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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8025380 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>8017509

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Half-Life WON version
Doom Shovelware
Fileplanet archives
Doom RPG series
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.8025386
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Hard Fast Faggot Maps
Version 2.0 >>8003328

Project Mega folder: https://mega.nz/folder/LVlWVK5D#H5iqeD61bSItMIVeGqymTQ
Latest update: >>8003105

VRSKINS 3.9 (delayed): >>7967424
Submissions closed, voting TBA

=== NEWS ===
[8-12] DOOM Retro updated to 4.2

[8-11] Anon releases a map, BigDill.wad

[8-10] Crispy Doom updated to 5.10.2

[8-10] Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl Reloaded released

[8-09] Xaser posted an MBF21 showcase mod

[8-09] DSDA-Doom has reached v0.20.0 which adds beta support for Hexen.

[8-09] Skulltiverse is now on idgames

[8-06] .md2 importing tool for Blender

[8-04] Summer Fun Anon releases a demo

[8-04] Xim's gzDoom3 for Classic Doom released

[8-03] DN3DooM has been updated.

[8-01] DBP 38 is out

[7-30] Vomitoreum released on steam

[7-29] Grim Borough released (for chasm: The Rift)

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.8025406
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I took my meds, I am playing with palettes, and the government is powerless to stop me! Though I got to say, those blue-tinted grays are tres bien, but they don't play nicely with browns. I think I'll try desaturating brown ranges a bit, but that's for later.

>> No.8025412
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And a bit more representative look.
"B-but anon, that's just Eviternity and BTSX palettes mashed together!"

>> No.8025430
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>> No.8025439

It looks beautiful. Where can one get it?

>> No.8025445

On my patreon, kofi and onlyfans, if you're a subscriber!
I'll upload it later, need to play a bit more with it.

>> No.8025453

>Anyone ever frequently get MegawadADD? I swear I get to map 15-20 or so on each run and then just take a break and never come back to it, and start a different one instead.
I don't know if I'm the only one or what, but I don't really like the feeling you get after getting through a massive, intricately detailed map with 1000 enemies that takes 2 hours to finish and then remember that there's still like 10 levels to go. It's tiring.

>> No.8025462
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Damn, got in early on the Doom thread. Feels good mateys. Anyone got any insight on the Heresiarch in HeXen? I beat him easy enough by spamming quietus but could use some pointers.

>> No.8025479

Yeah, I could never see myself playing Sunder precisely because of its later levels each being 2+ hours long each with thousands of monsters.

>> No.8025496

one time an anon posted a lewd pic of milf heresiarch with stubbly pussy and I've been trying to find it for years to no avail

>> No.8025502

Not the insight I was looking for, jej.

>> No.8025554

Kind of off-topic, but I've seen people like Kegan and Dwars using it and wondered if there's actually a point in getting Ko-fi page going in favor of PayPal.me or other shit?
>Anyone got any insight on the Heresiarch in HeXen?
A few Fléchette's from Parias mercilessly melts him.
Heresiarch would've been a better Serpent Rider than Korax and I wish they stuck to their original idea.

>> No.8025559

Well the major thing is that when the purple thingies are floating around him, he's invulnerable to any damage. Only exception being the Cleric's flechette.

>> No.8025573

>massive, intricately detailed map with 1000 enemies that takes 2 hours to finish and then remember that there's still like 10 levels to go
Lol, Alien Vendetta map20 and Eviternity Map19 are exactly like that.

>> No.8025590

What are some megawads that don't get hard or challenging? I want to sleep while playing doom, and none of the cacowards let me do this, because they're too hard and use tougher monsters too much :(

>> No.8025594

Perdition's Gate. It's comfy.

>> No.8025597

Not him, but neither of them take 2+ hours to complete (they're long, but you'd have to be playing like a snail if they actually take you more than 2 hours), and neither of them have thousands of monsters (AV map20 doesnt even have 500 monsters).

>> No.8025604
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>what kind of idiot doesn't pistol start?
I agree with Angela Merkel here

>> No.8025634

You should only pistol start in a wad if the wad is good and designs itself for a pistol start.

>> No.8025639

Which is every wad ever given nobody places items or tests maps based on previous progress

>> No.8025651

No, there are episodic WADs.

>> No.8025679
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Apparently some people take 2 hours on this map.

>> No.8025683

>and designs itself for a pistol start.
virtually every wad does this. Even if its not "the intended experience", i've hardly ever played a wad that didn't design the weapon placements with pistol starts in mind

>> No.8025712

Pistol starts are the outcome of player death and respawn mechanic. It makes sense to make the map playable (if harder) without forcing every player to save manually to keep any of their progress. If authors intend on the gameplay with accumulation of guns and ammo, they usually warn about it. There can also be challenges based on ammo conservation (death exit — regular map with supplies — boss arena, though in the era of limit removing engines you would probably put boss arena into the map) and story-oriented mods that assume that items and weapons collected once remain with the player forever.

>> No.8025736
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>Its another archvile extravaganza wad
Fuck you.

>> No.8025739

>Pistol starts are the outcome of player death and respawn mechanic.
It's also the outcome is using the -warp parameter, and the idclev cheat

>> No.8025745

Hey I have a question
Does doom64 steam port/PC port are good? I just bought it

>> No.8025754
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It's good, but there's lots of intros you'll want to skip

>> No.8025758

>>8025745 Oh thx

>> No.8025764

>>8025754 Ok kool

>> No.8025765

…which are not enforced or even expected to be known. However, when button is pressed after death, you get respawned, not taken to the main screen with mission selection and list of saves, as in other games.

>> No.8025772

>which are not enforced
Was that even supposed to be a factor? I mean, you technically aren't enforced to restart with pistol from death, either, as you can easily load a save. GZDoom even autosaves by default, and loads them when you press to restart, which has lead to some people not even knowing about pistol restarting.

>> No.8025785
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Yeah, it's not like Actionguy goes there to set the place on fire, he's out to get information from Jerry, who then sics his goons on you, said goons happening to be a Village People tribute band in his gaybar. It's an absurd spectacle fight meant for levity, if he wanted to make it less iffy, just cut out the 'effeminate fag' and 'fagwagon' lines, and make it so the player can't draw his pistol or use knives during that fight, so it stays a bar brawl.

I respect Scuba's talent and body of work, a lot, but I think he's overcompensating because he feels judged.

>> No.8025802

Well yeah its by the same guy who did Doom 64 EX. Its a very good experience

>> No.8025812
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Just a status update for Violent Rumble:
>deadline pushed back to OCTOBER 3RD per last poll results (thought ending on a sunday might be a good idea)
>I'm still pecking away on the start map and various requests, but I've had very little free time recently so next update may be a few days.
>Any information regarding a 'BAD BUILTIN' error would be appreciated (ogre marksman crashes game trying to use sine function on most engines, possibly related to CSQC)
>if you have music, custom models, or any other out of map assets you are using for your map I'd ask that you submit them as soon as possible so we can get things sorted out (btw, is rambler model anon still working on it?)
>The map I started at the beginning of the project, 'cthon_reloaded', probably won't be making the cut since I don't have any real vision for it (I might have at one point, but I don't remember). If someone really wants to finish it or copy something from it into their own map, go ahead. I still plan to submit a map of my own though.
>looking for a QC reference on determining whether or not the player is running diagonally (want to add diagonal running to the Doom modifier)

I think that's about it. Sorry it's not an actual update. The crudely corrected info pic related should be used for news posts now. Good luck with the mapping!

>> No.8025817
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>sine function
Correction: tangent function

Also, thoughts on pic related as the start map teleporter design?

>> No.8025818

pistol start is a punishment for death
if you pistolstart map other than episode starter that means you are a scrub that failed to keep yourself alive

>> No.8025821
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>he needs resources from other levels
>calling people scrub

>> No.8025825

>he failed at living
git gud scrub

>> No.8025828

We get it, you're hardcore.

>> No.8025835
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I don't need resources from other levels because I'm not bad like you.
git gud scrub.
>Playing levels how it's intended is hardcore now

>> No.8025856
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>Playing levels how it's intended

According to official Doom 2 manual, you are wrong

>> No.8025859

As someone who has read Doom's manual, and who also makes levels, I will tell you that playing continuously is intended. Yes, I balance for pistol start, of course, because the level must be beatable pistol start, and that may make continuous easier, but that also gives me license to make the level even harder to ensure that it's not too easy on continuous.

Continuous AND pistol start are intended, how you want to play is subjective but both are good. I like both.

>> No.8025861

I like to pistol start myself, but pistol start balance =/= intended way to play.

>> No.8025863
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Not enough mods come with options to enable pistol starting when starting levels. DAKKA still does this the best with the options for continuous play, resetting everything, or resetting ammo.
Fuck, DAKKA's a good mod.

>> No.8025869

archvile hordes are a necessity in every wad

>> No.8025874

most modern mappers balance around pistol start

(what else could one possibly balance around?)

>> No.8025875
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So I lost the entire palette and had to start from scratch, and now it kinda looks like that retarded filter Hollywood always applies when portraying Russia. Also I shifted reds toward orange instead of fuchsia - I kinda like it, fuchsia looked too tacky, but on the other hand maybe we do need tacky?

>> No.8025884

Maps are balanced around the pistol start, because it has to be possible on that difficulty. But the intended way to play is by accumulating weapons and ammo from earlier levels.

>> No.8025885

They balance not around pistol start, but theoretical possiility of one because a scrub died in the map
The increase in difficulty from pistolstarting is a punishment for death
Carry over is the intended way to play and results in intended difficulty curve and experience unless explicitly stated otherwise by the mapper

>> No.8025889

Maps are balanced around the pistol start because it's pretty much impossible to playtest them otherwise.

>> No.8025890

russia sushi mode

>> No.8025912

I balance for pistol start, but I also put in some amenities for continuous play, like adding some health by the exit if I know the player may have gotten really beat up, or putting in a hidden backpack or weapon to reward the player with something good and useful if he finds the secret, which isn't necessarily needed for the level at hand, but can be good for coming levels.

>> No.8025913
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Okay, I found a better tint for grays, makes them less cold. Experimented around with flesh color, ended up tinting it orange too.

>> No.8025934

Do you think there was a conversation about the invisible pinkies leaving invisible corpses when they die? Like they're still all static like when they're dead. Do you think it was done on purpose or did they make an invisible enemy and it's parameters to make it invisible or whatever stuck around and they didn't really think about it.
Because it would be neat if they turned normal when they died, but also when they stay invisible like that it makes it more hectic when there's a couple of them and they're all coming at you, you can loose track of them easy when there's a corpse covering the bottom half of your screen.

>> No.8025942

Good. Corpses on an elevated ridge can also hide enemies and incoming fireballs from the view. That's advanced map making.

>> No.8025949

Anon there are several universal pistol start mods for GZDoom.

>> No.8025951

So if you die you're supposed to restart the episode? Fuck off lmao. Pistol starting is how men play.

>> No.8025953

Bind it to a damn button, son. There's your mod.

>> No.8025960

>looking for a QC reference on determining whether or not the player is running diagonally (want to add diagonal running to the Doom modifier)
Are you planning to disable strafe-running like the YPOD (doom TC) mod supposedly does?

>> No.8025962

The mental gymnastics on display here are almost olympic quality.
Who said you need to restart the episode? You do understand that dying triggers a pistol start, right? The very thing a manly man like yourself who isn't compensating for anything does anyway?

I like doing both continous and pistol start depending on how I'm feeling, but getting uppity over this sort of thing is beyong pathetic. It's Doom Eternal fanbase pathetic.

>> No.8025965

It is good. I just wonder if there was a sit down meeting about it. For some reason I like to think of things like that.
I hate to borrow fight club but not dissimilar to meetings like "Well, are enough people dying for us to recall this?" "No," "Ok, good, that's good for our checkbook. See you tomorrow, Tim."

