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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 268x188, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8039703 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start.

>> No.8039708

I get motion sickness from the ugly graphics in Lode Runner 3D. It's the only game that ever caused that to me.

>> No.8039710


>> No.8039729
File: 49 KB, 1200x800, et2600Screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8039752

I like the way F-Zero X looks, even though it doesn't look very "good" even for an N64 game. There's something very distinct about it.
There are tonnes of less aesthetically pleasing games. Maybe Superman 64, or Spawn on the Playstation.

>> No.8039765

That looks better to me than Space Harrier

>> No.8039772
File: 35 KB, 1000x562, pong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8039842

F-Zero X looks incredible. Get a decent CRT and some taste

>> No.8039898

I think that one looks pretty impressive actually. Even though it appears to be closely imitating Space Harriers graphics. That first boss is directly that.

>> No.8039905

They sacrificed the graphics for speed. Still a favorite of mine. I bought the gamecube version and gave up on it after half an hour or so. I couldn't get the hang of it. Maybe the timing wasn't right, but I wasn't feeling it. Maybe I'm just getting old. You guys think it's worth giving it another shot?

>> No.8039908

I tried all six F-Zero games recenty, and, no, not really. F-Zero and F-Zero X are the most enjoyable, GX is really doing its own thing.

>> No.8039912

Bubsy 3D

>> No.8039951
File: 2.97 MB, 344x261, 5s4dzRwnVbzGY5ssnCE4wXzkeAEXyVtgk1ApQTwHMTp6y5PvEo1yennABepwkuBQpoLBLtAYVEVY6wttzdim9Bu89L4DnhautcAk3vFHvtxq29SkiCjYTmCK2Bzt5VarhHzeF1u9aMRdy8TRU42m1SFVuFa4iVTbicFyJAy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking OPs picture looks bland and lifeless means you have bad taste
This is what games looked like around fzero x's release. Its obvious Nintendo put in minimal effort with this one.

>> No.8039954

how were they supposed to do it? i dont understand. i cant imagine an N64 3d Fzero game possibly looking different while still looking like f-zero

>> No.8039963

>Minimal effort
You had thirty racers on the track and the game was fast.

>> No.8039967

Crazy Taxi has slowdown in certain areas and F-Zero X does not.

>> No.8039971

>why this 64 bit machine doesn't make graphics like this 128 bit machine that came out years later?

>> No.8039979

Would you prefer Crazy Taxi if it had zero detail and ran smoother then?
The same way they made Mario Kart. Use sprites.
FZeroX was not a launch title. It really had no right to look that bland.

>> No.8039980
File: 2.96 MB, 640x480, F-Zero X.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you prefer Crazy Taxi if it had zero detail and ran smoother then?

>> No.8039982

Cope. Multiplats were on 64 and dreamcast that didn't have graphical differences as massive as crazy taxi and fzerox.

>> No.8039983

using sprites wouldn't inherently improve it you know. You still haven't given any specific real constructive criticism. You can spritify those cars in the OP and I bet you'd complain. So tell us what you REALLY want.

>> No.8040009

>Using sprites wouldnt improve it
If sprites allowed for more track and scenery details I don't see how it wouldn't be an improvement. Mario Kart 64 easily looks nicer and I've never once complained about that game apart from saying SNES Mario Kart being superior.
You can stick to games that look like pong then.

>> No.8040018

>If sprites allowed for more track and scenery details I
genuinely I don't think the n64 works like that taking away detail from one object doesn't suddenly give you a meaningful return to use on other things. especially when the game already runs smoothly as is.

>> No.8040019
File: 2.96 MB, 480x360, Levin fly.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a graphicsfag on /vr/
Is there anything more pathetic?

>> No.8040023

>Years later
Crazy taxi was released less than a year after fzerox. Possibly a few months after.

>> No.8040026

He said on a machine released years later.

>> No.8040027

if the cars were sprites im not sure any of the stuff going on in f-zero x would actually work
plus this has 30 racers. they'd need to load in not only 30 sprites but also different sprites for all the different facing directions in this 3d game including from top down because some of the levels do that
That's like 30*9 different animated sprites to load in
I don't think the n64 can even do that

>> No.8040041

The sprites could work like doom then. My point is there should have been someone who made the game look more presentable. When comic book artists are lazy everyone hassles them and points out their flaws.
Sega Saturn was released in 94 and their earlier releases don't even look half as bad.

>> No.8040045
File: 2.94 MB, 640x495, blackfire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega Saturn was released in 94 and their earlier releases don't even look half as bad.
Literally insane.

