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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8028632 No.8028632 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's shmups with lightning fast bullets compared to Cave.

God bless NMK, Seibu and Psikyo.

>> No.8028685

shmups should be mini-games in rpgs and mmos, imo. They don't have much replay value solo.

>> No.8028689
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>> No.8028715

For me, it's Toaplan

>> No.8028720

I will always love Raiden, even if it is the most basic bitch of shmups.

>> No.8028814

waste of first post (and oxygen)

>> No.8028878

If I cared about what a faggot thinks I'd show you some examples of Cave games where bullets move faster than those others

>kids react

>> No.8028906

can you explain WHY is the fun of these games anyway? you get killed by things you can't react to and have to memorize it all lol

>> No.8028921
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cute girls

>> No.8028931
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those are in every genre of games

>> No.8028967

idk man, I pretend to like touhou games so I can look elite because they're considered hard, but actually I only masturbate to the porn and never play them (they're not fun)

>> No.8028970

The first 3 stages in Shmups are really fun, it's 4 and 5 when memorization hell shows up and ruins the experience.

>> No.8028996

I was getting pretty decent at touhou 8
and then I tried batsugun special and got fucked
bullets in touhou are really slow

>> No.8029006

>memorization bad
>getting good bad
>strategy bad

>> No.8029012
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>rote memorization bad

>> No.8029014

It would be bad if the game was bad like the trash you enjoy, good thing memorization + hand eye coordination in shmups is demanding

>> No.8029020

still no one can answer this^

>> No.8029026

I'm not autistic enough for these games. But I love Tyrian.

>> No.8029028

Tyrian would be nice if it was a twin stick shooter or something else

>> No.8029038

already did >>8029006, playing shmups purely on reaction is for pleb retards

>> No.8029045

that doesn't explain Whats fun about memorizing a shmup and why bother at all

>> No.8029050

because making up strategies and optimizing your movement is fun, memorizing is fun and big part in most games if you want to get good, only double digit iq brainlets haven't realized this yet

>> No.8029119

>memorizing is fun and big part in most games if you want to get good
they're fun when the memorization is organic and natural, not like in shmups.

>> No.8029123

meme words, you are just getting filtered because the proficiency required for hand-eye coordination and memorization is on another level compared to what you usually play

>> No.8029127

you aren't making a good case for shmups rote memorization gameplay

>> No.8029130

post Dragon Quest 1cc

>> No.8029132

you aren't making a good case for functioning brain cells

>> No.8029149

you're offended and don't know what is good about a shmup

>> No.8029154

already stated it, not my problem if some filtered retard still don't get it

>> No.8029161

muscle memory benefits action games in general, so what? is that all a shmup has going?

>> No.8029172

you say that as if that was a bad thing, but yes shnmup also allow freedom of movement and enviroment that respond to it, brainlet-kun.

>> No.8029176

Dadtsujins >>> danmaku.

>> No.8029181
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>> No.8029298

im good at shmup but they aren't fun as you see from ththis thread

free movement? maybe in stage 1 and 2 then its muslce memory and routing movement if you like doing the same movement again and over again

>> No.8029302

is there a shmup with custom builds or rpg elements?

>> No.8029331

My main problem with touhou is the pacing, for some reason it feels like those games take forever.

>> No.8029334
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The Guardian Legend, by based Compile
you can explore to get more health or "chips" (basically MP to use special weapons) as well as more special weapons
that's the closest you'll ever get to a good shmorp

>> No.8029336
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Aero Fighters (SNES) is the only shmups I ever played, reccomend me more

>> No.8029337

Fantasy zone?

>> No.8029363

It's not the genre that's bad, it's just the danmaku retardation.

>> No.8029368

levels with a lot of dead air, bosses with 10+ phases and each phase feels way too long
he should also just remove the first 2 levels of each game because they're boring and too long

>> No.8029371
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this is why Shoot the Bullet is best 2hu game

>> No.8029404

yeah pretty much, he should just make photo games or something similar because they're actually a great idea

>> No.8029409

spoiled kid detected 8kkkm

>> No.8029419

No one can explain anything to someone who can't deal with the basics of the language they're trying to communicate in

>> No.8029436
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The other two games, Aero Fighters 2 & 3 (aka sonic wing)
Eco Fighters
1944 The Loop Master
Air Blade
Air Gallet
Armed Police Batrider
Battle Bakraid
Battle Garegga
19XX The War Against Destiny
Fever SOS
Ghost Pilots
Giga Wing
Zanac x Zanaz
Darius Series
Gradius Series
R-Type Series
Raiden Series
Thunder Force Series

Also, download fbneo or MAME and a romset and then filter it by genre so you can explore the arcade games.

>> No.8029447

>Zanac x Zanaz
Zanac x Zanac*

>> No.8029453

let's see you explain the basics of WHY the shmups are fun. And you have to say more than memorizing hand coordinations.

>> No.8029464

for me, it's xanax

>> No.8029467

>none bullet hells
not any of those are worth more than 1 hours of play

>> No.8029470

They're a nice palate cleanser between my jrpg and scotformer sessions.

>> No.8029474

then recommend him some anon

>> No.8029483
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>> No.8029495

DoDonPachi Dai-ou-Jou

>> No.8029694
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The Konami Shooting Summer Carnival 2021 is going down tomorrow:


>> No.8029716

shmup slam this weekend for those interested btw

>> No.8029725

There isn't any character physics or exploration so the games can only add more bullets on the screen to keep it interesting. Shmupfags jerk off when they see a ton of bullets on the screen and think about the elite level of hand-twiddlys required to beat it.

>> No.8029734
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>There isn't any character physics
there is inertia in exerion, which is why it's the best shmup

>> No.8029929

Where can I watch it? Holy shit, I wanna see some autistic Japanese doodz destroy these games.

>> No.8030132

you rarely do the exact same movement even if memorizing you double digit iq retard. I can tell you are a clueless cunt because you think shmups should be about moving like a retard
without any consequence

>> No.8030195

you rarely do the exact same movement even if memorizing you double digit iq retard. I can tell you are a clueless cunt because you think shmups should be about moving like a retard without any consequence instead of optimizing your movement

>> No.8030224

you rarely do the exact same movement even if memorizing you double digit iq retard. I can tell you are a clueless cunt because you think shmups should be about moving like a retard without any consequence instead of optimizing your movement and making strategies

>> No.8030231

uuuuuuh... JRPGbros?
we lost...

>> No.8030253

how can I play Raiden 1 and 2 and Raiden the 3rd one (it doesn't have the 3 in the name its called something else)

>> No.8030268

nvm found it, its called raiden fighters 2 and raiden fighters jet
how can I play those games? I can;t seem to find it on mame

>> No.8030272
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>> No.8030273

>the 3rd one
They just work on newer MAME. The first one works even on ancient versions but for the rest you may want to use more recent versions (apparently they were added in 0.155).

>> No.8030689

He said the same routing movement, not exact movement.
Less seething more reading.

Excited for dead games and dead streams.

>> No.8030697

>doing the same movement again and over again
Less seething more reading indeed, retarded jarpig
>muh streams muh popularity
not vidya, find another hobby e-whore

>> No.8030708

>you just push buttons and see colors change on your tv set lmao, why is this fun

>> No.8030713

memorization bad, hand-eye coordination bad, getting gud bad, let's all worship braindead jarpigs even a retarded manchild like me can beat!

