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File: 60 KB, 640x360, 234sdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
794110 No.794110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.794127

If your emulator is using all of your available processing power, you should use a less accurate version to avoid game slowdown.

>> No.794234

Byuutism in full force

>> No.794262

>square pixels

Not accurate.

>> No.794292

Use performance or balance, not accurate.

Any of these will work fairly well and won't eat your CPU.

>> No.794297

you should upgrade your 486 computer op

>> No.794809

you could back up your whole hard drive on a floppy diskette, you're the biggest joke on the internet

>> No.795028

The biggest joke on the internet is BSNES, which needs 9000000 times the CPU power to do what ZSNES can on a toaster.

>> No.795051

That's the price you pay for accuracy.
If you don't care about accuracy then you don't have to use it.

>> No.795568 [DELETED] 

>not using filters

>> No.797020


ZSNES is a pile of garbage ASM code that nobody wants to touch anymore and has so much broken shit. Nobody cares about emulating on ghetto toasters, especially when smart phones are fast enough to run modern versions of SNES9x

>> No.797074

Did you know that it took a wooping 70+BHP hp for every 10KM/h on the veyron before they reached the 400+KM/h mark.


16bit (2^16) = 65536
24bit (2*24) = 16777216
32bit )2*32) = 4294967296

>Too long;too retarded to realize what I'm getting at.
Logarithmic increase.

>> No.797090


>> No.797109

guess you don't know how expensive in terms of resources truly accurate emulation is.
I don't use bsnes, but I appreciate it for what it is.

>> No.797142

Computers will forever baffle me in their inability to imitate hardware a fraction of their ability.

>> No.797151

I don't like byuu. He used to have this long ass article on his site where he claimed every emulator was worthless except for the ones he programmed, if his emulators are too slow you should get a better computer, if you don't like how bsnes can't read zip files you should get a bigger hdd, if you don't like how his emulator only reads one file type you should learn to convert your ROMs to that file type, etc.

Seemed like a total cunt.

>> No.797209

The big problem is synchronizing the emulation of all the different parts of the system. Even if you only have one CPU core the sound and graphics usually operates in parallel. All these parts can interact, and for 100% accurate emulation you need to emulate the timing of those interactions to the exact clock cycle. But if you actively synchronize all the parts every clock cycle you don't benefit from any parallel processing on the emulating computer and you add a shitload of overhead. A lot of the complexity in Higan and similar emulators is tricks to allow cycle accurate synchronization without checking every cycle, eg. proving that one part can't affect another for a certain time and skipping synchronization during that time.

>> No.797237

Or you could just cut corners and HLE it, like everybody used to.

The diminishing returns do kind of get ridiculous when you realize you could get about 95% accurate SNES emulation on a 486@100mhz

>> No.797252

it's not accuracy, it's poor coding.

>> No.797265


>I have no idea what I'm talking about

>> No.797267

Honestly I haven't dug through the bsnes source, but can you substantiate your claim that it's poor coding? Being cycle accurate takes a lot more power than just interpreting opcodes and counting cycles.

>> No.797269


>95% accurate

Lol. Only bsnes achieves more than 90% accuracy to the real hardware, everything before it was total shit in regards to timing accuracy

>> No.797286


He's totally right, he doesn't have to cater to entitled ROM kiddies who want to run whatever they downloaded off some shitty ROM site

>> No.797297

true, and as much as people want to hate on byuu I'm sure having bsnes on his resume has landed him a kick-ass job

>> No.797304


I've never seen anyone give specific code examples of what could be done better, it's always vague claims.

>> No.797308


Considering how much he's spent collecting SNES games, there's no doubt he has one.

>> No.797315 [DELETED] 

Why does his emulator supports savestates yet can't include other features because they're not accurate. Like fast forwarding.

>> No.797321

I never understood why his emulator supports savestates, yet he doesn't include other features because they're "not accurate" (such as fast forwarding).

>> No.797331

Don't say that, he'll hear you and the next release will have save states removed, plus will be unable to run at resolutions higher than 256x224 because anything else is not accurate to the original SNES experience.

>> No.797354

I think it's likely a side-effect of developing the emulator. Having save states makes debugging the application much easier. Why he's left them in there I have no idea.

>> No.797359

I guess he has no need for fast forwarding through unskippable cutscenes, even though that would help speed things along too though.

>> No.797382

fork the source and implement the features then

>> No.797397

I'm not a nerd
I just play old games and smoke weed

>> No.797396

>that's the price you pay for accuracy
>original hardware couldn't possibly handle the demands of the "accurate" emulator


>> No.797410

Check out this badass.

>> No.797417

>smoke weed

Fuck. Off.
Nobody fucking cares

>> No.797420


Are you being intentionally dense or do you really not understand how emulators work?

>> No.797423
File: 42 KB, 314x400, byuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've encountered dozens of titles with obscure quirks. Sometimes the correct, more accurate emulation actually produces a "wrong" result. Super Bonk's attract mode demo actually desynchronizes, causing Bonk to get stuck near a wall on most real systems. And Starfox suffers from significant slowdown issues throughout the game. These are certainly not desirable attributes, but they are correct nonetheless. We wouldn't round pi down to 3 simply because irrational numbers are inconvenient, right?

>N64 emulators employ stunning high-resolution texture packs and 1080p upscaling, while SNES emulators often provide 2x anti-aliasing for Mode7 graphics and cubic-spline interpolation for audio samples. Such emulated games look and sound better. While there is nothing wrong with this, it is contrary to the goal of writing a hardware-accurate emulator. These improvement techniques typically make it more difficult even to allow for the option of accurate emulation, in fact.

