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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.97 MB, 1282x951, gameboy disc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8018556 [Reply] [Original]

Hey what's this here? It's that boot disc I bought for 15 dollars around 8 years ago. Surely Nintendo fans aren't ravenous and stupid enough to have driven up the price THAT much, right?

>> No.8018559
File: 235 KB, 897x998, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just you wait and see what they're ready to spend money on.

>> No.8018568

i just traded one in at my local retro game shop... i do t even know how much money it was worth bc i dont care at all

>> No.8018595
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>> No.8018680
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>visit any retro gaming community today
>everyone's just posting their collection and """finds"""
>less than 10% actual discussion about playing games

>> No.8018692

Unironically, the places where I've found the most gameplay discussion is on small to medium sized discords.
I fucking hate it

>> No.8018704

Almost the entire /vr/ catalogue is about the games and anyone who collects is literally attacked for it. Neck yourselves.

>> No.8018705

why the fuck is shit so expensive in the first place

>> No.8018721

Because for god knows what reasons, the Game Boy Players are not all that rare, but the boot disk is

>> No.8018759

Flea market resellers hoard the boot discs and sell the actual hardware for full price to stupid kids who don't know better.

>> No.8018763

Just as it should be.

>> No.8018780

I buy one a month and destroy it

>> No.8018786

>you can use literal butterknife to get the jumper pak out
people have gone fucking insane

>> No.8018806

It won't matter once MGBA adds gamecube support and such.

>> No.8018868

GBP discs were already getting pretty expensive even 8 years ago. If you paid 15$ and not like, 70$, you definitely bought it from some grandma cleaning out her sons room.

>> No.8018885

I can't remember, honestly.

>> No.8019219

this is why I just use a wii to emulate all my old video games in 240p
based agent of chaos

>> No.8019262

I bought a player + disc w/ case, sleeve and manual for $50 in 2014 (maybe $60 but my memory is fuzzy, pretty sure it was the former)

did I overspend?

>> No.8019269

I duno why people even use the GB player disc anyway. The software is garbage compared to GBI off Swiss.

>> No.8019278

>vintage collectors only talk about buying and selling, never using
Yeah that's par for the course. Only time this isn't true is when cooming is involved.

>> No.8019289

as shit as this place is, /vr/ is one of the better places to discuss retro games. I checked out r/retrogaming once and nearly every thread was "look at what I just bought/found" with little to no discussion on the games themselves.

>> No.8019298

Even if I were to go homebrew route, the player itself has gotten expensive. Used to be that only the disc was expensive, but I see players go anywhere from $60-100 these days.

>> No.8019307
File: 807 KB, 1516x2152, syrup eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of these losers ever actually play the games. They're either flexing, hoarding, or they have stakes in reselling with an ebay account, convention booths, or a retail store; or all 3. Southern Canada is full of these fags. I had one guy demand $60 for a loose Turok 3 cart the other day. Insane what retarded zoomers with disposable income did to the hobby. It's like this everywhere here.

>> No.8019313

The Japanese ones are cheaper, and they work fine in western gamecubes.

>> No.8019342

Reddit in general seems to just be
>look at this shit I bought
>look at these arts and crafts I made
>look at this unfunny meme I made

>> No.8019353

Because the Game Boy Player is screwed onto the system, so if someone sells their system, they're not going to remove it. But they're probably not going to throw in the boot disk either.

>> No.8019982

I dislike the cynicism of /vr/, but I absolutely hate the fake, overly happy dude-bro attitudes on Reddit.

>> No.8019983

yeah, you know who i hate? it was that guy who used to always go "NOT RETRO" in threads that were a fertile ground for meaningful discussion.

>> No.8019995

If you don't own this boot disc you can't call yourself a true collector. Emu dorks will argue this but they've never seen a real retro console in their life.

>> No.8019996

I mean, if you posted a Hitman thread on pre-6th gen /vr/, then you deserved the "NOT RETRO" labels.

>> No.8020001

I dunno, I have my Gamecube hooked up with component cables to a Trinitron, and it looks pretty bad mainly due to the shitty software. It's decent for game capture though.

>> No.8020002
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No just the crazy taxi threads, but those were relevant, it was a dreamcast game. That guy was just off his rocker, total nutjob.

>> No.8020004

>Yeah man I just got all these games!
>How'd you like the ones from the last haul you got, beat any of them?
>Cricket noises.
Every fucking time.

