeroMaster, you can just challenge yourself and see how fast you can beat a level, just for the fun of it.

>> No.8041631

Australia-kun hates us.

>> No.8041636

Combined Arms literally the funniest mod I've ever played Doom with

>> No.8041637

Who gives a fuck about that spastic?

>> No.8041638
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear.

>> No.8041645

Why's that?

>> No.8041656

desu i never think about stuff like that. I just play for fun and like having more options. Cause once they're all in ZDL's drop down menu. I can switch as I want
>well it looks better in X
and I can put all my command line arguments right in the bottom. super comfy

>> No.8041658

The texts, weapon designs, sound effects
It has lots of humour, it's both a fun gameplay mod and a funny experience yeeeeeeeehaw

>> No.8041660

I'm kinda tired of playing Boom or limit-removing wads lately, are there any good pure Vanilla wads to play?

>> No.8041665

Last time I saw someone make vanilla wad it was Modest Mapping 2 and it's stuck in limbo.

>> No.8041671


>> No.8041686

It has rewind feature, similar to one in Duke3D 20th Anniversary. Basically, you can forget about saving, game does this constantly itself.
Also Heretic & Hexen support, though not complete yet and has some bugs. Can confirm that vanilla Heretic is fully playable, but a few custom maps I tried are broken.

>> No.8041687

Wtf? A map contains monsters?? Fucking cacoward bait.

>> No.8041691

Back to Saturn X, Scythe, Mutabor, Epic 2, Ray Mohawk 2, REKKR, Plutonia 2, Doom 64 in Doom 2, DTWID, The Darkening E2, Suspended in Dusk, TNT Revilution, Reverie, No End In Sight

>> No.8041701

Worms in Doom

>> No.8041724
File: 602 KB, 1600x900, DSDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like it

>> No.8041731

Would a wad be more cacoward bait if it had lots of monsters or if it had none?

>> No.8041746

This, but non ironically. Get gud.

>> No.8041753

Is that one of the Doomer Board wads? It seems familiar

>> No.8041756

This one's my favourite DBP
I just love it, don't know why
Have fun anon

>> No.8041770

yes, dungeons & demons

>> No.8041772

>uv-max sunder map without saves

>> No.8041776

Cheers, lad!

>> No.8041806

So did anyone actually pay attention to the lore in Nu Doom? I've only played 2016 so far, and I just kind of ignored it. I thought the audio logs where kind of boring, honestly.

>> No.8041809

Nah. It breaks up the flow too much with all the text.

>> No.8041824
File: 63 KB, 752x298, true doom lore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, the UAC is responsible for giving these demons tech
Man, if only youtubers took the time to actually call id out for this silly retcon

>> No.8041828

Lore is a mess, that retcons on every game/dlc.

>> No.8041836

It just occurred to me - what demon's skeleton IS the Revenant, anyway? He's too large for the smaller mooks, but I think he's taller than the knights/barons, isn't he?
So, where do those skellingtons come from?

>> No.8041838
File: 81 KB, 600x600, feelsgoodman (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels fucking good to have a front-end for picking your sourceport and file load order on the fly, man.

>> No.8041841

maybe some we've just never seen
like how the cover of the first doom has those red skinned, yellow horn minotaurs and the stone portraits include a gargoyle, satyr, old man and lion

>> No.8041842
File: 578 KB, 2000x2000, Arch-Vile, 2021, Gregor Punchatz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Gregor Punchatz, a few days back:
>One of the most often questions I get it from fans of my work on the original video game DOOM is “what would you do now if you had an opportunity to contribute to a new DOOM game?” Well the Archvile would look something like this!
It looks a lot more like the original physical model, and definitely better than Eternal's.

>> No.8041848

I love zdl, I don't even use zdoom. It's just so nice.

>> No.8041851

Looks like one of those aliens from Signs

>> No.8041870

because he was supposed to be creepy, which is fitting for a unique and challenging foe
although this recent render also makes the anorexic waist and mouth tubes less prominent

>> No.8041873

I always felt his face looked more skeletal on the actual ingame sprites, so I never really saw it as an angry alien, nor did I think the marble wall relief looked too much like him.

>> No.8041876

I liked the portrayal of UAC, with part of it being a satanic cult and higher-ups like Hayden trying to ignore that.
Doomguy's story and everything about that He-Man knockoff world Argent D'Nur is atrocious though.

>> No.8041902
File: 49 KB, 500x603, Arch-Vile-Doom-video-game-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta say that I don't like the digitigrade legs on him, the fact that he was overall humanoid in his body shape (just warped and wrong), I think was effective.

>> No.8041938
File: 2.88 MB, 2048x1420, AdrianCRevSketchNoWM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always assumed the revenant was meant to be a human sized skeleton that was scaled up because that made it more intimidating. It's hitbox is much smaller than its sprite, and concept art shows it as being more of a resurrected marine.

>> No.8041957

Is it me or Heartland is kinda not fun? Like, does it expects me to savescum? I'm playing the first level and the end (I assume it's the end) is one gotcha trap in tight space after another. I've been saving on keys right now, I can't imagine redoing entire level several times just to try another way to cheese the second archvile encounter.

>> No.8041958

>Experience realistic revenants

>> No.8041969

>Crispy Hexen
Fabian, when?

>> No.8041979

Archie is always hunched over, anyone ever straighten out his posture so we can see just how tall he is compared to Doomguy?

>> No.8042038

It's just Doom, rendered at a higher framerate, with an optional crosshair.

>> No.8042050
File: 604 KB, 729x439, archface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always see the archvile as not having a mouth.

>> No.8042061

i don't like the look of those feet tho.

>> No.8042093

GZDoom is not retro.

>> No.8042108
File: 11 KB, 707x118, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8042117

it truly does

those doomer board wads are short but they're usually pretty good dbp 20 is also one of my favorites by them.

>> No.8042126
File: 760 KB, 1920x1080, Zandronum Screenshot 2021.08.17 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8042141

When i change a sound font to a sc-55 file. Do i just write SC-55 or the entire file name. Cause right now the file is called
Do i write that whole thing into sound font ? or just SC-55?

>> No.8042142

ZDoom came out in like 1999, months before the original Boom. It goes way back.

>> No.8042161

Missed the new thread so I'm responding again here

It's, as you would expect from a completely open submission community project with 200 maps, a mixed bag. There's a lot of 1994 style MyFirstMap.wads in there, a few well meaning maps you can have some fun with if you're not going in expecting Cacoward aesthetics and balance, and some more experimental stuff like the rhythm game map
I made a map for it, and I haven't heard anyone say anything too bad about it yet and I got some positive feedback for it so there's at the very least that.

>> No.8042164

>Rhythm game map
Haven't played that one yet. What's it called?

>> No.8042179

Rhythm Shootout, you autodie if you fire out of beat with Axel F too many times
It's a mess but it's also hilarious

>> No.8042186


>> No.8042204
File: 612 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210817_201014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocketeer (Revenant) is finished besides the gore and rocket graphic. On another note, can anyone help me source some arabic dialogue saying some terroristy things?

>> No.8042210

>be me
>go to zdoom forums for more mods
>find a mod inspired by arcade rail shooters
>play mod
>ok but it's not fast enough
>3 days later of editing zscript, I have Zero experience on
>it's done and balanced

>> No.8042220

Here's the link Anonfile

also fuck you 4chan for calling this post spam

>> No.8042224

>can anyone help me source some arabic dialogue saying some terroristy things?
Just get someone screaming "ALLAHU AKBAR" from somewhere, you barely need anything more.
Like this for example:

>> No.8042225

the sauce of the original

>> No.8042231
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x960, 1611765500925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how ZDoom still has less good wads and levels than Boom.

>> No.8042234
File: 78 KB, 320x200, GBME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer some fresh voice clips, if an anon here spoke Arabic and would like to help out that'd be great

>> No.8042237
File: 367 KB, 2048x2048, E9B56hNVcAorcRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8042239

what is this awful image, and if it's a doom mod where do I download it

>> No.8042245

You could ask on /k/. There is a handful of people who have actually been to Afghanistan, someone might have certainly learned a few words.

>> No.8042246
File: 1.94 MB, 400x215, pencil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this image

>> No.8042259

I have a feeling CBM is some high profile mapper's alt taking the piss out of the community

Also feel like he's making fun of gzdoom with how unplayably laggy and broken his maps are due to how he abuses 3d floors and other shit in a nonsensical manner

>> No.8042261

What the fuck man, I'm trying to beat all of the doom commercial games on pistol start, but I'm stuck on map 4 of fucking TNT Evilution, I've managed to beat Doom 1 and 2 but I can't fucking beat wormhole.

>> No.8042263

I'll let this troll have his fun with me then because it's hilarious either way.

>> No.8042267
File: 174 KB, 962x721, 1611765564310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a mod, but (You) could make it happen.

>> No.8042272

I doubt any native speaker would be super keen on contributing to this mod.

>> No.8042276

I never said it had to be a native speaker, I just need someone to scream some Arabic with semi-correct pronunciation

>> No.8042280

I think it's because:
A: Boom can 8 times out of 10 do all the shit that you want with a Doom level (9 times out of 10 with the new MFB21 compat and UMAPINFO). There really is quite a lot of linedef functions, sector effects, and you can even make reasonably sophisticated 'scripts' with VooDoo dolls. See HFFM Map10 for something many people didn't know you could even do in Boom.

B: People are usually fine with using just the stock Doom and Doom 2 monsters, because they're fairly versatile as is, and it makes it much easier for people to play your Boom map with a GzDoom mod.
Here's another thing where the upgraded compats will improve matters, because with Extended DeHacked you don't even need to sacrifice preexisting actors and assets anymore, you can plain add something new. Hell, this gives GzDoom gameplay modders an easy way to make a special patch to adapt these things to their mod.

They both fill their niches well, and I think that's fine, good maps will continue to almost always be made in Vanilla, Limit Removing, and Boom (and MBF21), and the gameplay mods people want will be made with GzDoom.
Also, rumor has it that LzDoom is going to be folded into GzDoom to provide better compatibility with lower end machines, so I think we're looking at a nice future where Crispy Doom, DSDA, and GzDoom fulfill most our needs. The only puzzle piece that remains is netplay for these ports.

>> No.8042286

That would be hilarious as fuck.

>> No.8042294

You forgot
C: Some people are just not able/too lazy to learn ACS/ZScript (and sometimes even Decorate)

>> No.8042295

I think I'll pass, autism is at its best when it's done from a place of sincerity

>> No.8042312

What even IS decino's nationality? His accent perplexes me.

>> No.8042315

I literally beat it after writing this

>> No.8042318


>> No.8042319

Most players save on the first playthrough. It's a common practice. Blind runs are less common. Heartland isn't even one of the harder wads. Just save on the first playthrough and quit ruining your experience.

>> No.8042320

Does that pistol have fucking veins

>> No.8042324


>> No.8042327

Yea, that map makes me horny too.

>> No.8042341
File: 132 KB, 408x474, RCKTR_WALK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8042343

Forget pronunciation accuracy, just go for the full Wolf 3D approach.

>> No.8042352

looks sick

>> No.8042357

Thanks. It's done for now. Gotta move onto other things. But this is a step in getting the steam page done anyway.

>> No.8042363

Looks to me like someone tried to give it some fancy engraving, but because they suck at 3D sculpting, it looks all veiny. The tried to make an Ambassador from TF2, and ended up with a dildo that has a tactical pistol grip.

>> No.8042365

>you actually made a thread on /k/
I am so sorry. Of course I meant you should ask in one of the threads with people who have actually served. I should have been clearer on that. I doubt you'll get an actual answer like that, since /k/ is in the top 3 dumbest/most schizo boards of all the chans and full of people who don't know anything about anything.

>> No.8042372
File: 501 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210818_111249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any mods that's... just weapons? Eriguns is cool, but I was thinking of something to go along with Corruption Cards. Pillowblaster is awesome, but I can only play Trailblazer so much before things get TOO easy.

>> No.8042379

What are the other 2? I'm assuming /pol/ and /x/

>> No.8042380

In my opinion, Dungeons and Demons has the best aesthetic and setting.

>> No.8042384

He's not, he's legitimately some decrepit gen xer with mental health problems and self esteem he ties into how people receive his maps
After the whole RAMP shitshow the catharsis I felt when Decino was plainly forcing himself to be positive about his Doom from memory map was delicious

>> No.8042390

You tried Final Doomer yet?

>> No.8042410

Heard of it. I'll have to give it a try.

>> No.8042414

What exactly do you want recorded anon? Just random arabic lines?

>> No.8042415

That too. I understand Decorate well enough to do basic stuff, but fuck learning ACS or ZScript.
I can usually do what I want with Boom format maps.

>> No.8042420

Combined_Arms, and DAKKA

>> No.8042423
File: 382 KB, 800x600, 1462208518235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8042424

Basically just things a middle eastern militant would scream or say during combat

>> No.8042428

Well, sorry anon. I do have a native saudi friend, but he's also a platinum tier shitposter so a bunch of slurs in arabic is probably the best you're gonna get.

>> No.8042431

That screenshot really reminds me of playing wads like Drown in Blood with fast weapons on ZDaemon. Can't believe how long ago that was. Really nostalgic. Thank you for posting.

>> No.8042435
File: 39 KB, 680x634, 1580616331045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the catharsis I felt when Decino was plainly forcing himself to be positive about his Doom from memory map was delicious
Now watch tarnsman do it

>> No.8042438

ACS is literal babycode, you need to be retarded to not be able to learn it in five minutes

>> No.8042440

It took me awhile to figure it out and even then I stumble over it at times.
I'm not a clever man though, I'm just a very persistent one.

>> No.8042449

Not him, but that would be even better.

>> No.8042456

I am in fact retarded, anon.

>> No.8042457
File: 74 KB, 463x467, 1610904152003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8042463
File: 573 KB, 806x724, smoke3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CBM tagging his name on the floor

>> No.8042464


that;s big Dave

>> No.8042468
File: 29 KB, 500x532, crystal skull laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tribute to Romero
>but Romero didn't make that map

>> No.8042484

You should learn ACS because it has some functionality that decorate or even zscript doesn't replicate.

