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File: 2 KB, 512x448, super-mario-bros-3-debug-menu-hack00061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8030972 [Reply] [Original]

Super Mario Bros 3 is more difficult than Super Mario Bros 1
World 7 is pure cancer

>> No.8030985

good thing you only have to play half of world 1 and most of world 8

>> No.8031057

You didn't actually complete the game, then.

Do you also think you beat games when you used Game Genie?

>> No.8031098

Good thing you have a trillion p-wings saved up by the time you reach it.

>> No.8031125

Yes, I did.

>> No.8031130

SMB3 is the peak of the series.

>> No.8031417

Anyone know what the fuck to do in the world 7 mid semicastle

>> No.8031589

Then how come I finished all the levels of SMB3 more than once but never could finish SMB1?

>> No.8031596

World 5 is kino

>> No.8031668

hey, it's using something the devs put in the game themselves! it's not cheating

>> No.8031669

what's particularly cinematic about world 5?

>> No.8031904

I dont know anyone that hasn't played through all of smb3

That being said, if a warp whistle is cheating, so are mushrooms and flowers.

>> No.8031906

>if a warp whistle is cheating, so are mushrooms and flowers

>> No.8031907

Do you also think you beat enemies if you used the fire flower on them, instead of jumping on them as intended?

>> No.8031960
File: 7 KB, 512x192, Sky_Land[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sky Land is the best world, fight me.

>> No.8031967

muh niggas

>> No.8031968

You don't know me probably but I played through every level

It's not so bad

>> No.8031981
File: 23 KB, 3120x656, SuperMarioBros3Map8Airship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is way harder.

>> No.8031986

maximum comfy

>> No.8032998

No it isn't you're just trash at games

>> No.8033015

Shut up you fucking retard.

>> No.8033026


If you can't fly, break blocks until a path opens. If you can fly, do so.

>> No.8033030


Yeah me too. I did it in one run, in one sitting, just to have had the experience. I find the game easy, but I didn't try to hurry at all and I wanted to explore everything, so it took maybe four hours. I had a good time.

>> No.8033047


Honestly, the real intention of the holy men who built this game was for every enemy to be led into a pit - or where that isn't possible, to be respected and left alone. The developers put in powerup items as traps to allow wicked children to reveal themselves to the great kami, whereupon their spirits could more easily be classified and dealt with during the afterlife.

>> No.8033097

I was always too sad that World 4 was over to truly enjoy it

>> No.8033185

Was this the one with a fortress made entirely out of blocks? Absolutely kino world.

>> No.8033452

yeah, I spent far too much time as a child trying to destroy every block of that fortress

>> No.8033506

Whatever cheater.

>> No.8033539

He makes some good points.

>> No.8033580
File: 906 KB, 636x641, 1616808017086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get the 1up over on the right side of it

>> No.8033581

Both are piss easy if you don't play them on the NES but something with a proper controller.

>> No.8033741

agreed this is the hardest level in SMB3. World 7 is just tedious.

Also Super Mario World is the best 2-D game in the series. SMB3 Close #2

>> No.8033810

Fuck off, /tv/.

>> No.8033814

>World 7 is just tedious

Also the constant pipe sfx starts driving you nuts after a while.

>> No.8033820

>All Stars fag
Oh please.

>> No.8033878

I like all the worlds except for 1-3 because I played them too many times on NES as a kid, then I'd turn the system off and have to start all over.

>> No.8034185
File: 2.80 MB, 2001x1125, rated E for every one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to friend's house
>get the warp whistle in world 1
>go to world 4
>beat it
>start the next world but my mom comes to pick me up by that time
>next day
>use warp whistle to world 5
>rinse and repeat
>get to final world
>can never beat that stupid mid castle
>for one month straight it turns into me and my friend running to his house after school as fast as we can
>starting the game
>getting the whistle
>going to world 8
>memorize everything
>get to mid castle
>finally beat it
>write down how to beat it
>get one level further next time before my mom shows up
>stop hanging out after that
>never beat the final world with my friend
>takes me another 7 years before I end up beating the final castle
>mfw we are both 32 and he lives in his own house 3 blocks away from my own house
>we haven't talked since grade 5
>i only know he lives there because I follow him on Instagram and facebook and he doesn't follow me back

yeah it's a fun game

>> No.8034197

smb1 had you 1v1 like 3 hammer bros on a flat plane in the last world. That was by far the hardest thing in the original trio not counting lost levels

>> No.8034207

Did it never occur to you to have a sleepover?

>> No.8034209

have you tried not being a weirdo on 4chan and actually talking to him?

>> No.8034215

Nobody's gonna fight you. 5-3 has Kuribo's Shoe, the best Mario powerup that ever was, and only in that one level.

>> No.8034223

mario world is best with no feather, you can try it voluntarily
I wanted to make a romhack to make the feather hurt you and also recolor it but I'm stupid and lazy

>> No.8034226

I love the miniature of the first half of the world in the background, such a nice comfy detail that just makes the atmosphere.

>> No.8034292

I always managed to dodge that final hammer bro most of the time, what really got me was THAT jump with the single block + huge pit. I really hate that jump.

>> No.8034484

When I was 14 I was as obsessed with equating difficulty with quality as /vr/ posters are today.

It's really nostalgic.

>> No.8034506

I still am fucked. I thought I should light candles but nothing happpens

>> No.8034517

World 7 smb3 is harder un debatable. The only excuse is power ups, which nobody uses

>> No.8034523
File: 209 KB, 756x1100, Bait Swordsmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is b8, but I know zoomers will read your post...
SMB3 is incredible

>> No.8034687


Trust the plan. Try again, but more different this time.

>> No.8034736

Not that guy but SMB3 being amazing isnt really because of it being difficult. Its a nice balance of challenge and fun, actually. SMB2 JP was really difficult

>> No.8035673

Nobody is saying difficulty is why it is good. Its an NES game of course it will be a challenge

>> No.8035869

World 7 sucks thematically but I wouldn't call it hard.
That being said, SMB3 IS harder than SMB1, which doesn't get difficult in the slightest until world 8, but I still think SMB3 is a better game. A bit too long for an NES game though in my opinion.

>> No.8035872
File: 795 KB, 548x565, 1626448548545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did i never think about it like this

>> No.8035884

I'm guessing you played on snes or gba because the NES original didn't have saving. Which I thought was kinda bullshit. Battery saves, while not super common, were possible back then. Why didn't they do that?

>> No.8035924

His post pretty clearly states that they were using the warp whistle as intended, a stand-in for saving.

>> No.8035958

>I had a good time
I had a good time with your mom last night if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.8036356