>> No.8020012

>Emu dorks will argue this
emu dorks are enjoying the games instead of obsessing over how expensive or rare the plastic boxes in their shelves are lol

>> No.8020015

Downloading 4000 mame roms will never compare to playing on an arcade cabinet with real money.

>> No.8020020

>muh absurd comparison
Heres another: Staring at your 1000 games collection will never compare to actually downloading and playing the one game you like

>> No.8020027

Hmm, It all depends on context. Someone playing legit games with composite stretched on an HDTV isn't "keeping it authentic" compared to someone downscaling an emulator to 240p on a CRT with a RT5X or GBS-C.

>> No.8020031

Well did you buy from him?

>> No.8020032
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It requires a special tool. I might want to grade that expansion pak someday

>> No.8020035

Call me mentally ill, but I genuinely have a much harder time enjoying a game if it's pirated. Playing a backup or time shifted image/rom is okay though.

>> No.8020047

Emulating will always be a shittier version of the console/arcade original. Goodluck emulating Midnight resistance or Warioware twisted.

>> No.8020048

This disc isn't even useful since it gives 480i and looks like shit. Whoever using this disc is also probably the kind of person who just collects a bunch of shit and doesn't actually play games

>> No.8020052

Duuuuude you still have that, you Totally suck major balls, the hell do I do with dildo disc that aint worked no more, into the TRASH it goes, collecting is for faggots!!!!!

And nerds.

>> No.8020054

If you own this disc you just wasted $80 for a blurry ass picture

>> No.8020060

Explain to me if I bought this on launch how I fucked up?

>> No.8020063

Because you bought a Gamecube

>> No.8020071

But /vr/ told me Mario Sunshine was literal perfection...

>> No.8020074

I see huge lots of these boot discs on Yahoo. Do the Japanese just not care about them, or are they much more common?

>> No.8020081

It is

>> No.8020087

Yeah. Tanooki and Hammer Suit were trash compared to Fludd!!!!!!! And Island Delphino was so much better than the lands from Mario 3 like Giant Land. M

>> No.8020093

Correct. I wish I could suck your dick, anon of impeccable taste.

>> No.8020159

Japan had a much better scene for and attitude towards used/retro video games in general, and prices are much lower as a result. Logically there should be as many Game Boy Players as there are Game Boy Player boot discs out there, so there's no reason they should be any expensive at all.

>> No.8020398

Is there fertile ground for meaningful discussion of how you're a whiny little bitch who can't follow simple rules? Is discussing you even retro? Were you launched in 2001 or earlier? Do you know some /v/illage is missing it's idiot?

>> No.8020416

>Someone playing legit games with composite stretched on an HDTV isn't "keeping it authentic"
Sure they are, that's what I did with all of my consoles the second I got my first HDTV back at the end of the still /vr/ era. The image looked like crap and I liked it like that. The image was so big, it was the coolest thing I had ever seen.

>> No.8020426

Burgers were a mistake.

>> No.8020429

I'm not from Germany, anon.

>> No.8020438
File: 46 KB, 1080x1076, 1617207930539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trading in stack of old psx games at funcoland
>pick out some new games, still have $9 left of credit
>browse the wall of discount crap for something less than $9
>gamecube component cables for $5.99
>dont even have component on tv, never used them
>sell years later for almost $200

>> No.8020569

This is basically every retro gaming subreddit

>> No.8022212

I got the Gameboy Player free when I bought my Gamecube in the early 2000s. I had a choice between that and certain games(wind waker and prince of persia don't remember the third).

I let my friend borrow it which I hate doing and he lost the CD. I got on his ass to get me a new one as soon as possible and he was annoyed but did within a couple weeks. That was $20. Probably over 15 years ago though.

>> No.8022617

Yeah, it makes me sad.

>> No.8022885

it was going for about 40 bucks 8 years ago.

>> No.8022951

must admire the hustle

>> No.8022972

>only one

Rookie numbers. A truly dedicated basedboy would be smashing 20 of them a week.

>> No.8023036

I know the feeling.
Recently (well, like 2 years ago) I lent my Steam Controller to a friend, who promptly lost the wireless receiver. At this point they were out of production so steam support told me to go fuck myself and use it wired/over bluetooth, but it's mindboggling that these people don't see any problem with not returning things in the same state it was given- and then I'm treated as the asshole for not wanting to lend him things afterwards.

