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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8023165 [Reply] [Original]

>bro why do you buy retro mini consoles just get a Raspberry Pi

>> No.8023172

Because a raspberry pi doesn't look as nice next to my funkopops, mighty max, and street shark collections. Duh.

>> No.8023174

This reminds me of a thread where some guy wanted to get a Pi but other anons were trying to convince him of better emulation machines and he refused them all because "I don't want people seeing a god damn computer in my entertainment area"

>> No.8023186

Is that Clint? When is he going to go back to reviewing games? All his videos are long and full of nonsense now.

>> No.8023187


>> No.8023189

>Raspberry Pi
I still don't even know what this is or does.

>> No.8023201

Cheap tiny computer, can't even run windows. I use one to stream videos.

>> No.8023204
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>> No.8023214

>can't even run windows
That's only because Windows isn't available on ARM. It technically could, but what's the point when Raspbian and Ubuntu are available?

>> No.8023217

I wish I had a Mighty Max collection. I only had the scorpion one as a kid. Used it more as a toy scorpion than a playset.

>> No.8023219

>When is he going to go back to reviewing games?
I miss his game reviews as well. I even watched that recent Sims 4 dlc review out of desperation, although I've never played that game and don't give a shit about it.

>> No.8023224

Tiny cheap computer that a lot of people seem to buy to emulate games with even though it's honestly not that well suited for that. It's weak and runs hot without janky cooling setups. The gpio pins/io and low power consumption is where it shines but those really go to waste if you're just going to stash it behind your tv and connect a bt controller to it. It's essentially made for tinkering, hacking etc.
To be fair in my opinion the retro mini consoles are kinda shit too. Just something to throw your money at out of boredom.

>> No.8023225

>It's weak and runs hot without janky cooling setups
Mine doesn't. Runs PS1 & N64 games on RetroPie easily and I don't have any cooling. Do you actually have one yourself? In the unlikely event that you do, which model?

>> No.8023249

This guy gets it

I remember that thread. We get some real schizos here.

Schizos like this fucko. Yes, Windows is available for ARM and has been for years. Even a memeberry 4 can barely handle it.

>> No.8023253

Whom are you quoting?

>> No.8023256
File: 982 KB, 1440x1547, GSql6LQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8023260

>We get some real schizos here.
Damn... not wanting a computer in your "entertainment area" from the misguided belief that not having one would make you look less sad is really psychotic behavior, what a schizo LOL

>> No.8023265

This! The Entertainment Area is for pretty things like mini consoles and flat screen tvs. Imagine pissing off your wife with big ugly HEAVY tvs that you can't even lift or ugly old consoles and computers. That's a big yikes.

Wife says no, so it's a hard no. Happy wife, happy life.

>> No.8023281

Is that lgr? That guy doesn't go on about raspberry pis.

>> No.8023285

3, 4 and zerow. The zero has mostly just sat in a drawer though. Have you actually kept any records on the temps? Especially 4 runs pretty hot imo.

>> No.8023297

At-least he's living up to the "L" part of "LGR."

>> No.8023306

Seconded. Getting huge red flags here, gonna be a big "oof" if he gets that PC.

EDIT: Spelling

>> No.8023318

The 16:9 aspect ratio on F-Zero kills me every time with this picture.

>> No.8023326

Is that you RetroTech?