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8035062 No.8035062 [Reply] [Original]

What went right?

>> No.8035069


>> No.8035071

It’s better than DKC.

>> No.8035075

Great production values, great ideas, serviceable innovation. It's a bit slow, but lots of fun

>> No.8035080

Great game but shouldn't be called 'Super Mario World 2'

>> No.8035086

best 2d mario game

>> No.8035089

Not really, but certainly the best 2d Mario game featuring Yoshi

>> No.8035105



>> No.8035227
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yoshis are pretty cute, bros

>> No.8035243


>> No.8035281

nightmare to 100% so it filters normalfags

>> No.8035325

Normalfags dont obsessively go for 100%, which explains why it's mostly "gamers" (i.e. autists) the ones that have negative things to say about it. They even call it a collectathon even though you can ignore all that shit and still beat the game

>> No.8035330
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>> No.8035519

You made me kek, have a (you)

>> No.8035817

This Yoshi game should never be called a Mario game

>> No.8035843

reminder that the only reason it was called super mario world 2 was for brand recognition

>> No.8035865

reminder the only reason he is called Mario is for brand recognition

>> No.8035878

One of the secret levels nearly drove me to insanity trying to 100% when I was a kid. Smashed the fuck out a controller and had to get a new one kek

>> No.8035886

It took the only good thing about Super Mario World and made an actually good game out of it that didn't have the stink of "launch title" written all over it's graphics, and was therefore one of the best looking games on the system.

Real shame that Yoshi Story is what set the standard for what all future Yoshi games would be instead of this.

>> No.8035891
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>the only good thing about Super Mario World
you mean most things in Super Mario World?

>> No.8036120
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it's not a bad game
not perfect, but not bad at all

>> No.8036132

This. Literally made out of spite because that jealous bitch Miyamoto couldn't stand being one-upped (get it, like a 1up mushroom? AHAHAH) by those filthy gaijin piggus with DKC.
>t. Miyamoto

>> No.8036414

Overrated game that tediously turned Mario into a boring collectathon. Also the fact that there's like 5 songs in the game is emarassing.

>> No.8036437

It mskes auster seethe

>> No.8036440


>> No.8036532

Worst Mario game up until that point.
Not even close.
Even if you ignore everything its still not a good platformer. Aiming eggs and chasing down a crying baby is the exact opposite of Sonic fast gameplay which was clearly the direction they needed to go in.

>> No.8036549

Stop calling this Yoshi game a Mario game you disingenuous shits.

>> No.8036556

The problem with that is, the SNES was too slow to handle Sonic-style gameplay, running at a mere 1/3rd the speed compared to the Mega Drive. Nintendo's dated hardware kept them lingering in the past, incapable of exploring the innovations being seen on better hardware.

>> No.8036562


Get back to work!
Yoshis nose won't model itself!

>> No.8036568

This game was great at the time, and a nice final hurrah from the snes as the psx was set to be released in the west. Saying it's bad is a meme, and saying the baby crying renders the game unplayable is also a meme

>> No.8036705

The games name is Super Mario World 2. Does Mario 2 USA not count as Mario game as well?
Was there no way they could release a super super fx chip to increase the performance of the SNES giving more speed and sprites?

>> No.8036946

Was it Poochy Ain't Stupid or the last one in the last world? Those were insane to me. I couldn't even beat them, nor imagine 100% completing them.

>> No.8036960

Don't act like every single person to hear baby Mario crying wasn't instantly annoyed by it. It is bad when you look at its competition like dkc, earthworm Jim and Sonic.

>> No.8037107

Nintendo 2D scotformer definitive ranking:

1. Mario
2. Donkey Kong
3. Wario
4. Kirby
5. Yoshi

>> No.8037118

We get it australia, you have brain damage.

>> No.8037123

I thought the heart beeping in ALttP was a million times more annoying and unnecessary than Mario crying. Whoever did the playtesting for SNES era Nintendo was obviously deaf or a God gamer who literally never got hit.

>> No.8037506

Devs usually playtested their own games until about midway through Gen 4, which led to actual shit like this. I don't think these two games were victims of that though, just a poor choice.

>> No.8037531

This is true
I liked the game a lot more as a kid, when I didn't care about 100%ing the levels. Now that I feel obliged to do so, I can't even stand to play it past the third world or so.

>> No.8037610


>> No.8037632

Big N learned from Sonic.
>Sonics rings= Baby star countoudown
>Big expansive levels
>Searching levels for a certain # of rings and secret stage= getting 100 points and earning the extra stages
>Creative boss fights
>Challenging final boss
>No run button

Nintendo finally admitted Sonic was better and made a game that emulated it, and did a damn fine job.

>> No.8037689

best opinion itt.

>> No.8037713

>and did a darn fine job
That's a lie. No one who owned Sonic 2 was going to be jealous of Yosbis Island.

>> No.8037753

Yoshi's Island is literally MK Ultra programming. Listening to crying baby sounds for too long is proven to have bad effects on the brain.

>> No.8037761

Noooo. Collecting crying Mario is the same as collecting rings in Sonic. Its a masterpiece.

>> No.8037794

Very much so as long as we're talking about just 1. DKC 2 is better though

>> No.8037796

>Was there no way they could release a super super fx chip to increase the performance of the SNES giving more speed and sprites?

