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[ERROR] No.8042749 [Reply] [Original]

What are some stuff that was most likely fabricated but somehow word of mouth and sheer memeing turned them into common video game folklore tales that people repeat as if they're true?
For example Miyamoto hating DKC or Sega of Japan being jealous of Sega of America.

>> No.8042772

Something about Misty taking off her top if you did a lot of crazy bullshit and flied to every location in the game in a certain order. Pokemon rumors were the most wild because of the Missingno glitch. If that was true, what reason did we have to believe other rumors were false?

>> No.8042791

anaconda from blanka's stage eating someone

>> No.8042794

The thing about these rumours is that once the internet became massive and gameFAQs and other sites started documenting every secret of every game (or at least the most popular ones), they vanished completely as you could easily confirm it's fake.
With stories about japanese people you never know because they almost never talk about that kind of stuff and if they did it's probably locked in some japan-only publication most westerners don't know about, so the myths continue to the present day and a big portion of people believe them.

>> No.8042835
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The Miyamoto quote does not come from Miyamoto directly, but rather a journalist saying he said it inbetween an interview. It's not in the interview either! And he's reporting it years later

>There is an interesting story behind Yoshi's Island. When Shigeru Miyamoto first demonstrated the game to Nintendo's marketing department, it was rejected because it had Mario style graphics rather than the waxy, pre-rendered graphics of Donkey Kong Country. Rather than change to an artistic look he did not like, Miyamoto made the game even more cartoon-like, giving it a hand-drawn look. The second version was accepted. Miyamoto, who is rightfully proud of his work, was offended the first version was rejected. The same month, I interviewed Miyamoto and Tim Stamper, creator of Donkey Kong Country, together and noticed that Miyamoto was a bit hard on Stamper, making such statements such as "Donkey Kong Country proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good."

Repeated in G4 Icons:

When asked about this Miyamoto seems puzzled:

Conclusion: this interpretation is highly questionable as the journalist could be making a wrong infereence, something maybe wasn't translated right, and so forth. But too many people quote it as a certifiable fact.

>> No.8042845

>But too many people quote it as a certifiable fact.
Which is the whole point of this thread. Made up bullshit that somehow got greenlit by the general populace and is now parroted as gospel.
I think in the case of that particular Miyamoto quote it's because it was published in one of the first books about video game history, which is now criticized for being highly inaccurate in many areas, but for years it was like the only book on the matter.
I'm sure Kent was 100% full of bullshit.

>> No.8042851

So, did Michael Jackson actually work on Sonic 3 or not?

>> No.8042941

Frustratingly, the original interview, which would give further context, has never been scanned. It seems Kent's quote is not formally part of the itnerview, but his recollection of something Miyamoto said to the side. My take is that he's giving too much importance to an aside statement, or there was some mangling in translation. It could just as easily be he said something like "It seems gamers look for graphics first and are impressed by them rather than gameplay" and is such just him praising the eye catching graphics rather than saying anything negative.

>> No.8042956
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It was just recently scanned.

>> No.8042964
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>> No.8042969

The actual quote from shiggsy is worth discussing due to its odd specificity. He expresses concerns that people will praise DKC for its graphics, acknowledging the game play is not the first thing that will stand out. I don't think this is far off, DKC's platformer design and game play are nothing out of the ordinary. People obfuscate this with stories of misquotes as a deflection from the point that it's a fine game, but ultimately nothing special.

>> No.8042975
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>> No.8042980
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>> No.8042987

No, his songwriting team did. The King of Pop was actually a lazy kiddie-diddling fraud without daddy there to beat his ass every step of the way.

>> No.8042993

>Sega of Japan being jealous of Sega of America
It was, though. This is attested to in multiple books on the subject.

>> No.8043023

i dunno about that last bit, fellow /vr/troopers. It sounds suspiciously like the translator heard something different from Miyamoto about children and decided to take some creative liberties of his own.

>> No.8043028

Could be solved if Kent has the original audio and released it.

>> No.8043039

>Tell Gates to suck my yellow dick.
I believe it.

>> No.8043041

The thing about the other guy being the real genius behind MGS, even though there's absolutely no reason to assume that.

>> No.8043050

Fukushima was a minor partner writer, in charge of CODEC conversations from 1-2-3. I definitely felt that CODEC was lame and not as fun in 4 onwards. It's unclear how much Fukushima played a role, but supposedly they would bounce around scenario ideas togehter and work things out. Might be when the dumbest parts of Kojima's stories get shot down? I would blame more kojima getting too powerful and no longer having producers and execs over him double checking his work and asking if it could be an enjoyable game.

