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[ERROR] No.8006345 [Reply] [Original]

ITT game series where the first game was clearly the best and everything went donwhill after that.
i'll start:
>resident evil
>tomb raider

>> No.8006350
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>> No.8006359

Deus Ex
Unreal Tournament
Souls series

>> No.8006373
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>> No.8006409


>> No.8006415
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Master of Orion

>> No.8006424

Final Fantasy

>> No.8006460
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>> No.8006467

>ITT game series where the first game was clearly the best and everything went donwhill after that.
>i'll start:
>>resident evil
>>tomb raider

Also Starcraft, Samurai Shodown, Chrono Trigger, Sonic, Rival Schools and Shinobi. Unreal Tournament anyway.

>> No.8006479

Well, I just happens I prefer Master of Orion to Master of Magic 2: Space Edition.

>> No.8006480
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>> No.8006562

>Unreal Tournament
Eh, I had a lot of fun with 2004. Aesthetics wise UT is definitely superior though and I agree with the rest.

>> No.8006708
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>> No.8006728

Bitch please... It's the never ending debate between 2 and TLR. But nobody considers 1 to be the best.
Except soulfags and zoomerniggers, that is

>> No.8006797

stfu retard

>> No.8006803

Quake 3 is better than the first two by a country mile, and DOOM 64 is forever the GOAT.

>> No.8006835

Donkey Kong Country

>> No.8006864

Love Quake 3 but it may as well be a different series. Although you could say that for almost every Quake title after the first.

>> No.8006910

This. Quake 1 has no sequel.

>> No.8006969

Crash Bandicoot.
First one feels like a proper retro platformer updated to 3D, and then the series catches Playstation syndrome after that point, with dumbed down difficulty and too many cutscenes.

>> No.8006980

If you count FF Tactics as the first, then that. But some consider it the second game in a series beginning with Tactics Ogre. FFT quality really went off a cliff with the advance games.

>> No.8006991

>Rhen Var
>Dune Sea
The peak came too early

>> No.8007015

This. The current ones feel like battlefield with a star wars skin.

>> No.8007130
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>> No.8007163

Zoom zoom

>> No.8007230
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Ultima series
Although the series didn't reach its peak until 4th and 7th games.

>> No.8007457


>> No.8007479
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This is going to be controversial, but I am objectively correct.

Halo: Combat Evolved

>> No.8007483


You are correct on Halo, but incorrect on Quake. Quake 1 is one of the shittier Quake’s.

>> No.8007964
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>> No.8008112
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The plot of Halo CE is better.
Not knowing what the fuck was going on was refreshing at the time.
Aliens killing humans and humans don't know why.
And then the ancient aliens twist.
Plus multiplayer was chaotic, different, and very skill based.

Then they decided to do that every single game ...
And made the elites talk.
And ugghhhhh ...

Had a lot of fun with Halo 3 multiplayer though. Then it became COD.

>> No.8008158

DKC2 is objectively better than the first.

>> No.8008171

Serious Sam if you count both TFE and TSE as Serious Sam 1.

>> No.8008173

2004 had fun new modes but the returning ones just didn't seem as fun as they were in 99. Can't quite put my finger on it,

>> No.8008176


>> No.8008192

Deus Ex
Half Life

>> No.8008194

silent hill
soul reaver
dino crisis
parasite eve

>> No.8008327

Legacy of Kain

>> No.8008337

Quake 1 is the one true Quake. 2 and 4 suck ass and 3 isn't even in the same genre.

>> No.8008370
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>> No.8008371

every series ever, sequels are soulless

>> No.8008384

Ape Escape

>> No.8008418

I find it fascinating how no one ever tried to copy the feel of 1, but rather just the hack and slash gameplay. All those overlooked details.
I cant think of a single diablo clone that takes part in a single dungeon with no respawning enemies and an intense atmosphere.

>> No.8008436

Halo should have never been a narrative/plot-driven game. This becomes apparent about halfway through CE, when it's just a slog to get from one plot point to the next. 2 ALMOST recovered from that, and was almost good cinema...but then Halo had to be the coolest robot who doesn't afraid of anything.

fuck narrative in action games

>> No.8008438

Maniac Mansion.

>> No.8008440


>> No.8008946

Resident Evil 2 was way better than 1.
Doom 2 was better than Doom 1 but Doom 64 wins.
Great game but so is Snake Eater.
Parasite Eve 2 was better than 1.

>> No.8009063

Resident evil is the most braindead the serie ever was.
In puzzle aspect re3 wins but re1 was more creative.
Hunter are far superior to licker.

