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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8043048 No.8043048 [Reply] [Original]

Explain the appeal of this franchise to me. Maybe this is my dumb zoomer brain talking, but I could never get into them

>> No.8043057

It's a cool adventure where you figure things out on your own and save the girl while exploring and trying shit out. If you don't like them you won't like any of them probably. I had a zoomer friend who hated them because they felt too 'lonely'. He just liked JRPG shit.

>> No.8043060

It's just a fun quest game where you overcome perils and collect things. Also, Princess.

>> No.8043061

Going on an adventure where you are the hero and the villain is clearly an evil bastard. It's the appeal of all Hero's Journeys', if you'll forgive the Campbell.

>> No.8043068

Name one console or handheld where Nintendo didn't get btfo by third party developers. You'd think the Japanese would be more sensitive to this shit.

>> No.8043071

Zelda has always been so popular but why do we never see much in the way of copy cats?
There's a token handful but I don't understand why it never inspired a whole genre that is inundated with both fantastic and terrible shit constantly. like beat em ups or platformers

I like Zelda a lot but there's basically nothing else like it. Even less when you go into the 5th and 6th generation.

>> No.8043075

You’re not looking hard enough.

>> No.8043084

Not retro, but there's been an explosion of them in the indie space in the past year or two

>> No.8043096

Think I have them all.
I'm just not interested in indies. Modern gaming just seems pretty dead. Indie games seem like shadows of what they're imitating to be honest. I'm not even speaking as a boomer whose biased towards 'games how they used to be!'

>> No.8043229

If you couldn't get into them, you couldn't get into them. They're not story-heavy or dependent on some elaborate comprehension - if you disliked it, no words anyone has will cause you to re-like it.

Zelda games are primarily strong for being well-presented, accessible and mostly pretty open adventure games where you explore and figure out how to open passages.

>> No.8043258

>I'm just not interested in indies. Modern gaming just seems pretty dead.
Maybe modern gaming seems dead because you're not interested in indies?

>> No.8043263

It's not as a presupposition, it's as a result of looking at indies.
I'm kind of tired of constantly being attacked for not liking indies but they as a whole are just really boring to me and at the end of the day I can't force myself to like something.

>> No.8043371

>OMG I'm being literally attacked right now. Someone suggested checking out some creative low-budget games instead of the latest AAA corporate turd I have hooked to my feeding tube. Not today! But man, really wish modern gaming wasn't so dead...

>> No.8043375

Uh, what

>> No.8043391
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>Zelda has always been so popular but why do we never see much in the way of copy cats?
Stupid zoomer you are, I see. Zelda IS THE COPYCAT. Many games like it came out around the time because they were attempting to cash in on the Hydlide madness in Japan. In fact Dragon Quest is a Hydlide clone. Yes, that Hydlide, with the horrible Saturn sequel. It came out in '84 before anyone else and made the company float for 15 years of virtually amounting to nothing else special.

>> No.8043398

Yes I am already aware of Hydlide. This doesn't disprove my point.

>> No.8043404

Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals is what got me into turn-based rpg. Everybody always talking about Chrono Trigger. Zelda was pretty small too, storage wise. I think it was around 700 bites. Some of the boss fights showed what the Snes was capable of, graphically. People forget, but flagship titles were also a means to sell to a third party developer. Show what the machine was capable of.

>> No.8043518

1 and 2 are the only good ones

>> No.8043521

Boomer here.
They were all pretty boring until Wind Waker came out. It's the best Zelda game. Go play that one.

>> No.8043526

if only windwaker came out on cartridge dude. Now itll rot away because of that 'cube

>> No.8043528

Jfc. What is it you want?

>> No.8043546

I was puzzled by that take as well. It would be interesting to hear what that Anon thinks of Twilight Princess for comparison.

>> No.8043575

You have to have taste. Sorry about your total lack of it.

>> No.8043586

they're equal parts action, puzzle and adventure. they're not particularly complex or in depth with any one particular aspect. if you were to strip away one or two of the other elements you'd be left with a mediocre action, puzzle or adventure game. the appeal comes from the careful balance of all three elements that the games present.

