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7996503 No.7996503 [Reply] [Original]

King's Field thread: Big Fat Fuck edition
A thread to talk about everything related to the KF series, from lore discussion to gameplay tips/hints
Shadow tower and similar titles are more than welcome

>> No.7997020

i literally finished KF2 (KF1 in the west) half an hour ago and boy what a journey it was
people hyped it as the best in the series but i found it frustrating as hell but i did enjoy it...kinda
my ranking so far of the series is KF4 = ST Abyss > KF3 (highly underrated) > KF2
now am i need to focus on finishing Shadow Tower (am halfway through the game i think) and KF1 (played like 20 minutes)
after i finish those two i will finally go back to finishing that abomination of Eternal Ring (3 hours into it)

>> No.7997179

i'm recently playing KF1 (original japanese english translation) and it's awesome. I'm a little aware of my magic, since i don't use it from the very beginning.
Also, drawing maps because if not it's imposible.
Thank you guys for this recomendation.

>> No.7997602
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Giving a bump because I just finished the PS1 trilogy yesterday. Great games. I really like the climactic feeling their endgames have, especially King's Field 3. Can't believe people recommended to skip that one, the consensus I saw was that only 2 and 4 are worthwhile. The way 3 tied into the first two games was very satisfying.
Onto King's Field 4, only about an hour in and very excited.
(excuse the tumblr filename, I found this image on google)

>> No.7997641

Funny you say that because I'm having less fun with 2 than I did 1. I know 1 is less expansive and has a "cheap" feel to it, but there was something about the general level design that felt a lot more compelling. Maybe it was just tighter designed?

>> No.7997663
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You already know what I'm going to say.

>> No.7997694

Keep using magic otherwise you’ll get fucked in the end of the game and will have to grind. Just a warning

>> No.7998290
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>Keep using magic otherwise you’ll get fucked in the end of the game
i hope you're trolling anon. Once i took the wooden shield at the beginning, i used all my magic attacking monsters until i hadn't anymore. Since then i used physic attacks based on the weapons i found or the strength upgrades i received.
Tbqh i was wondering how could i refill the magic bar but since i was doing great without it i didn't paid much attention kek.
How can i get more magic? Buying the Dragon Tree egg? i remember the tender saying that or similar. Anyway, picrel is my current status

>> No.7998738

Light spoilers ahead. Keep exploring the first floor. There's a fountain you can restore to infinitely refill magic. The egg is also the only item that will refill mp outside of using the fountain so return there frequently.

>> No.7998746

fuck dark souls fans for driving the price of ps1 copies of this up so high.

>> No.7998760

yes, but Lyn is mine.

>> No.7998819
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>There's a fountain you can restore to infinitely refill magic.
ahh, the recovery fountain, yeah, i remember now. Nothing happened. I tried to use the Dragon/Golden Cup (that one you take from the Scholar corpse) there or near, but "nothing happens". Ended putting the Cup near where the dead son was.
I've some questions but i prefer to not be spoiled if it's possible:
>in front of Tender's shop there is a room entrance with darts flying VERY fast
obviously i cannot enter there without dying. Perhaps is it accessible in the future or similar?
>my progress is stopped after opening the Commoner's Cemetery Door
but while exploring, i found myself in the same area that i've already explored. It's like i was teleported, i don't know
>all my gold is from killing beasts or finding Blood Stones
it's great cause i make money but it's insufficient if i want to buy some cool ass equipment at Gil's

>> No.7998845

>Ended putting the Cup near where the dead son was.
If you dropped it on the ground you might be fucked. I never checked if you could pick up items you dropped again since the feature is useless. Hint: the cup doesn't go in the room with the fountain. I think an NPC tells you where to put it and some text on the wall leads you to it.
>obviously i cannot enter there without dying. Perhaps is it accessible in the future or similar?
You're on the right track.
>but while exploring, i found myself in the same area that i've already explored. It's like i was teleported, i don't know
Look around, there should be a locked door in that area.
>it's great cause i make money but it's insufficient if i want to buy some cool ass equipment at Gil's
The economy is busted. You'll find better items as you explore anyway. Revisit that shop later in the game when you have more serious dosh or old items to sell.