>> No.8042494
File: 27 KB, 570x271, 1601966393493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8042520
File: 241 KB, 393x391, 1608727037900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that dragon dildo engraving

>> No.8042594

>Map 16 of TNT
Please tell me the map design doesn't get any worse than this.

>> No.8042607

It'll get a lot worse than that later, but it's also getting a lot better soon.

>> No.8042624

Using a crosshair is cheating, IMO. It makes the Chaingun too efficient if you always hit the first 2 bullets.

>> No.8042632

I think you don't particularly need it for just base Doom, the weapons are easy to get a feel for and you're using vertical auto-aim anyway. I don't even feel they make any appreciable difference for the base game.
Makes more sense for mods where the weapons are different, and where you have full freelook and thus the means to manually place shots very deliberately.

>> No.8042664

It refers to the new official ports on PC, PS4, XBone, Switch, etc, they run in a Unity wrapper to make multiplat easier.

They were actually a fucking disaster on launch (like, really embarrassing), but they fixed them up, and by now they're pretty good and pretty accurate, and cheap. A few tiny things differ minutely, but overall they're technically the most accurate console ports of Doom and Doom 2 ever published. If you're a console only pleb, they're a good way to play classic Doom and get an authentic experience.
A nice bonus with the official ports is that a couple of times a year, they will 'curate' a Vanilla/Limit-Removing mapset and provide it as a free add-on in an update (you also get Sigil and Final Doom for free), so aside from getting a lot of content in the base package, they slowly add more, which is a worthwhile point for consoles.

For PC, I think it's pointless, because you already have so many good sourceports available for free, and piracy is trivial, but I guess it's the principle of the matter. For consoles, I think it's a good product, a clueless zoomer can easily just grab the game and go, and they occasionally do.

>> No.8042723

Crispy is my go-to port, but I use Chocolate for Hexen, so am I on Nightmare mode?

>> No.8042814
File: 2.06 MB, 4096x4096, temp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe something more like this

>> No.8042841
File: 450 KB, 700x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah thanks, I'm good enough with one autistic Pokemon OC Doom mod.

>> No.8042842
File: 16 KB, 351x314, doomguy waving arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! Where's shitwad anon when you need him?

>> No.8042871

Autistic foot fetish pokemon OC Doom mod, get it right, anon.

>> No.8042872

So, have you heard what is happening right now in Hexen multiplayer scene?

>> No.8042873

Oh, dish honey.

>> No.8042880

There is no such thing.

>> No.8042885
File: 20 KB, 198x252, 1434395127571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no, I'm still recovering from Hell Resharted 2. I want to get off Mr. Shitwad's wild ride.

>> No.8042897

Yeah, and whose fault is that?

>> No.8042909


>> No.8043063

BFG Edition was worse.

>> No.8043073
File: 390 KB, 1436x808, 734503393306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm, based?

>> No.8043080


>> No.8043105

Stop pretending Powerslave was ever good.

>> No.8043126

Yeah probably

>> No.8043127

saveless runs on blind playthroughs are a meme. Even Decino realised this after his blind BTSX E2 playthrough effectively ruined his enjoyment of the wad.

>> No.8043128
File: 555 KB, 1200x675, cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8043132

What, on launch? I honestly don't recall. The new ports are definitely much better though.

>> No.8043134

Yeah, but it's not like I'm going to play it again. And I do save, just not often.

>> No.8043135

>saveless runs on blind playthroughs are a meme.
No, it's not. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's a "meme" or whatever

>> No.8043139
File: 245 KB, 1000x1184, dd7kosh-94c6c98a-8d99-40d1-b36e-7e8cd94d036c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can kmquake 2 play in 4k? I can't seem to get it to.

>> No.8043152

There's no reason to be mean. You are acting like an idiot.

>> No.8043161

Blind saveless is most certainly a meme if every single person who insists upon themselves to do it then complains about large maps being too long, or hard maps being too hard, thanks to a self-imposed challenge making it even worse on themselves.

>> No.8043162

>shitty wolfenstein levels censure
>no multiplayer on pc
>sounds are fucked up
>red and white pill on medkits
>no fast monsters on nightmare (a problem since the original xbox port)
>no animations in the intermission map of ultimate doom
I mean the Unity port was the same at launch except with always have to login in to play the game but the damage was already done.

>> No.8043170

Oh yeah, it was a hunk of shit actually.

>> No.8043179

yeah, I heard the last guy waiting for someone else to hop on finally died

>> No.8043183
File: 41 KB, 579x397, 2da2a8f98f4ac12297b79e7e5c770d7e--skullgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red and white pill on medkits
It, like, takes couple of buttons in Slade to recolor the cross green, and it wouldn't have been such an eyesore. Hell, they could've replaced it with a heart, I don't know.

>> No.8043249

if the mapper can't make his map beatable on saveless runs, it's their fault, not the player. Playing without saves is 100% normal, not a "self-imposed challenge".

>> No.8043260

Nephilim skeleton

>> No.8043264
File: 35 KB, 445x304, 1119275799108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's on a shitposting run and he can't save himself

>> No.8043265

Was the PSX port designed for pistol starting too?

>> No.8043276

I'm not saying this to be mean.
CBM is legitimately mentally unstable, and has talked openly about this. I don't have a problem with people being neuroatypical, I suffer from at times pretty severe depression, anxiety, and even a bitch of a personality disorder that makes it cripplingly hard to form friendships with people. I get it. What's more an issue is that they air all of this publicly, going on about how they're literally off their meds, (I know off their meds is a phrase people use as a generic insult, I mean they talk publicly about literally not taking the medication they have been prescribed for their mental illnesses) and lashing out at anyone and everyone who offers any critique, no matter how well meaning, and devolves discussions into flagellations over the simplest advice. I legitimately worry for their mental health that they've placed so much emotional investment into a video game from 1993 that they'll have a mental breakdown over someone not liking their maps that much, and I hope they have a loving and supportive family.
Okay yeah calling them a decrepit gen xer is a bit of a mean dig, but they throw around the fact that they've apparently been making maps since the 90s like it's weight against criticism, and talking down to people as if they're less enlightened than him, it's just pure unwitting self-destructive behavior that leads to nobody liking him that much, and after how caught up I got in everything, it just felt nice to know that I wasn't completely and utterly out of touch.

>> No.8043281

>And has talked openly about this
Link pls

>> No.8043290

No. Fuck off.

>> No.8043291
File: 40 KB, 125x121, cyberspider.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8043301

>I legitimately worry
How far gone are you.

>> No.8043310

The way he reacted when I liked/upvoted dazel's comment about his dogshit maps it's still hilarious to me lmao

>> No.8043312
File: 60 KB, 1327x386, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How far gone are you.
Down the road of empathy? All the fucking way baby, one love.

>> No.8043321
File: 995 KB, 1120x840, 1628905925226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a change of heart.
So, this post adds a whole new layer to the thing. I'll be watching his career with great interest.

>> No.8043339
File: 427 KB, 599x462, 1618606109526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitwad anon almost killed CBM's mapping career

>> No.8043346

Oh yeah, RIP doom -2 btw. No updates since august. Guess the support died out after the first attempt.

>> No.8043348
File: 38 KB, 542x403, 1509808796364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret this now. If I actually killed his career, we never would have got to see more CBM kino. Anon truly was the villain this time.

>> No.8043356

I wonder what did you wrote to him lol

>> No.8043367

Hey Rumble anon I just want you to know that I'm still plodding away on my map. Even if there's 3 submissions for this big thing you made I'll try and make mine one of them

>> No.8043406

Ah, well thanks, and good luck with the map. Even if the project ends up being a complete failure with like 3 maps, it's been fun and I've learned a lot over the past 4 months (didn't even really know how to code when I started). If nothing else, I'll shit out my own maps for the mod and credit all the anons who yelled at me to fix shit along the way.

New update should be out tomorrow or the day after btw - as soon as I can get the requested axeman enemy to a functional state (I'm starting to think Drake's code is more autistic than AD's).

>> No.8043438
File: 58 KB, 1024x768, DOOM0702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad it's over

>> No.8043446
File: 866 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure to win the cacowards now, right guys?

>> No.8043452
File: 21 KB, 128x128, 1626492992349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the archviles?

>> No.8043463
File: 976 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an unironic map by the way. It needs to be finished by the end of the night so i'll keep you all posted.

>> No.8043472

If it's an unironic map, the revenants are probably too close.

>> No.8043475
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What revenants?

>> No.8043485 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8043502
File: 100 KB, 805x540, huhranger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Scourge of Armagon and have just completed the first episode. I've noticed the centroid enemies seem to move very quickly/erratically to the point it looks quite glitchy. Is this normal? I'm playing with quakespasm 0.93.2 so i wouldn't have expected compatibility issues.

>> No.8043539
File: 2 KB, 208x21, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8043565


>> No.8043627

imagine de smelle

>> No.8043641

I have this joke mod that I whipped up in, like five minute,and it's 99% complete but I can't be arsed to actually finish it. It is sort of like EWP but for monsters and more subtle - basically every monster has one change done to it to make it horribly broken and unfair. I've been struggling for something to do with cacodemons, but ultimately decided that they are fucking flying embarrassments and don't deserve anything nice and they will just shoot fireballs out of their backsides. Problem was that I couldn't find a good fart sound - I didn't thought to use one from Worms for some reason and I was too squeamish to look for one at freesounds.org because it would've been definitely recorded by some fart fetishist. Since "fart with extra reverb" is all the rage right now I think I will probably try it?

>> No.8043642
File: 105 KB, 640x634, tekwar-cd-box1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSSM (Super Shitty Shatner Maps) when?

>> No.8043654

What did you think of realms deep 2021?

>> No.8043656

We still haven't done Fast Fried Onion Maps.

>> No.8043658

TekWar textures, you mean?

>> No.8043659


>> No.8043674

If you think about it, TekWar is the epitome of onion maps because you have to travel to different maps to find keycards for other maps. The layers are infinite and fried to perfection.

>TekWar textures, you mean?

>> No.8043679

I would have said /v/ instead of /x/, but I haven't been to /x/ in like ten years or so.

>> No.8043685

OP is a fuckin fag. Yesterday I fucked him in the ass. Then I came in his mouth

>> No.8043702

Let me quickly shill my shitty weapon pack here:

Note that it's basically impossible to beat D2 with it.

>> No.8043724

>I mean they talk publicly about literally not taking the medication they have been prescribed for their mental illnesses
>"my psyciatrist decided I should try to be off my meds"
Nigga, his shrink told him to, he's not doing anything wrong here. As for the maps - they may be shitty but if he stops shoving them into community projects then it's harmless

>> No.8043737
File: 72 KB, 907x778, 1562135648072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how useful are voodoo dolls if you want to make ZDoom maps and shit?

>> No.8043742

There is zero (0) reason to use voodoo dolls if you're mapping for ZDoom.

>> No.8043746

Gotcha. Thanks.

>> No.8043749
File: 1.00 MB, 1087x546, bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people love to shit on SGT Mark but from looking at this he has really matured as a designer and coder. Also the sprite work is top notch

>> No.8043759

If you use a system MIDI palyer device that supports loading sound fonts, see its configuration utility and manual.

If you use a MIDI player library included in your doom port, and it supports loading sound fonts, see port's manual or wiki.

If my memory serves me right, it was not straightforward in Chocolate Doom and its derivatives on Windows because no default file paths are provided at compile time to the library, and no paths are initialized at run time, so the list of directories to look for sound fonts is empty there. I remember using some environment variables found in API docs or source code. There are also multiple uncontrollable fallbacks, so you hear the music anyway, just not in the way you tried to set it up.

In any case, to state the file name in configuration file or a parameter you need it in full, with extension, so turn them on in Explorer (or copy the name from file properties).

>> No.8043771
File: 15 KB, 480x360, shatner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know those Aliens shoot your vehicle down but did you half to blow up a third of LA, remember you're here to save the city not play with yourself.

>> No.8043778

Looks like shit.

>> No.8043779

> Academi fuckers better pay me well!!!

>> No.8043787
File: 75 KB, 1080x1098, 1626441425901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw choccy doom with a mouse
It really does feel incredibly similar to what I remember playing as a kid. All I need now is a shit tier gateway CRT and ball mouse

>> No.8043790

what a waste of oxygen

>> No.8043792

I really don't see what's "Nightmare" about playing D1 keyboard only on Chocolate. That's the way I like to play it because it's fucking comfy.
And vanilla maps don't have 10k Revenant clostets with Archvile alcoves.
That chart doesn't make any sense.

>> No.8043802

If you use zscript instead of voodoos, remember to update your wad every few months. Zscript breaks with every gzdoom upgrade. Most prominent zdoom mappers such as Bridgeburner, Tarnsman and Tango still use voodoo dolls because of this.

>> No.8043807

that's one pissed off martian

>> No.8043817

Quake 2 used a fixed list of resolutions (probably to limit it to 4:3 modes originally, or stop it from growing uncontrollably). Unless the port implemented getting the list from the system, you only see the options set in its code.

Fine manual says you can use custom width and height console variables, as expected. Check the homepage once in a while, too.

Bigger and more important question is whether Quake 2 and its mods have any assets for 4K resolution, and why one would want to ru(i)n it that way. Set the game resolution to 800×600 or 1024×768, configure video card driver to upscale smaller modes to native monitor resolutin, and here's your HD experience at the time without any monitor mode switches.

>> No.8043821


>> No.8043823

Why would you use voodoo dolls for ZScript stuff and not ACS?
Also, it does *not* break with every update, stop parrotting that shit you hear here.

>> No.8043825

Internet is serious business, mmkay?

>> No.8043857

I like the limbs that sometimes twitches shortly after being gibbed.

>> No.8043863

>And vanilla maps don't have 10k Revenant clostets with Archvile alcoves.
You haven't played many vanilla maps, have you?

>> No.8043871

What are some maps like that, anyway?

>> No.8043930


>> No.8043932

You can still use VooDoo doll actions in a ZDoom map, they'll work the same. You can even spice things up a bit by making the conveyor track a ramp so that the VooDoo doll is flung over a pit of fire, just to dab on ACS users.