>> No.8023365

>i was overpaying on ebay 8 years ago
Really? You were on eBay at age 9?

>> No.8023461

Spoons work better

>> No.8023479

If the Gameboy Player disc came with a cover sleeve, like all NTSC and PAL Gamecube games, would they be more common?
I just don't quite get why so many people have the player, but not the disc.

>> No.8023481

Resellers will typically sell the player by itself for full price to people who don't know better, and then hoard the discs.

>> No.8023484

Sucks for collectors, but it's great for people that actually play games because with Swiss and GBI you don't need the disc and it pushes the price of the GB Player itself down. I got mine for like $20 and that was recently.

>> No.8023491

So you think its price is inflated by artificial scarcity, rather than people losing the disc?

>> No.8023496

Thanks, make sure you also have fun playing with your original cabs of those games

>> No.8023501

I paid £20 for the disc 10 years ago - can you help me work out how I wasted $80 please? I can't quite get the maths right...

>> No.8023579

the disc is the same color as cheap cd-rs and many were probably thrown out with them

>> No.8023594

Lol I snagged a gamecube with player+disc for like a fiver at a car boot years back.

>> No.8023981
File: 14 KB, 264x195, 1541807656434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still pissed my disc went missing after moving out of my parents house and have no idea what happened to it.

>> No.8023997

>Warioware twisted
It's perfectly playable on phones

>> No.8024039

With the hardware... I mean with some people that are on here if you paid more than $0 for anything they'll ridicule you... I think it's a fair price, maybe a little expensive, but considering how much that would cost now you had an amazing deal

>> No.8024104
File: 125 KB, 900x900, seagull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lol. Told him I'd do $30 and ultimately walked off with cart in hand (without paying a dime) while he was busy with some fatass. Fuck scalpers.

>> No.8024368

Why do people even mess with these things when you can just emulate on a pc to your tv via hdmi?

>> No.8024385

lmfao based

>> No.8024664

You can either buy a cartridge off ebay for $40 or download a rom for free but either way nintendo isnt getting any money. Pirating new stuff is bad, I agree, but a lot of this old stuff is just dead either way.

I suppose you could buy a digital copy off the nintendo store for your switch (if the game has actually been ported) but why would i want a DRM restricted switch copy of a snes game when the pc i already have is so much better and gives me greater freedom?

>> No.8024697

Gba dpad + buttons are a million times better than touchscreen. Does emulation even have rumble support?

>> No.8024721

Funny thing is you can easily mod your GameCube and not need the disc.

>> No.8024739

It already doesn't matter you can play GBA and gameboy/GBC on a mister FPGA. And sooner or later someone will make an attachment that eliminates the need for a gameboy player disc.

>> No.8024818
File: 95 KB, 580x509, twisty boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goodluck emulating Midnight resistance
>you can't emulate a rotary joystick
Dual analog controller, left stick moves your guy, X axis on the right analog is the twist mechanism to aim. Don't use the actual analog axis in mame, map it to analog inc and dec and adjust the sensitivity in the analog menu until it seems good. EZ.

>> No.8024831

>just figure out complicated Mame UI and tweak the settings
While that does seem like a solution owning an 8 way stick and arcade board would still be the superior athletic experience.

>> No.8024859
File: 48 KB, 563x241, smash tv cpanel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just buy one
No thanks, it's a meme control that's inferior to twin sticks.

>> No.8024986

Yeah, r/PS2 is the same way. I never went on reddit much to begin with, but after seeing how every subreddit I was interested in was exactly this >>8019342 I've abandoned it.
This is without a doubt the real reason the discs are so hard to find. I made the mistake of trading my GameCube in to GameStop probably a decade ago, and they took it with the GameBoy Player still attached since I didn't have the plastic piece that covers the port on the bottom that it connects to. Almost a full ten years later and I bought another GameCube and GameBoy Player, and saved a ton of money since I still had the disc sitting around all this time.

>> No.8025095
File: 56 KB, 711x570, 1625575715737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's completely unbearable
every single fucking day guy just snaps a picture of some dust collector have had for years and add a story about grandma fucking granpa or "Happy to have payed $1000 for shitty game cant wait" or what the fuck
instantly catapulted to the front page and my feed
was excited to find places to talk about some old games and systems just to go back to /vr/

>> No.8026416

Warioware twisted literally uses one button
And yes, the emulator does have rumble support

>> No.8026627
File: 47 KB, 1280x960, phoebe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collecting games is for autists at this point. Get flashcarts, get ode's and download the image and rom dumps from archive.org. Playing the games on the original hardware is the only way.

