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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 115 KB, 565x653, xbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8010402 [Reply] [Original]

Hold me bros. After 20 long years, it's finally possible.

>> No.8010409

Now this is a great day. Fans of Jet Set Future and Blinx the Time Sweeper are rejoicing the world over right now.

>> No.8010417
File: 201 KB, 871x1209, Buffy-game-5d7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only really interested in FromSoftware's titles for it and maybe Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

>> No.8010430

This is awesome. A PC can now emulate a PC.

>> No.8010436
File: 102 KB, 1000x750, luke-perry-and-kristy-swanson-in-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Buffy.

>> No.8010437

sick burn

>> No.8010441

>he says, not knowing computers have been emulated for ages

Go away, kid.

>> No.8010539

JSRF plays great, but last I saw Blinx still shits the bed with slowdown and graphical bugs. We have an acceptable emulator but it's not an amazing one yet.

>> No.8010558
File: 20 KB, 417x339, 1616324114461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one (1) exclusive game that is worth playing on the original Xbox

>> No.8010568


>> No.8010573

Otogi 2

>> No.8010578


>> No.8010581

amped 2

>> No.8010587

wow, this actually seems nice.
also seems nice
weaboo shit
sports shit

>> No.8010606

name one (1) snowboarding game as technical

>> No.8010629

How the fuck is GunValkyrie weeaboo?

>> No.8010680

He's either baiting you, or retarded. Just ignore it.

>> No.8010683

This is some good bait to get recommendations. Good job, Drake.

>> No.8010684

Dat ass too spicy.

>> No.8010698
File: 20 KB, 300x300, split-test-success-kid-meme-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crimson Skies

>> No.8010793

Then it's worthless. No Blinx? No point. Shut it down and start from scratch until you get Blinx working. Everything else is secondary.

>> No.8010801

is the leaked StarCraft Ghost playable?

>> No.8010817

fucking panzer dragoon orta

lmao what a load of shit, ill stick to my modded xbox that plays everything off the hardrive thanks.

>> No.8010820

Project Gotham Racing

>> No.8010846

you could simply have asked for recommendations directly
but Panzer Dragoon Orta

>> No.8010880

Finally I can play Half-Life 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N66vxwQFsto

>> No.8010954

>Tfw xbox hl2 is a better version than the officially distributed pc version in 2021

>> No.8010969

Ninja Gaiden Black

>> No.8010982


>> No.8011235

>his comprehension of the English language is limited

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.8011258

Its real annoying having to rip your games, with ps2 you just put them in and it works.

>> No.8011260

Brute Force.

>> No.8011443

You just download the iso that you'd normally load into Qwix (or use Qwix to pull the game off the Xbox as an iso). Nobody actually bought Xbox games, you drama queen.

>> No.8012254

That's not xbox exclusive.

>> No.8012274

It is. The PC game is a different game.

>> No.8012276

It's exclusive.

>> No.8012287

High Road to Revenge is the Xbox exclusive sequel and it's amazing.

>> No.8012298
File: 2.91 MB, 640x486, 1539150743629.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emu-what? Why? I have all the games right on this hard drive. No emulation bugs, no emulation lag, no rendering errors, 100% accurate to the real experience because it IS the real experience. It's even a little better than that, loading from the hard drive is 3 times faster than the disc drive. Soon Xbox Live will be back and I'll be able to play every game online for free.

>> No.8012309

can we simulate a steel battalion controller on pc yet?

>> No.8012313

Buffy xbox game has no right to be as good as it is for a licensed game.

>> No.8012314

>it's finally possible
>still can't play Phantom Crash
It's not possible.

>> No.8012319

I always like to retire my old consoles once emulation gets good enough. For now I'm sticking with my hacked Xbox too however.

>> No.8012323

I definitely need to get an OG xbox and do this soon.
I'm autistic about the smallest little errors in emulation when most people just shrug them off.

>> No.8012342
File: 1.97 MB, 442x334, jet-set-radio-future-5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should go without saying: Jet Set Radio Future
No modern ports exist.

