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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 107 KB, 768x768, Lilo and Stitch PSOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8008217 [Reply] [Original]

(Or however you want to call it)
Just finished playing pic related in my PS2 90k trough POPS, sadly I don't have a PlayStation memory card to play it burned on a CD, plan to get one as soon as I can.
Fairly good game for a very late release (2002)
Plays like a Crash clone so I recommend testing it to any crash fans. Only downside is it's duration, played it in around 6 hours although 100% completion probably adds a few hours more.
So, what are you playing anons?

>> No.8008573
File: 289 KB, 500x760, 7061678_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Lilo-anon.
>Just finished playing pic related in my PS2 90k trough POPS, sadly I don't have a PlayStation memory card to play it burned on a CD, plan to get one as soon as I can.
I have a 79k PS2, but it refuses to run PS1 discs presumably due to some stuff involving the modchip. I've tried both burned and legit Japanese discs myself and got only RSoDs. It can't be the CD laser since I once threw a PS2 CD game into it and it did run.
Although since it's not one of the hardware-emulated models I don't really mind emulating games with Duckstation instead.
>So, what are you playing anons?
Just came back from playing Klonoa. Loving it so far. I play it with my head imagining scenarios of him as my boywife.

>> No.8008609

You’re the reason I hope Klonoa stays dead.

>> No.8008613

>I have a 79k PS2, but it refuses to run PS1 discs presumably due to some stuff involving the modchip. I've tried both burned and legit Japanese discs myself and got only RSoDs.
My theory is lasers on these things are picky AF. Burned a CD with "World's Scariest Police Chases" in it to test a memory card that ended up being dead and the damn thing picked the game only 2 out of like 10 tries.
>It can't be the CD laser since I once threw a PS2 CD game into it and it did run.
My theory is CD color might have something to do with it like in those fat models that stopped reading blue discs.
>Although since it's not one of the hardware-emulated models I don't really mind emulating games with Duckstation instead.
I abandoned emulation on PC because I tend to never complete games that way.
>Just came back from playing Klonoa. Loving it so far. I play it with my head imagining scenarios of him as my boywife.
Oddly specific. Klonoa a QT BTW, nohomo.

>> No.8008617

god, it hurts
Klonoa is a great series that no one fucking bought and is now only remembered by kemoshota fags.

>> No.8008632

The character design sealed it's destiny.
Anything that resembles Sonic will be forever profaned by artists.

>> No.8008656
File: 3.59 MB, 3264x2448, kindarecentcakepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lasers on these things are picky AF. Burned a CD with "World's Scariest Police Chases" in it to test a memory card that ended up being dead and the damn thing picked the game only 2 out of like 10 tries.
That is increasingly the problem with those consoles in general. That's why it's basically common sense to load games from a way that is not the disc drive at this point due to how cheaply they were made to begin with. However, there are some cases that do not fit that.
>My theory is CD color might have something to do with it like in those fat models that stopped reading blue discs.
That could very well make sense too. Although I even tried to load the legit Japanese disc under PS1-DVD mode and it still ended up getting an RSOD, so that could be another reason why.
>I abandoned emulation on PC because I tend to never complete games that way.
I see. Different people are better fit to play games on different ways. I'll admit to be about equal on both hardware and emulation to soem degree.
>Oddly specific. Klonoa a QT BTW, nohomo.
>Klonoa is a great series that no one fucking bought and is now only remembered by kemoshota fags.
Unfortunately yes. He might have dragged me down that goddamned pit, but I otherwise refuse to interact with them much.
>The character design sealed it's destiny.
>Anything that resembles Sonic will be forever profaned by artists.
Anything that just looks like a furry will be ruined, to be honest. Not just like Sonic. Such is the nature of your average furfags.

>> No.8008657

yeah, but people at least talk about Sonic as a game series
everyone who talks about Klonoa just wants to fuck him in the ass

>> No.8008676

>everyone who talks about Klonoa just wants to fuck him in the ass
It's just a prank bro.
Being honest there's a lot of franchises that deserve a revival but have been forever BTFO by better established (not necessarily better in quality) franchises, in the case of Klonoa it's Sonic and Crash.

>> No.8009101

on PS1, I've mostly been playing the Dr. Slump game after a buddy recommended it to me since it got a translation
it's cute and fun, but the camera is fucking awful
also, Project Gaiaray, which is a shameless Virtual On clone with a control mapping that I wish I could change ever so slightly to better match VOOT on DC, which I have a fuckton of muscle memory for

>> No.8009242

Why do you think you deserve a hugbox? Playstation has no games - unless you love JRPGs, in which case you're a subhuman AND an idiot, since even the Saturn has a superior library for the genre (assuming you're not an EOP).

>> No.8009325

>on PS1, I've mostly been playing the Dr. Slump game after a buddy recommended it to me since it got a translation
Art style looks cool, I'm going to try it
>also, Project Gaiaray
It does look a little bit generic but I'm going to try it too, thank you for bringing less known titles to the spotlight, anon!.

>> No.8009350

could you talk like anymore of a /pol/-groomed stereotype

>> No.8009352

>Why do you think you deserve a hugbox?
Muh hugbox
>Playstation has no games
It's the best sold console of it's generation, it has to have some cool games even if it has them because of statistical reasons (monkeys and typewriters scenario)
>unless you love JRPGs, in which case you're a subhuman AND an idiot, since even the Saturn
Sir, would you please obtain sexual intercourse? (AKA: have sex)
If I wanted to play Saturn or N64 (N stands for it's audience) I would make a thread about those consoles.