>> No.8026636
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I wonder if they take selfies with these stuffs and post it to instagram.

>> No.8026773

I just use the plastic cover over the slot that the console comes with.

>> No.8026775

You still have that? I lost mine 23 years ago.

>> No.8026782

How? Unlike a Game Boy battery cover, you only need to open the N64 memory port once.

>> No.8027550

The disc is half the size of cd-r's though?

>> No.8028516

>zoomies don't know about mini cds
How quaint. They were often used for software/drivers because they were small and easier to fit in packaging than large discs. I must have thrown away at least 100 of them.

>> No.8028560

They still are

>> No.8028912

wtf kek

>> No.8028915

good, nobody should be using that shitty disc anyway, GBI > *

>> No.8028919

The one doing that was false flagging because he wasn't allowed to post his PS2 shit here and we bullied him. He decided that he would single handedly ruin the meme for everyone.

>> No.8028923

I'm a collector and this disc is literally useless, if I got one for free I'd probably snap it in half.

>> No.8028959

Good point. Anon just might be so young he hasn't even been born yet.

>> No.8029594

The drivers and software Ive seen on mini cd's did not look anything like cd-r's - they have always been blatantly obviously not them in the uk

>> No.8029685

>less than 10%
no need to sugar coat it anon, retrogaming is now all about posting pictures of title screens of games running on a pvm

>> No.8029698

blessed. I love those pictures.

>> No.8029956

except that french weebs plundering hard offs for a decade also raised prices significantly, even japanese ebay sellers that sold JP games for a reasonable price are now joining in on the "global" market prices.

>> No.8029989

Its because the people in those communities are resellers, not collectors or gamers.

>> No.8029992

I'm pretty sure reddit isn't meant for discussion. It's meant for sharing something, and then all the comments are just responses to whatever is being shared.

>> No.8030002


I'm so sorry

>> No.8030027

Learn to read

>> No.8030032

Reddit's upvote system is designed for the relevant posts to be at the top, and has a much stricter set of rules for !quality discussion". Also the website has a dozen times more jannies per board. It's an internet forum.

>> No.8030206

"If you own this disc you just wasted $80 for a blurry ass picture" - I own the disc, didn't spend anywhere near $80 and the picture is fine for someone who enjoys playing games. If you are that upset you don't have one you can buy it off me

>> No.8030213

It's okay, I can put up with bad teeth, less irritating cheesy people and less gun crime

>> No.8030295

I'm an asshat that carnt read. You're right, whoever said that is a dumbass.

>> No.8030597

>i've never bought chinkshit in my life
based edlfag

>> No.8031030

Thats not expensive in the slightest, for something so old.

>> No.8031224
File: 36 KB, 657x745, 1628644746860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone reading, just buy a SDGecko and an Action Replay for much less and run Game Boy Interface.

Fucking autists aren't getting that shit disc for $200

>> No.8031518

I had to double check myself as I am usually the asshat, it's easy to get caught up in the barrages of shit posting here. I might boot mine back up and see how blurry it really is

>> No.8031561

Or just buy an AVR and some wires for pennies and run GBI

>> No.8031585

retard kids hid their weed in there

>> No.8031751

Indeed. When you remove a component, causing your system to randomly glitch, you are truly a retarded kid.

>> No.8032098

American Action Replays are $200~ for the disk and SD Media Launcher. Such a shame, I need backups since my OG copies will get disc rot someday.

>> No.8032375
File: 62 KB, 849x765, 67B09C31-B8C5-4F45-BA63-F46585184B15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Panzer Dragoon Orta going for $30 - $50 now
>3 months ago copies were $8 - $15
What. The fuck. Happened?
Bet it was some """content creator's""" fault.

>> No.8032381

I’ve still got the boot disc and game boy player itself I dug up from the closet recently. Should I sell them together or separate?

>> No.8032479

I bought a black GameCube and a black Game Boy Player when it was brand new and two discs at once just in case, but I do not know where the second disc is in hiding for the time being...