>> No.8030723

>shmup freedom of movement is a good thing
False advertising or delusional non-player opinion.
Very limited movement options is why shmups need routing, unless you stick to the easiest of easy shmups.

>> No.8030731

>same movement
He refers to route movement in that same sentence.

>> No.8030738

t. retarded non-player.
The freedom of movement allowed in shmups is the main reason you need to think good strategies to play proficiently, brainlet. Other games have way more limited movement so you don't need to pay that much attention to movement in comparison.

>> No.8030739

What's bad is reading shmup fans raging in this thread, unable to explain what they enjoy about these games without attacking imaginary opponents.

>> No.8030741

implying that's a bad thing is still low iq as fuck. High level of movement proficiency is what makes these games fun. If makies strategies and memorizing precise movement was a trivial skill then even a retard like you could WR, but actually you can't even 1cc shit and are stuck in braindead jarpigs

>> No.8030742

see >>8029154 piggy

>> No.8030747

>the fun of shmups is the freedom of movement
>the fun of shmups is route memorization
Pick one.

>> No.8030751

Both are connected, not that a retarded non-player would get it

>> No.8030758

why does people enjoying shmups make you seethe so much?
I recently got into them and Im having so much fun getting good

>> No.8030761

Inferiority complex, jarpigs need to lash out on superior games and players to cope, just let them be.

>> No.8030765

Imagine being the best in the west and giving it all up to buy jpop CDs.

>> No.8030772

who? either way being good or bad is irrelevant as long as you are trying instead of coping like the fags itt

>> No.8030780

Nearly all the raging is from two shmup fans in this thread.

Cute girls are a better explanation than route grinding.

>> No.8030784

>Cute girls are a better explanation
makes sense for a rotted jarpig mind, indeed

>> No.8030825

>being good or bad is irrelevant

>> No.8030829

How? Being obsessed with others playing better than you is coping, like you

>> No.8030890

the gameplay loop of shmups hasn't innovated or deepened since the '90s so players don't have anything to look forward to anymore

the average player who has a few 1ccs isn't going to want to collect more and more 1ccs or high scores because it feels so repetitive and unrewarding

look at this list of games, all the verticals are similar and all the horizontals are copy-pastes of each other >>8029436

>> No.8031161

Top 15, from best to worst.

Tyrian 2000
Ai Cho Aniki
MUSHA Aleste
E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (AC)
Dodonpachi Daioujou
Strikers 1945

>> No.8031292

>Excited for dead games and dead streams.

gradius 3 ac is the most played/streamed shmup in japan, ya dingas.

>> No.8031318

yet the biggest shmup company in japan is making gacha crap now and all the others have closed shop or moved on.

>> No.8031330
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gradius 3 streamers on nico will save shmups

>> No.8031409

>can you explain WHY is the fun of mocking ESL zoom zooms?
I can. Making fun of stupid people who think their opinion matters is fun in itself. Their reactions are always entertaining. And it makes them think twice before shitposting again which makes the board more fun for everyone.

>> No.8031412


>> No.8031527
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>MUSHA Aleste

>> No.8031627

broadly i like memorisation (or I guess just learning) in games like rtype, but I don't like the ones with bullet patterns you have to learn how to maze through.

>> No.8031938

Nigga you forgot Xexex.

>> No.8031952

>gameplay loop
Is this faggotspeak for "gameplay"

>> No.8032017

simp slam gotta get some more hype runs than endless poojin games. Get some arcade games fucking ASAP

>> No.8032552

too much caveshit desu

>> No.8033358
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>> No.8033751

>enjoy playing shmups at arcades or when they're a minigame
>whenever I try to play console shmups get bored within 15 minutes
I wish I could play them without getting bored. Maybe I just haven't found the right one yet.

>> No.8033774

Right? Better play 50 hours long jrpg riddled with cutscenes and braindead gameplay while I take estrogen, thats more my thing. Best part is janny saves my ass all the time when I lose the discussion against meany shmuppers

>> No.8033813

Console shmups usually have dumbed down difficulty with too much padding, probably why you find them boring compared to arcade ones.

>> No.8033825

>>whenever I try to play console shmups get bored within 15 minutes
same is true for arcade shmups, that's why the genre died and makes no money, no one likes doing the same 15-20 minute loop a thousand times just to make the upper left number go up by 100 pts, very unrewarding and unsatisfying genre, even if it has some moments of spectacle and good music

>> No.8033884

>the gameplay loop of shmups hasn't innovated or deepened since the '90s so players don't have anything to look forward to anymore
>no one likes doing the same 15-20 minute loop a thousand times just to make the upper left number go up by 100 pts,

A few shmups fix that problem using branching paths like Border Down, G-Darius & Darius Gaiden. While others have big weapon systems to add variety to your playthroughs like Strania, but in general it's still a big problemo.

>> No.8033894

agree, it doesn't even compare to playing ff7 with my wife's son while we have onions for dinner

>> No.8033989
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<deathsmiles PC is missing almost all slowdown
<now it's unplayable for score
Who approved this?

>> No.8034016

>lightning fast bullets compared to Cave.
Go play Dangun Feveron. Lightning-fast bullets.

>> No.8034021

Raiden series
Raiden Fighters series
Gekioh / Shinryu

>> No.8034025

Fuzzical Fighter (Famicom)
Sigma Star Saga (GBA)
Silpheed (Sega CD)

>> No.8034028

>Go play Dangun Feveron
Shame they had to ruin that game with the gay disco theme. It would've been the only good Cave shmup...

>> No.8034038


>> No.8034416

Ow. Did the poor widdle tranny janny get it's butt hurt? Git fukt buttercup.

>> No.8034450

who reported me for writing "cope"? lmfao

>> No.8034472

>implying that's not part of the charm

>> No.8034526
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this is a great shooting type game, good tunes cool characters but hard mode is the way to go imo

>> No.8034541
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>> No.8034594

console shooters are bloated, too many levels and generally too many weapons (fuck compile), switching weapons becomes tedious
they usually have shitty unsatisfying sound effects too but I don't know why it's a common issue

>> No.8034607
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I can't believe no-one posted this amazing, epitome of the cool 90's action game.
Excellent shooter as well.

>> No.8034637

Not a Shmup

>> No.8034668
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>2 more touhou today
>stellavanity (doujin that looks just like touhou and the full name is even more gay)

>> No.8034671

do the psikyo games run well on MAME?

>> No.8034678

pretty sure all of them do, the relevant ones at least

>> No.8034723


pcbs and cabs are no longer supported, they are discarded, sold overseas, and cannot be repaired. There is no shmup scene when I go to arcades or online. No, there is no arcade competition in the West and it's dying in japan in the first place. it is impossible to take high score culture seriously in the present age. score chasing can be said to be a psychotic form of masturbation now.

>> No.8034725


>> No.8034749

Pretty sure you are the schizo here obsessing over games you don't play.
>muh popularity muh social aspect muh views muh gaymer status
e-girl stream #713515 for mentlally ill people is that way buddy

>> No.8034802

r-type is the best series out of any of these and it's not even close

>> No.8034823

this, shmups are a magnet for the severely mentally ill, look how many trannies it has now?