>> No.8025975

>Who said you need to restart the episode?
It logically follows that if you're too bad to pistol start, you need your equipment from previous levels.
Unless you're so bad you actually use quicksaves, which is even worse.
If you aren't good enough the finish the level without savescumming or pistol start, just drop the difficulty. You have demonstrated you aren't good enough for that difficulty.

>> No.8025981

Reminder that this is 4chan and fags still think they can do epic raids and keep backing up their point while dismissing obvious counter-points.
The reaction is what they want. No engagement is what they're afraid of.

What this argument is exactly like is someone saying he never uses the powerups on the overworld of Mario 3 saying that a real man starts as small mario on each level because that's how logic flows.
Mario 3 can be beaten without collecting a single powerup, it can be beaten with all 3 bars full of P-wings.

Anons all over 4chan for the past decades have been shredding troll arguments apart but it doesn't matter. They don't hold those convictions. They just want to make things worse because they think it's fun.

>> No.8025989
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>Artist sends me message saying he almost has my sprites done and will send them soon
>Still waiting a day later

>> No.8026002

I'm convinced its a zoomer fresh from playing Eternal. The posting style and arguements are generally immature and they have an obsession with looking tough instead of having fun.
Or they're just trolling, idk.

>> No.8026008
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the doomwiki page is a little confusing - so far only dsdadoom and woof support mbf21?

>> No.8026009

pay him and he's faster.

>> No.8026026

reminder that you haven't truly beaten the map until you found map author IRL and beat him over the head with original hardware

>> No.8026049

>is rambler model anon still working on it?
still on it, been swamped with other stuff. gonna try to clean it up before sunday
>whether or not the player is running diagonally
I think I remember people saying Malice had this, but I'm not sure.
I like the portal btw.

>> No.8026053

posts like this only make you look butthurt and btfo
take the L and move on

>> No.8026076

posts like this prove you're butthurt and btfo.
take the L and move on

>> No.8026083

>dismissing obvious counter-points
countering a counter-point isn't dismissing it you brain damaged dipshit. It speaks volumes you're unable to to substantiate anything you say.
lmao, I have no idea why you're so mad over eternal but it's hilarious. Rent free.

>> No.8026085

>Take the L
Ah, so I was right about you being a zoomer. Makes sense, really.
Now you run along and play Eternal or something, okay?

>> No.8026087

The only eternal player here is you.

>> No.8026094

Just check their Github pages for the 2021 activity.
— Eternity doesn't seem to have MBF21-related commits, and is busy with slopes. No other specific branches, too.
— Same with Odamex.
— PrBoom+um only got random fixes.
— Doom Retro had a lot of changes, but not in the core engine.

So there's support, but people wait for battle testing.

>> No.8026098

I want whatever is causing PrBoom+ to have slightly sticky controls fixed. Its a great source port, but even slightly slowed movement will fuck you over.

>> No.8026101

You literally shifted a decent discussion about pistol starts into some personal attack on you and had a cry when you got btfo. Just fuck off you aren't welcome here.

>> No.8026102
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>> No.8026109

All the fucking time.
I keep meaning to play through BTSX but the samey techbase look bores me to tears by the 9th map. I've attempted the megawad four times now and I still can't push past it.
I have no clue how it won a Caco, its like Quake 2 in the Doom engine.

>> No.8026115

>personal attack
>acting like I'm the problem when you're the one getting furious over people not pistol starting
Is this thread getting raided or something?

>> No.8026117

Slightly cheating, but I opted to add a smart vsync option which disables vsync in video configurations where display tearing wouldn't happen regardless. Higher fps makes everything feel buttery smooth. It's also based on dsda so mbf21 is also rolled in.


>> No.8026119

For fucks sake, stop taking the bait. The faggot will get bored if you stop replying to it.

>> No.8026125

non-zdoom fags need to get the rope

>> No.8026136

>personal attack
Here: >>8025962
Here: >>8026002
>>acting like I'm the problem when you're the one getting furious over people not pistol starting
No, I said pistol starting is how levels where intended to be played. That's how they're tested and made. When I gave several arguments for this position you took it personal and started crying about doom eternal
You're brain damaged. There's no way you're not trolling.

And fuck you janny retard warning me when he's literally evading my responses and calling me a fag. See: >>8025981

>> No.8026141

Oh wow, thanks! I'll give that a try, is it a new port?

>> No.8026142

So what's worse, anti Half-Life alf shitposting or source port and pistol start wars?

>> No.8026150
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Sort of. It's really just a fork of dsda I made to add pistol start. I've since just kind of done whatever I felt like to it like weapon sway and view bob separation and crosshairs that only show up on target.

>> No.8026151

it’s better than dosbox

>> No.8026152

>doom wads onlyfans

>> No.8026157

Can't the user just disable vsync in video configurations where display tearing won't happen?

>> No.8026158

I didn't take it personally at all, I said myself that I like pistol starting sometimes, you're the one being overly aggressive for no reason, and that tends to be a trait of zoomers into the newer games.
You gave no arguments, and are generally being an asshole for no reason now.

>> No.8026161

If you recieved a warning it was for a reason. Stop being a little bitch.

>> No.8026162
File: 917 KB, 1200x675, 42CFB8FE-E714-4D5E-A02F-8804B835A3D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this hairstyle called?

>> No.8026163

They can. But I don't think many people realize software mode doesn't tear at all in most instances. Same for opengl in anything but exclusive fullscreen.

>> No.8026165

>It's how the maps are made and tested.
>resources from other levels aren't required.
>quick saving through a level means you're playing on a difficulty to hard for you
>if you die, you start pistol only, meaning it's entirely possible, otherwise you'd need to restart the episode over
You literally have no counter-argument to any of these positions and repeatedly shift the discussion into some meta-argument. You're a trolling retard, fuck off.

>> No.8026167

It's self-sabotage. Ego picking a fight with the younger, less repressed version of himself who can't fight back. You see this time and again with washed up creatives who "revisit" their past work.

>> No.8026170
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, gb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spicy HFFM speedruns only for subscribers

>> No.8026176


>> No.8026182

I always thought it was cornrows or something. Guess not.

>> No.8026183

The HL shitposting is literally one guy eternally blown out over Half Life. The guy has a literal mental illness because his crusade has lasted for a decade.
The sourceport thing is more of a discussion. I still don't know the best one to use, unless its for mods in which case GZDoom is the better one.
The pistol start wars are retarded. Yes, its the most skillful way to play the game, but some autismo has been pushing it as the only way to play for several threads now and its obnoxious.

>> No.8026184

Fucking stupid.

>> No.8026185


>> No.8026186

Agreed. I refuse to play doom 2 because of doomguys stupid haircut.

>> No.8026194

>It's how the maps are made and tested.
>resources from other levels aren't required.
Honestly, these are fine arguments
>quick saving through a level means you're playing on a difficulty to hard for you
Or you have better things to do than redo certain sections over again. Its a bit weird to get uppity over how people spend their time on a game but ok.
>if you die, you start pistol only, meaning it's entirely possible, otherwise you'd need to restart the episode over
Yes, it is possible, but the game itself make you play continuously by default. I'm not even saying this is the best way to play, I though YOU were the troll from how aggressively you were pushing this.

>> No.8026195

> quick saving through a level means you're playing on a difficulty to hard for you
This is contradictory. If progress granularity is whole level, then saving at any moment is not needed at all. You can do it the old-school way, “Beat level 15 to unlock level 16”, and choice of difficulty when you choose one.

>> No.8026197

Daikatana and Wrath do saving well, making it a limited resource so you can't reload whenever you take damage. Wrath needs to severely limit the amount of save pickups on the hardest difficulty, but I digress.

>> No.8026203

Thinking about adding an option for autosave checkpoints for keys.

>> No.8026204

I wonder if the secret gay furry smut is still hidden within this mods texture files, or they too got removed?

>> No.8026206

>calls anon out for being brain damaged for arguing with them
>cries over being called out by the jannies
You're insufferable. Fuck off out of this thread.

>> No.8026207

>Or you have better things to do than redo certain sections over again.
This is literally cheating. Because can might have missed some secret, or you don't have to change your approach or do better earlier on because you can just brute force your way through. If you have to savescum, then drop the difficulty. There's no harm in it.
That's what I'm saying, you shouldn't be quick saving in a level. If you fail try again with a new approach.

>> No.8026209

Saving even once in a level is scumming now?
Eh, that's retarded. I'll carry on playing the way I like.

>> No.8026213

It should create separate autosave files for each key because there are so many maps out there that activate traps upon picking up a key. Never overwrite any other save if you add this.

>> No.8026215

No :)
If you have to close the game to carry on later? Go for it. But don't pretend you've aced a level by brute forcing quickload after quickload at some section you're struggling with.

>> No.8026216

>I keep meaning to play through BTSX but the samey techbase look bores me to tears by the 9th map
That’s how it’s going to look for most of it. Knowing that, you can stop hurting yourself when you try to replay it.
E2 may be a bit better on the visual variety but I’m also only four levels in.

>> No.8026220

It would be it's own autosave file separate from manual saves. Might have 3 or so dedicated autosave slots probably in a submenu if I can manage it.

>> No.8026221

Autosaving when you’re close to or about to pickup the key may be best considering how often they’re trapped, but that’s when I hit the old F2.
Just sometimes I’m so wrapped up I’ll forget and realize when I have to restart the whole level.

>> No.8026231

>But don't pretend you've aced a level by brute forcing quickload after quickload at some section you're struggling with.
Nobody is pretending that. I just like playing Doom, I'm not out to master it.

>> No.8026237

>But don't pretend you've aced a level by brute forcing quickload after quickload at some section you're struggling with
Anyone who wants to think they’re “acing” a level would just post a demo of their run, anyways.

>> No.8026242

Guess I had misremebered the YPOD mod with something else because the post
>>8026049 is actuallt right about Malice since the diagonal movement got changed into being near Doom-like by modifying the movement code (its evident the most when using the 3rd person cam - maybe thats why it was changed compared to vanilla Quake?)

>> No.8026243

> losers are still arguing about pistol starting
It's just an optional challenge for fucks sake. Original maps were designed with pistol start but the game expected you to carry over items. Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.8026253

Saving is too broken of a mechanic to leave up to the player for anything but taking a break to resume the game later. Like when Tomb Raider moved from save crystal checkpoints to Tomb Raider 2's save anywhere system, the game lost all its tension. Players should not be making these decisions. PowerSlave was ahead of its time in trying to come up with a fair enough checkpoint system to allow for larger maps.

Normal Doom maps should be balanced around both pistol starting and the expectation that a player can reasonably beat the map saveless. This is why Plutonia works and so many modern wads don't: the maps are hard, but short enough that it doesn't become tedious to make repeat attempts. If you insist on making large maps, they should be made for UDMF, with scripted autosaves, or I won't be bothered.

>> No.8026254

This. I'm tired of those two whiny faggots trying to fuck each other. Pistol starting is a fun challenge, but nobody is going to think you're hot shit for doing it when most of the community already plays this way. There's also nothing wrong with continuous play because its how the game works. Nobody will think you're great at the game, but unless you're trying to be decino why would you care?

>> No.8026260

Because playing a map as it was designed and tested has value. You might as well idfa at the start of each level. Playing with extra resources cheapens what the designer was going for.

>> No.8026264

Nobody cares. Nobody is uploading these runs onto youtube claiming to be masters at the game. Your weird complex over this has no power over how we like to play the game.

>> No.8026265

Neat. Still a challenge run. Now either record yourself or get prize money. Esports faggotry without the prestige of recognition or a paycheck makes you a try hard loser.