>> No.8043612

It's an adventure game if you prefer adventuring alone. And stuff like Dragon Quest is for people who like to travel with friends

>> No.8043616

Combat? Not fun. In any of them, maybe Four Swords Adventures at best?

Puzzles? Generally weak and basic, you can pick one or two decent moments from each game.

Land traversal? Boring as shit, clunky at its worst.

Pacing? Often a horrendous slog.

Story? Barebones and surface-level.

RPG elements? Non-existant, awful NPC/Town interaction.

Graphics? Pretty much dogshit.

Music? Ranges from repetitive to pretty good.

Incentive/Rewards? I hope you like being rewarded with fucking money 90% of the time and feeling nothing at all.

Mini-games? Ass.

So it must be the music, because as far as top-down gameplay goes, these games fucking suck.

>> No.8043626

You had me until you shitted on the minigames.

>> No.8043686

and whats a good top down game

>> No.8043707

The appeal is they're fun for pretty much anyone pre-zoomer. Sorry, it is your dumb zoomer brain.

>> No.8043850

Yeah, while I wouldn't call them outright bad, they're games that just stop being as fun to play as you get older and want more advanced gameplay or stories or whatever.

Like I replayed Link to The Past last month in almost one sitting, and as someone who was obsessed with the game as a kid, I think I can confidently say that you have to be huffing some major rose colored glasses if you still think it's - even now - the bestest game ever.

It's a super easy super simple baby game for babies. It's an impressive achievement for its time and even today it's still well made as a baby game, but it's still 100% a baby game.

Zelda is the series you play when you're a kid that first gets you into the wonderful world of rpg's and adventure games and hack and slash, and then you branch out to more advanced games with more focus on story or combat or puzzle solving or whatever you're into.

>> No.8043852

PS: the first two games are a little more hardcore and hold up a little better. But that's where the series capacity for challenge effectively ends.

>> No.8043853

i'm a zoomer who just playedLTTP for the first time and was blown away. I think you're just so afraid of being seen as nostalgic and out of touch that you've gone too far into the opposite direction. If there are more games the same or better than zelda at being zelda then I haven't seen any.

>> No.8043864

What exactly did you like about it OP?

For me it was a fun little ride but there just wasn't anything there anymore.

Not particularly visceral, no real depth, and incredibly, INCREDIBLY easy.

There are RPG's and adventure games of the time that snuck in little bits of sovl into what little text they had to work with, but LTTP isn't one of them. There's barely any text and - at least in the translation we had - it's all extremely dry. The most fun I had was imagining what the Maidens would look like if they were drawn by Urushihara.


Mostly just "lift up every pot to find the key or switch to open the door". The ice palace is the only dungeon that even begins to have any complexity in layout.

Like seriously, what is the appeal? The music is nice, but even then it has a much smaller ost than most of the series and you end up listening to the same 3 or 4 tracks throughout 90% of the game. The visuals are nice, can't fault those. But I'm really, really struggling to think of anything that would make me want to replay the game again over a million adventure games with better combat or story.

>> No.8043869

I really liked the exploration and found the combat challenging. I enjoyed talking to all the characters and discovering hidden stuff. It took me a bit over a month of constant everyday play to beat the game.

>> No.8043876

getting to the dark world totally blew my mind and then you have that amazing track kick in.

>> No.8043880

Okay, maybe this is the one part that I'm not getting because I've had the entire game and where everything is memorized since I was a kid...but that IS sort of the problem with these games: I guess if you like exploration and discovering shit they're a fun little ride while they last, but there's no real replay value. Once you know where everything is most of that appeal is gone. These days I prefer stuff with meatier combat, puzzles, or story that's sure to engage me fully and be worth revisiting in the future.

As far as over-rated super nes masterpieces go, I'd rather be playing Super Metroid because at least the movement and wall jumping is very fun and manuevering through the game gracefully is a fun challenge in itself.