>> No.797429

You're not funny or cool for misusing "autism" for the 356675421th time

>> No.797439

His intellecutal masturbatory exercise in emulator making simply proves he's a cunt living in a fantasy world where everyone has a supercomputer to run his poorly optimized code.

>> No.797443

Hell yeah 420 blaze dat kush bin laden weed mayne :DDDD

>> No.797445

It's a joke

>> No.797447

He's not. It does sound like he has aspergers at least (which is now simply known in the DSM as autism)

>> No.797450


>poorly optimized

same old buzzwords every time.
Don't you get tired of trolling some dude's pet project?

>> No.797454

sorry byuu. don't cry
just ignore the bullies, everything will be okay :-)

>> No.797457

Not OP, but I've never heard of this emulator before, is it worth using? it seems to have not been updated since 2007 or 11 or something and is still in low number beta

>> No.797458


He doesn't has anything, you armchair psychologist. It's called "being passionate about your hobby" and that's the kind of attitude that gets things accomplished.

>> No.797463

but you can't tell how big his hard drive is by stats on processor usage

>> No.797464


Fucking Android keyboard

>> No.797461

Should have used an emulator that can actually play games. Get Snes9x or ZSNES. Then tell "boyo" or whatever the fuck his name is to go fuck himself.

>> No.797467


Stay the fuck away from that piece of shit kthx

>> No.797470

a lot of people yell and whine about bsnes/higan and how it's only for accuracy obsessed autistic nerds, but they completely ignore the fact that there are other versions of it that are less accurate and more ballanced and that the default download even comes with all three

>> No.797468


>And please, the next time you hear someone espousing that the most popular SNES emulators are just as accurate as bsnes, ask them what drugs they are on for me, and link them here. Thanks for reading this.

>> No.797473


>bsnes is a personal project. I do not release it publicly for the sake of popularity. Rather, it is released as a research platform, in the hopes of advancing SNES emulation as a whole.

>As such, there is no incentive for me to target popular legacy formats that are in wide use. Further, I am strongly opposed to the idea of sticking with inferior file formats simply because they came first. I prefer instead to focus on technical merits and choose the most logical options possible. It is not a matter of the complexity involved in supporting these old formats, it is that I feel a philosophical hypocrisy in eschewing these formats while implicitly endorsing their continued existence by supporting them.

I can see why he deleted this shit now.

And I know personal attacks on programmers is bad form, but I can't think of any programmer who is such an egotistical asshole in public aside from the guy who made Battlecruiser 30,000.

>> No.797474

>he's arrogant because he's completely right
Cry more, zsnes kiddies.

>> No.797471

Anyone who doesn't agree with me must smoke weed everyday

>> No.797475


You'd have to be to ignore objective reality like that.

>> No.797478

The high level architecture is already well optimized. You'd could get maybe 10 or 20% more speed with a lot of low level microoptimization, at the cost of making the code a lot more complicated and difficult to maintain. It's not worth the effort.

>> No.797483

If it won't run full speed on an i7 there is a serious problem.

>> No.797485

There's nothing arrogant about any of that. You're just grasping at straws now

>> No.797481

Being high doesn't mean suddenly you have "wrong opinions"

>> No.797487


It runs full speed on a Core 2 you fucking retarded piece of shit

>> No.797489

he could, but first off, why should this be seen as a horrible thing and something to judge people on?
and second off, all that text is saying is "my project may not be for everyone" in more words.

>> No.797490
File: 30 KB, 523x178, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my laptop, now nearly 2 years old.
It can run bsnes/perfomance without any problems.
Meanwhile, your precious zsnes has no win7 support and refuses to work properly.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.797498


>> No.797495

refresh windows experience. holy shit dude

>> No.797497


It's not opinion that the other emulators are not timing accurate, sorry.

>> No.797502

Doesn't he realize this is a strawman?
People play the other emulators because they don't care about miniscule little details like this.

>> No.797510


Yes. Or are you too stupid to notice there are three builds, which balanced runs full speed on Core 2 or better?

BTW, Balanced is the same as the older versions of bsnes before he added dot-based rendering

>> No.797513

Why bother to use those when you can just some some other not accurate emulator with more features like fast forwarding over unskippable/unwinnable battles in RPGs?

>> No.797519

because autism.
zsnes is still the norm thankfully

>> No.797516

It has fast forward if you disable audio/video sync.

Why are all the anti-bsnes people such ignorant retards?

>> No.797521

Also it barely works

>> No.797524

I can't stand people who don't use bsnes. If I ever met one of these people in real life, things would get ugly. I'd probably get arrested.

>> No.797527


That piece of shit needs to be dropped fast. There's no reason to use that in 2013 when SNES9x and BSNES are simply superior on modern PCs

>> No.797529


>> No.797531


It works fine if bsnes runs 100+ fps as it does on my Core 2 Q6600 that's almost 5 years old

>> No.797537

SNES9x is better because its portable.

>> No.797536

There's no reason to not use BSNES unless you are on drugs.

>> No.797539
File: 4 KB, 512x448, purple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZSNES has that god tier GUI though

>> No.797540

I'd use BSNES if it didn't have that total bullshit rom loader.

What the fuck.

