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File: 366 KB, 1125x800, smw-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8027689 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this game only have four powerups? How hard is it to just add some extra ones? And why does Nintendo still give only a few powerups in the new games? How is that acceptable?

>> No.8027698

You don't really need any more than the mushrooms, fire flowers, starmen, and a flying one.

>> No.8027703

What do you mean "we don't need it"? You realize that these games for for fun, right?

>> No.8027710

go back zoomer

>> No.8027715

Not a zoomer. Neck yourself.

>> No.8027717

smells like zoomzoom in here

>> No.8027721

I'm honestly curious, what makes you think this? Other than daring to criticize this game?

>> No.8027729

Isn't Yoshi technically a powerup? He gives you an extra hit and new abilities.

>> No.8027735

I didn't count the mushroom, as I consider that the default state.

>> No.8027739

Let me guess, you NEED more.

Captcha: ZOOMD

>> No.8027747

>laser suit

poor little zoom zoom can't count past 4

>> No.8027754

Yes, more powerups make the game more interesting.
So zoomer doesn't refer to someone from the later generations now, it just refers to someone perceived as knowing little about a retro game?

I know a lot about this game, and I could probably talk about it for a hours. But if you want to nitpick the OP and make it look like I'm a retard, just because I criticized this game then go on.

>> No.8027780

Mario 1 and USA Mario 2 have limited power ups and are fine games. Much better than SMW.

>> No.8027791

Maybe they are better. I'm wondering why this game has only four or ten powerups.

>> No.8027801

how many does 64 have?
I can think of metal mario, surfing shells, flying hat
what else
it's just mario 3 that went overboard with it

>> No.8027810

64 has four, but was the first 3D game so it makes sense that it would lack certain things of previous games. Mario World doesn't seem to be defendable in that way. And the newer games even less so.

>> No.8027815

It doesn't need any more. The game kicks ass. Why are you bitching?

>> No.8027819

Because it would be better if it had more.

>> No.8027829

Well it didn't and no one gives a fuck about your worthless opinion.

>> No.8027832

Because they need to change the entire game to add more

>> No.8027836


I've clearly upset plenty of retards in this thread. If no one cares then they wouldn't be raging at me.

>> No.8027841

Why's that? And why wouldn't they consider it in the first place?

>> No.8027845

No it's actually didn't, because it didn't have more power ups and whining about it like a child 30 years later won't change that fact.

>> No.8027846

I think SMB3 is the better game and some of that is the more interesting power-ups. Along with having my preference in level design, physics, game progression, secrets, music and difficulty.

SMB3 had mushroom, star, leaf, fire flower, hammer bro suit, frog suit, tanooki suit, p-wing and I guess goombas shoe. SMW has mushroom, star, fire flower, feather, normal yoshi, flying yoshi, fire spitting yoshi(kinda dumb), ground pound yoshi(lame) and I guess the balloon. Tanooki/leaf is more fun than the cape. Yoshis cool but he doesnt make up for no frog or hammer bro suit. And two of his three power-ups are kinda dumb in my opinion. The balloon and goombas shoe are both neat 1 level gimmicks. I aways say SMW isnt bad it just had the potential to be so much better. SMB3 is perfection.

>> No.8027847

I don't actually understand what this is supposed to mean. Learn English.

>> No.8027849

thread in a nutshell
>should have more powerups
>more fun!
make a romhack then

>> No.8027853

laser suit?

>> No.8027858

This zoomer didn't even find the laser suit.

>> No.8027861

Lole you forgot to mention Yoshi when also with the cape powerup. The autistics here would probably count that.

I like the powerups where it is like what the enemies have. I don't understand why Nintendo doesn't do it as often. And Odyssey doesn't count because those aren't powerups because you lose thew other abilities of Mario when using it.

>> No.8027865

It was a romhack but a lot of people thought that it was real. He's joking.

>> No.8027964

I say this as a huge fan of the old Mario Bros games for many years. Mario World is genuinely lazy as fuck. A huge, huge step down from Mario 3. If the graphics weren’t an improvement over it (and I mean barely, for an SNES game SMW looks like a cobbled together mess compared to All-Stars, or even other launch games), this game would have been viewed as a massive disappointment. Physics are way too floaty and light too, has none of the tight feeling you get from Mario 1 or 3. Incredibly disappointing that this was the only true core Mario game on SNES. At least romhackers saved the day by making beautiful creations out of what is really just a barely-finished base.

>> No.8027968

why would you need a different power up besides the feather??
its the most op power up in mario.

>> No.8027971
File: 107 KB, 828x754, BB75F782-CCC2-4FB6-9A92-95BD8110C77E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should say something about this game that Chinese bootlegger fucks in the 90s were able to make an almost identical product (with some control issues and barring a few stages of course) for the NES, hardware that was made in 1983. You certainly couldn’t have done that with many other SNES games.