>> No.8009067

Resident evil 2 is the most braindead*

>> No.8009229


>> No.8009271

Yeah, thanks for telling us what you are.

>> No.8009615

shinobi 3?? this must be bait
anyways, spyro 1 is still the best spyro

>> No.8009943
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>parasite eve 2 better than 1

>> No.8010097

It really is.

>> No.8010101

Dark Souls

>> No.8010116

Halo CE on the PC was so much fun. Had a bunch of maps the xbox version didn't too

>> No.8010123
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>> No.8010140

The original Diablo hits so well on the atmosphere and gameplay that I doubt anyone will ever match it. I've wanted to make a game that specifically targets to do what you've mentioned and I'm at a loss as to how it would still be even remotely as good as Diablo. Curious as to what you think would be good additions for a game trying to match that classic Diablo feel.

>> No.8010176


>> No.8011236

> the series didn't reach its peak until 4th and 7th games.
So in other words, Ultima is not at all what OP is looking for.

>> No.8012013

Original X-com.
The second game was a reskin, the third one had interesting ideas, but it was broken and unfinished.
Remake was a completely different beast whatsoever

>> No.8012029
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TR 2 & 3 were still decent (minus vehicle sections of 3)
I do feel like they could have done a little more to build and innovate on the platforming though since TR 1 had some really great ideas.
For example there's this one scenario in TR1 expansion Unfinished Business from the level called The Hive that makes you aware that you can game the physics a little with Lara's jumps (which is needed to get to this part of ground safely without falling into lava)
It was an intentional design decision that i saw rarely got the attention in challenges that Core Design could have worked with.

>> No.8012030

fuck off faggot

>> No.8012034

>Resident Evil 2 was way better than 1.
No fucking way. I swear with Resident Evil 2 too many stinkin casuals came on board. And thats where all the action mainstream bullshit started.

>> No.8012714

TFC was better.

>> No.8012829

yes 2 and 3 were decent. but 1 was better for sure

>> No.8012859

The original Battlefront 2 is entirely based, although I agree some of the maps from the original are sorely missed. You’re right about the EA shit though.

>> No.8012865


Nah chief the original trilogy is a very natural evolution of game design and they’re all great in their own ways. The gradual retardation of the story however is totally true.

>> No.8012936


>> No.8012962
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>> No.8012969

The Witcher
Mass Effect
Valkyria Chronicles

>> No.8013190

peaked on the first level and I say this as someone who loves all the early games except 2
>Megaman X
Every aspect of this game got a downgrade or two in every sequel, nice graphics on X4 I guess
>Yoshi Island
I honestly go a little insane every time I think about how Miyamoto was supervising this, Star Fox, a whole new console along with Mario 64 and probably the blueprint of Ocarina at the same time what an absolute gamer
>Kingdom Hearts
It was tolerable

>> No.8013208

The Witcher is unplayably buggy. I bought all 3 on Steam because bundles and sales, but it'll be a while before I work up the courage to try that again.

Mass Effect 2 is infinitely better than 1. The cone of fire isn't stat based anymore, and leveling up skills has some branching to it. Lots more characters (and Jack became my secondary waifu behind Tali), more content, better story, etc.

>> No.8013226

so you're saying that ME2 is more of a popamole shooter and less of an RPG right?

>> No.8013238

Not really. It's just that the level mechanics in 1 affected things that should be skill based.

It also got rid of the whole "here's another goddamn square map I have to explore for a 5 room dungeon on a repetitive plan or a mineral deposit" shit.

>> No.8013254

Witcher 1 runs fine for the most part if you turn off the overlay. It'll crash once or twice and run like shit in the third chapter in the town but thats just because its running on a game engine from 1999,

>> No.8013262

It's not just crashes. Animation glitches, UI bugs, all that shit. It's as if it's made by polacks.

>> No.8013427

>better story
Nothing about the main plot makes a lick of sense. The big bad guy is an xbox live kid throwing lame insults while having no actual plan. Literally, every line of dialogue in the main quest makes no sense and you're forbidden from questioning the retardation of your "boss" because that hack of a writer responsible for 2,3 and Andromeda was obsessed with Cerberus.
Doesn't surprise me that you're the kind of brainlet that's put off by a real RPG.

>> No.8013656

>tomb raider
Last Revelation was better than 1 IMO.

>> No.8013674

I've been playing a lot of Diablo 1 lately. I've probably put far more time into D1 than D2.

>> No.8015293
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>> No.8015302

It's nowhere near as complex as 2. Grab Hellfire from archive.org, though.