>> No.8034824

>Eurojank at top

>> No.8034825

Darius slightly better unless you like really stiff movement.

I would post my high score videos but I can't login to youtube.
Google is now so desperate to track the identities of older users that they're willing to revoke an entire decade of unrestricted length on my shmup video uploads until I "verify" a 15-year-old account. I don't think so DARPA shills.

>> No.8034827

Why would you lie on the internet, anon?

>> No.8034828

slam bros get in here

>> No.8034875
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>ccwi bullet vomit

>> No.8034936

I prefer FinalBurn

>> No.8034974
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arcade shmups take themselves too seriously

>> No.8034975

yesterday's schedule was pretty cool but today's a snoozer overall

>> No.8034985

If I remember correctly they actually have extra frame delay on newer builds of Mame so you want to use Shmupmame for them.

>> No.8035002
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good taste

>> No.8035009
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>> No.8035014

>On the difficulty: “Yamamoto-san, the programmer, was in charge of the game balance, but it was originally intended for the overseas market. Since there’s a tendency to play a game and then sell it, as well as rental systems, the overseas publisher, Renovation, asked us to make the game more difficult so it would not be rented and completed easily. When we went over to show them the demo they said, ‘You should make it even more difficult!’ We started getting concerned at this point, but we complied. So ultimately the game became very difficult.”

>> No.8035020


To make it even harder: access the option menu in order to change the difficulty, hold ABC and press start during the opening sequence.

>> No.8035395

So you are just projecting your own degeneracies onto shmups and cope by hating them? really makes u think...

>> No.8035469

That's not what was said at all.

>> No.8035496

it's ok... just let it all out...

>> No.8035545

>I'd tell you but I don't wanna dox myself
Classic shmupg

>> No.8035547

All these terrible poojins man, what were they thinking

>> No.8035587

Why don't most shmup players prefer slower ships? It's easier to maneuver around bullets and they usually have the best weapons.

>> No.8035606
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what was your last 1cc? what are you working on now? I got a 1cc on normal/arcade mode in GC then went on to get 3 more to unlock more characters. GC may have been a bit too easy on arcade with my shit play but hard feels like a prank with the amount of bullets there are. probably going to return to gunbird or gunbird 2 since I never got a 1cc on those but thinking about memorizing where and when to point blank gives me a headache

>> No.8035706

>what was your last 1cc
Castle Shikigami

>> No.8035743

>what was your last 1cc?
StellaVanity -Prelude to Destined Calamity-

>> No.8036042

you will never be this Autistic


>> No.8036076

btw is Plasmo still around and has he finally transitioned?

>> No.8036258

I just 3cc'd the first loop of strikers 1945

>> No.8036274
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Where are my Raiden DX bros at?
I agree with this to some extent. People forget that arcade games are made to draw people in and spend their money. Shmups are fun they're supposed to be attractive time/money sinks.

>> No.8036881

its over bros

>> No.8036929

Trying to finally dig into SHMUPs, always been more into twin stick shooters. Raiden IV is pushing my shit in though, get just as far playing on normal as ultimate, mid level 4 but that's after its given me a shit ton of continues.

What are the big differences between vertical and horizontal shooters? Horizontal seems move focused on level design. Is that all? Stuff like G Darius and R-Type Delta have caught my eye, hear there is a Delta uprez patch somewhere.

>> No.8037139

>finally no-missed the bubble level in gradius 4

bruhs... i think im gonna make it

>> No.8037348

sorry bruh

>> No.8037413
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>> No.8039627


>> No.8039630

Nothing beats Raiden. Red power up and homing misses for life!

>> No.8039705

I like the ones where you control a weird or cute f lying character instead of an air plane or space craft.

>> No.8039846

I've been really enjoying the PC Engine catalogue. Beat Solider Blade and Gates of Thunder recently. Working on Lords of Thunder now. Such a glorious ost.

>> No.8039892

cotton 2 best game ever made?

>> No.8039940
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>> No.8039952


>> No.8040008
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I like both of them

>> No.8040036

Is this good, I've been looking for a game like this to begin with and my first impressions online are that Cave make some of the best games in this genre and mushihimesama looks quite polished

>> No.8040281

yeah it's fine and not extremely hard (don't play ultra if you're new)

>> No.8040283

Shmups are fun because of their bullshit difficulty + High score boards, but they're fair.
If you die in a shmup, it's your fault.
If you can't get a high score in a shmup, it's your fault.
If you spend 100+ hours and don't get anywhere, that's your fault.
These gamess don't baby you, the fun comes from self development, rather than a hand holding experience.
You have to teach yourself to build up your dodging ability, with some memorization of enemy layouts. Alot of the time, you're on a good run, but fuck up your chains so have to adapt on the fly.
It's like speedrunning: If you have autism, it's fun.

A Majority of shmup haters want a game that'll involve mindlessly collecting gold, so that they can go and pay some fairy merchant for enchantments on their armour, so that they can one shot a boss. They just want to mindlessly watch numbers go up, without any work on their behalf.

>> No.8040394

anybody know whats the difference between the 2 ibara black label roms on MAME?

>> No.8040443

DoDonPachi, ESP. Ra De/Galuda, Batsugun, Guwange, Batrider, Gigawing, Gunbird 2, Pulstar

>> No.8040642
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Technically Pokonyan can be entered here

>> No.8040995

how good would you say thunder force 4's gameplay is? i'm gonna play it as my first real shmup because the music is awesome and it looks amazing

>> No.8041246

Top 5 Toaplan shmups:

#1: Kyuukyoku Tiger / Twin Cobra
#2: Same! Same! Same! / Fire Shark
#3: Tatsujin Ou / Truxton II
#4: Hishouzame / Flying Shark
#5: Tatsujin / Truxton

Honourable mention: Outzone

>> No.8041629

>easier to maneuver around bullets
sometimes. it's easier to survive bullet hell situations, but the lack of speed means you can get pinned down and unable to escape a big volley or fast shots.
>best weapons
that's relative. often they're the most powerful, but sometimes with a narrow spread, and their lack of speed causes the problems mentioned above. with faster ships, even though their firepower is often less, you can more easily get closer to the target and end up doing just as much if not more damage.

it really depends on the ship and the game. for example, Type C (the slowest) in DoDonPachi is probably my best ship in that game, while i do much better with the faster ships in Raiden Fighters Jet. all about your preference.

>> No.8041673

in my experience, horizontal shooters tend to be a bit slower paced, especially those adapted for consoles. (most consoles shmups are horizontal to better fit the shape of the TV, and slower due to technical limitations as well as being made for a younger audience.)

vertical shmups are products of the arcade and meant to eat your quarters, meaning they tend to be harder or faster-paced. beyond that, as you mentioned, horizontals tend to incorporate more -- i wouldn't call it level design -- but more 'land' or physical terrain you have to navigate. this is probably to make up for their slower pace but also because of horizontal pioneers like Gradius and R-Type (which also ended up being major shmups on consoles). there are some vertical shmups like Armed Formation that incorporate terrain, but they're not as common. i personally prefer verts, but some of my favorites are horizontals.