>> No.8026284

It's called The Chad.

>> No.8026287

As a kid, I even turned on god mode and had fun. Deal with it.

>> No.8026292
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 9DFE177D-1929-45FA-96A3-658A2B4D008E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Simon Phoenix with a hint of the Rodman?

>> No.8026297
File: 43 KB, 378x378, 1512669738246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to police the way people enjoy a game
Now that was pathetic.
I feel like I'm burning out with Doom right now, I might try Arcane Dimensions for Quake soon after beating this wad.

>> No.8026301
File: 469 KB, 1500x990, Simon_Phoenix_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simon Phoenix is one of my favorite movie villains, I wish there was a player skin for Doom based on him.

>> No.8026303

Why there are so many trannies in the Doom community? Jesus fucking Christ, they are everywhere.

>> No.8026308

I feel the problem with BTSX E1's sameyness is less that its all techbase, and more that too many maps follow a similar formula of techbase. Especially in the middle cluster, which seems to relegate most of its more interesting maps to the secret level slots.

>> No.8026309

Wasn't the MC of SiN based on him?

>> No.8026310

>thinking that pistol starts are the only way to play doom
>accepting continuous play since the devs let you keep your stuff when going to the next level
>realizing that playing continuously until you die/stage exitkills you (i.e. Scythe) and have to pistol start the level as punishment is the intended method

>> No.8026313

I think they'll be faster to implement support when a big project uses MBF21.

>> No.8026314

What are your favourite Duke levels?

>> No.8026318
File: 490 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Hexen_20210812_143532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to change hud in brutal hexen? Why zdl is banned?

>> No.8026319

Funny if true, considering in Sin he’s called “Blade”, another Snipes character.

>> No.8026321

dear fucking god those filters

>> No.8026323

Early parts of episode 2.
Hollywood Holocaust may be my favorite first level from any shooter.

>> No.8026324

Red Light District
Rabid Transit
Duke Burger

>> No.8026326

All of E1, E2L1, E2L7, E2L8, E2L11, E3L3, E3L4, E3L11, E4L2, E4L6, E4L9

>> No.8026327

It's Helj Dawson and xBRZ 3x.

>> No.8026331
File: 545 KB, 1920x1080, E8mMbBeVUAoKBQo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Celebrating 25 Years of Quake with id Software and MachineGames
>Let's talk Quake
Bros... I counted on Roundhouse Studios doing something with Quake, damn.

>> No.8026337

Would be cool if id or Machine Games dropped a new episode like they did for the 20th Anniversary with Dimension of the Past.

>> No.8026338

Playing continuous is like taking a max level character into your next Dota match. It's stupid to trivialize half the game's roster just because you happened to carry over an SSG from the last map. Having to rebuild your inventory is part of the fun.

>> No.8026339

>QUAKEcon filled with Deathloop, ESO and 76
Well, now I’m just sad.

>> No.8026340

> mostly bethesda shit
I don't even like Quake and I'm disappointed.

>> No.8026341

Deathloop looks fun though

>> No.8026342

I think that's why episodic division is good, then you can outline some vague long term balance through a shorter set of levels, without it having to go for a full 32 maps. MBF21 and UMAPINFO will make these things better.

>> No.8026347

>It's stupid to trivialize half the game's roster just because you happened to carry over an SSG from the last map
It’s more carrying over the rocket launcher and BFG to trivialize the entire roster. At the least, a lot of mappers are aware of how irrelevant the plasma rifle becomes when you grab the BFG so they hold off on you picking it up for awhile.

>> No.8026350

>quakecon sale on steam
>quake is not on sale
Giveaway maybe?
Then again it IS on sale on gog

>> No.8026359
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They're cheaper on key sites anyways.

>Giving shitesda money

>> No.8026363

Failing that, is it not posted up there in the megalink?

>> No.8026376

Anon, Quake is on an all year sale of 100% in the mega in the OP.

>> No.8026378

Gzdoom will propably get it first. At least Graf has said, that he implemented all the code.

>> No.8026381

>how irrelevant the plasma rifle becomes when you grab the BFG so they hold off on you picking it up for awhile.
This is why I like mods like Final Doomer. It seperates plasma ammo from the BFG shots, making both relevant and useful.

>> No.8026383

Tech illiterate here, what is it?

>> No.8026385

>>Giving shitesda money
The only person i've sworn to never give even a penny is Randy. Fuck Randy.

>> No.8026391

>Its all just Bethesda shit like Skyrim now
>Quake itself gets a short slot because its the 25th anniversary
This is painful to look at. At least the community might do something special for it?

>> No.8026392

>>looking for a QC reference on determining whether or not the player is running diagonally (want to add diagonal running to the Doom modifier)
Sounds like something that would be impossible in regular QC but possible in CSQC. Since in regular QC you have no knowledge of the player's inputs except for impulses and the fire button.

>> No.8026393

doomguy cuts his hair with his chainsaw

>> No.8026396

If mapper gives you early bfg, but is allergic to death exists, it's mappers fault. Best wads support both pistol start abd continuous play. Even Sunlust death exists you on every 5 maps.

>> No.8026409

>no trent raznor

>> No.8026410
File: 280 KB, 485x750, 25HUH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will see.
It is what it is.
>Quake 2-4 are on sale.
>Original Quake with its Mission Packs are not.

>> No.8026413

New boom compability level, which allows example free use of multiple 666 tags per map, instakill floors, gravity sectors and flexible dehacked which allows almost infinite new monsters, new pickups, new projectiles (also on player weapons), and very flexible weapon editing (you still have replace weapons though).

>> No.8026420

>No!!!! YOU CAN'T JUST PLAY WITH SETTINGS THAT LOOK GOOD TO YOU!!! Not those heckin' filterinos!! NO! STOP!!

>> No.8026423

Sell me on Quake. I hear it's a pretty good blaster, but manually aiming up and down seems to add an unnecessary level of complexity. Also, jumping? I don't thinking platforming belongs in a game where you shoot things.

>> No.8026428

I honestly can't tell if this is genuine or you're making fun of the people who said the exact same things when Quake released.

>> No.8026429

Did /v/ invade this place?

>> No.8026432

is that the currency of the Netherworld?

>> No.8026438
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That's a great way to go about it. A lot of it comes down to 40 plasma rifle shots being nowhere near as devastating as shooting the BFG for 40 cells, so it's something my preferred mod Babel is able to amend.
The irony is I prefer to pistol start with the mod, and it's not something the author had in mind when designing it.

>> No.8026454

Figuring out automatically where the key trap begins is going to be a sufficiently complex computational problem. Algorithm should not just take teleported monsters and movement limits imposed by lifts and doors into account, but also passive obstructions to the player, like one-way falling from ledges. This means full AI player simulation and lots of pre-calc, as with some bots. What if there was some secret with megasphere that would allow player to win in the unreachable part of the map?

Or maybe you have been trapped from the first time you ran DOOM.

It's way easier to abuse the demo recording, like prboom+, and keep the background demo with quick options to rewind it to time mark that is 10, 30, 100, or 300 seconds back, or save state like dsda-doom, and go back and forth through them.

>> No.8026459

Weren't there rumours about id rebooting quake and announcing it on this year's quakecon?

>> No.8026470

I like the idea of abusing demo recordings to save a few frames before actually picking up the key. Maybe you could use this to autosave before pressing a switch as well?

>> No.8026476

You mean that questionable one with female lead? Eh-h-h... There're high chances for new Quake game either way. Don't really need "legit leaks" for that.

>> No.8026490

No, I mean that you can use existing options that allow the player to go back in time as needed, while the computer doesn't have to guess the right time for saving at all.

>> No.8026497

>You mean that questionable one with female lead?
I didn't hear anything about female lead, i just heard that a quake reboot might be announced.

>> No.8026524
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>> No.8026536


>> No.8026542

There was a community project few years ago, which idea was to shuffle original Doom maps layout with the aesthetic of another. There was E1M2 in style of E2M2, MAP30 in style of MAP01, so on. Anyone remember how this wad's called?

>> No.8026547


>> No.8026551

Yes, it is. Damn, I knew it was something starting with S. Thank you anon!

>> No.8026562

There were Switcheroom 2 and You Fix It! this year.

>> No.8026568
File: 1021 KB, 1152x864, FUCKING CUNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally impossible without using the cheese

>> No.8026585

I charged the bitch with the BFG9000 and on the second try it worked.

>> No.8026594

Painkiller is the only fps that ever had bosses I found interesting.

>> No.8026624

Oh, and there was a literal quicksave-based rewind:

I guess the problems outlined resulted in dsda-doom being made.

>> No.8026639

They definitely stood out.

>> No.8026645
File: 1.68 MB, 1900x1069, Screenshot_Doom_20210810_235311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic 2 is boring

>> No.8026656

Less than 1/3rd Id games. A bunch of fucking Skyrim, a 10 year old rpg, and fallout 76, a often maligned online rpg made by Bethesdas B team.
Death loop being in there is at least somewhat on brand, it being an fps. They really should just shift more focus to it being a more general fps con.
Though Bethesda doesnts own many fps IPs I guess.

>> No.8026662
File: 71 KB, 640x480, doom22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm joining sector toilet club. Too bad doors don't fit.

>> No.8026663

Oh I know, I just also enjoy it when gameplay mods do it because I hate starting with the vanilla pistol and fist.

>> No.8026698

I use BFG start mod with auto shoot on sight mod.

>> No.8026746

I always thought the best use of the dsda code base with it's ghosts and various bits of functionality would be to make a Trackmania like interface to casually race ghosts and whatnot.

>> No.8026751

It's not for everyone. Personally, I think it has a lot of charm, but there's also aspects I don't care for.

>> No.8026810

Anyone who has hope for a modern team doing Q1 justice is lying to themselves

>> No.8026864

Why the fuck does PrBoom+ disable friction sector effects on loading a save? Someone suggested fixing this six years and then a year ago and nothing - someone else said fixing it would desync demos but that's bullshit - Eternity and Woof don't have the same bug

>> No.8026904
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>Hard Fast Faggot Maps

>> No.8026930

will sky textures larger than 1024 get cut off?

>> No.8026942

Yeah, probably. 1024 is the full loop.

>> No.8026968

anybody got a guide for eternity engines various video settings?
i know its more vanilla and actually makes dark areas "dark" but uhh i was wondering if anyone knew how to make spectres more visible without actually turning up the screen brightness/gamma or whatever it is.
like i don't really wanna get rid of the software/oldschool look
and turn it into some gzdoom open gl thing

Just make the sceptres slightly more visible

>> No.8027042
File: 1.52 MB, 244x147, anikiwake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling a lot better now (those fevers made me think the KGB was spying on me), doing work on HFFM version 3.

>Shy boner on Map 06
Cannot replicate.
Discovered that a couple of the health bonuses that's supposed to come out on the conveyor belt sometimes skip the teleport linedef, and this locks you out of getting all of them. Added a loop to that conveyor so that if a bonus actually does skip the teleport linedef, it passes a linedef which teleports it back to the start of the conveyor, thus eventually they do actually pop out.
Of course, it could so happen that it actually skips this one too, hence I put in another, which in theory could also be skipped but this drastically reduces the odds, and should let people 100% items if they feel like doing so.

>Impassable linedef on Map 07

>Shootable switch not shutting in Map 08

>Alleged softlock on Map 11
Cannot replicate. Tweaked ambush door triggers so they're faster.

>Alleged softlock on Map 12
Cannot replicate. Made it so the bars can be opened from the other side, just in case (also merged them as sectors as much as possible, to make them less loud in some ports). If you were to play HFFM in co-op, this could maybe be abused, but we don't have explicit co-op support anyway so that's just whatever.