>> No.797543

90% of the world uses windows xp

>> No.797541

>Using inaccurately named extensions
>Using zip files

Maybe you should be more accurate

>> No.797546


Where did he say you're not allowed to use other emulators? Oh right he didn't.

>> No.797550

I never said that he said that. You just made another strawman argument. How ironic!

>> No.797548
File: 572 KB, 1000x1000, b08ae77533433cd75802d0f9550132ec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use snes9x because zsnes wouldn't run a patched Madou Monogatari

>> No.797549


That's the ugliest GUI I've ever seen

>> No.797551


What's bullshit about it?
File>import game then it loads the game

>> No.797553


>You have to realize that emulators, too, have shelf-lives. That's especially true for ones such as ZSNES that are written in pure x86 assembly. You simply can't run this on your cell phone.

Link to Android version of bsnes plz

>> No.797554

Your whole argument that bsnes is bad because you don't like the author is fallacious in and of itself

>> No.797556

lol what the fuck?
ZSNES is on cell phones though.

>> No.797557

You're the ugliest GUI I've ever seen

>> No.797561

I never said that I didn't like the author.

>> No.797562

No, SNES9x is. ZSNES is forever confined to 32-bit x86 PCs, it has no future.

>> No.797567

Why are people still arguing over this shit? You use bsnes on powerful PCs and snes9x otherwise

>> No.797568

Do you even Accuracy?

>> No.797571

no it's not nigga

>> No.797580

>Why are people still arguing over this shit?
Because unlike most emulator authors who remain semi-anonymous other than their handle slapped on the product, byuu has made a public spectacle of how much better his emulator is than everyone else's and how it's not his job to respond to complaints, any problems a person has with the emulator are the fault of the person or their PC and not the emulator because the emulator is completely perfect in every way.

>> No.797591

>All this byuu dick sucking
Tell me, what has cycle accuracy done for you?

Besides putting SNES games computational demands on par with modern computer games, perhaps even more so.

>> No.797596

last time I checked it wanted to build it's own rom folder hierarchy and could only recognize, like, 2 games out of the 20 or so I had.

>Maybe you should be more accurate

Call me when it sorts roms by board PCB and mask rom ID, and emulates the hardware on a transistor level (like they can do with the c64 6502).

>> No.797601

He's right. I don't give a shit about people who are wrong and think opinions = facts. There is not a single statement byuu has made that can be considered anything other than fact.

>> No.797604

how exactly is making roms annoying as fuck to load related to accuracy?

>> No.797612

>Tell me, what has cycle accuracy done for you?
The shadow in Air Strike Patrol is visible, Harukanaru Augusta 3 - Master's New and Speedy Gonzales - Los Gatos Bandidos are now playable, and Starfox now lags and slows down like it's running on a real SNES instead of playing at a steady, inauthentic 20fps.

>> No.797608


Who gives a fucking shit? This whole thread is a major case of sour grapes.

>> No.797617

The only reason to emulate at transistor level is if you want to emulate running the hardware out of spec, and if you want to do that you're probably some "circuit-bending" hipster asshole.

>> No.797615

>Don't say that, he'll hear you and the next release will have save states removed, plus will be unable to run at resolutions higher than 256x224 because anything else is not accurate to the original SNES experience.
He should really work for MAMEDEV, I hear they're always in need of more accuracy

>> No.797619


If you want to see real emulator author spectacles, go take a look at things Squarepusher from RetroArch has posted.

>> No.797618

actually he has never said that his emulator is "better", just more accurate, which for some reason people seem to take as him gloating about his emulator being better, when even he has said that accuracy does not equal better multiple times.

>> No.797621

>The reason ".smc" is the dominant extension is due to the origins of SNES software backups. The first mainstream devices to allow this were Chinese-based copiers, devices that would plug between the SNES and the cartridge, and copy games onto floppy disks. One of the first such devices was the Super Magicom. ".smc" is an abbreviation for this device.

>Rather ironically, the Super Magicom was a rather niche copier, quickly supplanted by the Super Wildcard, Game Doctor and Super UFO copiers, which were much more popular. But following the initial images, other dumpers and even copiers chose to support this first extension. Believe it or not, all of these extensions are still in public use. To me, this is ridiculous. An extension should indicate what it represents. bsnes is not a Super Magicom emulator, it is a Super Famicom emulator.

>> No.797628 [DELETED] 

>bsnes is not a Super Magicom emulator, it is a Super Famicom emulator.

But it emulates games ripped by Super Magicom.

That's like saying 7zip shouldn't support rar files but it's not called 7rar

>> No.797627

Byuu has had some disagreements with the MESS people

>> No.797632

Why? Unlike bsnes it actually plays games.

>> No.797634

>bsnes is not a Super Magicom emulator, it is a Super Famicom emulator.

But it emulates games ripped by Super Magicom.

That's like saying 7zip shouldn't support rar files because it's not called 7rar

>> No.797635

So in other words, a game now lags correctly, a very minor graphical effect in a shitty game now appears correctly and another 2 shitty games can be played.

The wonders of accuracy!

>> No.797631

He was probably pissed that MAME doesn't require you to shove a quarter into your DVD-ROM drive every time you want to play a game.

Do you have any idea how inaccurate that is?

>> No.797629


>> No.797636

I love how he has made statements about how he would never add this or that and then days later added the things he said he would never do to RetroArch

>> No.797639

Why do I get the feeling that everyone who spouts accuracy has no idea what it actually means

>> No.797640

No dumping groups are doing smc anymore. You can blame shitty ROM sites for keeping outdated ROM dumps in circulation

>> No.797647


No. In fact byuu doesn't like split Roms like they do.