>> No.8043887

I replay zeldas constantly. I'm not sure what these better games are but from what you describe none of them offer the full package. I dont want a game with good combat and a seperate game with good puzzles and a third game with good story and another game with good exploration. I want all of the above.

>> No.8043893

Based four niggas in a line chad.

>> No.8043897

I'm gonna be honest, I really don't see how anyone could say the combat is "good" in virtually any Zelda game. Like I'm not saying it's bad, it's fine for what it is, but it's absolutely the most basic example and execution of swinging a sword around in a video game.

But I guess that brings it up. I don't see Zelda games as being GREAT in any one particular field, with a few exceptions. At their best? Decent combat, decent puzzle, decent stories. But you won't find a Zelda game with GREAT combat. Or one with GREAT puzzles.

Majora's Mask story and atmosphere is incredible though I'll give you that, and the Oracle games had incredible dungeon layouts and puzzles.

>> No.8043901

What games do you keep alluding to because I think some of the Zeldas are the best in their field. masterpieces

>> No.8043902

You get to play as a homosexual elf and prance around looking for a princess whose hair you can braid.

Typical Nintendo faggot shit.

>> No.8043908

Some of them definitely are the best in their field, albeit that field being "jack of all trades, master of none" adventure game stuff. But for more focused stuff there's no doubt there are games with better combat or better puzzles. Most of them would probably fall into the band of action-rpg though, with a few exceptions.

Though I'm pretty sure I could say (as a joke) Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden Black as examples of games with better combat and LTTP fags would totally jump in and say that LTTP unironically has better swordplay than either of those games.

>> No.8043910

Dude there are 1 million zelda clones. It's so prevalent I'm having a difficult time thinking of a console that DOESN'T have one.

>> No.8043914

I mean I guess but those games are so different it feels out of place to even bring them up in a conversation. I feel like you keep trying to take away that Zelda is in a genre of its own..
When someone says 'wow I really liked LTTP' i highly doubt they want to be told to go play DMC now

>> No.8043915

where? im not seeing any zelda clones. every console might have one sure but its only ever really a handful and most of the zelda clones die after 4th generation except again, a handful of 2d zelda clones on the psx.

>> No.8043921

Yes I understand, but my original point is that I think the disconnect between people who don't see the appeal in Zelda and those who hold them up as the bestest games ever is because either they don't care about exploration as much (I've gotten to the point in my life where while I once adored my first playthrough of a Metroidvania, at this point the illusion is thoroughly broken...been there done that), or they want something deeper than a jack of all trades kind of experience.

Exploration/discovery is a good point though. It's hard for me to even imagine what playing LTTP or Links Awakening for the first time would be like now. As I said I've had every aspect of these games burned into my memory hole since I was a child.

>> No.8043924

>where? im not seeing any zelda clones
Because you aren't looking. Use google, you lazy bum.

>> No.8043928

like the creators described it, they encapsulate that feeling you have when you were young and lived in the countryside going on adventures into the woods or fields.
as an adult you know theres nothing interesting there but as a kid you imagine monsters or treasure.
that's basically the appeal of zelda games.

>> No.8043934

I didn't live in the countryside. I only ever explored in video games. I learned pretty quickly as a kid that there was nothing interesting in the real world

>> No.8043947

its the same handful though. my post is about my surprise there aren't more considering the crazy success they had. zelda seems like the game that should have made its own genre but it basically didn't. its just nintendo especially after OoT. there's token stuff like beyond oasis landstalker marvelous alundra etc. and predecessors like hydlide and atari's adventure.

But the number seems disproportionate compared to the sheer number of beat-em-ups and platformers for any SINGLE system.
thats what im trying to say

>> No.8043960

You explored your gender with unnatural hormones, tranny.

>> No.8044202

You do know that you don't have to like everything that's popular, right? I don't get the need to understand why things that aren't to your taste are popular, just seems like wasted time to me.

>> No.8044218

Fair take. You get old, I get it. Go here, go do this, go do that. Feels more like work than anything else.

>> No.8044242

I don't expect anyone to change my mind. I'm just interested in other people's perspective

>> No.8044368

Stop using the word "boomer" non-ironically. It makes you look like an idiot.