>> No.8040047

Some motherfuckers always trying to skate uphill.

>> No.8040048

>Cherry picking
Why don't you post a gif of Saturn Sega Rally if you believe what you say.

>> No.8040049

This would be a literal 10/10 on N64.

>> No.8040057
File: 1.39 MB, 640x480, Sega Rally Championship dirt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn games always have so much pop-in it's insane.

>> No.8040061

Daytona, NiGHTS..... the list goes on.

>> No.8040063

Arcade Daytona also has pop up. Only the mentally insane would claim FZeroX looks better.

>> No.8040067

IDK that webm from earlier looked cooler than >>8040057

>> No.8040082
File: 2.91 MB, 640x480, F-Zero X slide.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-Zero X certainly has more style and variety than Sega Rally or Daytona. Those don't even have any night races.

>> No.8040083

there is nothing wrong with being a ghrapics fag, but, it is stupid to use argumenta like "aged" "dated" and "hold up"

>> No.8040085

Look again. You have a helicopter flying over the track with dirt flying everywhere, trees, detailed cars, houses, spectators, blue blue skies. It resembles a real race. Even if Fzerox is set in the future it doesn't resemble anything outside of a child's hot wheels set with loops.

>> No.8040089

So? Looks like shit and fzero looks fast, exciting, and has a consistent aesthetic that it pulls off well in this game and throughout the series.

>> No.8040092

>graphcisfagging and appealing to realism in the same post
>on /vr/ no less

>> No.8040103

Okay, so you would prefer Sega Rally if it had no fans, lacked dirt, trees and nothing else you would see at an off road rally so long as it had a smooth frame?
>Sega Rally looks like shit
This is your mind on Nintendo.

>> No.8040108

>Okay, so you would prefer Sega Rally if it had no fans, lacked dirt, trees and nothing else you would see at an off road rally so long as it had a smooth frame?
Yeah. What are you retarded?

>> No.8040109

see >>8039980

and why don't you shoot yourself in the temple while we're at it

>> No.8040114

Sure you do buddy.

>> No.8040115

Not everyone is a retarded graphicsfag like you who seems to enjoy looking at compressed to hell JPGs standing on the side of the road more than the framerate of the game.

>> No.8040118

Shame nobody said anything about this post, I giggled.

>> No.8040119

When someone says pong looks like shit no one minds but the moment you mention a Nintendo 64 games looks awful Nintendrones >>8040109
automatically go on damage control and claim graphics no longer matter. Its ridiculous the lengths you will go to to convince yourselves.

>> No.8040121

>When someone says pong looks like shit no one minds
That was a joke

>> No.8040124

>woooooow I intentionally said an inflammatory statement and people told me I was wrong and retarded
Damn, that's crazy.

>> No.8040161

Not a bad game, but it is definitely ugly. Even back when it came out the character portraits felt extremely off putting.

>> No.8040164

LOL I thought this was Star Wars Racer at a glance. Stop uploading thumbnails you fucks. This actually made me realize how much Racer ripped off of F zero's hud

>> No.8040194

Fuck off, you inbred retard. Keep fucking pigs and deluding yourself that anyone gives a shit about your subhuman opinions.

>> No.8040217
File: 49 KB, 544x673, maxresdefault~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 cars on the track and a running at 60fps locked. Ill take the dip in graphics every time.

Similar think with Starfox zero its running at 60fps on both screens yet all retards care about is nice graphics.

>> No.8040227
File: 998 KB, 500x265, 4chan-7-rename-before-posting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega Saturn was released in 94 and their earlier releases don't even look half as bad.
take your meds

>> No.8040248

The battletrack where you had to eliminate all cars was great. What seemed like a last minute throwaway addition at first sight became very addictive after a couple of plays. I think I started out with Black Bull (kek), but moved on to different cars. Never tried them all, but I liked how each one was unique. Pink one was my favorite on SNES. Green one (Goose?) on the N64. Falcon was shit in the N64 version, didn't like how he handled.

>> No.8040319

>still replying to this consolewarring shitposter

>> No.8040348

Sega Rally and Panzer Dragoon both look amazing on every level.
>Thread is about worst graphics.
>Talks about frame rates instead
The nintendrone lashes out in anger when confronted with reality.
You can get angry and call me a graphicsfag and talk about frame rates until the cows come home. Its not going to make it any more attractive. Look at GT on playstation, metal gear solid or just about anything on dreamcast released at the same time. None of their top franchise titles look as bad as fzerox.

>> No.8040353

I think we have every mentally ill N64 obsessed tard on /vr/ in one thread by now.