>> No.797648

Fucking told.

>> No.797652

What does it matter?
Renaming a file extension doesn't change the contents of a file. What is the purpose of changing smc to sfc just to get a game to work? It's just ego masturbatory bullshit.

A crappy dump is crappy no matter what the file extension is. It suddenly having an SFC extention doesn't change jack shit.

>> No.797654

also, you can load SMC in Higan/Bsnes now and have been since like 3 versions ago, just the process to do so is slightly annoying.

also, do you know of any place where I can get up to date rom dumps now that that other site is dead?

>> No.797651
File: 38 KB, 844x317, accurate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worrying about that petty shit instead of the most important thing of all

I don't understand how plebs ever lived with SNES9x

>> No.797662

Uh, I can read both. Maybe byuu should learn Japanese.

>> No.797657


And it does Super Game Boy, which no other emulator does.

Keep trying to marginalize it though

>> No.797661
File: 65 KB, 256x224, tetris-attack-incorrect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um... He claims Tetris Attack looks like this in any emulator other than bnes

I've been playing Tetris Attack for years and I think I might have noticed this happening...

>> No.797665

No, they have a vague idea what it means, they're just sadly misguided as to think it automatically means better

armchair experts thinking accuracy trumps everything even though it's totally useless in real world applications. It's mostly there as documentation of which most of us will never use or care about.

>> No.797664

Smc has a copier header, it's not just a simple extension issue

>> No.797667

VisualBoyAdvance has supported Super Gameboy since the dawn of fucking time

>> No.797668

>Renaming a file extension doesn't change the contents of a file.
but that isn't all that's going on there, smc and sfc are completely different file types and sfc is technically better than smc for some reasons I don't remember and I'm sure some one else could explain better anyhow.

>> No.797669

Yes, those are the wonders of accuracy. Games that didn't work previously now work. That's the whole point.
God, I fucking hate scum like you. PS1 emulatoe compatibility is still shitty and loads of games don't work - who cares, they're shitty! Why even bother emulating anything else after the top 20 selling games, it's all shit anyway!

>> No.797670

MAME/MESS is a gigantic cluster and it has been stagnating in one place for year now because practically NO ONE in the dev team agrees with each other.

The only single time it was actually progressing was when Aaron was handling it.

>> No.797673


Nope. That's not full SGB emulation, its just simulating it. It does not emulate any of the SNES side of things

>> No.797682

>The only reason to emulate at transistor level is if you want to emulate running the hardware out of spec, and if you want to do that you're probably some "circuit-bending" hipster asshole.

Which is the exact fucking thing as the retarded level of cycle accuracy that bsnes aims for, since you could get the entire SNES hardware emulated perfectly without aiming for that.

Kega Fusion does that for the Megadrive, and there are like 2 homebrew demos which cannot run in total, which use completely insane hardware bugs to display a 160x120 bitmap image.

>> No.797680

could you show the actual text or source where he said this, what display he was talking about playing the game on if he mentioned it (yes, this is important), and when (as in what year) he said it?

>> No.797684

Ryphecha from Mednafen has been working hard on accurate PS1 emulation.
It has similar requirements to bsnes and requires a particular bios and requires cue sheets.

>> No.797691

I actually quoted the source in my post. So apparently Tetris Attack was unemulated until 2011.

>> No.797697


You know that's why the performance and balanced profiles exist, right? To keep reasonable system requirements while maximizing accuracy.

>> No.797698

Didn't know that. Maybe now I can run my Konami collections properly.

>> No.797702

Actually Genesis Plus GX is currently the most accurate emulator available, since Kega Fusion cannot run Pier Solar.

>> No.797710

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.797714


Yes. Nemesis is potentially going to be more accurate when it's completed, but probably not in ways that you will notice. It's not really meant for playing games though

>> No.797712

Oh, would you look at that. I guess "muh accuracy" isn't the only thing that matters after all.

>> No.797713

actually, I found it and read it myself, he never says that all emulators have this bug, but he does make out like it's common and seems to use it as an excuse as to why it happens in the performance branch of his emulator. Anyhow, another point should be made, he eventually took down this page, so at some point in time he must have realized that he was being a doofus. Must we hold people's past mistakes against them forever just because there are records of them?

>> No.797716


Much performance on ghetto CPUs....

>> No.797717

>Actually Genesis Plus GX is currently the most accurate emulator available, since Kega Fusion cannot run Pier Solar.

Exodus is more accurate, but requires a 3570k to run at 60fps.

The demos with the cram bugs run at ~20fps in that config, however no other emulator can run those at all.

>> No.797718

Didn't you hear? Emulation Wars are deleted by janitors.


>> No.797725

That would be cool. PS1 and N64 emulators fucking suck big time, with the exception of pSX and Xebra/arbex, and even those have limited compatibility.

>> No.797726

Where the hell are they then?

>> No.797727

This isn't a general discussion. We're merely hurling insults at each other over emulators which essentially do the same thing with only minor technical differences.

>> No.797731

Emulators that shoot for accuracy aren't designed to be playable at all.

Think of the MAME slogan, playability is only a side effect

Those of you using 'accurate' emulators as general purpose emulators, I laugh at you.

>> No.797728


>> No.797736

>he's slowly getting it!

