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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8028061 [Reply] [Original]

So this is the best Mario game right?

>> No.8028070

I always thought the red and black Mario sprite was ugly. My vote goes to World.

>> No.8028072


World, 64, or Galaxy
but you enjoy what makes you happy

>> No.8028074

NSMBU is somewhat underrated imo. It’s got some great levels.

>> No.8028075

The trifecta of no soul shittiness

>> No.8028076

it has the best power-ups but the mayors are just kinda okay

>> No.8028081


I know it’s not retro but I am beyond impressed by 3DWORLD

Most fun I’ve had in a super Mario game since I was a kid

>> No.8028083

Spot on.

>> No.8028103

t. delusional Sunshine tards

>> No.8028107

The sheer variety in the levels is very neat. I never played 3D Land so it felt fresh to me.

>> No.8028113


You have good taste anon

Glad you enjoyed it too

>> No.8028115

Any 3d Mayrio is dogshit. Cope harder

>> No.8028140

Sunshine was an abomination.

>> No.8028219
File: 451 KB, 2500x1400, 64_castle_floors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

64 is the best 3d mario
3 is the best 2d

>> No.8028224

I’m with this guy although I had a great time playing Odyssey as well.

>> No.8028256

*Galaxy 2

>> No.8028294

It's a great game but too many levels in it just suck, like they hadn't figured out a right length or that levels should each have a unique concept to them if not a gimmick.

>> No.8028326

Yes. I think the Mario Brothers battles when playing two player sets it over the top.

>> No.8028338

The original Galaxy has Rosalina’s story though. I wish Nintendo put that sort of thing in Mario games more often.

>> No.8028361
File: 13 KB, 330x153, Mario FDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you enjoy what makes you happy
What kind of Mario game would the kind of person who says something this banal and weak like?
It fits

>> No.8028365

>Rosalina’s story
>I wish Nintendo put that sort of thing in Mario games more often
What an absolute faggot. You should have been Iwata's protégé and successor; you're perfect

>> No.8028373

That's fair. I think the levels in Galaxy 2 were tighter though. Galaxy sometimes felt like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be open or linear.

>> No.8028375

>best 3d
Here's the ranking:
64 > Sunshine > Odyssey > Galaxy = 3D World = 3D Land > Galaxy 2
>best 2d
Mario Bros. = SMB 1 = SMB 2(J) = SMB 3 = World > SMB 2(USA) >> Land 1 >> NSMBU = Land 2 > Wii > DS > 3DS

>> No.8028379

Looks like we got a real tough guy here.

>> No.8028383

Koizumi > Miyamoto > Aonuma

>> No.8028389
File: 285 KB, 1600x800, SI_GBA_SuperMarioAdvancev4SuperMarioBros3_image1600w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong version champ2TRDJ

>> No.8028423

One of the most cancerous pieces of garbage to ever work at Nintendo. Thinks he can write, can't, but doesn't let that stop him. A legend
A milquetoast creative void. Slowly butchered the series as he was progressively allowed more control
Top tier both within Nintendo and within the medium as a whole

>> No.8028464

Disagree. The more I learn about Koizumi, I realize he’s been the true heart of Nintendo for quite some time now. Miyamoto got old and out of touch a while back.

>> No.8028494

>Miyamoto got old and out of touch a while back.
He's been one of the few reasons that everything Nintendo's made post N64 isn't completely irredeemable. He constantly restrained Koizumi's and Aonuma's shocking levels of retardation. All of Nintendo's best employees were working and in their prime during the NES, SNES, and N64 era. It's been a downward spiral since, with only a few bright spots along the way

>> No.8028504

Whatever one you like best, is the best.

>> No.8028508

>Whatever one you like best, is the best
In your case it's the worst

>> No.8028547

Does anyone else think that Super Mario World screams "RELEASE TITLE" in a way that SMB1 and Mario 64 do not?