>> No.8041702
File: 368 KB, 720x710, vbv56en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those whales are so happy! :3

>> No.8041717

Radiant Silvergun

>> No.8041728

Strania The Stella Machina

>> No.8041780

well, they're not really designed to be played for hours on end. i love shmups but rarely play the same one for more than a few runs at a time, unless i'm cycling through ships or determined to beat my high score. if you think about the business strategy, the high score and difficulty are meant to encourage lots of players to play a little bit, not for one player to sit on the machine all day. the console would be making money either way, but most players won't want to spend that much time or money on one machine at once (with major exceptions, obviously). kind of similar to pinball; you can have a great machine, but it's probably not going to keep your interest as long as something like Zelda. it's not meant to. but you'll keep coming back to it. and yeah, some shmups are just more fun than others, there are plenty i just don't like. keep looking!

>that's why the genre died and makes no money
huh, you mean that they stopped making arcade-based games when arcades died? weird
>no one likes doing the same 15-20 minute loop a thousand times just to make the upper left number go up by 100 pts
laff, you're right, no one enjoys it which is why this thread exists. i love trying to beat my high scores. no one says you have play for hours on end. it's something you come back to.
>very unrewarding and unsatisfying genre
yeah things you're bad at tend not to be enjoyable

>> No.8042446

Appreciate the reply, anon. Think I'm going to stick with Raiden IV and try a few horizontals. Be interested to see if my opinion changes as I get more experience.

>> No.8042537

anytime m8. also you might like to try In The Hunt, an obscure (as far as i know) submarine shooter, has a Metal Slug feel, lovely and stylish graphics.

>> No.8043169


>> No.8043202

I know it's not retro, but Gradius V is a masterpiece.

>> No.8043520

The thing you're not realizing is that they're not mutually exclusive.

Imagine a game where you can only move left and right. Not as much freedom of movement compared to a game where you can move left, right, up, and down, right?

The freedom of movement means you have more ways to create routes, manipulate things, plan, etc. You have more options and thus more possible strategies at your command.

>> No.8044031

cool, I'm adding it to my list. Been doing research and found a shooter youtuber raving about it as well. Certainly looks beautiful and love the destruction and spectacle. Shit's constantly popping off.

>> No.8044241

I think it's pretty awesome but for a console game it's not so easy

Is it ever a good idea to play the Genesis/MD ports

>> No.8044435

>not retro
How is it not?

>> No.8044652

Has any one here played Tobi D+Vine? I plan on giving it a go once I become proficient enough in japanese.

>> No.8044968
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okay I'm not normally one to gripe about the classics, but can anyone explain to me what I'm missing about the original Darius? and to a lesser extent Darius 2. they feel wildly imbalanced. you have this big large space to move around in which is good, but you're slow as fuck, your shots are literal peas and don't power up fast enough, the enemy fire is way faster than you and there's a lot of it, some of the turrets are almost impossible to destroy but you have to get super close to them to bypass them, and so on. I'm sure I could get better with practice, but it just feels poorly executed even though I like the whole concept. I feel like I'm missing something but I don't think I am. I like Darius G and find it much more balanced, but I notice a lot of Taito games really like to ramp up the difficulty very quickly. Metal Black is another example where level 2 is nearly impossible compared to level 1. any Dariusfags wanna weigh in?

>> No.8045001
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and while I'm griping, another thing I hate in shmups is the curated respawn, in other words when you die, rather than dropping some powerups and continuing where you were, you are spawned from scratch at a set point, usually further behind, and usually proceed to get BTFO again. think Gradius IV, the original Raiden, Truxton, etc. what's the design thinking behind this? does anybody actually like it? i can't think of any advantage it gives the player except for the few times where they start you at a particularly lucrative spot for powerups or points. seems like a holdover from other genres where one is expected to 'start over' after dying. i basically treat those games like having 1 life, and the extras are just a chance to grab a few extra points before your inevitable Game Over.

>> No.8045004

Gradius III*

>> No.8045079
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>no Ikedashit
Based. Cave was a mistake.

>> No.8045091

>the only good cave game is dadgun feveron
>it's the only cave game on which ik*da didn't work
really makes you think

>> No.8045403

Don't get hit

>> No.8045485
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>> No.8045576


>> No.8045676

It's not that bad with autofire, you get pretty powerful if you make it a level or two without dying

> i can't think of any advantage it gives the player
that's not really a design flaw... some games have really rough recoveries, some aren't so bad.

>> No.8045717

The Ketsui and Garrega shottriggers aren't getting ports, are they?

>> No.8045720

checkpoint games where it's well designed > continue on the spot

>> No.8045862

*clenched teeth inhale* shiggydiggy, my friend. i'm not about that life, but it's not that i can't mash fast enough, your ship is just so weak and slow compared to what's coming at you. it's not so bad in D2, you have the firepower, but some of the hazards are unpredictable and sometimes unavoidable and you're still too slow. i just need to play more but i was disgusted by some of the shit i had to deal with.
>that's not really a design flaw
that's true, i guess i just meant it's often harsher / more punitive than they probably intended, and usually more than continuous play

>where it's well designed
i mean, yes, but it's usually not, and even when it is i'm not sure that either one would be 'better.' i can see the logic behind both, but i just think more often than not its more punitive with checkpoints. which, okay, but why? throw me a bone!

>> No.8045867

is it possible to get autofire on batsugun on mame?

>> No.8046141
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freedom of movement in shmups is an illusion that disappears after stage 3...you'll see one day!

of course? auto-fire helps a lot, set it to 30hz

>> No.8046210

>check point design
if I'm dying in a section at full powerups I don't see what's good design about making me repeat the same hard spot but without any powerups...unless their intention is to suck quarters and waste my time

>> No.8046285

>what? the game punishes me for fucking up? nooooooooo i need my instant gratification!!! checkpoints are literal artificial difficulty!!!

zoomers these days...

>> No.8046320

I've been playing for a long time. Again, the fact that you have more movement options available is the very reason why routes can be more complex and intricate. If you could only move left and right they'd be absurdly simple.

I don't understand why this concept is so hard to grasp for some people. The tunnel vision is real.

>> No.8046324

but my argument was the checkpoints are _more_ punitive than continuous play, because with the latter you normally have a chance to collect some of your powerups after they fly out of you and end up more powerful than if you start at some checkpoint but only get 1 +speed and 1 +power. i'm not saying one's right or wrong, per se, but i prefer the continuous version because it doesn't break the action and provides a better chance to actually progress. a lot of games like this also have dynamic difficulty scaling based on your performance, so they tend to be more balanced than most older checkpoint games.
>unless their intention is to suck quarters
lol well yeah, at some point you're gonna hit the quarter filter

and lol i'm not him, but since i'm defending continuous style, i'm not at all against being punished for dying, i just find checkpoints to often be unintentional bottlenecks, whereas continuous style gives the player more use out of each life. i think checkpoints can be done very well, but they require more care from the designers, not just slapping on a checkpoint every couple screens and leaving it to fate.