>> No.797739

you know that trolling is technically against the rules too, right?
though it's not like janitors or mods do anything about it

>> No.797748

>minor technical differences
>essentially do the same thing

Openly stating your confusion of these ideas is a confession of your willful ignorance.

>> No.797778
File: 1006 KB, 260x187, Gay man shitting himself when he realizes he is surrounded by rednecks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the joke was that he was playing mario and accidentally hit a button that brought that shit up right when he was about to jump or something, and then he died.

Fuck, I guess I'm retarded.

>> No.797923

Like frameskip, right? I remember him being all high and mighty about how frameskip is shit and would never be a part of RetroArch. Now he's implementing it into the DeSmuME core because Android is so shitty it can't handle it otherwise.

>> No.797942

I can vouch for Mednafen's quality. It is amazing for PS1 emulation. It is probably the best and most accurate PS1 emulator of all, despite still being technically a WIP. Of course, people are still stuck in 2008 sucking ePSXe's closed source dick to know of its existence, but whatever.

As for N64 emulation... yeah, it still sucks, but there are a lot of new developments that promise to improve it. Perhaps in a year or so, it'll be at the level of PS2 and GC/Wii emulation.

>> No.797941


>> No.797961

>it has no future

>implying I can't run a VM with ZSNES installed while still requiring less resources than AUTISMNES

>> No.797968
File: 5 KB, 240x160, 1366755049411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.797972

Why? Snes9x is a damn good alternative. Why would you stick to ZSNES then?

>> No.797976

best UI
best features
best controls setup
best savestate function

>> No.797984

Same reason it's hard to get to space... I don't think calling anyone retarded was necessary though. I didn't even know what a BHP or a Veyron was, since I'm not interested in cars in the least. Had to look them up to understand the significance.

>24bit (2*24) = 16777216
>32bit )2*32) = 4294967296

You fucked up.

>> No.797992

>Flat out horseshit
Uh huh.

>> No.797998

>best UI
I think it sucks, but whatever, opinions.

>best features
Such as? What does ZSNES do that Snes9x doesn't?

>best controls setup
Never had an issue with Snes9x's controls. In fact, ZSNES sometimes glitched out on me when trying to setup controls.

>best savestate function

I actually use RetroArch most of the time. It has all the features I would ever need. I cannot ever go back to ZSNES, especially due to its shitty sound.

>> No.798004

Source is available for snes9x nigga. Get to work on that shit

>> No.798007

You have to be a fucking retard to like the UI. Let's make the user be unable to change the resolution by any normal means, let's put a bunch of pre-determined ones!

>> No.798021

Some rom hacks only work on zsnes... That's the only reason I can think for getting it.

>> No.798023
File: 2 KB, 343x113, csb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's make the user be unable to change the resolution by any normal means, let's put a bunch of pre-determined ones!

>> No.798029
File: 35 KB, 378x380, 1345634177442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with your SNES OP?

>> No.798050


Maybe this works?

>> No.798054


>> No.798256


>> No.798394

this is why i run bsnes through retroarch
all the accuracy, none of the bullshit

>> No.798418

That's not the point of what he wrote. Despite being readable it looks like compete shit because of inaccurate emulation.

>> No.798419
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1354126987447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody gets the reference

>> No.798432


This. RetroArch + bSNES is the best SNES emulator ever made.

>> No.798456


What's wrong with using accurate emulators if they run 100+ fps on your machine?

Especially if it's available as a core in RetroArch.

>> No.798497

This only applies if you're stupid and running bsnes accuracy core instead of balanced or performance.

>> No.798512

>best SNES emulator ever made
>not ZSNES
top lel

>> No.798509

>caring about pinpoint accuracy in emulation
If you want the "pure" experience, get the fucking cart for fuck's sake.

>hurr my imitation is better than your imitation

>> No.798531
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>> No.798542


>> No.798551

Seriously, anyone who thinks ZSNES is good or even adequate has obviously never tried to play anything that isn't Mario or Zelda.

BSNES and SNES9x users = actual retro gamers
ZSNES = "I'm a retro gamer! I love Zelda!"

>> No.798560

Think your Commodore 64 is really...neato? What kind of chip you got in there? A Dorito?

>> No.798575

I wouldn't say it isn't adequate, but it's certainly not good. I've completed plenty of games that aren't "Mario or Zelda" using it, and only running into minor issues like inaccurate audio and a few wonky graphics.

Weird Al go home.

>> No.798623

He might be a huge sperg, but "poorly optimized"? Let's not talk about things we know nothing about.

>> No.798630

>Seriously, anyone who thinks ZSNES is good or even adequate has obviously never tried to play anything that isn't Mario

Fixed that for you. ZSNES can't even display the spinning Triforce intro in Zelda correctly.

>> No.798646



>> No.798651

Weird all sucks

>> No.798676


There will never be accuracy in any emulator, not even Byuu's.

Unless, of course, you run it on an RTOS.

>any scene in a SNES game where something blinks extremely fast
>blinking is smooth and constant on original hardware
>blinking has noticeable shifts in time in emulator because the multitasking host OS has the final says as to when the emulator can update the video buffer or any other task

>> No.798703

that's why emulating on the Wii is nice, it can do that stuff without any issues

>> No.798725

I update the video buffer on vsync. This means some games run very slightly at the wrong speed (eg. SNES doesn't actually refresh at 60Hz, it's closer to 60.1Hz). Theoretically I could configure my graphics card for custom modes with the exact correct speed, and my monitor will sync to them, but I don't care because it's close enough. I run Linux with a real-time tuned kernel, so I get a very reliable 1:1 emulated:displayed frame mapping. I use software black frame insertion at 120Hz, so it's very obvious when there's any glitch, because I'll see a bright or dark flash. Linux isn't a hard realtime OS, so it does glitch occasionally, maybe once every few hours. I could probably tune it down to once every few thousand hours if I really cared.