>> No.8043941

I'm trying to run Doom 4 Vanilla using ZDL and Crispy Doom.
D4V comes prepackaged with some source ports and WADs, which I'm not a fan of, but launching the included Crispy with the provided batch file works perfectly, even adding the alternative weapon .deh files.
On the other hand, when I try to load D4V.wad, D4V.deh and any of the extra weapons through my standalone Crispy install, it doesn't work, even if I use the same command line arguments. Any clues as to why that might be?

>> No.8043950

Load order maybe? using -nodeh?

>> No.8043964

Just to check, since apparently that fixed it:
Is ZDL's load order bottom to top? The following worked, while having the WAD on top didn't.

>> No.8043965

Nevermind it's even more glitched.
I'm testing using the pistol replacement, 2_MARKV.deh. The aforementioned load order swaps the pistol for it, but it can't fire. Adding "-nodeh -deh D4V.deh 2_MARKV.deh" allows it to fire but it causes all sorts of weird glitches.
For reference, the batch file has the following:
>ports\crispy-doom -iwad doom2.wad -file D4V.WAD -nodeh -deh D4V.deh 2_MARKV.deh

>> No.8043970

Open the spoiler under “Download” and read the text around the line
> To play other PWADs (or using other ports), I recommended using this command line:

>> No.8043973

I suppose that all stuff you load with that mod should be compatible with it.

>> No.8043985
File: 700 KB, 1920x1080, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what I'm doing
I'm using plain Doom II to test it.
Standalone Crispy through ZDL to the left, packaged Crispy through batch to the right. Should be loading the same files with the same commands.

>> No.8043997

>deleted everything in the port folder and replaced it with my Crispy install
>deleted all files in the D4V_v3.2.1 folder except the batch, the weapond DEHs, the D4V WAD and DEH, and the Doom II WAD
>it works properly
>ZDL doesn't make it work
I have no clue why this is refusing to work

>> No.8043998

Oh, I thought you were trying to load some third-party weapon modification.

See the process command line in Task Manager (enable the command line column) or Process Explorer (see the properties dialog) to check that it is actually run with the same parameters. Also check the current working directory for them, too. Maybe ZDL can't parse the "-deh a b c" and does something to the parameters silently, try "-deh a -deh b -deh c"

>> No.8044001

Is non-derivative 2021 game a retro shooter?

>> No.8044007
File: 87 KB, 1920x1080, doom49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally beat this bitch of a stage.

>> No.8044014
File: 14 KB, 1882x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does seem to work, or at least by default it has the following arguments:
>"[filepath]\crispy-doom.exe" -iwad [filepath]\DOOM2.WAD -file [filepath]\D4V.WAD -deh [filepath]\D4V.deh -deh [filepath]\2_MARKV.deh
If I add arguments through ZDL, it appends them after that. I suppose I could try only putting D4V.WAD on the load order and set the DEH files with their path as an argument after -nodeh.

>> No.8044017

I hope discussing Brutal Doom and Project Brutality isn't considered sacrilege here. I heard someone over at /v/ saying that BD is very close in gameplay to Blood. I like Blood and have always disregarded Brutal Doom for obvious reasons, but now I'm interested. Any input on whether Brutal Doom or Project Brutality is any good or similar to the gameplay of Blood? Thanks.

>> No.8044019

What would you know, that actually worked. Thanks for the headsup.
Complete jank but eh, it's something. It'd be nifty if you could just introduce -nodeh between load order entries.

>> No.8044039
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, bullettime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently discovered you can speed up or slow down the game in prboom+ - i only sped it up so far to test my voodoo scripts if they get jammed - but you can slow it down and it feels like you are Neo from the matrix or some shit, you guys should try it

>> No.8044043

What a fucking attention whore, autistic people should stop using the internet.

>> No.8044048

4chan will be dead then.

>> No.8044049
File: 98 KB, 860x877, 204-2049029_gadget7-inspector-gadget-brown-bricks-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an autistic, I agree

>> No.8044058

Got Hexen 2, what do I run it on?
Also, been playing some Blood again with friends, got to say the dynamite might be one of my favorite weapons, it just feels right.

>> No.8044063

try it yourself and form your own opinion

>> No.8044075

Just make a regular shortcut. If you're not using a million different mods and regularly play over 9000 different wads simultaneously I don't see any point in using ZDL in the first place, anyway.

>> No.8044089

People actually attempt clusterfuck + maps like Chillax.

How is that even possible?

>> No.8044094

I just might, thanks Anon.

>> No.8044105

As an attentionwhore, I couldn't agree more.

>> No.8044106

Absolute mad men among mad men

>> No.8044110

Hell Revealed 2

>> No.8044112


>> No.8044120

what was the quake source port that john romero really liked? quakespasm?

>> No.8044121

HR2 is a vanilla wad

>> No.8044130

I do blind saveless UV max and it's not too bad on mega wads that are about equal difficulty as the vanilla iwads. I end up taking more time than I like per map just because I have to play cautiously, though. I don't know. It's kind of fun.

>> No.8044136
File: 59 KB, 512x512, [N I C E U].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like a video recorded in the late 2000s/early 2010s due to the mic quality and the sound of his parents or roommate watching Family Feud in the background
>made in 2018 despite all that
unironically charming as fuck

>> No.8044139

Did that thing just teleport and OHKO him?

>> No.8044141


>> No.8044147

as a footfag myself, that looks fucking gross.

>> No.8044153

How hard is Ancient Aliens on HMP compared to Plutonia?

>> No.8044156

It's not a problem when the wads are like the iwads. It more becomes a problem when someone tries to do it with virtually every pwad they find, as many of them can be a lot harder and longer than the iwads, which can lead to unnecessary frustration. In the case of stuff like most ribbiks wads, you often need to practice before being able to reliably do a saveless run.

>> No.8044170
File: 292 KB, 347x452, distress anger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8044174

Same. Footfags without standards give us all a bad name.

>> No.8044175

Out of all GZDoom games shown recently, Brutal Fate and Supplice are the only ones I would probably buy.

>> No.8044206
File: 557 KB, 1920x1080, btsx1end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double this up when the person is playing with gameplay mods that make certain encounters harder than they were intended.

>> No.8044212

This is like the opposite of "Warhammer 40K marines murder ponies" but also reminds me of early PS2 gen games where cartoony characters tried to be cool and edgy but were still either self-aware, comical or limited by being T rated, while also not being as blatantly as fetish fuel as this

>> No.8044237
File: 50 KB, 124x179, anarki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not think that I would be seeing Latisonas again anytime soon.

>> No.8044283
File: 301 KB, 550x746, 2CDA9A4F-0A01-4AB8-A7C3-1AE9525CD344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just played a wad called Three's a Crowd and I fucking hate it. I shall now play Running Late 2 instead.

>> No.8044309

What's Doom guy's canonical age?

>> No.8044318

That's on a need-to-know basis and you don't need to know.

>> No.8044353

The chart is not about difficulty

>> No.8044369

>The chart is not about difficulty
But what is it about?

>> No.8044392

an iceburg obviously

>> No.8044421

>some pioneering soul has brought us half-bare first person feet in doom
>unfortunately it's some kind of furfag who can't draw appealing toe proportions

We came so close to the promised land.

>> No.8044450

i think a version of project brutality also had it

>> No.8044458
File: 17 KB, 295x600, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just forced my way through the rest of Epic2. I don't even know what the wad was doing wrong particularly but I was bored throughout 80%. Doesn't help that I'm pretty burnt out I think, gonna take a break for a couple of months again probably and play some Splitgate.

>> No.8044473

it's certainly lifted from another mod, project brutality and an offshoot of guncaster both have it

>> No.8044556

try 2048 units of /vr/ too

>> No.8044594

Finally got a chance to try xbla doom again. I was right, it controls leagues better than the recent unity port on controller. Don't want to make any promises, but I'd love to support xbla controls for FDWL.

>> No.8044605
File: 46 KB, 322x218, 1520765271132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou doom

>> No.8044615

It's always the problem with launchers. There is no standard for parsing command line arguments, and they try to hide them from the supposedly casual user, but consequently casual user have to learn/guess how argument parsing and (re)construction works in the specific launcher itself. According to the code, the order is always the same (iwad, skill, warp, pwad, deh, etc.), and the additional parameters always come last. There is no template to edit and insert other options or change their order.

(Also, ZDL uses INI-based string-based key-name-format-based serialized format as working data structure.)

Oh, and there is ZDL — Actions — Show command line.

>> No.8044624

I live ZDL as a way to quickly select wads or sourceports and set launch parameters. I think doom launcher is overkill though

>> No.8044640

Opinions on RocketLauncher?
I like it plenty bc it's lightweight and simple

>> No.8044646

That's something a decent system shell should be able to provide.

>> No.8044650

>its time for me to live up to my family name and face full life consequences!

>> No.8044658

>download >>8042841
>have with nothing better to do
>load up wad
>hear footsteps that sound like someone jacking off
>look down
>see feet
>immediately uninstall

>> No.8044661

What are some fun community project megawads, from /vr/ or elsewhere?

>> No.8044663


>> No.8044669

2048 Units of /vr/
Doom in Spain Only
Antaresian Reliquary
1080 Minutes Pour Vivre

>> No.8044672

What's the point in my abstract opinion? It's a similar quick and simple tool to choose additional files based on their extensions, there is no editing of generated command line either. If something advanced is required, you copy the result an fix it manually.

>> No.8044676
File: 664 KB, 660x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nova I-III, Whitemare 1 & 2, DBP1-39, Isolation, PRCP 1 & 2, JPCP, 100/200/300 Minutes of /vr/, the Joy of Mapping 1-6, DUMP 1-3, MAYhem 2012-2020, 1000 Lines, 1994 Tune-Up, Doom -1

>> No.8044679
File: 988 KB, 660x484, 2hudoom proper.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn off the fucking dialogue.

>> No.8044681

There's a lot more problems than dialogue anon.

>> No.8044683
File: 325 KB, 958x543, 1368493047233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we think of Build engine games?

My opinion is, out of the ones I've played, is:

Blood > Shadow Warrior = Duke > Powerslave > Redneck Rampage

I want to like Powerslave, but after defeating Set, the game gets pretty tiresome with the formula:

>the maps give plenty of ammo
>the M60 is guaranteed to put all enemies in a pain state so they can't retaliate
>the pickups are only used for sections where they place one in your path right before you have to use it, otherwise you don't need to use them/you're just holding on to them
>underwater sections have annoying fish you can ignore, or slowly and painfully kill them with the machete just for adding to the Kills tally

The sound effects, music, and visual design is cool otherwise, but I'm bored after defeating Set. From what I understand, however, is that everyone's primarily played the console versions (that use the Slavedriver engine)? The recent "remaster" announcement had me pick up Powerslave, but the original PC version is a Build engine game. Is the Slavedriver version of the game a significantly different experience?

>> No.8044685

Like what?

>> No.8044686

Doomer Board stuff is generally top notch. Outside of one shitpost map, AUGER;ZENITH is some good stuff.

>> No.8044696

Mansion and Club Doom should be canon.

>> No.8044697

I used that sound font in dsda doom.

I followed some directions. Which was to set one of the sound parameters to 48000 and change the sound font from some sound font with a random string of characters to the sound font name
Along with placing the sc55 in there. I think I did it desu cause before it sounded all tiny and weird. Now it sounds good

>> No.8044708
File: 2.90 MB, 800x450, feet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks fucking hysterical.

>> No.8044710

Ones the wolfenstein dbp one they made ?? Someone posted a level here with its name. It was made by them. Had like a green tech base with swastikas on it.

>> No.8044715

Really basic and shit rooms copy and pasted filled with piles of traditional Doom enemies without much thought put into it, so you're just left chewing through hoards of demons in a really boring way.
Fighting the Touhou bosses isn't much better, the bullet patterns are impressive until you realize trying to dodge bullet hell shit is miserable in a first person perspective, even moreso when Doom's movement has some slight inertia to them, so even small adjustments make you glide in that direction a little, so you're going to eat shit for that.

>> No.8044716

What's the wolfenstein one?"""

>> No.8044721

who says they aren't?

>> No.8044725

>the M60 is guaranteed to put all enemies in a pain state so they can't retaliate
It doesn't work on locusts, is suboptimal for the jaguar women, and outright fucks you over on bees. It's a workhorse but no moreso than the SSG is in Doom 2.
>the pickups are only used for sections where they place one in your path right before you have to use it, otherwise you don't need to use them/you're just holding on to them
You should be using items regularly so that all the mana pickups don't go to waste.
>Is the Slavedriver version of the game a significantly different experience?
It is, but if those are your reasons for not liking PC Powerslave, the console version won't be doing anything to fix it. Hope you like shooting numerous types of vermin, getting all your health and ammo from random universal drops, and replaying the same levels several times over. One of them is even entirely underwater!

>> No.8044728

Epic 2 is basically Eternal Doom but done very competently. Unfortunately, Eternal Doom was never a .wad for everyone and there's lots of aspects of it which just will not appeal to most people.
Epic 2 makes it a lot more palatable, because it's very carefully put together, but it's still not for everyone.

>> No.8044730

>Really basic and shit rooms copy and pasted filled with piles of traditional Doom enemies without much thought put into it
I'm a banana and could enjoy worse.
>trying to dodge bullet hell shit is miserable in a first person perspective
True. That's why you're given automap with tracker each map, use it.
>Doom's movement has some slight inertia to them
There's a cvar for that, but after slippedy sliding for so long, it just feels real unnatural to turn it off.

>> No.8044737

>You should be using items regularly so that all the mana pickups don't go to waste.
I should, but I don't need to. I don't need to restore my health since it's in good shape, nor do I need to go invisible, become invincible, or mow everything down with enhanced weapons, because I've never felt that I needed any of the powers. It's cool and all, but the game's too easy even without using the powers. Is there not a difficulty level selection for this game? I'm playing on BuildGDX and I never saw one.
>the console version won't be doing anything to fix it
A shame. I'll still pick it up anyway just for curiosity sake.
>One of them is even entirely underwater!
Joy. So the levels are entirely different? They bare no resemblance to any of the Build version's levels?