Boomers are 70\80 years old and don't care about videogames.

>> No.8044449

Zelda is about action, atmosphere, medieval swords and monsters, lore, dungeons with puzzles, fighting with exotic weapons like bombs and a boomerang, bow and arrow. It's about worldbuilding and interesting characters, often whimsy and humor, adventure through mountains and deserts, dingy corridors that evoke airs of hell itself, frightening sights and sounds, pretty princesses, cheerful towns, and shovels.

>> No.8044468
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The early games were simple adventures that offered nice and accessible fantasy romps but nowadays there's plenty of better alternatives to Zelda

>> No.8044472

like what

>> No.8044479

I just like it. Don't think there has to be a reason why, I just think it's fun and enjoyable.

>> No.8044510

By saying this you undermine the new york games crit circles and academic games crit.

>> No.8044521

Jurassic Park

>> No.8044674

This makes so much sense. I played Pokemon before I ever played Zelda and I knew Zelda was older but I was like oh this is just another top down 2d game where you go around and do stuff but obviously it's action but turns. Lame boring not playing.

>> No.8044687

>Combat? Not fun. In any of them, maybe Four Swords Adventures at best?
Combat is good in all Zelda's up through Link's Awakening. It's disappointing in Ocarina of Time and I don't know about any beyond that.

>> No.8044690

Forest temple's stalfos fights on a three heart run of oot are fun

>> No.8044706

I always found the Stalfos and the Axe dudes in the Sand Temple to be really fun. I wish the game had more action, but I guess that's not the focus of the game. It's like saying Morrowind sucks because of the combat, when those two games hace much more to offer than that.

>> No.8044781

I don't understand why the enemies like those were used so conservatively in OOT, almost exclusively held back to be minibosses when they would have been great roaming around the overworld, OOT needed something like that outside of dungeons like how ALTTP had those knights patrolling around, all we had were the fucking peahats and Stalchilds and even those disappeared once you did the time skip.

TP kinda did this with Bublins and Lizalfos but they waited till you were powerful enough to one-shot most of them to put them in the field, it was just birds and those annoying cactus fuckers till then.

>> No.8044849

> Not particularly visceral, no real depth, and incredibly, INCREDIBLY easy.
It's deeper than you give it credit for and your adjectives only apply to the extent that Ether + Hammer is an overpowered combo (wiping out screens of enemies and replenishing all your MP every time). Other than that, I'd say the game is easy. Not "incredibly, INCREDIBLY" so fucking lol.

It's certainly easier than the original LoZ and probably easier than some other top-down ARPGs you might dredge up, but the combat is good. Apart from the overpowered magic there's good variety of abilities that each have a place. There's a wide variety of enemy types with different movement patterns, attack patterns, and vulnerabilities.

And not that I'm counting this as to how anyone should feel about it now, but the game came out in 1991. There were no games with top-down sword-style combat even close to this good at the time it came out. Most of the famous 16-bit top-down ARPGs came out in the mid-90s. I love Soul Blazer but its combat is not better than Zelda's.

Early Zelda games aren't meant to be hardcore brain-teasers the main purpose of puzzles is to give you reasons to pay attention to and reason about your surroundings like you would on a real adventure. ALTTP did take some steps back from LoZ in this regard, with bombs being a ridiculously plentiful resource even before you consider that almost everything you might want to try and bomb is visually indicated for you, but added many other elements.

>> No.8044861

It has punchy side effects, and surprise surprise it's the one I find most enjoyable. Compare it to ALTTP or the 3DS sequel. It's disgusting.

>> No.8044874

It has to do with pacing. Fighting a Stalfos took it's time because the enemy is very defensive and only opens for an attack here and there, making it a long but tense fight. Having those in the open would fuck with explorations pacing, while also removing al the tension from the actual mini boss Stalfos fights.

ALTTP had knights because taking one those out is just a matter of seconds, same with the Stalchilds.

>> No.8044905

They're actually also fun to play with a friend. One person engages in the action and the other can help lead them places they already know about.