>> No.8040367

ah yes, Metal Gear Solid, that game that runs at 30FPS and doesn't have 30 fucking 3D models on screen.
F-Zero X graphics where on purpose, as racing games should focus more on speed and smoothness that graphics.

>> No.8040368

I've always said N64 has the best wrestling games. Nice try though painting me as anti Nintendo.

>> No.8040370

Why are you posting under a new IP with each post?

>> No.8040372

>FzeroX graphics were on purpose
Christ. You lot are the reason gaming is in the state it is today. You will believe anything.

Are you saying a game that favours frame rate over graphics, sound effects, music and controls will always be the better racer? I don't buy that.

>> No.8040375

>You lot are the reason gaming is in the state it is today
Said the graphicsfag.

>> No.8040379

Phone posting. Sorry, I like pussy a little too much and don't spend every waking moment in my bedroom.

>> No.8040382

You realise this is a thread about graphics?

>> No.8040383

Nobody is talking about sound, music or controlls fag, those are great on F-Zero. And yes, racer at 60fps > racer with graphics.

>> No.8040384

Why are you knuckling down on your retardedness? You're purposefully misunderstanding and trying to rustle jimmies. We're all gamers here.

>> No.8040390

looks like ugly turds next to f-zero

>> No.8040404

No, you brought up what racing games should focus on. If you truly believed frame rate is all that matters then having laggy controls, no music and all on an original gameboy screen should satisfy you.
Anon I simply said FzeroX had awful graphics. Especially for 1998. You would think thatd be fairly obvious but not in the land of nintendrones.

>> No.8040413

I think it's funny how you no doubt spend hours of your life shitposting about the framerates in nearly every other N64 game, but in this one instance you have to desperately try to pretend framerate doesn't matter at all.

>> No.8040424

Like I said earlier I played the wrestling games on N64. They were blocky but still to this day are the best wrestling games ever made. I have no problem giving props to good games. If you were calling them blocky I wouldn't start pulling my hair out and bringing up irrelevant shit.

>> No.8040426

It was well known at the time, and magazines even pushed it as such. Yes, even in 1998. The graphics were shit at the time of release. But you got 30 racers simultaniously, and speed. Only thing I can blame the game is that it tried to be too big in scope. The graphics were just passable back then. But the trade off you got was immense. Not a fan of this whole graphics vs gameplay discussion, you can have both. The point is: F-Zero X graphics were never its selling point. If you enjoyed it back then, you can easily enjoy it now. I've got no dog in this fight. I always thought Wipeout 2097 was the superior racing game, even without weapons. Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.8040439

use a tripcode

>> No.8040445

Based. I too liked the wrestling games on N64. Never cared much for Turok, but Acclaim made a great wrestling game there.

>> No.8040446

Dimwits confuse lack of detail with "bad graphics". F-Zero X looks alien and that actually goes well with the lore of the game, not to mention it allowed for 60fps which should be the biggest priority in a racing game. As you say, it looks very distinct, and I prefer it to the more realistic looking GX.
Physics are all different. Track layouts are less imaginative and challenging than X. It's a good game but I definitely prefer X.

>> No.8040461

Having zero detail is good? Who are you trying to convince here? There's a gif above that shows off the buildings.>>8040082 They don't look futuristic or alien at all, they look low rent.
>frame rate should be the biggest priority
Daytona USA ce improved its frame rate and was still a worse version that the first port disproving your claim.

>> No.8040465

Why do you care about the detail level of buildings you're supposed to be flying past at extreme speeds?

>> No.8040476

Hated the tube tracks on X. Never managed to pinpoint the moment where you'd lose gravity and fall off. The boosts were a pretty big part of the games' strategy. The boosts, 'the pitt stops', the track layouts, it all tied in nicely together. You could see a lot of playtesting and thought was put into it. It's what I love about nintendo games, once you've scratched the surface level, there's plenty of meat left. And a whole other story reveals itself. You can see they've had the same thoughts as you, when you're thinking about: " lemme just try this and see if I can be smarter than the game". There's always going to be smarter guys who figure out holes, there's enough videos on youtube on that. But for casuals like me, nintendo games are impossible to break. Which is like a seal of quality. They went through rigourous playtesting.

>> No.8040484
File: 1.33 MB, 474x498, seagull-daytona-usa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you care about detail level of buildings
It shows love and effort and its not just some tech demo.

>> No.8040486

I'd rather the effort go into the actual gameplay thank you.