>> No.7998954

it's youtube fags fault for making videos like ''look at this Dark souls ancestor game!!!'' and ''Dark Souls for PS1/PS2!!!''

>> No.7998958

Please don't bring this dumb shit into a comfy KF thread.

>> No.7998963

am playing the game right now (i just reached floor 4) for the cup you need to put it on the dragon shrine in floor 1 first before teh fountain becomes usable
and to stop the arrows you need to push a lever or something that can be found behind a hidden wall so look careful
oh and around the end of floor 3 there is a place surrounded by lamps that magically heals your hp and mp it's a great alternative to the fountain so you can explore the upper floors without the need to go back all the way to floor 1 for healing
however here is a tip BUY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN OF HERBS the maximum you can hold is 99 make sure you get them before you go to the next floor because so far i didn't come across any other shop in floor 2 or 3

>> No.7999026 [DELETED] 
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we live in a world where expressing love for pic related makes you a ''buzzword alert'' pedo predator just because she's younger than the magical number the globalists pulled off their ass

>> No.7999048

take your meds beast

>> No.7999058 [DELETED] 

The good news is, as the age of consent keeps getting pushed upward (say, 21 this time) those populations which embrace this nonsense the hardest will effectively remove themselves from the gene pool due to abysmal fertility rates.

Nature always finds a way.

>> No.7999481
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>> No.7999714
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thanks bros. So afterall i did great with the Cup.

>playing comfy KF
>it's a little hard but i'm making progress
>tfw no magic
>tfw monsters give me 3 gold
>tfw Gil sells a mega-turbo bazooka for 1,000,000G
>tfw i'm still on the first floor
>tfw blind-tender sells herbs cheaper than Gil and i've to backtrack myself everytime

i was thinking... will i meet someone like me? i mean, like my character? so far i've met the Priest and his altar boy (that dude seems to be from Tekken), Gil, blindTender, the depressed soldier at the barracks and the gravedigger father. I was wondering if maybe bounty hunters or similar may be looking for treasures although Tekken-kun told me about a suspicious Burglar.

>> No.7999720

Are any of the old Fromsoft games actually good apart from Armored Core?

>> No.7999751

Kf and shadow tower are rpgs with an heavy focus on exploration, if you like how it sounds give them a shot. Never played echo night so i can't really say anything about them, but have heard good things.

>> No.7999778

>old From Software
what happened

>> No.7999947
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Hello. This is my wife.

>> No.8001783


>> No.8001808
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Yes. The Japanese 1, not international 1.

>> No.8002097

so i'm gonna met her soon i guess. Any advice for a newcomer?

>> No.8002164

>Any advice for a newcomer?
Take good quality screenshots of Miria and post them here to gain an advantage.

Honestly, I have no real advice. On my first playthrough I can't recall anything that was a struggle. I was nervous in the final encounter but still did it first try. Otherwise it was just steady progress the whole way through.
I guess something important is to read the instruction manual if you can find a translated copy. If you find magical weapons you can cast a spell attack with them using a button combination but I don't think the game itself tells you this.

>> No.8002445
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I played King's Field 4 recently and it became one of my favourite games

>> No.8002702

The ps1 port of ultima underworld is eerily remeniscent of a kings field game.
Japan only oddly enough.
Quite the amazing port.

Now play shadow tower abyss.

>> No.8004501

niggas, don't let this thread die

>> No.8004658

Its a very niche genre and kings field only got this "boost" in attention via being a fromsoft title.

You kinda feel empty after having played all shadow tower and kings field games, because there is not much else like it.

Tempted to play the sword of moonlight fan mission, but I dont know how good those really are level design wise and what advantages and drawbacks the level editor has.

>> No.8004679

Can someone give me a history lesson on the PC tool Sword of Moonlight?
It's hard for me to understand the legacy because of potential translation errors and the fact the original sites are dead and not fully archived. As well as the fact it seems like the community took over the project and/or reimplemented/modified it, and/or made something new with the same name and purpose.