>> No.8044747

i think DB21 is the mapset with the space nazis

>> No.8044748

Bees? Huh? I only remember locusts.

>> No.8044749

Sorry if this has been answered a bunch but - what complevel is HFFM? I couldn't find it in the TXT file.

>> No.8044750

he can walk like that all he wants, but he can't un-soil his underpants

>> No.8044753

Ah thanks. That's cool I remember it not being on idgames (probably searched wrong) but it was on mod db. Thanks

>> No.8044779
File: 749 KB, 1920x942, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget that you're probably intended to dodge on the automap, which would be completely idiotic because 1. your movement depends on what direction you're facing, which you have no way of telling in the automap. This get's extra fucky with freelook enabled 2. pic related
I cleared this kusoge on lunatic twice out of pure spite.

>> No.8044780

Fuck. What complevel IS HFFM? 9? It should be a normal Boom one.

>> No.8044783

-1 or 17, I suppose. There is nothing more recent.

>> No.8044785

I *think* it's 9 since that's the standard complevel for boom mapping, but there might be some MBF or other advanced fuckery going on.

>> No.8044801

Correction: You do have a way of telling what direction you're facing on the automap. It's still a bitch to move in though.
this mod blows kekekekekek

>> No.8044802

>we don't know

>> No.8044806
File: 35 KB, 446x378, anville.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting caught up on details

>> No.8044810

I like anvils.

>> No.8044813

As much as I love the project, it was really horribly managed compared to past projects, especially the last two that came before it. Switching between 3 leads was really fucked up.

>> No.8044817

Excuse me what
I've been out of the loop, this sounds nuts

>> No.8044820
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210818_223814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works on my machine™.
Also try overlay map.

>> No.8044832

Is there some way to approximate a floor-lower-to-lowest-floor fast effect in vanilla? I'm thinking such a setup would involve a lift and some instant raise/lower trickery to prevent the lift from rising back up

>> No.8044835

How did you forget the bees? They're fucking enormous and sound like helicopters. Any time you shoot them they fly off in a random direction, making the M60 a bad choice compared to the revolver or cobra staff.

>> No.8044840

Well thats what I thought the locusts were. What are the locusts then?

>> No.8044845

Thank you, that'll be plenty of fun.

>> No.8044846
File: 16 KB, 128x128, 1566561395368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NMN3Anon gets caught up in real life and the project is basically stillborn
>Somebody asks what's happening with it, gets caught up on it, suggests somebody else takes it up
>FullHomo comes in, picks up the pieces and gets it to a playable state and releases it
>There's still work to be done but he already fucked off
>DR FUCKHEAD takes over as lead and is still updating it
the fuck

>> No.8044857

The locusts are those bipedal bug fucks with a rapid projectile attack, one of the most dangerous enemies in the game. You usually end up trading with them if you use the M60 because they can shoot back in the time between their pain state and your next shot.

>> No.8044862

I don't believe there's anything in it demanding it to be anything other than 9
In either case I don't think there's any why going for a higher number is undesirable, beside some infighting changes. Most would probably play in default anyway.

>> No.8044863

Oh, the aliens. Didnt know they were called locusts. Yeah, I tended to use the cobra staff and grenades on them.

>> No.8044865
File: 63 KB, 642x362, 2020-03-30 19-26-15.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automap options -> show things as sprites.
Rotated is probably best for this scenario.

>> No.8044867

>combined arms

>> No.8044868

I was wondering about that myself.

>> No.8044869

I think lift will remember where it was before it was called down.

>> No.8044870

They look like locusts to me and the other ayylmaos are also bug fucks, so I call.them locusts. No idea if that's their proper name or not. But it is fitting for what murderous bastards they are.

>> No.8044872

>pirate doom

>> No.8044875

Lol someone finally recognized my license plate today. I got IDDQD as the plate. Was it one of you

>> No.8044879

>found working doomrpg mod fork
>doomrla+monsters available
>obsidian map generator done
>shitwawe jukebox loaded
yes, time for videogames

>> No.8044884
File: 45 KB, 554x439, 1417475740170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has its own set of issues and I think i'd rather play actual touhou instead, but thanks anyway.
There was no way I was gonna load this kusoge megawad again without something to water it down.

>> No.8044890

>play in default
>play in MBF
>with the fucked up infighting in both
this hurts me

>> No.8044902

I actually really enjoyed that underwater level. All of the levels are well-designed.

>> No.8044978

Is the lopsided shotgun the big reason as to why Decino will not dive into DOOM3 anytime soon? The fact that its dark in a whole lot of areas is a better reason, that and the BFG vs standard edition debate.

>> No.8044996

idk personally id say it's because the fight design is just different compared to the classics, less speed, lower enemy counts, tight areas and no intricate mechanics like infighting

>> No.8045003

>ZDoom still has less good wads and levels
90% of all popular 2000s wads were zdoom.

>> No.8045014

i feel like it's a lot more than that
doom 3 has the weakest enemy beastiary because most of them have similar, unintresting melee roles and barely have any unique or gimmicky attacks
almost every doom game has more than enough memorable enemies but not doom 3 in terms of gameplay
you can say something about some enemies looking cool but it's how they function in the game that hurts them

>> No.8045016

Popular doesn't always mean good, and this doesn't just apply to zdoom maps.

>> No.8045032

Duke is at the top for me because imo its level design is much better than others. I also like Shadow Warrior more than most people because I like melee and SW is basically the only retro fps with satisfying melee weapon
Like all of them in general even RR

>> No.8045048

no enough iwads

>> No.8045051

yeah but the current wave of purist + gameplay mods doesn't actually remove the fact that the modern community started with zdoom.

>> No.8045056

>the modern community started with zdoom
no it's not?

the community was already a thing with boom, dehacked and megawads

>> No.8045062

I just started playing doom in january give me a sec

>> No.8045070

"modern" community.

>> No.8045076

Many big names of last decade started with zdoom wads on 00s such as Skillsaw, Esselfortium, Xaser.

>> No.8045089

Define "modern" genius. Boom and dehacked was modern at the time.

Wrong. They all started doing boom, vanilla or limit removing maps.

>> No.8045092

You need to read the doom modding history essay, friend. The community had a second growth spurt on the mid 2000s thanks to zdoom multiplying the number of things you could do with wads. Or check the cacowards from 2003 to 2009ish.

Most of it didn't stick, with good reason, but without that growth spurt you wouldn't have had the modern appreciation for retro-compatible wads or gameplay wads (arguably mostly due to brutal doom)

>> No.8045093
File: 139 KB, 680x681, zdoom mapping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't we getting sidetracked here? Wasn't the original topic that the amount of zdoom good zdoom maps hasn't exceeded the good boom/vanilla map count?

>> No.8045096

Back To Saturn X series
Doom The Way id Did series
Plutonia Revisited Community Project
TNT Revilution

>> No.8045097
File: 235 KB, 1500x549, Transmetropolitan 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomworld just banned the doomer boards wads

what are the implications?

>> No.8045098

lol zdoomtards are completely delusional

zdoom\gzdoom megawads never had any value on the community

>> No.8045101


>> No.8045102

inb4 /vr/ is next

>> No.8045108

What the fuck?

>> No.8045109

Yes, I was there. And that was considered the dark age of modding. No one remembers the early-zdoom times as a good thing. It was essentially the "needs more detail" era that ended with the KDiZD fiasco

>> No.8045114

> expect it to be something bad
> literally just advertising the doomer board website

>> No.8045115


>> No.8045118

boom\vanilla maps are better, yeah

>> No.8045126

how old are you? I find fighting over ports amusing.

I remember being like 14 and being fascinated by the numbers of zdoom wads and also remember most of them sucking (or flat out never finished). Doesn't mean I couldn't wrangle plenty of fun from them. These days numbers are more balanced but the sheer amount of gzdoom gameplay wads are still impressive.

You seem to believe megawads are more important than other forms of modding.

ngl they have some soul to them.

but is the "everyone there is banned from here" claim real?

will people start getting banned if they say they post in both forums?

>> No.8045130

q: when should I use prboom+ if I use both choccy doom and *zdoom?

>> No.8045131

I post everywhere because I like all three communities.

>> No.8045132

Everyone isn't banned, it's just that some contributors to the wads are.

>> No.8045136

GZDoom users: I enjoy all kinds of mods and maps because I like fun

I hate you so, so much. This is worse than the brits constant seething about germans. Just stop it. Why are you doing this? Did the chicken personally come to your house and rape your face? All the hurr durr mapping format bullshit is ALWAYS instigated by Boom autists. Then some clueless newfag tries do defend ZDoom or be diplomatic and then the REEEEEing starts. Why are you so obsessed? I just don't get it.
We're all in the same boat. Just let people enjoy things, they let you enjoy yours too. We are beyond the br00tal kiddie era, just let it be.

>> No.8045141

>b-but... give us a cacoward first!

>> No.8045142

>You seem to believe megawads are more important than other forms of modding.
They are. We can live without gameplay mods. But without maps the community would not exist.

>> No.8045145

Doomerboards should just do their own cacoawards. Fuck Doom World.

>> No.8045147

maps with a trillion monsters

>> No.8045149

nono this is about community history, gzdoom was very niche back then. this is the 3dfloor/particle fountain/ripping assets from duke to make bosses zdoom era

>Did the chicken personally come to your house and rape your face?
gzdoom players are more likely to say yes than anyone else kek

>> No.8045150

Take your pills schizo.

>> No.8045151

This fuck doomworld.

>> No.8045157

>We can live without gameplay mods
i'd wager at least half the people here wouldn't have bothered with the game if not for gameplay mods

>> No.8045158

>We can live without gameplay mods.
fairly certain that the wads with far most views on youtube and elsewhere are all gameplay mods

>> No.8045159

> doom kid posts on doomer boards

>> No.8045168

>doom man posts on the idgames comments section

>> No.8045169

Just a minority. Most people like Doom because it's Doom or they would be playing another game.

>> No.8045171

I don't know much about doom, but everything I've learned about this doomworld place in the last week or so makes it sound like an autistic shithole run by powertripping faggots. Hopefully that doomer board outgrows them one day.

>> No.8045172
File: 170 KB, 1280x1280, 1615763551327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard for them to do that. DB can easily be covered under a blanket term that considers them unwelcome, since they have a consistent userbase, set of ideals, and the fact their founding principle is hatred of DW (Their founder has said this.) /vr/ doesn't have a founding principle other than "We're on 4chan and we all like doom, let's talk about it here." We also have way more people (120 posters per thread) with varying ideals so they can't simply classify the entire thread as belonging to one political ideal that they would consider unwelcome to DW.

Schizophrenic rambling aside, we have a good history with them. We've won lots of cacowards. I don't think they're gonna be banning this place any time soon.

tl;dr I suck dicks, like 60 billion of them AYYYYYYYYYYYYY

>> No.8045175

>We'll ban wads from our forum because they contain links to another forum
What a time to be alive.

>> No.8045176

Youtube is full of kiddos.

>> No.8045178

That's basically what it is in a nut shell.

>> No.8045179

don't let this distract you from the fact that there has been no progress on samson.

>> No.8045183

Doom World has a great community. It's their moderation team that have been power tripping lately. They're literally creating controversy out of nothing.

>> No.8045184

I'd say people like doom because sprites are nice to look at.

the largest vidya demograpihc.

>> No.8045189

I only go to topics about wad making and they seem mostly normal.
I guess it's the moderation crew that's the problem.

>> No.8045192

It's good idea. I'm quite a centrist on this case, but having multiple wad awards would be good idea, so the opinions don't just come from one side. Maybe they shouldn't vote dbps though, or the awards would be just a catalog of year's dbps. If we could get it work, /vr/'s own awards would also be great. /vr/ is more of neutral ground between dw and db, so we could vote best of both worlds.

>> No.8045195

the dumbest vidya demographic

>> No.8045196
File: 8 KB, 80x116, golden boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/'s own awards would also be great

>> No.8045197

fund it

>> No.8045198

Imma going to make my own award and award it myself for my outstanding work for the last 2 years since I learned how to make maps.

>> No.8045201

it was supposed to be one of the oldest doom related forums and a hub for the fanbase
someone will way "this is why you gatekeep" but some of these people are from the old blood
they can't really go "muh 4chan toxicity" when we know a few big names that are literal somethingawful goons
that's like a wife beating drunk father complaining that his crackhead son got more successful and pretending he didn't raise that asshole

>> No.8045204

To stay impartial I think DBP should be top three of the year in their own category.

>> No.8045206

Also dont forgot when that wolfendoom mod had controversy at doomworld a few months ago.

They threatened to call the cops on the creator.
Some fuckin bs like
>dont you live in Germany/Austria
>I mean you wouldn't wanna go to prison right ?
>what it someone called the cops ?
>you should delete your mod right now

>> No.8045209

I'm still posting From Doom With Love progress here. You guys give good feedback.

>> No.8045210
File: 92 KB, 1172x505, Salt powered robot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me come over there. I'm still playtesting Kustam and making sure I've completely unfucked him.
I'm also doing a small personal project: a player skin for HD

>> No.8045214

I award this anon a Golden Boner Award(>>8045196) for always doing his best! :)

>> No.8045217


No, post-split with the DBK people the only DBP contributors banned from Doomworld are 40oz and Joe-ilya.

>> No.8045221

I'm glad they banned DBP once and for all. These guys are lunatics who "declared war" against Doomworld and keep doing conspiracy theories against them. And now they blocked the acess to the DBP unless you are a member, it's pretty clear they are recruiting people to their cause.

>> No.8045226

The doom community is downright infamous for drama.

It is after all the foster child of romero's 90s mentality. It's culture is built on banter over petty shit. Asset theft, modder meltdown, not banning clearly toxic people who ended up doing a lot of damage over the years, etc, etc.

