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[ERROR] No.8006037 [Reply] [Original]

it's not very fair.

>> No.8006045

Neither is Shadow Warrior. DN3D is a masterpiece by comparison.

>> No.8006046

just memorize every level

>> No.8006051
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"im bad at videogames"

>> No.8006053

>it's not very fair.
That's why it's fun

It's like that until you git gud and finally understand the subtleties of the combat. The last half of the game I was beating every other level first try without dying.

>> No.8006061

I don't play games because they're tough to gain a sense of accomplishment, the people who defend "tough but fair" games like serious sam are always faggots

>> No.8006075

You know that you can like, save and load whenever you want, right?

>> No.8006080

Play on Pink On The Inside. Anything higher than that is asking to get raped.

>> No.8006091

I get bored if the game isn't high risk high reward. Games where you and the enemy are both bullet sponges are just boring.
>the people who defend "tough but fair" games like serious sam are always faggots
You just sound mad and bad.

>> No.8006097

Blood is fairer than other hard games but the hitscan enemies are asinine and memorization is key which still sucks. The moments where it traps you in a room with enemies that spawn in places that don't make sense are also dogshit because a tough but fair game implies you could adapt to this and beat it on your first try and not you need to memorize and see where these enemies randomly spawn and pre-emptively aim for spots that make no sense logically

>> No.8006130

Why do people say Shadow Warrior is hard? It's the easy one, by comparison.

>> No.8006291

Its just the partially invisible guys with their ridiculous fireballs. Doesnt even seem like they do damage, you either dodge or die.

>> No.8006301

People treat games like doom and act like if you don't play the game on the second to hardest difficulty you aren't actually playing it. Blame the noobs for not starting a lower difficulty and blame the fanbase for telling them their experience is invalid for not playing on the hardest difficulty at the get go

>> No.8006307

Serious sam is incredibly fair lol. The only "lol you fell for the trap" stuff is so incredibly blatantly a trap you'd have to be braindead to fall for it

>> No.8006316

It's not "you fell for the trap lol die" stuff it's you walk into a room, the doors lock, and then enemies spawn in random places. This works okay in Doom 3 but the enemies and levels in Serious Sam just don't work at all and expects you to die at least once to figure it out which isn't fair because fair implies a skilled player on their first time could figure it out, it's why games like Dark Souls aren't fair because it expects you to trial and error it to some extent to understand how to beat it

>> No.8006339

quitcherbitchin, either git gud or play a lower difficulty then

>> No.8006504

>hitscanners are asinine
Strafe and shoot them.

>> No.8006624

Crouch, it helps alot.

>> No.8006636

only have two things to say

>learn to crouch 'n bounce, circlestrafing is not effective on Blood. Hell, you see cultists crouching to evade YOUR shots, why can't you do the same?
>play on Lightly Broiled, not on Well Done in your 1st playthrough. Not every shooter is Doom.

>> No.8006647

30 years of autism is why this mindset exists. There are games designed to be played on the hardest setting but generally FPS games are not among their number.

>> No.8006678

>people saying crouch

Play on a lower difficulty ffs, its way more fun

>> No.8006698

>The only "lol you fell for the trap" stuff is
every pick up and every secret.

>> No.8006703

>circle strafing is not effective

>> No.8006705

It does fuck all against hitscanners, and Blood is chock full of them

>> No.8007923

I wonder what would happen to the Blood IP rights if Infotari aka current-year Atari went the way of Circuit City?

>> No.8008412

I'm so glad I got over this mindset. I ruined FPSes for years for myself thinking it was the right way to play them. I think people also get so stressed about having time for their backlogs that the idea of replaying something is some kind of horrible idea. What a waste of time when you could just play it on the hardest the first time and get the FULL experience all in one go!!!1

>> No.8008426

Blood is the best shooter of the 90s.

>> No.8008645

The secret to playing Blood is to stop thinking of it as a shooter. Yes, it is a shooter, but if you play it with the "bullet goes in man and he falls down" mentality, you will lose. Explosive weapons are not to be saved for bosses, use them the way you would any other. The game gives you half a dozen ways to blow things up because it intends for explosives to be a regular part of your arsenal, not something for special occasions. Learn the throwing arc for TNT, then bounce them around corners, drop them down pits, and send remote bombs up elevators. This is how you soften up almost every single ambush in the game before you even enter the cultists' line of sight.