>> No.8040489

you should be looking at the road not the environment

>> No.8040519

>Rigourous playtesting
They were on a deadline! Anyways, don't know how it is now, but Nintendo had the best quality control. Seethe all you want. I know they're all billion dollar companies. And they couldn't give a fuck about gamers. But Gates himself said it best: "They march to the beat of a different drummer." Nintendo couldn't compete with Microsoft or Sony so they went with the 'Blue Ocean Strategy' iirc. If you can't compete, disrupt the market. In the end, all that matters is the games. Broke my heart to see Mario on a cellphone. Times they are a changin'. But Nintendo seems the company who takes some core principles most to heart. But they're caving, bit by bit.

>> No.8040521

And F-zero dosn't? LMAO you craft has literal LOD pop-in 24/7 in X and the rivals are all ugly sub-30 polygon atrocities. The wheels in CTR a have more complex geometry than the all the 30 rivals on track combined.

>> No.8040554

N64 released in 96 and Dreamcast in 98.

Really though, this is just a reflection if how slow Nintendo was at the time, and how desperate SEGA was to make up lost ground.

>> No.8040576

>I bought the gamecube version and gave up on it after half an hour or so. I couldn't get the hang of it. Maybe the timing wasn't right, but I wasn't feeling it. Maybe I'm just getting old. You guys think it's worth giving it another shot?
I would say the controls aren't quite as good as X. Pick a good car and give it another try.

>> No.8040778

Two or three loud bitches thinking f-zero doesn't look like shit (it does).
Extreme-G looks much better on the same console.

>> No.8040802

>dude, just look like an arcade game running on high end hardware, while also maintaining 60fps

>> No.8040810

I doubt there'd be much point using sprites, because the ships are very low poly as is. Having to fully model and animate Mario is going to take up more resources than a flying wedge.

>> No.8040823

Never say never, but I can't see how any gamer could've made Xtreme-G work. It was just bouncing of the rails. The soundtrack and atmosphere were amazing. But as far as gameplay goes, It's a 1/10. If even. The little train that couldn't.

>> No.8040828

Extreme G runs at like 20fps though.

>> No.8040847

It's a clear case of having bad comminication in your team, who are working on different segments of the game. The roads were too narrow, with rally tier bends.
>Let's have a 270 mph bike drive through it
>What if they fall off?
>Just throw in some rails
Horrible fucking game.

>> No.8040854

It's basically pushing 'A'. That's the whole game.

>> No.8040860

*Pushing 'Z'

>> No.8040980

I can make a shitty Honda take off faster than a Lamborghini in a 10-meter drag race if I remove everything except the engine and drivetrain. Doesn't mean it looks good.

>> No.8041000
File: 245 KB, 800x600, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-Zero X does look good though. It has a simple yet pleasing aesthetic with it's effective use of colour and comic book style artwork.
Look at the pink haze and the sci-fi cityscape in the background here. It just looks awesome and otherworldly, even if it's not any kind of technical marvel.

>> No.8041004
File: 178 KB, 320x240, 780935-the-legend-of-zelda-majora-s-mask-nintendo-64-screenshot-termina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile, on the same system...

>> No.8041007

Running at 15 fps, sure.

>> No.8041024

N64 games having to look this bad just to be able to run higher than 20 fps is not a compliment.

>> No.8041029

We've already established it doesn't look bad.

>> No.8041040

Why is it so hard for assblasted faggots to understand that graphics and performance are tied?

>> No.8041069
File: 249 KB, 800x600, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what an actually ugly game looks like on N64. See how the whole art style is just visual vomit?

>> No.8041071

Hello thread!

>> No.8041081

I'm so nostalgic for this art style that I love that screenshot

>> No.8041090

Interesting textures, how did they managed that on the Saturn? Saturn textures were always so rough and blocky on 3D games.

>> No.8041105

These are both the same level of aesthetically pleasing presentation to me

>> No.8041116
File: 250 KB, 720x450, 2.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtua Fighter for the 32X. The game itself plays alright. But man, those graphics just look rough as fuck

>> No.8041137
File: 153 KB, 858x633, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of like it too, but I can't say it actually looks good on any level.

>> No.8041191
File: 47 KB, 320x200, topvomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has no one mentioned top banana yet?

>> No.8041204

We were waiting 4 u.

>> No.8041208


These threads ALWAYS lack the perspective that, at the time, we were all stoked and thought all this looked great.

Growing up on Ps3 or Xbox 360 and then going back, lots of you simply won't understand that at the time, we were all on board and didn't actually see it as ugly trash.

I feel bad for many of you. So many classics you won't get enjoy because you are from the future. lol.