>Missing textures on Map 15
Looks perfectly normal in editor.

>Stuck boner in Map 16

Is there anything else I need to fix? Have I missed anything?

>> No.8027067

party pack bro.
>The party pack doesn't display animated textures properly.
This was posted in the last thread.

>> No.8027075

Computer map sprites. Can't think of anything else. MAP19 could use some expansion but it's too late for that now.

>> No.8027079

Oh yeah, I fixed that. Forgot to take out the Boom animated lump.

>> No.8027092

Oh rite. Gotta put those in.

>> No.8027101

the music credits

>> No.8027108

>MAP19 could use some expansion but it's too late for that now
I could maybe pretty it up a little bit or something, if you want, that wouldn't take much time at all.

Do you have them?

>> No.8027151
File: 17 KB, 498x422, hffm music.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted previously (map six is "Poo" from Conker)

>> No.8027204

1) Do the basic calibration of your monitor, at least

2) Make sure that any automatic enhancement is off and any color/contrast correction is at default setting in drivers. To be sure, turn them on, press Apply, turn them off, press Apply, those settings are sometimes not reset properly otherwise.

3) Run Chocolate or Crispy Doom with default settings (gamma correction off) in a window, load Entryway. Here's your example of a normal picture. You can turn around for darker area.

4) Run Eternity in a window, load Entryway, compare the brightness level, set it to match.

IIRC, Eternity should use the original spectre fuzz effect. Spectres should be easy to notice in the normally lit areas. However, placing them in the dark cramped pits is one of the most common mapping cliches. There, you don't look at screen, you just hear the roar, notice some pixel noise, trust your gut feeling about their zigzag approach and shoot.

Or just make a screenshot if you think something is wrong.

>> No.8027208

ahh cool so the weapons pack version/"normal doom version" will be uploaded to id games soon?

>> No.8027214

That's the plan.


>> No.8027225

Mike tyson?

>> No.8027229

i can see them fine in normally lit areas. i was just wondering cause on lzdoom, everything is "bright enough" that these dark pit areas are slightly null and void but on eternity they are actually dark and i can't see the spectres lmao

maybe i'm just too use to zdoom and its derivatives that i forgot dark areas are actually suppose to be dark

but you know what i mean?

I've gotten use to it now but there was a map where i got surrounded and killed by spectres lol

>> No.8027254
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>> No.8027263

I want my Elexis.

>> No.8027267
File: 432 KB, 1600x900, spectres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this on eternity

>> No.8027274
File: 327 KB, 1600x900, spectres2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is on lzdoom in the same room, there a lot more visible in this source port. maybe they're suppose to be alot less visible idk i was just wondering how to make them slightly more visible in eternity

>> No.8027275
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>gzdoom wad

>> No.8027291
File: 403 KB, 1594x880, spectres2 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is on lzdoom, see the difference in how much more visible they are???

>> No.8027294

Is there a source port for Heretic that's like PrBoom+? So basically it's exactly like vanilla but with widescreen support, higher resolutions, and more visual features to choose from

>> No.8027297


>> No.8027303

DSDA Doom or From Doom With Love.

>> No.8027318

iirc lzdoom lets you customize the fuzz style for spectres

>> No.8027325

Thanks friend

>> No.8027326

god I love RTCW

>> No.8027335

holy yikes!

>> No.8027346

I did actually take a look at Malice's code, but nothing stood out to me. Guess I'll have another look if I have time. I just wanted to implement a basic speed buff when moving diagonally while the Doom modifier is on.

Based. I'll probably add the skins from the current model to the base shambler as just an armored variant.

>Since in regular QC you have no knowledge of the player's inputs except for impulses and the fire button.
I was trying to find a way to do it via movement vectors actually, but I've only been able to get outputs along the map's global axis. I don't know how to translate that to an axis relative to the player's facing direction.

>> No.8027378

i actually didn't even alter that, thats just how it is out of the box, the only things i changed tbqh are the resolution
use from space bar to e and jump to space bar cause sometimes if a wad has some bs platforming aspect, i'm just jumping through it lmao

>> No.8027386

Is Eternity using software rendering? Spectres are much harder to see when using software mode in all ports I think, at least I've noticed so in Prboom+

>> No.8027391

software only yes

>> No.8027408

ahh eternity is only software? i mean in the video section it does have a little ""opengl" section way at the bottom but no visible selector for it like in gzdoom.

>> No.8027445
File: 438 KB, 1200x675, image_2021-08-12_163805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point I would like to go into the spectre code and see if I can force it to render it's effect at 200/240p instead of scaling it linearly.

>> No.8027448
File: 531 KB, 1200x675, spectre 240p vs 1080p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8027453

i actually went and set everything in eternity to 16x9 resolution and it looks alot better.

>> No.8027463

Yes, this is the original spectre fuzz effect, and it is completely broken in high resolutions, both because of tiny 1 pixel shifts, and randomness period being too small for the total amount of pixels the sprite takes in high resolutions. Some ports have fixed it to be resolution-agnostic, like in your second screenshot.

Possible solutions:

— Not using high resolution.
— Not using Eternity Engine.
— There's probable a trivial Dehacked or EDF or whatever option to disable MF_SHADOW flag (and enable MF_TRANSLUCENT?) for spectres.

>> No.8027489

Rumours going around that Quake 1 is getting a remake or re-release, would be nice to have active Q1 multiplayer for a couple months.

>> No.8027491

>The Doom Eternal treatment on Quake
Eh, I'm not sure how to feel about that.

>> No.8027512

all i can say about quake is that no rerelease will ever be that good if there's no trent raznor soundtrack
that's one of quake's most iconic things and it's not there because zenimax are scumbags

>> No.8027513

Ah, yes. You can just edit

Look for
> thingtype Spectre
then change its flags from
then add new line
> translucency 25%
directly below it, and save the file.

Test and set the translucency percent as you like it.

Do you need Eternity for some specific WAD? It is a bit old and clumsy port by today's standards.

>> No.8027535

I mean, those menus always make me suicidal, the engine itself is correct and pleasing for the eye (apart from that spectre bug) if you turn off the interpolation and set everything else properly.

>> No.8027537

my man that shit worked. hell yeah. No particular reason i wanted to use eternity besides i heard its more vanilla than zdoom and i wanted something more vanilla without playing chocolate doom. but also had some cool graphical things others might not have,

which is what i assumed it is. i honestly just went off of dwars video and he said
>its in between prboom and zdoom but its closer to boom
and seeing heart land videos made me wanna try it
ahh i didn't know this, that makes sense

>> No.8027590
File: 167 KB, 1049x759, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Map 15
>Looks perfectly normal in editor.
It's something fucky with the software renderer. I play with OpenGL, so I never noticed it.
Just get rid of the 2 little lines circles in pic related and that fixes it.
Animated textures are broken in the party pack.

>> No.8027592

>enough revenants
Huh, that's exactly what I was thinking while playing MAP30 of Scythe

>> No.8027618

Its going to be gross.

>> No.8027641

Playthrough video of map16 of HFFM is up (I Sawed The Demons (And They Were Pretty Hot)). An interesting, small level. One revenant seems to be bugged, but it was already fixed.
There's going to be a midtexture "bleeding" through the floor in map17. Also, I somehow managed to get the mancubus in map18 to leave his platform and go shake hands with the crusher arch-vile.

>> No.8027658
File: 115 KB, 1137x850, 1588105869002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see having a new multiplayer Quake thing being in their best interests with Champions still around, especially with that new freetoplay Halo thing on its way.

>> No.8027737

Wait, you CAN'T prevent Pain Elemental from spawning lost souls upon death in vanilla? I've got so used to ZDoom behaviour, where you can neutralize all 3 skulls by standing perfectly inside PE's dying body. But now, playing through DSDA, I can't get inside him during death frames.

>> No.8027758

what do you goys think of the quake 1 and 2 expansions?

>> No.8027770

FUCK, I unlocked the Thin ice secret stage on blood but everytime it loads it crashes BloodGDX
what do?

>> No.8027776

I think DoE was most lame. Had quite boring new weapons (just ammo that deals more damage), and end boss simply bad design choice, even graphically. SoA was even more fun than base Quake.

>> No.8027813

nvm, disabling autoload folder, loading the level, saving, quitting, enabling autoload folder, loading and we're MARANAX INFIRMUX

>> No.8027817

VRanon I do not know if you saw my post but is it possible to incorporate the shotgun from Nehahra/Travail?

>> No.8027820


>> No.8027830

What's the first Doom 1 map that features spectres?

>> No.8027834

I want to play blake stone with doom engine, but i like the wolfenstine doors.

>> No.8027838
File: 578 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_SummerFun_20210812_213920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8027850
File: 166 KB, 1024x768, fuckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were these guys ever fair?

>> No.8027868

E1M3 on UV/NM
E1M9 on everything else if you find the secret exit. If not then E1M5.

>> No.8027873

Was able to find it on the doom wiki, but thanks anyway.


>> No.8027885


>> No.8027889
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, hunters moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LITERALLY just puts quake 3 into doom instead of making a quake 3 mod
why did the absolute madman do it bros?

>> No.8027893

I'll take a look at it, but I'm not too keen on adding a new weapon at this point with how many issues they tend to create (looking at you, Gremlins) and with the Doom shotgun modifier already existing. We'll see how much free time I have in the coming weeks though. Right now it's not a lot.

>> No.8027902

>wants to make a singleplayer version of Q3
>makes it in gzdoom and adds his OC furry giants with Kingdom Hearts feet and a bunch of random shit from D3 and Q4
yeah, why DID he do it?

>> No.8027908
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x675, ezgif.com-gif-maker (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided to make spectres also change the crosshair color like in the Unity port. The difference is that crosshair won't snap to them.

>> No.8027910

There's no sunlust and such for quake 3.

>> No.8027919

What are some decent/good doom clones, that focus on melee combat?
I already played shadowcaster and Hexen 1/2 as the fighter.

>> No.8027956

First day here?

>> No.8027959

Play it. It's a really good wad.

>> No.8027973
File: 66 KB, 800x600, ss_3ce71c2f078ae333207fa5ca198ea916877b75a1.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this game work? What difficulty should I start on? The gun guys kill me so easily.

>> No.8027979

>and with the Doom shotgun modifier already existing

>> No.8027983

Oh shit this is rad. Thanks for the tipoff.

>> No.8027984

Impulse 30. Double shotgun damage, half fire rate. Also RNG damage.

>> No.8027987
File: 964 KB, 600x844, ES72SQOWoAAfXpE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does this game work?
You have to learn how to fight cultists without staying in line of sight. They're also less likely to hit you if you crouch and jump like a madman. Believe me, once you start blowing up those pieces of shit around the corner with dynamite throws, the dopamine rush is amazing. Zombies also stay down if you kill them with the pitchfork or do a huge amount of damage to them in one hit.

I'd suggest starting on episode 2, since it gives you a wider variety of guns to work with. The start of episode 1 is really rough because it's stingy with both ammo and weapon variety.

>> No.8028000

If you're good at the other games, you can handle Well Done. Cultists are badasses and the most interesting enemies in the game by far, and the first episode uses them heavily since it's a shareware episode with a limited roster. It's a trial by fire, and if you can pass it then the rest of the game will be fairly easy. If there's a situation that just seems fucked, take another look around the area before it. Usually there's a secret around to give you the edge you need. Don't lean too heavily on the shotgun - it's good for zombies and ghosts, but for cultists, the flaregun, tommygun, and dynamite are safer options that'll let you kill them without taking as much return fire.

