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[ERROR] No.8011502 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they make the game the way it is? Did they intentionally want to piss of their fans?

>> No.8011519

I loved it instantly, that clash of real life places and outworld. It was "shit this thing could be happening in my own town" feel. I didn't care so much about scorpion or the old sub zero. Lack of Jonny cage hurted me more.

>> No.8011524

I thought it was great. This weird 2000s vibe upgrade to mk2. Humanoid subzero, those weird robots, the running, shit was strangely cash

>> No.8011539


Based anons

I am totally showing my age but I was kid when this came out

If you suck at timing combos the dial a combos are super helpful

I loved the new characters and am grateful I got to play it at home on the ps1

The style is dated now but at the time was really fun and it helped expand the lore and current style of MK

I hope you have fun playing it

>> No.8011546

this topic has been kinda beaten to death
but they had some kind of dispute with the two previous games actors
and they felt that they could do something new to invigorate the franchise by including new characters that weren't the ninjas.
This game showed them their popularity and why they made ultimate mk and mk trilogy

>> No.8011564

the only thing bad about it was the missing characters, which they fixed with umk3

>> No.8011584

>Humanoid subzero

Pretty sure Sub Zero was always human

>> No.8011671

He was human in the old games but then they made him Chinese

>> No.8011776

To me, the only klassic MK that I enjoy is MK1. By the 3D and reboot eras, that's when they finally got it right

>> No.8011782


>> No.8012497

I always thought Kung Lao had on some giant 80s sunglasses or had a visor on his hat. I also always thought the Shao Khan portrait looked like R.L. Stein from the back of Goosebumps books

>> No.8012530

I still don't understand why they made Lui Kang some Chinese guy.

>> No.8012531

He was Korean in the original.

>> No.8012759

Extreme Chinese fart porn

>> No.8013141

>The style is dated now
I think it still looks great. Mortal Kombat lost a lot of it's charm for me when they moved to 3D.

I played the shit out of MK4 with my brother, but it just felt like it lost something in the transition to 3D.

>> No.8013180

>lost a lot of it's charm for me when they moved to 3D.
to be fair, most games suffered from this

>> No.8013243

You're not wrong. I wish more game devs spent time on exploring more detailed sprites instead of rushing to put out mediocre and charmless 3D.

Of course it needed to be done so we could get actual decent 3D. But still.

>> No.8013271

In hindsight, the game mechanics were an improvement over the previous games. It's legitimately a better game. HOWEVER, everyone hated the fact that the ninjas were replaced with stupid robots. That no doubt left a bad taste in people's mouths.

>> No.8014270

>Why did they make the game the way it is?
cause Sony offered them up a ton of money to have a new rushed to market MK title available as a 32bit exclusive on PS1.

>Did they intentionally want to piss of their fans?
They never gave a fuck about the fans to begin with; if they had the AI wouldn't cheat by directly responding to the user's button presses.

>> No.8014534

meh, at least it tried new things. It wasn't ideal but they took a risk instead of rehashing things like Street fighter II did. And of course after the backlash they did exactly the same thing Ed Boon criticized SF for and did updates.

>> No.8014753

I didn't understand why Scorpion wasn't in MK3 honestly and didn't Capcom pull the same shit in SF3?

>> No.8014780

Here's what a former dev had to say about that:
(Part 1 of 2)
>Lots of things changed for us between MK1 and MK2. One thing that didn’t change was a memory limitation. While we had more of it for MK2 we still didn’t have quite enough, which forced us into hard choices...
>Ed and I wanted to add as many new characters to the MK2 roster as possible. This meant that we were going to have to leave a couple behind. How to make that choice?
>We added character select audits so we could see was how many times each character was chosen. Ed also added a secret button tap sequence that let us walk up to any coin-op game in any arcade, tap in the button sequence and access the audit menu from the attract mode...
>Ed and I got into the habit of checking audits every time we encountered an MK coin-op in the wild. We started paying attention to character popularity, but our data was limited to games that we accessed in the Chicago area...
>Our choice to cut Sonya and Kano from MK2 was purely based on MK1 game audits. But, we learned even back then that players had emotionally attached themselves to their fav characters...

>> No.8014783

(Part 2 of 2)

>The outcry from players missing Kano and Sonya in MK2 fueled their return in MK3. Johnny Cage (despite rumor and nonsense) was cut because he was the least selected character in MK2; as were, believe it or not, Raiden and Baraka...
>Kitana, Mileena, and Scorpion were not cut from MK3. They were held back in anticipation of our Ultimate MK3 release a few months later. UMK3 was a free upgrade for arcade operators to quell issues around MK3’s home release by keeping the arcade game fresh for players
>MK Trilogy was our first direct to home MK release, and while it was really an extension of UMK3, it was free from the memory limitations that had dogged us in our coin-op games. So, we used the opportunity to bring back Johnny Cage and Raiden, etc...
>MK’s fiction was directly effected by character cuts. We twisted and turned and patched and did everything we could to explain away why a character was gone and it got even worse when we tried to explain why they came back...I apologize for the roller coaster of fiction used to navigate character deaths/undeaths in those early games...
>But, if I were the finger pointing type, I’d point my finger at 90’s Chicago MK players. They were the real deciders of who lived and who died

These were hastily copied and pasted from Jon Tobias's twitter.

>> No.8014883

That's very interesting. The game audits idea was pretty clever, but also very flawed. Did they never think that some people chose characters not because they were their favorites, but because they were perceived to be stronger?

>> No.8014887
File: 856 KB, 709x709, 1628345909809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the 90s they didn't care about some fat nerd complaining about not having Scorpion in the roster
They did whatever they wanted with Vanilla mk3, is a game full of sovl
Now Ed Boon is a SJW fag who cares more about pronouns than making a decent sequel to the game that pretty much made his entire life
Fuck him

>> No.8014890

>Now Ed Boon is a SJW
Based. Kill yourself over it, worthless incel cunt

>> No.8014997
File: 236 KB, 757x595, 1628413541106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.8015147

Sounds more like revisionist history. How does he address stiffing the original cast outta royalties, on home ports and the lawsuit that followed?

>> No.8015594

Thanks for sharing!

>> No.8015664
File: 325 KB, 522x593, das.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kotaku screenshot
>Go back

The absolute state of this newfag

>> No.8015697

MK3 is one of those games I'm told to hate even though I liked it a lot

>> No.8016032

Roller Coaster Tycoon

Hated the 3D version. The isometric system made perfect sense to me ... rather have stylish graphics that horrible 'oh we can do polygons now' crappy soulless models.

>> No.8016035

Don't kytinn reproduce asexually?

>> No.8016985

Whatever their reason was, MK2 was the last Mortal Kombat game that I bought and played regularly. Hated the MK3 roster, especially the stupid fucking robots, which caused me to drop the franchise. When I tried to play another Mortal Kombat game it was MK Deception which turned me off of the series for years. Recently started watching some Ultimate MK11 gameplay, but probably will never play another MK game. Fortunately for them I am no longer their target demographic.

>> No.8017621

>I always thought Kung Lao had on some giant 80s sunglasses or had a visor on his ha
lol same here

>> No.8017653

me three

>> No.8018291

He IS wearing giant 80s shades. I refuse to let anyone tell me otherwise