>> No.8012346

Well shit, looks like I suck cocks.

>> No.8012349

Uh, virtual machines have been a thing for a long time shitposter kun

>> No.8012358

I could have told you that.

>> No.8012397

Do I need a powerful PC to use it?

>> No.8012402

Panzer Dragoon Orta

>> No.8012435

XEMU or CXBX Reloaded? I want to play Otogi

>> No.8012442

What happened? Some emu have a breakthru? My emu news sites have posted nada

>> No.8012443

not really. my computer can't run dick in terms of graphics card/processing but it runs xbox emulation just fine. i went with xemu iirc

>> No.8012580

retarded westaboo

>> No.8012689

JSRF still has slowdowns in larger areas with a lot of items on-screen, and the map doesn't work, instead of showing anything it's just a gray block, the latter of which can be a huge annoyance in some parts of the game, particularly if you're looking for secrets.

>> No.8012691
File: 977 KB, 1600x2219, Crazy-Taxi-3-AU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy Taxi 3? no idea if it still works on Windows 10

>> No.8012702


>> No.8013264

Ehhhhh. Noooo. It's not even half way to PCSX2 levels. It's better and worth trying, but look up footage on youtube before bothering.

>> No.8013274

>inb4 filtered by the Xemu setup process

>> No.8013334
File: 132 KB, 1024x980, 13D63EF9-A9C3-4895-A36F-CF50D2EB48A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP must've just now woken up from his 20 year medical induced coma.

>> No.8015469

Idk what this means

>> No.8016002

>implying Xbox has been emulated for 20 years

>> No.8016332

Dead Space.

>> No.8016345

pleased to here that as i have a copy coming.

>> No.8016451 [SPOILER] 
File: 230 KB, 639x683, 1628461482581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was implying that when the console came out, OP goes into a coma and just now wakes up and discovered Xbox emulation is semi-functional having missed out on 2 decades of tech advancements.

>> No.8016540

Trans world Snowboarding minus the rail/grind mechanics. Also an Xbox exclusive. ESPN winter X Games snowboarding 2002 is technical as well

>> No.8017154


>> No.8017204

Steel Battalion.
It's worth mentioning for longer being bound to a price-gauged, Xbox huge controller as well.

>> No.8017271

Blood Wake, damn you and making your one game per post rule.
I really don't understand why some people have this perception of Microsoft were always making consoles with libraries that weren't really big or worth a damn, OG Xbox was peak Microsoft in gaming consoles. It might not stack up against Sony, but it really was a good effort regardless. This was also a time in which Microsoft were trying to win the Japanese gaming market, which led to a lot of Sega games on the console and more games targeted towards that market.

>> No.8017409

I can't wait to play the same games I've been playing this whole time, but now with added input lag, audio lag, hassle, and glitches!

>> No.8017473

>sports shit
A lot of extreme sports games from 5th and 6th gens were great, including in the PS2's library.

>> No.8017558

What's the best emulator for JSRF: Xemu, CXBX Reloaded, or a 360?

>> No.8017592

Finally I can play Lost Odyssey

>> No.8017595

>I can play Lost Odyssey
Uh... wrong console gen anon, one gen up.

>> No.8017601

Double Agent version 2

>> No.8017776

May as well ask here. Got Dead or Alive Ultimate. Are both games one disk when ripping or are they separate?

>100% accurate
Tell that to those that have the 1.6 Xbox and the official component cable trying 480p playing stuff like GunValkyrie and Panzer Dragoon Orta.

>> No.8017792

>playing 6th gen on anything but a CRT in 480i

>> No.8017881

Only applies to PS2. Xbox, GameCube, and Dreamcast have better options. CRT is still in, but with 480p.

>> No.8017973

I think it's one of the small handful of games that plays better on CXBX-R- or maybe the other way around.

>> No.8017979

This >>8017595

Also last I checked unfortunately Lost Odyssey plays well in Xenia up to a certain point but audio stuttering really shits the bed during cutscenes and there are still progression-halting glitches at several points in the first disc last I checked.