>> No.8044962

I've been waiting that Four Swords Adventures for Switch for sometime. I liked the remake of the Link's Awakening. I agree that mostly Zeldas are boring probably because they are targeted for kids as entry level RPG games or smt.

It's like if you really get into fantasy novels you surely don't read Tolkien all over again and again but you still acknowledge them as notable pieces.

>> No.8044984
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>> No.8044993

yeah really I think what OoT could have done to make ME like it more (not necessarily make it a more appealing game overall) is just have a better variety of overworld enemy encounters especially as young link. One key function of the overworld in the early 2D Zeldas was to be a place for practicing combat. There are a lot of enemies that aren't really intended to be any serious threat, just opportunities to practice various mechanics in a low-pressure scenarios where it's easy to escape and go find a fairy if you get in trouble. I never felt like I had that in Ocarina. Either I was getting mobbed by an endless stream of Stalchilds at night (which was tedious and not a particularly good scenario for experimenting and practicing), or a few other places with minor critters to fight.

>> No.8045024

great combat mechanics. fuckin shit up. 3d games with auto aim are just boring AF

>> No.8045053
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comfy campy good times, get immersed in a cool little fantasy world and turn over every stone

>> No.8045060

Zelda died when it went 3D
Change my mind
You can't

>> No.8045602

All the pre-2000s Zeldas are pretty great. I used to not care about Zelda 3 as much, but it grew on me.

>> No.8045771

>you surely don't read Tolkien all over again and again b
yeah you do

>> No.8045801

Why has nintendo never remade LoZ even though they've remade OOT, MM, SMB, Mario 64, Metroid II, nearly every Pokemon, etc.

>> No.8045809

Golden Axe Warrior - good 8bit Zelda clone
Crusaders of Centy, Terranigma, Spike McFang - goof 16bit zelda clones

Any more?

Faxanadu, Golvelius and Crystalis are shit.

>> No.8045869


>> No.8045875

There's not much there to remake, to be frank, and it grinds against modern design sensibilities pretty hard. It's the kind of product that could only have been made in 1985

>> No.8045893

Yeah once Hydlide came out Japs used top down walking around places as one of their key game mechanics. The amount of games that just were farted out because of Hydlide was silly.

However Pokemon was based off the 2nd Maze of Galious game, which is a later take on Hydlide. Zelda is pretty 1:1 clone, like Ys before it.

>> No.8045909

I wouldnt mind a prettied up LoZ. even for 8 bit games its not exactly the nicest.
Even an upgrade to 16bit graphics would be a nice improvement
i wonder if nintendo just has some bizarre japanese thing where they respect it too much to remake it or they're pessimistic towards their ability to remake it

>> No.8045985

it's (partly) because you grew up in a post-ironic, late consumerist world oversaturated with icons that have lost all of their context and content. Zelda was made during a time when kids actually went out and explored. video games were popular, but they hadn't yet entirely replaced the kind of childlike adventure that Zelda captures: there was a direct and obvious throughline between the spirit of the game and the generation. today, it wouldn't get made. today Zelda is just another brand, like Mario or McDonalds or Walmart or State Farm. kids don't explore fields and forests and abandoned buildings anymore, not like they used to; they're sitting inside playing video games. it's all self-referential. the original Zeldas had an innocence and earnestness and newness that's gone today. you never knew a world before this Zelda, and it's by now so developed and reiterated that it has no center for you, no defining meaning or character or features beyond what is recommended by the olds. and when you do play, your expectations and tastes are molded by what you do know, which is probably very different than any Zeldas discussed on /vr/. you didn't grow up at a time when LttP or OoT or even the original were blockbusters, and they were. you can't know the excitement of the next game coming out, knowing basically the whole series intimately, knowing how it has evolved. unless (You)r early years consisted only of retro games -- perhaps your dad kept your gaming experiences in a time capsule in order to replicate his own childhood -- it is almost impossible to appreciate what these games meant at the time, and how they played. even then, it'd be almost impossible to avoid exposure to modern games. so, my dear zoomie, you were simply born too late. unless you are willing to explore the classics and put yourself in the mindset of a time traveler, you may never understand the appeal of a great many titles.

or, you could just have shit taste

>> No.8046156

the only reason people like Zelda is because they played it as a kid. PERIOD.
I grew up on alttp and loved the fuck out of it... when i was 5... having revisited it recently i can honestly say that if i had played it originally as an adult, i probably would get bored of it pretty quick, feel me lil nigguh?