>> No.8043062

>DKC's platformer design and game play are nothing out of the ordinary
Not true, it's a great platformer with amazing flow, responsive controls and organic level design. Miyamoto himself helped Rare with feedback and ideas.
The quote is fake, it's time to accept it, although I admit it's funny imagining Shiggy being a jackass.

>> No.8043070

>This is attested to in multiple books on the subject.
Any of them written by japanese people? Because every time I read about it it's Kalinske involved, and i'm tired of him and his self-masturbatory stories about how smart he was to bundle sonic with the genesis. Yes, it was a good idea. No, I don't believe you're the savior of Sega. Sonic sold because it was a good game made by Sega of Japan, not because you bundled it. You just helped.

>> No.8043102

Sonic sold because the alternative was a far plumber. When you're looking at 8-bit you need to pitt Mario against Alex. And Alex shits all over Mario. I'm talking about Miracle World. Shame he only got one good game.

>> No.8043107

Nah, Sonic sold because it's a good game, made by Sega of Japan.
So, any publications where the japanese people from Sega admit they were jealous of Sega of America?
What were they jealous of? The Ooze? Comix Zone?

>> No.8043115

It sounds like you just hate Kalinske, independent of whether there's any truth to the matter.

>> No.8043117

Apparently, because SoA could sell their own system better than they could. Which appears to be true.

>> No.8043121

Nah, I think he is a smart businessman and his idea to bundle Sonic was neat.
However, I do not believe his victim complex about Sega of Japan being jealous or wanting to sabotage them or whatever. Truth is, Sega of America made a lot of mistakes and fuckups.
Sega of Japan too, but at least they made good games.

>> No.8043124

MD not being popular in Japan is not SoJ's fault, it's PC Engine being popular, and Super Famicom being extremely popular.
I'm still waiting for any japanese publication that addresses they were jealous of SoA.

>> No.8043181

What makes you think there's going to be any Japanese publication with the Japanese Sega heads saying "oh yeah man, we were really petty assholes back then, good times"?

>> No.8043187

Alex kidd sucked bro. It's not even a top 20 master system title

>> No.8043190

Maybe some ex-employee? I dunno, anything. All the sources come from westerners and "journalists" of doubtful integrity.

>> No.8043228

I would believe that there was a nuance to Miyamoto's answer, where he possibly mulled it over aloud, wondering why he makes games, not for his personal enjoyment, but for the enjoyment of others, and then wondering how he could still deliver that, ultimately resolving on the notion that play activities and imagination are what we used to do, before virtual entertainment, and he resolved that that would likely give him the same pleasure, realizing that you could really only get an opportunity to do that with children, as adults would be less receptive to imagination time.

>> No.8043235

I just don't believe that this guy Steven Kent overheard Miyamoto muttering something, especially something like that.
I doubt Kent even speaks japanese.
Mind you Stamper or anyone at Rare always said they had great relationship with Miyamoto, and Rare is not with Nintendo since 2002, so they could have come up and confirm the rumour if it was true. Nope, didn't happen.
It's pure bullshit. Fun bullshit, but bullshit.

>> No.8043253

His music director explained it in a podcast


>> No.8043259

I still see people on here say that DK64 needed the expansion pak solely because of a bug that rare couldn't figure out how to remove without. Rumor seemed to have started from one single rare employee who didn't work on the game who did one youtube interview a decade ago where he mentioned it briefly in passing.

>> No.8043262

That's a good one. I remember when that thing came up on gaming sites everybody was raving about it.
Turned out to be total fake, lol.

>> No.8043269

You're the same faggot from the f-zero thread right? At least state your case. You show me yours, I'll show you mine. Insults without any passion or drive behind it makes you seem like an npc. Touch grass.

>> No.8043336

Lara Croft topless.

>> No.8043347


>> No.8043361

It never occurred to me that a reason Miyamoto was so dismissive of Donkey Kong Country (implying that it's true for a second), might be, that it was him who designed the first game and he couldn't handle Rare's success, because his own efforts as a pioneer were mostly forgotten by then.

>> No.8043365

Zoomers will never know what its like to have real gaming folklore like this top kek

>> No.8043384

What the fuck are you spergin about there grandpa? I'll show you this dick in your mouth

>> No.8043396

There's tons of these. Unlocking characters in Melee was always a big one. I had a friend who tried to bait me into beating 100 enemies in cruel melee to unlock Sonic.
Pokegods, Mew under the truck and Pikablu in Pokemon.
I remember people saying you could remove the blur on naked sims (which you can do now with mods lmao). One that I always come back to is my brother telling me that there were dragons in Morrowind, you just had to levitate high enough to find them.

>> No.8043405

Miyamoto hated DKC though. It's the single reason Yoshi's Island exists. They even used an extra chip min the cartridge to one up Rare.

>> No.8043415

Shut up vermin.