>> No.8046359

shmup freedom of movement is like the freedom of movement inmates have in prison.

powering down after you die is lazy design. if they wanted to make a section harder just make it harder using enemies and patterns so I can route for it normally, instead of having to potentially route every checkpoint at different power levels.
I don't mind repeating a section, I find powering-down excessive punishment and often results in chain deaths and a Game Over if you're beyond the 33% mark of the game. It also forces you to practice specific checkpoints because your normal route that assumes full power won't work anymore.

>> No.8046369

post a hard checkpoint 1cc.

>> No.8046481

Fuck, I remember as a kid, one of the local hockey rinks had this and one time I just took like 5 dollars worth of quarters and played until I was out of quarters.

.....I don't think I got very far because I fucking sucked at it

>> No.8046524
File: 306 KB, 800x1141, 72154-insector-x-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone like this game?

>> No.8046631

bruh, up high, we had some great consoles at my high school's rink. more driving games and beat'em ups but nothing like that cold air sweeping into the lobby as people leave and enter the rink behind you, their chatter and footfalls a kind of jazzy backdrop while you played X-Men or the Simpsons or some crazy racing game.

>> No.8047060

I remember seeing it in a leisure centre we were meant to be doing sports in as a kid and it wax the coolest thing ever

>> No.8047070

ones that continue on the spot are quarter suckers because you can just feed to continue, and gives the devs incentives for spamming bullets and making unfair or even impossible sections because they know the player can just continue where they are.
checkpoints mean you learn the section properly, an if well designed, means there's incentive to make it fairer to allow the player past as incentive for putting more coins in.

>> No.8047127

>the freedom of movement inmates have in prison
that's still more than what wagecucks are permitted

>> No.8047140

>ones that continue on the spot are quarter suckers because you can just feed to continue... and gives the devs incentives for spamming bullets and making unfair or even impossible sections because they know the player can just continue where they are.
you're confusing hard Game Overs with checkpoint systems...they're not the same... yet both suck, but in different ways.

>checkpoints mean you learn the section properly, an if well designed, means there's incentive to make it fairer to allow the player past as incentive for putting more coins in.
checkpoints means you need to learn backup routes to your normal routes or try to beat the later half of the game without dying since dying will most likely ruin your 1cc attempt.

>> No.8047239

at least wagecucks dont go home with farts smelling of semen

>> No.8047315


>> No.8047382

>*clenched teeth inhale* shiggydiggy, my friend. i'm not about that life, but it's not that i can't mash fast enough,
well, apparently it is

the science is settled: autofire is your friend and mine

>> No.8047704

>Maybe I just haven't found the right one yet.
this was my deal in the 360 days. I was interested but didn't know where to start. I then got obsessed with mame and groovymame and played a ton. My favs are:
Battle Garegga (hard a shit)
Crimzon Clover
And recently Demonizer

So try those

>> No.8047712

See you'd think that, but honestly Raiden is pretty unique as far as shmups go. It's kind of hyper Toaplan, but even that isn't really accurate

>> No.8047715

also getting low lag is imperative, so either groovymame on crt, or shmuparch/retroarch with run ahead on and a low lag lcd, gsync works too so no vsync with perfect scrolling

>> No.8047717

My arcade got a galuda cabinet, give me tips so I can impress people with my 1cc skill

>> No.8047728

use emulator and save state a bunch of sections through each level then do whole levels, then do whole levels with bosses, then do the whole game, you should know where to be at all times, practice an hour or two a day

>> No.8047757

practice on emulator, put a savestate before the final boss because he's 90% of the difficulty for a 1cc in this game

>> No.8047772
File: 197 KB, 576x768, Esgaluda_Extend_Location.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also there's a hidden extend in stage 3
>Extends are granted at 4,000,000 and 14,000,000 points. However, an additional hidden extend can be found toward the end of stage 3. At the end of the airship portion of the stage, there is an orb on the ground. This orb can be damaged when the player is in Kakusei mode, and destroying it will drop an extra life item. Notably, the player must be in regular Kakusei mode, not Kakusei Overmode. Performing a barrier attack while in Kakusei mode will also damage the orb, which can be useful to destroy it quickly if the player doesn't have enough gems to remain in Kakusei mode for long enough to destroy it.
you should be able to get the two score extends before the end of the game without too much trouble
if you really struggle to score 14M, find a scoring replay on youtube and look where the person uses his kakusei mode to score big numbers, you should only need to find a couple of good spots to get enough points

>> No.8047784

You can't, play a less gay game instead.

>> No.8047936
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>> No.8048120

Doubtful honestly, especially when you've got Biohazard Battle right there next to it

>> No.8048410

Checkpoint games force you to actually get good to progress.
Still, some games are badly designed and have terrible, awful recoveries. If you die in most of the Gradius games, but especially the first, you just eat shit (which is why I always liked R-Type -- some recovery spots are still bad, but at least you aren't dog slow and you can get a force pod and some powerups quickly enough after a few seconds of being vulnerable vs needing like 6 powerup orbs in Gradius to get even remotely close to how you were cruising along before).

All that being said, if there's one thing I absolutely despise, it's speed as a powerup, and checkpoint games tend to have it entirely because Gradius did.

>> No.8048543
File: 92 KB, 450x438, 32ff96834e45c4b06ec53b977d29d0c549c953f6b457131fb252f70fbc792bd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Checkpoint games force you to actually get good to progress
this; liked and agreed

anybody using savestates for "practice" is basically adding in their own checkpoint system

>If you die in most of the Gradius games, but especially the first, you just eat shit (which is why I always liked R-Type
this part seems backwards though, at least for original Japanese Gradius. Gradius can give you a speedup for any powerup, and the way items and rank work you're basically ok if you survive 30 seconds. In R-Type if you're dying in e.g. the factory level and living to see the next speedup item you can probably 1LC the game blindfolded anyway.

t. died like 10 times and still 1cc'd Gradius

>> No.8048798

Toaplan did checkpoints right as recovery is always possible without much strict memorizing, in Truxton or Same Same Same you respawn with a three-way and 3 bombs which is decent enough. In horis it's kinda shit because you respawn underpowered, the games are easier to clear without dying rather than memorizing every bullshit checkpoint, unless you are playing at really high level.

>> No.8048819

not hard game overs - Continuing where you are just means you can credit feed until the end of the game, rather than credit feeding to get good enough to get to the end of the game and that's the difference.

>> No.8049178

>well, apparently it is
but... it's not. i can top out the rate of fire, doesn't change the fact you're just underpowered. having played more i can say it's mostly the slow speed and excessive enemy fire. that said, autofire is almost cheating IMO. it'd be like if you didn't have to hold down accelerate in Mario Kart and only had to brake, based on the logic that you almost always want to be accelerating. for games where it's designed that way, no problem, but otherwise you're giving yourself an artificial advantage because you... don't want to press buttons in a video game. people have even said "it helps a lot."
>an unintended design feature that makes the game easier
sounds like a...

>> No.8049845
File: 44 KB, 118x192, 1459120176891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to but I can't get the music to play, apparently I have to mount the CD image but it isn't working.

>> No.8049846

Where'd you get your copy?

>> No.8049889

rapidgator net/file/ce0c7346c927a06ec7c12bb87c74e09d/(JPN)eniVD_iboT.rar
which itself is the only online link here right now: vn-meido com/k1/index.php?topic=4951.0

>> No.8049894

It may be a good idea to just purchase the game on dl-site. It's fairly cheap, and it just works.