Is it such that From Software released a tool for free that let you make your own campaigns and play them on PC (along with a new campaign of its own).
Was this originally open source? What's the status of it?

I would like to get as much data on this as I can so that I can back it up and preserve it for the future. Something like that should not be lost and deleted as if it's insignificant.

>> No.8005545

what's a good game to start with?

>> No.8006336

the one from 1995.

>> No.8006372

Eternal Ring is decent, has an interesting ring crafting system, and has combat similar to KF but it's a bit faster paced.

>> No.8007274

this is me again i finished KF1, Shadow Tower AND Eternal Ring is few days lol

KF1 is surprisingly a solid game despite being FromSoftware first game it was simple and fun i liked how it's separated in 5 floor you explore instead of the frustrating maze-like island shit in KF2, i found odd how you needed to level up your STR and MAG until you can use the Moonlight Sword magic which is the only way to beat the final boss

Shadow Tower is a gem i loved the dark creepy atmosphere and those monster designs are really cool (Evergrace tier) i used a cheat code of infinite durability (the biggest issue with the game) and it made it even more fun to play, there is a lot of monsters/items/weapons i missed due to how big the game is, oh yeah i fought Auriel and shee was harder than any boss in the game and my reward was nothing...except unlocking her in the VS mode, so i reloaded my save and didn't kill her instead in the final stage of the game you find her behind a hidden wall and she'll give you a soul pad with 53 points then she disappears forever (until the sequel) totally worth it

Eternal Ring i heard lots of negative stuff about it but it's not that bad at all i liked it the gameplay is fast and smooth the enemies are hard but no frustrating the the ring system is interesting, magic is so OP i fused level 4 low fire magic and started bombing every unlucky bastard i encountered, the story is nice but the voice acting is so horrible lol, and the music is quite good, my favorite track have the same Evergrace music style


oh yeah i also did the secret dungeon behind the cave and boy was it hard and damn the boss took me a long time to beat but it was worth it for he drops the moonlig..ah i mean the Eternal Sword as it called here, the final boss on the other hand was piss easy but he reminded me of Evergrace final boss too (both are children and a result of magical experiment shit)

>> No.8007280

so now that i played the 7 FromSoftware games of this genre (including KF3 Pilot then again it's more like a demo) my ranking is:
KF4 > SH Abyss > KF3 > SH > ER > KF1 > KF2

>> No.8007303

>frustrating maze-like island shit in KF2
anon exploring that island in no particular order was what made the game ludo in my eyes. I dropped Shadow Tower Abyss because of its hub design.

>> No.8007324

>I dropped Shadow Tower Abyss because of its hub design.
you can literally jump to the last wrold when you first reach the ''shadow tower'' (the place with the stairs that takes to the next level)
so you can go to and do whatever and whenever you want, i'd say it's more non-linear than KF2

>> No.8009807
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乇 乂 ㄒ 尺 卂 ㄒ 卄 丨 匚 匚

>> No.8009864

so....any update on the search of the lost King's Field mobile games? there is 3 games but i couldn't find any archived dump of them

>> No.8010001

Are you guys emulating or playing on real hardware? A few years ago I happened upon a copy KF1(US) and while I finished it the frame drops were pretty rough after playing pc dungeon/adventure games for years. I remember one room specifically with 2 of the snail looking guys who shoot the mist (fire?) and when they both were shooting I thought my ps1 was going to blow up.

>> No.8010028

even on Emulator KF1 (US) suffers from slowdown

>> No.8010046

It's worth noting that the PAL version of King's Field 1 (2jp) runs at a mostly stable 17 fps, whereas the US version runs too fast. The game is supposed to run at 20 fps but instead can go up to 30, which is why some emulated footage on youtube is way too fast since game speed is tied to framerate. You'll still need overclocking to make it stable but it's way more playable.

>> No.8010554

I just recently finished KF1 and KF2. I absolutely fell in love with KF1 as soon as I saw it. The first floor just has so much charm in it. The graphics look just really cool. I loved the feeling of being lost. Difficulty was okay, kinda got easy.
KF2 I didn't like as much. I think the non-linear design of the game made me tackle things sooner than I probably should have. The graphics feel more washed out in this game. I like it less graphically than 1. Idk if anyone else feels this way too.