BTW, you can't get hard realtime on most PCs, because the BIOS enables system management mode, which can hijack control from the OS without the OS knowing about it.

Vsync is the only reliable timing source for emulators because of clock drift.

>> No.798729


Even with vsync, you will notice should-be-constant-rate blinking of sprites in SNES games not be perfectly constant.

Example being the beginning of Shin Megami Tensei where you name your party members who, at that point, show up as rapidly-blinking featureless humanoid ghosts. Try that game on a PC and see what I mean, then ... well I don't even know if you have a Super Famicom or that game laying around... just trust me.

>> No.798742

No, it looks 100% perfect except for those very rare glitches I could prevent at cost of lowered convenience (eg. dedicating a whole CPU core only to the emulator). I can't possibly miss it because of how the software black frame insertion hack works. If I miss a vsync deadline I'll either duplicate a black frame (resulting in a dark flicker/flash) or duplicate a game frame (resulting in a bright flash).

>> No.798745


But I just cited an example of a game you can see for yourself where not even vsync prevents the breakup of a should-be-constant blinking rate.

>> No.798747


Nevermind, I glossed over the part where you mentioned you use a realtime version of Linux.

Which distro has a kernel like this?

>> No.798750

Your hardware or software is configured wrong. It looks as consistent as real hardware + CRT on my setup (excepting previously mentioned preventable glitches).

>> No.798758


BTW, you can get decent performance even with default kernel if you have good hardware.

>> No.798776
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No it doesn't.

Call me when you can do this with VBA.

>> No.798779

Also, I turn off CPU power saving while I'm gaming, because it destroys realtime performance on my AMD system. I hear Intel CPUs do power saving better.

>> No.798797

Why would I want to play Kirby like that when I can just reach left and grab my GBC off the shelf. I mean, I'd have to take Oracle of Seasons out and put Dreamland in, but there are always hardships in life.

>> No.798803


>not GBASP backlit


>> No.798812

I have six of those, too, but I prefer my GBC. It was the first handheld I personally purchased... Sentimental shit and all.

>> No.798891


Is that SGB2? My SGB definitely doesn't have most of those borders.

>> No.798905


Yeah, I was using "Super Game Boy 2 (Japan).sfc" as the SGB BIOS

>> No.798937

I can run the accuracy profile of bsnes perfectly, OP.

Why don't you upgrade your piece of shit computer?

>> No.798942



OG GBA with an SP's backlit screen or nothing.

>> No.799680

>flat out horseshit
But it's true. VM with linux running ZSNES takes overall less resources that bsnes

>> No.799921

You believe every sensationalist bullshit that comes your way?

ZSNES is fine. Just fuck off.

>> No.800123

It's fine that you're still using Windows 95, but I think you shouldn't force others that want a program that actually supports newer versions of Windows. It's very elitist.

>> No.800129

Could you tell me ore about Aaron not handling MAME anymore? I'm interested.

>> No.800369


Nesticle is fine too amirite?

>> No.800372

Who fucking cares about using outdated speedhack emulators when modern CPUs can run bsnes balanced at almost double speed?

>> No.800390

Obviously some people do.

I use both for different things. It's obvious that zsnes has flaws, but it'll get you through quite a few games with little issue.

>> No.800406

Why use ZSNES at all when SNES9x runs on almost every piece of hardware out there, not limited to PCs, and still has almost perfect sound emulation thanks to blargg's dsp

>> No.800430

Because some people just don't care enough, and some people see venomous opposition to it as a reason to continue using it, just to spite people.

>> No.800514
File: 175 KB, 316x317, 1367796712635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Starfox on ZSNES without problems
>lags like shit on BSNES

Autism, gentlemen!

>> No.800531

>not using ZSNES


>> No.800563

Ever played it on the hardware? That's how it plays. It just accurately reproduces how it work in a real SNES, and is not necessarily better it all cases.

>> No.800565

I saw it yesterday and chuckled anon. Don't worry.

>> No.800569


Anyone advocating at this point is most likely trolling.

>> No.800571

Kid who has never actually played Starfox detected. Its a barely playable slideshow of a game on the real hardware.

>> No.800572

I use ZSNES on my Xbox for some games. Super Mario Kart isn't smooth on Snes9X, since the Xbox is essentially a ghetto PC from 10 years ago

>> No.800575

What the hell do people even mean when they complain about ZSNES inaccuracy?

>> No.800593

The sound emulation is the most noticeable flaw

>> No.800604

The first example that comes to mind is the slash noise in SMRPG. Pop that in zsnes and get to Bowser in the opening sequence and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.800603

it's only the first level bro. no worries

>> No.800681


SNES9x-Next in RetroArch is better for Super FX because it has actual over clocking that you can control and doesn't cause as much timing issues because it runs at the same speed but at a faster frame rate.

>> No.800742

Most of the stuff listed here.

>> No.800767

I didn't have a problem with ZSNES either until I compared the sound to other emulators. The power up chime in Mario World is a good example, it's totally garbled and unrecognizable.

>> No.800840
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>almost double speed
>Intel Core i7
>Can run SNES at almost double speed guys!