>> No.8028003
File: 387 KB, 600x533, quake__shambler_toddler_by_zxoqwikl-da2ezeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was hoping beth and microshaft would leave quake alone forever and after e3 in june i thought that would be the case... i completely forgot about quakecon. i may have gotten too cocky ;_;

>> No.8028014
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Start on Pink on the Inside or Lightly Broiled, go up a bit if it's too easy.
The gun dudes work a bit like they do in Duke where you can keep strafing to make them hit you less, in this it makes them even dumber.

>> No.8028030
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>secret exit line special restarts the level on levels that don't support secret exits
Quick, how we use/abuse this in actual gameplay?

>> No.8028035

a third possible choice at the end of hunted

>> No.8028042

Instant death pits.

>> No.8028047

oo.oh chambler

>> No.8028051
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>Hell Revealed MAP22
>"Watch Daniel's lmp for this level to see how well it can be done - that is the way I designed the level to be played, not by hiding behind corners."
>map starts with more than a dozen archviles from every angle and no way to focus on one batch UNLESS you hide behind the corner at the start

>> No.8028064

>garbage worth

>> No.8028079

Shoot the bad guys until they die.

>> No.8028080
File: 92 KB, 640x400, ex_195_zpsaq2v94ol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The level design in DOS PowerSlave is actually so good. This makes me want to get into making UDMF maps, they could be great with a little restraint.

>> No.8028082

I made a map for it anon, i'm just having some fun, lol

>> No.8028085
File: 462 KB, 1366x768, flayed1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting into mapmaking lately, its kind of time consuming but its pretty fun to tweak things and mess around.

>> No.8028093

yummy floor, anon

>> No.8028098

that face texture has to be one of my favorite things in doom

>> No.8028105
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>> No.8028118

jesus christ did jannies delete this for being too lewd

>> No.8028130

I don't want to start a shitstorm or drama, but does anybody know why Scotty got banned from Doomworld? Because I don't know. He seemed like a promising mapper. I enjoyed Criticality, Cydonia and his contributions on Abandon.

>> No.8028152
File: 330 KB, 1017x579, 1475164688045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guns in Unreal are so cool. It's too bad there's barely anything to use them on, what with it being a beautiful walking sim or sorts rather than an FPS.

>> No.8028153

Well, it doesn't look like he did anything non-kosher, at least according to his activity log. Something offsite must have happened, like in a discord server. We may never know since transparency isn't a word at DW.

>> No.8028159

Quake "Revitalized Edition" by Machine Games is coming.

>> No.8028164

> https://youtu.be/FKkEm8wCAnc
is this good level design bros?

>> No.8028175

Spark up a botmatch if you don't like the downtime in the campaign.

>> No.8028179

and heres an older run by vile, a more consistent approach https://youtu.be/bDf-cpCyYQg
if you download demos you invariably come across a lot of his

>> No.8028249
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Amid Evil and Doom 2016 had pretty good bosses. Ultrakill's pretty neat so far.
Those are exceptions to the rule, though.
They're grade A bullshit. At least you can fuck with their pathing on walls and shit.
>UDMF format
Probably not the best starting point, but I can't blame you for having fun.

>> No.8028257

>hey guys, I just thought up how to invite lots of strippers and write it off as business expenses!
I fucking love 90s devs

>> No.8028260
File: 92 KB, 640x400, 1628822931758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I knew our janny was retarded, but this is beyond good and evil. HE FUCKING DELETED THE POST OVER THIS PICTURE

>> No.8028290

I've seen that quite a good chunk of map collabs try to stick to being BOOM compatible but its fun to have access to stuff like slopes and bridges (even if I don't have the prowess to use it to its full potential).

I prolly should mess around with a more "vanilla" format at some point, just to make sure im not just using these extra tricks as crutches

>> No.8028303
File: 2.82 MB, 856x480, 2020-09-28 01-39-31.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find using tricks to be more fun personally.

>> No.8028323

Still chasing a copy of DooM RPG/RLA 0.9ish with the launcher if anyone has it sitting on their HDD. If it's the right version the UAC pay system works and it has the UNATCO HQ theme back at base. Desperate to get it back after my old HDD died, plz help!

>> No.8028325

His custom title is "banned", he's not actually banned.

>> No.8028350

The janitors fear the best Build game.

>> No.8028351
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>I was trying to find a way to do it via movement vectors actually, but I've only been able to get outputs along the map's global axis. I don't know how to translate that to an axis relative to the player's facing direction.
I'm curious what data you have access to. Sounds like you need a world-to-player "inverse" transformation matrix, but perhaps the game at least gives you a Z angle?

>> No.8028384

Which version of each iwad from Final Doom you use?

>> No.8028440
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On the other hand, not having access to 3D bridges, interactive portals, and proper scripting makes me cry myself to sleep.
I'd like to map in UDMF, but that initial lag you get when opening a sector's properties drives me mad. It's like having a mosquito nearby that you can't squat.
Voodoo scripting is a pain in the ass to setup and every source port has its share of issues.
For example, GZDoom has less glider player models and potential conveyor desync issues when dealing with scroller speeds that aren't the power of two.

>> No.8028534

A new randomized one on each day of the week.

If you are just playing it, there is little difference. Use original tnt.wad, tnt.wad+tnt31fix, or fixed tnt.wad. Your port may fix it for you silently. For multiplayer, well, better use the fixed TNT and Plutonia to be sure.

However, when playing demos you need to know or deduce the exact wads used and also the exact game version used (target compatibility level) because the playthroughs usually break otherwise.

>> No.8028581

Quake Enhanced Edition in the works?
> Quake is back, in this special stream John Linneman from Digital Foundry talks to Jerk Gustafsson of Machine Games about the title’s iconic legacy and what it meant to both of them.
> The pair will also discuss the additional content Machine Games have contributed to this revitalized edition.

>> No.8028593

New episode or episodes would be great if it's the same guys behind DoP, hopefully using some stuff from the Mission Packs.

>> No.8028606

>Machine Games
I don't exactly have high hopes

>> No.8028679
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>> No.8028694
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now in custody

>> No.8028697


I'm slowly working on a wad I'd describe as "cosy" at the minute.

I wanna make a map set that feels like Doom did back in the day, but not like, in the purist "vanilla limits, iD style, chocolate doom only" sense; more like just in the vibe of the whole thing. Use some nice new sprites and textures, use the detail DoomBuilder allows, but make it feel old school. No crazy gotcha traps or overly ridiculous monster counts, just some fun gothic corridors and castles, blastin' demons and good music.

I mean I'm doing it for myself as much as anything, but it feels bad knowing most people will either overlook it or think it was boring because it's not the 300% turbo slaughter style they need to get that dopamine hit these days.

>> No.8028702
File: 4 KB, 154x150, 1367547831820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I piss in the sink. Fear me pitiful mortals.

>> No.8028706

Look into DBP series, better installments tend to hit the sweet spot for difficulty - not too easy, not too hard. Start with SpaceBalls and Auger:Zenith.

>> No.8028708

>someone actually played the demo
Got any feedback? How do weapons feel? Refill too fast/slow? Noticed any bugs in weapon handling? Any idea how to make the tutorial messages less annoying?

>> No.8028714

I'm looking forward to it.
I enjoy Doom 1 with keyboard only, it's comfy.

>> No.8028726


Honestly I'd cut him a break on it, you can't be too cautious with today's climate. I said some edgy shit on the internet when I was younger, and I still have nost of the same edgy opinions, but back then I never realised the internet would become an everyday thing that regular everyday assholes use. If I knew that I would have treated it as any other public space.

I'm just glad most of my shitposting was on here as Anonymous, but even then I have cut ties with my old forums/games screen-name in case any edgy shit I said when I was 17 comes back to haunt me somehow- And that's as a complete nobody.

I can understand this guy feeling a bit nervous and overcompensating for it, he's a pretty highly visible figure within the community. Last thing you want is some prick doxxing you and getting you fired from your IRL job because you made a Doom wad in 2004 that said the word "fag".

>> No.8028731

>Machine Games
thanks I hate it.

>> No.8028797

i think they're better than the main campaign

>> No.8028801

But they're a good developer. Didn't they make that extra Quake episode a few years ago?

>> No.8028802

>I misread a deadline for a community project and now I have 36 hours to finish a map I've barely started

>> No.8028806

Do you also shit in the urinals at work?

>> No.8028812

No one is guiding you to the gallows yet, and you have already been acting like you're dead. Do you realize you are the part of the problem?

>> No.8028829

I don't know about doom clones but I'd recommend you this mod:
It's pretty fun.

>> No.8028841

hey i want to get into mapping, can someone give me some tips? i'm only interested in vanilla-ish maps, say, mbf21

i'm on linux; I tried out the linux native UDB, but it seems to have issues. is anyone else on linux and using UDB? do you use it native, or through wine?

what is slade? do people use slade and also UDB?

also i'm interested in making maps programmatically. I see ribbiks has some lua scripts for UDB; is that a reasonable approach? at least for minor embellishments?

the whole thing seems daunting. like if i want to do some basic thing i might need to know about voodoo dolls and 1000 other things.

>> No.8028852

Plenty of examples of people getting fired for non-PC opinions. It's shitty and hypocritical, but it's also understandable as nobody wants to lose their income.

>> No.8028854

not a tech buff so I don't know about linux and so on - I think I did use it natively on linux long time ago, dont really see a reason why it shouldnt work
Slade, unlike UDB, enables you to throw stuff into a wad, like custom textures, music, sprites and so on - it is quite useful - it also has a level editor but I prefer the UDB one so I use both programs but for different reasons
No idea about scripts but voodoo dolls are pretty simple - you should check out some voodoo tutorials, once you get the right method it's a breeze. Remember - the player1 start that you placed last in the map is the one in which you are going to spawn - so place the old spawn into the voodoo machine and then make another start for the actual spawn
DW has some nice tutorials - https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/108934-boom-a-brief-looping-and-timed-conveyor-script-primer/ this one for example
Also, get rid of that weird spacing anon

>> No.8028863

This isn't anything near a comprehensive guide on mapping, but it might be a good start for you. The most important thing is you actually make something and get feedback on it. Like anything worth making, you need to grind it against feedback until you get something polished. I also recommend examining what you like and hate about maps you've already played.

Slade is for dicking around inside archives, writing code, adding sprites and compiling shit. Don't bother with its map editor, it's buggy as shit compared to UDB.

>> No.8028869

wow this is absolutely wonderful, thanks to both of you.

i do want to use my own textures and stuff like that eventually but obviously if i plan to do too many things i'll never get off the ground.

i'll check out these links now and get started =)

>> No.8028904

I save the flamethrower for these guys, give them a douse and then run and hide so they can't zap you.

>> No.8028914

There's a number of different teams inside Machine Games, one made New Order (and DOPA), one made New Colossus. We'll see which people who'll be fondling Quake.

>> No.8028961

>There's going to be a midtexture "bleeding" through the floor in map17.
Where in Map 17?

>Also, I somehow managed to get the mancubus in map18 to leave his platform and go shake hands with the crusher arch-vile
That doesn't sound like a problem to me, that sounds like you're lucky.

>> No.8028979

>it'll probably be zoomer-friendly Darkplaces fork with PBR up the ass

>> No.8028982

i think quake modding and source ports are less documented than doom's, they don't even have a decino equivalent

>> No.8028992

Dimensions of the Past was fucking shit

Beyond Belief was better
Gotshun's Lost Levels was better

DOPA is trash with repetitive level flow and tedious encounter design (just throwing more enemies at the player but failing to make the enemy counts contribute to the difficulty of the encounters)

>> No.8028994

SoA has some great Levelord maps, everyone should play it

>> No.8029013


by zzul?

that pwad is awesome

>> No.8029023

No, you don't get my point. It can happen, but it's your choice to behave like it is a guaranteed outcome.

“Have you grown so rich as to be afraid of robbers?”

>> No.8029087

Levelord has never been great.