>> No.8041220

>rather than compare the game to other games released in the same time period, they throw it down and say "EW, YUCKY!"
Yep, it's zoomtrash

>> No.8041224

Nintentoddlers are fucking delusional

>> No.8041228

Not as much as you australia-troon.

>> No.8041229

Is this how you want to train the AI?

>> No.8041984

Nigga, Crazy Taxi released a full 1 and a half year later in the arcades. Post Scud Race while you're at it, since you're not comparing accurately anyway.
Maybe it's voxels? Looks like it to me.
Yeah and it runs at half the framerate, half the actual speed and has 3-4 cars at the same time max. I don't like how F-Zero X looks either but you can clearly see why it made the sacrifices that it did.

>> No.8041994

We have this anti-F Zero threads every now and then, and it's so painfully obvious by the same guy.
>please guys! hate this popular game with me! I feel so alone!

>> No.8042043

It was optimized for speed and framerate worthy of the F-Zero IP, it's a technical marvel for the hardware and the whole console gen

>> No.8042060

This board's gotten so tired of talking about retro games it's nothing but autistic bickering and flamewars.
The /v/ morphing is slowly happening...

>> No.8042068

Thay crazy taxi gif was to display what games looked like for that time. BTW there are drones in this thread who claim crazy taxi would be more enjoyable if it looked worse and had a higher frame rate.
Claiming a games fog and having nothing but the track and basic cars is good is the biggest cope.
Difference is FZero was a so called big name game from Nintendo and not shovelware like you're posting.
Crazy taxi was released early Jan or feb 1999 in arcades. And while Sega Rally runs at a lower frame rate it is still ten times the racing game FZeroX is. Claiming otherwise is the equivalent of saying super smash bros is a better fighting game than Super Turbo.

>> No.8042086

>crazy taxi would be more enjoyable if it looked worse and had a higher frame rate.
>the game would be more enjoyable if it played better

>> No.8042106

Daytona USA ce has a higher framerate than regular Saturn daytona yet is still the worst version. You have no clue.

>> No.8042112

That's because they fucked the controls up.

>> No.8042115

it was already controlling like a turd, cant fuck that up

>> No.8042119

No. The controls in CE are fucked for drifting.

>> No.8042193

You just said I was insane for not thinking frame rate was the most important factor of a game. I hope you realise you're wrong now. You probably won't.

>> No.8042284

Claiming a single FZero game has below average graphics isn't anti fzero.

>> No.8042309

>Would you prefer Crazy Taxi if it had zero detail and ran smoother then?
Hell yes.

>> No.8042328

Home console games and arcade machines are never a fair comparison, you're a sophist.

Less detail for much more (possibly fully) consistent framerate? Yeah, I think that would be a pretty good trade, racing games I think has to be the kind of game where slowdown is the least excusable, the entire point is speed.
As long as it's not wireframes or looks like a 2600 game, I'm good.

>> No.8042336

Good thing he doesn't have to stick to games that look like Pong, because F-Zero there clearly has a million times the fidelity of Pong in spite of not being the shiniest and prettiest graphics of its time.

>> No.8042340

but it is anti-nintendo, and the nintendo discords are going to be very upset about this.

>> No.8042346

this is bad how? it conveys everything perfectly

>> No.8042361

>The sprites could work like doom then
That's what he said, you have multiple different frames for rotations. Look at any monster in Doom, they have like 50 frames minimum, ergo 50 different sprites need to be loaded into memory, and that's with a game where enemies only have 8 directions, for F-Zero X, which is designed as a fully three dimensional game where the racers are seen from the top and above, that adds quite a lot more frames, and that's times 30 different racers.

You could maybe simplify things by not having to make multiple animation frames and instead just keep the sprites without multiple animation frames, aside from their rotations, and that could cut down on sprites a good bit, but it's still a lot to load in at once, and it's obviously not going to make for the high visual fidelity that you're hoping for.
With small and simple 3D models, you can share texture pieces between different models and thus not have to load in as much into memory.

>> No.8042369

>what games looked like for that time.
Retard argument. You have to actually account for the hardware the thing was released on. The gameboy was also out in the late 90's. Are you going to compare GB games to Crazy Taxi?
>Claiming a games fog and having nothing but the track and basic cars is good
It's not literally the fog. It's the appealing use of colour and imagery. If all you can perceive is the number of polygons on screen, you probably have the tisms.

>> No.8042374

Always better? No, obviously not, but F-Zero X looks pretty decent considering the graphical fidelity it sacrificed so it could be the game it is.