>> No.8015306

So much anger. Did you not get sauce with your tendies today?

>> No.8015308

I disagree, the second game was a worse game. If you ignore the update which allows you to get the old maps then it is a terrible sequel. The heroes were the greatest mistake, but that's not all of it.

>> No.8016161

>Eye of the Beholder
>Mortal Kombat

>> No.8016179


Figure out how to communicate first before calling anything else braindead you drooling retard.

>> No.8016246


>> No.8016260

But that's the third game.

>> No.8016371

>Doom 2 was better than Doom 1
only good thing about D2 is the super shotgun
>but Doom 64 wins.
console game

>> No.8016391

3 and Rondo are better

>> No.8016425

I played doom 64 on PC anon

>> No.8016508

>I played doom 64 on PC anon
not retro

>> No.8016552

>posted on 4channel
not retro

>> No.8017749

Unironically agree, Halo CE single player still unmatched by anything in the franchise

>> No.8017891

Serious Sam

>> No.8017914

>resident evil
zoom zoom

>> No.8017919

Mario bros

>> No.8017923


>> No.8018096

>Dont make the game about grinding but rather exploring.
>Make it only one dungeon so the player has no where else to go but deeper into the dungeon.
>Try to nail the sound effects and have somewhat good atomspheric music.
>Update the combat to a more modern standard, but dont overcomplicate it.

Kind obvious stuff and still no one even attempted it.

>> No.8018159

After 2 released I still played it a lot but found myself going back to 1 more and more. I liked that 1 didn't have as much focus on dealing with equipment and items. And the gothic horror atmosphere with one long dungeon that gets more twisted as you go on felt more satisfying. 2 had better skills for each class but 1 having a bit more focus on positioning and using the environment to your advantage kept it fun too.

>> No.8018551
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Silent Hill
Max Payne

>> No.8018589
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>> No.8018623

>Mass Effect 2 is infinitely better than 1. The cone of fire isn't stat based anymore, and leveling up skills has some branching to it. Lots more characters (and Jack became my secondary waifu behind Tali), more content, better story, etc.
I can understand prefering ME2 for its action and characters, but saying the story is better is beyond ridiculous. It's a braindead blockbuster schlock, it's so full of stupid bullshit it looks like it was written by a teenager wanting to show off Illusive Man, his OC donut steele character.
You have to turn your brain off to enjoy it.

>> No.8018672

Outrun 2 is a stone cold classic asshole

>> No.8020254

Know what is spooky about this zombie? Supposedly the eye is actually from an irl dead person. Not sure why the devs went that extra creepy mile but apparently that is why that zombie became so iconic and spooky.

>> No.8020261

I've seen this said at times. I never fully understood why. I played 1 but bought 2. I remember 2 feeling like a complete upgrade, not that 1 is shit though. So why is 1 better?

>> No.8020602

This, so much this. I have no idea why is Portal 2 shilled by so many people, it was a huge disappointment.

>> No.8021124

lol no

>> No.8021331
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>> No.8021374


Also: Yoshi's Island, Final Fight, Earthworm Jim, Crazy Taxi, Mario & Luigi, Strider, R-Type and maybe Soul Edge (unless we count the Soul Calibur series as a sort of spinoff).

>> No.8021393

That's no surprise, i agree that the 2 have better itemization but that's it, they sacrificed the atmosphere of the game which killed the whole experience to me. I can comprehend the remake on the 2 but at the same time, i don't think they could replicate the 1 and specially the feel, maybe even David Brevik himself would'n be able to do, that was a masterpiece as never seen before.

>> No.8021412

Turok 2 is better than the first one in every aspect

>> No.8021415

Yeah, true. The Sparkster games for SNES/Genesis aren't bad, but they're a step down compared to the original, and the reboot was pretty mediocre.

>> No.8021416
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>> No.8021468
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Obscure hands down
>First game is the best couch co-op survival horror
>Second game is still pretty good, but story destroys the anyone can die aspect from the first game
>Third game went so off the rails that they changed the name and story at the last minute

>> No.8022047

is this true?

>> No.8023139

source or you're bullshitting

>> No.8023904

I don't know, Lunatea's Veil was really good.

>> No.8023978
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>> No.8024031

My nigga

>> No.8024108


>> No.8024262


>> No.8024358

what is playstation syndrome?

>> No.8024384

I literally explained it there. Inferior maps. Inferior classes. New thing which ruins the entire game.

>> No.8024748

anon provided, nice, thanks for the sauce