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[ERROR] No.8036938 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you want but can't afford because you are poor

I want Turbo Graxfx-16, SEGA Mega Drive + MegaSD/krikzz EverDrive, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1 + MODEs (or something else), but to get these I need minimum 2 years to save moneys to get it, so, I only dreaming about it and playing on emulators

>> No.8036947

I want one of those nice big CRTs, a dreamcast, and an N64. Don't even have the room for them though, maybe I'll add a bigger house where I can have a gaming room.

>> No.8036956

I could buy everything I want right now but I really want to spend more time with what I have. So I'm going to do that. Also don't fall for the modememe, it's proving to be the least desirable of this generation of ODEs.

>> No.8036990

I like the mode, I use it quite a bit in my Saturn, but what are the issues it has that make it less desirable?

>> No.8036993

For Saturn just get a Fenrir. It does everything the MODE does but cheaper and better. If you really must spend over $200 for an ODE solution then get the Satiator, it at least is a simple plug and play solution. Both it and Fenrir are still getting active development done on them to improve them. So any compatibility issues, while minor, will eventually be worked out. If you can't afford either of those, then get a Phantom Mod Chip or a Pseudo Saturn and burn discs.

For Dreamcast there's the GDEMU that's again cheaper and does the same thing.

The MODE is entirely style over substance. It's basically a Meme at this point like most things from TerraOnion.

>> No.8037001 [DELETED] 

you ever think the DC and 64 are kind of similar? they both were relatively small but well-built, had four controller ports, had large roundish controllers with memory card slots, appealed to multiplayer and arcade sensibilities, and they even had a lot of the same games, even if usually DC versions were superior (not always though).

>> No.8037013

I used to have a dreamcast but had to sell it when I moved, there are some games I want to play again that were on it. I can see the similarities. I wanted to get an N64 but my brother and Dad voted for the playstation instead.

>> No.8037014

It's entirely style over substance. There's really no feature it has that the other ODEs don't to justify it's price. Fenrir and GDEMU do everything it does on their respective systems for half the price. Satiator at least has the fact it's plug and play and requires no system modifications going for it to justify it's price. Which leaves MODE in this kind of odd place where it's needlessly expensive and is all style.

It's also a nightmare for developers and they're constantly finding stuff it's doing behind the scenes that mucks with things it shouldn't be mucking with. Basically from a developer stand point MODE plays outside it's boundaries which can throw unexpected surprises into the mix. For the cost of the thing I'd expect it to not do those things.

>> No.8037025
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considering the fenrir for model 2 Saturns came out almost a year after I already got the mode, and is only $40-50 cheaper, I'm not too burned. There's no way I'd get one over a GDEMU or XStation since they're much, much cheaper.

>It's also a nightmare for developers and they're constantly finding stuff it's doing behind the scenes that mucks with things it shouldn't be mucking with. Basically from a developer stand point MODE plays outside it's boundaries which can throw unexpected surprises into the mix.
Interesting, I've never heard of this. Is it specific to certain consoles or across the board?

>> No.8037029

I want an SSDS3

>> No.8037035

>wait for months for one made by a neurotic retard or buy a chink bootleg that will never be updated
>requires you to intentionally fuck your PSU or the console overheats
Only a good option if you're poor as hell.

>> No.8037050

I only know about it on the Saturn side. There's been instances where MODE didn't clean up after itself in RAM so there was code and garbage data still in RAM when it would boot games causing unexpected bugs and errors to happen as most games expect clean RAM at boot.

Another issue was taking shortcuts on the Security Ring check. While all other ODEs and Mod Chips instead intercept the actual security commands at boot and send back the correct data to make the system boot, MODE instead took a lazy approach and treated every read past 650MBs as a security ring check, which caused problems for the few official games that go beyond that limit, as well as for homebrew and translation patches that went beyond that. A real Saturn by comparison will read beyond 650MBs without issue as long as it still fits on a CD-R.