>> No.8011387

i feel the same way 1 is better than 2
now play 3 am pretty sure you are going to adore it

>> No.8013275

seath made enough of her for everyone

>> No.8013360

I transformed Seath the Scaleless into Seethe the Powerless.

>> No.8013958
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>> No.8014137

Which title is this one?

>> No.8014317

Hungry Ghosts a Japanese only game that plays and looks similar to Shadow Tower Abyss

>> No.8014689
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I played the board game adaptation Hungry Hungry Ghosts a lot when I was a kid.

>> No.8014829
File: 3.00 MB, 688x520, Hungry Ghosts - Title Screen_S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, on the surface it might look similar but it plays very differently. I started it bc I thought it was a clone of those From Software games but there's not nearly as heavy an emphasis on combat as in those titles. There are very few enemy types and the most common one in the first section of the game won't even attack you if you turn your back on it. You even have the option of stunning and moving past intead of killing them. And there are probably ~3-5 weapons in the game total. In fact you keep your starting spear for the majority of the experience. There's no armor whatsoever.

It's a mostly story driven driven adventure game. The controls are not fine tuned for combat and I'm not even talking about the slightly awkward button layout (that can be switched between several different presets) but also the fact that when you hold down the "walk fast" button you can only turn very slightly before you revert back to the regular walking speed. This is something that you can't really overcome with skill. It makes you less agile and actually feels a little bit like Resident Evil 4 running mechanic - save for the fact that you're not even running. And the environments are mostly very narrow anyway. Outmaneuvering enemies often isn't possible to begin with.

Overall it's a slower paced first-person horror adventure that takes place in hell where you do quite a bit of reading and need to mind your every move and decision as you make your way to the Gate of Judgment to receive the final ruling of the eternal fate of your soul. I find it has nice graphics and great good art direction alongside good sound design which all help to establish the atmosphere but I'm not sure I would say that it's very fun to play unfortunately. It's just moves really slowly but I'll keep going for now.

>> No.8015061

It looks really cool just by the art direction alone, does it have an english patch somewhere? I searched for it but only found a guy trying to translate and nothing more.

>> No.8015221
File: 2.97 MB, 688x520, Hungry Ghosts - Too Dark to See.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think anything of the sort was ever released unfortunately. I also happened upon that translation project while looking around for really just anyone to discuss the game with. Seemed like it had stalled out years ago.

Since it's a game not suited at all for children because it's dead serious (get it?) about the afterlife setting and religious themes (such as eternal damnation, curses, karma, corruption of the soul etc.), as a result, it's also not exactly beginner friendly in terms of kanji knowledge. Closely observing the environment and reading all the notes you find is crucial to the decision making progress. You can inspect and often interact with just about every single little object in the environment and the right from the start it tells you that all your actions and interaction are tracked and will shape the final outcome of stroy - locking you out of certain paths while opening others along the way.

My guess is that fighting is probably even discouraged to a degree since you play a former soldier who's gone to hell for taking other people's lifes. Thinking about it now, there were barely any enemy encounters that couldn't have been solved non-violently. Even the first boss fight I saw, is avoidable if you know what to do. The game also punished you for being greedy with items. Overall, it's an interesting game I would say. I should probably stop killing the weaker enemies though...

>> No.8015283

Thanks for the insightful responses anon, it will always make me mad that there is so much interesting games that never left Japan, Nintendo 64 and PS1 are also a big treasure box of quirky, interesting games. Although when I stop to reflect upon it, if those games were to be translated for an overseas audience at that point in time, it would probably be a sloppy job, since many games have questionable translations that do not hold up well at all.
I guess there is no other way around this gap, I really have to get up on my ass and begin learning Japanese.

>> No.8015481

> it will always make me mad that there is so much interesting games that never left Japan
how about some of them left japan, but usually in inferior versions?
Looking at you falcom, yes especially you brandish.

