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/vr/ - Retro Games

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796784 No.796784 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread on this legendary fucking game, it's beautiful soundtrack and brilliant character and world design?

>> No.796814

Sure, I guess.

I think SMRPG is the ideal RPG for people who aren't really into RPGs and enjoy light-hearted games.

>> No.796849
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[ ]brilliant character design
[ ]cloud with arms and legs

Choose one

>> No.796853


>> No.796862
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Still don't have another game with Geno yet. !@#$% ridiculous.

>> No.796861


At least he's a literal cloud instead of a faggot.

>> No.797021 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.797025

It's vastly overrated.

Nothing about the gameplay says "Mario". It's basically Final Fantasy with Mario characters.

It's aged very poorly, and the Paper Mario series is better.

>> No.797027


>Cloud Strife

pick one

his angst doesn't make him a faggot, since that's how any normal person would act if placed in his situation

>> No.797067


>Nothing about the gameplay says "Mario"

All of your attacks are clearly saying "Mario" when you use them. Are you fucking dense?

>> No.797070

This was the game that got me into RPGs. In a sense, it could be considered a gateway RPG for people who are unfamiliar with RPGs in general.

Still haven't gotten 99 super jumps, though.

>> No.797087


You fucking jump and punch and shoot fireballs and shit.

>> No.797143

I've internally debated for the pas few years about one topic regarding SMRPG. Back in the day, I wanted a sequel. A TRUE SMRPG sequel, because IMHO Paper Mario is not a true SMRPG sequel no matter how many ways people try to spin it to me as such. So, I've always wished for a SMRPG sequel. Two reasons why, today, I don't:

>it was developed/designed/written as a stand-alone title

>Square has dropped significantly in quality and reputation IMHO

So on one hand, somewhere inside of me, there's a younger me who wants an actual sequel so very badly. On the other, there's a part of me who doesn't, and understands why there may never be one.

Your thoughts, anons?

>> No.797564


It's a shame because to me the SMRPG world is the best interpretation of Mario's world.

I had hoped that Geno would at least show up in Galaxy or Galaxy 2, but no.

Fuck Square so hard.

>> No.797579

Mario & Luigi is pretty damn close to a sequel, though. After all, a lot of key people from SMRPG went on to work on the series. Yoshihiko Maekawa, who directed both games, Yoko Shimomura did both soundtracks, etc.

>> No.797625
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>that feel when I played Superstar Saga and it was my first M&L RPG
>that feel when everything about it reminded me of SMRPG
>mfw Geno's cameo

I love this game so much. It defined my childhood.

>> No.797645

The big question.




>> No.797809


This is Mario at his absolute best. A host of classic characters, just as many new ones being added to the game. Bowser and Peach are playable characters. There's an epic linear story leading up to a final showdown with a creator of living weapons.

When you omit the nostalgia factor for some of the earlier entries, it's possibly my favorite Mario game.

If you take away the nostalgia factor

>> No.797836

Man I loved this, and how they perfectly incorporated everything great about Mario into an RPG. That alone was mind blowing when I was a kid.

>> No.798137


Fight against armed boss!!! That's the big boss theme right? I love it so much

>> No.799546

I still think the layout of the game is amazing. Even when you compare the storyline and the themes and the characters and all the gameplay elements to modern games you only see them partially reflected in the Paper Mario series and not much else.

I may be mistaked but what other games have time hits in them? This had to be the most mind blowing thing for me, you are actually engaged in the battle and can get an attack to do more damage consistently instead of hoping your character has a lot of luck or dex to land a crit. All of the areas were unique and rarely followed the "Grass, Desert, Snow, Forest, Factory" formula and it even had a few neat side quests to do.

They need to take this exact mario world and make a true sequel, with the same isometric view and maybe a few unique features added that I'm sure the developers could think of. The game just felt so smooth and perfect, it is a very easy game by RPG standards and I am glad that I played it when I was younger and still have my copy.

>> No.799606

the game needs a fucking HD remake that does it justice.

anyway, i've never completed the game, got pretty far though i guess. i don't think it aged very well.