>> No.800853

That's because 90% of people here are morons, including you.

>> No.800867

I bet you children would also call Marcan an autist too, but truth is they're just too smart for you.

>> No.800876


Try a Core 2. Just keep throwing out your little hyperboles and thinking you're winning an argument

>> No.800904

ZSNES trolls are at it again. Why hasn't this thread been deleted yet?

>> No.800912

I really like the idea behind higan, it's just a shame it doesn't run any of the translated Konami games for NES (Getsufuu Maden, Kid Dracula, etc.), and that it crashes upon savestating on GBC games, effectively turning me off from playing Link's Awakening DX. But it's in active development, so it'll be fixed.

>> No.801061
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>some people see venomous opposition to it as a reason to continue using it, just to spite people.

>> No.801282


>emulator choice is comparable to hitting yourself in the head with a hammer

Haha. No.

>> No.802161
File: 175 KB, 768x448, Inside I am laughing at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S-stupid idiot! Your simpleton brain couldn't handle all this accuracy!
>oh, byuu's just updated his emulator again, looks like I need to upgrade my setup to a quad core setup so that the shadows in F-Zero flicker correctly and the trumpets are at the right decibel...
>it's all worth it for muh accuracy

>> No.802179

What does any of that even mean? You're just being silly at this point. You only need a Core 2 Duo to run Higan/bsnes. That is fact.

>> No.802182


Just stop, you're making yourself look like a fucking idiot

>> No.802201

And that's what you get for playing with a shitty bloated emulator like bSNES

>> No.802204

Nah, he sounds pretty accurate to me.

>> No.802205
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>> No.802212


No, you sound like a fucking retard. It's not funny or cute, just pathetic.

>> No.802236

Complaining about bsnes system requirements is so 2007.

Also, sure is sour grapes in here, if you don't care about accuracy, why the fuck are you trying to use it?

>> No.802248

>being this upset on the internet

>> No.802245
File: 215 KB, 1841x846, And this is pretty fast, actually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any system is sorely lacking in accuracy, it's the N64.

Shame about the requirements for it, though.

>> No.802267

Goddamn, look at all this elitism towards people's emulator choices.

>> No.802274

Well, Conker is a demanding game afterall.

Still, seems like Project64 got super bloated. It's all worth it though if World Driver Championship finally runs

>> No.802279

Actually, I was demonstrating the new software graphics plugin. Pixel-perfect N64 graphics, at a steep price in performance.

>> No.802291
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Requires an Intel Core i7, they said.

>> No.802314

This is using Glide64. Much faster, and looks better. Not as accurate to the real hardware, though. And I gotta say, I hate how the filtered text looks. For some reason these HLE plugins never got texture filtering completely right. They look like they're divided into sections or something.

Well, to be fair, some special chip games might require a bit more power.

>> No.802317
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1032, faster and prettier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic, durr

>> No.802324


Only cx4 brings it below 60fps. Super FX and SA-1 run at about 65fps

>> No.802326

That is to say, GUI elements and text often look off when texture filtering is enabled. The only plugin that seems to avoid those issues is the software graphics plugin. Maybe z64gl when set to low-res mode as well.

>> No.802329

I know you guys are trolling, but the primary benefit to you is that homebrew developers and romhackers have an accurate emulator to test their creations on. Before, most lacked access to flashcarts (or Magic Drives back in the day or whatever), and would only test their creations on ZSNES. Because they didn't know any better, they'd make all kinds of mistakes that would prevent the game from actually running on real hardware, essentially making something that will only ever run on one version of ZSNES. Sometimes, they even abandoned their projects before fixing them. In at least one case, a major fan translation had bugs, the translation hacker left the seen, and someone completely uninvolved had to reverse engineer their shitty patch to fix the bug for them.

Here's an example of the kind of shit ZSNES pulls: On a real 65816 (the CPU in the SNES), unaligned memory accesses will crash the CPU. The basic idea of that if you don't know the term: Imagine a computer that reads two digits at a time, with these digits in memory: 1 3 4 8 7. Reading "13" and "48" would be valid, but trying to read "34" or "87" would make that CPU crash. Makes sense?

The ZSNES authors knew that no commercially released games would try to read unaligned memory, because it would crash the system and the bug would be caught quickly. Because of that, they completely left the unaligned memory access check out, to save a few cycles. Oh boy, it runs slightly faster on my 486 now!

Fast forward a bit, and you have stupid newbie romhackers performing unaligned memory accesses because they don't know any better, and yelling at authors of more accurate emulators for not running their buggy pieces of shit romhacks. Some of them grew up and realized the errors of their ways, the rest started making Super Mario World romhacks.

>> No.802337

Who cares about any of that technobabble. As long as I can play Super Mario World for the 1000th time, who gives a shit if other, less popular games have issues or some translations and hacks only work on ZSNES? I mean, those games are probably all shit if they're not popular or weren't localized, right?

>> No.802336

Different stuff for different folks.
If they like to code emulators let them do it, it's not like they're getting paid for it or they're hurting someone.

I'll never understand the need to take sides, I mean, I used zsnes and have no shame in admit it, and now use SNES9x but I still think 100 % accurate emulation projects are interesting in their own ways for the people who do them, I'm a technological retard but even I can understand why people have fun in doing that.

>> No.802349

Your hardware, OS, and drivers cause timing problems *in the display/input/audio output,* but the emulation itself is near perfect.