>> No.8046158

who is cutting onions

>> No.8046175

Man I thought /vr/ was supposed to be the place where the "nostalgia goggles" excuse for people liking something you don't like was unanimously considered a shit thing to say but here we are in a thread full of retards trying to discredit a popular series by saying it's nostalgia. you people don't belong here.

>> No.8046190


>> No.8046206

I always found the hunt for items to be really enjoyable. It was perhaps more noticeable in the first game.

>> No.8046345

Like it or not, how a game is experienced will change over time. Novelty wears off, cultural context is lost

And yes, people are willing to overlook lapses in quality if they played the game in question as a child. You do it, I do it, we all do it

>> No.8046358

nah i dont do it becuase i didnt play games as a child. Zelda is just phenomenal

>> No.8046419

well then you’re just exceptional aren’t you? The rest of us (probably 99.99%) of us played it as kids. You talk about it being phenomenal, isnt fortnite technically a phenomena? When the little retards playing fortnite grow up to be big retards, theyre all gonna look back with nostalgia and think that fortnight was the best game ever (even though its dogshit)

>> No.8046441

I dont care what they think about fortnite dude you gotta stop worrying about what other people think about something you arent even interested in
Zelda is such a great game that I would take the n64 over the playstation on zelda alone. the fact I get the other decent to good games is just a bonus. I really cant bring myself to care that much about the playstation library personally.

>> No.8046478

>I wouldnt mind a prettied up LoZ. even for 8 bit games its not exactly the nicest.
>Even an upgrade to 16bit graphics would be a nice improvement
I disagree. I think a lot of 8-bit games look like shit but Zelda looks very good. It might not be aesthetically mind-blowing but it is extremely effective design. Every enemy is distinctive and recognizable. They pop from the screen and are easy to engage in combat. Link established his iconic look with the tiny 8-bit sprite and his movements are fluid and well-animated. The extremely limited color palette is used very effectively. There are a number of nice special effects and the sound effects are excellent.

There are still a few rough edges, like with the limited palette, details on enemies and some equipment change color depending on Link's color (green/white/red). But compare that with something like Dragon Quest, where you have character sprites that look really weird being monochrome orange and blue. The music has that NES issue where sometimes one voice cuts out in order to have sound effects, but this is kept to a minimum and isn't nearly as obnoxious as in a game like say, Final Fantasy III where every time you walk through a fucking door the music sounds like shit.

The dungeon aesthetics could use a little love but that's a really minor thing in my opinion. I really don't think anything would be gained by trying to add lots of unnecessary detail and aesthetics.

What I'd actually like to see most is Shovel Knight quality homage to Zelda. Make it "modern 8-bit style" to maintain the graphic design and convey the right feel for the gameplay, but use more colors and detail, and add some new surprises with the mechanics.

>> No.8046484

NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Game Boy, GBA

>> No.8046491

go seethe somewhere else, snoy

>> No.8046492

"indie" games are not actually indie anymore, these days "indie" just means "small game dev that isn't one of the huge established giants".

>> No.8046505
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>You do it, I do it, we all do it
Yeah but you're a faggot I'm not.
I learned how to be disciplined, critical, and objective and to use my biases as a motivation to seek truth. You internalized one trite meme then gave up like a fucking loser.

>> No.8046515

bruh, i love zeldy just as much as the next guy, but all im saying is that it might be a little overhyped due to it being one of the first games most ppl played. Its kinda like how crackheads are always chasing that original high. That first hit they ever take is always the best one

>> No.8046519

Don't call me bruh I am not your brother you crackbaby

>> No.8046532
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There is bs zelda on snes, looks really good imo.
I think 8 bit nes zelda looks good enough on it's own too. Most indie zeldalikes are basically alttp clones and they outright copy the sprites and animations and whatnot as much as they can. I kinda hate the shovel knight look, I think either go something that's having the limitations of the era or just don't bother with it and come up with something else but people seem to like it so good for them.