>> No.8032595

Disc rot is a meme and you probably won't see it happen in your lifetime if you take care of your shit, but if you really want backups of GameCube games just hack a Wii and put a bunch of GameCube ISOs on an external hard drive

>> No.8032619

The last thing I bought was a SNES Jr for about $90. Now just waiting till Black Friday to get the FXPro Pax and an Everdrive x7 hopefully on sale. Maybe I'll get the GBA Everdrive too but I'm not too sure on that yet.

>> No.8033067

Sell the player by itself at a flea market for full price and then sell the disc on Ebay.

>> No.8033087
File: 142 KB, 1250x1250, from what2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reserve not met

>> No.8033357

What the fuck is this

>> No.8033361

>disc rot is a meme
it 100% isn't and i have seen it happen to collections tha t were taken care of

>> No.8033458

It's an even shittier de-evolution of a forum, and I fucking hate it when ever reddit or something reddit like is the first thing that comes to anyone's mind whenever someone hears the word "Forum" now. The upvote system only ends up getting shitty memes promoted, most of the time a good argument either gets downvoted to oblivion or ignored in favor of some shitty whiteboard meme that tells people to do retarded things. Hearing that a bunch of retards on reddit blew money on a fake private island scam made me happy because reddit really is that retarded and anyone who uses it deserves to be fucked.

>> No.8033491

Please stop using the word "collecting". You're not collecting, you're hoarding useless shit. Collecting means obtaining something rare or valuable, like a unique painting, a rare sports car that belonged to a movie star, 1st edition LOTR books autographed by Tolkien, or in terms of video games, some unique copy of a game, like an unreleased prototype/demo where only a few copies are known to exist in the world.
Buying some mass produced plastic from ebay and keeping it in your moms shed is not collecting.

>> No.8034027

>SNES Jr for about $90
You're doing Gods work son. Keep pushing those prices higher. My 401k isn't going to let me to retire the in lifestyle I'm accustomed to. Geezers like me need kids like you to turn the old toys we never got around to throwing away into a windfall.

>> No.8034114

Well it was $77, but then shipping and taxes. They originally wanted $85. I didn't want to pay that much in the first place, but this unit was well taken care of and the guy know how to RBG mod another one so I know it isn't some crap shot unit. Plus, they were selling for like $50 the past few years so I was like "why not at this point". I just want a good stable unit that won't go out a year after I get the FXPak. Not to go on, but while I know they should go for less I also know that at some point you have to say fuck it and pay an extra $20. Like others say too, the age of finding these in thrift stores for $5 is over.

>> No.8034201

You don't need to validate your existence to me. All I really care about is bandwagoners driving the price up. I have a buttload I picked up for <=$5 in thrift stores. But that means nothing unless I can sell them for much more. And your enabling that. Thanks.

>> No.8034229

Someone donated it?

>> No.8034237

It's for rich people now

Wtf wants to pay $300 for a game from 1991?

>> No.8034253

the better question is: why do you care, when the thing is a piece of fucking shit that looks like blurry garbage and you could just emulate all of the same games and more, for free, in proper resolution, on any potato of a device. I just don't fucking get it.

>> No.8034261


>> No.8034915

modern era sucks so bad that people are willing to spend their hardearned wagebucks trying to relive their childhood when they where happy, only to find themselves prisoned by their belongings
also millenials have no money to buy houses anymore so they fight over ancient childrens toys

>> No.8034932

>as shit as this place is, /vr/ is one of the better places to discuss retro games.
That's sad considering how fucking bad this place got after that rule change. It seemed to have bounced back as the 1-line template threads are mostly gone.

>> No.8034942

>modern era
>hardearned wagebucks
I want some of whatever this kid whose never worked a day in his life is smoking

>> No.8035130

what was wrong with his post, wages are crap now

>> No.8035140

Hard to have a hot take of "this game is good" when people have been saying that for years and everyone dog piles on how you're either fucking something up because you don't play ideally or worse, just no one gives a shit.

>> No.8035207

Love how you complain about wages but don't deny that fact that you've never had a job. Tyrone

>> No.8035440
File: 577 KB, 1920x1080, B9BC1542-5705-402F-8518-E29F65401460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back in your cage, wagie.

>> No.8035443

take your meds

>> No.8035449

lol no wonder that game bombed

>> No.8035580

Nope. Cope.

>> No.8036212

Because the Game Boy Player boot disc is region locked, but the Game Boy Player hardware itself isn't, so by definition there are more usable Game Boy Players in the market than there are usable discs in a given region's market.