>> No.8015505

bro this looks legitimately awesomez what the fuck

>> No.8015515

stop being poor

>> No.8015590
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Granted I haven't gotten far into the game yet but up to this point there simply isn't much of a coherent mainline story to speak of that a translation could mess up. I loved the entire opening sequence. And the premise of you arriving in hell for your past sins and then seeking redemption at the Gate of Judgment lest you remain in hell for all eternity, is interesting to me. But then it quickly fell apart in the story department. Again because so far there really isn't much of a story at all beyond that.

I just have no concept of who this character is that I'm playing. I know he was a soldier and a killer of men, thus he went to hell. But that's about it. All the fates of the poor souls I've encountered so far seem to have no connection the protagonists former life. They're all about their lifes and what happened to them and what torments them in the afterlife. But none if it seems to have anything to do with me. I thought this felt a little disjointed in a way.

Like you're suddenly a supernatural detective in hell doing random errands and investigations on others people's fates and that somehow grants you forgiveness for your own mortal sins. I honestly expected a more personal story about this character. But my views on this topic are probably too influenced by Christian believes. Maybe it's just about racking up good karma so you can be reborn a human once more. That's the goal at least according to the ferryman during the opening. Or should I call him Charon?

While the game never references any religion directly, there are certain Buddhist undertones for sure. It was made in Japan after all. Same with some of the terminology as well, but mainly for concepts that are common to multiple faiths and nothing too specific or outright distinctly buddhistic.

Maybe the story will become more involved later on.

>> No.8017290
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>> No.8018086
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jesuschrist this is gold

>> No.8018151

is that soundtrack dumped anywhere?

>> No.8018208

On Mega

>> No.8018228

Bless you.

>> No.8018310

I got one around 2012 when it was still like ~100$ brand new on Ebay.

>> No.8018319

You can return the favor if you find good quality images of the box. Preferably at least a scanned cover or picture of the soundtack CD itself.

>> No.8018325

Could you take a picture of either the soundtrack CD or the cover art and post it here please? Doesn't need to be perfect. As long as it's relatively high-res and has no horrifying glare I'll be happy.

>> No.8018328

Sorry anon, I actually never opened it because I burned all the discs already.
Best I could find for you is https://blog.crooz.jp/venechianmasuku/ShowArticle/?no=2

>> No.8018338

So you have the unopened Dark Side Box sitting on a shelf somewhere? That's cool. Probably worth a pretty penny.

I appreciate the sentiment but that's not the same soundtrack at all. I'm sure I'll find a decent picture eventually. Thanks

>> No.8018395
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Did it myself. Best I could do with what's available.

>> No.8018425

Sorry I misunderstood you, anon.

I wanted to open it, but now they go for ~500$, which is absurd.

>> No.8018473

Ah, don't worry about it. 500 bucks is indeed absurd but it's a pretty awesome box to own. Usually I'm not even into collector's editions or amassing stuff at all really. Once in a while though you come across something neat. This is one such item I wouldn't mind owning. I wonder if I'd open it myself just to check out the artbook even. Maybe that stuff has been in other publications before though and you'd to well to leave it as is.

>> No.8018629

It's crazy how this fucking box costed me less than 50USD back in 2014.

>> No.8018898
File: 162 KB, 800x720, 88995-deep-labyrinth-nintendo-ds-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played deep labyrinth for the 3ds?

It kinda looks like a kings field game but with more generic dungeon crawling?

>> No.8019084

So it pretty much requires Japanese to play?
Looks really cool though.

>> No.8019304

Yeah, you're doing quite a bit of reading during your stay in purgatory. Oftentimes you will gain information from written notes about the connections between the items you find and the characters you meet - their back stories and the fates that bind them together. Picking up key bits of info is the main catalyst for progress in this game. This is outright explained to you. Info arms you with the knowledge you need to make your own decisions and develops the narrative strings of fates further by spawning new points of interest or changing the environment. There are often several ways of dealing with things it seems and it's also possible to miss things entirely along the way. There are certain types of doors, like chapter marks, that won't let you return to previous areas. It's a game about decision making and player choice but combat is not the main focus. Since your own soul is at stake, the game tells you outright: "Apathy is most the dangerous of all things." Or something of the sort, I don't remember. I read somewhere that the game has many different endings and by the rules laid out at the outset, I believe it.