Basically a lot of their code just comes off as lazy and sloppy. And when it's been brought up they've been known to get a bit defensive over it and try to blame it on the developers. Even when the developers are able to proof beyond a doubt it is an issue with the MODE and not their homebrew/translation patch. Some of these issues they've reluctantly fixed, but for the cost of the thing I'd expect it to not take these kind of sloppy shortcuts. The fact they did take these shortcuts leaves you wondering what other corners did they cut?

I can't speak for the Dreamcast or PS1 sides, but the Saturn side definitely seems a bit sloppy.

>> No.8037196

200 yens here in japan faggot,famicom,super famicom,megadrive and so on cartridges just 50 yen.
>what is muricans excuse to buy overpriced hardware and software that is rotting away

>> No.8037205

if you live in japan you can get one for 100 yens or if you live in other countries you can pick them up from garbage centers for free or found working ones on the streets

>> No.8037292

Yes yes, 200 yens + shipping + you need to pay for proxy service or just buy tickets and go to Japan for 3k euros and when try luck in shops?

>> No.8037317

>like most things from TerraOnion
Well for the PC Engine it's probably the best option
I don't think there are any alternatives

>> No.8037351

if you have real friends on japan you could get it for 200 yens,postal service can be free besides have you seen hard off you can get a high end pc for 3 thousand yens (got 10 notebooks for under 2 thousand yens the only expense i did was replacing the hdd for ssd on the highest end notebooks)

>> No.8037395

Imagine being a poor bandwagoner

>> No.8037542

Bro I don't think you're shitposting but this is a VERY uninformed take

>> No.8037620
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I keep hoping I could win the lottery one day.

>> No.8037642

All of it. Raspberry pi sucks. I want real hardware. Only one I've got is N64 because emulation for it is a joke.

>> No.8037651

eh, the only major systems that have spotty emulation are PS2 and XBox, but seeing as you are using a Pi, you have no one to blame but yourself

>> No.8037659

Good taste, Keio's flying squadron is good shit.
Can you tell me more about that Sega CD console? I don't think I've ever seen that one.

>> No.8037673

I'd like a black broadband adapter for my Sega Sports Dreamcast, but I'm not paying $600 AUD for something I already have in white.
A BVM-D32E1WU like >>8037620 but I'm never gonna spend that much on a monitor.
Neo Turf Masters on a proper AES cart.
A House of the Dead 1 machine.
To get my N64 modded with the N64 Digital.
But most importantly someone I can play multiplayer with...

>> No.8037696

I think their Neo stuff is pretty good too. Haven’t followed the Darksoft cart since right around its launch, so maybe it’s better now, but that looked like a train wreck by comparison.

>> No.8037706

If you need 2 years to get the money for those, then you need to rethink your life style. One by one, they are not at all expensive.

>> No.8037712

I don't think it's about them being expensive anon, but it is expensive in relation to how much you're willing to spend on entertainment

>> No.8037751
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I have some collection stuff that I'm definitely too poor to buy, however I did somewhat recently buy something that I thought I would never be able to afford, because I got it at like a third of the price.

>> No.8037752

Well if it's not that important to you that you'd consider saving up, spending less, or getting a better job, then it must not be very important nor very entertaining.

>> No.8037760

everything is relative, I have mostly everything I want with flash cards and ODE's
if you're willing to pay double price to scalpers because money is no object to you, then good for you I guess

>> No.8037790

Wow, way to misunderstand the fucking point.

>> No.8037795

Your point was, if things are too expensive, make more money
My counterpoint was inflated costs are not always worth that money, not hard to understand anon

>> No.8037807

My point was, if things are too expensive, change your life style so you afford more expensive things. This means not spending shit on useless garbage you don't need, perhaps sell things you don't use anymore, and yes, it also means doing more work (or finding better work) so you can make more money. Whichever works. When we were kids we used to work all summer so we could buy ourselves a highly coveted new game. If we could do that as a kid and you can't do it as an adult, then you do not actually want that expensive thing, because you are putting zero effort into saving up enough money to be able to buy it.
I have several ODEs myself, that I could not afford, and you know how I got them? I squared away a part of my pay check every month, did not go to restaurants, did not drink beer or order pizza every other day, didn't buy the "just now 40% off" crap on Steam I won't ever play, put off upgrading my computer for a while, and so on. I put effort into that, and lo and behold, a month or two or three later I had enough money to buy an ODE.