>> No.8042382

>retard argument
Did gameboy share multiplats with dreamcast? N64 did and they were at least similar so try again.
>you're autistic
Anon you're the one jumping through hoops to convince yourself it looks good.

>> No.8042389

So graphical detail effort is the only effort that matters then?

>> No.8042401

None play as good as F-Zero X either.

>> No.8042403

>N64 shared mutliplats with Dreamcast
What? Wetrix?
Dreamcast as a 6th gen system. It's obviously better than the N64. This is shit bait.

>> No.8042407

Are you just bullshitting? How is an N64 game at all comparable to a Dreamcast game?

>> No.8042412

>Claiming a games fog and having nothing but the track and basic cars is good is the biggest cope.
Do you really think it looks that bad? It's just minimalistic, but that can be taken advantage of artistically, which I think the game does well. But ultimately it just sounds like you're complaining about minimalism, the graphics themselves don't look bad.

>> No.8042426

F Zero X is just a fantastic game

>> No.8042465
File: 41 KB, 720x520, fzero7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, faggot.
Look at the beta. It was originally going to have cars with higher poly models until they found out they couldn't get 60FPS, which is needed for a game like F-Zero.
They didn't care about Mario Kart but F-Zero has to be fast, that's the whole point.

>> No.8042493

It looked like shit at the time of release you nintendroid. I was there.

>> No.8042509

But whatever, it was another succesful example of Nintendo carrying over franchises into the new era. And setting new standards while they were at it. They had a pretty impressibe run, desu.

>> No.8042524

>the game had to be 60fps thats the whole point
You're being dishonest as futuristic high speed racing games already existed that didn't need to be 60fps.
>does it look that bad?
Now that I've seen beta shots of the game i can say yes 1000%.
RE2 on 64 is compared to playstation and dc versions like many other multiplats all the time here.
You know full well there were plenty of multiplats like wetrix where the difference wasn't as massive. Saturn and PSX wipeout look amazing and they were released way before FZeroX.
Jusy about everything matters when making a great game. Having engine sound effects sounding realistic/futuristic goes a long way.

>> No.8042538

N64 technically shares at least one multiplat with PS2. It's kind of a dumb argument.

>> No.8042556

Also, Wipeout has really aggressive pop-in, doesn't have 30 cars at once, and looks pretty juddery compared to F-Zero.

>> No.8042603

>RE2 on 64 is compared to playstation and dc versions like many other multiplats all the time here.
Because that's the same fucking game, and even then they're different. It'd be like comparing the SNES port of Doom to the PS4 port of Doom, doesn't change the fact that the former is ridiculously underpowered for a game like Doom, and the latter is ridiculously overpowered for it.
Yeah, it's the same game and you can definitely compare them, but not accounting for the disparity in hardware (and time) is absolutely dishonest.

>> No.8042614

Things more important than framerate according to special boy: roadside JPGs, engine sounds, buildings.

>> No.8042712

>But they're caving, bit by bit
Yeah. The Switch is their first console that lacks much or any soul, even if it's technically good for a lot of reasons. I miss their "gimmick" days.

>> No.8042724

>still console warring at 35 and in Current Year
This is your brain on brand loyalty.

>> No.8042767

>the only scenery is buildings made with 1 polygon.

>> No.8042773

Four, but you never see any of the buildings for even a full second, and your eyes are focusing on the track. Again, the visuals are simplistic, but that also lets them do something like 30 racers at a time.

>> No.8042778

God this game is ugly. Series didn't become good until Sega saved it with GX. Then Nintendo had to kill it with some of their own turds and that gay anime.

>> No.8042783
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>> No.8042787

That looks pretty good.

>> No.8042792

>The Switch is soulless
Maybe. Mario Odyssey looks like another crowning achievement, but I haven't played it yet.

>> No.8042804

Anytime I hear anyone throw those fucking terms up, I instantly disregard their opinions going forward.

>> No.8042807


fuck yeah Skyroads

I used to play the shit out of that while I was waiting for downloads to finish, this and Annihilator Tank


serious DOS gem

>> No.8042815

It gets tiresome, playing through the same again and again. I've moved on to fps with aging.

>> No.8042826

>be OP
>see F-Zero X

>> No.8042827

If this came out as an indie game with a McDonalds' vaporwave soundtrack, all the people calling it ugly would suddenly be calling it "soul".