I don't think any other modder community got so toxic until nexus mods imploded

With that said, doomworld is ironically the most laid back of the two, us not included. the zdoom forums are a cancer of a permanently powertripping dev and a moderation team downright terrified of him quitting so they trip each other all the time to cater to his whims.

based. post maps

multiple community awards are a good idea. Every clique tends towards a preferred theme paying less attention to other types of mods.

ie in rfpsg we are probably the n° 1 gameplay wad fans while doomworld has historically preffered mapping/architecture centric wads. DB is too young to specialize so far but it will arguably choose a different approach for it's identity.

>> No.8045232


shit man my newest drama story was graf picking a fight over lilith.wad. what on earth did i miss?

>> No.8045235


>> No.8045236

He said a few times he won't do Doom 3 because he finds it boring. That's simply not the type of FPS he does on channel. It's like asking him to do Half-Life or System Shock.

>most of them have similar, unintresting melee roles and barely have any unique or gimmicky attacks
There're some disposable melee-only enemy types (zombie, maggot, wraith), but also many interesting ones. Just a few examples:
- Imp requires you to learn their fireball throwing animations to time point-blank shotgun shots correctly
- with Mancubus you basically do the same left-right dance like in classics
- Tentacle Commando's attack is almost unavoidable unless you realise you can duck under it
- Archvile's flame wall limits your strafe options, similar to Serious Sam's minor Biomechanoids
- Hell Knight's fireballs are very deadly, so you do Shambler-style melee bait with him
Problem is pathetically low enemy count in vanilla campaign, so you don't get to appreciate those interactions much. The mod "Tested" shows absolute limits of what you can do with Doom 3 combat, it's really fucking hard.

>> No.8045239

gzdoom can go fuck itself to be honest

>> No.8045241

I miss Paradox Interactive games modding.
Only drama was Paradox Interactive being Paradox Interactive.

>> No.8045243

Just read their forum.

>> No.8045245

this makes memes about "doom has such an wholesome fanbase despite the gore lol" funny because the modding/source port scene is like the more relevant and important section but then you have these stories around sgtmark and graf zahl, yet they're more relevant than "lore youtuber" and "guy who drew slayer and isabelle
i mean shit, the fanbase came up with "doomguy is the strongest" memes partially because of how jealous some people were that master chief was more people
i swear, how doom fans reacted to halo reminded me of how razorfist hates the witcher because he said geralt was a rip off of a character he liked
>multiple community awards are a good idea. Every clique tends towards a preferred theme paying less attention to other types of mods.
and it makes the fanbase bigger than it looks

>> No.8045248

It was much of threatening, but more of them giving a notice. And yes according to the law, Torm could have gone to jail. He had a part were you would kill undead jews on Auswich. Yea they were undead, but it could be considered antisemitism.

And yes i do not agree with law or Torm getting banned. And yes the whole drama was quite exaggerated on their part. But the jail part could have happened. These are weird times.

>> No.8045249

>Problem is pathetically low enemy count in vanilla campaign, so you don't get to appreciate those interactions much. The mod "Tested" shows absolute limits of what you can do with Doom 3 combat, it's really fucking hard.
I heard the Pinky had a jump animation but only fanmade maps can show that, actually.

>> No.8045251

I went to doomerboards once. I read a post by 40oz about how he was scared by Doom as a kid or how it was too brutal or something. What a faggot soft cunt, he probably left DW because he was incredibly butthurt about someone hurting his feelings.
I have been to doomerboards once.

>> No.8045252
File: 388 KB, 1284x980, 1415560750653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"doom has such an wholesome fanbase
lmao what
who said this
who on god's loving earth said this

>> No.8045254

>blocked access
It seems neither dw or db are heroes, but just sides at weird internet war on each other. Thank god, we have /vr/. Peaceful place.

>> No.8045256

>But the jail part could have happened
No it couldn't. I took a look at the parts in question and there was nothing breaking any current laws. Some people might call it tasteless and crass, but there was nothing illegal about it.

>> No.8045260

Doomer Board Projects are easily accessible. Registration is just required to follow discussions.


>> No.8045262

>But the jail part could have happened.
germany lifted the ban on shock content a lot of time ago tho, and the ADL isn't as retarded in germany.

>> No.8045269

>Peaceful place.
I remember when sayin "brutal doom" was guaranteed replies

>> No.8045272

More and more I wish that Dowmworld were to eventually collapse like Neogaf and TheEscapist.

>> No.8045274

>your projects are banned from our forums because some of your contributors are banned from our forums
Basically DW thinks their bans should be global unpersonings that extend to other forums.

>> No.8045278

If I wanna go down on really old zdoom wads, do I need older versions of zdoom?

>> No.8045281

for the most part no

>> No.8045283

It's derived from prboom+, so you only need to enable Fluidsynth (already done by default), and type in the name of your preferred soundfont.

TimGM6mb means “Timidity General MIDI 6 MB”, a tiny set of samples by modern and even not so modern standards, but roughly comparable to synthesizer sample memory sizes on mid-90s sound cards, well known and easily downloadable even in the days before broadband (Timidity home page is from 2004). It is available as a package for system-wide installation on some/most free systems, in which case no manual configuration is needed at all. By the way, if you don't have any soundfont installed, on Windows you hear the default system synthesizer.

>> No.8045292
File: 63 KB, 600x328, 990 sorlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hey, I remember there was an anon who put together a big image college on Imgur of all the lore from Quake Champions that tried to tie together the Quake 1 stuff with the Quake 2/4 stuff, but I can't find it. Anyone got a link?

>> No.8045296

gzdoom can go fuck itself to be honest

>> No.8045297

We have enough people here who know what makes a good map. We should all just pick out one wad from the year that we played and gush about it. No popularity contest or any sort of formality. Just each anon's personal wad of the year.

>> No.8045301
File: 633 KB, 720x480, aniki laptop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm basically finished with all the stuff, but I realized I forgot to write down Complevel. There's also the final question of the new Hellknight death sound, I changed it out because the old one had a voice too similar to the Cyberdemon's sounds, and it irked me, but do people prefer the previous more?

It's definitely taken a lot more time than it should though.

>> No.8045303

Tying that two together seems easy with slipgates.

>> No.8045308
File: 188 KB, 96x96, super_ball_lightning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technical question:
I have a new monster with a power attack and associated new projectile; how do I attach a sound loop ( for example https://voca.ro/1eyssyH3ABwf ) to the projectile so that the sound moves with it?

>> No.8045312

Im surprised it took this long. Some of the mods over there have a weirdly personal grudge against Doomer Boards.

>> No.8045314

I could get behind that, yeah. Maybe on a certain date we could have a nominations post and then have a voting phase.

>> No.8045318

>>8045314 (Me)
Hold up, could we do a worst wad too?
The cacaward
>Captcha: TTTTJ

>> No.8045323

Goddamn, DW has really gone full retard. What next; they'll ban every future /vr/ project because "muh 4chiz is full of racists and mean people ;_; "? That HFFM debacle was pretty annoying, but this shit is just straight-up disproportionate.

>> No.8045325


>> No.8045326

Decorate? Just put a_startsound with the proper parameters in the spawn state of the projectile.

>> No.8045330

I'm glad they banned DBP once and for all. These guys are lunatics who "declared war" against Doomworld and keep doing conspiracy theories against them. And now they blocked the access to the DBP thread unless you are a member, it's pretty clear they are recruiting people to their cause.

>> No.8045331

In Decorate? Start a sound with the looping flag in the spawn frame, and stop the sound on that channel on the death frame.

>> No.8045332

Hey friend that Thief image is outdated. The fix for Thief 2 is T2Fix now

>> No.8045339

>muh 4chiz is full of racists and mean people
Nah, most of them are on pretty good terms with us. The only ones who hold that belief are clueless newfags, and they sure as shit ain't the decision makers. Y'know, the kind with a post 2016 registration date and have never made a map.

>> No.8045365

I like the old sound a lot better.

>> No.8045371

I think that'd lend itself too much to political drama and pointless shit flinging. Better to focus on what we did like and let the absence of what we didn't like speak for itself.

>> No.8045375

By Odysseus beard how many fucking teasers did realms deep show this year?

Are these ever going to be finished?

What the fuck is happening to gaming , is it the gfx apocalypse? Are games going niche again?

>> No.8045376

If console has more errors than you can read and understand, or nothing works, you probably do.

>> No.8045381
File: 339 KB, 903x960, 1593480693413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, halloween project anon, are you gonna be able to lead the project after that incident, or is it canceled? Saw you talking about it on the shitwad streams

>> No.8045385

DoomerBoards holding their own awards I think is a great idea, a different perspective is worthwhile for sure. However, I think that this should come with the caveat that they cannot award official group projects from DoomerBoards. Looking at Cacowards, there's clearly some 'incestuous' relations when it comes to awards and community members.

For /vr/, we could hold our own awards of some kind, and just the same I think that we should recuse ourselves from awarding our own projects, just for the fact that we're not Doomworld.
The question is how we do it? We could hold votes, but that's easily manipulable, instead maybe we just have a brief period where someone can mention some kind of released or even demoed project, gush about what they think is good about it (but also, give real criticism where needed, because constructive criticism is valuable), and then tally up posts like that as some sort of rating, say a megawad has seven anon posts describing in detail what they think makes it so good, giving Fuck.wad a Golden Boner Rating of 7.
Samefagging could easily make this manipulable though, so one wonders if there exists some kind of tool somewhere which could reliably tally this without taking away anonymity.

>> No.8045387

unless we award individual maps we'd be basically doing 2 awards for the only two megawads we complete per year.

>> No.8045396

one thing i noticed is how much beefier the shotgun sounded, idk if that was just my imagination.

One thing is however with the sc 55, for some reason with custom wads like Back to saturn x 1 it sounds slightly better with
>port midi

>> No.8045416
File: 2.81 MB, 500x282, Base Profile 2021.08.18 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8045420

Yes, his AI can do a small sidestep/jump to dodge attacks. You can see that a lot in custom maps.

>> No.8045425
File: 305 KB, 630x473, 0sP8zN7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Cacowards should be organized on a neutral ground of /vr/.

This kills the Cacowards. And /vr/.

The image is hilarious, both because of early 2000s in-level advertising, and the effect it caused.

>> No.8045429
File: 26 KB, 544x196, succubus_slut_walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple years ago an anon was messing around with making a succubus enemy, did anything come of it besides a couple bans for him?

>> No.8045438

Oh man, he hurt his fapping hand?

>> No.8045449
File: 773 KB, 1920x1080, doom38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the opening shot of the wad too.

>> No.8045452
File: 8 KB, 256x128, YOUR AD HERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In-level advertising
I was planning on doing that for 25 Frags of /vr/, which won't be happening for a while to make room for the Halloween project, assuming it starts sometime soon.

>> No.8045456

That was me. I was experimenting with creating Doom sprites from 3D models. I have moved on to Unity since I can do a lot more with it, like the segmented sprite system I'm working on. I also figured out how to do normal mapping on sprites.

>> No.8045461

The Halloween project is doomed to never happen.

>> No.8045472

>No 100% kills
>No secrets

>> No.8045476

Music and the sounds are completely independent. It's just relative/absolute volume differences and non-linear human hearing.

You also changed the mixing sample rate. You can turn off the music and compare shotgun blasts at different sample rates to see if there is any difference. Note that original effects have low sample rates, and shouldn't change much from upsampling, while mods can have high quality sounds that lose higher frequencies if mixed at less than 44/48 KHz.

>> No.8045479

>Cacowards should be organized on a neutral ground of /vr/.

>"The neutral judges have, after much deliberation, decided to grant the map of the year award to a .wad that had previously missed it"

>> No.8045480


>> No.8045481

>IF expansion delayed
>Kingpin AWOL
>Wrath MIA
>Rise of Triad MIA
>Sin Reloaded MIA
>System Shock Remake (lol)
>Core Decay still a long while away
>Powerslave "coming soon™"
>Cultic, 2022
>Graven, 2022 (yeah, ok lol)
>anything else remotely decent 2022/23


>> No.8045489

>"I'm so psychotic and fucked in the head, criticism of a videogame mod I made can make me suicidal"

That's some real problems there pal

>> No.8045494

I would wait for the lead to give his final word on that, especially for those waiting to start more projects.
>No followup on the Strife expansion

>> No.8045509

Damn I'm so tired of gameplay mods

>> No.8045515

So, with this latest episode in Doomworld retardation, should we add "Doom the Way it Won a Cacoward" to our potential project list alongside Halloween, 94 Protons, and 25 Frags?

>> No.8045525

Doomworld don't did anything wrong

>> No.8045526

Only if you add a texture with doomerboards url probably scratched out and doomworld posted instead.

>> No.8045528

I would prefer a community is falling 4 in response to this shitshow instead

>> No.8045530

Expecting players to save to beat your map just means you've made a shit wad. Hallmark of the 2010s Cacoward.

>> No.8045534

soul desu

us hardcore gamurs right

>> No.8045559

ahh that makes sense. thanks for helping me understand more about doom's music. I kinda just set it up with thinking or really understanding what it did.
>man this sounds like crap
>ohh cool heres some directions
But it is fun messing around with the music settings a little bit. i do like the way it sounds with SC-55 though. The regular music already sounds alot better than it normally does.
A thing that threw me heavy was the menu sounds of SC-55. I thought when i first loaded Doom 2
>opp i did something wrong here
I found out that Menu music is how SC-55 does it. Then when i loaded the first level. It sounded like the youtube renditions of the SC55 music

On another topic. have you seen doomkids YouTube? with like the alice and chains CD midis?? that stuff is awesome

>> No.8045561

>Even Decino realised this after his blind BTSX E2 playthrough effectively ruined his enjoyment of the wad.
They made for shitty videos more than anything.

>> No.8045563

I kinda just set it up without thinking""""

>> No.8045565
File: 26 KB, 970x340, p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look bros it's episode 6

>> No.8045568


>> No.8045584

6 is the number after 5

>> No.8045587

Is this a leak of what Bethesda's supposedly gonna reveal about Quake?

>> No.8045596

I guess. Likely a sourceport like the Doom Unity thing with Machine Game's 20th anniversary episode included and maybe a new one

>> No.8045606

Quake has nine official episodes

>> No.8045615


>> No.8045620

What exactly are you making now, Anon?