If you are incapable of that, then you either don't find that thing you want actually important, or you don't have the willpower to set yourself a goal and work towards achieving it.

fucking millennials I swear.

>> No.8037810

All my shit back. My fucking gf sold my whole collection while I was on a ventilator from the rona she gave me.

>> No.8037812

I'm patiently waiting for a Chinese clone of the ODE's for PS1 and Saturn.
Got one for my DC.
Neo Geo looks cool but it's certainly not worth the prices being asked for on ebay.
Just keep emulating via OG xbox.

>> No.8037828

That’s a long way of saying exactly what I posted
I recently bought terraonions super HD pro, but I understand they added useless features to inflate cost, some people can’t justify the purchase
I wanted to buy the original one but it’s also unavailable and it cost more secondhand than the brand new one
>fucking millennials I swear
You need to get over yourself mate

>> No.8037839

How the fuck can you not justify 1-200$ on a flashcart that plays the entire fucking library of a system? And even if you can't - there are cheaper flashcarts that do the same except with some features you don't want or need.

Stop bitching already.

>> No.8037845

It’s not $200 it’s £255

>> No.8037853

Here in the Philippines they are easy to find but I have nowhere to put one. It's sad.

>> No.8037854

says €230 on their website.

go for a year without buying the latest iphone and you'll be able to afford it, you little pussy.

>> No.8037869

25 for postage
Is this the first time you’ve ever had money?
What is this posting, I already said I bought it, you’ve got some serious issues man
Are you also one of the people who complains about others buying clone devices because they are cheaper?

>> No.8038089

Sue her ass.

>> No.8038093


leave him alone. You're acting insane

>> No.8038097

>just get a better job!
Imagine thinking this is an option in 2021

>> No.8038117

the only retro hardware I need at this point is an ODE for my Saturn. I have the money just haven't pulled the trigger since I couldn't decide which one to get. Oh and I want a widescreen or 480p capable CRT but that's more luck based than cost.
Lusting after stuff isn't worth it, enjoy what you have and you'll be much happier.

>> No.8038132

I got a SNES Jr coming tomorrow that was $90 after shipping+tax. Now I'm just waiting to get a everdrive this black friday for it and my n64. I need to get out of my retail job for sure, but at least it is paying me $15/hour for lowend work.

>> No.8038295

Work all summer, psh, yeah right, imagine working through summers as a kid. I got my first job at 23.

>> No.8039270

Hence why I said most. Their PC Engine stuff is ok, though the fact its emulating parts of the hardware in their latest release is odd to say the least. I can kind of understand it for digital out since there is no digital out, but the fact it emulates the SuperGrafx hardware even when it's plugged into an actual SuperGrafx is just silly.

Their Neo Geo Flash carts are nice though, though that's more due to a lack of competition.

>> No.8039274

I can't afford a GDEMU for my dreamcast because of taxes and shipping. Also no money for a ps2 original joystick that isn't chink shit.

>> No.8039281

I would fucking love 4 gba SP ags101 with a flashcart for each one. To play 4 player kirby with my mates.

>> No.8039331

Nice bathroom.

>> No.8039353

If I could afford it I'd buy-

Colecovision, Intellivision, Atari 7800, NES, SNES, Genny, TG-16, GG, SegaCD, TurboCD, N64, PSX, Saturn, Neo-Geo Pocket Color, GameCube, PS2, Dreamcast, Gameboy Advance, PSP, and a 3DS.

That doesn't even count shit like Gameboy Player, which is also ludo.