>> No.8050064
File: 236 KB, 1143x851, 1516227970818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing seems to work so I'm honestly considering it, thanks for the advice.

>> No.8050070

You'll have to deal with the annoying DRM though. Also my journey to even finding a copy of that game is hilarious. I had no idea right until I got to the dl-site page that it was an eroge.

>> No.8050219
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Shit sucks but I can take it
>I had no idea right until I got to the dl-site page that it was an eroge
hahaha how? Did you find out about the game thanks to its music or something?. That's how I did.

>> No.8050232

Ruining a game with checkpoints and powerdowns just to "stick it" to credit feeders is retarded game design, and why it phased out altogether. Better to increase the difficulty curve intentionally and smoothly with good level design rather than relying on checkpoint traps with huge difficulty swings.
It's not a tool to help players learn its a tool to extend a games' arcade life by making it harder and longer to learn for everyone.

>In horis it's kinda shit because you respawn underpowered, the games are easier to clear without dying rather than memorizing every bullshit checkpoint
That's what I do in Pulstar if I die past stage 4 I reset the run, and I've 1cc cleared that game many times. I've never played a game where checkpoints added value to the experience, they just waste time and increase difficulty in an uninteresting and lazy way.

>> No.8050246

>Did you find out about the game thanks to its music or something?
That's exactly what happened. Someone reposted a song from it on soundcloud (apparently the composer has an account there) and I just had to figure out/download what it was from.

>> No.8050283 [DELETED] 

on the bright side...Whoever came up with checkpoints is probably burning in he'll.

>> No.8050323

not him but yeah, i'm with you. i think checkpoints *can* be done well but are more often than not algorithmic rather than well designed. even the continuous "collect as many powerups that fly out of you as you can" style is imperfect, but it acknowledges that you can't really progress without them (without the game massively lowering the difficulty on the spot), whereas checkpoints expect you to get past where you just died but with even fewer powerups. i'm not against a penalty for dying but as i mentioned earlier, with checkpoints, your first death means it's Game Over soon more often than not, and that's just not good design.

>> No.8050337
File: 126 KB, 1020x720, 68747470733a2f2f696d6167652e6962622e636f2f63773246456f2f666169726965735f6369726e6f5f746f75686f755f3534362e676966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was this youtube recommendation for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W4bGAHD7co
This channel has a lot of cool tracks (Supersweep, Zuntata, Namco, etc).

>> No.8050382

>youtube recommendation
that wasn't as bad as i was expecting. i'll check out that channel

>> No.8050528

Is that thumbnail from the video from a game?

>> No.8050543

so i have a weird problem with my copy of Batsugun, wondering if anyone could help. I... I can't die. it's embarrassing, i know. the first time it happened i just thought i was insanely good at the game, but i eventually realized i was invincible right from the start. my ship flashes as though i'm taking damage, but i never die. i'm using MAME and probably just need to change some settings, but i'm not very savvy with technical aspects admittedly. any suggestions?

>> No.8050549

Art of Fighting 3

>> No.8050552

One of the dip switches turns on a "No Hit" mode: https://www.arcade-museum.com/dipswitch-settings/7030.html
It probably got enabled for some reason

>> No.8050572
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Yeah, Art of Figh- he beat me to it >>8050549

>> No.8050645
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thanks pal

>> No.8050698
File: 214 KB, 819x1079, batsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips for how to actually do it though? there's no option for Game Mode in the dip switch menu and i've tried virtually every combo that's available. switch 7 on SW 2 is correlated to Lives, not No Hit like it says on that page.

>> No.8050912

Do people ever deliberately kill themselves to exploit the invincibility of a ship?

>> No.8050945

To gank a boss, yeah.

>> No.8051303
File: 45 KB, 770x489, 1533390531988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Battle Garegga fucking sucks. Fuck all the retarded boomers shilling this crap.
>bro muh rank cheesing it's so deep bro muh strategy

>> No.8051320

what's the big deal? there's like 3 or 4 things you need to remember to manage rank for a 1cc, it's not rocket science.

>> No.8051340

>for a 1cc,
if you're not playing Garegga for score, you're doing it wrong. game becomes retard easy if you play like a fag keeping the rank low by shooting as little as possible, avoiding the medals, etc.

>> No.8051350

I hate when games want to be played in a backwards manner. But I only found out about this shit after dropping Garegga for its fatass euroshmup hitbox and tiny invisible bullets and googling why people wank all over so much.

>> No.8051417

>game becomes retard easy
idk man, I just can't see the bullets and die randomly

>> No.8051452

filtered trannmakuck

>> No.8051458

I don't play Garegga for score or for the "1cc" and I still enjoy it, great music, art and explosions. I never felt the desire to route the later stages so my character wipes on stage 4 or 5 and that's fine.

>> No.8052184

>multiple difficulty modes
>normal mode is braindead
>super hard mode is literally just normal mode but with more bullets just added without any testing, making it full of unavoidable random shit
why is this always the case? see: the bosses in the desert level in thunder force iv. you almost ALWAYS lose a life or lose a shield hit, with no control. fuck that crap. why does every game have to have different difficulties that are never tested properly?

>> No.8052251

the testers were sometimes superplayers, so who knows

>> No.8052257

the mid boss is a snake that moves around randomly, it's super easy to get rid off if it stops to shoot at the left side and virtually impossible to kill when it doesn't. the game was made by monkeys. i guess that's why they hid the difficulty modes

>> No.8052295

you generalized a problem with ThunderForce IV to ''every game that has different difficulties''....that doesn't follow, even hyperbolically it's not something you should say

>> No.8052303

it's too common with games. super ghouls n ghosts and contra have enemies that spawn like crazy on the second loop that often lead to unavoidable death

>> No.8052314

garegga is a steaming turd

>> No.8052401

Did you clear normal and are you playing on hard or mania

>> No.8052414

did not clear normal but have played and learned that stage on normal, maniac mode. judging by the first four stages, most of it is pretty fair except the "strite" boss's mouth lasers not being telegraphed properly (his mouth flashes blue but they just come out at a random time, i rarely get hit but it's an issue) and those two desert bosses. i really loved the graphics and soundtrack but shit like that snake boss just make me want to quit playing

>> No.8052469

It sounds like you're having the standard "I'm too badass to bother with Normal, better crank the difficulty all the way up" experience. I'm still flailing away on Hard so I can't comment on whether it's actual bullshit or you just need to git gud.

>> No.8052591
File: 318 KB, 1381x1029, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Border Down is a legit game, but why is this chick getting dicked by the captain on the Game Over screen?

>> No.8052593

me on the right

>> No.8052653

>super ghouls n ghosts and contra have enemies that spawn like crazy on the second loop that often lead to unavoidable death
what if I told you I beat super gng on expert mode, both loops, without dying? The difficulty is pretty bullshit but that's part of the fun

>> No.8052686

how long did it take? the only games i have 1cc'd (castlevania 1/3/bloodlines, contra 1/hard corps) were relatively short games because i can't bear over half an hour of pressure

>> No.8052824

I played it almost every day for about 6 weeks, not sure how many hours, but a lot... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UL8vDoAamU

>castlevania 1/3/bloodlines, contra 1/hard corps
those are nice too, if you want something around half an hour you should try ghouls 'n ghosts on sega genesis or arcade, it's about 33mins, while super gng is twice that length (unless you speedrun it)

>> No.8052987

what shmup has the most epic music?