>> No.8017980

Last time I tried it on cxbx-reloaded it was a slide show.

>> No.8017986

Virtual machines aren't emulators though

>> No.8018001

That's weird. Generally it's the other way around.

>CXBX-R is speedy and smooth in the rare cases when a game's compatible, but prone to visual glitches, crashes, and incompatibility
>Xemu more compatible and accurate, but also slower and way more resource intensive

>> No.8018089

Phantom dust

>> No.8018330

What's the most solderlet-proof way of playing backups on a new HDD?

>> No.8018345

>Soon Xbox Live will be back and I'll be able to play every game online for free.
Yeah their reverse engineering and rehosting efforts are very close to finished, now they only need to reverse engineer people that actually gave a shit about it so you can play multiplayer on it.

>> No.8018347

Do custom soundtracks work?
Every third party port. Even PC versions of the games lacked features from the OG Xbox versions.

>> No.8018360

Phantom Crash

>> No.8018361

>but now with added input lag
Meme. I've played JSRF in CXBX and can time tricks just like I did on OG hardware.

I honestly think the input lag meme has been perpetuated by faggots too stupid to configure emulators.
CXBX for me. Outside of some artifacts when boosting it plays as well as on hardware.

>> No.8018362

There is no soldering involved, you just clone the hdd and thats it.

>> No.8018397

Qemu is, if you want it to be.

>> No.8018440
File: 3.45 MB, 1600x2158, Conker-Live-and-Reloaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it weren't for the censorship, people would be considering this the ideal way to play Conker's Bad Fur Day. (I still prefer playing the xbox version)
I wish the multiplayer could be revived, because it was actually fun.

>> No.8018581
File: 864 KB, 500x500, 1489729960126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these replies and no halo

>> No.8018608

>that anon asks for exclusives

>> No.8018619


>> No.8018645

It was for a couple of years at least.

>> No.8018650

>clone the hdd
How hard is it? How do you do that?

>> No.8018656

I used Chimp to do it. You'll need a molex splitter to power both hard drives while you clone one to the other.

>> No.8018663

>Tell that to those that have the 1.6 Xbox and the official component cable trying 480p playing stuff like GunValkyrie and Panzer Dragoon Orta.

They both have 480p fixes, I've played Orta on my 1.6 crystal xbox in 480p a few years back.

>> No.8018673

I'm a tech illiterate retard and i just followed this fags tutorial, it's really easy and simple to do.

>> No.8018826

Gotta' love that the majority of the thread are responces to just that one post and out of all the replies, only 2 games are worth a damn + Halo/2.
Xbox really is just a Halo machine.

>> No.8018925

people still play it on xlink kai along with a bunch of other system link games.

>> No.8018952

>only 2 games are worth a damn

>> No.8019223

>only 2 games are worth a damn
Only if you have dog shit taste.

>> No.8019261

lol halo

>> No.8019287

Could anyone please give me the link to OP image?

>> No.8019374

I absolutely loved what this console was capable of once soft modded. I wish I had one right now tbqhwy

>> No.8019381

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball

>> No.8019781

your gay

>> No.8019994

Blinx: The Time Sweeper

>> No.8020086

Pro skater 2X

>> No.8020263

Xbox had plenty of great games. Even if not all those great games were exclusive. Still were great and often best on Xbox. Ninja Gaiden Black is a god tier video game.

>> No.8021978

the xbox version of The Warriors is exclusive to the xbox

>> No.8021981

>taxi teeth get increasingly more retarded every game

>> No.8022363

the only answer here

>> No.8022464

I keep seeing people say that people play stuff on XLinkKai, but everytime I go on there it's just South American modders playing only Halo 2. Is there something I'm missing?

>> No.8022537
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>> No.8022695

The guy that develops the CXBX-Reloaded emulator is also trying to revive the OG Xbox Live with custom servers. Pretty soon XLink Kai will finally become obsolete

>> No.8023008

>tfw your an epic (ftw) contrarian.