If you want to try it regardless, I saw that there's a guide available on GameFAQs: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/915229-hungry-ghosts/faqs/28193

>> No.8019498

can someone rank this series for me please

>> No.8020062

see >>8007280

>> No.8020319

For me it's KF3>KF2>KF4>KF1

>> No.8020710

are the plots connected to these games? thinking about playing 3 and then 4

>> No.8020732

new here too. Bump this

>> No.8020765

Only the first three are connected.

>> No.8021167

Man I personally didnt like KF3 that much.
It had to do with the level design.
I wanted to quit at the wind temple, because that was just the most lazy level design possible.
I can see everything else being great, but I am level design nut so it took a somewhat heavy toll on me.

Not really keen on playing eternal ring, hearing that the levels are far more streamlined and basic.

>> No.8021219

I don't remember the wind temple because I played this over ten years ago. Was it the area with the green walls?

Other than that, I really feel that KF3 is an expanded version of its prequel.

Eternal Ring is pretty meh. Think of it as a KF for beginners and a heavy magic focus. There are still some good things (like the hidden boss) and good ideas they are poorly used (like the dragons). Oh and there are absolutely no secret doors/passages.

>> No.8021268

>Was it the area with the green walls?

>Eternal Ring is pretty meh.
I wont play that then.

>> No.8021295

That's wasn't a very good area indeed, then.

You'll get to try Eternal Ring eventually since there are so few KF-esque games. It's better than nothing, I guess.

>> No.8021385

There is a super obscure ds game that is kinda like kings field, but last time I tried to mention it here it got deleted, because it wasnt retro lol.
Just look for Interactive Brains developer.

>> No.8021462

Thank you anon, I'll try it out next week!

>> No.8021547
File: 2.97 MB, 476x360, Hungry Ghosts - Hanging Bride.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't kidding when they put a warning for disturbing imagery on the box of this one.

>> No.8021603
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Oh wow.
I totally forgot about this infographic.
Pathway into darkness is grid based and baroqe is a roguelite, but the rest is pretty much accurate to the description.
I also found another kings field ish ds game (this time look for Sabarasa as developer) and the infographic has another ds one.
What the hell.
Also have no clue about quality for all the obscure ones.

Then there is also mech dungeon crawlers as a sub genre of the sub genre. (killeak etc)

>> No.8021632

Nice, thanks!

While it's technically absolutely not a dungeon crawler series, the Echo Night games are also must-play.

>> No.8021636

Not my cup of tea, but then you could also take a look at shadowgate 64.

>> No.8021795
File: 419 KB, 936x720, 1628632005912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that? i only find the wiktionary definition but didn't get it anyways.

Also, thanks for the chart

>> No.8021817

Games that have randomized levels, where death means restarting from the beginning, with the usual feature that you can get some permanent upgrades, but thats not required
And in general the game doesnt follow all the requirements of a usual roguelike.
-turn based
-permadeath (no permanent upgrades in it all its all back to square 1)
-hunger clock
-grid based
I dont think top down is a strict requirement

>> No.8021839

Oh yeah, somehow I really enjoyed that game! I wish there were more games like that...

>> No.8021853

Myst clones are your best bet then really.
There probably has to be one in fully 3d.

>> No.8021927

A roguelike without turnbased combat, essentially.

>> No.8022069
File: 3.00 MB, 634x480, Hungry Ghosts - It's a Trap_S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8022178

few games are missing:
Orcs & Elves 1 and 2
Doom RPG 1 and 2
Wolfenstein RPG
Deep Labyrinth
Hungry Ghosts
the lost King's Field mobile games (there is 3)

>> No.8022339

I hinted at deep labyrinth before, but yeah fair point.
Hungry Ghost does count, true.
THe rest are not free movement rpg's.
Also I did mess up at Pathway into darkness. It doesnt have grid based movement.
It still feels more like a fps game though.