The emulator is happily outputting all of these near-perfect frames for the correct moments in time, it's not the emulator's fault if your OS chokes and skips frames that were rendered in time.

I totally do get why people would rather just buy a SNES and flashcart than try to perfectly configure an emulation machine, though.

>> No.802351
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Here Mednafen-PSX for comparison. It's running in interlaced mode there so the requirements are higher than usual.

Feels good having a machine powerful enough to do accurate SNES and PS1 emulation. I've only had it almost five years...

>> No.802376

Texture filtering and polygon upscaling in scenes with a mix of 2D and 3D are always going to look like shit. The best example would be trying to play one of the PlayStation Final Fantasy games with fancy OpenGL plugins. That's the main reason to use software emulation, IMO.

The sad thing is, some people actually seem to think that way.
I fail to see how anyone can have a problem with BSNES if you think of it as "an experimental project to emulate the SNES as accurately as possible that you just happen to be able to play games on." Byuu makes all the source code and his discoveries available so that other authors can (and do!) use them as a reference for developing emulators that prioritize speed over edge-case accuracy. Everyone wins!

>> No.802401
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, pcsxr 2013-04-01 05-26-38-60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people who hate on byuu and bsnes do so either out of ignorance, or they have a bone to pick with the guy. Especially Squarepusher. Holy shit, I have never seen someone talk so much shit about a fellow developer, when they don't even talk anymore. It's like he's suffering from perpetual rectal collapse. He even says byuu is a cancer who is driving people insane over accuracy.

Also, have one of those examples you're talking about. Sometimes GOOD GRAPHICS really doesn't make for, well, good graphics.

>> No.802414

Many people have no idea how emulation works in the first place. Ironically the way byuu is approaching it is actually easier to describe and visualize, since every physical component is modeled logically. It's a hardware simulation rather than a binary interpreter/recompiler

>> No.802416

>if a game didn't come to MURRIKA it's shit
>if a game isn't popular it's shit

>> No.802423
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>not getting obvious sarcasm

>> No.802437

I'm using snes9x, it boots fine but my controller does not work. I set the controls with my usb xbox controller, activated the gamepad and it didn't work for emulation. This predicament is peculiar because emulation on Dolphin and Project64 work without any issues. Does anyone know how to fix this? (I've already looked around with no positive result)

>> No.802442

My b. Just got done browsing /v/, so my sarcasm detector was fucked.

>> No.802451

I've heard of Snes9x having issues with some controllers. Try out RetroArch. It takes a bit of setting up, but use this guide and you should have no problems:


>> No.802617


What translation was that may I ask? I've heard about this before but never found out which one it was.

>> No.802620


>> No.802679

this post is a shining light in a sea of bullshit.

And thank you other posters in this thread who gave detailed explanations of these too, I've been meaning to get a snes emulator.

>> No.802728

My god, I can't tell if you're retarded or trolling, but do you understand you're both literally going "It's meant to suck"

And do you also not understand that non-spergs would prefer a game that doesn't suck instead of accuracy? Holy shit. I mean, I dunno about you, but I'm a gameplay-first kinda guy, but I'd rather play a game that's fun instead of accurate. I mean, if North and South for the NES accurately represented how long it takes to reload a musket, it would fucking suck. Infantry would be worse than useless. It sacrifices accuracy for fun, which is what video games should be about: fun. Do you faggots bust an artery every time you see a racing game with turbo in it?

>> No.802773

But he actually wants split roms.

>> No.802774

Even so, if you want to play Star Fox at a faster speed, you can now do so through RetroArch. The Snes9x-Next core has an option to overclock the Super FX chip, which makes Super FX games play at a faster framerate.

>> No.802793

I love how stupid people cannot understand why game preservation is so important. I bet they doesn't even care about preserving films, books or paintings.

They're so selfish that they still hates a guy who spends his money on buying entire SNES sets, scan the manuals and boxes, dump the roms, make a giant database and creates an emulator from scratch and for fucking free. Because who cares about shitty gaems, we just want the last SMW hack that doesn't work in real hardware.

Do you have an old as shit computer? Fine, use the compatibility or speed build, or Snes9x and shut the fuck up.

>> No.802972

You may want to zip up, your mad is showing.

>> No.803051

One of the characteristics of autism is desire for sameness and a resistance to change. In the severe autistic this usually manifests as screaming fits if say a routine is disrupted in some subtle way or a stack of blocks that the autistic likes is adjusted or tampered with.

A high functioning autistic person however might notice and be severely agitated by subtle changes that they perceive in the operation of a video game they like from their childhood.

If you think a high functioning autistic can't become extremely obsessed with pointless minutia I suggest you go check out Ulillillia's website and get a first hand lesson in what being a high functioning autistic means.

>> No.803069
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Fortunately, these kind of people don't stick around for long as their attention tends to drift quickly and they don't have any invested interest in most things, especially something like emulation and game preservation. Just gibbe roms plz, WHURRS MY POKEMANZ TRANSLATUON, etc.. Unfortunately, these same idiots are quickly replaced by the massive hordes of like-minded schlubs who cluelessly stumble their way into hobbies and their online chatter tends to weave a seamless fabric of thoughtless and insulting opinions they shouldn't even be expressing.

People call them trolls but that's making the assumption that they simply aren't idiots.

>> No.803086
File: 71 KB, 545x528, That's Neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that an actual SGB boarder?

>> No.803104

Yup, it's one of the Super Gameboy 2 borders, which are completely different from the regular SGB.