>> No.8023052

Half Life 2 for the Xbox

>> No.8023131

What is this emulator?

>> No.8023185

Because organized game nights. Unfortunately that means dealing with shitcord trannies

>> No.8023210

Remove the clock cap if it's below version 1.6. That's all I can say. The unleashx dash or settings will tell you what version it is btw.

>> No.8024362

no it wasn't
it was released for pc and xbox november 15 2001

>> No.8024386

Halo was not a simultaneous PC release. If it was, it probably wouldn't have been such a big deal on Xbox.

>> No.8024392
File: 75 KB, 676x309, Screenshot_2021-08-11_17-58-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why lie about it?

>> No.8024394

The PC release was shit anyway.

>> No.8024419

Halo is still an Xbox exclusive in a way. The PC port was fucking awful because the cunts at Gearbox did it. A recent update to The Master Chief Collection has fixed some of the bugs, gameplay, sound and graphical differences being as this is also based on that shitty old PC port, but it's still not perfect.

If you want to play Halo as intended the Xbox version is your only option.

This is what too much HRT does. Zoomer trannies can't even use a fucking search engine.

>> No.8024451
File: 42 KB, 640x427, 1507569861612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only experience with CE is the PC port. Is it worth digging up an ecksbocks to play it TheWayItWasMeantToBePlayed™?

>> No.8024458

can cxbx or xemu emulate breakdown yet? literally the only shit i want to replay outside of maybe jsrf and orta

>> No.8024473

At this point the MCC version is good enough IMO.

>> No.8025384

I care, and that anon does. The discord is booming with ppl. Your opinion is of no consequence.

>> No.8025473

1080's simulation of snowboarding >>>>> Amped 2's

>> No.8025797

>Halo is still an Xbox exclusive in a way.

>> No.8026051

Original XBOX? None. There's either ports now, or you can finally emulate it. Jet Set Future and Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge are definitely worth checking out, though

>> No.8026169

xbox has no gaaaymes - Chad Warden

>> No.8026431


Granted, I mostly played it on Xbox Live.

>> No.8026538

That's one I haven't seen in a while.

>> No.8026769

>when there's an emulator it's not longer an exclusive
also /vr/:
>when all other ports are inferior, it's still an exclusive of the original platform
lmao, you guys are killing me

>> No.8026785
File: 63 KB, 220x165, 75F432FA-14C4-4B37-83B6-DE6639DD0EFE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also x:
Hop on back to Twitter now, scamp.

>> No.8027501

Anyone here liked the OG Xbox better than the PS2? If so, why?

>> No.8027525

had an hd where you could listen to your own beats while gaming. didn;t run out of space could save as much as you could. had dlc content when xbox live had support. it was a superior machine with superior graphics.

>> No.8028127

I'd like to play through AirForce Delta Storm.
From what I've seen it looks like the weakest in the series, but I could be wrong.

>> No.8028171

Phantom crash

>> No.8028205

This is the real answer
I want to go back to when this game was new

>> No.8028215


This, I remember playing San Andreas on Xbox compared to the PS2 version it was night and day.

>> No.8028229


>> No.8028752

says the person posting from an iphone

>> No.8028768

>all 360 games are trash or already on PC
cool I guess

>> No.8028786

The missions are pretty cool but the checkpoint capture system makes it a nightmare to play.

>> No.8028927


>> No.8029531

Why is the average gamer so god damn retarded

>> No.8030927


Google "Xbox HDD ready pack" and you'll find everything you ever wanted.

>> No.8030943

You can use Xlink Kai which allows for online play. There's always AT LEAST 50 something people on at any one time, I've only ever used it a handful of times myself for Halo but will def use the Project Insignia Xbox live.

>> No.8031029


>> No.8031035
File: 184 KB, 800x1143, cover_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are coming home fisherbros

>> No.8031479

Midtown Madness 3 is worse than the previous two games, but it's still pretty fun.