>> No.8029095
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>> No.8029112
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>> No.8029150

The quadruple widow's peak.

>> No.8029164

Levelord fucking sucks

>> No.8029173

Build Engine really is the trailer trash of game engines isn't it?

>> No.8029183
File: 395 KB, 1680x1050, lunchlunchAZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be a complete lunchlunch map without a secret like this - amazing level, so detailed and fun

>> No.8029189

Ion Fury did prove that you can make great things with it, Levelord just sucks

>> No.8029190

is SiN any good?

>> No.8029202

Has anyone played Rudy2's powertrip wad? These reskinned enemies are kicking my ass.

>> No.8029214

Yes. I loved it. It gets while to get into new rhytmn of new harder monsters and buffed up weapons. When you get familiar with them, it's not as hard anymore (but still very fun).

>> No.8029224

Rudy 1 is much better, 2 is kind of a mixed bag. Some levels are great (both TravyB maps), while others just plain garbage (16, 20, 22). Difficulty is all over the place - MAP 15 is by far the hardest in whole set. IMO, don't deserve it's cacoward.

>> No.8029285

I didn't even realize there was a Rudy 1, thought Rudy 2 was just a reference to "rudy poo" or something. I'll give it a try thanks anon.

>> No.8029327

smite of disrespect

>> No.8029345

I don't know but I've been thinking of playing it myself.

>> No.8029410
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I don't disagree, but that choice is also taking into account the risk of exposing one's views, which by behaving in a guarded way, is lessened. As you touched on, this fear is ultimately a kind of tragedy of the commons, but i can empathize that it's a difficult tightrope to walk.

>> No.8029427
File: 620 KB, 1920x1080, doom00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going down is pretty good.

>> No.8029484

And it gets better with every map.

>> No.8029545
File: 558 KB, 1920x1080, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.

>> No.8029574

you are only seeing one face of it.

>> No.8029586
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, framerate destroyer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, it wasn't that bad.

>> No.8029590

In Q2, how do I load a specific map from the base game? If I do something like
>map base1
It just says it can't find maps/base1.bsp. Which is true, because it is in the .pak file.

>> No.8029615

At least in Q1, it works if you write 'changelevel' instead of 'map'.

>> No.8029641

based /vr/ satire poster
rule two breaking /v/tards

>> No.8029663

I think the skaarj are pretty cool enemies. Overall its a decent roster. When you compare it to contemporaries I think they are better than quake 2 or kingpin. etc
Try Unreal Evolution, its spices the combat.

>> No.8029675
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Hey Revae, start advertising your server here pls

>> No.8029693

>I'm curious what data you have access to.
Basically raw XYZ vectors for movement (map axis) and player facing direction: https://files.catbox.moe/ppcta8.mp4
The movement direction there is normalized, but I can get raw velocity per axis too. It seems like it should be possible to determine diagonal movement with that information, but I'm quite the mathlet.

>> No.8029701

Is it true that something is wrong with Darkplaces? That's the way I've always played Quake 1, but I just read on /v/ that /vr/ hates it.

>> No.8029717
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>> No.8029719

Anyone other blindfags need to blast the gamma and/or brightness in these games? I don't know if I need a new monitor or need to see an eye doctor, but I can never see shit on the default settings.

>> No.8029724


And it still surprises me it was made by Cyriak of all people.

>> No.8029727

It has some script handling and physics issues that hinder mod compatibility and make movement a bit off in some circumstances (ramp jumps, jumping off moving objects, etc.). If you want the same graphical capabilities (and more) without those problems and with better performance, FTE is more ideal.

>> No.8029730

>Is it true that something is wrong with Darkplaces
Yes, the creator trooned out.

>> No.8029757

Thanks lads, just switched to FTE and it works like a charm.

>> No.8029762

being banned from x doesn't stop from mapping and doomin

>> No.8029763

>being banned from x doesn't stop you from mapping and dooming
fucking stroke

>> No.8029770
File: 36 KB, 722x436, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with some of you people

>> No.8029773

Believe it or not most people dislike trannies and the dev is indeed a tranny now.

>> No.8029776

Manrisa can you please put the tripcode back on so we can all filter you?

>> No.8029783

And? Shouldn't you like/dislike a sourceport based on its merits and not its creator? If you're not using a sourceport because it's developed by a tranny then you're not much different from the kind of person who wouldn't play 2048 units of /vr/ or whatever because it came from 4chan.

>> No.8029790

>you're not much different from the kind of person who wouldn't play 2048 units of /vr/ or whatever because it came from 4chan
False equivalence. Trannies are bad, 4chan is good.

>> No.8029791

As a mapper I dislike gzDoom because it takes like whole 3 seconds to boot every time I want to test a change to a room I did.

>> No.8029792

I can't really respond to this without derailing the thread into fullblown /pol/ territory and culturwar shit that I don't think this thread wants or needs.

Alright I guess that's good enough kek.

>> No.8029801
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That reminds me, is there a palette mod that closely resembles the colors you'd find in printed screenshots of the era?

>> No.8029805

I don't buy products from people who maim and torture animals so why would I use something made by someone who maims and tortures themselves and is part of the problem

>> No.8029812

They can maim and torture themselves all they want, the problem is that they encourage maiming and torture of children.

>> No.8029818

You stuff your fat face with god knows what and abuse yourself with alcohol, tobacco and porn, why should I care about your opinion?

>> No.8029823

>/pol/ territory and culturwar shit
Somehow I think these fags screeching about trannies all the time are here for exactly that, because they sure as shit ain't here for doom.

>> No.8029824

Let's not, anon. I dunk on trannies here sometimes but ultimately I'm here for Doom and Quake.

>> No.8029825

I eat healthy food, don't drink and smoke. What now?

>> No.8029826
File: 46 KB, 636x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's idgames roulette time! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?random

>click link to get a random upload from idgames
>play it (as far as you want anyway)
>no need to finish it if you don't like it - it's supposed to be fun
>take at least one screenshot
>post a link to it here in reply afterwards
>tell us what you thought about it
>if you get a DM map, texture pack, or utility, etc, reroll

>> No.8029832

gamma up

>> No.8029848

Are you using any patch or port? It should work like that. ex: "map boss2" takes you to the final level.

>> No.8029851

revae is the clovr guy?

>> No.8029880
File: 349 KB, 1077x579, 1599331084994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My World

A cramped '95 map plastered in marble textures with Mission Impossible music playing. 3/10.

>> No.8029891

Any Doom wads that add cool train levels like Blood's?

>> No.8029902


>> No.8029904
File: 422 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210813_151026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We´re All Dead Here from '09.
Highly recommended to fans of preacher.wad. Great halloween atmosphere. The large city map I played gave me Lainos vibes, but with a very different atmosphere. A bit of Realm667-itis and the trappings that go along with it. A bit aimless with kind of crappy monster placement but not as bad as some other ZDoom mapsets, and mostly cool use of ZDoom features. Comes with a few bonus maps that I didn't try. 3.5/5

>> No.8029910
File: 746 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210813_150751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a 2003 wad, and it shows. Here we have a massive level with 300+ monsters with an ample amount of detailing. Unfortunately, it's just not fun to play. Encounters are easily avoided by simply not entering rooms. There's plenty of filler barons and knights that offer no challenge, and the first third of the map has you gunning down mid-higher tier enemies with a shotgun and chaingun only. Pretty lame.
I don't do number scores fuck that lmao

>> No.8029916

Epic 1
Revolution! aka TVR
Runaway Train

>> No.8029950
File: 432 KB, 1600x900, 2021-08-13_22-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AOL Girls Museum
Literally what it advertises.
The map itself it's just random encounters in wide corridors, it's actually really easy it took me only 4 minutes to finish it and only because I tried to go for 100%.
Also the pistol sounds like a nerf gun for whatever reason.

>> No.8029952

Thanks bros.

>> No.8029957
File: 63 KB, 490x497, 1454293579254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally some quality maps

>> No.8029976

As soon as I figured out Cuppy stole their death frames, and they froze like this, I knew they had to be used. I even first offered the idea to 40oz for his Altered States map but he didn't like that their corpses remained impassable. I still think they would have been better utilized in that map, as much as I like using my SS secret gimmick.

>> No.8029980
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It's a megawad but the start at least is not terribly impressive. But also shows basic competence. I died on map 2 and didn't feel like continuing, but one day I might. 7/10 for first level.

>> No.8030005
File: 802 KB, 1440x1080, Fray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A very underdeveloped 1996 map, clearly the author's first work. Mostly it's a bunch of rectangular rooms stuffed full of monsters and painted in one texture.
Picrel is the most interesting room and even that's a mess.

>> No.8030008

Wanted to make a skin,is gimp enough for a quality sprite or should I go for photoshop?

>> No.8030009

It's not about the tools anon, it's all about how you use em. Though I do see GIMP is a common choice for sprite artists around here

>> No.8030031

As long as your tool can do layering, transparencies, and has selection markers, you can do quite a lot. I did the guns for 2048 with an old as fuck version of Photoshop which isn't even supported properly in Windows 10.

>> No.8030051
File: 462 KB, 988x1190, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cl_rollangle 20

>> No.8030057

You can make a quality sprite in mspaint. Gimp is several levels better than that.
There's also a free version of aseprite out there somewhere. Forget the version number. That might be more appropriate for you.

>> No.8030062

Haha I tried that but kept getting killed too fast.

>> No.8030063

Where now.
It's running ut99 ever Friday.
Day of defeat Saturdays, and Sundays is quake.

>> No.8030064

Asesprite is really good. Also, all versions are drm free including steam if you decide to buy it.

>> No.8030069

Gud Ebening /vr/

Can you please recommend me some worthwhile TCs / Episodes / Map packs / Mods for Heretic and Hexen?

>> No.8030072

The starfish (wrapping around your head)

>> No.8030075

Yeah... It's something to do, but I haven't done much with it in over a month or two. Just been busy. My intention was to advertise when I had time to play, but I haven't had any really.
Oh yeah! An anon posted a link to curated UT maps a thread or two ago. I gotta toss those in the rotation...

>> No.8030080
File: 302 KB, 624x273, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get what that freeze effect is supposed to be and how it works

>> No.8030094

Not the best but now a lot more tolerable due to the source ports.

>> No.8030098


>> No.8030106

Revae if you are to host Q2, i suggest using the Tastyspleen free quake 2 MP installer with Yamagi or KMQ2 on top of it.
Q2 Multiplayer is pretty much Free thanks to quake 2 Demo with 3.20 on top of it

>> No.8030108
File: 684 KB, 1650x1100, Blaz frames so far.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm Aseprite is good. I've been using it for a few years and the tools it has make animating shit really easy.

>> No.8030109

>There's also a free version of aseprite out there somewhere.
You can compile the latest version of Aseprite instead of buying it.I considered doing after looking around for a proper program for pixel art stuff (including here), but I feel like its too much to handle for me: load all that stuff in just for one small program and repeat the "tideous" process once in a while... Damn, what a lazy and disgusting idiot I am.
>Aseprite started being open source since its very beginning in 2001, and we were happy with that until August 2016. Now you can still download its source code, compile it, and use it for your personal purposes. You can make commercial art/assets with it too. The only restriction in Aseprite EULA is that you cannot redistribute Aseprite to third parties.
All schedules for Clovr (third week now). Just in case:
Perhaps I could try to shill for it again occasionally, but actually I should rather be busy with other stuff. It's not like I would be able to normaly play on there anyway since I'm still in Russia.

>> No.8030110
File: 365 KB, 1600x900, 2021-08-13_23-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Another Generic Level 2
Literally someone's first map. While it looks good I don't even know if it's possible to finish it at all. I got stuck at pic related and not as in I didn't know what I am supposed to do but as in the creator physically blocked me in there with no way to get out.