>> No.8027981

They traded out extra powerups for having Yoshi and ghost houses.

Mario 3 is harder, and World is very easy. World is one of the least technical SNES games, while 3 pushes the weaker hardware to it’s limits. Both have a good number of secrets. They’re sidegrades IMO, it comes down to preference.

>> No.8027982

This. SMB3 went overboard.

>> No.8027985


Simple is Better

Also I think they wanted to go in an opposite direction of the overload of power ups from Mario 3

>> No.8027997

This plus Yoshi has additional abilities like other anons mentioned.

>> No.8028058

It really only has one power up, the cape, which is a rehash of SMB3's raccoon tail. The other powerups are just recycled from earlier games.

In contrast Mario 3 invented the raccoon tail (and by extention flight), frog suit, tanooki suit, hammer bros suit, kuribo's shoe, and p-wing. They got hella lazy with SMW.

>> No.8028063

Most of those were more novelties than essential abilities. SMW correctly streamlined things.

>> No.8028069

They were novel in the sense of how they were so rare. Most people probably did not obtain more than one hammer bros suit per game. They should have taken more effort to design levels around these abilities, like if you had hammers you could break these blocks for a shortcut, etc.

>> No.8028216
File: 845 KB, 960x640, mario3_ball_hopping.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it was rushed and its worse than mario3

>> No.8028223

I always hated that red/black Mario sprite. Ugly color combination.

>> No.8028252
File: 85 KB, 640x640, sprite_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry you dont have a soul. i hope one day you find one

>> No.8028259

Sorry the black and red is just plain shitty looking and also baffling considering the NES could clearly do blue and red.

>> No.8029162

rushed game

>> No.8029185

Another issue is the 3d games moving away from. For whatever reason powerups in a 3d platformer seem far harder to balance, the only way they work is less of a powerup and just a specially made gimmick for a specific section/level.

>> No.8029257

super mario 3's look takes a lot of inspiration from classic black and white western animation, the black suspenders were probably an intentional homage.

>> No.8029272

>In contrast Mario 3 invented the raccoon tail (and by extention flight), frog suit, tanooki suit, hammer bros suit, kuribo's shoe, and p-wing. They got hella lazy with SMW.

Apart from flight, which was an expansion of the SMB2 mechanic, all of these were one level wonders.

>> No.8029407
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1200, 3D_Nintendo___Mario_3__World_1_by_NES__still_the_best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is the different world maps.

In Super Mario Bros. 3, there were more powerups, sure; but levels were completed in a more or less linear order, with the option for a few alternate paths between worlds, or skipping worlds. If you encounter a Hammer Suit or Frog Suit or Tanooki Suit or Kuribo's Shoe, the levels around have been mostly built for it and balanced around its movement/attacks. The suits break a few levels; but in those cases, then the player's being rewarded for holding onto the costume for so long.

With Mario World, you can suddenly revisit old levels whenever, scour them for powerups, and use them to go forward. Levels with multiple exits, switch palaced, and secret stages encourage players to go back to levels they beat. After one point, you could visit the Super Secret Area whenever you like, and get powerups with zero risk. Not to mention, there's a convenient save system. Suddenly, all levels have to be balanced with this in mind. They'd need to test every stage with a Frog Suit, Hammer Suit, Tanooki Suit, Golden Cat Suit, and whatever other options there are; and redesign every level design to accommodate the possibility that a player might've smuggled a new powerup in. Nintendo today might have the programmers, testers, and time they need for that, with their suit-heavy NSMBs. I don't expect 90s Nintendo, putting together a launch title for new hardware, had that same luxury.

So they limited it to a few basic powerups that every level could be generally balanced around; and a couple of game-breaking abilities as rewards for secret areas. Put more simply: Mario 3 is made for discovering cool new abilities in single playthroughs, Super Mario World is made to for discovering cool new places through backtracking.

>> No.8029439

A game is more fun with more restrictions yes. Mario 3 is dogshit in that regard, and level design is all over the place. World fixed it.

>> No.8029450

I think they were black because they realized giving Mario a blue outline just so his overalls could be blue looks like trash. Everything in SMB3 had a black outline, so some colors had to be cut.

>> No.8029518

your argument is undone by the game's main powerup, the cape, breaking virtually every level that isn't autoscroll or room based.

>> No.8029536

>virtually every level that isn't autoscroll or room based
All 3 of them.

>> No.8029576

What levels do you think need other powerups?

>> No.8029578

>I didn't count the mushroom, as I consider that the default state.
How is Super Mario the default state when the game starts you off as small Mario...?

>> No.8029928

The whole 3 vs World shitposting is perpetuated by people who don't even like Mario games, remember that.

>> No.8029974

>He forgot the secret hammer suit behind Bowser's castle
Imagine embarrassing yourself this badly.

>> No.8029986

the Lakitu cloud can also be considered a powerup.
I also like how you can combine cloud with fireflower.