I mean you could also add all the steam stuff too. Here are a few from the top of my head. Quality is left for the observer to decide.

Crypt of the Serpent King
Dungeons & Darkness
Castle of Torgeath redux
Ancient Dungeon VR
Mask of Mists

Monomyth (Demo for now)

>> No.8022354

speaking of Monomyth there is another indie King's Field-like game coming soon, you can try the demo


>> No.8022370

Forgot about that game and didnt even knew it had a demo.
I usually avoid demos and just wait for the full game to release.

Oh yeah for the hint with the other game you can also add mazes of fate to the list.

Idk maybe digging trough old discussion and forums will bring up another one of those types of games.
Have a hunch that vita has at least one.

>> No.8022754

When is Baroque going to get translated?

>> No.8022919

I wish there was an easy way to use Sword of Moonlight with Windows 10.

After Twilight Syndrome gets translated.

>> No.8022968

For any of you who haven't played Arx Fatalis (Libertatis) it's goddamn amazing and you should really check it out. It's not quite as amazing as Morrowind, but in terms of the comfiness of that 2000s FPS aesthetic atmosphere it's absolutely on the same level.

>> No.8022990

I dislike western rpg because there are too many pointless things and you're never quite sure if you're picking up important stuff or useless items...

>> No.8023002

While I think that's a pretty poor reason to dislike or outright avoid a game, I can definitely understand where you are coming from as I also find it to be annoying at times.

The solution, in my opinion, is for the game to also provide you with a secure place where you can store things for later. Arx definitely does this. I don't think Morrowind did, though. I specifically remember downloading a mod that let you have a house of your own in Seyda Neen.

>> No.8023006
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>too many pointless things
Take it back Anonymous.

>> No.8023040

I hate this kind of thing. It's sucking away all the fun for the sake of being clever. I'd much rather do menu -> item -> eath herb -> use.

I'll give Arx Fatalis a try, then. I hope the game isn't too text-heavy.

>> No.8023163
File: 3.00 MB, 688x520, Hungry Ghosts - It's a Trap2_S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually found this encounter quite terrifying. A lot of the experience is lost without sound of course and I had to cut the part where it offered to spare me if I gave it something valuable from my inventory only to afterwards keep attacking me anyway and leave me possessed there in the end. Yeah, I got jumped pretty badly. But it was cool how a note in the room vaguely hinted at what you're not to do. I didn't get it right away and immediately after I triggered the enocunter was like: "Oooh, yeah... I'm stupid, am I not?" Slowly getting used to i's pace, I'm starting to like the game more and more. I really wouldn't mind being able to take a look at the manual though.

>> No.8023171

And to my defense, you can not walk and look around at the same time in this game. Holding L1 switches the left analog stick from movement into freelook mode. The right analog stick is purely reserved for controlling your arms. So that basically means that you can walk forward, backward, strafe left and right (with the L2 & R2 triggers) at any time no problem. But every time you want to look up or down, you have to hold L1 which makes you stop dead in your tracks. A short tap on L1 recenters your vision.

>> No.8023207

That looks like a bad control scheme.
Why is the King's Field controls absolutely perfect?

>> No.8023229
File: 1.66 MB, 1440x1080, pcsx2_2021_08_10_23_43_56_701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and of course you can turn without having to hold L1. It's really just when you want to look up and down that you have to stop and hold L1 for second. Everything else you can do while moving. But again, even with the "run" you can not turn tightly without dropping down to normal walking speed. Standing still however and holding the run button greatly increases rotational speed in one spot. I think they really to some inspiration from Resident Evil with some of these mechanics.

Of course with the Dualshock 2 they could've had the regular dual stick setup that's standard today. But the right stick solely controls your arms. You thrust the spear forward to attack or pull it back to charge it up. You can then cancel the attack if you don't thrust it. You load arrows into the crossbow by pulling back and shoot by quickly releasing it but can also cancel by slowly returning to neutral I believe.