>> No.8052996

Ikaruga and Radiant silbegun

>> No.8053081

>Radiant silbegun
>Sakimoto music
back to leveling up gay elfs lad.

>> No.8053381

>best boss music
Armed Police Batrider*
Battle Garegga*
>best level music
Air Gallet*
Earth Defense Force
Gradius III
Truxton 2
>best specific music
Battle Garegga (level 1)*
Soukyugurentai (level 2 & level 2 boss*)
Spriggan Powered (level 2)*
Truxton 2 (level 2 boss)*
>best overall
Armed Police Batrider*
ESP Galuda*
>honorable mentions
Darius Gaiden
Vasara 2

these come to mind, judged by overall quality, not necessarily epicness. (ones with an asterisk* are epic or epic-adjacent.) i'm sure i'm missing some good ones. not the biggest fan of Raizing's game mechanics, but they consistently put out great music.

>> No.8053513

the game itself is the antithesis of epic however

>> No.8053775

Fuck Ketsui and fuck Ketsui players. I'm tired of seeing the same piece of shit game in every top 10 list and "hardest shmups" video. There's hundreds of thousands of games in the genre and they always go back to bland as shit Ketsui. And fuck DoDonPachi too while I'm at it. Fuck every Cave shmup and fuck everyone that plays them. Your personalities are strictly 2all routes and I want to beat the shit out of you for it. Go outside and play on a Truxton or Blazing Star cabinet you fucking faggots. I don't want to hear about Ketsui's derivative scoring for the millionth fucking time. Shut the fuck up and play something else you assholes. Nobody finds the game fun but you and the wiring in your heads are clearly wrong if you enjoy fucking Ketsui.

And guess what? The only distinction between DoDonPachi and Black Label is that DDPfags are willing to admit Black Label is shit. They're both shit. Cavefags are all worse than Ikaruga / Treasurefags by a wide margin. I'd sooner talk to those pretentious FUCKS than hear about your shitty Arrange OSTs again. Eat shit and die.

>> No.8053889

touhou is harder

>> No.8053910

Touhou is also fucking garbage, but it at least has some choice porn.

>> No.8053958

bro nothing is worse than ikaruga fanboys

>> No.8053975

show me where Ketsui touched you.

it's really weird how the popularity of a game can distort people's perception of it to the point where they not only hate the game but related games, the company who makes them, and anyone who enjoys them. like, did you know you can like popular games... and also like other games, too? it doesn't have to be a zero-sum thing where your enjoyment of one comes at the expense of another. and you don't see the irony in dogmatically hating vast swathes of the library and becoming an anti-fanboy of X company or X game? you're just a different type of cheerleader. also:

>tired of seeing same game in every top 10
>nobody finds the game fun
pick one. looks like you're the one with your wires crossed. i'm not even defending Cave or Ketsui in particular, i've just always found this rabid hatred amusing and baffling. classic "stop liking what i don't like." you will probably say these games are "objectively" bad, cause ya seem like a black-and-white kind guy.

>> No.8054031

We called the shoot em ups back in the day, now zoomers are even too lazy to properly pronounce the shit they are talking about, no wonder the west is going to shit with crap offspring like this

>> No.8054106

Beat Hazard.

>> No.8054283

>Ketsui popularity!
There's about 1 or 2 people playing it outside japan.

>> No.8054742


>> No.8054816

I'm fine with being a schizo if >>8053975 is a disillusioned fuck.

>> No.8054870 [DELETED] 

i hate trannies

>> No.8054978
File: 298 KB, 1400x1080, Arala Cran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we think of the Shikigami games on Dreamcast?

>> No.8055842

anime bobs

>> No.8055852

Won't talk about it on here because 4chan hates anime. They're fun having each character and alternate shot type has a different ending and art galleries to collect. You can turn off the dialogue if you'd like.

>> No.8055934

That shit is whack

>> No.8056119

story and dialogue are really important for shmups imo

>> No.8056135

Even when it's voiced by interns

>> No.8056612
File: 562 KB, 1920x1080, caladrius-blaze-switch-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got Manabu Namiki to compose the soundtrack
>drowned it out with doujin shmup noises that damn near peaks the audio

>> No.8058224 [DELETED] 

tatsujin ou is too hard...

>> No.8058387

that's why ppl only play it for clout.

>> No.8058421

how come that futari ultra player isn't streaming anymore he did the gdq event

>> No.8058531

what do you guys prefer between keyboard, joystick and dpad?

>> No.8058625

lmao wut, does anyone do this?

i use d-pad (SNES controller) and have a decent stick but it's not really accurate enough to cut it. it's way easier to max out firerate with stick but the d-pad gives way better control which is ultimately more important. ideally i'd just by the best stick but i'm too poor.

>> No.8058636

>keyboard . lmao wut, does anyone do this?

>> No.8058645

jesus christ. i'm impressed, but for the love of god why?

>> No.8058663

wouldnt be better to control movement with your left hand?

>> No.8058679 [DELETED] 

>using right hand + arrow keys for movement

fucking touhoufags.

>> No.8058702
File: 600 KB, 797x526, ZfHxXOo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you're used to is what will perform best for you, there are top players that prefer keyboard, gamepad or stick

>> No.8059074

stages 5 and 6 make me feel like I'm the worst player ever

>> No.8059168
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>> No.8059181
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wut u playing?

>> No.8059193

Ur mom

>> No.8059215

Keyboard is objectively faster as you will have at least 3 of your fingers over the movement keys. A d-pad with a single thumb will always be slower no matter how quick you can move your thumb.

>> No.8059223

This is exactly what shmup clears feel like, you feel dopamine release for 15 minutes then get taken by the darkness of the horrible mess that is your real life. This is why I moved from tranny clears to the actual artistic expression TAS superplays creation and haven't looked back.

>> No.8059250

nice projection friend

>> No.8059348
File: 31 KB, 400x388, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is exactly what shmup clears felt like to me*, I* felt dopamine release for 15 minutes then I* got taken by the darkness of the horrible mess that my* life was.
You should've played for fun not clout. Now you got no clout only cope.

>> No.8059718

Of course. Keyboard are just hitboxes with a buttload of buttons.

>> No.8059778

>does anyone do this?
t*uhou players do, at least the majority

>> No.8060203

press f3

>> No.8060207 [DELETED] 

stream 1cc'ing final fight haggar hardest dips already u bitch

>> No.8060315

Post Strikers 2 alls

>> No.8060419

how bad is sanwa for shmups? is it just a minor annoyance or it makes it unplayable?

>> No.8060995

Sanwa what? Buttons? Sticks? Which console? You need to be specific anon.

>> No.8061336


>> No.8061371

If you're plugging it into its intended console (or a PC) then you shouldn't have any noticeable input lag. It's worth mentioning that input lag is also a bit of a boogyman with this genre. There's a lot of uninformed debates over how many frames of lag a port has, if certain controllers have more or less of it, etc., when in reality it's mostly a skill issue.