>> No.8043418
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eat my fuck nigger

>> No.8043428

One going round the playground was that the Japanese version of Resident evil was somehow "faster" and that our friend's dad- "knew a guy" who got him early access to games from there.

>> No.8043443

>Peter Gabriel wrote the soundtrack to Xenon 2: Megablast
Where the hell did that even come from? It had one song and didn't sound anything like him at all. Maybe it had something to do with 'Virgin' being slapped on the game, but I don't think he was on that label at any point.

>> No.8043505

This why shit like "Mario 64 Wario apparition" and "Every copy of Mario 64 is personalized" exists because Zoomers don't have their own fucking game culture and have to make up bullshit about games they weren't even alive for.

>> No.8043519

They were memes, shitty or not. No need to get your panties twisted

>> No.8043525

>Maybe some ex-employee?
Yeah...About that...From what I hear that's simply not DONE in Jap culture...Like, fucking *ever*. You will never hear about that kind of stuff from professionals over there unless liberal amounts of saki and/or sex were involved.

>> No.8043534

>MD not being popular in Japan is not SoJ's fault, it's PC Engine being popular, and Super Famicom being extremely popular.
I'm saying that they would view it as their fault regardless of whether they could have reasonably prevented such an outcome. And when you already feel like you're a fucking failure, the last thing you want to hear is that a bunch of damn gaijin managed what you couldn't when you literally built the thing they're hocking.

>> No.8043680

Holy fuck. Where to even start with this post?

>> No.8043689

miyamoto would say things on the record that wouldn't offend anyone but would share his true feelings off the record. he trusted journalists to not be fucking snitches. big mistake. there's a long history of him doing this.
>Not true, it's a great platformer with amazing flow, responsive controls and organic level design
what flow? you fly through levels as fast as possible like sonic the hedgehog, the controls were robotic and stiff, and in some sections of the game they just give up and use barrels to move you around - the level design was atrocious. was good for the snes - at the time. it aged very poorly.

>> No.8043706

>This why shit like "Mario 64 Wario apparition" and "Every copy of Mario 64 is personalized" exists because Zoomers don't have their own fucking game culture and have to make up bullshit about games they weren't even alive for.
the inbred collective of zoomer retards are brought up in a society where you are rewarded for being a compulsive lying failure that can't google. these people get awards for being brain damaged fantasists. they also try ever so hard to rewrite gaming history but start losing their adderal soaked minds when they're slapped around like the failures they truly are. they are devoid of any gaming culture worth giving any fucks about. what do they have? steam, ios, android and consoles using PC hardware and mobile phone technology. they'll never get to experience the golden age like some of us old cunts did. they'll forever be stuck with a mediocre existence because they have no idea how to create their own culture that anyone would give a fuck about.

>> No.8043726
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Did somebody say "official topless Misty"?

>> No.8043832
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That Nintendo didn't win the actual console war.

>> No.8043842

>tfw you live in a timeline where L was indeed real
What a time to be alive

>> No.8043846

Shit like the Wario Apparition is just an excuse for people to create OC over games they like, no need to go full retard over your -oomer boogeyman.

>> No.8043851

I can see how an AI would forge an alliance with autists. Touch

>> No.8043981

it's gay

>> No.8044010

Post the original content you made for your favorite game.

>> No.8044015

holy based

>> No.8044032
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ok i got entire fan games and you got icebergs with youtube views

>> No.8044057

Dunno, looks kinda gay.

>> No.8044062

Pretty sure Grant Kirkhope dropped that when he was on Gamegrumps.

>> No.8044108
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>Dunno, looks kinda gay.

>> No.8044189

>there's a long history of him doing this.
nice try, Steven L. Kent.
It's all bullshit, time to let it go.
>it aged very poorly.
Ah you're just lazily baiting, whatever.

>> No.8044221

At the beginning, obviously.

>> No.8044492
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No, he likes DKC.

>> No.8044493

I'm not going to watch that to confirm, sorry.

>> No.8044505

I watched it years ago and I don't remember any mention of that.

>> No.8044539
File: 69 KB, 610x600, 610px-Wario_SML2_artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An old Nintendo fansite called N-Sider had an article about the history of Nintendo R&D1, in which they claimed that Super Mario Land 2 had no passion put into it because the developers were "forced" to make it before they could make sequels to games like Metroid and Kid Icarus. They also claimed that R&D1 designed Wario as an ugly caricature of Mario as a form of protest against having to work with an IP they didn't create. There are several problems with the article, most notably the lack of sources and the fact that every game that R&D1 allegedly wasn't allowed to make at first were all released at least one year before Super Mario Land 2.


Meanwhile, there exists an interview with the Super Mario Land 2 dev team that makes it quite clear that they truly enjoyed working on the game.