>> No.8045632

this one will be marketed as 6

>> No.8045634

Are you so sure people will look back on this era of "needs more revenant closets" fondly? An incestuous circlejerk of the same 10 autists giving each other shiny gold stars for putting out maps that are way too big, that are always balanced around speedtrannies, and where you're lucky if HMP is anything more than a half-hearted afterthought?

This age of half-Plutonia caricature, half-slaughtershit actually sucks ass. People slag off Brutal Doom and nu-Doom for flanderizing Doom, but the autists over at Doomworld have done a far worse job of the same, all without ever leaving the confines of their precious PrBoom.

>> No.8045639


>> No.8045653

People aping Sunlust superficially and making glow in the dark maps is pretty boring, but I think aping the fundamentals of Plutonia and Scythe 2 is timeless.

>> No.8045658

That shotgun animation really needs a muzzleflash or something. I was wondering why the fuck he kept reloading for 5 solid seconds.

>> No.8045668

I can't believe it hasn't already happened. Half the DW moderation team is on estradiol. It's only a matter of time before the forum is completely neutered and it turns into another resetera-level joke.

>> No.8045694
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1054D580-A99A-4642-B305-C45B8C7099DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not care for Scythe 2.

>> No.8045695

Time already proved you are wrong

>> No.8045719
File: 294 KB, 556x180, succubus_V2_leftovers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frst version that I quickly dropped. V2 was finished and animated, but only a few frames got rendered and retouched before I dropped that as well. Pic related is all that remains.

A cross between Hexen and Diablo. Strong procedural component. Mild collectathon. Simple skill and upgrade system. Some experimental systems like the aforementioned segmented sprite system, a prefab mutator that further randomizes prebuilt parts as well as some cosmetic stuff on top of the pixel graphics.

Gives me headaches for the last two years since I'm constantly butting my head against technical difficulties and my own limits. That...and family plus day job.

>> No.8045721

I didn't care for Scythe once I got to the Hell levels

>> No.8045732


>> No.8045737

This post is confusing because there somehow isn't a wojak attached with it. Must be phoneposting.

>> No.8045758

>Are you so sure people will look back on this era of "needs more revenant closets" fondly?
most of the relevant wads you mentioned are old already. The golden age of retro wad was in the early 00s.

This is the era of the gameplay mods and TCs. Zoomies that can't code their own FPS engine will make it in gzdoom.

>> No.8045767
File: 70 KB, 231x181, 1603907396009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking mad shit for being in a general mostly known for its gameplay mods

>> No.8045774

Revival Family Guy was a mistake.

>> No.8045775

what happened to HFFM?

I'm referencing the current retro FPS fad. Any kids who wants in and ain't too hot at coding will find his way to gzdoom eventually. that has nothing to do with gameplay mods beyond both beyond the most popular topic in 2020

>> No.8045778

PS the succubus and variants will probably make a comeback (in their properly segmented form of course) once I start with the monsters for the individual acts.

>> No.8045781

*early 10s

>> No.8045783

Plutonia/Scythe-influenced prBoom wads were hot shit in last decade, but it's more rare nowadays. This decade's thing seems to be more 90s influenced gameplay/aesthetics (Doom Zero, Three's A Crowd, Syringe, Doom 2 in Spain Only etc.) and Sunder/Sunlust influenced gzdoom wads (Slaughter Spectrum, Ar Luminae, Bastion Of Chaos).

Btw what are your favorite wads from last decade?

>This is the era of the gameplay mods and TCs. Zoomies that can't code their own FPS engine will make it in gzdoom.
Also this.

>> No.8045787

Ohhh, I see. I agree with you on that front.
Y'know, half of these neo "boomer shooters" can't even hold a candle to the classics. They're clearly made because it's a fad instead of love.
As for HFFM, it was deleted from doomworld despite being censored because apparently having a censored version of a wad explicitly to prevent drama is an evil plan or something.

>> No.8045789

Dew sperged out or something. It's not important.

>but it's more rare nowadays
I'll keep it alive.

>> No.8045793

Outside Ion Fury most of them are young devs rediscovering Quake II & III twitch shooter gameplay. To wildly varying degrees of acurracy.

I really wanna say "there weren't enough single player arena shooters" but that's only because I can't think of any outside unreal and quake.

>> No.8045794
File: 21 KB, 176x232, 1410161180428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The golden age of retro wad was in the early 00s.
You mean the age where Hell Revealed 2 got a cacoward?

>> No.8045795

made a typo, read replies.

>> No.8045797

It wasn't all bad, anon. Alien vendetta came out in that era too.

>> No.8045803

I might be retarded, but I actually enjoyed HR2.

>> No.8045815

hey if you had fun. thats all that matters.

>> No.8045816

Alien Vendetta kicks Hell Revealed 2's ass so hard it isn't even funny. Nostalgia for AV is well deserved but I really don't feel the same for HR2.

Genuinely interested, what did you enjoy about it? I don't enjoy the combat, exploration, or visuals.

>> No.8045826


I never understood why Duke Nukem 64 never included a muzzle flash for the shotgun but did for the pistol and dual MP5s

>> No.8045827

I have weird love for 00s grindy slaughter, and 90s bare visuals. Don't get me wrong, HR2 is definitely not the best wad I've played, but enjoyable.

>> No.8045838

Thats kinda how i feel about this Wad called Doom 2 reloaded. Like half of its levels are slaughter. One level even has like a timed ambush.
Where it spawns in close to a 100 enemies lmao with a archville
Luckily that same level also has a crushed you can trap them in
but if one doesn't know that. Its basically guaranteed death

>> No.8045845
File: 100 KB, 250x250, Doom Sweatguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multiple doomworld mods have viewed my doomworld profile simultaneously
Oh no.

>> No.8045852
File: 368 KB, 483x531, 1578527909850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8045853

How do you check that?

>> No.8045858

You can enable it on your profile. It shows the last 5 people logged in who viewed your profile and at what time.

>> No.8045861

>Dew sperged out or something. It's not important.
just found the post
lmao that lack of self-awareness

>> No.8045876
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1628364364621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well anon, you're fucked now.

>> No.8045879

Anon, what did you do?

>> No.8045886
File: 24 KB, 276x280, 1619402578888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon they read this thread, they'll know you are /vr/ poster

>> No.8045894

goodbye anon

>> No.8045895

Age of Hell is being hyped up to be the biggest fucking thing to come out of GZDoom yet it looks like an asset flip. They couldn't even get the water to look like water. If you look past the shitty Hellforge published games Realms Deep was actually pretty good.

Reading through "rather infamous advertisement of DB" only to click on it and see just an URL on a random wall gave me a good laugh.

>> No.8045901

They're gonna put you in the gulag now.

>> No.8045905
File: 520 KB, 889x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, anon, I swear. I don't know what they would want with me.

~I've done no harm I keep to myself.
There's nothing wrong with my state of mental health~

>> No.8045912

Hi Endless! Gotta say I really like the WADazine - nice 90s aesthetics, and good write-ups too.

>> No.8045914


>> No.8045917

RIP Keegan.

>> No.8045919

RIP DoomKid

>> No.8045920

>Reading through "rather infamous advertisement of DB" only to click on it and see just an URL on a random wall gave me a good laugh.
Doomworld staff really are just pussies, aren't they?

>> No.8045921

I'm not him. I don't do much on doomworld anon, I only fucking wish I could do something as big as the wadazine. I just noticed his thread btw.
Lol, he doesn't even have a doomworld profile. Can't die if you never lived.
The day doomkid gets banned is the day i'm done with doomworld desu

>> No.8045930
File: 58 KB, 1080x454, Screenshot_20210818-185922__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8045940

>Lol, he doesn't even have a doomworld profile
Huh. Never noticed.

>> No.8045941
File: 6 KB, 178x219, 1469167510600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8045948

They're banning discussion about it. Wadazine is over.


>> No.8045951

If 25 frags of /vr/ goes down I'll definitely make a map for it. Deathmatch maps are fun as fuck to make. I have an idea for one too that I think would be interesting.

>> No.8045953

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210819004857/https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/123987-banning-of-wads-hyper–moderation-and-the-recent-issues-at-doomworld/

>> No.8045956

I really wish there was a accurate playable Duke mod for Doom, the ones that exists tries to do way to fancy stuff.
Fucking SRB2 was the most accurate one and that is not even a fps game.

>> No.8045961

I wish there was an accurate Doom mod for Blood and Duke.

>> No.8045963

What happened to wadazine now? I missed something today while not being online.

>> No.8045974

Why isn't there a Doom fan site called "waddicted"? It all seems so obvious.

>> No.8045984

He's right.

>> No.8045987

Deleting a post that says the mods delete any criticism they don't like... they really have no sense of irony.

>> No.8045991

Nvm, I see.
Weirdly fascist stance to take for these anti-fascists, to ban any and all discussion criticizing their obvious power trip.

>> No.8045992

How quickly did that get taken down?

>> No.8045993
File: 8 KB, 118x151, Absolutey Cacodemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R.I.P., lunchlunch/WashingMachineEnthusiasts/EnragedEggplant/Holy fucking shit there's a lot of anons n doomworld
Whoever you are, you will be missed. Pic unrelated.

>> No.8045995

Doomworld mods threw a hissyfit over Auger:Zenith getting praise, so they found any reason they could to ban DBPs.

>> No.8046000
File: 95 KB, 700x700, 1411102810903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Vaeros doesn't give his word on the Halloween project then I should be in the clear to start it. Stay tuned, anon.

>> No.8046001

Since when is in-game advertising against the rules?

>> No.8046004

Is it going to be made with duels in mind, or larger deathmatch games?

>> No.8046008

Almost instantly. Glad I caught it in time.

>> No.8046009

10 minutes. Doomworld jannies are pathetic.

>> No.8046013
File: 85 KB, 600x893, escape from doomworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an absolute trashfire of a site.

>> No.8046016

Larger scale games. I want it to be playable on FNF as one of the hosts of that event.

>> No.8046017

He just posted it on his DW profile, the absolute mad lad. RIP Endless.

>> No.8046018

Doomworld literally doesn't have a set of rules, so you cant even call them out for enforcing the rules selectively. The mods just say "just follow common sense :)", implying anybody who gets banned deserves it for not knowing to agree with the mods' opinion on every subject.

>> No.8046024

RIP everyone who reacted.

>> No.8046030
File: 28 KB, 342x388, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwwwww shiet, I thought he would survive a deletion but doubling down is just gonna get him REKT. Gonna miss the wadazine, also holy shit all eyes are on him

>> No.8046031

He posted it on his profile feed too, let's see if it sticks. Gotta say; it's like Doomworld WANTS a schism to happen.

>> No.8046034

RIP autism dev

>> No.8046036

Man, you just know NotJabba is jerking off furiously while talking to the other mods how they should ban Endless.

>> No.8046041

I chose a bad time to get into the doom community huh

>> No.8046042
File: 48 KB, 333x286, 6728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since it steals members from your community
we are back to mid 2000s forum drama

buckle up buckaroos

>> No.8046046

Nono, just avoid interacting with people on Doomworld.

>> No.8046047

the best doom community was the russian one

>> No.8046049

We're the only community you need anon. <3

>> No.8046053

> want to check if he's banned yet
> don't want to incriminate myself

>> No.8046057

What if we have two switches in every map that when you hit them simultaneously it teleports both players to a duel arena.

>> No.8046062
File: 386 KB, 1024x768, sshot013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay tiny hal;way

>> No.8046064
File: 3 KB, 126x125, 1350008855135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does viewing the profile mean? are they checking his post/PM history?

oh jezzus

they really are checking his PMs to see if they can ban him?

>> No.8046065

Just avoid the drama on any board, play whatever is fun to you, make whatever the shit you want.

>> No.8046069

That would just be doubling up the workload.

>> No.8046070

They know so many eyes are on them right now, they can't really just start 'shooting on sight' for everyone who comes looking, that'll just Streissand.

>> No.8046071

you know the pixels made me realize.
There's not faux-CRT filter for DOOM right? Considering it's such a big deal on oldschool emulators, I realized it's never been brought up here

>> No.8046073

wtf Endless doesn't suck on mod's cock I didn't know he was a facist too
>Only 3 reactions
That got taken down quickly lol

>> No.8046079

You can show on your profile who has visited you most recently, but I wouldn't be surprised if the mods on Doomworld can read PMs.

>> No.8046082
File: 30 KB, 829x434, 1625550933833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone is pretending to be kekkrdev i think. also lmao @ 40oz.

>> No.8046083

Just stop giving a fuck.

>> No.8046084

You just stick to /vr/ and the romanian community anon, it's okay

>> No.8046087

any modern forum lets you read PMs.

>> No.8046092

>but I wouldn't be surprised if the mods on Doomworld can read PMs
It would be an absurd breach of trust. But I don't at all doubt they would if they could. They're the self righteous types that would think that power was fine in their hands.

>> No.8046093

>but I wouldn't be surprised if the mods on Doomworld can read PMs.
It's Invision so that's totally possible to do.

>> No.8046096

That's not a pretend account.

>> No.8046102

All forums need to be able to read PMs.

The only thing that changes is whether every mod can or only admins can. That ain't much of a difference.

>> No.8046108

>The only thing that changes is whether every mod can or only admins can
I was speaking about the mods. An admin would ofc be able to.

>> No.8046123


>> No.8046124

and you think mods are acting behind admins backs?

>> No.8046127

You can use reshade's VRT filter for that, it's pretty cool.

>> No.8046129

No, all I meant was the mods at doomworld seem like the type that would abuse that power of the site admin granted it to them. That's all.

>> No.8046131

is it accurate?

>> No.8046132

the natural assumption a person should have is that everything they post on a site can be easily accessed by the owner at best and the entire moderation at worst

>> No.8046138

I've been in many communities that had very ambiguous and vague rules. Every single one had admins abuse that and banning people who they don't want around because everyone they happen to disagree with are also conveniently incapable of following "common sense"

I saw this coming a mile away with the type of people they were making new mods (aside from DK).