>> No.8042864

Or anything competitive. Fifa is horrible. But Fps and racing are more my bag now. Fuck Daisy and the seven emeralds. I've done it a zillion times before. I stay away from fighting games because I'm shit at it. Ngl I've been a casual all my life

>> No.8042879

Nice try but I owned fzerox on launch and I've stated n64 had and still have the best wrestling games ever made.
Not those who understand and have played real racing games.
I've never said that unlike you dorks who repeatedly claimed frame rate matters more than anything else even though there are plenty of games where that isn't the case. And the fact you don't think the sound of an engine smatters shows how little you understand about racers.
There are underpowered ports that are better than arcade originals you dweeb. Just admit it causes you pain when anything janky on the n64 is exposed.

>> No.8042886

I'm not very attached to the N64, least of all F-Zero, a series I never gave a fuck about, I just think you're intentionally dishonest.

>> No.8042890

Touch and or smoke grass

>> No.8042901

>Nice try but I owned fzerox on launch
no way to prove it
>I've stated n64 had and still have the best wrestling games ever made.
it could be your token way of cleaning your console war reputation, but it's easy to see through your bullshit.
you're a shitty console warrior that spams the same threads over and over.

>> No.8042902

>dying on the hill of trying to "prove" F-Zero X is a bad game
He's been posting in this thread for like five hours. lol. What a fucking faggot.
It's a good game, by the way.

>> No.8042912

I think that OP has smoked too much.

>> No.8042924

I can guarantee you suck ass at racing games.

>> No.8042932

Is australia the most mentally ill /vr/ poster?

>> No.8042946

Admirable, but mistaken.

>> No.8042947

I stopped coming to /vr/ for a year or so and when I go back the first thing I saw was a whole lot of sega system spam and his usual anti-nintendo stuff. Guy needs to at least rent a life if he can't afford one.

>> No.8042950

The difference between me and you drones is you feel the need to lie and make shit up. All I said were the graphics were jank.
>prove it
I no longer have the receipt and have lost a lot of games over the years but why is it so hard to believe I might own a n64 with a bunch of their popular games?

>> No.8042954

If you had the console at the time during your formative years it would mold you into an ardent defender of it and all of its faults. Unless you don't suffer from arrested development or something.

>> No.8042970

You've certainly insinuated you think the game is bad multiple times, and you're hiding it poorly.

>> No.8042974

What's with the constant barrage of insults? I'm never on /vr/, but I'm wandering. Quite liking some of the high effort posts that are made on here. But it's only a first glance. Someone call me a faggot before I go into withdrawal.

>> No.8042979

All of the 5th gen consoles are good, and you're a spacker.

>> No.8042998

you're alright.

>> No.8043026

F-Zero X looks fine in motion, and the type of people to complain about it are the same faggots that actually care about framerates about 60fps.

>> No.8043031

*above 60fps

>> No.8043089

>insinuated fzerox is bad
Nah, that must be other anons. I made this thread to discuss bad graphics. I will make a thread about frame rates next time...most likely you will follow me there to discuss graphics.
I defended n64 on the school yard against the playstation nation. Now that I'm grown I realise how wrong I was with just about everything.
It certainly does not look good in motion. Look at these buildings for Gods sake >>8040082 they look horrible.

>> No.8043094

This thread has only made people realize how good F-Zero X actually looks.

>> No.8043097

So you blame Nintendo for you childhood social failures, and now you're taking it on on good games?

>> No.8043101

>I actually like the n64! it must be other anons!
It's not the first time you make this thread, man.
Time to stop and take the meds, finally.

>> No.8043109

Those buildings fit the aesthetic perfectly, and look how smoothly they move in and out of FOV at high speed.
That's what it's doing for me, I want to go back and play it again after looking at this thread. It just feels right in a way that GX didn't really for me.

>> No.8043119

It's that whole Heavy Metal comic book aesthetic. GX is awesome, but it's design is more just generic sci-fi.

>> No.8043138

I bought a n64 thinking it would have a new street fighter and metroid, instead I got a lot of party games. I'm not a Sony fanboy but its obvious their library is a thousand times stronger.
You're more than welcome to find a post where I said anything other than FZeroX looks jank. The reason you lie and twist my words is because you cannot argue that.
>FzeroX looks amazing
The same people who think that think FZero looks better than this >>8039951 its delusional.

>> No.8043143

Literally no one said F-Zero X looks better than Crazy Taxi.

>> No.8043145

>You're more than welcome to find a post where I said anything
It's not necessary. The main problem here is not what you say, but the autistic repetition of it.
We get it, guy, you don't like f-zero X's graphics. Want a cookie? You've made this thread countless times and every single time people call you on your faggotry.
I don't believe you're not a console warrior btw.
>b-b-but I like the wrestling games I swear!

