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/vr/ - Retro Games

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802858 No.802858 [Reply] [Original]

So now that underground gamer is gone, what do we have left?

>> No.802863

What the fuck is an underground gamer?

>> No.802869
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>> No.802896

Gazelle or Blackcats

>> No.802903

dont matter, its gone

>> No.802908



>> No.802914


Anon, sit down. We have something we need to talk about.

>> No.802917


>> No.802918
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>> No.802919

Okay then black cats jeez you guys are fucking autistic as hell. I had accounts at all 4 (BG, UG, GG, BC) it's hard to remember which ones shut down and which ones are still up

>> No.802921

BCG has been on freeleech for about a week now, I figure they're going to bite the dust soon too

>> No.802925

Losing bitgamer and gazelle was bad, but there was a lot of obscure old shit on UG that I legitimately couldn't find anywhere else.

>> No.802931

Uh... Abandonia?

Shit son, I really don't know other than Blackcats.

>> No.802951



>> No.803097

at least the tracker is still up

>> No.803123

>Two anons make a joke
>Call them autistic and get defensive
Maybe it's you who's autistic anon...

>> No.803134
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Are we talking places to find them, or specifically p2p communities? Because seems like there's plenty out there that are still around
The Old Computer

Not to mention all the virus infested stuff, but you weren't worried about those right?:

>> No.803676
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Not all hope is lost yet, though the future does look grim.
Anyone interested in a blackcats invite? It's not the best tracker but it has some good torrent.

>> No.803687


Sure, I'll take one if you're willing. It's appreciated! Email is in the field.

>> No.803709

What is udnerground gamer? I kepe hearing about it. Apparently, it's a torrent tracker. What's so special about it? For god's sake.

>> No.803713


Yes, please...

>> No.803716

It had perfect dumps and images of everything.

>> No.803723

>Uh... Abandonia?
Abandonia really couldn't even hold a candle to the breadth of content that UG had

>What's so special about it?
It had a lot of stuff that you just couldn't find anywhere else and a vast majority of their rom images were clean.

>> No.803724

Just like the Internet, then?

>> No.803725

Pirate bay.

>> No.803743

the pirate bay.


>> No.803916

If you're still here and have an invite I would gladly accept.

>> No.803926 [DELETED] 


I came into this thread to call you a bitch and laugh at how autistic you are

Do you even have friends in real life?

>> No.803929

>having friends

>> No.807127
File: 92 KB, 438x658, shige_japanese_tattoo_back_piece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Downloading from ROMsites on Windows

theisozone is boss as hell, though. True story.

>> No.807151

What's wrong with downloading from ROM sites?

>> No.807215


too many people do it it's not cool

>> No.807239


If you're still around I would greatly appreciate one.

>> No.807252

The freeleech was originally because the seedpoints system needed fixes. Now, it is probably being left in place for awhile so that the refugees can grab some torrents without losing much ratio. Also, all of us power users got eleven invites this month for refugees. In other words, it does not seem like BCG is going anywhere. Stoi said that the tracker was not currently threatened and that he would not shut down unless he had no other choice.

>> No.807253


I too am interested in an invite.

I'll be honest until now I've been getting my rom images from places like romhustler and coolrom. Didn't know there were better places to get roms.

>> No.807257

I'd gladly give you one but apparently the registration is open now anyway.
Try registering, if it's actually close then give me your e-mail and I'll send you one.

>> No.807259

Just make sure to get confirmation that they were in good standing (plenty of downloaded/uploaded content from multiple publishing houses) with another private before inviting. We need to be careful not to invite spies/shills. They lurk /v/ and Redshit looking to get invited. I don't know about /vg/ though/.

>> No.807261

Sorry, meant /vr/.

>> No.807272
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>93 Torrents

>> No.807275

Thanks. I'll give the registration a try

>> No.807279

>not a single mention of Pleasuredome

>> No.807284
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>torrenting ROMs

>> No.807291

What's the url for BCG?
I want to make sure I'm on the right site, not some scam knock-off.

>> No.807317


>> No.807349

>sign up an hour ago
>no confirmation email
>can't login
>I'll just wait a little while
>signup is busy

>> No.807460

UG is gone!? What the fuck. Why?

>> No.807473


>> No.807495

For roms I'm using pleasuredome, they have pretty good romsets there.

>> No.807510

Adventure Legends is good for old PC stuff.

>> No.807824

What is the url for Adventure Legends?

>> No.807840

we have these things called search engines in 2013

>> No.807846


what's wrong with coolrom? I get my roms from there. Have no issues.

>> No.807928


The same basic problem with downloading from many "shadier" or small-time sites, they can't be picky about ad providers and sometimes ads that give you viruses creep in. Had that happen to me once on a booru, fixed it with AVG and installed NoScript. Just use NoScript and check your cookies every now and then, but that should be basic Internet hygiene by now.

>> No.807948


It's called adblock plus nigga

>> No.807965

So I'm trying to get in, and I get to signup, put in all my details and all that.
>Enter two words then click submit
>no box, captcha, or anything
>won't let me continue

>> No.807979


you need to have cookies enabled. You got em blocked?

>> No.807982

>mfw getting all my roms off of coolrom
>mfw I've had zero problems whatsoever

>> No.807986


I didn't have cookies enabled and I didn't put in the captcha and it worked for me.

>> No.807993

This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other games on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.

Please leave.

>> No.807998

ROMs usually imply retro games. Have you seen a PS3 emulator?

>> No.808003
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>> No.808005

Τhere are so many other better sites for downloading games. UG was only good when I wanted to find torrents with games for java mobile phones. So yeah, not a single fuck was given. I was more sad when SNESorama closed cuz not only it had many rare stuff (expecially from soundtracks), it also had a great community from where I learned about many great unkwnown gems.

>> No.808021


where can i download this?

>> No.808027

It's not real.

>> No.808028


>> No.808034

Snesorama is back but not whole.

>> No.808041

Do you know what ROM is you stupid sack of shit?

>> No.808046

read only memory

>> No.808050

I signed up for BCG but never got the confirmation email so I can't log in.
Who do I talk to about this?

>> No.808051


keep your super kool """""""""underground"""""""""" games super secret Anon. Like that nobody will ever go on those site and they'll definitely stay open fore ever for the 20 or less people who go. You'll be so special and unique! Not like that filt who play mario!

>> No.808054

Did you check your spam folder?

Are you trying to be funny again?

>> No.808052

Nigger, do you even know about UG? It was the best and perhaps only place to get old obscure games that wasn't ripped to shreds.

>> No.808057

I checked every folder. I haven't deleted anything either.

>> No.808058



>> No.808059

I'd never thought there could be a board with more autism than /a/

>> No.808065


Welcome to /vr/, enjoy your stay.
You'll like it here, it's nice!

>> No.808094

UG is down, not out.

>> No.808404

of course not. Why make an emulator when there are no games

>> No.808518

>People mourning the loss of some shitty ROM site

Should I share my Google Drive of many complete nointro sets?