>> No.799617

I honestly have to say I agree. I keep trying to get into it but never can. It just feels way too much like a basic Squaresoft RPG that just happens to have Mario characters thrown in.

>> No.799618
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I really enjoyed this game up until the Axem Ranger fight, I freakin' hate the Axem Rangers!!!

>> No.799648
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>> No.799710

I mainly thought the fight was hard as hell, never had a chance to beat them they were so damn tough.

>> No.799813
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>can't play as Luigi
and thus I never had the heart to beat it.

>> No.799819

It's a piece of cake even at level 3. As is the entire game, really.

>> No.799820

Did you ever get a chance to play the Axem Rangers romhack?

>> No.799851

The dumbest post in this thread, and you have to agree with it.

Stop giving shitty sitcoms extra seasons, you fuck.

>> No.799868

There's an easy way to break the game. Get a star level up, game over, game loads you back to save point with all experience saved, get star repeat as desired.

>> No.799953

Not to mention that there's platforming involved.

>> No.800005

Loved every second of it. I'm an eurofag but Snes9x 1.39 had been released and I was lucky enough to find the Rom from ye olde internet

>> No.800703


I feel your dilemma, anon. I would love a true sequel as well. But I'm willing to be content with just the first, for fear of it being screwed up.

>> No.800724

I loved this game when I was younger, I never owned it but I must have rented it like 5 times.

I've decided to focus on collecting SNES games right now, what's a decent price to pay for SMRPG? It seems like one of those games that everyone thinks is worth a lot.

>> No.800741


>Paper Mario
>Good and fun

>Mario & Luigi games

>> No.800759

true story: the guy who developed the battle system for SMRPG left Square to develop Legend of Dragoon for Sony, it's almost like SMRPG in many ways.

>> No.800780

Yeah but it's Nintendo. They're pretty decent about sequels not being 'change it entirely' shit. It'd be a damn good reboot/sequel, I think.

>> No.800814

I apologize if my opinion offends you. I just never saw the charm in SMRPG and could never get into it.

>> No.800852

Mario RPGs are as good as the humor.
They're all shallow little Nintendo comedy romps, puzzles, stretegy or challenge are non-existent so tier lists are extremely subjective, either the jokes/characters appealed to you or they didn't, there's not much else.

>> No.801218


>Wanting an almost identical reskin of a character in any game

>> No.802356

The best Mario villain is, ironically, not even made by Nintendo.

Fucking Santa Claus man.

>> No.802449
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You are wrong, sir. Bowser is always the best villain.


>> No.802452
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Come on, he's so much better as a party member.

>> No.802458
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>> No.802484


>> No.802496

Just gotta focus on one at a time.

>> No.802524

Pink, Green, Black, Red, Yellow.

>> No.802525


>> No.802584


>pointing a middle finger at a game

why do people do this

it's so fucking stupid

>> No.802596

Because AVGN did it.

>> No.804554

The thing about the axem rangers was, your first time through you used all your potions and shit on that stupid dragon which had two forms. Then you are all hurt and run chasing the star expecting a save point or something and then you are in a no going back super hard fight. The second time you are ready for it and can run back and save and get some items but for the first timer you aren't going to win the fight.

>> No.804559

Get to level 20 or more the game with only saving once at marios house


Go back to the first area with your current level and breeze through the game

>> No.805201

But that requires you to go through most of the damn game anyway, and that's stupid.

An easier (but tedious) way is this:
Did you know Jump becomes stronger the more you use it? It caps somewhere around 127 jumps, but every couple times you use it, it starts doing an extra point of damage. You can sit in Mushroom Way just stomping an endless stream of goombas, healing up at Mario's house, until you reach the cap.
I think it took a little less than an hour.

Once you hit the cap, you basically have a super weapon for 3 FP for most of the game. By the time it stops being effective, you're already in the endgame anyway.

>> No.806330

My thoughts exactly. I would love to enjoy Super Mario RPG because of its sense of humor and its universe but the gameplay is too tiring, just like many other old jrpgs.

>> No.806337

Are you talking about Super Mario Bros 1?

>> No.807782

i had no fucking idea, that sounds clever because who would use the first jump later on in the game lol