And then there's the whole interaction with the environment mechanic where you use the analog stick to reach to to door handles, levers or pick up items and ghostly arms or maws try to grab you at random. You then have to quickly pull back your arm before you get grabbed. This works well for the most part but not so much on doors I found. Seemingly the model for let's say the ghost arm often loads a little bit behind the closed the door. As a result you can not see the start up of the animation where the first finger tips, then a hand and finally and entire arm come out of a wall and reach towards you. You see it too late. The animation is already well underway before any of it starts sticking through the door. As a result on many doors you have almost no chance of avoiding the attack - even if you know it is coming. I have tested this with save states. Like 10 times. I knew it was there. I was fully focused. Couldn't dodge it. With most other items it's not hard though when you can see it happening from the beginning.

>> No.8023315
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>> No.8023332

Now ask him for all fp dungeon crawlers with action-focused real-time combat and free movement.

>> No.8023476

just play Baroque PS2 in first person mode

>> No.8023485
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>> No.8023846

Who is that?

>> No.8023880

i assume from his profile pic it's some Soulfaggot larping as King's Field fan

>> No.8023896

I dont know that much about him.
He basically plays trough really obscure games https://www.youtube.com/user/Saintttimmy/featured
A lot of them are so obscure, because there were no public online dumps of the games.
I think there was also some drama with a collector or something, but I dont remember the details.

>> No.8023906

Yup, sounds like a faggot alright.

>> No.8023932

>Soulfaggot larping as King's Field fan
What a silly post, as if people cant like both.

Do you also think I'm larping as an Armores Core fan? Dont be silly.

>> No.8023972

Yeah, dude! What's going on over there, man? You sound kind of miserable. You wanna talk about it?

>> No.8024342

>Do you also think I'm larping as an Armores Core fan?
yes i do, you can't even spell it right

>> No.8024346

Look down at your keyboard and notice how close the S and the D keys are. :)

>> No.8026110
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, 02TfUa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're throwing indie games then one could definitely add Dread Delusion. It looks wonderful.

Also the King's Field 25th Project - https://swordofmoonlight.itch.io/k

>> No.8026369

Is that haunted demo disk trustworthy?

>> No.8026387

Not knocking the author but I found it really funny how paragraph 1 is "give me money on Patreon" followed immediately by paragraph 2 "I'm knowingly using copyrighted works".
The balls on this lad.

It's haunted.
I'm not sure what you mean by trustworthy. But by coincidence I downloaded that a few days ago played some of the games recently. Going to play the rest later.

>> No.8026402

Wow! So this is the first souls-like?

>> No.8026584

I don't think having Souls fans experience the King's Field series is a bad thing. Aren't further discussions of this series keeping it alive?

>> No.8026612

No, and the series is dead anyway. There's really not much to talk about except our favourite locations/weapons/etc...

>> No.8026667
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Yes, yes, yes.

>> No.8026684

How come no one has done a Kings Field Remaster or mod with modern engines?

>> No.8026954

Actually... https://swordofmoonlight.itch.io/k

Is there a mirror of truth in the first one? What does it say about my girlfriend?

>> No.8027110
File: 2.93 MB, 584x480, Shadow Tower - Demo_S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8027461

Shadow Tower was great. Unfortunately none of the King's Field games did anything for me. Only issue I had with ST was that the bosses kinda sucked and the last quarter of the game was too easy

>> No.8028221

which is better shadow tower or shadow tower abyss

>> No.8028291

I sort of want to play these games because they are made by From Software and also because they have such an old retro game look to them. But then I also think that perhaps maybe they are too old and janky for me to enjoy. That they were never good anyways and I wouldn't have liked them even if I was a kid playing them. If the combat was faster and more engaging I'd probably not even hesitate to try them I think.

>> No.8028553

Given how similar they are to Shadow Tower, I'm surprised you didn't care for the King's Field games. I think Shadow Tower has more interesting enemies (both in terms of mechanics and appearance,) which in turn makes the combat a bit more engaging, but overall I got more enjoyment out of KF 3 and 4.

That's debatable, but I'm personally more fond of Abyss because it has much more imaginative environments.