>> No.8046150

how do monsters / textures look on them?

it's a big if on forum rules. PM reading is normally reserved for legal stuff (ie someone sharing piracy / cp / paypal etc) or major drama ie harassment.

Two people talking "I think X is an asshole" in their own privacy is almost never moderated. But given current precedents...

>> No.8046151
File: 176 KB, 485x393, 1586025837136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this drama will probably get nuked by the janny, but fuck it. Why has every single long running forum ended up with tyrannical mods?

>> No.8046153

While there are encryption options for that board software, I wouldn't trust them to be in place.
>I saw this coming a mile away with the type of people they were making new mods (aside from DK).
They've wanted to have a purge of the less convenient users for a while now.

ZDoom's been jumping on it by essentially banning people for being banned on Doomworld too.

>> No.8046157

Seems alright.

>> No.8046169

Essentially the well meaning admins and mods either move onto other stuff or get pushed out by people with an agenda to make it be the way they want instead of continuing in the spirit of what the original creators intended.

>> No.8046174
File: 143 KB, 480x360, 1355364519198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>file deleted
the DW mods are onto us
it's ogre

>> No.8046180

Nah, the filter didn't show up in the screenshot so I deleted it. I'm sure I'll be banned soon though.

>> No.8046192
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, spasm0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to combine +jump and +moveup with a bind? I'd assume there is but I can't find anything.

>> No.8046193

I think the janny's been watching us this whole time actually. I'm sure as long as we stay civil things will be alright.
I wish jannies were allowed to talk to us, transparency is nice. And desu, the one we have here seems pretty chill.

>> No.8046195

just delete the posts mate, nobody died for self-moderation.

Either way I'm really curious about the whole CRT thing given that 90s arcade design was driven by how it looks on a CRT and I can't remember for the life of me how it looks

>> No.8046217

>They've wanted to have a purge of the less convenient users for a while now.

What i meant is that it was a confirmation that they were really heading this way, just bringing in more people with a similar agenda instead of anyone with any form of independent thinking.

>> No.8046220
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>> No.8046226

You're next on the chopping block.

>> No.8046234

You know, my original post (>>8045845) didn't even have anything to do with this Endless/DBP drama. It seems they've wanted to ban Anonymous for a long time now, and they might just use this as an excuse to glass us all.

>> No.8046241
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>> No.8046246

The only way anything good is coming out of this is by supporting people like Endless actually standing up against this tyranny. They're doing this because they think "who would be against this? we're literally just banning propaganda for a forum full of nazis that want to eat your babies!!". They should be scared of us and everyone else on DW

Endless is just the one that had the courage to speak up, there's a lot of people who i talked to that would 100% agree with him but don't want to say anything because they know arrogant and narcissistic the DW staff is.

>> No.8046247

How would they even know who browses these threads?

>> No.8046249

Real talk, I wanna recommend to a deaf friend of mine. Any mods that would make it playable for him? All I can think of is a damage direction mod.

>> No.8046256

Reminder that the whole case against DB was made based on cherrypicked post screencaps. If they want to make a move against /vr/, they can easily pull off the same trick on us too, based on how many misogynist and transphobic posts there are most of them by me

>> No.8046257

I don't know if any such mod exists, but something that tells you the direction of a sound would be cool. Like in Minecraft.

>> No.8046260

Always thought something like that might be interesting. Something that captions all the relevant sounds, like monster grunts and such. Overlays them on top of the monster's position, fades them out as they get quieter (farther away).

>> No.8046261

Doesn't Doom has damage direction by default, with Doomguy face turning towards the damage source when hit? Or I got Mandela'd again?

>> No.8046262

What did I miss? Everyone's panicking more than usual

>> No.8046263

I'm not deaf, but when I was a kid I played Duke3D on Windows XP with no sound, your friend will be alright.

>> No.8046265

Doomguy's head turns in the direction he got hit, but other than that, it's pretty vague damage direction.

>> No.8046267

This is an old ass proof of concept mod using decorate (so it doesn't work with other monster replacers) and is bare bones as fuck but it's something.

>> No.8046269


>> No.8046270

Get a minimap mod and a mod that turns tracers into projectiles, those should help a bit.

>> No.8046272

Doomworld outlawed Doomer Board Projects forever and will begin bombing in five minutes.

>> No.8046275

PC monitors didn't really have visible scanlines so people have less nostalgia for it with Doom.

>> No.8046276

I'd say to get to high ground, but explosions are infinitely tall.

>> No.8046279
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It does, but it's not super accurate. Something that controls the flash of red on the screen to show up in a navigational direction.
something like this quick shitty mockup i just made

>> No.8046280

I don't know of anything for that, but it would be really cool and interesting to see something like it developed.

The most reliable thing I can imagine is straight up a physical peripheral which transmits the sounds as vibrations for the wearer to feel, and this gives him an idea of sounds happening, and their direction and distance, even if he can't actually hear the sound. Of course, that would require building a physical device, and then making the game interface with it.

Closed captions could maybe have some effect, but it seems like it would be a really clunky and awkward approach for a fast game like Doom.

>> No.8046281


>> No.8046290

>Closed captions could maybe have some effect, but it seems like it would be a really clunky and awkward approach for a fast game like Doom.
captions can work but they can get spammy, like with >>8046267 and really they need doing at a sourceport level so you've got better access to shit.

>> No.8046291

>The most reliable thing I can imagine is straight up a physical peripheral which transmits the sounds as vibrations for the wearer to feel
That's a fantastic idea. You have directional sound anyway, and sounds are vibrations... It would have to be a headband or something I think, but it seems pretty simple to set up... It wouldn't even have to make noise if you just remove the speakers diaphragm...
Makes it pretty universal.
Might be better to have different vibrational patterns that correlate to gameplay specific things though. Like monster alerts and such. Sorta like the guards in MGS having the !!! noise.

>> No.8046292

Speaking of that, is Scuba Steve that posts on DB the real deal or a really good imitation?

>> No.8046295
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Vanillafags getting their just desserts for defying our lord and prophet

>> No.8046297

So is the Wadazine still looking for contributors?

>> No.8046301

There are vests that do this but they're expensive as fuck.

>> No.8046302
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I wonder what Giorgio is doing nowadays.

>> No.8046303

They really shouldn't be though. It should be about as easy as making headphones. Might need some extra power via USB or something, but otherwise it's the same thing with more "speakers"...
But I guess supply/demand etc etc...
Situations like this are areas where 3D printing and simple hacking can come into play in a big way.

>> No.8046314
File: 26 KB, 1192x222, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glassing begins now. Battlestations, marines!

>> No.8046315

There's also a problem of deaf cult that absolutely hates and tries to suppress any hearing aids.

>> No.8046318

can you elaborate?

>> No.8046321

I didn't know this was a thing. But they shouldn't be too much of a problem.
They can't even hear you coming.
look again at endless' doomworld status

>> No.8046323

Obviously Aliens

>> No.8046326

>There's also a problem of deaf cult that absolutely hates and tries to suppress any hearing aids.
This is the weirdest phenomena. You'd think deaf people would be happy that they can hear now, but I guess since they aren't special anymore, they hate it.

>> No.8046330
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It doesn't look like he's banned yet. Unless you mean his status update, which I'm seeing

>> No.8046338

They've mostly been sold as peripherals for turbo autists who want to "feel" themselves getting shot in vidya, which has contributed to them being expensive as hell.
There's always some people who resist change, even before you get to the ones who feel it makes them unique.

>> No.8046339
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i mean this

Also, not sure what's going on in the doomerboard thread, but it looks like they banned someone for a doomerboard post? Good clean fun.

>> No.8046340

you think this may spiral out of control?

>> No.8046342

That would be Kontra Kommando, the founder of the site, and author of Aliens Eradication TC (IIRC)
Sadly yes.

>> No.8046346
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>> No.8046348

In all likeliness, what could happen? So far the only casualty would be endless himself. I doubt a userbase uprising would really happen. Or admins may step in?

>> No.8046349

Grab your popcorn, because I think shit's going to get even worse

>> No.8046354

Nah, there's not gonna be an uprising. I do think there's gonna be bans, and some notable people liked Endless' post so they're probably targets now.

>> No.8046356
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The worse, the better.

>> No.8046357

Compare who’s liked the announcement vs who’s liked Endless’s status. Not only does the dissenting opinion from him have more, but the DBP announcement is just the mods signal posting the thread. It’s embarrassing how transparent this is.

>> No.8046360

The underlying thing with the doomerboard junk is it's them trying to control who people will want in on projects, even those on other boards or parts of the community by making them reluctant to work with people who have been essentially de-platformed by doomworld/zdoom/both/other cliques.

Like say you can't have say Impie doing a map, it wouldn't be allowed on Doomworld and thus idgames.

>> No.8046368

I dont think idgames is completely linked with DW censorship. They removed HFFM (even censored) from DW but accepted it on idgames.

>> No.8046374

To add some positive energy to our mass panic, Tarnsman is playing RAMP and is now playing CBM kino. For those of you keeping up with that saga, jump right in.

>> No.8046382

and this may backfire because the current popularizers of the community are not forums but streamers.

Nothing stops streamers from curating wads and they may choose at their leisure, ie the HFFM wad got streamed despite DW rejection.

If shit does hit the fan, we may see Doomworld mods harassing's streamers over the wads they play

iirc the archive is maintained by the veteranest veteran so it's at 0 risk as long as the dude still breathes

>> No.8046385

I hope CBM manages to power through his weird episodes whenever he receives a hint of negative feedback and makes more schizokino. As shit as his maps are it's fun to stop at a weird part and imagine what was going through his head when he decided to randomly make a tiny sector portrait of a castle embedded into the ground

>> No.8046389

That's exactly why I call em kino, anon. His maps are The Room of doom maps

>> No.8046390

Sadly Ty Halderman the old maintainer actually did die a few years ago. Not sure who runs it now.

>> No.8046394

ngl some of the things I've heard people say are very mean spirited about the dude.

yeah I remember, but wasn't the successor another super old vet?

>> No.8046398

Bloodshedder? The only outstanding thing I remember about him is the terrywad stuff.

>> No.8046401

The Green Herring/Eric Baker is one of the current maintainers. He's a fine chap.

>> No.8046402


>> No.8046406

Ere ya go

>> No.8046407

Can't wait Tarns' reaction to see that shitty E4M4 once again in that wad.

>> No.8046408

It's also that like as much as people don't like him, Mark screwed himself off just about all of the forums and it didn't really hurt him at all.

>> No.8046415

>Compare who’s liked the announcement
Fucking Jimmy. I hope he's next on the chopping block for recruiting people into his projects.

>> No.8046429

What? Why would he? He liked rd's post but not endless' one

>> No.8046437

Exactly. When someone licks the boot, they should be aware that said boot may be planted on their face next.

>> No.8046440

Jimmy's too busy moping about how pathetic his life is in Bridge's discord to do anything productive.

>> No.8046450

thats actually very good advice, thanks anon.

ive only actually played one modded map (a small scale one i found on a forum thread), mostly just been trying to chip through the campaigns. On Tnt level 7, im seeing a lot of questionable design decisions but it doesnt feel as wonky as some of the doom 2 levels yet

>> No.8046494

>but it doesnt feel as wonky as some of the doom 2 levels yet
id were showing signs of stuff going very wrong during Doom 2's development, it wasn't as bad as it got with Quake but they weren't a happy bunch anymore.

>> No.8046512

Has he played my map yet?

>> No.8046516

He's far from it

>> No.8046530

If you have a DW account, you should go like that post in protest

>> No.8046580

I don't even go there. All I have is a ZDoom forum account, but I spend most of my time here with you nerds.

>> No.8046585


>> No.8046591
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>> No.8046593
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>tfw your ZDF account only has one post

>> No.8046597

Ahh that dude mtpain27 just posted about that wad that was made for him


>> No.8046605


>> No.8046613

Yeah, but did you see his cool geometric combat arenas?
they're actually quite pretty tbf

>> No.8046626
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23 was the only place I got a bit tired, otherwise all fun

>> No.8046632

I nuked my ZDoom account when I stopped making mods, I wanted as much distance between myself and the clique that runs that place now as I could.

>> No.8046647

watching a playthrough of plutonia
doesn't look like my type of game

>> No.8046649

Brutal Doom might be more to your taste. It makes you feel BADASS.

>> No.8046654

play action doom

>> No.8046662

maybe if i was 16

>> No.8046671

Honestly I've been thinking to start posting all my releases on DB or iddqd.ru first, but honestly I lost my motivation to work on Doom projects to begin with, and I should probably focus on learning Godot instead.

>> No.8046676


>> No.8046690
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>> No.8046705

Shit's rough. I would just finish up whatever you need to and move on though. 5 years is a long time to stick with just a scant few projects.
Gadot seems good for 2D. I'm curious how far it's come in comparison to Unity and UE4 for other gametypes.

>> No.8046713

Tarnsman liked my map
That's nice

>> No.8046721

hey Dazel, i hope you're doing alright mate

>> No.8046723

hey based aussie, i'm not dazel, I'm just saying hi

>> No.8046730

Only to the ones about Ranger and Strogg. Not sure if that's what you were looking for, but these are still neat.
One of the problems I had from this Realms Deep is how many games were "just there" and I think it implies to GZDoom stuff first and foremost. Many titles presented there don't look interesting, they're just "yet another retro FPS" at best.
>If you look past the shitty Hellforge published games Realms Deep was actually pretty good.
To me, it was Wizordum and HROT update teaser. Also looking forward to "Playstation/Nintendo 64" trend sticking around for some time and more unique projects like SKALD and Call of Saregnar. Retro scene needs more variety, I think.

>Not registered on Doomworld, Doomer Boards, Quaddicted, Func_Msgboard, etc.
You know, I'll just keep it that way. Yeah. Still would've been nice to find more sites and stuff for old school games.

>> No.8046752

I haven't used Build mapping tools in a very very long time and I never actually used them much anyway.
I still try to use spacebar to make lines every time I try to use doom builder.

>> No.8046759
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Yeah! That was exactly what I was looking for, thank you.