>> No.8008684

This. Caleb is a revenant; a revenge-driven husk and a consummate killer. The game engine isn't conducive to making that playstyle fun or organic, but you gotta suspend your disbelief _somewhere._

>> No.8008783

The real secret to playing Blood is to always be crouched

>> No.8008798

Blood is a thinking man's FPS. You have to use your brain and think critically while you're playing it or you're gonna get ass raped. One of the best fps games I've ever played and not for the faint of heart. Once you learn how to play intelligently the game is like crack.

>> No.8008921
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>> No.8008991

>"I HAVE to play on high dificulty!"
>"Waaah why is this so difficult? Its not fair!"
every damn time

>> No.8009040

SW is hard, but that doesn't elevate DN3D. If anything, Duke is TOO easy. Being able to use shrinker on nearly everything that isn't a full boss (including Mini Battlelords) is FAR too merciful. Especially when you can carry up to 50 shots of the thing.

>> No.8009043

The problem is, those games have diffeernt monster counts on different difficulties, and since killing enemies is the main content of the game, people equate that to higher difficulty = more content.
By that merit someone who played on lower difficulty did not play through all of the games content.

>> No.8009069

Not bad. Indefatigable and Pain Resistant are kinda trash, there's better options, and Squeamish is way too big a handicap imo. Also don't buy skills at character creation(i can't tell from the @ menu if you did or not) unless you have a damn good reason.

>> No.8009074

shit wrong thread

>> No.8009089

Episode 1 is a rocky start because it gives you a limited arsenal. It really picks up in the second episode. The sheer satisfaction of tossing a proximity dynamite around the corner and hearing those dickheads blow up is amazing.

>> No.8009124

git gud faggot

>> No.8009143

Stop being proud of being bad at videogames.

>> No.8009147

>memorization is key

>> No.8009173
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>> No.8009202

Strafing around Cultists makes them unable to properly aim at you, resulting in them not shooting in the first place.

>> No.8009210

The problem with Blood is that the first episode is the hardest. Start with episode 2, then make your way to the end, and once you're come back for ep1

>> No.8009245

You can also duck and jump to disrupt their aim. Really, just be mobile as fuck, don't stand still, don't be slow.

>> No.8009278

it FEELS like it shouldn't work but it does. Like, take the dining car. Every cultist in that room just unloads on you with shotguns and dynamite when you open the door...but after you survive that you can seriously run in there, bounce around, dodge duck dip dive and dodge, and murder everything. I TRIED it recently, just for science, and it worked fine.

>> No.8009743
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>> No.8009815


>> No.8009868


>> No.8009871
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>> No.8010030

holy fuck

>> No.8010032
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>> No.8010060 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8010061


Cultists and Caleb do not duck or crouch. They lay flat on the ground and crawl.

>> No.8010179

maybe im retarded but ive beaten all of blood and duke without much issue. can't get through the first level of shadow warrior

>> No.8010337

They do damage. You can survive with enough HP and armor.

SW has a difference balance. You can kill things quickly, but things can kill you quickly as well. People need good reaction time and smarten up to use their weaponry effectively, you can't just stand there do whatever and get by. In meme term: it filters the low IQ

>> No.8011974

I never found Shadow Warrior all that hard desu but it does have some unreal cheap deaths, like every time some random dynamite coolie guy just appears behind you and blows you up

>> No.8012012

SW can be hard but its hardest difficulty is the equivalent to Lightly Broiled in Blood which is just the baseline difficulty.

>> No.8012903


>> No.8013324

It's unfair but fair

>> No.8013336

I've said this many times before and I will say it now. Everyone who complains about blood being too hard most likely just didn't bother to play past the first two levels or are just actual children.

>> No.8013783
File: 818 KB, 1250x668, NAMdosgame1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, there's an obscure dos game made with the build engine called NAM (or NAPALM for the usa). It's a vietnam shooter... yes, pixelated woods and greenery, with pixelated vietcong.

one good shot could kill you. Tripwires, kamikaze troops, etc.

If you want to play a REALLY hard game... play NAM.