>> No.8043175

>I'm not a Sony fanboy but its obvious their library is a thousand times stronger
Based and agreed, what I'm trying to say to the posters here is come on now... Wii? That little controller, that looks like a DILDO. I ain't trying to play my games with no DILDO, you know what I mean?

>> No.8043178
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Well they did say Crazy Taxi would be a better game if the graphics were more like FZeroX so it would improve the frame rate which is equally ridiculous.
>i don't believe you're not a console warrior btw
Wii and Switch are the only nintendo systems I've never purchased. But keep saying I hate Nintendo or have never played their games if that helps you sleep better.

>> No.8043180

OP willing to die on the hill he choose.

>> No.8043184

You can own a system and still be a console warrior, you know.
Anyway, again, the main problem is your autistic repetition, not if I think you're a console warrior or not. I still think you are, but the main thing is you spamming this same thread over and over.
Take the meds, seek help. People won't stop liking F-Zero X, in fact I'd say your threads have the opposite effect of what you want.

>> No.8043186

touch and or smoke grass

I opted for the latter, myself, personally dawg

>> No.8043189
File: 511 KB, 4250x2125, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all those consoles, they look like dusty old toys... Meanwhile, look at the PS Triple. Nice, slick black. I need to be playing some HD games while I'm rolling in my caddy, I show the honeys my Wii they just LAUGH. Meanwhile, with that triple, panties dropping... ALL THE HONEYS WITH THE PS3

>> No.8043192

Just take the easy route, why don't you?

>> No.8043194


>> No.8043197

I never understood the praise about F-Zero X. It was a terribly boring racing game. Extreme G was way better.

>> No.8043203

>i still think you are
I also praise NES games all the time on /vr/. In your mind you probably think I hate the master system now.
>autistic repetition
This is a thread about graphics. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

>> No.8043205

It's over, OP.

>> No.8043209

>I do this and I do that, please believe me I'm not a console warrior even though I obviously am!

>> No.8043216

definitely OP samefagging, but extreme g does have a pretty cool soundtrack.

>> No.8043238

> op samefagging
The lengths nintendrones go to is amazing. You ever considered non drones browse /vr/?
> you must lying!!!
So first you ask for proof that I owned a n64 with fzero cause I lied about that and now if I say NES games like Mario 3 and TMNT are high quality I must also be lying because that's a ridiculous claim to make as well.

>> No.8043246

It seems I struck a big nerve calling you a console warrior, eh?
Again: that's not the point. The point is that you're a mentally ill shitposter that spams the same thread over and over.
I do believe you are a console warrior, a pretty nastily obvious one at that, and you can't do shit about it, but again, that's not the main point.

>> No.8043247

Fuck yea skyroads. Great music, great hotseat game.

>> No.8043257

I've never been called a warrior before.

>> No.8043280

>The lengths nintendrones go to is amazing. You ever considered non drones browse /vr/?
What nintendrones don't realize is that the PS Triple stresses ABAP. ABAP means As Baller As Possible. All the games, ALL the games follow that strict policy. You don't get that kind of guarantee with Nintendo...

>> No.8043373

why the fuck does he have a ballsack?

>> No.8043389
File: 16 KB, 329x362, 12729151_984996804903441_3463124566429644271_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>128 bit

>> No.8043435

>>Thread is about worst graphics.
>>Talks about frame rates instead
But that's why the graphics took a hit, you fucking retard.

>> No.8043509

>meds, console warrior
This is all you can do. You would rather attack my character than stick to the topic.
That's great. Why don't you fuck off and start a thread about games that had to make sacrifices to improve their graphics to improve thir frame rate then.

>> No.8043515

Cool it with the inflammatory remarks. Let's just agree on the fact that you were never a gamer. Maybe TikTok is more your speed. Go

>> No.8043543

>never a real gamer
I'll calm down. While it is true I no longer play video games and look down on those who do I still can't let that comment t about being a fake gamer slide. I'm an OG and only love retro games. I mean it.

>> No.8043573

Looks like you've hit a rough patch. Still: it's no excuse. Have better opinions on games.

>> No.8043583

>webms you can hear

>> No.8043602

Nah, Sevenleaf is.

>> No.8043632

Australia's threads and modus operandi suggest more mental illness. Sevenleaf is your typical namefaggot who uses old and tried trolling techniques like talking pol stuff or talking about being a tranny, auster is more abstract and aimless, he has a sort of "goal" with his anti nintendo stuff but then he goes full weirdo mode with the sega system stuff that just doesn't really angers anyone, it's just stupidity in its natural, retarded form.