Also idk if you're the guy who wanted something similar but since nobody mentioned it, even though combat wise it's different in many ways for the frog bell tolls is really nice experience and must play imo.

I'm one man teaming zeldalike although getting no attention yet I'll not give up

>> No.8046538

they did remake it, anon. it was satellaview only

>> No.8046539

yeah i wish i knew how to do and make assets so i could make my own game but all my computer science degree did for me was get me a job sweeping floors/ what a joke man
i wish i had an ounce of coding talent or ability. im so fucked in the head

>> No.8046541

And I thought that this place was going to be for people who happen to like retro games instead of being full of wretches obsessed with praising everything old and shitting on everything new. We don't always get what we expect.

>> No.8046542

wtf I'm artist and one man teaming it on my own surely you can do it if you have cs degree

>> No.8046545

but modern games suck though, what do you want me to say? the only people i find praising modern games are 30+ year olds desperate to not appear out of touch so they praise new shit nobody could give a fuck about

>> No.8046547

Nope. Makes sense you're an artist. Artists seem to have something to them that makes them better than the average person.

>> No.8046586

I'd say drawing helps so you can start by drawing on paper and see what you come up withi coding wise my code is basically piles of stuff I don't understand anymore but I keep getting new ideas and put them in since it's not that hard once you get the logic of it.

I can't find any idea to steal from any other games than zeldas though, I wish snes and that era consoles had more zeldalikes, it's really rare like that one guy said in the thread, there aren't that many of them and the modern ones aren't worth stealing from.

>> No.8046592

I cant draw or code. its just not in me. I cant do fucking shit

>> No.8046601

oh well then enjoy the games, especially try for frog the bell tolls, it's an experience

>> No.8046609

i dunno where to buy it
so you admit im just doomed to be a consoomer for the rest of my life
fuck this sucks

>> No.8046619

nah you can rise above and download the translated rom

>> No.8046627

nah i dont know how to do that stuff i cant emulate i just got a super nintendo.

>> No.8046701

To be fair OOT, TP, and BoTW all started out as 3D remakes of the original game.

>> No.8046710

OoT is a "remake" of LttP, and TP is a "remake" of OoT. Only BotW really follows the original LoZ design.

>> No.8046715

To be fair I think BoTW and TP are MEDIOCRE!
When you make link right handed even in a port that's the sign man. Just dont even play those games. its like sonic redesign. when they make link right handed they steal his soul

>> No.8046716

I noticed a trend around 2000 or so where most games transitioned from being inspired by real life or non-game things to almost all games being inspired by the developers growing up playing games. I think this is why older games have a certain intrigue that newer games don't have. Both can be good, but they're good for different reasons.

>> No.8046803

>Only BotW really follows the original LoZ design.
not really

>> No.8046806 [DELETED] 

be prepared for some autistic piece of shit to link you to a vid of the Zelda 1 clone they made as a concept piece to guide the development of BotW.

>> No.8046841

>I had a zoomer friend who hated them because they felt too 'lonely'. He just liked JRPG shit.
When someone criticizes a single player game for "feeling lonely", you can disregard their opinions because they play boring JRPGs to be "comfy".

>> No.8046863

Are the same faggot currently trolling the RE4 thread, by any chance?

>> No.8047687
File: 470 KB, 1300x874, western-wastes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does feel a bit lonely, though. I certainly don't mind for Zelda. Some games amp up the lonely feeling even more, like Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder. Some rare games manage to nail both really well, where you can have the feeling of being totally alone in a remote, hostile location but also be able to return to a safe, comfortable home with NPCs (and even other players in the case of pic-related).