>> No.8062627

the longer throw doesn't make that much difference and I'm sure it's the same stick that's on actual arcade machines the games originally had

>> No.8062707 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 850x1195, kyukyokutiger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this shit really directed by Yuge? It seems so... easy compared to his other games. Also, why wasn't it included in the M2 Tiger compilation.

>> No.8063034

They'll probably sell it separately like they did with G-Darius and the Cotton Collection. I can't imagine remastering a Saturn game with extra features is especially easy or cheap. I'm hopeful since M2 genuinely gives a shit.

>> No.8063240
File: 101 KB, 750x422, F06DFF0C-6000-414D-959A-021022292BF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got through crimson clover on easy. Trying normal now. I’m a shitter but it’s fun

>> No.8064407
File: 3.13 MB, 4128x3096, 20210822_215002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Thunder Force IV for the first time
Stage 8 was a bitch to clear, but overall, it was an amazing game
Might play V later

>> No.8064971

its such a shame that a game like dodonpachi requires so much memorization

>> No.8065002 [DELETED] 

just ignore score lmao

>> No.8065008

Compile does checkpoints the best IMO because they're basically punitive, but CAN be bypassed if you shoot a glowing orb like in Blazing Lazers and Space Megaforce.

>> No.8065015

Disregard any post that doesn't say Lords of Thunder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubBdRb1f5A8

>> No.8065020

Forgotten Worlds

>> No.8065028

Nice job, anon. I've been practicing off and on for the 1cc myself. How many hours would you guess it took you?

>> No.8065030

Good initial shitpost
>Strikers 1945
Good recovery

>> No.8065051

Too many to list. Here's some Metal Black:

>> No.8065379
File: 133 KB, 483x680, 35991--bio-hazard-battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been super into them, but this one caught my eye because of some cool designs and spritework, but mostly because of the really interesting bass heavy soundtrack.
Is it worth picking up a copy of it?

>> No.8065435

Took me about 4 days

>> No.8065623
File: 1.17 MB, 1058x1613, under.defeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured out the best Dreamcast shmups.

1. Under Defeat
2. Border Down
3. Cannon Spike
4. Zero Gunner 2
5. Shikigami 2

>> No.8066242 [DELETED] 

Border Down should be higher, UD should be lower. Does Cannon Spike count as a pure shmup? Also, Giga Wing 2 is better than Shikigami 2.

>> No.8066887


>> No.8067020
File: 65 KB, 640x480, image093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Cannon Spike count as a pure shmup?
it's shmup enough

>> No.8067036

That's a run and gun

>> No.8067213

Never heard of this but that cover art is rad af

>> No.8068980

Lol no

>> No.8069357

Worth it just for the OST alone bro. That shit is fucking intense. I can't think of another genesis OST like it.

>> No.8069795

I like how 2/3 of the port's art gallery is just concept art of this boss.

>> No.8069843
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Not a shmup, but if Ikari Warriors is allowed then so should Canon Spike.

>> No.8071174
File: 1.89 MB, 320x240, Rios-1-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8071192

It's pronounced Guy Are Us!

>> No.8071337
File: 83 KB, 640x480, CF7D84FF-8C41-43B5-BB38-CD302614F8C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fire Shark
Now we’re talking

>> No.8071520

Rtype is undeniably based. Such a tragedy it never saw a genesis release.

>> No.8071559

I can't handle that boss mayne

>> No.8071574

Great, but a bit too easy fro a Toaplan game. I can loop both arcade and MD version until I get tired or bored.

>> No.8071681

I'm pretty new to Shmups and I was wondering if there's any other good Sexy/Parody themed shmups similar to the Parodius series and Ai Cho Aniki?

Also interested in HR Geiger looking games like WIngs of Wor

>> No.8071691

I feel like R Type is basically one of those games where you can't die.

>> No.8071821
File: 3.97 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help this game makes me feel like a fucking brainlet. What are the best magics to have in stock? Collecting multiple of the same color gives you a stronger level of the magic right? I'm still trying to gauge when to collect crystals vs when to just use them to refract shots since I can't tell how much faster it is to use them for leveling. so far I've been just cowering behind crystals and picking them up when it's safe because deciding the risk/reward to picking them up is overwhelming when i can't even tell which magic is worth it

>> No.8071836


>> No.8072486

>Also interested in HR Geiger looking games like WIngs of Wor
X-Multiply is my favorite

>> No.8073123

that was literally after dying and restarting at the checkpoint lol

>> No.8073148

Play the japanese arcade version

>> No.8073279

I don't know, I have a talent for pattern games but put a fighting game or rpg in my hands and I'm lost.

>> No.8073307

I did. Too easy. I managed 7 loops before getting tired. I think it doesn't change anything after 3 or 4. Same with Zero Wing.

>> No.8073445
File: 287 KB, 527x465, 4988607250409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filmed and edited by Tony Hawk (if you want to believe an interview with him) with a S-VHS camera and the video toaster.

>> No.8073493

post replay replay or fuck off troon

>> No.8073584

post a replay before you demand a replay

>> No.8073586

No, because you demanded it.
How old are you? 12?

>> No.8073592

Where's YOUR replay faggot?

>> No.8073598

for me, it's armed police batrider

>> No.8073608

>no u
retarded samefag troon

>> No.8073612
File: 4 KB, 337x124, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please step away from your mother's laptop, 4chan isn't the right place for you.

>> No.8073614

troon can edit wow

>> No.8073656

for me, it's touhou 8

>> No.8073691
File: 44 KB, 720x900, 1623494464677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shmups and women have one thing in common: you've never touched one before. When you're done seething come back and discuss video games.

>> No.8073739

>discuss video game
indeed retarded troon posting fake achievements

>> No.8073763

>Discussing video games is an achievement
It must be for off-topic posting retards such as yourself.

>> No.8073765 [DELETED] 

posting bullshit garbage like this i>>8071574 >>8073307 isn't discussing videogames, mentally ill troon

>> No.8073837

Good god, can you calm down you angry little sperg.

>> No.8073864 [DELETED] 

no until troon non-players like you gtfo of shmups

>> No.8073869

Now you are insulting people not even part of the original argument. Can you fuck off already?

>> No.8073885 [DELETED] 

what arguement? being a mythomaniac non-player troon isn't an argument

>> No.8073894

One time I played 7 loops of Fire Shark until I got tired. I said, "Wow, seven for 1c!" and the nice friendly arcade worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 7-for-1c!"

>> No.8073910

uh oh we got a bad ass here

>> No.8073953

Fuck off Plasmo

>> No.8074757
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>> No.8074836

cool idea with the...armored...nose(?)
never played past stage 1, how is it

>> No.8074869

Once you get a speedup or two, I think it's much nicer to control - it's actually reasonably generous (at least until this level) with gun powerups but you usually only get bits at the start. I haven't gone through the whole game yet though, so I can't give an impression of all the levels. So far the bosses look a lot harder than they are? But I haven't seen later ones yet so could be proven wrong soon.

>> No.8076068

high IQ taste

>> No.8076894

Wrong. "We" called them shooters. Maybe STG is you are further out east.