I mean, SMB1 and Mario 64 were groundbreaking. Both have somewhat simple graphics and gameplay, but they didn't FEEL like they were release titles. Even later in the NES life cycle, SMB1 still had charming, crisp graphics, gameplay, and sound.

Super Mario World, on the other hand, looks like absolute shit compared to later SNES titles. Everything is flat, the color palette sucks, the textures suck, and the music is underwhelming (yes, some of the tunes are catchy, but they could've been so much better on a technical level compared to later titles). Even worse, the game itself feels minimalist and empty. Mario 3 had so many more powerups, special stages, and minigames. I was so disappointed with Super Mario World, even when it came out.

>> No.8028556

Honestly, all of the mario games are decent in their own special way. They are all fairly unique and individual games.

>> No.8028574


>> No.8028842

I like 3 the best but SMW had much better mechanics which lead to overall better romhacks.

>> No.8028858


>> No.8028896

Yes, World is a downgrade.

>> No.8029059

Mario died when it went 3D
Change my mind
You can't

>> No.8029295

Not for me. I was old enough to experience the SNES launch and SMW was incredibly impressive looking. I was amazed by how big and detailed the sprites were compared to the NES.

>> No.8029329

2 is better.

>> No.8029360

Sorta but I feel like SMB1 screams release title, mostly because of the graphics, those early NES game all had a distinct look to them because nobody knew how to make outlines look good on sprites yet. SMW is just ugly even for an early SNES game, same with ALTTP. Ugliest games in their series on consoles that can do WAY better. Other launch titles didn't look as bad as those two.

>> No.8029556

Hell, that's true of the whole industry. The only guys who still know what makes a good game have gray hair.

>> No.8029775

>looks like absolute shit compared to later SNES titles.
and looks great compared to later nes titles
>SMW is just ugly even for an early SNES game, same with ALTTP.
found the segatard

>> No.8029845

I don't play bing bing wahoo children games. But i'm real sick of these bait discussion threads constantly on this board :)

>> No.8030518


>> No.8030526

What is this picture supposed to show?

>> No.8030547

Mario 1 looks like shit compared to Mario 3 and late NES titles and plays worse than Mario 3 too. It's not a strong argument, and I LOVE Mario 1.

>> No.8031000

high quality post

>> No.8031153

Looking back at World with a more experienced eye, the sprite work was horribly inconsistent, music really kinda sucked, and the overall tone was already starting to move away from gritty, Brooklyn Mario to the faggy "IT'S A MEEE" version we've had to suffer with for all these years. In 3, the final world is this fiery hell world filled with iron and wooden tank divisions, navy, airforce, etc. and the final castle was foreboding and red with laser spewing Bowser statues.

In SMW in was Bowser in a fucking clown car, and the final piece of the world was just some boring underground grotto. In 3 you could even expedite the final fight if you wanted with the fire flower, in SMW you had to slog through 3 "muh mode 7" phases and it was just tedious.

SMB3 is like a time capsule of if Mario Bros games stayed fairly based and less cheesy.

>> No.8031184

t. Shigeru

>> No.8031276

NSMBU is pretty good but is definitely overhated due to being like the 4th nsmb game

>> No.8031287
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>> No.8031310
File: 51 KB, 355x539, IMG_4246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top 3 Mario games I enjoy playing very much.

1. Super Mario Bros 3
2. Super Mario World
3. Yoshi Island

>> No.8032158

what I loved about Galaxy 1 is how atmospheric it all is, but 2 stripped it and made it annuda mario game

>> No.8032163

Im meh about Odessey, its got tight controls but nothing that stands out, I'd rank it;

>Kino tier (no particular order)
Galaxy 1, 64, 3D World, sunshine

>Decent tier
3D Land, Galaxy 2

>meh tier

Kino tier is the way it is because each game is unique and has its own brand of SOVL, while the rest are fun but dont have that same magic that makes it stand out from itself

>> No.8032521

Donkey Kong > Super Mario Bros > Super Mario World = Super Mario Bros 3 > Mario Bros > Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island > Super Mario Bros 2 (USA) = Donkey Kong Jr

>> No.8033889

Nope. NES version isn't squished down to fit a tiny screen.
Miyamoto is one of the biggest hacks in video game history. For proof look at Yoshis Island. It was in development for 5+ years and all he had to do was be on par with DKC a game he mocked for being nothing but fancy graphics and Miyamoto failed misribily with a Mario game that had the most fucked up gameplay with an annoying crying baby.