The Super FX 2 was basically that, a Super FX running at twice the clock speed. Most later SFX games used that, including Yoshi.
They also had the SA-1 which was basically the SNES CPU but running over three times faster.

>> No.8037801

>Don't act like every single person to hear baby Mario crying wasn't instantly annoyed by it.

People who get annoyed by the baby crying noises should not have children.

>> No.8037802


Don't get hit.
Problem solved.

>> No.8037861

I'd rate it higher than DKC 1 and 2. DKC 3 is my favorite. But some subhuman in here will tell me how I have shit taste.

>> No.8038243
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Everything. It's one of the comfiest games in existence.

You can literally just chill in the levels and do nothing just because how comfy they are.

>> No.8038290
File: 23 KB, 867x190, Miyamoto on DKC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyamoto likes DKC.

>> No.8038307

Absolutely and claiming anything else is simply retarded.

>> No.8038309

Is this the question people use to start a thread when they don't know what their own opinions are?

>> No.8038593

I don't personally agree but I can respect it. DKC 3 is charming in a different way then 2. The overworld is more fun for sure.
This is a bait thread to shit on Yoshi's island, newfag

>> No.8038610

You must be new to not know people start threads with that question all the time

>> No.8038621

I doubt it. Yoshi's Island does not have a time limit.

>> No.8038638
File: 137 KB, 512x512, SOUL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Peak SOVL Pilled

>> No.8038662

DKC3 chads rise up!

>> No.8038668

I hate the baby fuck you

>> No.8040167

Tekashi Tezuka in charge, that's what went right.

>> No.8040169

Nintendo's A-Team poured every ounce of effort they had into the game. Yoshi games since then have been relegated to Z-teams that didn't put in even one ounce of effort.

>> No.8040298

You have shit taste and DKC3 is the first one you've played, you faggot shitter.

>> No.8040469

And you must be retarded to not get that Yoshi Island threads are almost always bait because of a few autists who fucking hate it with a weird and retarded passion

>> No.8040482

You can play as mario in yoshi's island though

>> No.8040871

It's just australia-troon, the most mentally ill poster of /vr/.

>> No.8041067

Egg throwing alone makes it better than any regular Mario game. Same reason MMZ improved over MMX.

>> No.8041338

sure, but if it was called just "yoshi's island" it wouldn't have sold as much

>> No.8041401

you are not trying to have a conversation. you're trying to abuse people to quell the self hatred. find a better coping strategy. Asking what went right about a game as a thread starter contributes nothing and says "feed me with opinions to consume". It irks me. I'm not talking about Yoshi's Island.

>> No.8042182

Music, atmosphere, minimalistic storytelling, exploration compared to your typical Mario or Donkey Kong (only Wario Land games rival it in exploration)

>> No.8042274

>egg throwing makes it better
Are you nuts? If you remade previous Mario's so he had to stop in his tracks to aim flower power it would be the worst shit ever.

>> No.8042505

Yoshi's Island, Diddy's Kong Quest and Sonic 3&K are the best 2D platformers of the era and of all time. I couldn't place one above the others.

>> No.8042528

It's a good thing that Yoshi's Island is designed differently to regular mario so as to accommodate this different style of gameplay then. It's also a good thing that Yoshi can carry on moving as usual while aiming eggs.

>> No.8042539

Cope and seethe.

>> No.8043506

Dkc and sonic 2 stomp all those games you mentioned. Yoshis Island shouldn't be in the same conversation.

>> No.8043607

This was the start of Nintendo games being embarrassing and childish. Yeah Kirby predates it, but SMW2 is when Nintendo went all in for toddler aesthetics, as seen on N64.

>> No.8043697


>> No.8043713

Remember that at some point, the game was like this, and it was worse in almost every way. In around 6 months, they turned this unfun slog into a wonderful game.


>> No.8043748

>It’s better than DKC.
shits all over it and many other games released at the time on any console or computer.
> not even close
imagine being filtered by game built for children? absolutely embarrassing.
yes. really.

>> No.8043756
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> worst in almost every way
> same graphics, sprites, animations, similar features found in full game - minus the ugly scoreboard and timer
> worst in almost every way

>> No.8043761

>This was the start of Nintendo games being embarrassing and childish. Yeah Kirby predates it
wow. what a shock. a corporation that make consoles and games for children.. are childish? woooooooow. absolutely mindblowing. tell me, how low is your iq exactly? i'm guessing beach sand would rank higher than you in terms of intelligence.

>> No.8043828

What's really worse though Mario baby crying or Sonic about to drown music?

>> No.8043829

The art and animation are top-notch. Music is great too.

>> No.8045125
File: 51 KB, 355x539, IMG_4246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boss battles
Bonus levels

>> No.8045486

To begin with drowning music sounds good but even if you don't its not a thing in most levels. Plus it puts your ass into gear forcing you to find the surface or an air bubble.
That's art is too kiddy.
And look what happened. Psx came along and BTFO of Nintendo for this very reason.

>> No.8046858

SMW started the downward spiral of Nintendo becoming kiddie garbage with embarassing sound effects and aesthetic style. Yoshi only continues where that game left off. SMW was a mistake.

>> No.8046949

>having fun
>get to a vehicle section
>a vehicle section with red coins and flowers
>no longer having fun

>> No.8047971

The two skiing segments were the only parts I didn't like.