>> No.8013821

They certainly weren't kidding when they claimed that the game was an "authentic Vietnam experience". It's absurdly easy to die, the maps are all endless dark jungles, enemies show up from all directions out of nowhere, behind trees and from tunnels in the ground, there's mines, booby traps, artillery bombardments, airstrikes... all of which will kill you in one hit. This game is pure hell, just like the real Vietnam.
WW2 GI is much easier, there's still the same dangers as NAM, but cosy European towns are much easier to navigate, and harder to get ambushed, than jungles.

>> No.8014608

Just found thin ice on complete accident in my first ever playthrough
I never want to play this game again

>> No.8015021

The trick is to run into every room strafing, jumping over and crouching under everyone, and just being an overall rampaging death machine.

Weak, retarded bait.

>> No.8015662
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what the fuck is wrong with ecelebniggers

>> No.8015676
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>Everyone who complains about blood being too hard most likely just didn't bother to play past the first two levels
Fuck, you got me. I feel like I have to actually playthrough the second level now. Is there any reason to get the version with JRE over the one below it?

>> No.8015812

Both require jre in order to run lol its trash.
just get nblood

>> No.8015817

>I don't play games

>> No.8015940

Are cultists the strongest basic mook in all of video games?

>> No.8015965

You don't have to actually install java if you get the jre version. You can also mostly ignore faggots crying about java. It works and plays fine.

>> No.8016630

You're overdoing it, DN3D has its own faults, e.g. the weapon loadout is shit (the only viable things are the shotgun, rpg launcher and the shrinker, at least when we're talking about the stronger enemies and hitscan enemies), almost all of the secret levels are shit and the level design wildly varies even inside the same episodes (episode 1 starts out strong but the final three stages (including the secret stage) are mostly bad)

>> No.8016636

would you recommend WW2 GI? never heard of that game until now

>> No.8016653

Fresh Supply still sucks and is inaccurate to the original game. Still takes half of your aerosol can ammo to set a bloated butcher alight.

>> No.8017252

Eh, let's put it like this, WW2 GI was released in 1999 (the last Build game until Ion Fury in 2018), the same year when Medal of Honor came out. Comparing these games is sad as fuck, PC was brutally mogged by PS1, when it came to historical shooters, they had to wait for the 2000s to get quality WW2 games.
At very least, it can be said that WW2 GI is "less crappy" than NAM, it has at least good level design, very unlike NAM's atrocious jungle mazes.

>> No.8017756

WW2 GI and NAM were budget games meant to be sold in shitty stores for 20 bucks or so, and you're comparing them with AAA games like MoH.

>> No.8017759

It's good enough.

>> No.8017779

I get WHY butchers are supposed to be highly flammable, but that gutshot isn't a straight-up methane vent. Have you tested flares to see if phosphorus works better? Because phosphorus should totally work better. Let's not even get into how ghouls are desiccated corpses.

>> No.8017848


>> No.8017925

Were you even alive in the 90's?

>> No.8017975

Like the original Max Payne is only hard your first playthrough, then its gets easy

>> No.8018008

It's fine though, I played through the game on it and had no issues.

>> No.8018025
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Saying you played Blood when you played Fresh Supply is like being an eastern Europe kid with pic related saying he has a PlayStation

>> No.8018183

Fair? Unfair? I'm the guy with the flare gun.

>> No.8018464
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>> No.8018810

fresh supply is a good port, if anything its harder than the original because some weapons are just straight-up worse

>> No.8018816

>Play on Pink On The Inside
This, really that should be the normal difficulty.

>> No.8018843

I don't play many shooters, but Duke was fucking tough at times. The battlelords' hitscan shit is infuriating

>> No.8018863

yeah, battlelords are way worse than blood's cultists

>> No.8019009

Not an argument.

>> No.8019140

Duke can be hard, but Duke 3D, more than most other shooters, offers ways to cheat the system. Not the least of which being the Shrinker. In Episode 4 they finally started making more enemies completely immune to the thing.

>> No.8019150

So I downloaded both nblood and GDX and the latter has some weird lighting, nblood looks good but I can't save game settings, I changed the music to use CDmusic, and some key bindings and nope, doesn't save them. Can save and load games tho.


>> No.8019167

That's weird, it should save your settings by default every time you change them and exit the game.
Where did you extract NBlood in?

>> No.8019172

my game folder on my nvme, where the blood files where copied too.

>> No.8019247

well fuck it, I'll use just use GDX. Also damn its easy to mod using this one.