>> No.8033895

Smw and alttp both look meh overall. Altered Beast has far better character design.

>> No.8033943

Is there a romhack that adds the additional levels this port added into the original SMB3?

>> No.8034034
File: 14 KB, 480x360, chai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is world 4 of super mario land a difficulty spike, or am I just bad? Worlds 1 and 2 are extremely easy, and 3 is mostly very easy. But world 4 is fucking me up.

>> No.8034107

Yes. A Masterpiece.

Mario World is fun but too easymode.

>> No.8034119

>Miyamoto is one of the biggest hacks in video game history.
I see a lot of zoomers forcing this narrative, but name one modern developer I mean under 40 that is as good as prime Shiggy. Even if you name devs under 60 you can't name more than three or five.

>> No.8034121

Miyamoto's a rare talent in an industry dominated by talentless nerds. He's in the top 10 all time without a doubt, and an actual artist

>> No.8034127

Top 5 easy.

>> No.8034136

Fucked if I know, its why I come here. Yu Suzuki games stomp on Miyamoto's and that cannot be denied.
>Miyamoto is a rare talent
This is your mind on Nintendo

>> No.8034157

Its harder as far as I remember yeah. Small screen definitely doesn't help it either with the rock parts that you have to travel on

>> No.8034170

You're thinking world 3; the bouncing rocks and fast running fuckers are pretty rough, yeah.
World 4 is china and there are a few screens with like, 4 or 5 enemies all at once, and given the tiny screen size that's a LOT of screen space taken up by respawning pionpi and exploding turtles!

Anyway, after I posted >>8034034 I took a few minute break and then finished it. Didn't realize Land 1 only has 4 worlds, so that explains the rapid difficulty increase. It's the only 2d mainline game I hadn't at least played. (I know what counts as a mainline Mario game is not a universally agreed upon metric but whatever)

>> No.8034171

More like your mind on consolewar faggotry. That generation of Yu Susuki, Horii and Miyamoto was the one that built Japanese gaming from the ground. Calling Miyamoto a hack is /v/ tier retardation.

>> No.8034232


>> No.8034246

>This is your mind on Nintendo
I own pretty much every console and played PC throughout high school and some of university. The first console I owned was a Genesis model 2--I even asked for and got a 32X for Christmas, and at some point a Nomad. I skipped N64 and got a modded PS1 instead. The Dreamcast was the first console I bought with money I earned myself

It's obvious that Nintendo in its prime produced a lot of the best games, and they did it during the strongest span of time, i.e. 3rd, 4th, and 5th gen

>> No.8034276

>v tier
Miyamoto games post Mario 3 aren't that good. Even his so called masterpieces like Zelda 1 and 2 are average when compared to Wonderboy 2 and 3.

Miyamoto games generally are rip offs of better games but because its got that Nintendo brand everyone loses their mind.

>> No.8034284

British games are said to be jank yet Miyamoto was unable to create a better platformer when up against DKC. You won't explain this as you can't and will go on to say Smw and Yoshis Island are superior.

>> No.8034303

SMB1, made a decade earlier, is better than any DKC game, as good as they are

>> No.8034334

What I was asking is why Miyamoto was unable to even create a platformer on par with dkc especially when he worked on yoshis Island for 5+ years. If he were as amazing as you all claim why did the quality of his games drop so much? He never made a better Mario game after 3 or a better Zelda after 2.

>> No.8036057

yeah, just search and you'll find it