>> No.8046770
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Even some fucking doomworld vets are upvoting endless' post. Needless to say, this is a controversial decision and it's probably not gonna stick.

>> No.8046771

oi we have nothing to do with this

don't touch the poop.

>> No.8046808

Many here are obviously not happy about it.

>> No.8046830

yeah but we have to respect the board rules, not to mention we have nothing to gain from messing with them.

>> No.8046838

We're just expressing disapproval really. I do hope they revert this decision because there is nothing to gain by blocking content from being posted on the forum.

>> No.8046843

I hope they double down and doomworld sees a schism.

>> No.8046862

>Expecting players to save to beat your map just means you've made a shit wad.
Modern maps are certainly doable saveless. Thats not the point. The point is that many pwads are simply not BLIND saveless friendly for a lot of people. This is not a sign of poor design, as your mileage may vary depending on your own skill level and patience.

>> No.8046867

Great. No problem, anon. Some of that lore stuff in Champions is full of soul.

>> No.8046885

Blind saveless is very fun. That's how I play most things casually. When I die I just stop playing Doom and come back to it later.

Doing what Decino did and trying to complete a map and 100% it while doing it blind saveless in a single sitting is a different thing. I'd rather staple my dick to my balls.

>> No.8046908

They should ban Doom too.

>> No.8046918

Is there a way to utilize the knight's unused kneeling animation? I've seen it in stuff like Halloween Jam 3 where it was used as a special idle on the hub and was wondering if there was something similar in progs_dump 2 or otherwise.

>> No.8046929

That's a fair point. It's not too bad if you're just casually doing it and take frequent breaks, instead of trying to grind it.

>> No.8046948

Of course this is a sign of poor design. If your map is structured as a series of 'set pieces' that are guaranteed to kill the player blind, your map sucks.

>> No.8046956

>that are guaranteed to kill the player blind
what part of
>as your mileage may vary depending on your own skill level and patience.
don't you understand?
Gotcha traps are not the only blind unfriendly things a map can have.

>> No.8046958

I wouldn't agree, many retro games require you to play multiple times from the beginning or the start of the level to be beaten.

>> No.8046970

Do you play on lower skill levels?

>> No.8046971

Reject Doom, embrace Chex Quest.

>> No.8046984

can we just make a doomwiki entry or pastebin about the different ways people enjoy doom (e.g,. pistolstart, saves, mods, no mods, blind saveless, blind with saves, dsda rewind key abuse, lower difficulty modes), and just link it every time this argument comes up?

there are different ways to play doom; it's great we have a large community these days, 25 years after the game came out

>> No.8046989

Anyone bothering to play a wad on the lower skill levels is just cucking themselves. Wads are never designed around skills 1-3, if skill 4 is balanced like shit, just toss the wad in the trash. The author has made it clear how little he values your time, show him the same courtesy.

>> No.8047000

>Wads are never designed around skills 1-3
I always do my best to make the skills balanced for the people that would pick those skills in the first place. I don't really take your meaning. Balanced gameplay for my mom is different than balanced gameplay for my brother. That's why the skills are there.

>> No.8047004


not everyone has the same skill levels

and not everyone wants to grind every map

>> No.8047005

It's not surprising that Cacowards are shit, Cacodemon is second or third worst enemy in Doom, in terms of quality.

>> No.8047009

the way to use cacos is to fill up space. they are disastrous in cramped fights

and caco hordes make every fight cramped..

>> No.8047010

>mileage may vary
Lol, if a top autist like decino can't enjoy himself learning your wad saveless, your wad sucks.

>> No.8047015

Plenty of wads have had skills 1-3 playtested. IIRC, Bridgeburner even had specific teams of testers for different skill levels with his Bastion of Chaos map

>> No.8047019

His best performance videos were attempts after practice runs.

>> No.8047026

quake mods never get cacowards cuz they dont have archviles and revenants

>> No.8047038

Everything I've ever made is balanced with Skill 3 as the intended skill

>> No.8047043
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Yeah that's easy enough. Could probably also reverse the animation to make them properly stand up before running, but I might save that for the polishing phase of the project.

>> No.8047045
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>yeah it's great that you shared your opinion and maybe we shouldn't throw the word "fascist" at people willy-nilly b-b-b-buh-buh-but I went to DB and saw someone saying no-no bad thingie and they have a thread about Doomworld also, so just keep that in mind when you defend them, mmmkay?
Every fucking time.

>> No.8047046

It seems like this SHOULD be the default. Since, if UV is the default, then the only way up is NM or -fast, both of which are totally different playstyles.

>> No.8047051

whats the best enemy in that case? i know revenants have a lot of versatility and dynamism while not being so threatening that multiple fail to work in a combat encounter, so they might be it.

Ive always had a soft spot for the mancubus tho. He’s just cool and fun.

>> No.8047052

>American athlete during national anthem

>> No.8047057

Nigga please, I know tarnsman pretty well and he doesn't approve of this shit either. He wasn't even aware of the admin's decision to do this until someone brought it up on stream.

>> No.8047061

Revenant is definitely a top-tier monster, and has additional advantage of being extremely lean. Mancubus has a great attack pattern, but is too fat and tends to get caught on geometry too much for my liking.

>> No.8047062

Do these people literally not understand that the opinion of one poster doesnt represent the entire forum? Are we 4chan users the odd ones out for thinking that way?

>> No.8047074

it is a shame that manc is stuck as what essentially amounts to a turret for most design purposes, but i suppose its fitting that the fat monster isnt exactly mobile

>> No.8047084

Nah, Tarnsman is based.
Someone there made a fake account Mutilated Mike, which clearly should be nuked on sight, but on DB it never will.

>> No.8047085

Let me put it in less diplomatic /vr/ terms.

I think banning DBP is some soft weak ass shit. I will also keep playing DBP.

I've also publicly called out Doomworld modding when I disagree with them, particularly for not having the balls to admit when they're just banning someone because they don't like their politics.

I also think that DB crying about Doomworld bullying them while they hold on to decade old grudges is also some soft weak ass shit that invites the first weak ass shit onto them. Especially if target of one of said grudges is barely involved with modding decisions nowadays.

>> No.8047089
File: 40 KB, 477x379, 1364750258676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really you?


>> No.8047090

Check my stream title

>> No.8047091

>mods don't remove wrongthink posts
>therefore forum endorses the views of these posters
This is how their logic works. Also our own moderation here on /vr/ is not that different from Doomworld, the only difference is that they are forced to be anonymous.

>> No.8047094
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I didn't have a doubt it was you. I just thought it was cool you decided to stop by.

>> No.8047103
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>> No.8047106

Tarnsman is based.

>> No.8047107

Thanks for having our back on HFFM (yeah yeah, besides the original title).
I don't think DBs invited it on themselves. They only complain in that thread because of shady shit mods do on DW. So in return DW mods do some shady behind the curtains, no discussion allowed, outright ban on DBPs? It's really lame, man. In what way is greater nuance supposed to extend towards their side of things?

>> No.8047116

I wonder if this could lead to yet another forum getting made. One that isn't as accepting of far right stuff as DB is, but also isn't run like North Korea like DW seems to be getting closer and closer towards, either.

>> No.8047117

I feel like /vr/ serves that purpose. It's a lot more lenient here but not to the point of allowing /pol/lacks.

>> No.8047119

Yeah, but some people currently at DW would probably prefer a proper forum.

>> No.8047126
File: 126 KB, 506x506, vasily-barkhatov-reven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with Doom's AI, is an enemy less likely to throw projectiles at the player if it also has a melee attack? Is that why the revenant doesn't shoot projectiles that often?

>> No.8047134

Problem is that, as it has been pointed out, DW is one of the oldest and most populated Doom forums and thus has one hell of brand recognition on their side. Think D&D or Windows. Doomworld needs to fuck up lot worse than that to cause mass exodus, like, a lot worse, I can't even think how much they need to fuck up, like maybe introducing subscription fees and retroactively demanding them from old accounts. Otherwise every "exodus" will be just a handful of people leaving and banging the door, definitely not enough to start a new forum.

>> No.8047147

Yeah, thats true.

>> No.8047148

I don't think he shoots projectiles less often, but he has special AI where he stops firing altogether if he's close to player and will instead try to chase him down and punch him. Imps, nobles and cacos don't have separate behavior for melee, they will just use a melee attack instead of projectile if target is in the melee range.

>> No.8047153

Ah yeah, his melee threshold is 196. That doesn't stop him from firing reactive shots though.

>> No.8047154

IIRC, ResetEra became a thing because of one of the admins from Neogaf turned out to be a rapist or something.

>> No.8047159

no trent raznor no guy

>> No.8047164

Yeah, but what followed the allegations was moderator exodus. Fat chance of that happening on DW.

>> No.8047165

It's my same stance as the title drama for HFFM. If you're going to do something that you know is going to cause drama, either commit to it and don't complain that it pisses people off, or don't do it because it's pointlessly alienating part of your audience.

DB tolerates basically anything and as such it is easy to find some pretty awful things being said on there. That's their brand, okay great. Understand why DW, particularly with the the politics of the leadership, doesn't want to be associated with that. If you want to be /pol/, be /pol/, don't cry about it.

DB wants to be this cool kids club separate from DW while also being like perpetually cucked by DW and begging for its validation and acceptance.

"Why won't senpai, who sucks and I hate, give me an award I shouldn't care about!?"

DW doesn't have to give DBP free advertising. If the maps are that good people will still go play them. Ribbiks hasn't released a thing on DW in years, I still grab every new release of his.

>> No.8047167

Nooo, not heckin' Mike! He is cute, valid and totally not mutilated!
Please post examples of "far right" content on DB. Or is far right a dogwhistle for rejecting idpol nonsense?

>> No.8047170

About five years too late, at least here on /vr/

>> No.8047171

>rejecting idpol nonsense
I mean, it's not even that, one of their most active users is constantly kvetching about pronouns and stuff.

>> No.8047174

>Ribbiks hasn't released a thing on DW in years
Was he banned?

>> No.8047175

>make onomatopoeia mod
>like in a comic, the monsters generate written sounds like "OOUUUHHHHHHHHHH" or "EARRRRRRRRRRRRR" and the guns make "BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM" and "BOOM-CHK-CHK-CLAK"
>playing this with slaughter maps will make the whole screen filled with sounds, effectively making it impossible to see anything

>> No.8047176
File: 114 KB, 209x197, 1449395808014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Why won't senpai, who sucks and I hate, give me an award I shouldn't care about!?"
Never stop being this cool, Tarns.

>> No.8047182

IIRC there's some conflict when some source port loads in-wad DEH file vs outside one. Maybe ZDL loads them in wrong order or something

>> No.8047183

Nah he's just a gigachad who can do shit like that.

>> No.8047192

Be sure to have a good gameplay/lewd balance that's the secret to SUCCess

>> No.8047197

Wow bro you're so cool and hardcore, why don't you come to my house and fuck my sister?

>> No.8047203

Yeah we now only have to get rid of the source port/map format shitflinging, start being more helpful again and we're golden.

>> No.8047209

What we could really use is some more drawfags. Non-wad related OC has been pretty low lately.
I wonder how doombro's doing.

>> No.8047214

Yeah that too. Generally, more OC would be nice.
At least Summer Fun Anon and GOOME Anon are making some new stuff.

>> No.8047223
File: 69 KB, 640x816, E6JilcAXEAgeZci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's gonna get revealed today you think? Just a Quake re-release with spiffy graphics and a new episode? A new Quake game? An ID employee attacking the crowd with a nailgun before being crushed by a 1:1 size and weight statue of Scalebearer?

>> No.8047232

I do plan to buy a drawing tablet at some point to remedy the OC problem. Hopefully I can come up with something funny/interesting.
My, would you look at the time! I'll bake a new bread.

>> No.8047241

>My, would you look at the time! I'll bake a new bread.
Thank god. This was probably the worst thread of the last ten or so.

>> No.8047254
File: 148 KB, 880x1460, ReQuake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what's gonna get revealed today you think?
My guesses are as follows:
>A decent re-release of original Quake that's going to be dropped very soon (basically confirmed through SteamDB).
>New Single Player Quake game that takes place after Dissolution of Eternity from Roundhouse Studios. All we're going to get is probably just a teaser like the one for DOOM 16 at E3 2014.
>Proper release or overhaul of Quake Champions? Maybe?

>> No.8047264

Would Ribbiks maps have as big an audience as they do if you weren't allowed to post them or discuss them on DW?

>> No.8047267

No news this time around.

>> No.8047325
File: 53 KB, 640x537, cray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly play quake, and ive never been on any of these doom forums. Do these forums offer any functionality besides "community bonding"? If so, are there alternatives?
DESU being banned from those sorts of forums seems like a blessing in disguise.

>> No.8047339

don't all enemies except mancubus have meelee?

too many drawfags may cause General Degeneration Syndrome

>> No.8047370

Quaddicted and func_msgboard seem pretty good on the drama front. The guy that runs quaddicted seems pretty level headed and most interactions are the site are map reviews. Func_msgboard has more bullshit but it seems to play itself out without any real damage or community alienation, presumably because the mods aren't so heavy handed?

>> No.8047414
File: 21 KB, 666x666, 1547766564184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Doomworld staff considers them misogynists, xenophobes, racists, terrorists
>Probably the key word among all the accusations is that they are fascists
this doomer board place sounds really based ngl

>> No.8047456

This is real, and it's extremely surreal to me.

>> No.8047457

>because we don't need it turning into a drama bomb
They think it hasn't?

>> No.8047562

>"Why won't senpai, who sucks and I hate, give me an award I shouldn't care about!?"
You're right, DB really should just stop giving DW the time of day.

>> No.8047842

I think its due to sourceports improved mid-frame interpolation - check if the oldschool choppy animation in mk.5 is less jarring for your eyes

>> No.8047856

This makes me wonder why there was no succubus character in Doom2...

>> No.8047857

Chuckled sensibly :^)

>> No.8048616

FUCK YEAH IM EXCITED ABOUT IT https://youtu.be/8D8m-c6U8ew

>> No.8048715

Hey buddy, new thread's this way
And good news, it's already out! Just update your game on steam and you're good to go