>> No.8030112

>framerate destroyer.webm
fireblu kills bitrates during encoding, not framerates

>> No.8030126
File: 16 KB, 640x480, ClovrQ2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already hosts Quake 2 and uses Yamagi. Deathmatch server is up every Thursday.

>> No.8030127

Literally no taste. Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.8030138

It's incredibly capable for its time. Easily extendable. Also very clean code base. I'd say Ken Silverman was easily as capable as Carmack. Shame he decided to pursue other less impressive things after his post BUILD engine experiments. Whatever makes one happy.

>> No.8030142

MachineGames CEO was the guy who made the best Maps for Quake 1 and 2 Years ago
Check for J.F. Gustaffsson maps for both games, and you will be surprised how good they are.

>> No.8030145

I just paint and animate in PS. Doing that since 1996.

>> No.8030148

>Shame he decided to pursue other less impressive things after his post BUILD engine experiments.
It''s weird, isn't it? He and Carmack were basically at the top of the entire industry at the time. But they have gone in such different directions.

>> No.8030172

Alcoholic British Hooligan

>> No.8030176

GZDoom can sorta replicate this look by increasing the saturation level.

>> No.8030185

>It's not like I would be able to normaly play on there anyway since I'm still in Russia.
Yeah, I haven't had the wherewithal myself which is why I haven't.
Only things I've really played in the last while were HL Alyx and Minecraft...

>> No.8030202

How many of you guys play on the default levels of saturation/gamma/contrast/brightness/etc, anyways?

>> No.8030204
File: 193 KB, 900x1200, that's one doomed space marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had a lot to brag about when hitting the scene. Even with Q1 out and Q2 on the horizon I preferred Build because the games didn't look like brown/beige boredom.



Yeah, he could've come up with a successor that would've rivaled the Quake engine but whatever.

>> No.8030210

Just increase saturation and gamma

>> No.8030219

This one + gamma up and done

>> No.8030226

I liked auger zenith a lot
what are the best DBPs?

>> No.8030230

I also feel like these games visually hold up a lot better in the resolutions that were available at the time.

>> No.8030232

>multi-user editing
/vr/ co-op mapping night when?

>> No.8030239

This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you.

>> No.8030247

This is hilarious, I'll have to try it.

>> No.8030248
File: 218 KB, 1024x768, hfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellfire: Dreams

A recent mapset from 2013. The first map has some detailed furniture, looks comfy in my opinion. Then I get to the second map and the map designer (Shadowman) threw in some Doom Marines into a sewer, pic related. So far I find this mapset great and would recommend playing the whole thing.

>> No.8030249
File: 419 KB, 800x600, FRIDAY_NIGHT_FIREFIGHT_28_MOTHERFUCKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8030251

You'd have to make a game first. You still need to do all the scripting and such. It's a super bare bones engine.
It's neat though. Particularly the real time networked editing thing. That seems like fun.

>> No.8030271

I really like DBP13, 20, 28, 18, 24
In general most if not all of them are good wads

>> No.8030275
File: 258 KB, 1440x1080, doom08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The christmas ones are all a fun ride.

>> No.8030279

I wonder if there's anything I could host headlessly where the ping wouldn't matter. Heroes of Might and Magic, or some such.
But that's out of the scope of this thread.

>> No.8030307


>> No.8030309

Morbid Autumn has a beautiful Gothic aesthetic and plays well too

>> No.8030326

>he used the broken version of the map
i cri

>> No.8030337
File: 398 KB, 572x476, shodan1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

system shock? more like system cock

>> No.8030339

Wayfarer's Tome (ZDoom with altered weapons & new enemies)
Realm Of Parthoris (vanilla community project)
Heretic Community Chest (vanilla community project)
Faithless (GZDoom with Hexen-style hub)
Bastion (one large high-quality vanilla map)

Shadows Of Cronos (vanilla with extra textures)
Cyrgoth series (completely vanilla)
XUMP (community project)
Realms Of Cronos (GZDoom community project)
Tower Of Chaos (GZDoom multiple hubs)

>> No.8030341

SS is a good game you mong

>> No.8030342

My bad, Wayfarer's Tome is the name of the mod. The Wayfarer is the episode that uses the mod.

>> No.8030347

Of the ones I played, Forest Swords and Lilywhite Lilith stood out.
Theres so fucking many though, I havent been able to keep up for like the last 15.

>> No.8030349

Thank you!

>> No.8030351

Looks cool. Shadowman has made some big GZDoom wads over the years, but theyre too detailed for my PC to even run decently. This looks more likely to run well.

>> No.8030358

What wad?

>> No.8030359

theres one called dungeons and demons. it was pretty hard for me to find on id games but if search by author
>doomer boards
>doomer board krew
something like that it should be there

>> No.8030367

Dark 7, Phobos Anomaly Reborn

>> No.8030430

What's this style of music called? I want to learn composing music in this style.

>> No.8030439

many thanks anons, I'll check those out

>> No.8030461

I have been playing Viscerafest.
My eyes hurt & my balls are very sweaty in a good way.

>> No.8030473
File: 191 KB, 300x356, disappoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nu-doomer garbage & trans propaganda
into the trash it goes

>> No.8030480

Sorry I don't keep up with drama as I'd rather kill myself than read twitter for more than 3 attoseconds.
What are the actual issues with the game, it's pretty hard in a fun way.

>> No.8030483
File: 744 KB, 597x769, 1371350197934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trans propaganda

>> No.8030490

This wad's cool but kind of busted, and only 10 maps long. I've started a new server called "Friday Night Firefight 28.5" with NeonDM and eonweapons. I'm also leaving that one up overnight for European anons as usual.

>> No.8030493

The one I'm not working on.

>> No.8030494
File: 1.80 MB, 1809x857, ss_298740a398cd498822988ff5d7e2e69a4b28aa50.1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to look that one up and wow...that's ugly, a magnitude or two uglier than Nightmare Reaper.
Does that count as "programmer art" or is it simply laziness?

>> No.8030507

>refuses to elaborate further

>> No.8030510 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 570x537, 1628894703120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your explanation

>> No.8030516


>> No.8030523

Soiboy throwing tantrum? What this is supposed to explain?

>> No.8030525
File: 11 KB, 227x222, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny is on fire today.

>> No.8030529

Isn't that just converting RGB image to CMYK (using absolute mapping) after normalizing the levels? Designers would probably do something simple like that.

>> No.8030530

So, now that the dust has settled...
What's with the tranny propaganda in Viscerafest?

>> No.8030538

>Designers would probably do something simple like that
I worked for a German video game magazine until mid 95 as a free writer. Publishers often provided us with printed material and printed(!) screenshots of their products and you had to ask or downright beg for the material. Taking own screenshots was a mess, especial with consoles. We photographed screens in darkened rooms with a consumer camera. In late 1994 our editorial office got one(!) computer with framegrabber hardware to pull screenshots directly from video and monitor cables. It was a dark time. :/

>> No.8030545
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean it up janny

>> No.8030557
File: 722 KB, 3264x2448, 0fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing random map
>Open door
>Not a single revenant teleports in

This is it anons, I didn't know it was possible

>> No.8030564

Looks guys, i know its not retro but Dark Fate looks really alright.

Realms deep 2021 is doing stuff apparently. Nice. I wonder what they will show this year.
Also if you to see a real, in his own words "autistic" tranny see the project absentia podcast they did.

>> No.8030571

It depends. Some hardware and software decoders, when pressured to produce output on time (as with on-line streaming, not off-line encoding for storage), choose to drop some later frames while compressing a complex one instead of returning it in low quality but fast, usually because they simply can't stop the processing of the frame at arbitrary point, or their settings are incorrect.

>> No.8030576

Brutal Fate, you mean? The recent trailer was weapons-grade cringe.

>> No.8030580

Fuck yeah, dont even know why my mind wandered to dark fate.

I dont know it looks really interesting.

>> No.8030584

I meant this one.


>> No.8030587

You need special talent to make something THIS soulless.

>> No.8030591

I dont know it does not look any worse than Ion Fury.

>> No.8030592

Nah, even Ion Fury is not THAT soulless, heroine is trash, but at least environments are nice.


>> No.8030593

yikes, that's...bland.

>> No.8030596

But but...

I like the mech...

Wish there were more mech games. Also the story cant be worse.

>> No.8030598

All this kvetching when there's a perfectly good deathmatch server up and running right now. Come on, boys. Let's frag.

>> No.8030603

does this mean gmota is banned

>> No.8030604

That's a yikes from me

>> No.8030606

Its 2021 anon everything is yikes worthy.

>> No.8030610

you guys dont save scum right?

>> No.8030613

Isn't that the asshole behind BROOOTAL DOOOOM ?

>> No.8030619


>> No.8030620

Yes, and now he made standalone brutal doom, combining the ugliest 90s-style plastic-looking prerendered CGI with the most boring gray vaguely sci-fi military shooter aesthetics from 00s. Really hope he won't be able to skate on brand recognition alone and Supplice and Age of Hell will steal his thunder.

>> No.8030621

Once you beat it once you magically become 200% better at the game, like in max payne 1

>> No.8030631

So what's exactly newsworthy about it? That flash version of Doom from Newgrounds existed for ages, so did embedded web-based emulators. My favorite abandonware site has embedded DOSBox, albeit it's more of a novelty thing.

>> No.8030632
File: 635 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210813_193243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be our biggest game to date

>> No.8030635

>ugliest 90s-style plastic-looking prerendered CGI
Hey, my upcoming game does the same but it's colorful high/dark fantasy across visually diverse locations and not some grey urban shit.

>> No.8030640

REKKR? More like NIGGR! Does it even have shootable evil eye switches?

>> No.8030648

Play on custom difficulty via source ports. No fun in bullet sponge enemies. Just increase their numbers.

>> No.8030649
File: 23 KB, 839x126, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho-lee fuck

>> No.8030650

any solid dual-band usb wifi sticks that just werk with linux 5.4?

>> No.8030651
File: 265 KB, 1086x768, aesthetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom clones with this aesthetic?

>> No.8030653

Not him. It's not REKKR.
Dunno what it is, but it sounds up my alley apparently.

>> No.8030657

Looking to play Hideous Destructor outside vanilla maps, what wads (besides the ones on the wiki and github) should i play?

>> No.8030658

Seems unplayable. You'll need some bigger maps.

>> No.8030662

No, not REKKR. It's not even on the Doom engine, but the project started in 2018 when I was testing making Doom sprites sourced from CGI.
It's also not strictly a retro FPS in that sense.

>> No.8030663

grain and chromatic aberration?

>> No.8030665


I guess i could see why that dude graf zahl is little full of himself tbqh. i mean i know he didn't make this mod but the fact that gzdoom can make this happen is crazy af lmao this looks like a mid 2000s fps

is this worth playing?? watching this play through

>> No.8030671
File: 2.17 MB, 1280x720, 1613560103945.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing major comes to mind, does it have to be a clone?

>> No.8030674

tfw someone makes a
>Doomguy Caribbean mod
and its just Doomguy on various beaches killing demons
With a 80s midi pop sound track

>> No.8030675

Technically impressive, but I immediately feel like I could do 10 other more important things.

>> No.8030678

what do you mean 10 other important things?

>> No.8030683

I think it's boring and the early-to-mid 2000s produced some for forgettable soulless crap. I will never understand what people see in stuff like Halo.

>> No.8030686

ahhh ok that makes sense

>> No.8030728

Is pirate doom boom compatible?

>> No.8030745


>> No.8030763

Anyone know any totally peaceful TCs? I sort of want to make one myself

>> No.8030764

hahaha no

>> No.8030781

Chainworm Kommando is a good time.