>> No.8019317


That's really strange, does it also forget your saved games as well as your settings? I would play gdx too if it wasn't for the inaccurate/off feeling mouse aiming and the random dips in framerate. I think it's just my computer.

>> No.8019954

In my experience, the people who complain about games being too hard have always been faggots.
I've yet to see a single exception.

>> No.8020061

I dont think SW Coolies are placed as evilly as Duke 3D Drones.
The game starts with survival horror-tier supplies in the first couple levels but gets easier once you amass some weapons and ammo, around the Dark Carnival. Then it gets harder again in episode 4.

>> No.8020094

Play lightly broiled. Anything above that is dumb because of the cultists near instant hitscan attack. Sucks because most of the other enemies are easy as fuck. Still worth playing even though the combat is aged milk

>> No.8020205

>first time playing
>start on lightly broiled
>the train, that big room full of hitscanners
>can't even yolo and barge in, you die in 3 seconds
>have to open the door and kill 1-2 on each side
>have to spend like 3 minutes just opening the door and picking them off
absolutely boring, not just hard, but it really limits your gameplay options.

>> No.8020334

Crouching and jumping lowers enemy accuracy, theres a webm somewhere of player doing just that - jumping into that room while shooting everything and ducking under fire

>> No.8020345

Lightly Broiled is what I played on my first playthough.

What >>8020334 said, and use your dynamite more, it's your best weapon. I'm sure there's a powerup just before that fight anyway.

>> No.8020351

While it's true that this particular moment doesn't encourage stepping into the room, you lack imagination. You could just kill the 2-3 guys at the front then crawl behind the first row of seats to take cover just like in movies

>> No.8020359


>> No.8020376
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This. Blood is hard, but it's a FUN hard.

>> No.8020419

The only really unfair part is the first levels of e1 because you get so little ammo. After that you can just btfo everyone with your shotgun.

>> No.8022108

Every time I hear people complain about muh hitscanners in an FPS like Duke, Blood, Wolfenstein, etc., I always smile because they have no idea how bad it could be. You'd have better luck fighting the Vietcong IRL than you do in this fucking game.

>> No.8022123

Does that even play on new PC's?

>> No.8022129

great fan art, dont see too much of such quality for older games.

I kinda wish someone would make a new Blood but then you realise that it would either be actual shit or turn out like Shadow Warrior where its relation to the originals is tenuous at best, or overcooked like the new Dooms.

>> No.8022170


Yeah, it got a pseudo-port a couple of years ago. Its on Steam

>> No.8022608

>he doesn't know about Blood 2
Anon, it exists. It's shit.

>> No.8022687

im thinking of a reboot, I played the sequel forever ago.

>> No.8023098

>I'm sure there's a powerup just before that fight anyway.
I think there is akimbo right before that and then there is also a reflective sphere in the room itself. Might be possible to get it on the first run if you're mobile enough and still have some armor left.

>> No.8023108

There is also a life seed in the train compartment just before

>> No.8023241

>use your dynamite more, it's your best weapon

...unless you're in confined spaces. Honestly I rarely use anything other than shoutgun and tommy gun. Of course I'm playing on Pink On The Inside, so the game is way more playable that way.

>> No.8023343
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Yep. Blood doesn't skimp out too much on ordnance and resources most of the time, it just goes hard with its combat.

Consider playing around with it more, if you play more with the shotgun and Tommygun, you should build up a pretty ample supply, so you can experiment and see what works.
Tossing a bundle into a room or around a corner preemptively is sometimes a pretty good idea.

>> No.8023428

This is what the alt fire is made for, toss it around a corner and run back

>> No.8023454

>It's like that until you git gud and finally understand the subtleties of the combat. The last half of the game I was beating every other level first try without dying.

I can confirm this is true. Same thing happened to me. I was really struggling at the beginning and was cursing the hitscan cultists and their stupid placements. After halfway something must have just clicked because I was no longer struggling with rooms and situations that surely would have taken me several reloads when I was just starting out.

>> No.8023457

Isn't that feeling just the fucking best?

>> No.8023470

Yeah it was great. Still one of my favorite games.

>> No.8023475

>Not the least of which being the Shrinker
Really I don't think it's that bad, with how commanders are spawned around blind corners and do instakill damage you deserved a powerful, non splash damage tool.

>> No.8023487

It's also fun as fuck to humiliate them by stomping them out like a cigarette butt.