>> No.8039431
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Yeah, I've been after the SegaCD version, and it was always out of grasp in price. Followed it from $30, $90, $150, $300, $500, and last I saw it was over $800USD. When I think I could get it, the price would just spike. The console is an Aiwa CSD-GM1, which is a converted boom-box Aiwa made (grey) to a Mega Drive + MegaCD (blue). Aiwa used to be a nice brand for home audio, not quite premium but a solid brand. Sega partnered with Aiwa and JVC/Victor for CDs. That system is front loading for Mega Drive cartridges at the bottom (underneath the cassette) and MegaCDs load from the top. It could be used as a standard radio/tape/CD player, but it requires that grey cable connected in the back for full Sega Mega Drive+MegaCD functionality.

Could you have the shell of the broadband adapter 3D-printed into a somewhat matching color? Yeah, I want both the WU and the 20" BVM. Those broadcast monitors just never existed in my region. I think everywhere around here switched to LCDs as soon as they were available, as I remember hospitals had those screens with poor contrast and ghosting everywhere.

>> No.8039556

>is just silly.
it's because it still uses the hardware, it doesn't just bypass it

>> No.8039584

Why does it need to emulate the SuperGrafx Hardware to play SuperGrafx games when it's connected to an actual SuperGrafx?

>> No.8039592

most likely an oversight on the firmware

>> No.8039974

Which for how much they charge for their premium products, I'd expect them not to make such silly oversights.

>> No.8039985

agreed, but firmware is easily rectified

>> No.8039995

genesis fifty bucks, flashcart fifty bucks, done
hopefully you have a crt

>> No.8041830
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Any professional CRT monitor at this point. I want them more than I want any physical game, I'm sick of flat panels for retro. There are several games I wouldn't mind sticking to flashcarts or hooking up a MiSTer to something like this
They're near impossible for me to find in my area, (Even consumer CRTs aren't the easiest to get a hold of here these days) my only real option is to drop thousands on an eBay listing and have it freight shipped

>> No.8041845
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*There are several games I wouldn't mind having that I love enough to own. Pic related, yeah the Reloaded version pretty much replaces it but it's seriously one of my favorites that I wouldn't mind having a physical copy if it weren't so pricey

>> No.8042782

Before kungflu I used to fly to Japan at least a few times each year. Cost about $500 if you're not retarded and book in advance. You'd also have other expenses like hotel, travel, etc. but you still com out ahead if you buy two or more meme systems somewhere that's not a tourist trap. I'd fill two suitcases, turn a massive profit, and get a free holiday.

>> No.8043021

>meme systems
Examples? Just curious, your story is interesting.

>> No.8043053

Money's not really a big deal for me, it's more space. I don't really care that much about collecting anymore, as I found that I spent more time collecting than gaming and I don't value the difference that much.
Still, if I had space for random shit I'd love to buy an MSX-2 and fuck around with it.

>> No.8043078

What's the consoles of choice? Is the FM Towns Marty still going for weird amounts?

>> No.8043768

Anything you've heard of is a meme system. Anything you've only heard of, and can't afford is an uber-meme system. That's where the real savings/profit is. For example, the last CIB Q I bought cost me 8k. The one before was 4.5k Either way the difference between that and eBay prices paid for the trip in itself. Cheap small systems are also good. WS/C/SC and NGP/C were common and dirt cheap last time I was there. 100 loose, 500 CIB. Most I even paid was 2k for a CIB FF model.

I haven't been back since kung flu started so don't know what prices are right now. My consoles of choice were whatever was cheap. I went frequently and mostly bought from flea markets and second hand shops So I just bought whatever happened to be available for cheap at the time.

>> No.8044027

What areas of Japan had the best 2nd hand/Thrift shops? Sorry for all the questions, but I've always wanted to go 2nd hand hunting in Japan and it's nice to find someone who already does it.

>> No.8044887

The places no one talks about. Anyplace that's been mentioned anywhere quickly gets infested with tourists and goes to shit. That's not to say they're not much cheaper than eBay but you're not going to find the insane deals you find if you scour flea markets regularly. I haven't been to Japan in over a year so have no idea where would be good now or what is even still around.

>> No.8045161

Thanks for the hot tips anon.