>> No.8048246

I wouldn't say I don't see any appeal, but I think they're overhyped because of Nintendo. I'm actually playing BotW in moonrunes right now as a throwaway game because I won't understand 100% of the first couple games before I get good enough at Japanese and understand the ones that I enjoyed in English or haven't played but think I'll enjoy.

>> No.8048256

>my dumb zoomer brain
you answered your own question

>> No.8048797

When autistics say a game is lonely they're not talking about it being intentionally designed like that. It means they judge games solely on how good they are as NPC friendship simulators. So the early Zelda games that don't have much dialogue at all, those are bad because they make me feel lonely. Generic JRPG with a party of cute waifus, now that's a 10/10 one of the all-time classics.

>> No.8048927

I feel you didn't tried to play it alone (playing doesn't mean watching someone streaming)

>> No.8049297

>if i compare trash of the wild to LoZ 1 some more maybe people will start liking my zoomie walking simulator!

>> No.8050251

>When autistics say a game is lonely
I don't think you understand what autism is.
>It means they judge games solely on how good they are as NPC friendship simulators.
Sounds like you are projecting.

>> No.8051627

I can't, you're a dumb zoomer who probably only likes flashy retro games that are all shmups or run & guns

>> No.8051649


I can REALLY only think of a few. That are good anyway 'Zelda-likes' = puzzle/action RPG but good.

Light crusader, Beyond oasis and it's prequel, magical Knight Rayearth, Ys arguably, Metroid prime?

>> No.8052464
File: 1.88 MB, 1100x7553, arpg-list-rated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think most top-down sword combat games go the ARPG route, heavier on cutscenes and a magic/stat system. At least, when I look back at games made during the 90s 2D era that's what I tend to see. Chrystalis, the Quintet trilogy, Seiken Densetsu, Alundra, and so on. I remember playing Lagoon and thinking it was kind of terrible. There are a lot I haven't played (Brain Lord, Ys, everything on Sega systems).

For hacks/solo projects there's the Solarus Engine: https://solarus-games.org/

>> No.8052516
File: 84 KB, 735x521, gauntlet-ii-arcade-games-atari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> y it never inspired a whole genre that is inundated with both fantastic and terrible shit constantly. like beat em ups or platformers
I think the issue here is also that bmups and platformers are very simple to clone. When you copy the basic mechanics of Mario or Final Fight, but then change some things, it's instantly recognizable as part of a similar genre. With Zelda, you don't have to change much before it doesn't really seem like a "Zelda-like" anymore. There are a bunch of different elements that make up a "Zelda-like" and if one of them is missing, it'll feel weird.

- Top-down perspective
- Action combat focused on melee weapons
- Single overworld with dungeons
- Dungeons featuring puzzles, combat, and bosses
- Character growth by obtaining power-ups and upgrades only, not XP grinding
- Character growth and quest progress is persistent across saves.
- Wide variety of items/spells that each have unique mechanics
- Simple scavenger hunt quest with a light story, not too heavy exploration of different towns, meeting new NPCs, and so on (like an RPG).

If you go too far one way it becomes an RPG. If you go too far the other way it becomes an arcade dungeon crawler (Druaga) or hack&slash (Gauntlet).

>> No.8052994

>Comparing a hack and slash to an adventure game.
Nigga what?

>> No.8052997

lazily comparing 2d games to 3d games is bad enough already

>> No.8053639

Now tell me why Mario is actually bad and you have the right opinion. Then do Final Fantasy.

>> No.8054331

Zeld games provide a genuine atmosphere of adventure

>> No.8054394

this for me but it got me into for whom the frog bell tolls and I think I reached a dead end

>> No.8054430

I don't wanna, I agree

>> No.8054434

Can you take your console faggotry back to /v/ please?

>> No.8054436

how was pokemon based on maze of galious?

>> No.8054918

Mario 1? It's based.
Mario 2? Some remarkable moments, but overall just pretty good.
Mario 3? Great.
Mario World? Excellent.

Final Fantasy is gay

>> No.8055071

>World? Excellent
If you enjoy flying over everything skipping all platforming.

>> No.8055097

>this game is bad because of this optional thing

>> No.8055904

uh star fox adventures perplexingly