>> No.8036669

money is the root of all evil op, never forget that. Money is what ruined gaming, and it’s even ruining retro gaming for we the true fans. I hate people

>> No.8036791

You're eventually going to have to get jobs, kiddos. Do you really think mommy and daddy are going to take care of you forever?

>> No.8036917
File: 53 KB, 480x480, 1624925587786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike you, I know how to live among mother nature.

>> No.8037318

>i live at home with my mom whos name is Nature
Unlike me. You betcha.

>> No.8037535

no, It's because it works at 4K on the new XBox

>> No.8038703

Well people are fucking retarded because it's $10 digital on Microsoft's store page.

>> No.8038743

>have an 1993 SNES with AV cable, original power transformer and two original controllers
>have SMW, SMW2, SM all stars, Metroid, SFII Turbo, Sim City, ZlttP, Mario Kart and other good games
>decide to sell everything as it's occupying space and now I emulate everything
>sell them cheap because I want to sell them fast
>people fight to get the fucking Zelda game, end up selling it for 65€ plus shipping
>what the fuck
>metroid goes for 70€
>Yoshi's Island goes for 50€
>etc etc
>all of them were PAL, including the console
>some of them had fucked up translations, like dutch, french or german
kek, it was a good sale, I was actually selling the Zelda for 30€. But it enraged me when I was selling the Metroid, the guy that bought it said he wasn't even playig it, he was just going to put it on the shelf to look at it, I was genuinely enraged for a bit.

>> No.8039917

You mean after the 2016 election

>> No.8039925

Literally even vaguely hinting somehow that you own any of the games or hardware physically is enough to derail an entire thread into shitposting because some handful of people or maybe it's the same guy really just can't fucking stand that idea for some reason. But their posts never get deleted even though in the best case interpretation they're still starting flame wars and posting off thread-topic

>> No.8040071

This is the worst fucking part about /vr/

>> No.8040084
File: 53 KB, 1080x810, my coomlection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to own things, anon.

>> No.8040146

I dont mind Emulation or FPGAs but god damit i hat you mister shilling. You alone are the reson i will never buy that thing.

>> No.8040329

desu I'm just buying and not playing much retro at the moment but I fully intend to play them some day.
Prices have gone so crazy for a lot of stuff lately it feels like now or never for buying.

>> No.8040358

protip: the guy doing that actually hates mister, look at the filename. You've been taken on a ruse cruise.

>> No.8040721

I'm about to start 3d printing these and making bank.

>> No.8041590

I doubt anyone will buy a 3D printed knockoff. The only reason people buy this is because it's officially licensed.

And no, you will not be able to pass it off as real. Not even if you use a resin printer. They will all have layer lines.

>> No.8042035

Ill just sand those out.

>> No.8042275

>Almost the entire /vr/ catalogue is about the games
Half the retards here have absolutely shit takes on most things.
>Don't dicksuck popular game and admit it's literally perfect in every conceivable way

>> No.8042281

Are you unaware that at least one trolling forum routinely visits this place to cop a squat in every topic? Half of the opinions you're getting aren't really from "natives" because there's hardly any left.

>> No.8042289

Oh I see, you don't actually have a 3D printer in the first place.

>> No.8042409

Ebaums World?

>> No.8042554

the most hilarious part about this is that the startup disc is literally not needed now that Gameboy Interface exists and can be loaded onto any memorycard and booted via a common game like Melee. I haven't touched my GBP disc in years

>> No.8042558


>> No.8042568

to be fair the "screenshot of a title screen" thing is simply because it's the easiest way to run over and take a picture of a screen with something on it if one is needed for this or that.

>> No.8042854

Sure you are

I've seen non-official knockoffs for sale. Not sure if anyone paid the $2 they were asking. Of course you're right about anon being a larper who's never even used a 3D printer.

>> No.8043865

Not all of us are broke neets. Some of us actually make things.
If you actually knew what you're talking about you'd know those lines are easily dealt with.

>> No.8044024

Not all of us are, but you sure are. You're not going to make bank 3D printing parts when others are selling superior injection molded versions for a couple bucks. Especially when you're spending time and effort sanding shit. Your time may be worthless because you're a broke NEET but you'd make more flipping burgers. And that's not making bank, that's making minimum wage. You need to go back.