>> No.8030785
File: 167 KB, 512x512, A S D E T I G .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Groundhog day map with some light puzzles where most exits are fakes and the real one is hidden away somewhere and you can lock yourself out of it by doing puzzles/objectives wrong.

>> No.8030801

The -nomonsters parameter.

>> No.8030802
File: 43 KB, 480x479, 1479322837343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it is I'll go on a personal one man crusade and put my foot up some asses.

>> No.8030807

Can't really think of any of the top of my head, but I'm sure there's some. There's Cyberdreams and Arch-Vile Jump, which are puzzler .wads where you don't really do any kind of fighting on your own, instead you need to figure out how to beat the levels by using the monsters in them.
They're obviously not violence free, but it's uh, unconventional and interesting.

>> No.8030813

Playthrough video of map17 of HFFM is up (Take Ten Guys). A nice breather level.

>> No.8030828

huh i always wondering how those channels that show dooms secrets played through the levels with no monsters .

>> No.8030834

Mr. Friendly

>> No.8030859

Do we shit the wads tonight, based aussie anon?

>> No.8030882

>shitwad anon is aussie
That actually explains a lot.

>> No.8030906
File: 528 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20210814_024428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love these.
Basically, some early 1995 Doom 2 mapping attempt, it's not terrible, but its insanely easy outside of a tiny room filled with pinkies and almost no room to move. There's the ability to turn off all the lights in a mazey area except for the mood lighting for some reason, and a retarded amount of health and ammo. Every area had at least one supercharge, and one room was just filled with crap to make getting to the archvile at the end harder, only it blocks the enemies too and they just distract the vile with infights.
The final corridor is just tons of zombies and one revenant at the back for some reason.
Oh, and teleporters fucking everywhere.

>> No.8030920

we all agree that thy flesh consumed isn't fun, right

>> No.8030925
File: 177 KB, 3072x2304, the_entire_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are we doing 32 players on titmilk.wad

>> No.8030932
File: 120 KB, 830x655, yu gt nutin bu fuggin ziggie butz up der nuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been a while, hasn't it? I guess I better resume Hell Revealed 2 and accept my fate as a shitwad circus monkey. Just let me finish my breakfast and I'll get to it.

>> No.8030934

Awesome, I'll save this for Halloween.

>> No.8030952

I just like clicking this to read the reviews of forgotten 90s maps made by teenagers. They're often oddly hilarious and scathing despite the fact the original author has likely long since moved on in the 30 years since making them.

>> No.8030960

>Back in 1997 for some dumb reason Shambler66 mailbombed me and ICQ-bombed me calling me stuff like a "nigger jew spic". I went on to run Doomworld and he made furry porn Doom WADs. Uh, the end.

>> No.8030963

lmao leave a scathing review for a wad some dude made in 1995
I'm gonna read some now
whoever did it probably isn't into doom
When ever the game comes up
>yeah i made a few maps
>use to like it when i was in high school

>> No.8030970

No. In fact, its the best episode of UD, and E4M1 is the best level. They did a great job making challenging encounters with the UD roster.

>> No.8030984
File: 422 KB, 1920x1200, doom00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greek Sounds
Some choices are fun, the rest are typical for the effects done by a man with the mic. Reroll.

Time Of Maps - Part 1
I don't like it already after reading that description. So instead of gameplay there are “puzzles” with monsters acting as meat jelly blocking the way. MAP30 is nice… visually.

>> No.8030995
File: 373 KB, 975x971, 1416801477262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I've eaten. Let's resume my reaming.

>> No.8031003

I outright refuse to play this and a screenshot would get me jannied anyway, but holy shit my sides.

>> No.8031039

there should be a wad that replaces the tim willits levels with sandy style ones

>> No.8031067
File: 2.84 MB, 640x480, skele_shuffle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skulltiverse blind runs
maps09-14: https://mega.nz/file/NXoWhCDB#wfjEjyYs-J110f_mbM3QAbL1IGRusPEY4h-H8jWXbRA
maps15-16: https://mega.nz/file/ESxhwCyD#h7nSoGF7j71aOfWsECviVSLryYsXYVpHFR1TVlBnJ10

>> No.8031075

how big of a jump do you guys think hmp to uv should be?
personally i feel like hmp should basically be the same game for 85 percent but the real traps slightly toned down.
I mean if you beat plutonia back to back hmp and uv. it really isn't that different besides a few traps imo. i feel like wads that make hmp way way easier kinda do a disservice to players

am i wrong about this??

>> No.8031121

I mean, I was still able to check in some games running. Ping didn't bother me all that much (kind of used to it, in fact), but it really is about how much of it you have in a specific game.
>Only things I've really played in the last while were HL Alyx and Minecraft...
Mostly Quake for me, occasionally. With Hexen and Hexen 2 being close, but on even more rarely. Summer has been pretty rough and its hard to focus on stuff, including games. Plus, I need to get some variety: playing too much FPS.
>But that's out of the scope of this thread.
True, but there're probably some options. Not sure if I can think of anything right now and, as you mentioned before, that would be off-topic here.
In case I come up with something, I might finally jump into that Discord server from Clovr page.
Yeah, indeed. Was aware of it, but don't know the details about Libresprite. Probably worth looking up the differences between the two in terms of features, even though its just a fork of Aseprite. Might actually be worth the shot.
>My favorite abandonware site has embedded DOSBox
Many of them do have that, to be fair? What site though? Not My Abandonware?

>> No.8031169

You have the right idea, nobody's getting rekt by the four imps sitting in some hallway, regardless of skill. I thinks its also important to focus on which enemies you're changing so the map doesn't get bland on lower difficulties. Archviles are tough enemies, but people are more likely to remember an archvile than the crowd of zombies and pinkies surrounding him.

>> No.8031172

You're right, don't know why I called it framerate.

>> No.8031183

Dungeon Synth
An anon linked this album a while back that sounded like it'd fit a 90's Raven game. https://youtu.be/BSrzqba5W7g
Ancient Aliens is similar in colours.
There's also another mapset where the author synced encounters to music that looked similar, but the name of it escapes me.

>> No.8031204
File: 29 KB, 339x277, 1564755712416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Q1 is just good. I always wish for more scifi-ish weapons/enemies/textures when playing it, but damn if the weapon balance isn't great and the level design + enemies encounters aren't absolutely superb.

>> No.8031214

>There's also another mapset where the author synced encounters to music that looked similar, but the name of it escapes me.
Pretty sure that was in the Vargskelethor mapping contest. But i cant remember which one.

>> No.8031220
File: 279 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Holy crap!
> Thanks, but I'm not sure I want to touch this…
> U_U

Hey, overreacting Twitter tourist, show me the banned parts on this screenshot.

>> No.8031251
File: 199 KB, 997x556, 1525987170439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm struggling to beat Doom E2 on UV

>> No.8031263

Holy shit you're bad at this game. They ought to show you at sideshow - "Amazing retard can't beat second easiest part of the game".

>> No.8031269

Strafe all the time, run in circles around groups of monsters, dodge the rockets, and hide behind the columns and corners at the right moment, that's all.

>> No.8031282

i keep running out of ammo :(
actually i'm not having that much trouble, just got smoked by a baron deep into e2m5 and don't have the patience (or enough beer) to try again tonight
thank you fren, i'm a n00b at strafing but i'll give it a shot

>> No.8031289

Arcane Dimensions 1.8 has a Chaos mode which is a monster randomizer for the Quake 1 campaign and any id1 based map you decide to run with it.

>> No.8031316

>damn if the weapon balance isn't great
I agree for the most part about the last two but Quake's weapons are poorly balanced, SoA and DoE to a good job fixing this and SoA is even better then vanilla Quake.

>> No.8031317

Are you doing pistol starts or something how are you running out of ammo in vanilla Doom?

>> No.8031320
File: 995 KB, 739x837, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stream as always homos

>> No.8031324
File: 51 KB, 242x237, 1539743468531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031326

>i keep running out of ammo
If you find berserk pack, punch pinkies, maybe even imps if you confident you can dodge their balls.

>> No.8031327

I don't know what you'll be strimmin after HR2, but I hope that its flavor of shit isn't completely soul draining

>> No.8031328

coopbuildlm.wad please and thank you

>> No.8031364

Soul vs soulless.

>> No.8031368

This level is surprisingly decent but the one sided wall gimmick gets old fast. I would like to see someone take that idea and expand upon it since there is potential to make something suspenseful. But yeah a typical 90s wad with an easily cheesable combat encounter, at one point monsters will teleport in but only in one spot so it is possibly to just stand there and delete them individually.

>> No.8031369
File: 281 KB, 1356x1017, doom01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8031380

Won't he actually need co-opers for that?

>> No.8031413
File: 136 KB, 466x486, 1498693595845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell Revealed MAP24
>The very hardest map in Hell Revealed. This one is a complete murder - only for the very best players. And there are too many things to save the game on Ultra-Violence, so unless you are really good, try a lower skill or the "shortcut way" (get jumped by the archviles [sic] in the BFG area to the final switch and quickly run to the end).
>there are too many things to save the game on Ultra-Violence
I've been playing on Crispy DOOM and played most of the way through the level with saves
Have I cheated? Not in the "is saving cheating" meme argument way, but by saving in a map not designed for saving to be possible.

>> No.8031420

Is there a simple way to get the SNES Doom soundtrack (or, I dunno if some other version had a higher quality version of the same thing) to play for PC Doom?

>> No.8031440

You can play any music files as game music in ports that support streamed audio. See manual for correct locations and names of the overriding files. Get or convert SNES music to a supported format and use it that way.

>> No.8031463

Hey can I have this wad

>> No.8031473

Zdoom ports support spc music, see this page

>> No.8031598
File: 52 KB, 279x300, dukerun quake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it's thread appropriate, but I made a video commemorating ten years since the release of Duke Nukem Forever, and the thirtieth anniversary of the whole franchise- thought that this would be a place where some might be interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69QfrPFevFw

>> No.8031624
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8031634

With fast monsters on there are times where the plasma gun is still a superior choice to the bfg9000. Like in close quarter combat with pinkies spawn and swarm or if the area is full of hotheads. There are a few other times where it's better than a bfg, but it's something you gotta see coming and switch to immediately.

>> No.8031637

Those are some big toilets.

>> No.8031654
File: 2.23 MB, 800x450, seriously fuck the filesize limit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Blaz's player sprites in, and I'm really pleased with how they turned out. 4chan's filesize limit continues to be a pain in my ass though.

>> No.8031682

for you

>> No.8031684

On the last episode of Ancient Aliens, I'm tired of slaughter maps and their ilk and now I gotta punch stuff, it's still very pretty though.

>> No.8031694
File: 1.69 MB, 1795x1016, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made PickupPillars for ammo, items and stuff, and even got them behave and billboard the way I like them.
The pickups in DoomReal/Tournament are often ridiculously small and hard to notice, and official "solution" to the complaint was "make small glinty shit more glinty" which did not satisfy me at all, so in between trying to tweak the balance, I found a solution to that by copying some special effects from elsewhere and repurposing that code.

Originally billboarding would make the pillar line to float above the pickup, but I just extended invisible part of the pillar (transparent) below the ground and played with the offsets, to make the ground contact a point where the center of the sprite are, so that the light pillar is always attached to the center of the pickup, no matter which way you look at it.

>> No.8031701

AA has just 3 slaughter maps. Two of them are 28 and 29.

>> No.8031725

Completed Blood: Fresh Supply today. Played on Lightly Broiled because Well Done was kicking my ass.
The game was surprisingly short, but I liked it. Definitely one of the best shooters from that time. Seemed like it ended just as I was starting to get the hang of using the dynamite.
I also didn't find out about the fact that you could alternative fire most weapons until the second or third episode.