>> No.8009386

Hercules and Herc's Adventure are really fun, probably the two best Hercules games.

>> No.8009437
File: 17 KB, 256x256, futurecop_8916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the most badass PSX game?

>> No.8009564

ESWAT vibes on this one

>> No.8009661
File: 109 KB, 220x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is Disney too and it's really good. I believe I completed it back in the day. Played a ton of it because it was dubbed to portuguese and I loved the film to the point of watching the VHS multiple times.

>> No.8009696

I will check it. It seems to have an enhanced port on PS2, here's a comparative of cutscenes (real time models, no pre rendered stuff)

>> No.8009704

There probably are more superficially badass PS1 games out there, but Future Cop LAPD will be the most badass in our hearts.

>> No.8009708

I know, but I prefer the PSX models. Maybe it's just nostalgia goggles speaking though.

>> No.8009720

Nah, I have seen the cutscenes and I liked the PS1 models too.

>> No.8009730
File: 41 KB, 640x480, hc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use shitty voice imitators of John Goodman and Billy Crystal but use the real voices of James Coburn and Steve Buscemi

>> No.8009809

Yesterday my mom all of a sudden started talking about how she enjoyed watching me play PS1 when I was a kid. Lilo and Stitch and >>8009661 were some of the games she mentioned. Good times
>So, what are you playing anons?
I think the last PS1 game I finished was Rockman X6 and it wasn't really good.

>> No.8009865

My most vivid memory, for some reason, is of me wanting to do the 24h course on Nascar 2000, so my mom put my PSX in the kitchen, volume on mute, boombox playing 90s dance/club hits and I think she was preparing green beans for soup, or something.
I'm about to try Jackie Chan Stuntmaster. I remember seeing it on a magazine back in the day (that I still got) and really wanting to play it. Nowadays I just download games and put it on my PS3, as most games just work and it's convenient.

>> No.8010020
File: 16 KB, 655x136, Screenshot_20210806_171155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaching potentially illegal overclocking territory

>> No.8010024

>Yesterday my mom all of a sudden started talking about how she enjoyed watching me play PS1 when I was a kid. Lilo and Stitch and >>8009661 were some of the games she mentioned. Good times
If your mother liked seeing you play games, then she's pretty based.
>I think the last PS1 game I finished was Rockman X6 and it wasn't really good.
I see. Maybe you can try playing other games in order to forget that.
>My most vivid memory, for some reason, is of me wanting to do the 24h course on Nascar 2000, so my mom put my PSX in the kitchen, volume on mute, boombox playing 90s dance/club hits and I think she was preparing green beans for soup, or something.
Cool story bro. Did it go well?
>I'm about to try Jackie Chan Stuntmaster. I remember seeing it on a magazine back in the day (that I still got) and really wanting to play it.
I hope you have a nice time playing Jackie Chan Stuntmaster. My mom really loves his movies so I think she'd enjoy me watching it too.
>Nowadays I just download games and put it on my PS3, as most games just work and it's convenient.
Based. I emulate on PC, but to be honest a console feels more convenient for when I want to play games on a TV.

>> No.8010035

Buscemi will do literally anything

>> No.8010091

Haha that's a nice memory
>I'm about to try Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Great game, I had a childhood friend when I was 7 years old and I remember when his mom left him at our house at like 8 am before going to work and we were playing this game and Tekken 3

>> No.8010104

>id it go well?
I think so. The 24h race takes I think maybe 4 hours irl, so I paused for lunch.
>Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Turns out it wasn't that one. It was the Adventures for PS2. Both are a bit trash, as expected. At least I'm happy I finally got to play it.
>a console feels more convenient for when I want to play games on a TV
That's right. Most games work perfectly on the PS3. Only downside is having to launch the roms launcher, but it's a small price to play. At least all games are in one single place, there's no laser deterioration and there's infinite memory card space.
>Tekken 3
That was my first PSX game. I used to go to my grandma's house after school until my mom left work, so would play PSX with my uncle and help him make music. He would make it on Music 2000 and I believe connect the headphone jack from the TV to the PC mic port to capture the audio. I was 6/7, so can only remember the Tekken 3 part. He then went to England and left me his PSX with a few games.

>> No.8010113

What the fuck, Tekken 3 was my first PS1 game as well and I used to play it at my grandma's house with my older brother. Well, Tekken 3 and Resident Evil 2, I don't remember which of them I saw earlier

>> No.8010128

I never played PSX game. Which should I play first?

>> No.8010157

For me, it was Descent

>> No.8010238

My guess is something like Crash Bandicoot (1, 2 or 3)
Gran Turismo 2
Medal of Honor

>> No.8010306
File: 1014 KB, 957x4590, 1626951545627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had this chart for some time now, but even if it's old and outdated enough to praise ePSXe the game list on it is still pretty good.
Feel free to go with your instincts when it comes to the games on the list, start with the one that catches your eye the most and go on from there.

>> No.8011250


>> No.8012381
File: 28 KB, 319x312, ApeEscapeNACover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8012949

OP here, this game filters the hell out of me.
Can't stand the controls.